This paper is included in the Proceedings of the
2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC ’16).
June 2224, 2016 • Denver, CO, USA
Open access to the Proceedings of the
2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
(USENIX ATC ’16) is sponsored by USENIX.
Design Guidelines for High Performance
RDMA Systems
Anuj Kalia, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael Kaminsky, Intel Labs;
David G. Andersen, Carnegie Mellon University
USENIX Association 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 437
Design Guidelines for High Performance RDMA Systems
Anuj Kalia Michael Kaminsky
David G. Andersen
Carnegie Mellon University
Intel Labs
Modern RDMA hardware oers the potential for excep-
tional performance, but design choices including which
RDMA operations to use and how to use them signifi-
cantly aect observed performance. This paper lays out
guidelines that can be used by system designers to navi-
gate the RDMA design space. Our guidelines emphasize
paying attention to low-level details such as individual
PCIe transactions and NIC architecture. We empirically
demonstrate how these guidelines can be used to improve
the performance of RDMA-based systems: we design a
networked sequencer that outperforms an existing design
by 50x, and improve the CPU eciency of a prior high-
performance key-value store by 83%. We also present and
evaluate several new RDMA optimizations and pitfalls,
and discuss how they aect the design of RDMA systems.
1 Introduction
In recent years, Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA)-
capable networks have dropped in price and made sub-
stantial inroads into datacenters. Despite their newfound
popularity, using their advanced capabilities to best eect
remains challenging for software designers. This chal-
lenge arises because of the nearly-bewildering array of
options a programmer has for using the NIC
, and because
the relative performance of these operations is determined
by complex low-level factors such as PCIe bus transac-
tions and the (proprietary and often confidential) details
of the NIC architecture.
Unfortunately, finding an ecient match between
RDMA capabilities and an application is important: As
we show in Section 5, the best and worst choices of
RDMA options vary by a factor of seventy in their over-
all throughput, and by a factor of 3.2 in the amount of
host CPU they consume. Furthermore, there is no one-
size-fits-all best approach. Small changes in application
requirements significantly aect the relative performance
of dierent designs. For example, using general-purpose
In this paper, we refer exclusively to RDMA-capable network inter-
face cards, so we use the more generic but shorter term NIC throughout.
RPCs over RDMA is the best design for a networked
key-value store (Section 4), but this same design choice
provides lower scalability and 16% lower throughput than
the best choice for a networked “sequencer” (Section 4;
the sequencer returns a monotonically increasing integer
to client requests).
This paper helps system designers address this chal-
lenge in two ways. First, it provides guidelines, backed by
an open-source set of measurement tools, for evaluating
and optimizing the most important system factors that
aect end-to-end throughput when using RDMA NICs.
For each guideline (e.g., Avoid NIC cache misses”), the
paper provides insight on both how to determine whether
this guideline is relevant (e.g., by using PCIe counter mea-
surements to detect excess trac between the NIC and
the CPU), and a discussion of which modes of using the
NICs are most likely to mitigate the problem.
Second, we evaluate the ecacy of these guidelines by
applying them to both microbenchmarks and real systems,
across three generations of RDMA hardware. Section 4.2
presents a novel design for a network sequencer that out-
performs an existing design by 50x. Our best sequencer
design handles 122 million operations/second using a
single NIC and scales well. Section 4.3 applies the guide-
lines to improve the CPU eciency and throughput of
the HERD key-value cache [
] by 83% and 35% re-
spectively. Finally, we show that today’s RDMA NICs
handle contention for atomic operations extremely slowly,
rendering designs that use them [27, 30, 11] very slow.
A lesson from our work is that low-level details are
surprisingly important for RDMA system design. Our
underlying goal is to provide researchers and developers
with a roadmap through these details without necessarily
becoming RDMA gurus. We provide simple models of
RDMA operations and their associated CPU and PCIe
costs, plus open-source software to measure and analyze
them (
We begin our journey into high-performance RDMA-
based systems with a review of the relevant capabilities
of RDMA NICs, and the PCIe bus that frequently arises
as a bottleneck.
438 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
56 Gb/s InfiniBand
PCIe 3.0 x16
PCIe control
L3 cache
56 Gb/s InfiniBand
Figure 1:
Hardware components of a node in an RDMA cluster
2 Background
Figure 1 shows the relevant hardware components of a
machine in an RDMA cluster. A NIC with one or more
ports connects to the PCIe controller of a multi-core CPU.
The PCIe controller reads/writes the L3 cache to service
the NIC’s PCIe requests; on modern Intel servers [
], the
L3 cache provides counters for PCIe events.
2.1 PCI Express
The current fastest PCIe link is PCIe “3.0 x16, the 3rd
generation PCIe protocol, using 16 lanes. The bandwidth
of a PCIe link is the per-lane bandwidth times the number
of lanes. PCIe is a layered protocol, and the layer headers
add overhead that is important to understand for eciency.
RDMA operations generate 3 types of PCIe transaction
layer packets (TLPs): read requests, write requests, and
read completions (there is no transaction-layer response
for a write). Figure 2a lists the bandwidth and header
overhead for the PCIe generations in our clusters. Note
that the header overhead of 20–26 bytes is comparable to
the common size of data items used in services such as
memcached [25] and RPCs [15].
MMIO writes vs. DMA reads
There are important dif-
ferences between the two methods of transferring data
from a CPU to a PCIe device. CPUs write to mapped
device memory (MMIO) to initiate PCIe writes. To avoid
generating a PCIe write for each store instruction, CPUs
use an optimization called “write combining, which com-
bines stores to generate cache line–sized PCIe transac-
tions. PCIe devices have DMA engines and can read
from DRAM using DMA. DMA reads are not restricted
to cache lines, but a read response larger than the CPU’s
read completion combining size (
) is split into multiple
is 128 bytes for the Intel CPUs used in
our measurements (Table 2); we assume 128 bytes for the
]. A DMA read always uses less host-
to-device PCIe bandwidth than an equal-sized MMIO;
Figure 2b shows an analytical comparison. This is an
important factor, and we show how it aects performance
of higher-layer protocols in the subsequent sections.
PCIe counters
Our contributions rely on understanding
the PCIe interaction between NICs and CPUs. Although
precise PCIe analysis requires expensive PCIe analyzers
or proprietary/confidential NICs manuals, PCIe counters
available on modern CPUs can provide several useful
Gen Bitrate Per-lane b/w Request Completion
2.0 5 GT/s 500 MB/s 24 B 20 B
3.0 8 GT/s 984.6 MB/s
26 B 22 B
Speed and header sizes for PCIe generations. Lane band-
width excludes physical layer encoding overhead.
