Supplemental Note for Checklist Item #14– A copy of the Engineering
Contract –
Do not exceed the maximum amount allowed in a construction engineering
contract without a supplem
ental agreement. Supplemental work accomplished prior to
the execution of the supplemental agreement will be classified as non-participating.
Revised: 1/15/2009
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this ___________ day of __________________ 200_, between
ABC Consultants, Inc., P.O. Box 48751, Jackson, Mississippi (hereinafter designated as the
ENGINEER) and the Local Public Agency (LPA), City of Jackson, Post Office Box 17, Jackson,
Mississippi 39205, County of HINDS, MISSISSIPPI (hereinafter designated as the LPA).
WHEREAS, the LPA desires to engage the ENGINEER to provide construction engineering
services in connection with the
Traffic Signal Improvements, City Wide, Surface Transportation Project
No. STP-0123(004)/46-0123-00-004-10.
IT IS AGREED by and between the ENGINEER and the LPA as follows:
services during construction of Federal Aid Project No.
STP-0123(004)/46-0123-00-004-10, to
the LPA of City of Jackson, County of Hinds, Mississippi, to include the following:
construction engineering for the construction contract, which shall be in accordance with the
approved plans, specifications and contract documents, all of which are incorporated in and
made a part of this AGREEMENT.
II. ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION: The engineering administration of construction will
be the responsibility of the LPA acting through the ENGINEER, and will be subject to
inspection and approval of the Chief Engineer of the MISSISSIPPI D.O.T., (hereinafter
designated as the DEPARTMENT), and of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or
their representatives.
III. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES: Construction engineering services shall
consist of all engineering work involved from the contract stage, beginning the date of FHWA
concurrence in award of the construction contract, through the preparation and submission of
the final estimate and supporting documents to the DEPARTMENT, and shall include the
A. Setting of all stakes to control the work, and resident project representation and other
controls to insure that work is performed in accordance with the plans and
specifications. All materials to be used in the construction of this project shall be tested
and certified by the ENGINEER as meeting the requirements of the approved plans and
specifications in accordance with Federal Aid Policy Guide (FAPG) 23CFR637B,
Construction Inspection and Approval.
B. The ENGINEER shall promptly prepare, verify and recommend payment of all eligible
Contractor's estimates: he shall maintain a project diary as the official project record for
each project, showing the Contractor's daily operation; and the engineering daily
activities by names, function performed and hours worked. He shall maintain records
of the ENGINEER’S out-of-pocket cost plus additives for profit and overhead items.
He shall check and verify the quantities of all materials incorporated in the project; and
shall make prompt preparation and submission of the final estimate and supporting
documents to the LPA for approval and payment. He shall likewise make such records
available at all reasonable times during the contract period, and for three (3) years from
the date of payment of the final estimate. These records, documents,, and data shall be
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available for inspection by the LPA, DEPARTMENT, and the Federal Highway
Administration and any other authorized representative of the Federal Government, and
copies thereof shall be furnished if requested. c . For work involved in Items (A), (B),
and (D) the LPA will pay to the ENGINEER monthly for work done the previous
month an amount equal to the ENGINEER'S out-of-pocket cost plus additives for profit
and current overhead items (payroll, taxes, insurance, etc.) as provided for in Appendix
"A" which is attached hereto and made part of this AGREEMENT. Monthly payments
will be made on the basis of Certified Time Records. The maximum amount payable
under this agreement shall be $85,978.06, including a fixed fee of $11,856.22, beyond
which no funds will be authorized for payment without a Supplement-Agreement to this
Agreement. Each monthly billing will be reduced by 5%, which shall be retained until
final acceptance of the project by MDOT and FHWA.
