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Top 9 Power BI Dashboard
Last updated October 27, 2022 / in Power BI, Guide
Originally published at: zebrabi.com/power-bi-dashboard-examples/
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Copyright © 2022 Zebra BI d.o.o. all rights reserved. The logos, names, trademarks and/or service marks are the property of Zebra BI or their respective owners. This document is for informative
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Table of Contents
1. Sales Funnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Sales Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Daily Sales Flash Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. Consolidated Financials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5. Dynamic Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6. Income Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
7. Price-Volume-Mix Variance Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
8. Working Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
9. HR Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Appendix 1: Related Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Appendix 2: Hyperlinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard
A great dashboard is actionable. It will do more than just display data. It will guide
your attention, help you pinpoint issues or opportunities and tell a story that
will propel your business forward. To inspire you to create more actionable reports
and dashboards, we have created a series of Power BI dashboard examples that
combine the best data visualization practices with the power of our three cutting-edge
Power BI custom visuals.
We invite you to take a look at our top 9 Power BI dashboard examples, try them out using
interactive embeds and nally download the PBIX les to make them your own.
Important Note: All of our Power BI dashboard
examples are specically designed to clearly answer
the 4-Question Insight Test:
1. Is my performance good or bad?
2. How good/how bad?
3. Why?
4. What should we do about it?
This is a methodology that we developed so you
can spend less time creating reports and more time
making decisions that will actually matter.
4zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
1. Sales Funnel
The Sales Funnel template for Power BI brings
together your most important sales funnel
KPIs on a single page and lets you interact with
them. It helps you track the connections between
them, provides immediate insights into the
performance of your sales funnel, and enables
you to understand your pipeline at a glance. You
also see comparisons between actuals and plans
so you always know exactly how you are doing.
Who it’s for: It’s a must-have for sales managers,
sales employees, and senior management.
Why you need it: Use this dashboard to
pinpoint the areas you need to focus on.
You might notice you’re successful at creating
leads but are having a hard time turning them into
opportunities. This dashboard will not only show
your sales performance, it will let you know where
you can improve.
The dashboard’s homepage displays the following:
Won revenue
Weighted pipeline
Web sessions
Conversion rates between above
Top customers
Actual and planned revenue
Dynamic comments, related to the above KPIs
Zebra BI advantage: This is our newest
dashboard and one of our most actionable Power
BI dashboard examples. It uses the new Zebra
BI Cards
visual with conversion rates where the
second column of cards displays conversions, such
as opportunity conversion, lead conversion
rate, and web-to-lead conversions. This is
a unique visual indication of how individual KPIs
come together.
Download Sales Funnel Template
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Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
2. Sales Dashboard
This dashboard is an example of actionable
design. It starts with a KPI area to show the most
relevant information about your sales. These KPIs
lter the entire dashboard so you don’t have
to leave the home page, if you want to review
Revenue or Cost details.
Who it’s for: is designed for sales managers
looking for actionable information about their
sales performance.
Why you need it: Use this Power BI dashboard
template as a high-level overview of your sales
performance and then drill down into details.
Since it focuses heavily on comparisons, it will give
you a quick overview of your performance against
plans and forecasts.
The homepage displays the following:
Gross prot
Distributions of the above 3 KPIs by month, by
product group and by product category
Dynamic comments, related to the above KPIs
Zebra BI advantage: This Power BI dashboard
example includes all the essential elements
such as buttons, report page tooltips, drill-
through buttons, drill-downs, advanced small
, ... It relies on advanced DAX code
and a ton of other Power BI techniques. One of
our favorite elements is the Top N feature.
option shows just the top product categories
or groups and hides the others. This keeps the
dashboard manageable so you can focus on
just the elements that contribute most to the
bottom line.
Download Sales Dashboard Template
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Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
3. Daily Sales Flash Dashboard
The Daily Sales Flash Power BI dashboard features
a number of neat little tricks to allow users to get a
clear view of their data on a daily basis.
Each day you open this dashboard, you’ll know exactly
how you perform on a daily, weekly and monthly
Additional pages allow you to dig deeper into the
details of your sales and returns, or analyze trends.
Who it’s for: C-level executives, looking for a daily
glimpse into the sales performance, sales managers
and sales executives looking for an actionable
overview of sales and returns with additional option to
dig into details.
Why you need it: This Power BI Dashboard example is
packed full with advanced features:
A lot of advanced DAX code
is used to calculate
the many dierent measures.