        
CPU-to-device PCIe trac for an
-byte transfer with
DMA and MMIO, assuming PCIe 3.0 and C
= 128 bytes.
Figure 2: PCIe background
For each counter, the number of captured events
per second is its counter rate. Our analysis primarily uses
counters for DMA reads (
) and DMA writes
2.2 RDMA
RDMA is a network feature that allows direct access to
the memory of a remote computer. RDMA-providing
networks include InfiniBand, RoCE (RDMA over Con-
verged Ethernet), and iWARP (Internet Wide Area RDMA
Protocol). RDMA networks usually provide high band-
width and low latency: NICs with 100 Gbps of per-port
bandwidth and
s round-trip latency are commercially
available. The performance and scalability of an RDMA-
based communication protocol depends on several factors
including the operation (verb) type, transport, optimiza-
tion flags, and operation initiation method.
2.2.1 RDMA verbs and transports
RDMA hosts communicate using queue pairs (QPs); hosts
create QPs consisting of a send queue and a receive queue,
and post operations to these queues using the verbs API.
We call the host initiating a verb the requester and the
destination host the responder. For some verbs, the re-
sponder does not actually send a response. On completing
a verb, the requester’s NIC optionally signals completion
a completion entry (CQE) to a completion
queue (CQ) associated with the QP. Verbs can be made
unsignaled by setting a flag in the request; these verbs do
not generate a CQE, and the application detects comple-
tion using application-specific methods.
The two types of verbs are memory verbs and messag-
ing verbs. Memory verbs include RDMA reads, writes,
The CPU intercepts cache line-level activity between the PCIe
controller and the L3 cache, so the counters can miss some critical
information. For example, the counters indicate 2 PCIe reads when the
NIC reads a 4-byte chunk straddling 2 cache lines.
USENIX Association 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 439
RC 36 B
UC 
36 B
UD 
68 B
Table 1:
Operations supported by each transport type, and their
Mellanox WQE header size for SEND, WRITE, and READ.
RECV WQE header size is 16 B for all transports.
and atomic operations. These verbs specify the remote ad-
dress to operate on and bypass the responder’s CPU. Mes-
saging verbs include the send and receive verbs. These
verbs involve the responder’s CPU: the send’s payload
is written to an address specified by a receive that was
posted previously by the responder’s CPU. In this paper,
we refer to RDMA read, write, send, and receive verbs as
READ, WRITE, SEND, and RECV respectively.
RDMA transports are either reliable or unreliable, and
either connected or unconnected (also called datagram).
With reliable transports, the NIC uses acknowledgments
to guarantee in-order delivery of messages. Unreliable
transports do not provide this guarantee. However, mod-
ern RDMA implementations such as InfiniBand use a loss-
less link layer that prevents congestion-based losses using
link layer flow control [
], and bit error–based losses us-
ing link layer retransmissions [
]. Therefore, unreliable
transports drop packets very rarely. Connected transports
require one-to-one connections between QPs, whereas a
datagram QP can communicate with multiple QPs. We
consider two types of connected transports in this pa-
per: Reliable Connected (RC) and Unreliable Connected
(UC). Current RDMA hardware provides only 1 datagram
transport: Unreliable Datagram (UD). Dierent transports
support dierent subsets of verbs: UC does not support
RDMA reads, and UD does not support memory verbs.
Table 1 summarizes this.
2.2.2 RDMA WQEs
To initiate RDMA operations, the user-mode NIC driver
at the requester creates Work Queue Elements (WQEs)
in host memory; typically, WQEs are created in a pre-
allocated, contiguous memory region, and each WQE is
individually cache line–aligned. (We discuss methods
of transferring WQEs to the device in Section 3.1.) The
WQE format is vendor-specific and is determined by the
NIC hardware.
WQE size
depends on several factors: the type of RDMA
operation, the transport, and whether the payload is refer-
enced by a pointer field or inlined in the WQE (i.e., the
WQE buer includes the payload). Table 1 shows the
WQE header size for Mellanox NICs for three transports.
For example, with a 36-byte WQE header, the size of a
WRITE WQE with an
-byte inlined payload is 36 +
bytes. UD WQEs have larger, 68-byte headers to store
additional routing information.
a) Outbound verbs b) Inbound verbs
Figure 3: Inbound and outbound verbs at the server.
1, 2
1, 2
0 64
a) WQE-by-MMIO method b) Doorbell method
128 192 256
0 64 128 192 256
Figure 4:
The WQE-by-MMIO and Doorbell methods for trans-
ferring two WQEs (shaded) spanning 2 cache lines. Arrows rep-
resent PCIe transactions. Red (thin) arrows are MMIO writes;
the blue (thick) arrow is a DMA reads. Arrows are marked with
WQE numbers; arrow width represents transaction size.
2.2.3 Terminology and default assumptions
We distinguish between inbound and outbound verbs be-
cause their performance diers significantly (Section 5):
memory verbs and SENDs are outbound at the requester
and inbound at the responder; RECVs are always inbound.
Figure 3 summarizes this. As our study focuses on small
messages, all WRITEs and SENDs are inlined by default.
We define the padding-to-cache-line-alignment function
= x/
64. We denote the per-lane bandwidth,
request header size, and completion header size of PCIe
3.0 by P
, P
, and P
, respectively.
3 RDMA design guidelines
We now present our design guidelines. Along with each
guideline, we present new optimizations and briefly de-
scribe those presented in prior literature. We make two
assumptions about the NIC hardware that are true for all
currently available NICs. First, we assume that the NIC is
PCIe-based device. Current network interfaces (NIs) are
predominantly discrete PCIe cards; vendors are beginning
to integrate NIs on-die [
], or on-package [
], but these
NIs still communicate with the PCIe controller using the
PCIe protocol, and are less powerful than discrete NIs.
Second, we assume that the NIC has internal parallelism
using multiple processing units (PUs)—this is generally
true of high-speed NIs [
]. As in conventional parallel
programming, this parallelism provides both optimization
opportunities (Section 3.3) and pitfalls (Section 3.4).
To discuss the impact on CPU and PCIe use of the
optimizations below, we consider transferring
of size D bytes from the CPU to the NIC.