D. The duties, responsibilities, and limitations of authority of the resident project
representative(s) are listed in Appendix B, which is attached to and made a part of this
E. The responsible engineer employed by the ENGINEER is John J. Kellum, P.E.,
Mississippi Registration No. 8555.
employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely
for the ENGINEER, to solicit or secure this contract, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay
any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER,
any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent
upon or resulting from the award of the making of this contract. For breach or violation of this
warranty, the DEPARTMENT shall have the right to annul this contract price, or consideration,
or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or
other contingent fee.
V. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: All project documents, including tracings, drawings,
estimates, specifications, field notes investigations, studies, etc., as instruments of service are to
become the property of the LPA. During the performance of the engineering services herein
provided for, the ENGINEER shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to the documents
herein enumerated while they are in his/her possession, and any such loss or damage shall be
restored at his/her expense.
VI. CHANGES IN WORK: A Supplemental Agreement may be entered into between the LPA and
the ENGINEER to increase the maximum amount payable under this contract for
additional labor costs and expenses, provided there is a change in scope, character or
complexity of the work to be performed. This Supplemental Agreement must be approved by
the DEPARTMENT and the Federal Highway Administration prior to the performance of the
additional work by the ENGINEER for which reimbursement will be requested.
VII. DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS: Engineering services shall be performed on a reasonable
schedule for both the construction contract and for the preparation of reports and estimates and
final documents. Approval of a delay of the submission must be requested by letter through the
DEPARTMENT, giving reasons for the request and the approximate date proposed for
submission of that data.
VIII. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION: The terms of this contract shall be binding upon the
parties hereto until the work has been completed and accepted by the LPA and all payments
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required to be made to the ENGINEER have been made; but this contract may be terminated
under any or all of the following
A. By mutual agreement and consent of the parties hereto.
B. By the LPA as a consequence of the failure of the Engineer to comply with the terms,
progress or quality of work in a satisfactory manner. Proper allowance will be made for
circumstances beyond the control of the ENGINEER.
C. By either party upon failure of the other party to fulfill its obligations as set forth in this
D. By the LPA due to the departure for whatever reason of any principal member or
members of the ENGINEER firm.
E. By satisfactory completion of all services and obligations described herein.
F. By the LPA giving thirty (30) days notice to the ENGINEER in writing and paying fees
which both parties, the Department and FHWA, agree are due for completed work. If
termination is made by the LPA under Condition (F) after work has started, the
ENGINEERS will be paid for actual service rendered on the basis of their certified and
itemized direct payroll cost plus the applicable percentage rates to cover payroll and
overhead costs plus direct costs; however, the fixed fee will be adjusted to allow the
same percentage of the original agreed upon fixed fee that the amount earned is of the
original estimated cost of the work. Upon termination, the ENGINEER shall deliver to
the LPA all documents specified in Section V, and the LPA shall pay in full for all work
accomplished up to the date of termination, including any retained percentage earned to
date. Should the LPA desire to suspend the work but not definitely terminate the
contract, this may be done by thirty (30) days notice in writing to that effect.
IX. DISPUTES AND LAW VIOLATIONS: Prior to the filing of any lawsuit in a court of
competent jurisdiction, the LPA and ENGINEER shall mediate any disputes. The results of any
mediation shall not be binding upon the LPA without the consent of the governing authorities of
the LPA. The results of any mediation shall not be binding upon the ENGINEER without the
consent of the ENGINEER. The DEPARTMENT shall review any proposed resolution of any
dispute reached through mediation an such mediated resolution shall only become final upon
concurrence by the DEPARTMENT. The requirement to mediate prior to the filing of any
lawsuit shall not be construed as a waiver of any right in law or equity that the parties to this
agreement have to present a dispute to a court of competent jurisdiction for resolution of that
dispute. Violations of the law will be referred to the local, state, or federal authority having
proper jurisdiction.
and save harmless the LPA, and the DEPARTMENT, its officers and employees from or
occasioned by, any act of or omission of the ENGINEER, his/her employees, agents or servants,
resulting in bodily injury, property damage or death of any party.