Info buttons are there to explain the various
features to the users.
Links from the dierent charts on the Overview
page allow the reader to navigate to a dedicated
report page with more details.
... and many Power BI best practices, including
the new functionality, recently added to Power BI:
eld parameters
The Overview page displays the following:
Today: Every day you’ll have the latest data in
front of you. No need to manually change the
date, each refresh will pull the latest data and
show you today’s values.
Your KPIs: On the top left you can see today’s
values of two KPIs: Sales and Quantity. These KPIs,
created with Zebra BI Cards, also act as a lter
for the whole report - clicking on them switches
all the other charts between Sales (default) and
Three timescales: The table on the top shows
Daily, Weekly and Monthly data so you have
a clear overview of sales performance on a daily,
weekly, and monthly basis.
EOM Trend: In the Monthly section of that table,
there’s also one special column, called EOM
Trend (End-of-month Trend) - an automatically
calculated forecast, based on the current trend.
Last 7 Days: The weekly trend small multiples
also feature a nice little trick: instead of showing
the week-to-date numbers for the current week
(last data point), we show the Last 7 Days. This
makes the charts much more actionable because
each data point accounts for exactly 7 days.
Zebra BI advantage: This Power BI Dashboard
example features all three Zebra BI visuals for Power
BI: Zebra BI Cards
, Zebra BI Tables
and Zebra BI
Many advanced features of the Zebra BI visuals are on
display: small multiples
, the Top N feature
, hiding
the columns that are not needed, scenario patterns,
dierence highlights, absolute variance charts, ...
Download Daily Sales Flash Dashboard template
7zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
4. Consolidated Financials
This Power BI template is designed to help you
create an actionable overview of nancials for the
management team. Spoiler alert: it includes lots
of waterfall charts since waterfall charts are a
great tool to show individual positive and negative
contributions between a starting and ending
Who it’s for: The Consolidated Financials
dashboard will be a hit at the executive level:
Chief Financial Ocer and Chief Executive
Why you need it: Use this dashboard at the
executive level to provide a single overview of
your nancial performance. It integrates month-
to-date, year-to-date and full-year data in a
single chart, just like nancial users like it. This
is really great for comparisons and facilitates
decision making since users can dive into
individual factors contributing to the nal number.
This dashboard’s rst page shows the following:
Net earnings
Free cash ow
Monthly trends and distribution by business
units of the above KPIs
Dynamic comments, related to the above KPIs
Zebra BI advantage: While waterfall charts
(both vertical and horizontal) are the star of
the show, ltering is the hidden gem. Clicking on
individual KPI cards on the left lters the entire
dashboard so you can easily switch between KPIs
and review contributing factors.
Download Consolidated Financials Template
8zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
5. Dynamic Comments
When telling a story with data, sometimes you
need to add some helpful words to your numbers
and this is where comments come in. As a result,
this Power BI Executive Summary template is
designed to help you implement dynamic and
interactive comments that help you add useful
and actionable data to your dashboards.
Who it’s for: Dynamic comments are the perfect
tool for all data storytellers, who want to
expand, illuminate or explain certain gures.
Why you need it: Use this dashboard when
preparing executive summaries where you want
to prevent questions about your data, add some
clarity or include meaningful explanations.
Comments are a powerful storytelling tool and
you should use them to communicate with your
This dashboard’s homepage shows the following:
Net earnings
Free cash ow
Monthly trends of the above KPIs
Dynamic comments, related to the above KPIs
Zebra BI advantage: Dynamic comments are a
great way to interact with your data. Comments
can explain data or draw attention to individual
KPIs or reasons for changes. Zebra BI comments
are fully dynamic, which means that if you click
on a comment, it lters out everything but the
relevant data. Also, comments change as you
change your views - for example, when you switch
between years comments change along with data.
Download Dynamic Comments Template
9zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
6. Income Statement
This Power BI dashboard template is designed to
help you s tr uc ture, create, and de sign a user-f riendl y
Income Statement in Power BI.
It includes
hierarchical datasets that a user can expand
or collapse to adjust the level of detail. Another
interesting detail are the interim calculations
and subtotals with both “positive” and “negative”
contributions (e.g. revenues vs expenses). There
are also additional performance indicators
(e.g. percentages like Gross Margin in %, Operating
income as % of Revenue).
