Introduction to Broadband
and High Speed Internet
Fall 2022
Table of Contents
Broadband or High-Speed Internet ?
Overview of Broadband in USA
NTIA Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)
Broadband Funding Programs
The Life of An Internet Packet
Broadband Key Terms
Broadband Connection Types
Broadband Economics
Broadband or High-Speed
Internet ?
4 Internet For All
Broadband or High-Speed Internet?
High-speed Internet is a generic term used for Internet service that is faster than
the average. Traditionally, the way to determine if a connection is high-speed is to test
its ability to connect multiple devices simultaneously to allow streaming and access to
modern applications.
Which Term to
Use ?
In essence, the terms “Broadband” and “High-Speed Internet” are
mostly interchangeable when the internet speeds are at the FCC standards, or
higher (i.e., a minimum of 25Mbps for download & 3Mbps for upload).
Broadband in telecommunication means a wide bandwidth which can transport
multiple signals over a “broad” range of frequencies and support different internet
traffic types, allowing multiple data streams to be sent at once.
For purposes of this presentation, when talking infrastructure or technology, we will use the
term Broadband and when talking about the service provided, we will use the term High-Speed
Overview of High Speed
Internet in the USA
6 Internet For All
Millions of Americans Don’t Have Reliable High-Speed
17 million Americans do not have High-
Speed Internet @ 25/3 Mbps.
20.9% of Tribal lands and 17.2% of
rural lands do not have 25/3 Mbps High-
Speed Internet.
While 95.6% of household have access to 25/3
Mbps High-Speed Internet, only 68.9% of
households subscribe to service at that
level or above.
Visualization: NTIA National Broadband Availability Map (NBAM)
Source: FCC 2021 Broadband Deployment Report, based on ISP-reported Form 477 data
Red areas indicate where wireline High Speed Internet service is
unavailable at the basic FCC benchmark speed of 25/3 Mbps -
based on FCC Form 477 carrier-reported data.
7 Internet For All
High-Speed Internet Adoption is Uneven Across
65 million Americans do not use the
Internet at all.
10 million Internet users rely solely
on a mobile data plan.
5 Million households not online
identified cost as their main reason
for not using the Internet.
Under-connected Americans are
disproportionally likely to be low-
income, non-white, rural, Tribal, older,
and differently-abled.
Source one: NTIA Internet Use Survey, based on consumer 2019 surveys; American Community Survey Device Ownership data 2015-2019
Visualization: NTIA National Broadband Availability Map (NBAM)
Red areas indicate places where more than 35% of the households have no
Internet at all based on ACS subscription data.
8 Internet For All
It’s Time to Invest in the American Workforce
77% of all jobs require at least some
technology skills.
48% of hiring managers say that
candidates lack the skills needed to fill
open jobs.
29% of students without basic
digital skills say they won’t consider
post-secondary studies.
More than 12 millions households
lack access to a computer, tablet or
Visualization: NTIA National Broadband Availability Map (NBAM)
Source: American Community Survey Device Ownership data 2015-2019
Residents without devices have fewer opportunities to hone their digital
skills, access educational opportunities, and advance in the workforce.
9 Internet For All
Economic Development
Public Safety
Environmental Sustainability
Urban Revitalization
High-Speed Internet allows teleworkers opportunities to more readily
live and work in locations of their own choosing, without having to be
within commuting distance of a corporate center or another base
High-Speed Internet networks enhance educational experiences by
providing students and teachers with access to an array of
resources and the opportunity for distance learning.
High-Speed Internet makes remote access to clinical services
possible and cost-effective. It also allows physicians to monitor
their patients through innovative home health devices.
High-Speed Internet enables local communities, regions and
nations to develop, attract, retain and expand job-creating
businesses and institutions.
Wireless broadband, is becoming indispensable to the interoperability
of police, fire, health and other government entities in both day-to-day
and crisis situations.
Government Services
High-Speed Internet helps government agencies improve quality, lower costs and
increase transparency by improving internal operations and making it easier for
residents to interact with them online.
Fully wired communities can provide residents with opportunities to
take career and skill development classes, allow for more effective public
safety and contribute to greater economic growth.
