June 2019
Dig Deeper Still
Do I tell the truth? I had to ask myself that question not
long ago after I posted a picture of a gorgeous purple
clematis from my backyard. The caption read, “Spring.” On
the surface that seemed like a perfectly normal, fun post.
It's what I didn’t say in the caption that would have told so
much more. “Spring” didn’t tell the whole story.
What I didn’t say was that those flowers held deeper
meanings for me. The vine grows on a wire frame structure
that looks a bit like a miniature old-time baby carriage. I
bought it twenty years ago not long after I had experienced
a miscarriage.
A wise woman counseled me that it would be a good idea to
get a symbol of some kind in remembrance of the baby. My
friends knew I was grieving so they reached out to try to get
me out of the house. While we were shopping at a local flea market I found the carriage,
and it just seemed to fit. For years I placed potted plants in it on our porch. Later when we
moved to a different house I used it to support the climbing clematis vine.
Since that time, when those flowers bloom, what I “don’t say is they remind me of that
time when I lost a precious little one; they remind me of the family and friends that
supported me when I was at my lowest; they remind me of new beginnings and God’s
promises to me; and they bring me joy. Joy in our Creator. Joy in the strength of family
and friendships. Joy that God had... and has... a perfect plan for you and for me.
Scripture, the Word of God, the love of family and friends... it all carried me through that
I encourage you to dig deeper in Scripture. Read it again. Memorize it. As we read
passages over and over throughout our lives they become a part of how we act, how we
think, and ultimately who we are. Scripture is God-breathed. It is alive. It can transform
and renew our minds. It is worth digging into again and again.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for
every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it
penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts
and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of
your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good,
pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
Also, I encourage you to get curious with your friends and family. Dig a little. When you
ask them how things are going and they answer okay, dig deeper and ask them what
being okay means to them.
When asked what is the greatest commandment, Jesus answered:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30-31
So, do I tell the truth when I post a beautiful creation from our Creator that has multiple
layers of meaning to me? God knows.
Reflect and Respond
What Scripture has jumped out of the page at you lately? Will you share that with
Who has the Holy Spirit put on your mind to reach out to? Will you reach out?
Dig Deeper Still was written by Margo Bodishbaugh -
Margo Bodishbaugh, is the Women's Shepherding Leader at
Fellowship Fayetteville. Margo is happily married to Matt and has
three grown daughters. One of her greatest joys is to meet with
women, hear their stories, and help them find a place to use their
God-given gifts. She speaks "gardening," has an acting background,
and loves to use the creative arts to encourage women in their faith.
Past issues: Fayetteville Women's Devotional eNewsletter
Save the Date!
Women's Retreat: Enough
Friday-Saturday, September 27-28 | New Life Ranch
Registration opens August 1!
Summer Study for Parents
It's not too late to sign up for
Parenting with Grace & Salt
Tuesdays | 6:30-8:30pm | FSM Student Center
June 4 - July 30 (except June 11)
Signup through June 18
(childcare registration is now closed)
Draw near to your Father and deepen your relationship with Him as you parent your
children. This active class, led by Leslie Corbell, will combine personal Bible study with
practical discipline tips based on Conscious Discipline, as well as information about child
and brain development. This class is again open to both men and women. It will be
formatted slightly different from last year's class while covering the same basic
information. Childcare registration is now closed. For questions or to sign up email
Pray for Brazil
Pray for a team of women traveling from Fellowship to Fortaleza, Brazil, June 7 through
the 16. Pray for safety, health, and for the Brazilians who have signed up for the Bible
study classes to attend and experience life-change.
Getting Married?
MERGE Premarital Workshops
MERGE is an 8-week, premarital experience offered each year
in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, only on the Fellowship
Fayetteville campus. These workshops are designed to provide
engaged and seriously dating couples a unique opportunity to
learn, seek wisdom, and receive counsel on marriage from a
Biblical perspective. Cost is $85 per couple and space is limited.
Signup early and be sure to fill out and submit the required
online survey.
Summer Session: July 7 - August 25, 2019
Register HERE for the Summer Session
Registration closes Sunday, June 3o
Fall Session: September 29 - November 17, 2019
Register HERE for the Fall Session
Registration closes Sunday, September 22
As a Christ follower today, we strive to incorporate
discipleship into our everyday relationships. It is not
just evangelizing, but mentoring: a spiritually older
woman in Christ (discipler) teaches and models how to
live a godly faith-filled life to a spiritually younger
woman (disciplee). Formats may vary with each
relationship, but Christ and the Bible remain at the
center with spiritual maturity and reproduction the goal. Visit our webpage to fill out the
online assessment
Need training to become a Discipler? No problem! Our next Women's Discipleship
Training is being offered now: June 9 and 23 in the FSM Conference Room 199.
Click HERE to register.
Service Opportunity
If you have administrative skills and enjoy being around people, we would love to put
your talents to use as a member of our front office volunteer team at Fellowship
Fayetteville. We are currently seeking front desk volunteers to commit to serving weekly
or rotating twice a month - your choice of a four hour shift on Mondays, Wednesdays, or
Fridays. Contact: Ray Wagoner, 479-659-3615 or Vicki Kennedy, 479-659-3684.
Women's Ministry Team
Want to learn more about Fayetteville Women's Ministry?
Reach out to one of our team members to learn how you can get plugged in!
Connect with us!
Please forward this email on to your friends and encourage them to subscribe to our monthly
Women's Devotional eNewsletter. To sign up or make changes to eNewsletter subscriptions from
Fellow ship Fayetteville visit subscribe.fellowshipfayetteville.org.