Joint Venture Partner/Subcontractor/Teaming Partner Consent Form for the Release of Present
and Past Performance Information to the Prime Contractor.
Present and Past Performance Information concerning joint venture partners cannot be disclosed
to a private party without the teaming joint venture partner’s Past Performance Information to the
prime during discussions. DLA Energy requests that the following consent form be completed by
the joint venture partners/major subcontractors/teaming partners identified in your proposal. The
completed consent forms should be submitted as part of your Past Performance Information.
Dear Mr. Baker:
We are currently participating as a joint venture partner with (prime contractor or name of entity
providing proposal) in responding to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Energy solicitation
for the operation and maintenance of DFSP GOCO fuel facilities at Norfolk, VA under Request
for Proposal number SPE600-14-R-0510.We understand the Government is placing increased
emphasis on Present and Past Performance in order to obtain best value in source selections. In
order to facilitate the past performance evaluation process, we are signing this consent form to
allow you to discuss our Present and Past Performance Information with the prime contractor
during the source selection process.
(Signature and title of individual possessing the authority to sign for and legally bind the
Company Name: