The Digital
Suite of
Summer 2022
1 Introduction – How to Use This Document
2 Digital SAT Test Specications at a Glance
3 Taking the Digital SAT Suite Assessments
3 Implementation timeline
3 Devices
3 Internet connectivity and battery life
4 Digital testing application
4 Borrowing a device from College Board
Practice and Preparation
5 Getting familiar with the digital testing application
5 Preparing for the test
Resources and Supports for Students with Disabilities
7 Supports for English Learners (ELs)
8 The Digital SAT Suite: What’s staying the same?
9 The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments: What’s changing?
9 Suite-level changes
9 Section-level changes
10 Multistage adaptive testing
11 Section breakdown and timing
Content Specications
12 Reading and Writing
12 Reading and Writing content domains
13 Math
14 Math content domains
16 Vertical score scale
16 Benchmarks
17 Skills Insight
17 Score reports
18 Comparing scores from the current SAT to digital SAT
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Introduction: How to Use
This Document
Beginning internationally in 2023, the SAT® Suite of Assessments will be delivered digitally.
College Board has listened to input from our members, and we’re adapting to ensure we
continue to meet the needs of all our stakeholders.
While the transition to digital will bring a number of student- and educator-friendly changes,
many important features of the SAT Suite will stay the same. The SAT Suite will continue to
measure the knowledge and skills that students are learning in school and that matter most
for college and career readiness. We’re not simply creating a digital version of the current
paper and pencil tests—we’re taking full advantage of what digital testing makes possible.
The digital SAT Suite will be easier to take, easier to give, more secure, and more relevant.
This document provides an overview of what’s changing and what’s staying the same when
we transition to a digital SAT Suite. It provides a summary of College Board’s Assessment
Framework for the Digital SAT Suite, the full test specifications.
This document isn’t intended as a technical manual for taking or administering the digital
SAT Suite tests. Instead, it’s meant to help counselors, students, educators, and families
understand what to expect when the SAT Suite goes digital.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Digital SAT Suite Test
Specications at a Glance
Table 1: Format and delivery details for the digital SAT Suite
Category Reading and Writing (RW) Section Math Section
Two-stage adaptive test design:
one Reading and Writing
section administered via two
separately timed modules
Two-stage adaptive test design:
one Math section administered
via two separately timed modules
Test length (number
of operational and
pretest questions)
1st module: 25 operational
questions and 2 pretest questions
2nd module: 25 operational
questions and 2 pretest questions
1st module: 20 operational
questions and 2
pretest questions
2nd module: 20
operational questions and
2 pretest questions
Time per stage
1st module: 32 minutes
2nd module: 32 minutes
1st module: 35 minutes
2nd module: 35 minutes
Total number
of questions
54 questions 44 questions
Total time
64 minutes 70 minutes
Scores reported
Total score
RW and Math section scores
type(s) used
Discrete; four-option
Discrete; four-option multiple-
choice (≈75%) and student-
produced response (SPR) (≈25%)
Stimulus topics
Literature, history/social
studies, humanities, science
Science, social science,
real-world topics
Yes; tables, bar graphs, line graphs Ye s
Sample questions for the digital SAT are available in the Digital SAT Sample Questions and
Answer Explanations document online.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Taking the Digital SAT
Suite Assessments
Implementation timeline
We’ll make the transition from paper and pencil to digital at international test centers in the
spring of 2023 and at U.S. schools and test centers in the spring of 2024.
All students will take the PSAT™ 8/9 and PSAT/NMSQT® digitally starting in fall of 2023,
followed by the digital PSAT™ 10 in spring of 2024.
Most students who take the SAT for the first time do so in the spring of their junior (11th
grade) year. For students testing internationally, those in the graduating class of 2024 will be
the first to take the digital SAT. In the U.S., students in the graduating class of 2025 will be the
first class to take the digital test.
International PSAT-Related U.S. SAT and
SAT Assessments SAT School Day
Spring 2023
Fall 2023
Paper and Pencil Digital
Students can take the digital SAT Suite tests on a wide range of devices, including their
own laptops (Windows or MacOS), iPads, school-owned desktops and laptops, and school-
managed Chromebooks. Students will take the digital SAT Suite using a custom-built digital
testing application that they’ll download in advance of test day.