3.1 Reduce CPU-initiated MMIOs
Both CPU eciency and RDMA throughput can improve
if MMIOs are reduced or replaced with the more CPU-
440 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
+Unsignaled: CQEs are
dropped; reduces PCIe
txns, NIC processing
+Doorbell batching:
Multiple WQEs DMA-ed in
one transaction; reduces
CPU use, PCIe txns
1, 2
Dbell MMIO
1, 2
+WQE shrinking via
header-only SEND:
Uses 4B header field
for application data;
reduces PCIe
bandwidth use
(256 B DMA)
1, 2
Dbell MMIO
1, 2
(128 B DMA)
Figure 5:
Optimizations for issuing two 4-
byte UD SENDs. A UD SEND WQE spans
2 cache lines on Mellanox NICs because of
the 68-byte header; we shrink it to 1 cache
line by using a 4-byte header field for pay-
load. Arrow notation follows Figure 4.
and bandwidth-ecient DMAs. CPUs initiate network op-
erations by sending a message to the NIC via MMIO. The
message can (1) contain the new work queue elements,
or (2) it can refer to the new WQEs by using information
such as the address of the last WQE. In the first case,
the WQEs are transferred via 64-byte write-combined
MMIOs. In the second case, the NIC reads the WQEs
using one or more DMAs.
We refer to these methods
as WQE-by-MMIO and Doorbell respectively. (Dier-
ent technologies have dierent terms for these methods.
Mellanox uses “BlueFlame” and “Doorbell, and Intel
Omni-Path Architecture uses “PIO send” and “SDMA,
respectively.) Figure 4 summarizes this. The WQE-by-
MMIO method optimizes for low latency and is typically
the default. Two optimizations can improve performance
by reducing MMIOs:
Doorbell batching
If an application can issue multiple
WQEs to a QP, it can use one Doorbell MMIO for the
batch. CPU: Doorbell reduces CPU-generated MMIOs
64 w ith WQE-by-MMIO to 1. PCIe:
N =
10 and
D =
65 and PCIe 3.0, Doorbell trans-
fers 1534 bytes, whereas WQE-by-MMIO transfers 1800
bytes (Appendix A).
In this paper, we refer to Doorbell batching as
batching—a batched WQE transfer via WQE-by-MMIO
is identical to a sequence of individual WQE-by-MMIOs,
so batching is only useful for Doorbell.
WQE shrinking
Reducing the number of cache lines
used by a WQE can improve throughput drastically. For
example, consider reducing WQE size by only 1 byte
from 129 B to 128 B, and assume that WQE-by-MMIO
is used. CPU: CPU-generated MMIOs decreases from 3
to 2. PCIe: Number of PCIe transactions decreases from
3 to 2. Shrinking mechanisms include compacting the
application payload, or overloading unused WQE header
fields with application data.
3.2 Reduce NIC-initiated DMAs
Reducing DMAs saves NIC processing power and PCIe
bandwidth, improving RDMA throughput. Note that the
batching optimization above adds a DMA read, but it
avoids multiple MMIOs, which is usually a good tradeo.
In this paper, we assume that the NIC reads all new WQEs in one
DMA, as is done by Mellanox’s Connect-IB and newer NICs. Older
Mellanox NICs read one or more WQEs per DMA, depending on the
NIC’s proprietary prefetching logic.
1, 2
Dbell MMIO
Payload, CQE
Payload, CQE
Dbell MMIO
Header-only RECV: CQE contains application data
from SEND header; saves a PCIe transaction
Inline RECV:
CQE contains
payload; saves a
PCIe transaction
Dbell MMIO
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
Figure 6: Optimizations for RECVs with small SENDs.
Known optimizations to reduce NIC-initiated DMAs in-
clude unsignaled verbs which avoid the completion DMA
write (Section 2.2.1), and payload inlining which avoids
the payload DMA read (Section 2.2.2). The two opti-
mizations in Section 3.1 aect DMAs, too: batching with
requires fewer DMA reads than smaller
shrinking further makes these reads smaller.
NICs must DMA a completion queue entry for com-
pleted RECVs [
]; this provides an additional optimiza-
tion opportunity, as discussed below. Unlike CQEs of
other verbs that only signal completion and are dispensi-
ble, RECV CQEs contain important metadata such as the
size of received data. NICs typically generate two sepa-
rate DMAs for payload and completion, writing them to
application- and driver-owned memory respectively. We
later show that the corresponding performance penalty ex-
plains the rule-of-thumb that messaging verbs are slower
than memory verbs, and using the DMA-avoiding opti-
mizations below challenges this rule-of-thumb for some
payload sizes. We assume here that the corresponding
SEND for a RECV carries an X -byte payload.
Inline RECV
is small (
64 for Mellanox’s NICs),
the NIC encapsulates the payload in the CQE, which
is later copied by the driver to the application-specified
address. CPU: Minor overhead for copying the small
payload. PCIe: Uses 1 DMA instead of 2.
Header-only RECV
X =
0 (i.e., the RDMA SEND
packet consists of only a header and no payload), the
payload DMA is not generated at the receiver. Some
information from the packet’s header is included in the
DMA-ed CQE, which can be used to implement applica-
tion protocols. We call SENDs and RECVs with
X =
header-only, and regular otherwise. PCIe: Uses 1 DMA
instead of 2.
USENIX Association 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 441
Figure 5 and Figure 6 summarize these two guidelines
for UD SENDs and RECVs, respectively. These two
verbs are used extensively in our evaluation.
3.3 Engage multiple NIC PUs
Exploiting NIC parallelism is necessary for high perfor-
mance, but requires explicit attention. A common RDMA
programming decision is to use as few queue pairs as pos-
sible, but doing so limits NIC parallelism to the number of
QPs. This is because operations on the same QP have or-
dering dependencies and are ideally handled by the same
NIC processing unit to avoid cross-PU synchronization.
For example, in datagram-based communication, one QP
per CPU core is sucient for communication with all re-
mote cores. Using one QP consumes the least NIC SRAM
to hold QP state, while avoiding QP sharing among CPU
cores. However, it “binds” a CPU core to a PU and may
limit core throughput to PU throughput. This is likely to
happen when per-message application processing is small
(e.g., the sequencer in Section 4.2) and a high-speed CPU
core overwhelms a less powerful PU. In such cases, using
multiple QPs per core increases CPU eciency; we call
this the multi-queue optimization.
3.4 Avoid contention among NIC PUs
RDMA operations that require cross-QP synchronization
introduce contention among PUs, and can perform over
an order of magnitude worse than uncontended operations.