In the event of joint or concurrent negligence of Engineer and LPA, each shall bear that portion
of the loss or expense that its share of the joint or concurrent negligence bears to that total
negligence (including that of third parties) which caused the personal injury or property
prohibited from subletting, assigning or transferring any part of these engineering services,
other than the testing of materials, to any other person, firm or engineering consultant.
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XII. FEDERAL PROVISIONS: See Appendix C, which is hereby made a part of this
XIII. ENERGY CONSERVATION: The Engineer warrants that he/she will conduct his/her office
and field operations in an energy efficient manner in compliance with the State Energy
Conservation Plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (P.L. 94-
XIV. TIME OF PERFORMANCE: The construction engineering services of the ENGINEER shall
start with date of FHWA concurrence in the award of the construction contract by the
LPA, and be completed within 60 days after the final inspection and acceptance of the
construction work performed by others. The services of the ENGINEER are anticipated to be
needed and completed in an expedient manner. It is understood that construction progress of
force account work by the LPA and/or contractor's work shall influence the time period for the
ENGINEER'S services. Therefore, it is necessary that construction be completed in accordance
with the original time limit set forth in the original construction schedule. When it becomes
evident to the LPA that the maximum amount payable under Section III (c) will be depleted due
to the need for more man-hours of work than estimated, a Supplement Agreement will be
processed to provide for reimbursement to the ENGINEER for out-of-pocket expenses
including overhead costs as provided for in Appendix A. The need for an adjustment in the
fixed fee will be determined and made a part of the Supplemental Agreement if appropriate.
This Supplemental Agreement must be approved by the DEPARTMENT and the Federal
Highway Administration prior to the performance of additional work by the ENGINEER for
which additional reimbursement will be requested. The estimated fees in Appendix A are based
on the initial construction time estimate as included in the Contract Documents. If the
construction time extends beyond the contract time, through no fault of the ENGINEER, the
LPA agrees to pay the ENGINEER for the construction engineering services to complete the
project with or without Federal participation, subject to approval by MDOT and FHWA.
XV. LIMITATION OF ENGINEER'S SERVICES: It is understood that the Construction
Engineering Services and Resident Project Representative furnished by the ENGINEER under
this agreement will endeavor to protect the LPA against defects and deficiencies in the work of
the contractor but the ENGINEER does not guarantee the contractor's performance, nor assume
any duty to supervise construction and safety procedures followed by any contractor or
subcontractor, nor the LPA in the case of force account work performed directly by the LPA or
their respective employees or by any other person, nor for any public liability for property
damage caused through acts of the contractor, subcontractor, the LPA and or their employees or
any other person.
XVI. Subsurface Conditions and Utilities. LPA recognizes that a comprehensive sampling and
testing program implemented by trained and experienced personnel of ENGINEER or
ENGINEER's subconsultants with appropriate equipment may fail to detect certain hidden
conditions. LPA also recognizes that actual environmental, geological and geotechnical
conditions that ENGINEER properly inferred to exist between sampling points may differ
significantly from those that actually exist.
ENGINEER will locate utilities which will affect the project from information provided by the
LPA and utility companies and from ENGINEER's surveys. In that these utility locations are
based, at least in part, on information from others, ENGINEER cannot and does not warrant
their completeness and accuracy.
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XVII. Hazardous Materials. When hazardous materials are known, assumed or suspected to exist at a
project site, ENGINEER is required to take appropriate precautions to protect the health and
safety of his personnel, to comply with the applicable laws and regulations and to follow
procedures deemed prudent to minimize physical risks to employees and the public. LPA
hereby warrants that, if he knows that hazardous materials may exist at the project site, he will
inform ENGINEER in writing prior to initiation of services under this Agreement.
Hazardous materials may exist at a site where there is no reason to believe they could or should
be present. LPA agrees that the discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials constitutes a
changed condition mandating a renegotiation of the scope of work or termination of services.
ENGINEER agrees to notify LPA as soon as practically possible should unanticipated
hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials be encountered.