High-Speed Internet enables buildings to communicate with utilities
and the energy market. Smart buildings and smart grids, hold great
promise for greater efficiencies in energy consumption.
High-Speed Internet is an important tool to address the needs of people with
disabilities. Through various broadband-based applications and supporting
technologies, people with disabilities have access to a new array of smart
devices improving quality of life.
High-Speed Internet is essential to enjoy 21st-century entertainment.
Streaming video, online gaming and connecting with friends and
relatives via social media are only possible because of broadband.
Why High-Speed Internet Matters
Benefits of
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)
Broadband Funding Programs
11 Internet For All
NTIA BIL Broadband Funding Programs
Broadband Equity, Access &
Deployment Program
A program to get all Americans
online by funding partnerships
between states or territories,
communities, and stakeholders to
build infrastructure where we
need it and increase adoption of
high-speed Internet.
Digital Equity Act
Three programs that provide
funding to promote digital
inclusion and advance equity for
all. They aim to ensure that all
communities can access and use
affordable, reliable high-speed
Internet to meet their needs and
improve their lives.
Enabling Middle Mile
Broadband Infrastructure
A program to expand middle
mile infrastructure, to reduce
the cost of connecting unserved
and underserved areas.
Enabling Tribal Broadband
A program for tribal
governments to bring high-
speed Internet to tribal lands. It
also supports telehealth,
distance learning, affordability,
and digital inclusion initiatives.
The Life of An Internet
13 Internet For All
How does the Internet work ?
Wi-Fi Router
01010111 01001111 00101001 10100101 00101001 11010010 11010010 1100
Electric signal (Coaxial)
Light Signal (Fiber Optic)
01010111 01001111 00
Digital Signal
When an Internet user is trying to access a web site, the first thing the computer will initiate is a communication with
the server hosting the website located in a data center by sending a request.
This “request” is a data that will be translated to a series of 1s a
nd 0s (computer language), then will be chopped into
chunks called packets.
Each packet will be sent to the wi-fi router via either wireless or cable (ethernet), then eventually, will exit the router to
he modem and then to the ISP fiber or coaxial network towards the data center location.
The data center, which can be across town or across the world from the end-user, has the requested web page stored
side it. Once the server gets a request to access a particular website, the data flow starts.
14 Internet For All
How does the Internet work ? (Cont’d)
ISP Router
Pole for aerial fiber
Data Center
Each packet will then move through multiple ISP networks, routers and switches towards
the final destination where the packets will be reassembled into a coherent message (The
original request).
The network will choose the optimum route for the packet to reach the server based on the
distance, the links capacity, and other factors.
A separate message will go back through the network to confirm a successful delivery and
right after, the data flow between the user and the server is established.
After exiting the modem, the packets that were converted from a digital signal to an analog signal will enter the ISP
network, which is in most cases a large number of fiber optic cables that either buried underground (Buried Fiber)
or attached to utility poles (Aerial Fiber).
Communication direction (Upload/Download)
Aerial fiber cable
Buried fiber cable
Broadband Key Terms
16 Internet For All
Broadband - The Basics
What is Broadband?
The term Broadband was introduced in
the late 1990’s and it commonly refers to
high-speed Internet access that is
always on and faster than the traditional
dial-up access (Maximum of 56kBits/s)
Broadband is accessed through various
high-speed transmission
technologies that allow the data to move
How is FCC defining
Broadband ?
The Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) defines basic broadband as
transmission speeds of at least 25 Mbps
(megabits per second) downstream
(from the Internet to the user’s computer)
and 3 Mbps upstream (from the user’s
computer to the Internet). Infrastructure
Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) defines
underserved broadband as an Internet
speed of less than 100 Mbps
downstream and 20 Mbps upstream.
How to access High-
Speed Internet?
High-Speed Internet is delivered with
one of two Broadband technologies. The
first technology is physical wire and
cables to connect the networks to the
Internet, and this is called Wired
broadband (e.g., Fiber Optic Cable). The
other is wireless technology (e.g.,
Cellular 5G), and it’s called Wireless
Broadband. Each connection method is
capable of providing high-speed Internet,
but each differs in its own way.