For example, RDMA provides atomic operations such as
compare-and-swap and fetch-and-add on remote mem-
ory. To our knowledge, all NICs available at the time of
writing (including the recently released
use internal concurrency control for atomics: PUs ac-
quire an internal lock for the target address and issue
read-modify-write over PCIe. Note that atomic opera-
tions contend with non-atomic verbs too. Future NICs
may use PCIe’s atomic transactions for higher performing,
cache coherence-based concurrency control.
Therefore, the NIC’s internal locking mechanism, such
as the number of locks and the mapping of atomic ad-
dresses to these locks, is important; we describe exper-
iments to infer this in Section 5.4. Note that due to the
limited SRAM in NICs, the number of available locks is
small, which amplifies contention in the workload.
3.5 Avoid NIC cache misses
NICs cache several types of information; it is critical to
maintain a high cache hit rate because a miss translates
to a read over PCIe. Cached information includes (1) vir-
tual to physical address translations for RDMA-registered
memory, (2) QP state, and (3) a work queue element
cache. While the first two are known [
], the third is
undocumented and was discovered in our experiments.
Address translation cache misses can be reduced by using
Name Hardware
ConnectX (1x 20 Gb/s InfiniBand ports), PCIe
2.0 x8, AMD Opteron 8354 (4 cores, 2.2 GHz)
ConnectX-3 (1x 56 Gb/s InfiniBand ports), PCIe
3.0 x8, Intel
E5-2450 CPU (8 cores, 2.1
Connect-IB (2x 56 Gb/s InfiniBand ports), PCIe
3.0 x16, Intel
E5-2683-v3 CPU (14 cores,
2 GHz)
Table 2:
Measurement clusters. CX is NSF PRObE’s Nome
cluster [
], CX3 is Emulab’s Apt cluster [
], and CIB is a
cluster at NetApp. CX uses PCIe 2.0 at 2.5 GT/s.
large (e.g., 2 MB) pages, and QP state cache misses by
using fewer QPs [
]. We make two new contributions in
this context:
Detecting cache misses
All types of NIC cache misses
are transparent to the application and can be dicult to de-
tect. We demonstrate how PCIe counters can be leveraged
to accomplish this, by detecting and measuring WQE
cache misses (Section 5.3.2). In general, subtracting the
application’s expected PCIe reads from the actual reads
reported by PCIe counters gives an estimate of cache
misses. Estimating expected PCIe reads in turn requires
PCIe models of RDMA operations (Section 5.1).
WQE cache misses
The initial work queue element
transfer from CPU to NIC triggers an insertion of the
WQE into the NIC’s WQE cache. When the NIC eventu-
ally processes this WQE, a cache miss can occur if it was
evicted by newer WQEs. In Section 5.3.2, we show how
to measure and reduce these misses.
4 Improved system designs
We now demonstrate how these guidelines can be used to
improve the design of whole systems. We consider two
systems: networked sequencers, and key-value stores.
Evaluation setup
We perform our evaluation on the
three clusters described in Table 2. We name the clusters
with the initials of their NICs, which is the main hardware
component governing performance. CX3 and CIB run
Ubuntu 14.04 with Mellanox OFED 2.4; CX runs Ubuntu
12.04 with Mellanox OFED 2.3. Throughout the paper,
we use WQE-by-MMIO for non-batched operations and
Doorbell for batched operations. However, when batching
is enabled but the available batch size is one, WQE-by-
MMIO is used. (Doorbell provides little CPU savings for
transferring a single small WQE, and uses an extra PCIe
transaction.) For brevity, we primarily use the state-of-
the-art CIB cluster in this section; Section 5 evaluates our
optimizations on all clusters.
442 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
     
Figure 7:
Impact of optimizations on HERD RPC-based se-
quencer (blue lines with circular dots), and throughput of
Spec-S0 and the atomics-based sequencer
4.1 Overview of HERD RPCs
We use HERD’s RPC protocol for communication be-
tween clients and the sequencer/key-value server. HERD
RPCs have low overhead at the server and high number-
of-clients scalability. Protocol clients use unreliable
WRITEs to write requests to a request memory region at
the server. Before doing so, they post a RECV to an un-
reliable datagram QP for the server’s response. A server
thread (a worker) detects a new request by polling on the
request memory region. Then, it performs application
processing and responds using a UD SEND posted via
We apply the following two optimizations to HERD
RPCs in general; we present specific optimizations for
each system later.
Instead of responding after detecting one
request, the worker checks for one request from each
of the
clients, collecting
requests. Then, it
SENDs N responses using a batched Doorbell.
Each worker alternates among a tune-
able number of UD queue pairs across the batched
Note that batching does not add significant latency be-
cause we do it opportunistically [
]; we do not wait
for a number of requests to accumulate. We briefly dis-
cuss the latency added by batching in Section 4.2.2.
4.2 Networked sequencers
Centralized sequencers are useful building blocks for a va-
riety of network applications, such as ordering operations
in distributed systems via logical or real timestamps [
or providing increasing osets into a linearly growing
memory region [
]. A centralized sequencer can be the
bottleneck in high-performance distributed systems, so
building a fast sequencer is an important step to improving
whole-system performance.
Our sequence server runs on a single machine and
provides an increasing 8-byte integer to client processes
running on remote machines. The baseline design uses
HERD RPCs. The worker threads at the server share an 8-
byte counter; each client can send a sequencer request to
Baseline +RPC opts Spec-S0 Atomics
26 97.2 122 2.24
Bottleneck CPU DMA bw NIC PCIe RTT
Table 3:
Sequencer throughput (Mrps) and bottlenecks on CIB
any worker. The worker’s application processing consists
of atomically incrementing the shared counter by one.
When Doorbell batching is enabled, we use an additional
application-level optimization to reduce contention for
the shared counter: after collecting
requests, a worker
atomically increments the shared counter by
, thereby
claiming ownership of a sequence of N consecutive inte-
gers. It then sends these
integers to the clients using a
batched Doorbell (one integer per client).