The LPA and the ENGINEER each binds himself, his partners, successors, administrators and
assigns to the other party to this AGREEMENT, and to the partners, successors, executors,
administrators and assigns of each other party in respect of all of covenants this AGREEMENT.
The LPA and ENGINEER hereby agree to full performance of the covenants contained herein
and it is understood that the work under this agreement is not eligible for Federal-aid
participation until approved by the DEPARTMENT AND FHWA.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, they have executed this AGREEMENT the day and year first
Authorized LPA Official Title
For the Consultant Title
Chief Engineer, MDOT Executive Director, MDOT
Revised: 1/15/2009
FEDERAL-AID PROJECT STP-0123(004)/46-0123-00-004-10
Overhead **
Total Hourly Rate Estimated
Number of
Hours #
Estimated Cost
Project Manager $33.28 $46.55 $79.83 400 $31,932.00
Project Engineer 21.40 29.93 51.33 450 23,098.50
Resident Project Representative 23.40 32.73 56.13 1800 101,034.00
Clerical 14.70 20.56 35.26 100 3,526.00
Fixed Fee 19,150.86
Direct Expenses
Estimated Travel Mileage *** of 10,000 Miles at
Other Expenses (Reproductions, etc.) 500.00
Commercial Testing Laboratory Expenses (Only if
Federal-Aid Participating)
Estimate = $1,524,032.00 at 15% 228,605.00 TOTAL
* Basic hourly rate is direct salary rate. Hourly basic rate does not include any premium or overtime costs nor are premium or overtime costs included in
other payroll cost or overhead. (Numbers shown are approximate rates for estimating purposes only).
** See attached form of percentages added for “other payroll costs” and “overhead”.
*** Mileage Records: Keep a daily record of miles traveled and places visited to support mileage reimbursements.
# See attached estimate of project time for construction engineering services.
Revised: 1/15/2009
DIRECT LABOR 2,188,095.04 1,590,102.69 597,992.35 9.66%
Bonuses 981,477.87 886,631.84 94,846.03 9.66%
Insurance-Employee 610,363.60 551,627.16 59,009.44 9.66%
Payroll Taxes 726,021.38 655,861.63 70,159.75 9.66%
Pension Plan/Profit Sharing 726,021.38 223,275.91 23,884.59 9.66%
Computer Expenses 234,693.80 226,709.76 7,984.04 3.40%
Continuing Education 610,363.60 551,627.16 5,009.44 3.40%
Depreciation 726,021.38 655,861.63 7,159.75 3.40%
Dues & Subscriptions 726,021.38 655,861.63 3,884.59 3.40%
Insurance-Business 226,709.76 220,159.75 655,861.63 3.40%
Indirect Salaries 115,627.00 126,021.38 655,861.63 3.40%
Miscellaneous 7,984.04 10,363.60 6,363.60 3.40%
Rent-Building 1,884.59 1,021.42 5,984.22 3.40%
Rent-Equipment 985.68 849.56 555.26 3.40%
Travel 0 0 0 3.40%
Interest 0 0 0 3.40%
Other Unallowed 0 0 0 3.40%
2,859,191.61 2,469,698.67 389,492.94
ised: 1/15/2009
Indirect salaries were allocated to the Field Office on the basis of Field Office Direct Labor divided by Total Direct Labor = 9.66%
211,369.98 / 2,188,095.04
Indirect expenses supporting field office for support of the indirect salaries were allocated to the Field Office on the basis of the allocated indirect
salaries as determined above, divided by Total Home Office Salaries = 3.40%
157,322.37 / 4,627,128.58
Total Home Office Field Office
Fringe Benefits 907,184.20 41.46% 659,256.57 41.46% 87,633.99 41.46%
2,188,095.04 1,590,102.69 211,369.98
General O/H 2,071,688.38 94.68% 155,681.98 97.85% 137,665.27 65.13%
Combined Rate 136.75% 139.91% 107.20%
2,188,095.04 1,590,102.69 211,369.98
Total O/H 136.14% 139.30% 106.59%
Facility Cost of Capital 0.61% 0.61% 0.61%
Revised: 1/15/2009
Working Days X Increase* = Project Construction Duration
180 X 1.25% = 225 Days = Project Construction Duration + Project Closeout = Time for Construction
Engineering Services.
