The Manager,
State Bank of India
New York Branch.
Dear Sir / Madam,
This is to notify the bank that my ______________ (Relationship with deceased) __________________
(name of Deceased), has an account in your bank Account Number _____________________________.
On ________________________ (Date of death of account holder), he/ she passed away. I would
request the bank to close all the bank accounts at your branch and issue the official check in my name or
name of Estate of ________________. My details are listed below:
Name of Claimant: ___________________________
Address: __________________________________
I have enclosed the copy of the following documents:
1. Affidavit of Deceased
2. Original Death Certificate
3. Certificate of Appointment of Executor by State of _______ (certified copy)- if applicable
4. Last Will and Testament if applicable
5. ID Proof of Claimant
6. Address Proof of Claimant
Please let me know if any other documents are required for claiming the amount of deceased. Request
you to kindly process the request on priority.
Yours sincerely,
________________________ (Signature of Claimant)
________________________ (Name of Claimant)