Figure 7 shows the eect of batching and multi-queue
on the HERD RPC-based sequencer’s throughput with
an increasing number of server CPU cores. We run 1
worker thread per core and use 70 client processes on 5
client machines. Batching increases single-core through-
put from 7.0 million requests per second (Mrps) to 16.6
Mrps. In this mode, each core still uses 2 response UD
queue pairs—one for each NIC port—and is bottlenecked
by the NIC processing units handling the QPs; engaging
more PUs with multi-queue (3 per-port QPs per core) in-
creases core throughput to 27.4 Mrps. With 6 cores and
both optimizations, throughput increases to 97.2 Mrps
and is bottlenecked by DMA bandwidth: The DMA band-
width limit for the batched UD SENDs used by our se-
quencer is 101.6 million operations/s (Section 5.2.1). At
97.2 Mrps, the sequencer is within 5% of this limit; we
attribute the gap to PCIe link- and physical-layer over-
heads in the
requests, which are absent in our
SEND-only benchmark. When more than 6 cores are
used, throughput drops because the response batch size
are smaller: With 6 cores (97.2 Mrps), there are 15.9 re-
sponses per batch; with 10 cores (84 Mrps), there are 4.4
responses per batch.
4.2.1 Sequencer-specific optimizations
The above design is a straightforward adoption of general-
purpose RPCs for a sequencer, and inherits the limitations
of the RPC protocol. First, the connected QPs used for
writing requests require state in the server’s NIC and limit
scalability to a few hundred RPC clients [
]. Higher scal-
ability necessitates exclusive use of datagram transport
which only supports SEND/RECV verbs. The challenge
then is to use SEND/RECV instead of WRITEs for se-
quencer requests without sacrificing server performance.
Second, it uses PCIe ineciently: UD SEND work queue
elements on Mellanox’s NICs span
2 cache lines be-
cause of their 68-byte header (Table 1); sending 8 bytes
of useful sequencer data requires 128 bytes (2 cache lines)
to be DMA-ed by the NIC.
USENIX Association 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 443
       
Figure 8: Impact of response batching on Spec-S0 latency
We exploit the specific requirements of the sequencer to
overcome these limitations. We use header-only SENDs
for both requests and responses to solve both problems:
The client’s header-only request SENDs generate
header-only, single-DMA RECVs at the server (Fig-
ure 6), which are as fast as the WRITEs used earlier.
The server’s header-only response SEND WQEs use
a header field for application payload and fit in 1
cache line (Figure 5), reducing the data
response by 50% to 64 bytes.
Using header-only SENDs requires encoding applica-
tion information in the SEND packet header; we use the
4-byte immediate integer field of RDMA packets [
]. Our
8-byte sequencer works around the 4-byte limit as follows:
Clients speculate the 4 higher bytes of the counter and
send it in a header-only SEND. If the client’s guess is cor-
rect, the server sends the 4 lower bytes in a header-only
SEND, else it sends the entire 8-byte value in a regular,
non header-only SEND which later triggers an update of
the client’s guess. Only a tiny fraction (
clients) of SENDs are regular. We discuss this speculation
technique further in Section 5.
We call this datagram-only sequencer
ulation with header-only SENDs). Figure 7 shows its
throughput with increasing server CPU cores.
DMA bandwidth limit is higher than HERD RPCs be-
cause of smaller response WQEs; it achieves 122 Mrps
and is limited by the NIC’s processing power instead of
PCIe bandwidth.
has lower single-core through-
put than the HERD RPC-based sequencer because of the
additional CPU overhead of posting RECVs.
4.2.2 Latency
Figure 8 shows the average end-to-end latency of
with and without response batching. Both
modes receive a batch of requests from the NIC; the two
modes dier only in the method used to send responses.
The non-batched mode sends responses one-by-one using
WQE-by-MMIO whereas the batched mode uses Door-
bell when multiple responses are available to send. We
batch atomic increments to the shared counter in both
modes. We use 10 server CPU cores, which is the mini-
mum required to achieve peak throughput. We measure
       
Figure 9: Improvement in HERD’s throughput with 5% PUTs
throughput with increasing client load by adding more
clients, and by increasing the number of outstanding re-
quests per client. Batching adds up to 1
s of latency
because of the additional DMA read required with the
Doorbell method. We believe that the small additional
latency is acceptable because of the large throughput and
CPU eciency gains from batching.
4.2.3 Atomics-based sequencers
Atomic fetch-and-add over RDMA is an appealing
method to implement a sequencer: Binnig et al. [
use this design for the timestamp server in their dis-
tributed transaction protocol. However, lock contention
for the counter among the NIC’s PUs results in poor per-
formance. The eects of contention are exacerbated by
the duration for which locks are held—several hundred
nanoseconds for PCIe round trips. Our RPC-based se-
quencers have lower contention and shorter lock duration:
the programmability of general-purpose CPUs allows us
to batch updates to the counter which reduces cache line
contention, and proximity to the counter’s storage (i.e.,
core caches) makes these updates fast. Figure 7 shows the
throughput of our atomics-based sequencer: it achieves
only 2.24 Mrps, which is 50x worse than our optimized
design, and 12.2x worse than our single-core throughput.
Table 3 summarizes the performance of our sequencers.
4.3 Key-value stores
Several designs have been proposed for RDMA-based
key-value storage. The HERD key-value cache uses
HERD RPCs for all requests and does not bypass the
remote CPU; other key-value designs bypass the re-
mote CPU for key-value GETs (Pilaf [
] and FaRM-
KV [
]), or for both GETs and PUTs (
and Nessie [
]). Our goal here is to demonstrate how our
guidelines can be used to optimize or find flaws in RDMA
system designs in general; we do not compare across dif-
ferent key-value systems. We first present performance
improvements for HERD. Then, we show how the per-
formance of atomics-based key-value stores is adversely
aected by lock contention inside NICs.
444 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
 
Figure 10:
Throughput of emulated
with increasing
4.3.1 Improving HERD’s performance
We apply batching to HERD as follows. After collecting
requests, the server-side worker performs the
GET or PUT operations on the backing datastore. It uses
prefetching to hide the memory latency of accesses to the
storage data structures [
]. Then, the worker sends
the responses either one-by-one using WQE-by-MMIO,
or as a single batch using Doorbell.
For evaluation, we run a HERD server with a variable
number of workers on a CIB machine; we use 128 client
threads running on eight client machines to issue requests.
We pre-populate the key space partition owned by each
worker with 8 million key-value pairs, which map 16-byte
keys to 32-byte values. The workload consists of 95%
GET and 5% PUT operations, with keys chosen uniformly
at random from the inserted keys.