25% increase attributed the use of two project observers at times when contractor is working multi sites,
as well as project kickoff and non-chargeable days i.e., partial or no-work days over the course of the
project and project closeout.
225 days X 8.0 hour/day average = 1,800 hours
255 days X 1.5 hour/day average = 382.5 400
225 days X 2.0 hours/day = 450
Revised: 1/15/2009
The ENGINEER shall furnish a Resident Project Representative (RPR), assistants and other field staff
to assist the ENGINEER in inspecting performance of the Work of the CONTRACTOR. Through more
extensive on-site inspections of the Work in progress and field checks of materials and equipment by the
RPR and assistants, the ENGINEER shall endeavor to provide further protection for the LPA against
defects and deficiencies in the Work; but, the furnishing of such services will not make the ENGINEER
responsible for or guarantee the CONTRACTOR'S performance, nor assume any duty to supervise
construction and safety procedures followed by the CONTRACTOR or subcontractors. The duties and
responsibilities of the RPR are limited to those of the ENGINEER in the ENGINEER'S agreement with
the LPA and in the construction Contract Documents, and are further limited and described as follows:
1. General:
The RPR is the ENGINEER'S agent at the site, will act as directed by and under the supervision
of the ENGINEER, and will confer with the ENGINEER regarding RPR'S actions. The RPR'S
dealings in matters pertaining to the on-site work shall in general be with the ENGINEER and
CONTRACTOR, keeping the LPA advised as necessary. The RPR'S dealings with
subcontractors shall only be through or with the full knowledge and approval of the
CONTRACTOR. The RPR shall generally communicate with the LPA with the knowledge of
and under the direction of the ENGINEER.
II. Duties and Responsibilities of the RPR:
A. Schedules:
Review progress schedule of Shop Drawing submittals and schedule of values prepared
by the CONTRACTOR and consult with the ENGINEER concerning acceptability.
B. Conferences and Meetings: Attend meetings with the CONTRACTOR, such as
preconstruction conferences, progress meetings, job conferences and other project-
related meetings, and prepare and circulate copies of minutes thereof.
C. Liaison:
1. Serve as the ENGINEER'S liaison with the CONTRACTOR, working
principally through the CONTRACTOR'S superintendent and assist in
understanding the intent of the Contract Documents; and assist the ENGINEER
in serving as the LPA'S liaison with the CONTRACTOR when the
CONTRACTOR's operations affect the LPA's on-site operations.
2. Assist in obtaining from the LPA additional details or information, when
required for Proper execution of the Work.
D. Shop Drawings and Samples:
1. Record the date of receipt of Shop Drawings and samples.
2. Take samples and receive samples which are furnished at the site by the
CONTRACTOR, and notify the ENGINEER of availability of samples for
Revised: 1/15/2009
3. Advise the ENGINEER and the CONTRACTOR of the commencement of any
Work requiring a Shop Drawing or sample if the submittal has not been
approved by the ENGINEER.
E. Review of Work, Rejection of Defective Work, Inspections and Tests:
1. Conduct on-site observations of the Work in progress to assist the ENGINEER
in determining if the Work is in general proceeding. in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
2. Report to the ENGINEER whenever the RPR believes that any Work is
unsatisfactory, faulty or defective or does not conform to the Contract
Documents, or has been damaged, or does not meet the requirements of any
inspection, test or approval required to be made; and advise the ENGINEER of
Work that the RPR believes should be corrected or rejected for should be
uncovered for observation, or requires special testing, inspection or approval.