Internet connectivity and battery life
Students will connect to the test center’s or school’s internet to start and complete
testing. The exam application has been built to withstand internet outages. If the internet
connection drops during testing, students will still be able to progress through the test with
no disruption. If a student’s computer battery runs down, they can simply plug in, restart
their device, and pick up where they left off—all their work will be saved, and they won’t lose
testing time. Students will be responsible for bringing their device fully charged on test day,
as there may be limited access to power outlets in their testing room.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Digital testing application
The digital SAT Suite assessments will be administered on College Board's customized digital
testing application. The application is a modified version of the one used to successfully
deliver the 2021 digital AP® Exams.
Creating our own custom-built app for the digital SAT Suite allows us to prioritize the features
that matter most to students and educators. With a custom app, we’re also able to adapt
more easily to changes in market needs and respond quickly to user feedback. The app
will also easily integrate with other College Board and partner systems, creating a better
experience for students and educators.
The digital testing application will include many test tools for students. Examples include:
§ Mark for review: Students can flag and return to any question within a given test module
they want to come back to later.
§ Testing timer: A clock counts down the time remaining in each module. Students can
hide the timer, and they get an alert when 5 minutes remain in the module.
§ Calculator: A built-in graphing calculator is available on the entire Math section.
(Students can also bring their own approved calculator.)
§ Reference sheet: On the Math section, students have access to a list of common
§ Annotation: Students can highlight any part of a question and leave themselves a note.
Borrowing a device from College Board
Students taking the SAT on a weekend who do not have access to a device can request
to borrow one from College Board, and we’ll provide one for use on test day. This applies
to students taking the SAT on the weekend internationally as well as in the United States.
Students will request a device when they register for the SAT. More information about
borrowing a device will be available when registration opens for the digital SAT in fall of 2022.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Practice and Preparation
Below is a summary of resources useful for practicing and preparing for the digital SAT Suite
tests, available starting in fall 2022.
Getting familiar with the digital testing application
Students preparing for the digital SAT Suite tests will have access to an exam app preview
within the digital testing app. This tool helps students get familiar with the functionality of the
digital testing application, acquaints them with the central features of the assessments, and
lets them try a small number of sample Reading and Writing and Math questions. These sample
questions will help test takers familiarize themselves with the kinds of questions they will
encounter on test day and how to properly enter their answers. Students can try all the testing
tools and see how the digital exams work with any assistive technology they may use.
Preparing for the test
Students taking the digital SAT Suite tests will have access to a wide range of free, high-quality
test preparation resources.
These questions illustrate the range of skills and knowledge on the digital SAT Suite tests as
well as the response formats used (multiple-choice and, for select Math questions, student-
produced response).
Students can take full-length digital practice tests directly in the digital testing application,
allowing them to get the full digital SAT Suite experience while familiarizing themselves with test
content. Practice tests for the PSAT-related assessments will also be available starting in 2023.
Full-length linear paper and pencil practice test forms are also available from College Board as
downloadable PDFs. These forms are recommended only for students who will require paper-
based accommodations on test day.
Students can log on to Khan Academy® to practice with digital SAT test questions and receive
feedback, including answer explanations. In addition to providing test preparation activities,
Khan Academy offers students a range of high-quality skill and knowledge building activities,
including numerous videos and articles that target specific areas where students might need
additional support.
These resources, developed primarily for teachers, detail the design of the digital SAT Suite,
offer guidance to educators looking to incorporate test preparation for the suite as part of their
classroom duties, and provide information about evidence-based instructional best practices
supporting college and career readiness for all students.
This tool, developed primarily for educators, allows teachers to search for and download sets
of practice SAT Suite questions targeted to their lesson plans. Teachers can apply multiple
filters to the question bank to find the kind of questions they want. The SSQB will be updated
with digital SAT Suite content starting in early 2023.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Resources and Supports
for Students with
The digital SAT Suite will continue to offer students with disabilities the same range of
accommodations available in the current paper-based suite.
The following is a list of examples of accommodations commonly offered as part of the digital
SAT Suite. Accommodations aren’t limited to those listed, as College Board considers any
reasonable accommodation for any documented disability as long as a student qualifies for
testing accommodations. The process for requesting accommodations will remain the same.
§ Timing and Scheduling
w extended time: time and one-half (+50%), double time (+100%), more than double
time (>+100%)
w extra/extended breaks
§ Reading/Seeing Text
w text to speech
w braille with raised line drawings, contracted
§ Recording Answers
w writer/scribe to record responses
w braille writer
§ Modified Setting
w small-group setting
w wheelchair accessibility
§ Other
w permission for food/drink/medication
w permission to test blood sugar
w auditory amplification/FM system
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Supports for English
Learners (ELs)
College Board will continue to offer testing supports for English learners (EL) during SAT
School Day, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9 administrations. These supports aren’t available for SAT
Weekend administrations or for the PSAT/NMSQT.
Testing supports include:
§ Translated test directions.
§ Use of bilingual word-to-word dictionaries.
§ Time and one-half (+50%) extended testing time.
Students who meet the following criteria at the time of testing can use EL supports:
§ They’re enrolled in an elementary or secondary school in the United States or one of the
U.S. territories.
§ They’re an English learner as defined by their state or by federal policy.
§ They use the same supports in class or for other assessments.
More information about the availability of supports and the procedures for requesting them
prior to testing can be found at
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
The Digital SAT Suite:
What’s staying the same?
The digital SAT Suite will continue to measure the skills and knowledge that students are
learning in school and that matter most for college and career readiness. The suite will
continue to be scored on the same score scale as the paper and pencil tests they are
replacing (for example, the SAT will continue to be scored on the familiar 400–1600 scale),
and the SAT and PSAT-related assessments will continue to be linked through a vertical score
scale that allows students and educators to meaningfully track growth across the suite.
The two sections of the digital SAT Suite—(1) Reading and Writing and (2) Math—also
measure largely similar knowledge and skills as their paper and pencil predecessors,
§ Use of reading/writing passages across a range of academic disciplines and text
§ Required demonstrations of command of evidence, both textual and quantitative.
§ Emphasis on high-utility words and phrases in context.
§ Focus on revising and editing writing to improve the effectiveness of expression, achieve
specified rhetorical goals, and demonstrate command of core conventions of Standard
English sentence structure, usage, and punctuation.
§ Continued focus on the math that matters most for college and career readiness and
§ Math problems in (and out of) context.
§ Use of both multiple-choice and student-produced response question formats in the
Math section.
College Board remains strongly committed to the validity and fairness of our assessments—
ensuring that our tests measure what they’re intended to measure and that the tests afford
an equal opportunity to all test takers to show their best work. As with the paper-based
suite, test fairness considerations are at the foundation of the design, development, and
administration of the digital SAT Suite.
The digital SAT Suite will retain strong alignment to state academic standards. And while
the digital SAT Suite will simplify the test-taking process and be an easier experience for
students and educators, it will maintain the rigor of the current paper and pencil tests.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
The Digital SAT Suite:
What’s changing?
While we’re preserving many important features of the SAT Suite, we’re not simply creating a
digital version of the current paper and pencil tests. The digital SAT Suite tests will be more
flexible exams that are easier to take, easier to give, more secure, and more relevant.
Suite-level changes
§ The digital SAT Suite assessments are substantially shorter than their paper and pencil
predecessors—lasting 2 hours and 14 minutes instead of 3 hours.
§ Test takers have more time, on average, to answer each question, meaning that, more
so than ever before, the digital SAT Suite tests are measures of students’ skills and
knowledge, not test-taking speed.
§ Students and educators will receive scores faster—in days instead of weeks.
§ In addition to the many ways that the current SAT Suite connects students to
opportunities they’ve earned through their hard work, digital SAT Suite score reports
will connect students to information and resources about local two-year colleges,
workforce training programs, and career options.
§ The tests will be more secure. Currently, if one test form is compromised, it can mean
canceling scores for whole groups of students. Going digital allows us to give every
student a highly comparable but unique test form, so it will be practically impossible to
share answers.
§ States, schools, and districts will have much more flexibility for administering SAT
Suite tests.
Section-level changes
§ The digital assessments have a single Reading and Writing section instead of separate
Reading and Writing and Language Tests. This shift allows us to measure English
language arts and content area literacy knowledge and skills more efficiently while
acknowledging the reciprocal, mutually reinforcing nature of reading and writing skills
and knowledge.
§ The digital SAT Reading and Writing section will feature many shorter passages instead
of a few long texts, meaning students will see a wider range of topics that represent
the kinds of works they’ll read in college. At the same time, these shorter passages
maintain the level of rigor of longer reading passages in terms of text complexity and
grounding in academic disciplines.
§ A single (discrete) question is associated with each passage (or passage pair)
instead of having several questions associated with a small number of long passages.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
§ Calculators are allowed throughout the Math section. A single Math section replaces
the separately timed no-calculator and calculator-allowed portions of the paper and
pencil SAT Suite Math Tests. This change allows the Math section to more accurately
reflect how calculators are used in schools and in the real world. It also eases test
administration by eliminating separately timed test portions with different rules.
Students may continue to use their own approved calculator on test day or take
advantage of the graphing calculator built directly into the testing application.
§ The average length of in-context questions (“word problems”) has been reduced. In-
context questions still serve a valuable role in the Math section, as they assess whether
students can apply their math skills and knowledge to both academic and real-world
situations. However, College Board has listened to feedback that longer contexts posed
barriers that could inhibit some students, often but not only English learners, from
demonstrating their core math achievement.
Multistage adaptive testing
The digital SAT Suite will utilize a multistage adaptive testing (MST) methodology. Adaptive
testing has been used for large-scale digital standardized assessments for nearly 40 years.
Being adaptive means we can fairly and accurately measure the same things with a shorter
test while preserving test reliability.
Figure 1: Digital SAT Suite Multistage Adaptive Testing Model
Module 1 Module 2
Students are given a targeted
mix of questions of varying
diculties based on their
performance in module 1.
Students are given
a broad mix of
easy, medium, and
hard questions.
In a multistage adaptive SAT Suite test, each test section (Reading and Writing; Math) is
divided into two equal-length and separately timed stages, each composed of a module
of questions. As illustrated in figure 1, students begin each test section by answering the
set of questions in the first module. This module contains a broad mix of easy, medium,
and hard questions that allows students to demonstrate their achievement before moving
on to the second module. The questions in this second module are broadly targeted to the
test taker’s achievement level based on how they perform in the first module; questions are
either (on average) higher difficulty or lower difficulty than questions in the first module. This
means that the test “adapts” to present questions that are more appropriate to a student’s
performance level.
MST testing benefits students in several ways. First and foremost, it results in shorter
tests that retain the precision and reliability of longer (linear) tests. This is because
question difficulty in the second module of each section is personalized based on student
performance in the first stage, resulting in a more efficient assessment and a more tailored
experience for each student. Second, unlike in most question-by-question adaptive testing
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
models, students taking one of the digital SAT Suite tests can navigate freely through a given
module’s questions, previewing upcoming questions or marking earlier questions to return to
as time permits.
Section breakdown and timing
Each assessment in the digital SAT Suite is composed of two sections: Reading and Writing
and Math. Students have 64 minutes to complete the Reading and Writing section and 70
minutes to complete the Math section.
Each section is composed of two equal-length modules of test questions. Each Reading and
Writing module lasts 32 minutes, while each Math module lasts 35 minutes. Each module is
separately timed, and students can move backward and forward among questions in a given
module before time runs out. When time runs out on the first module of each section, the
test delivery platform moves students to the second module. When students complete the
Reading and Writing section, they are moved to the Math section after a 10-minute break
between the sections. A small number of indistinguishable, unscored items are included in
each section to aid with the test development process.
Total testing time for the digital SAT Suite is 2 hours and 14 minutes for each assessment
(SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9).
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Content Specications
Reading and Writing
The Reading and Writing section of the digital SAT Suite assessments is designed to
measure students’ attainment of critical college and career readiness in literacy. The section
focuses on key elements of comprehension, rhetoric, and language use that the best
available evidence identifies as necessary for college readiness and success. In this section,
students answer multiple-choice questions requiring them to read, comprehend, and use
information and ideas in texts; analyze the craft and structure of texts; revise texts to improve
the rhetorical expression of ideas; and edit texts to conform to core conventions of Standard
Reading and Writing content domains
Questions on the Reading and Writing Section represent one of four content domains:
§ Craft and Structure: Measures the comprehension, vocabulary, analysis, synthesis, and
reasoning skills and knowledge needed to understand and use high-utility words and
phrases in context, evaluate texts rhetorically, and make connections between topically
related texts
§ Information and Ideas: Measures comprehension, analysis, and reasoning skills and
knowledge and the ability to locate, interpret, evaluate, and integrate information and
ideas from texts and informational graphics (tables, bar graphs, and line graphs)
§ Standard English Conventions: Measures the ability to edit texts to conform to core
conventions of Standard English sentence structure, usage, and punctuation
§ Expression of Ideas: Measures the ability to revise texts to improve the effectiveness of
written expression and to meet specific rhetorical goals
Questions from all four domains appear in each Reading and Writing test module, beginning
with Craft and Structure questions and then continuing through Information and Ideas,
Standard English Conventions, and Expression of Ideas questions. Questions within the
Craft and Structure, Information and Ideas, and Expression of Ideas content domains that
test similar skills and knowledge are grouped together to reduce the need for context
switching and arranged from easiest to hardest. This makes it easier for students to budget
their time and allows each test taker the best opportunity to show what they know and
can do. Questions in the Standard English Conventions content domain are arranged from
easiest to hardest regardless of which specific convention is being tested. Table 2 provides a
breakdown of question distribution by content domain.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Table 2: Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Reading and Writing Section Content Domains
and Question Distribution
Testing Points
Craft and
Students will use
comprehension, vocabulary,
analysis, synthesis, and
reasoning skills and
knowledge to understand
and use high-utility words
and phrases in context,
evaluate texts rhetorically, and
make connections between
topically related texts.
Words in Context
Text Structure
and Purpose
≈28% /
and Ideas
Students will use
comprehension, analysis, and
reasoning skills and knowledge
and the ability to locate,
interpret, evaluate, and integrate
information and ideas from texts
and informational graphics.
Central Ideas
and Details
Command of
≈26% /
Students will use editing
skills and knowledge to
make text conform to core
conventions of Standard
English sentence structure,
usage, and punctuation.
Form, Structure,
and Sense
≈26% /
Expression of
Students will use the ability
to revise texts to improve
the effectiveness of written
expression and to meet
specific rhetorical goals.
Rhetorical Synthesis
≈20% /
The Math section of the digital SAT Suite assessments is designed to measure students’
attainment of critical college and career readiness knowledge and skills in math. The digital
SAT Suite Math section focuses on key elements of algebra, advanced math, problem-
solving and data analysis, and geometry and trigonometry (except for the PSAT 8/9 which
does not test trigonometry) that evidence identifies as necessary for college and career
readiness and success. Over the course of the Math section, students answer multiple-
choice and student-produced response (SPR) questions that measure their fluency with,
understanding of, and ability to apply the math concepts, skills, and practices that are most
essential for readiness for entry-level postsecondary work.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Math content domains
Questions on the Math section represent one of four content domains:
§ Algebra: Measures the ability to analyze, fluently solve, and create linear equations and
inequalities as well as analyze and fluently solve equations and systems of equations
using multiple techniques
§ Advanced Math: Measures skills and knowledge central for progression to more
advanced math courses, including demonstrating an understanding of absolute value,
quadratic, exponential, polynomial, rational, radical, and other nonlinear equations
§ Problem-Solving and Data Analysis: Measures the ability to apply quantitative
reasoning about ratios, rates, and proportional relationships; understand and apply unit
rate; and analyze and interpret one- and two-variable data
§ 
Measures the ability to solve problems that focus on area and volume; angles, triangles,
and trigonometry; and circles (NOTE: PSAT 8/9 doesn’t include trigonometry questions.)
Questions from all four content domains appear in each test module. Across each module,
questions are arranged from easiest to hardest, allowing each test taker the best opportunity
to demonstrate what they know and can do. Table 3 provides an overview of the question
distribution by content domain.
Table 3: Digital SAT Math Section Content Domains and Question Distribution
This table shows information for the SAT. Tables for the PSAT-related assessments are broadly similar and can be
found in the full Assessment Framework document.
Testing Points
Students will analyze, fluently
solve, and create linear
equations and inequalities
as well as analyze and
fluently solve equations
and systems of equations
using multiple techniques.
Linear equations
in one variable
Linear equations
in two variables
Linear functions
Systems of two
linear equations
in two variables
Linear inequalities in
one or two variables
≈35% /
Advanced Math
Students will demonstrate the
ability to progress to more
advanced math courses,
including demonstrating an
understanding of absolute
value, quadratic, exponential,
polynomial, rational, radical,
and other nonlinear equations.
Nonlinear equations
in one variable and
systems of equations
in two variables
Nonlinear functions
≈35% /
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Table 3: Digital SAT Math Section Content Domains and Question Distribution
This table shows information for the SAT. Tables for the PSAT-related assessments are broadly similar and can be
found in the full Assessment Framework document.
Testing Points
Solving and
Data Analysis
Students will apply quantitative
reasoning about ratios, rates,
and proportional relationships;
understand and apply unit
rate; and analyze and interpret
one- and two-variable data.