Figure 9 shows the throughput achieved in the above
experiment. We also include the maximum throughput
achievable by a READ-based key-value store such as Pilaf
that uses
2 small READs per GET (one
READ for fetching the index entry, and one for fetching
the value). We compute this analytically by halving CIB’s
peak inbound READ throughput (Section 5.3.1). We
make three observations:
Batching improves HERD’s per-core throughput by
83% from 6.7 Mrps to 12.3 Mrps. This improve-
ment is smaller than for the sequencer because the
CPU processing time saved from avoiding MMIOs is
smaller relative to per-request processing in HERD
than in the sequencer.
Batching improves peak throughput by 35% from
72.8 Mrps to 98.3 Mrps. Batched throughput is bot-
tlenecked by PCIe DMA bandwidth.
With batching, HERD’s throughput is up to 63%
higher than a READ-based key-value store. While
HERD’s original non-batched design requires 12
cores to outperform a READ-based design, only 7
cores are needed with batching. This highlights the
importance of including low-level factors such as
batching when comparing RDMA system designs.
4.3.2 Atomics-based key-value stores
] and Nessie [
] use RDMA atom-
ics to bypass the remote CPU for both GETs and PUTs.
However, these projects do not consider the impact of the
NIC’s concurrency control on performance, and present
performance for either GET-only (DrTM-KV) or GET-
mostly workloads (Nessie). We now show that locking
inside the NIC results in low PUT throughput, and de-
grades throughput even when only a small fraction of
key-value operations are PUTs.
We discuss
here because of its sim-
plicity, but similar observations apply to Nessie.
caches some fields of its key-value index at
all clients; GETs for cached keys use one READ. PUT
operations lock, update, and unlock key-value items;
locking and unlocking is done using atomics. Running
s codebase on CIB requires significant mod-
ification because CIB’s dual-port NIC are connected in
a way that does not allow cross-port communication. To
overcome this, we wrote a simplified emulated version of
: we emulate GETs with 1 READ and PUTs
with 2 atomics, and assume a 100% cache hit rate.
Figure 10 shows the throughput of our emulated
server with dierent fractions of PUT oper-
ations in the workload. The server hosts 16 million items
with 16-byte keys and 32-byte values. Clients use ran-
domly chosen keys and we use as many clients as required
to maximize throughput. Although throughput for a 100%
GET workload is high, adding only 10% PUTs degrades
it by 72% on CX3 and 31% on CIB. Throughput with
100% PUTs is a tiny fraction of GET-only throughput:
4% on CX3 and 12% on CIB. Note that the degradation
for CIB is more gradual than for CX3 because CIB has a
better locking mechanism, as shown in Section 5.
5 Low-level factors in RDMA
Our guidelines and system designs are based on an im-
proved understanding of low-level factors that aect
RDMA performance, including I/O initiation mecha-
nisms, PCIe, and NIC architecture. These factors are
complicated and there is little existing literature describ-
ing them or studying their relevance to networked systems.
We attempt to fill this void by presenting clarifying perfor-
mance measurements, experiments, and models; Table 4
shows a partial summary for CIB. Additionally, we dis-
cuss the importance of these factors to general RDMA
system design beyond the two systems in Section 4.
We divide our discussion into three common use cases
that highlight dierent low-level factors: (1) batched op-
erations, (2) non-batched operations, and (3) atomic oper-
ations. For each case, we present a performance analysis
focusing on hardware bottlenecks and optimizations, and
discuss implications on RDMA system design.
5.1 PCIe models
We have demonstrated that understanding the PCIe behav-
ior is critical for improving RDMA performance. How-
USENIX Association 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 445
Outbound verbs Inbound verbs
Non-batch Batch Batch + HO Batch Batch + HO 64 B 128 B Z = 1 Z 4096
Rate (Mops) 80 101.6 157 82 122 121.6 76.2 2.24 52
Table 4: Throughput and bottleneck of dierent modes of RDMA verbs on CIB. HO denotes the header-only optimization.
     
(a) CIB
     
(b) CX3
     
(c) CX
Figure 12: Inbound READ and UC WRITE throughput, and the InfiniBand limit for READs. Note the dierent scales for Y axes.
     
(a) PCIe limits for UD SEND with batch size B
  
(b) Optimizations for UD SEND
Figure 11:
(a) Peak batched and non-batched UD SEND
throughput on CIB, with batch size
; dotted lines show corre-
sponding PCIe limits. (b) Eect of optimizations on single-core
UD SEND throughput with 60-byte payload (128-byte WQE).
ever, deriving analytical models of PCIe behavior with-
out access to proprietary/confidential NIC manuals and
our limited resources—per–cache line PCIe counters and
undocumented driver software—required extensive ex-
perimentation and analysis. Our derived models are
presented in a slightly simplified form at several points
in this paper (Figures 5, 6, 13). The exact analytical
models are complicated and depend on several factors
such as the NIC, its PCIe capability, the verb and trans-
port, the level of Doorbell batching, etc. To make our
models easily accessible, we instrumented the datapath
of two Mellanox drivers (ConnectX-3 and Connect-IB)
to provide statistics about PCIe bandwidth use (
). Our models
and drivers are restricted to requester-side PCIe behav-
ior. We omit responder-side PCIe behavior because it
is the same as described in our previous work [
]: in-
bound READs and WRITEs generate one PCIe read
and write, respectively; inbound SENDs trigger a RECV
completion—we discuss the PCIe transactions for the
5.2 Batched operations
A limitation of batching
on current hardware makes it
useful mainly for datagram transport: all operations in a
batch must use the same queue pair because Doorbells
are per QP. This limitation seems fundamental to the
parallel architecture of NICs: In a hypothetical NIC de-
sign where Doorbells contained information relevant for
multiple queue pairs (e.g., a compact encoding of “2 and
1 new WQEs for QP 1 and QP 2, respectively”), sending
the Doorbell to the NIC processing units handling these
QPs would require an expensive selective broadcast inside
the NIC. These PUs would then issue separate DMAs for
WQEs, losing the coalescing advantage of batching. This
limitation makes batching less useful for connected QPs,
which provide only one-to-one communication between
two machines: the chances that a process has multiple
messages for the same remote machine are low in large
deployments. We therefore discuss batching for UD trans-
port only.
446 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
Payload, CQE DMA
WQE DMA: cache miss
while generating request
RDMA request
RDMA response
WQE DMA: cache miss
while servicing response
WQE MMIO: inserts
WQE into cache
(a) PCIe model for reliable verbs
         
(b) WQE cache misses for READs
         
(c) WQE cache misses for RC WRITEs
Figure 13:
PCIe model showing possible WQE cache misses, and measurement of WQE cache misses for READs and RC WRITEs.