Who it’s for: Income statements are
typically prepared for investors or owners,
management and external users, such as
lenders, government institutions and
Why you need it: An income statement is
invaluable when looking at the structure of
revenues and expenses in your company. Interim
calculations and waterfall charts make it easy to
see the impact of individual items on the whole.
Income statements can guide strategic decisions
of whether to focus on growing revenue or cutting
costs, launching new products or shutting down
lagging departments.
The dashboard’s homepage shows the AC and PL
values (and the variances) of:
Gross margin
Operating income
Income before income taxes
Net income
It also features dynamic comments, related to
the above KPIs.
Zebra BI advantage: The Zebra BI Tables
visual is the perfect tool for this task and it oers a
load of features, such as completely responsive
design, integrated variances and hierarchies.
One of the things we’re most proud of, however,
are calculations. Whenever you want to add a
new element to your table and it’s not in your data
set, you can simply calculate it with a formula
within a visual, without doing any work on your
data set.
Download Income Statements Template
10zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
7. Price-Volume-Mix Variance Analysis
A typical business dashboard shows revenues,
gross prots, income, and comparisons
between actuals, plans, or forecasts. These
variances are then explored in terms of time,
geography, or product lines. However, a Price-
Volume-Mix analysis, shows you how factors, such
as price changes, sales volume and product
mix aected your revenue.
This Power BI dashboard example explains the
reasons behind the revenue growth and presents
top contributors for each category such as
price, volume & mix variance, new launches, and
discontinued products.
Who it’s for: Product managers and
CFOs are among the most likely users of
Price-Volume-Mix Variance Analysis dashboards.
Why you need it: Price-Volume-Mix analysis is a
powerful tool that you can expand with various
additional KPIs to look for the factors that aect
your revenues. Instead of relying on guesswork
and vague feelings, you can pinpoint your key
issues and opportunities and focus your
energy on what matters. Once you understand
what drives your revenues and prot margins,
you can address deteriorating margins or stale
product mixes to increase revenue.
Zebra BI advantage: When you want to review
your Price-Volume-Mix Variance for several
product groups, you can switch to a view with
small multiples.
This is a way to show multiple
charts (rendered to the same scale) on a single
dashboard to enable easy comparison. It is one of
the best ways to compare data and something we
worked hard on making intuitive and easy-to-use.
Download PVM Variance Analysis Template
11zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
8. Working Capital
Working capital i s a  n an ci a l m e tri c th at i ll u s tr at e s
the company’s liquidity - the ability to cover short-
term obligations. It is calculated as the dierence
between current assets and current liabilities.
Put simply: it provides an insight into the company’s
ability to continue with the operations and survive
possible rough times in the near future.
Finance and management teams have to keep
an eye on working capital at all times in order to
prepare for the future and take the appropriate
This Working Capital Power BI dashboard example
provides them with a clear overview of the main
KPIs: working capital, the current ratio and
quick ratio (besides current assets and current
liabilities). Included on subsequent reports is the
detailed analysis of payments and the trends of all
items of the balance sheet.
Who it’s for: Controllers, FP&A professionals
and other nancial analysts are the typical
users of this template. It also provides insights for
management, investors, owners and other
Why you need it: This Power BI dashboard
example features a visual representation of the
working capital and other related KPIs: current
assets, current liabilities, current ratio and quick
ratio. This allows the nance teams to work with
the business management to keep the business
in good condition to meet short-term obligations,
while also providing some leeway to withstand
nancial challenges and drive business growth.
Zebra BI advantage: The rst page of this template
shows a great use of all three Zebra BI visuals for
Power BI
1. Cards
are used on the top to provide an
overview of the key KPIs. They also act as a
lter for the trend chart on the bottom right.
2. The Tables
visual is used on the bottom left
to visualize the balance sheet with vertical
waterfall charts.
3. The Charts
visual is used on the bottom right
to visualize trends of the chosen KPI.
Download Working Capital Template
12zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
9. HR Analytics
This Human Resources Power BI dashboard
example allows users to get a clear overview of
the company’s employees and the most relevant
top-level KPIs: Headcount, Salaries, Hires and
The 4 subsequent pages provide a more detailed
view into each of the KPIs. There’s also one page for
analyzing the demographics.
The dashboard provides views of the data across
many dierent dimensions: Gender, Department,
Education, Job Role, Marital status, Age, ...
Who it’s for: Human Resources sta and
the Chief Operating Ocer will be delighted
to learn the insights from this Power BI Human
Resources dashboard.