Types broadband connections
Internet speeds are measured at the end-user location (Last Mile)
17 Internet For All
Middle Mile & Last Mile
Distribution Network
(Middle Mile Infrastructure)
Core Network
Access Network
(Last Mile Infrastructure )
Middle Mile
Point of
Middle Mile
Wireless Communication (Microwave)
Wired Communication (Fiber)
Wireless Transceiver (Antenna Tower)
Wired Communication (Coaxial)
Wireless Communication (Satellite)
Wireless Transceiver (Satellite
Last Mile
The electronics and circuitry that
deliver the Internet service to a
Middle Mile
The electronics and circuitry that carry a signal
from interconnection points and aggregation
facilities to a Central Office or Point of Presence.
Interconnected networks
that transmit data between
and across countries and
*Point of Presence(POP): Demarcation point,
access point, or physical location at which two or
more networks or communication devices share a
**Example of Middle Mile Aggregation
Facility is An Internet Exchange Point (IXP),
which is a physical location through which Internet
infrastructure companies such as ISPs connect
with each other.
***Example of Middle Mile Interconnect
Facility is a Data Center, which is a facility
responsible for driving Internet content delivery
and managing network resources.
18 Internet For All
Bandwidth determines the amount of information that can be transmitted across a given path in a given unit of time.
In other words, bandwidth is the size of the medium used to transmit data. The larger the size the more data you can
Downloading 5MB file on 1 Mbps Bandwidth
Downloading 5MB file on 5 Mbps Bandwidth
Bandwidth Analogy
The best way to explain bandwidth is to use an analogy (See the figure below). Think of your bandwidth like a highway,
and your data as cars that travel the same speed. The more lanes you have on the highway, the more cars can travel at a
time it will take 5 cars longer to get to their destination on a 1-lane road than it would on a 5-lane highway.
19 Internet For All
Throughput & Latency
Server Internet
End Device
The amount of a data that a system can transmit over a medium within a specified time. Measured in Megabits* per seconds (Mbps).
Quantity of Data can be sent and
received withing a unit of time
Server Internet
End Device
Time needed for a data packet
e.g., Latency = 20ms + 25ms = 45ms
Network latency, sometimes called lag, is the term used to describe delays in communication over a network. It is a measurement of the
time it takes to send data and receive a response.
* A binary digit (bit) is the minimum unit of binary information stored in a computer system. A bit can have only two states, on or off,
which are commonly represented as ones and zeros.
20 Internet For All
Causes of Network Latency
Latency can be caused by an excessive distance between the server/system making the request and the one that responds to
Bandwidth & Network Congestion
Network congestion happened when there’s a lack of sufficient bandwidth to handle the existing amount of traffic, causing
delays to the transmitted data and increasing latency.
Hardware Misconfigurations & Malfunctions
The check of hardware operation & configuration can be crucial in detecting latency causes. Malfunctioning or misconfigured
equipment can lead to mis-matched connections between systems, which can add latency.
End-User issues
Network problems might appear to be responsible for latency, but sometimes excessive latency is the result of the end-user
device being low on memory or the processing power needed to respond in a reasonable timeframe.
Physical issues
The physical medium used for communication (wires, fiber, wireless) can also be a source of latency. Cables can become
damaged and wireless signal paths can become obstructed leading to loss of data or increased latency.
21 Internet For All
Symmetric vs. Asymmetric for Upload/Download
Symmetrical Communication
Symmetrical communication links are just as
they sound. They have the same download and
upload rates. For example, a 500/500 Mbps
fiber Internet link offers download and upload
speeds of 500 Mbps.
Asymmetrical Communication
Asymmetrical communication links, on the other
hand, do not have the same download/upload
rates. For example, 25/3 denotes a download
speed of 25 Mbps and an upload speed of 3 Mbps.
Asymmetrical data communication can make
more efficient use of bandwidth than symmetrical
data flows, since generally, most users will
download more data than they upload
Upload 500Mbps
Download - 500Mbps
ISP Servers
Download - 25Mbps
Upload 3Mbps
ISP Servers
22 Internet For All
What is Dark Fiber ?
Fiber Provider Network
Dark Fiber
Dark fiber refers to optical fiber infrastructure that has
not yet been lit (*lit fiber), meaning it is installed but
is not yet being used (no data transmission).