5.2.1 UD SENDs
Figure 11 shows the throughput and PCIe bandwidth limit
of batched and non-batched UD SENDs on CIB. We use
one server to issue SENDs to multiple client machines.
With batching, we use batches of size 16 (i.e., the NIC
DMAs 16 work queue elements per Doorbell). Otherwise,
the CPU writes WQEs by the WQE-by-MMIO method.
We use as many cores as required to maximize throughput.
Batching improves peak SEND throughput by 27% from
80 million operations/s (Mops) to 101.6 Mops.
Batched throughput is limited by DMA
bandwidth. For every DMA completion of size
there is header overhead of
bytes (Section 2.1), leading
to 13443 MB/s of useful DMA read bandwidth on CIB.
As UD WQEs span at least 2 cache lines, the maximum
WQE transfer rate is 13443
105 million/s, which
is within 5% of our achieved throughput; we attribute the
dierence to link- and physical-layer PCIe overheads.
Non-batched throughput is limited by MMIO band-
width. The write-combining MMIO rate on CIB is
64 +
) =
175 million cache lines/s. UD
SEND WQEs with non-zero payload span at least 2 cache
lines (Table 1), and achieve up to 80 Mops. This is within
10% of the 87.5 Mops bandwidth limit.
Multi-queue optimization
Figure 11b shows single-
core throughput for batched and non-batched 60-byte UD
SENDs—the largest payload size for which the WQEs
fit in 2 cache lines. Interestingly, batching decreases
core throughput if only one QP is used: with one QP, a
core is coupled to a NIC processing unit (Section 3.3),
so throughput depends on how the PU handles batched
and non-batched operations. Batching has the expected
eect when we break this coupling by using multiple
QPs. Batched throughput increases by
2x on all clus-
ters with 2 QPs, and between 2–3.2x with 4 QPs. Non-
batched (WQE-by-MMIO) throughput does not increase
with multiple QPs (not shown in graph), showing that it
is CPU-limited.
CIB 122.0 82.0 157.0 101.6
CX3 34.0 21.8 32.1 26.0
CX 15.39.6 11.9 11.9
Table 5:
Per-NIC rate (millions/s) for header-only (0) and regu-
lar ( 1) SENDs and RECVs
Design implications
RDMA-based systems can often
choose between CPU-bypassing and CPU-involving de-
signs. For example, clients can access a key-value
store either by READing directly from the server’s mem-
ory [
], or via RPCs as in HERD [
]. Our
results show that achieving peak performance on even
the most powerful NICs does not require a prohibitive
amount of CPU power: only 4 cores are needed to saturate
the fastest PCIe links. Therefore, CPU-involving designs
will not be limited by CPU processing power, provided
that their application-level processing permits so.
5.2.2 UD RECVs
Table 5 compares the throughput of header-only and
payload-carrying regular RECVs (Figure 6). In our experi-
ment, multiple client machines issue SENDs to one server
machine that posts RECVs. On CIB, avoiding the payload
DMA with header-only RECVs increases throughput by
49% from 82 Mops to 122 Mops, and makes them as fast
as inbound WRITEs (Figure 12a).
Table 5 also compares
header-only and regular SENDs (Figure 5). Header-only
SENDs use single-cache line WQEs and achieve 54%
higher throughput.
Design implications
Developers avoid RECVs at perfor-
mance critical machines as a rule of thumb, favoring the
faster READ/WRITE verbs [
]. Our work provides
the exact reason: RECVs are slow due to the CQE DMA;
they are as fast as inbound WRITEs if it is avoided.
Current RDMA implementations allow 4
bytes of application data in the packet header of header-
Inline-receive improves regular RECV throughput from 22 Mops
to 26 Mops on CX3, but is not yet supported for UD on CIB.
USENIX Association 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 447
only SENDs. For applications that require larger mes-
sages, header-only SEND/RECV can be used if specu-
lation is possible; we demonstrated such a design for
an 8-byte sequencer in Section 4.2. In general, specu-
lation works as follows: clients transmit their expected
response along with requests, and get a small confirma-
tion response in the common case. For example, in a
key-value store with client-side caching, clients can send
GET requests with the key and its cached version number
(using a WRITE or regular SEND). The server replies
with a header-only “OK” SEND if the version is valid.
There are applications for which 4 bytes of per-message
data suces. For example, some database tables in the
] benchmark have primary key size between 2
and 3 bytes. A table access request can be sent using a
header-only SEND (using the remaining 1 byte to specify
the table ID), while the response may need a larger SEND.
5.3 Non-batched operations
5.3.1 Inbound READs and WRITEs
Figure 12 shows the measured throughput of inbound
READs and UC WRITEs, and the InfiniBand bandwidth
limit of inbound READs. We do not show the InfiniBand
limit for WRITEs and the PCIe limits as they are higher.
On our clusters, inbound READs and
WRITEs are initially bottlenecked by the NIC’s process-
ing power, and then by InfiniBand bandwidth. The pay-
load size at which bandwidth becomes a bottleneck de-
pends on the NIC’s processing power relative to band-
width. For READs, the transition point is approximately
128 bytes, 256 bytes, and 64 bytes for CX, CX3, and
CIB, respectively. CIB NICs are powerful enough to satu-
rate 112 Gbps with 64-byte READs, whereas CX3 NICs
require 256-byte READs to saturate 56 Gbps.
The transition point is an important factor
for systems that make tradeos between the size and
number of READs: For key-value lookups of small items
32 bytes), FaRM’s key-value store [
] can use one
large (
256-byte) READ. In a client-server design where
inbound READs determine GET performance, this design
performs well on CX3 because 32- and 256-byte READs
have similar throughput; other designs such as DrTM-
KV [
] and Pilaf [
] that instead use 2–3 small READs
may provide higher throughput on CIB.
5.3.2 Outbound READs and WRITEs
For brevity, we only present a summary of the perfor-
mance of non-batched outbound operations on CIB. Out-
bound UC WRITEs larger than 28 bytes, i.e., WRITEs
with WQEs spanning more than one cache line (Ta-
ble 1), achieve up to 80 Mops and are bottlenecked by
PCIe MMIO throughput, similar to non-batched outbound
SENDs (Figure 11a). READs achieve up to 88 Mops and
      
Figure 14: Atomics throughput with increasing concurrency
are bottlenecked by NIC processing power.