3. Verify that tests, equipment and systems startups and operating and
maintenance training are conducted in the presence of appropriate personnel,
and that the CONTRACTOR maintains adequate records thereof-, and observe,
record and report to ENGINEER appropriate details relative to the test
procedures and startups.
4. Accompany visiting inspectors representing the public or other agencies having
jurisdiction over the Project, record the results of these inspections and report to
F. Interpretation of Contract Documents:
Report to the ENGINEER when clarifications and interpretation of the Contract
Documents are needed and transmit to the CONTRACTOR clarifications and
interpretations as issued by the ENGINEER.
G. Modifications:
Consider and evaluate the CONTRACTOR'S suggestions for modifications in
Drawings or Specifications and report with the RPR'S recommendations to the
ENGINEER. Transmit to the CONTRACTOR decisions as issued by the ENGINEER.
H. Records:
1. Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports of job
conferences, Shop Drawings and samples, reproductions of original Contract
Documents including all Work Directive Changes, Addenda, Change Orders,
Field Orders, additional Drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the
Contract, ENGINEER’S clarification and interpretations of the Contract
Documents, progress reports, and other Project related documents.
2. Keep a diary signed daily, recording the CONTRACTOR hours on the job site,
weather conditions, data relative to questions of Work Directive Changes,
Change Orders or changed conditions, list of job site visitors, daily activities of
the prime contractors and all subcontractors, decisions, observations in general,
and specific observations in more detail as in the case of observing test
procedures; and send copies to the ENGINEER.
3. Record names, addresses and telephone numbers of all CONTRACTORS,
subcontractors and major suppliers of materials and equipment.
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I. Reports:
1. Furnish the ENGINEER periodic reports as required of progress of the Work
and of the CONTRACTOR'S compliance with the progress schedule and
schedule of Shop Drawing and sample submittals.
2. Consult with the ENGINEER in advance of scheduled major tests, inspections
or start of important phases of the Work.
3. Draft proposed Supplemental Agreements, Quantity Adjustments and Work
Directive Changes, obtaining backup material from the CONTRACTOR; and
recommend Supplemental Agreements, Quantity Adjustments, Work Directive
Changes, and Field Orders to the ENGINEER.
4. Report immediately to the ENGINEER and to the LPA upon the occurrence of
any accident.
J. Payment Requests:
Review applications for payment with the CONTRACTOR for compliance with the
established procedure for their submission and forward with the RPR's
recommendations to the ENGINEER, noting particularly the relationship of the
payment requested to the schedule of values and Work completed and materials and
equipment delivered to the site but not incorporated in the Work.
K. Certificates, Maintenance and Operation Manuals:
During the course of the Work verify that certificates, maintenance and operations
manuals and other data required to be assembled and furnished by the CONTRACTOR
are applicable to the items actually installed and in accordance with the Contract
Documents, and have this material delivered to the ENGINEER for review and
forwarding to the LPA prior to final payment for the Work.
L. Completion:
1. Before the ENGINEER issues a Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit a
list of observed items requiring completion or correction to the Contractor.
2. Conduct a final inspection in the company of the ENGINEER, the LPA, the
CONTRACTOR, the MDOT, & FHWA, and prepare a final list of items to be
completed or corrected.
3. Observe that all items on-the final list have been completed or corrected and
make recommendations to the ENGINEER concerning acceptance.
III. Limitations of Authority The Resident Project Representative:
A. Shall not authorize any deviation from the Contract Documents or substitution of
materials or equipment, unless authorized by the ENGINEER.
B. Shall not exceed the limitations of the ENGINEER'S authority as set forth in the
Contract Documents.
C. Shall not undertake any of the responsibilities of the CONTRACTOR, subcontractors or
the CONTRACTOR's superintendent.
D. Shall not advise on, issue directions relative to, or assume control over any aspect of the
means, method, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction unless such advise
or directions are specifically required by the Contract Documents.