Dark fiber is rented by broadband providers who need
to control their own network, so instead of leasing a
service, they lease infrastructure that allows them to
build their own network with their own equipment.
Dark fiber gives clients the capacity to increase
bandwidth as needed without paying any additional
monthly costs and decreases dependence on carrier
response times during events and for upgrades.
Dark fiber is usually priced per strand per mile for a
set period. The dark fiber providers often offer their
client the option of an indefeasible right of use
(IRU)** which can range between 20 to 30 years, paid
upfront along with annual payments for maintenance.
*Lit Fiber: This term is the opposite of dark fiber and refers to a fiber optic cable
that is active and able to transmit data.
** Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) : A contractual agreement (temporary
ownership) of a portion of the capacity of a fiber optic cable.
Visualization: panda com direct Dark Fiber check
Leased Dark Fiber Path
23 Internet For All
Network & Connectivity
Network Topologies
The term network topology describes how devices are connected to each other within the network. It describes how many
connections each device has, in what order, and what sort of hierarchy. Typical network configurations include mesh
topology, ring topology, star topology, and tree topology. Each topology has a different level of fault tolerance.
Star Topology
Also known as hub and spoke.
All the nodes in the network are
connected to a central device like a
hub or switch via cables. Failure of
individual nodes or cables does
not necessarily create downtime in
the network, but the failure of a
central device can.
Low Redundancy.
Mesh Topology
The topology in each node is
directly connected to some or all
the other nodes present in the
network. This redundancy
makes the network highly fault-
tolerant, but the escalated costs
may limit this topology to highly
critical networks.
High Redundancy
Ring Topology
All network nodes are connected
sequentially to a backbone,
except that the backbone ends at
the starting node, forming a
ring. The failure of one node
will result in changing the
direction of the data traffic since
the topology is Bi-directional .
High Redundancy.
Tree Topology
A root node is connected to two or
more sub-level nodes, which
themselves are connected
hierarchically to sub-level nodes.
Medium Redundancy.
24 Internet For All
Network Management Best Practices
What is Network Management?
Network management refers to a system consisting of processes, tools, and applications that help in the administration,
operations, and maintenance of a network infrastructure. Network management systems collect and assist in analysis of network
performance data, which engineers and administrators use to maximize availability, improve network performance, and ensure
reliability and network security. The following are the Network Management Best Practices:
The first step is to understand
your network- how it is
designed, configured, how
devices are connected, and how
data flows within it. A clear
understanding of the following
is necessary:
Network Topology
Network Devices
The OSI Model
The next step is to gain an
understanding of the network
defenses, i.e. the security
controls that are available and
those that are already in place.
Implementing Tried and tested
measures that establish a
functional and effective security
posture for dealing with
common security threats.
Create a map of the network
infrastructure highlighting the
critical devices, systems, and
software that form the network
Tracking network usage helps
identify bandwidth-eating
technologies, and devices which
can cause sluggishness and
connectivity problems for
everyone else.
The network is a complex
architecture consisting of
hundreds of pieces of hardware,
software, systems, and
protocols. Failure can occur in
one of the core network
components and bring down a
whole system.
Network failures can be avoided
by creating network redundancy
in components that are most
likely to fail
Knowing the compliance
requirements of your
business will help you set
expectations and manage
your network better.
Understanding your
Knowing and
Network Security
Identifying &
Tracking Devices, and
Creating Redundancy
to Avoid Network
Understanding your
Network Compliance
25 Internet For All
The deployment or provisioning of duplicate devices or
systems in critical areas. Redundant devices can operate in
active-active, or active-standby; but the goal is the same:
Minimize operational impact of device failures.
Redundancy vs Resiliency in Broadband Networks
The ability to recover, converge or self-heal to restore normal
operations after a disruptive event. Resiliency is enabled by
the proper implementation of redundancies.
Figure 1 shows a redundant fiber optic connection between
two buildings. This network is considered redundant but not
resilient as there are still two single points of failure that
would render the redundant fiber optic cable useless:
Demarcation points & underground pipe
Fiber Optic Cable
Demarcation Point
Figure 2 shows a redundant fiber optic connection between
the two buildings. This network is considered redundant and
resilient as it has two physically separated demarcation points
in each building. An event at any one demarcation point will
not affect the other.