Why you need it: If you want to stay on top
of all the data related to employees in your
company, this dashboard is for you. You’ll be able
to quickly see how satised the employees
are in their jobs and in their work environment,
how their work-life balance looks like, salary and
headcount trends, and much more.
Zebra BI advantage: The rst page of this Power BI
dashboard serves as a navigation page that links
to all subsequent pages. It also features a Report
Tutorials that opens 3 dynamic tutorials with text
and GIF animations to help the less experienced
users navigate through the dashboard.
The Overview page uses Zebra BI Cards
to show
the latest values and trends for the top KPIs. Below
there are 4 Zebra BI Tables
visuals to visualize
the distribution of employees across dierent
Download HR Analytics Template
13zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
Appendix 1: Related Resources
Sales Funnel:
Written guide: How to create a KPI dashboard in Power BI to make smarter
decisions faster
Webinar: Supercharge your Power BI dashboards to drive action
Sales Dashboard:
Written guide: Power BI Dashboard Design
Webinar: 7 Worst Power BI Dashboard Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Consolidated Financials:
Written guide: Consolidating KPIs in Power BI
Webinar: 3 hyper-eective ways to consolidate your KPIs in Power BI dashboards
Dynamic Comments:
Written guide: Dynamic Comments in Power BI
Webinar: Dynamic Comments in Power BI
Income Statements:
Written guide: The Denitive Guide to Income Statements in Power BI
Webinar: The Denitive Guide to Income Statements in Power BI
Webinar: Create user-friendly income statements in Power BI
Price-Volume-Mix Variance Analysis:
Written guide: Price Volume Mix Analysis in Excel and Power BI
Webinar: Price-Volume-Mix Variance Analysis in Power BI and Excel
Working Capital:
Whitepaper: Working Capital Management in Times of COVID-19 Crisis
14zebrabi.com | [email protected]
Top 9 Power BI Dashboard Examples
Appendix 2: Hyperlinks
1. Power BI Custom Visuals: https://zebrabi.com/power-bi-custom-visuals/
2. Zebra BI Cards: https://zebrabi.com/power-bi-custom-visuals/cards/
3. Download Sales Funnel Template: https://zebrabi.com/template/sales-funnel-power-
4. Small Multiples: https://zebrabi.com/small-multiples-power-bi/
5. Dax Code: https://zebrabi.com/power-bi-dax/
6. Top N Feature: https://help.zebrabi.com/article/162-using-top-n-others-in-zebra-bi
7. Download Sales Dashboard template:https://zebrabi.com/template/sales-
8. Power BI Field Parameters: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/create-
9. Zebra BI Tables: https://zebrabi.com/power-bi-custom-visuals/tables/
10. Zebra BI Charts: https://zebrabi.com/power-bi-custom-visuals/charts/
11. Download Daily Sales Flash Dashboard template:
12. Download Consolidated Financials template:
13. Download Dynamic Comments template:
14. Income Statement in Power BI: https://zebrabi.com/income-statements-power-bi/
15. Download Income Statement template:
16. Download PVM Analysis template:
17. Download Working Capital template:
18. Download HR Analytics template:
19. How to create a KPI dashboard in Power BI to make smarter decisions faster:
20. Supercharge your Power BI dashboards to drive action:
21. Power BI Dashboard Design: https://zebrabi.com/power-bi-dashboard-design/
22. 7 Worst Power BI Dashboard Mistakes & How to Avoid Them:
23. Consolidating KPIs in Power BI: https://zebrabi.com/consolidate-kpis-in-power-bi/
24. 3 hyper-eective ways to consolidate your KPIs in Power BI dashboards:
25. Dynamic Comments in Power BI: https://zebrabi.com/dynamic-comments-power-bi/
26. Dynamic Commentary in Power BI:
27. The Denitive Guide to Income Statements in Power BI:
28. The Denitive Guide to Income Statements in Power BI:
29. Create user-friendly income statements in Power BI:
30. Price Volume Mix Analysis in Excel and Power BI:
31. Price-Volume-Mix Variance Analysis in Power BI and Excel:
32. Working Capital Management in Times of COVID-19 Crisis:
Copyright © 2022 Zebra BI d.o.o. all rights reserved. The logos, names, trademarks and/or service marks are the property of Zebra BI or their respective owners. This document is for informative
purposes only. Zebra BI gives no warranties and/or shall not indemnify or be liable for any damages of any kind, statutory or otherwise, regarding the information contained within this document.
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