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E. Shall not advise on, issue directions regarding, or assume control over safety
precautions and programs in connection with the Work.
F. Shall not accept Shop Drawing or sample submittals from anyone other than the
G. Shall not authorize the LPA to occupy the Project in whole or in part.
H. Shall not participate in specialized field or laboratory tests or inspections conducted by
others except as specifically authorized by ENGINEER.
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The following required contract provisions shall apply to this CONTRACT and AGREEMENT:
I. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT: The CONSULTANT will comply with the regulations of the Department
of Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department
of Transportation, Title 49. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 2 1.
A. The CONSULTANT agrees to comply: All contracts and subgrants in excess of
$10,000 shall include provisions for compliance with Executive Order No. 1 1246,
entitled, "Equal Employment Opportunity, " as supplemented in Department of Labor
Regulations (41 CFR, Part 60). Each contractor or subgrantee shall be required to have
an affirmative action plan which declares that it does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, and age and which specifies goals and
target dates to assure the implementation of that plan. The grantee shall establish
procedures to assure compliance with this suspected or reported violations are promptly
B. The CONSULTANT agrees to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as
amended by 49 CFR 21 through Appendix C and 23 CFR 710.405 (b).
C. Pursuant to Section 23.43 of 49 CFR Part 23, the following statements regarding
disadvantaged business enterprises are included in, and made a part of this
1. (1.) "Policy. It is the policy of the Department of Transportation that
disadvantaged business enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part 23 shall have the
maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in
whole or in part with the Federal funds under this agreement. Consequently the
DBE requirements of 49 CFR Part 23 apply to this statement.
(2.) "DBE Obligation. The DEPARTMENT and the CONSULTANT agree to
ensure that disadvantaged business enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part 23
have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts
and subcontractors financed in whole or impart with federal funds provided
under this AGREEMENT. In this regard the DEPARTMENT and the
CONSULTANT shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance
with 49 CFR Part 23 to ensure that disadvantaged business enterprises have the
maximum opportunity to compete for and perform contracts. The
DEPARTMENT and the CONSULTANT shall not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance or DOT-
assisted contracts."
2. The DEPARTMENT shall advise the CONSULTANT that failure to carry out
the requirements set forth in 23.43 (a) shall constitute a breach of contract and,
after the notification of the DOT, may result in termination of the contract by
the DEPARTMENT or such remedy as the DEPARTMENT deems appropriate.
II. CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES - In accordance with 23 CFR 1204, Supp. D,
Paragraphs e., f., and g., Attachment 0, and 49 CFR Part 18C, Paragraphs 12 and 13:
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A. All contracts and subgrants for construction or repair shall include a provision for
compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kick Back" Act (18 U.S.C. 874) as supplemented
in Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR, Part 3). This Act provides that each
contractor or subgrantee shall be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person
employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part
of the compensation to which he is otherwise entitled. The grantee shall report all
suspected or reported violations to the grantor agency.
B. When required by the Federal grant program legislation, all construction contracts
awarded by grantees and subgrantees in excess of $2,000 shall include a provision for
compliance with the Davis Bacon Act (40 USC 276a to a7) and as supplemented by
Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR, Part 5). Under this Act contractors shall be
required to pay wages to laborers and mechanics at a rate not less than the minimum
wages specified in a wage determination made by the Secretary of Labor. In addition,
contractors shall be required to pay wages not less often than once a week. The grantee
shall place a copy of the current prevailing wage determination issued by the
Department of Labor in each solicitation and the award of a contract shall be
conditioned upon the acceptance of the wage determination. The grantee shall report all
suspected or reported violations to the grantor agency.