Routing each fiber optic cable via a physically separate
conduit, over a separate path, will ensure that those cable
finders can’t take the service out by cutting a single
underground pipe.
Note : It’s critical that as much distance as possible geographically separates the underground
pipes. Putting them right next to each other would obviously defeat the purpose.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Visualization: VOLOGY (ATSG)
26 Internet For All
OSI Model
OSI Model
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual model that describes the universal standard of
communication functions of a telecommunication system or computing system, without any regard to the system's
underlying internal technology and specific protocol suites. The OSI model has seven layers described below, and helps:
Determine the required hardware and software to build their network.
Understand and communicate the process followed by components communicating across a network.
Perform troubleshooting, by identifying which network layer is causing an issue and focusing efforts on that layer.
Layer - L1
Data Link
Layer – L2
Layer – L3
Layer – L4
Layer – L5
Layer – L6
Layer – L7
Middle Mile Infrastructure's focus
interaction layer, where
application can access
the network services
Ensures that Data is in
a usable format and is
where Data encryption
Maintains connections
and is responsible for
controlling ports and
Transmits Data using
transmission protocols
including TCP and
Decides which physical
path the Data will take
Establishes and
terminates a
connection between
two physically-
connected nodes on a
Transmits raw bits
stream over the
physical medium
(Wired or wireless)
BEAD Infrastructure's focus
27 Internet For All
OSI Model Physical Layer L1
The physical layer is responsible for the physical cable or wireless connection between network nodes. It defines the
connector, cable or wireless technology connecting devices. Layer 1 is responsible for encoding and transmission of the
raw data over a medium.
Example of Wired and Wireless mediums associated with Physical Layer :
Fiber Optic
Transmits data via
light waves. Optical
cable currently has the
highest capacity and
distance of any
transmission medium.
Transmits data via
radio waves over a
clear line of sight
Coaxial Cable
Transmits data over
longer distances than
other copper cables.
Coax is most
commonly used in
cable TV networks.
Transmits data via
radio waves through
an orbiting satellite.
Traditionally used for
remote locations.
Twisted Pair Cable
Commonly used for
telephone and
Ethernet. Usually seen
inside houses
28 Internet For All
OSI Model Data Link Layer L2
The data link layer establishes and terminates a connection between two physically-connected nodes on a network. It
breaks up packets into frames and sends them from source to destination. This layer is composed of two partsLogical
Link Control (LLC), which identifies network protocols, performs error checking and synchronizes frames, and Media
Access Control (MAC) which uses MAC addresses to connect devices and define permissions to transmit and receive data.
Network Switch is the device associated to Data link Layer
A network switch connects devices within a network and forwards data frames to and
from those devices. Unlike a router, Layer 2 switch only understands communication
with devices directly connected to it; Layer 2 has no concept of sources or
destinations "farther away" on the network.
Network switches can operate at either OSI layer 2 (the data link layer) or layer 3 (the
network layer). Layer 2 switches forward data based on the destination MAC address.
Layer 3 switches forward data based on the destination IP address, effectively making
them routers. Some switches can do both, operating at both OSI layers 2 and 3.
48 ports Network switch
Network Switch Symbol
29 Internet For All
OSI Model Network Layer L3
The network layer is responsible for the end-to-end delivery of data between the originating device and the final
destination. Routers forward packets by discovering the best path across a physical networks. The network layer uses
network addresses (typically Internet Protocol addresses) to route packets
Network Router is the device associated to Network Layer
A router is a device that connects two or more packet-switched networks or
subnetworks. Routers manage traffic between these networks by forwarding data
packets towards their intended destination IP addresses.
In order to direct packets effectively, a router uses an internal routing table a list
of paths to various network destinations. The router reads a packet's header to
determine where it is going, then consults the routing table to figure out the most
efficient path to that destination. It then forwards the packet to the next network in
the path.