Ratios, rates,
and units
One-variable data:
distributions and
measures of center
and spread
data: models and
Probability and
Inference from
sample statistics
and margin of error
Evaluating statistical
claims: observational
studies and
≈15% /
Students will solve problems
that focus on area and
volume; angles, triangles, and
trigonometry; and circles.
Area and volume
Lines, angles,
and triangles
Right triangles and
≈15% /
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Each of the digital SAT Suite assessments yields three scores: a total score and two section
scores. The total score is based on students’ performance on the entire assessment and
is the arithmetic sum of the two section scores. Two section scores, one for Reading and
Writing and the other for Math, are based on students’ performance on each section.
NOTE: Subscores and cross-test scores will no longer be reported for the digital SAT Suite.
Vertical score scale
The assessments in the suite remain on a vertical score scale so that students and educators
can meaningfully track growth over time. Table 4 details how the vertical scale works for the
digital SAT Suite.
Table 4: Digital SAT Suite Total Score and Section Score Scales
Testing Program Total Score Scale Section Score Scales
 240–1440, in 10-point intervals 120–720, in 10-point intervals
320–1520, in 10-point intervals 160–760, in 10-point intervals
SAT 400–1600, in 10-point intervals 200–800, in 10-point intervals
To help students and educators better understand what scores mean and how to interpret
progress toward college and career readiness over time, College Board has empirically
established benchmark scores for PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, PSAT/NMSQT, and the SAT. College
and Career Readiness Benchmarks establish the points on the score scale at or above which
students are considered college and career ready (i.e., have a high likelihood of succeeding in
common entry-level credit-bearing postsecondary courses), while grade-level benchmarks
help students and their families, teachers, and others track progress toward college and
career readiness.
Table 5 lists the benchmark scores for each assessment based on the age and attainment
of the typical test-taking population(s). Note that because these scores are based on the
performance of many students over many years, they are highly stable but also subject to
occasional revision if and when test performance patterns change. We will continue to review
and analyze performance data as cohorts of students take the digital SAT Suite.
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Table 5: Digital SAT Suite Benchmarks, by Test Section and Testing Program
Benchmark Score
College and
Career Readiness
480 530
 460 510
 430 480
 410 450
 390 430
Skills Insight
Skills Insight
is a tool developed by College Board to help SAT Suite test users better
understand the meaning of scores by describing the skill and knowledge attainment that
these scores typically represent.
The Skills Insight descriptors are vertically aligned so that they show progression in skill
and knowledge attainment across successively higher score bands. Collectively, these
descriptors provide more transparency around the meaning of scores in a different way than
quantitative indicators such as benchmarks or percentile ranks. Skills Insight information will
continue to be included in student score reports for the digital SAT Suite.
Score reports
The student score report is used by students, parents, and educators to better understand
student scores on a digital SAT Suite test. The score report doesn’t just present
students with their scores; it also helps them understand their own progress toward their
postsecondary goals as well as how their scores compare to those of other students. In
addition to scores, student reports include:
§ Performance growth across the SAT Suite. (Students will see how they are progressing
between PSAT 8/9, PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10, and the SAT.)
§ Information on content areas and domains to help students pinpoint where to focus their
practice to improve their score, with links to practice resources.
§ Score comparisons and percentile rankings for a variety of test taker populations,
including the student’s school, district, and state as well as all test takers.
§ Progress toward established benchmarks.
§ National Merit Scholarship qualifying information (if they took the PSAT/NMSQT).
§ Opportunities to connect to resources for college planning (BigFuture®), scholarships
(BigFuture Scholarships), Advanced Placement®, and Student Search Service
The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview
Comparing scores from the current SAT to digital SAT
To facilitate the transition from the current SAT to the digital SAT, scores on the digital SAT
will be statistically linked to scores on the current SAT through a series of studies conducted
in 2022. The underlying linking methodology is essentially the same as that used in most
assessment programs to equate alternate test forms over time.
The digital SAT and paper and pencil SAT measure similar, but not identical, content, so a
score on the paper and pencil test is not a perfect predictor of how a student would perform
on the digital test (and vice versa). Directly linking the digital SAT to the current SAT will
enable a variety of stakeholders to use both digital SAT scores and current SAT scores
without the need for further conversions.
View sample questions for the digital SAT
in the Digital SAT Sample Questions and
Answer Explanations document.
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The Digital SAT Suite of Assessments Specifications Overview