Achieving high outbound throughput
requires main-
taining multiple outstanding requests via pipelining.
When the CPU initiates an RDMA operation, the work
queue element is inserted into the NIC’s WQE cache.
However, if the CPU injects new WQEs faster than the
NIC’s processing speed, this WQE can be evicted by
newer WQEs. This can cause cache misses when the
NIC eventually processes this WQE while generating its
RDMA request packets, while servicing its RDMA re-
sponse, or both. Figure 13a summarizes this model.
To quantify this eect, we conduct the following ex-
periment on CIB: 14 requester threads on a server issue
windows of
8-byte READs or WRITEs over reliable
transport to 14 remote processes. In Figures 13b and 13c,
we show the cumulative RDMA request rate, and the ex-
tent of WQE cache misses using the
rate. Each thread waits for the
requests to complete
before issuing the next window. We use all 14 cores on
the server to generate the maximum possible request rate,
and RC transport to include cache misses generated while
processing ACKs for WRITEs. We make the following
observations, showing the importance of the WQE cache
in improving and understanding RDMA throughput:
The optimal window size for maximum throughput
is not obvious: throughput does not always increase
with increasing window size, and is dependent on the
NIC. For example,
N =
16 and
N =
512 maximize
READ throughput on CX3 and CIB respectively.
Higher RDMA throughput may be obtained at the
cost of PCIe reads. For example, on CIB, both
READ throughput and PCIe read rate increases as
increases. Although the largest
is optimal for a
machine that only issues outbound READs, it may
be suboptimal if it also serves other operations.
CIB’s NIC can handle the CPU’s peak WQE injec-
tion rate for WRITEs and never suers cache misses.
This is not true for READs, indicating that they re-
quire more NIC processing than reliable WRITEs.
5.4 Atomic operations
NIC processing units contend for locks during atomic
operations (Section 3.4). The performance of atomics
depends on the amount of parallelism in the workload
with respect to the NIC’s internal locking scheme. To vary
448 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
the amount of parallelism, we create an array of
counters in a server’s memory, and multiple remote client
processes issue atomic operations on counters chosen
randomly at each iteration. Figure 14 shows the total
client throughput in this experiment. For CX3, it remains
2.7 Mops irrespective of Z; for CIB, it rises to 52 Mops.
Inferring the locking mechanism
The flatness of CX3’s
throughput graph indicates that it serializes all atomic
operations. For CIB, we measured performance with
randomly chosen pairs of addresses and observed lower
performance for pairs where both addresses have the same
12 LSBs. This strongly suggests that CIB uses 4096 buck-
ets to slot atomic operations by address—a new operation
waits until its slot is empty.
Bottlenecks and implications
Throughput on CX3 is
limited by PCIe latency because of serialization. For CIB,
buering and computation needed for PCIe read-modify-
write makes NIC processing power the bottleneck.
The abysmal throughput for
Z =
1 on both NICs re-
arms that atomics are a poor choice for a sequencer; our
optimized sequencer in Section 4 provides 12.2x higher
performance with a single server CPU core. A lock ser-
vice for data stores, however, might use a larger
. Atom-
ics could perform well if such an application used CIB,
but they are very slow with CX3, which is the NIC used in
prior work [
]. With CIB, careful lock placement is
still necessary. For example, if page-aligned data records
have their lock variables at the same oset in the record,
all lock requests will have the same 12 LSBs and will get
serialized. A deterministic scheme that places the lock
at dierent osets in dierent records, or a scheme that
keeps locks separate from the data will perform better.
6 Related work
High-performance RDMA systems
Designing high-
performance RDMA systems is an active area of research.
Recent advances include several key-value storage sys-
tems [
] and distributed transaction pro-
cessing systems [
]. A key design decision in
each of these systems is the choice of verbs, made using
a microbenchmark-based performance comparison. Our
work shows that there are more dimensions to these com-
parisons than these projects explore: two verbs cannot
be exhaustively compared without exploring the space of
low-level factors and optimizations, each of which can
oset verb performance by several factors.
Low-level factors in network I/O
Although there is a
large body of work that measures the throughput and CPU
utilization of network communication [
there is less existing literature on understanding the low-
level behavior of network cards. NIQ [
] presents a high-
level picture of the PCIe interactions between an Ethernet
NIC and CPUs, but does not discuss the more subtle
interactions that occur during batched transfers. Lee et
al. [
] study the PCIe behavior of Ethernet cards using
a PCIe protocol analyzer, and divide the PCIe trac into
Doorbell trac, Ethernet descriptor trac, and actual data
trac. Similarly, analyzing RDMA NICs using a PCIe
analyzer may reveal more insights into their behavior than
what is achievable using PCIe counters.
7 Conclusion
Designing high-performance RDMA systems requires a
deep understanding of low-level RDMA details such as
PCIe behavior and NIC architecture: our best sequencer
50x faster than an existing design and scales perfectly,
our optimized HERD key-value store is up to 83% faster
than the original, and our fastest transmission method is
up to 3.2x faster than the commonly-used baseline. We
believe that by presenting clear guidelines, significant
optimizations based on these guidelines, and tools and
experiments for low-level measurements on their hard-
ware, our work will encourage researchers and developers
to develop a better understanding of RDMA hardware
before using it in high-performance systems.
We are tremendously grateful to
Joseph Moore and NetApp for providing access to the
CIB cluster. We thank Hyeontaek Lim and Sol Boucher
for providing feedback, and Liuba Shrira for shepherd-
ing. Emulab [
] and PRObE [
] resources were used
in our experiments. PRObE is supported in part by NSF
awards CNS-1042537 and CNS-1042543 (PRObE). This
work was supported by funding from the National Sci-
ence Foundation under awards 1345305 and 1314721,
and by Intel via the Intel Science and Technology Center
for Cloud Computing (ISTC-CC).
Appendix A. WQE-by-MMIO and Door-
bell PCIe use
We denote the doorbell size by
. The total data transmit-
ted from CPU to NIC with the WQE-by-MMIO method
64 +
bytes. With cache
line padding, 65-byte WQEs are laid out in 128-byte
slots in host memory; assuming
bytes. We ignore the PCIe link-
layer trac since it is small compared to transaction-layer
trac: it is common to assume 2 link-layer packets (1
flow control update and 1 acknowledgment, both 8 bytes)
per 4-5 TLPs [
], making the link-layer overhead < 5%.
Substituting d = 8 gives T
= 1800, and T
= 1534.
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