Network Router Symbol
Enterprise Router
Broadband Connection
31 Internet For All
Broadband connection types
32 Internet For All
Broadband connection types
A system that operates on Mid-
to-high radio frequency signals
and connect two locations that
have a clear line of sight
Originally installed for cable TV but
can be also used to transmit Internet
services. The communication is
typically asymmetrical, with fast
download and slow upload
Cables are deployed using existing
pole infrastructure. Typically,
more cost effective, but may be less
suited for areas with extreme
A remote point in the fiber optic
cable system connecting fiber optic
cables to the distribution system.
(e.g., Data Center, Teleco central
Fiber Optic cables are directly
buried or installed in underground
ducts. Typically, more expensive to
deploy, but may be better suited for
areas with extreme weather
A location serving as a central
point for distribution of
communication services. The
facility serves multiple
Fiber optic cables deployed
and serving as a connection
between the access network
(Last Mile) to the core network
33 Internet For All
Aerial vs Buried Fiber optic cable Pros & Cons
Buried cabling is the opposite of aerial cabling, as it’s
buried under the ground in pipes or conduits rather
than outside along utility poles. This can protect them
from the bad weather that aerial cabling must deal
with, but it can be costly.
Buried Fiber Optic Cabling Aerial Fiber Optic Cabling
Also known as overhead cabling, aerial cabling installs
the Fiber Optic cables typically along a line of utility
poles. The cables connections are kept away from any
foot traffic but are more vulnerable than buried cable.
Protected from extreme weather and damage
Can lease pre-existing conduits/pipes
Preferred by local planning authorities
Easily modified if you need to add more cabling
Can be more cost effective if existing utility poles can be
Often used un rural environment that lack local
planning authorities like that of large towns or cities
Can be expensive due to how deeply cables need to be
buried or geology (e.g., rock or hard clay in the ground)
Risk of cables being dislodged due to an excavation
Expensive to repair
Susceptible to bad weather (e.g., extreme winds, ice,
and tree damage)
Takes time to install due to make-ready requirements
Difficult to install in cities or towns due to local
planning authorities’ guidelines
Broadband Economics
35 Internet For All
Costs | Typically Segmented Into Two Key Categories
Capital Expenditure (CapEx)
Dollar cost to build the network asset
Typically, a large, upfront cost which is depreciated
over the useful life of the asset for accounting
Can include material, land, labor for construction
and connection, engineering, permitting, upgrades
and replacements, and construction equipment.
Operational Expenditure (OpEx)
The day-to-day (ongoing) cost to run and
maintain a network to provide services
Can include power, network maintenance, middle
mile and/or core Internet transit fees (if any), sales
and marketing, customer support, rent, and other
business operation expenses.
In the context of IIJA, the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program in effect
provides a significant CapEx subsidy. Therefore, the key cost considerations for providers are their
remaining CapEx costs (match amount) and ongoing OpEx once the network is
36 Internet For All
Brownfield Builds Can Reduce Costs
are networks built by extending or
upgrading an existing network, thus
leveraging existing infrastructure to
reduce deployment costs
Leveraging Existing
Infrastructure Can
Lower Costs
To manage costs, providers can work
with state and local entities, as well as
private entities, to leverage existing
infrastructure or planned construction
work in relevant areas (e.g.,
transportation) to lower mobilization
and permitting costs.
are networks built entirely from
scratch and thus deployment costs
are typically higher
The majority of CapEx tends to be in civil works
(e.g., digging, plowing, construction, permitting), and then
in network materials (e.g., fiber) and electronics
37 Internet For All
Open Access
Open Access networks, the same physical network infrastructure is utilized by multiple providers delivering services to subscribers. The Open
Access business model has been drawing attention globally as governments and municipalities find the concept of offering competition between
providers and the freedom of choice for the subscriber is essential. It has also proved to be a feasible way to connect rural areas where service
providers might have a hard time generating enough revenue to justify investing in their own network infrastructure.
Unlike more common network arrangements (where one company, owns, operates, and provides services on the network), open access
separates the physical network from the services. An entity owns the network and may contract with a different firms to operate it; multiple
ISPs will provide services on it. Below it’s a diagram of the main component of an Open Access network:
Retail Service
38 Internet For All
Example of an Open Access Arrangement
Funds construction.