C. Where applicable, all contracts awarded by grantees and subgrantees in excess of
$2,000 for construction contracts and excess of $2,500 for other contracts which
involve the employment of mechanics or laborers shall include a provision for
compliance with sections 103 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety
Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-330) as supplemented by Department of Labor
regulations (29 CFR, part 5). Under section 103 of the Act, each contractor shall be
required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard
work day of 8 hours and a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the
standard workday or work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated
at a rate of not less than 1 1/2 times the basis rate of pay for all hours worked in the
excess of 8 hours in any calendar day or 40 hours in the work week. Section 107 of the
Act is applicable to construction work and provides that no laborer or mechanic shall be
required to work surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary,
hazardous, or dangerous to his health and safety, and health standards promulgated by
the Secretary of Labor. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or
materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for
transportation or transmission of intelligence.
D. Compliance with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under section
306 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857 (h), section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33
U.S.C. 1368), Executive Order11738, and Environmental Protection Agency
regulations (40 CFR Part 15) (Contracts, subcontracts, and subgrants of amounts in
excess of $100,000).
E, Mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in
the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act (Pub. L. 94163).
Revised: 1/15/2009
Certification in accordance with 49 CFR Part 29, Subpart E, Section 29.510, Appendix
(A) The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that
it and its principals:
1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared
ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal
department or agency;
2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of
or had a civil judgement rendered against them for commission of fraud or a
criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or
performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a
public transaction; violation of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery,
falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving
stolen property.
3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a
government entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the
offenses enumerated in paragraph (1) (b) of this certification; and
4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one
or more public transaction (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or
(B) Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements
in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this
Revised: 1/15/2009
PROJECT NO. STP-0123(004)
I hereby certify that I am an Officer and duly authorized representative of the firm of ABC Consultants,
Inc., whose address is P.O. Box 48751, Jackson, Mississippi, 39225-2625, and that neither I nor the
above firm I hereby represent has:
(a) employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee, or other
consideration, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the
above consultant) to solicit or secure this contract;
(b) agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this contract, to employ or retain the
services of any firm or person in connection with carrying out the contract; or
(c) paid or agreed to pay to any firm, organization, or person (other than a bona fide employee
working solely for me or the above consultant) any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration
of any kind for, or in connection with procuring or carrying out the contract; except as here
expressly stated (if any).
I acknowledge that this certificate is to be furnished to the Mississippi Department of Transportation
and the Federal Highway Administration of the United States in connection with the contract involving
participation of Federal Aid Funds and is subject to applicable state and federal laws, both criminal and
Date James Smith, P.E. Vice President
ABC Consultants, Inc.
Revised: 1/15/2009
Project No. STP-0123(004)
County: Hinds
The prospective participant certifies, by signing and submitting this bid or proposal, to the best of his or
her knowledge and belief, that:
(1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the
undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee or
any Federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract,
the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any
cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modifications
of any Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement.
(2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid to any person for influencing
or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal Agency, a Member of
Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in
connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement, the undersigned
shall complete and submit Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying:, in accordance
with its instruction.
This certificate is a material representative of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction
was made or entered into. Submission of this certification imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S.
Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not
less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure.
The prospective participant also agrees by submitting his or her bid or proposal that he or she shall
require that the language of this certification be included in all tier subcontracts, which exceed $100,000
and that all such sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
Date James Smith, Vice President
ABC Consultants, Inc.
Revised: 1/*15/2009
PROJECT NO. STP-0123(004)
I hereby certify that I am the Mayor of the City of Jackson, Mississippi and that the
ENGINEER or his representative have not been required, directly or indirectly, as an express or implied
condition in connection with obtaining or carrying out this contract to:
(a) employ or retain, or agree to employ or retain, any firm or person or;
(b) pay, or agree to pay any, to any firm or person, or organization any fee, contribution,
donation, or consideration of any kind; except as here expressly stated (if any).
I acknowledge that this certificate is to be furnished to the Mississippi Department of
Transportation and to the Federal Highway Administration in connection with the contract involving
participation of Federal Aid Funds, and is subject to applicable state and federal laws, both criminal and
Date John Nelson, Mayor