Contracts and pays
operators of the
network. No direct
contact with retailers
or End Users.
Hired by Owner to oversee
construction, maintain the
network and be responsible
about sale and support of the
network services on a
wholesale basis with
retailers. Operators work
with retailers and do not
have contact with End Users.
The retailer buy raw
transit on the network
from the operator and
sells consumer services
such Internet & TV to
the End User. Retailers
are responsible for
marketing their
services and provide
customer service.
The End Users are the
customers at the retail
level , who buy services
for their homes or
businesses. End Users
get billed by the
retailers and have no
sight of the Network
owners or operators.
(e.g., ISPs)
End User
(e.g., Residential)
Pays for Service
Pay wholesale fees
Disclaimer: The information above is strictly used as an example and does not define or rule how open access arrangements work.
39 Internet For All
Fiber Optics Deployment Costs
Aerial Underground
Typical range $32,000 - $78,500/mile
$51,000 - $220,000/mile
Other common cost drivers Labor wage, fiber cable cost, brownfield vs. greenfield
Dense $500 - $1,000/home passed $700 - $2,200/home passed
Sparse $2,100 - $4,300/home passed $3,400 - $5,900/home passed
Extremely rural > $6,400/home passed > $10,000/home passed
Key cost driver Passing per mile due to density
Dense $700 - $1,600/drop
Sparse & rural $1,500 - $4000/drop
Key cost driver Aerial vs. underground drops; length of drops
Central & distribution electronics per
home connected
$400 - $850/home connected
Customer premises equipment (CPE) per
home connected
$300 - $675/home connected
Middle-mile / backbone construction per
home connected
$300 (urban) - $900 (rural)/home connected
Cost per mile
Cost per
home passed
Cost per
costs per
Note: All cost estimates represent "greenfield" development to individual homes, i.e., not discounting for "brownfield" cost savings or deployment model to multi-dwelling units (MDUs).
1. Up to $61,000 in extreme scenarios; 2. Up to $400,000 in extreme scenarios. Wide range reflects vastly different build costs on different topographies; 3. Assume 35% take rate; higher take rates would lower cost; 4.
There is typically economies of scale with central equipment costadding new users may incur less marginal cost; 5. CPE costs include fees and materials for installation.
Sources: Rios Partners / BCG expert interviews & analysis, CTC studies, NRTC report, NCHeartGigabit
40 Internet For All
Fiber Optics Deployment Costs (cont’d)
Medium to high density
Urban cores
Medium density
From near urban cores to
highly rural
Very low density
In or near urban cores
Very low density
Highly rural and isolated
14% 3% 37% 46%
12% 17% 34% 37%
and remote
Sources: Rios Partners / BCG expert interviews & analysis; BroadbandNow OpenData; FCC Form 477 Data (retrieved from BroadbandUSA interactive map) and FCC staff estimate (source); 5-
year ACS Survey (2015-2019) from
There are four potentially relevant network rollout archetypes based on unserved" and "underserved" populations, with
implications on costs.
41 Internet For All
Fiber Optics Deployment Costs (cont’d)
sources: Rios Partners / BCG expert interviews & analysis
Rely heavily on
underground except where
poles are available
Likely rely on aerial Likely rely on aerial Rely heavily on aerial, if FTTH
deployment at all
typical aerial
CPM: $78,500 and up
CPHP: $500 - $800
CPM: $47,500 - $63,000
CPHP: $600 - $1,000
CPM: $32,000 - $47,500
CPHP: $2,100 - $4,300
CPM: $32,000 - $47,500
CPHP: > $6,400
CPM: $110,000 - $220,000
CPHP: $700 - $2,200
CPM: $75,000 - $110,000
(up to $135,000 in hard
CPHP: $950 - $1,700 (up to
$2,100 in hard terrain)
CPM: $51,000 - $64,000
(up to $135,000 in hard
CPHP: $3,400 - $5,900
(may exceed $10,000 in hard
CPM: $51,000 - $64,000 (may
exceed $400,000 in extreme
CPHP: > $10,000
suburb /exurb
and remote
CPM = Cost Per Mile
FTTH = Fiber To The Home
CPHP = Cost Per Home Passed
Any Questions?