(No Previous Knowledge Required)
Course Overview:
No previous knowledge is required. This course is designed for absolute beginners, focusing on
building a foundational understanding of basic Spanish. By the end of the course, students will
be able to understand and use very simple phrases and expressions for everyday communication.
Lesson Breakdown:
1- Introduction to Spanish: Greetings and Farewells
• Vocabulary: Basic greetings (Hola, Buenos días), simple farewells (Adiós, Hasta luego).
• Grammar: Understanding gender (masculine/feminine) and singular nouns.
• Practice: Repeating and memorizing basic greetings, practicing simple dialogues (Hello, my name
2- Introducing Yourself and Others
• Vocabulary: Personal information (name, age, nationality).
• Grammar: Introduction to the verb ser (to be) in the present tense (Yo soy, Tú eres).
• Practice: Very simple introductions (My name is…, I am from…), repetition exercises.
3- Numbers and Basic Questions
• Vocabulary: Numbers 1-100, simple question words (What?, Where?).
• Grammar: Plural nouns, forming basic questions.
• Practice: Counting objects, asking and answering simple questions about names and ages.
4- Describing Other People
• Vocabulary: Basic and simple personality traits (nice, friendly).
• Grammar: Introduction to adjectives and their agreement with nouns in gender and number.
• Practice: Describing others with visual aids to support learning.
5- Describing Places and Objects
• Vocabulary: Simple adjectives (big, small, beautiful), places (house, school).
• Grammar: Introduction to the verb estar (to be) for location, basic use of ser vs. estar.
• Practice: Describing objects and places (The house is big…, The school is small…), repetition and
6- Food and Ordering in a Restaurant
• Vocabulary: Basic food items, simple phrases for ordering.
• Grammar: Introduction to basic sentence structures for requests.
• Practice: Ordering food in a restaurant, asking for simple items, using visual aids to reinforce learning.
7- Basic Directions and Describing Your City
• Vocabulary: Directions (left, right, straight), places in a city (park, store, street).
• Grammar: Using estar for locations, introduction to simple prepositions (in, on, near).
• Practice: Asking for and giving directions, describing basic aspects of a city (The park is near…,
The store is on the corner…).
8- Review and Simple Conversations
• Review: Recap of all vocabulary and grammar.
• Practice: Very basic role-plays, practicing simple conversations in pairs (asking for directions,
describing others).
Course Overview:
This course is for students who have a basic understanding of Spanish. It focuses on reinforcing
simple concepts and slowly introducing the past tense to discuss familiar topics.
Lesson Breakdown:
9- Review of Basic Concepts
Vocabulary: Recap of greetings, numbers, and family members.
Grammar: Review of the verb ser and basic present tense verbs.
Practice: Simple sentences, reinforcing previous knowledge with repetition and slow-paced exercises.
10- Talking About Past Experiences (Part 1)
Vocabulary: Simple past activities (walked, ate, went).
Grammar: Introduction to the preterite tense of regular -ar verbs (e.g., hablé - I spoke).
Practice: Forming very simple sentences about past events (Yesterday, I walked…), focusing on one verb at a
11- Talking About Past Experiences (Part 2)
Vocabulary: More past activities (worked, studied, lived).
Grammar: Continued practice with the preterite tense, introduction to -er and -ir verbs.
Practice: Building on previous lesson, slowly constructing more sentences (Last week, I worked…).
12- Describing People in the Past
Vocabulary: Descriptive adjectives, simple physical descriptions.
Grammar: Introduction to the imperfect tense for describing ongoing past actions (e.g., era - was).
Practice: Simple sentences about past descriptions (When I was young…, My grandmother was…), with
visual aids.
13- Talking About Your Day in the Past
Vocabulary: Daily routine activities in the past (woke up, went to work).
Grammar: More practice with the imperfect tense, comparing it with the preterite.
Practice: Describing a typical day in the past (Every day, I used to wake up…), with step-by-step guidance.
14- Expressing Simple Opinions
Vocabulary: Basic phrases for expressing opinions (I think, I like).
Grammar: Introduction to simple opinion phrases, very basic use of the subjunctive.
Practice: Expressing opinions about familiar topics (I think the weather is good…, I like Spanish…), with
extensive repetition.
15- Talking About Future Plans (Introduction)
Vocabulary: Simple future events (tomorrow, next week).
Grammar: Introduction to ir a + innitive for expressing near-future actions (I am going to…).
Practice: Very simple sentences about future plans (Tomorrow, I am going to…), using visual aids and
16- Review and Guided Conversations
Review: Slow recap of all vocabulary and grammar, focusing on problem areas.
Practice: Simple guided conversations combining past, present, and future tenses, with support from the
Course Overview:
This course is for students who are ready to build on their basic knowledge, moving towards more
complex sentences and a better understanding of conversational Spanish, at a slow and steady
Lesson Breakdown:
17- Review of Past Tenses and Basic Opinions
• Vocabulary: Simple phrases for past events and opinions.
• Grammar: Slow review of the preterite and imperfect tenses, introduction to expressing opinions.
• Practice: Practicing with basic sentences, ensuring clear understanding before moving on.
18- Expressing Opinions in Simple Conversations
• Vocabulary: Phrases like “I think that…”, “In my opinion…”.
• Grammar: Introduction to the subjunctive in a very basic form (e.g., I think that you should…).
• Practice: Role-playing very simple conversations, practicing opinion phrases with extensive repetition.
19- Discussing Simple Hypothetical Situations
• Vocabulary: Basic hypothetical phrases (If I had…, If it were…).
• Grammar: Introduction to the conditional tense (I would…).
• Practice: Forming very simple conditional sentences, slowly building condence in using “what if”
20- Making Comparisons
• Vocabulary: Comparative and superlative adjectives (bigger, smaller, the best).
• Grammar: Slowly introducing the structure for making comparisons (more than, less than).
• Practice: Comparing familiar objects, places, and people (e.g., My house is bigger than…), with visual
21- Discussing Daily Routines in the Present and Past
• Vocabulary: Review of daily routine vocabulary, introduction to phrases like “used to”.
• Grammar: Practice with imperfect tense to describe past routines, continued use of present tense.
• Practice: Slowly constructing sentences about routines, comparing past and present activities (I used
to… Now I…).
22- Giving Simple Advice
• Vocabulary: Basic advice phrases (You should…, It’s better to…).
• Grammar: Introduction to the imperative mood, focusing on familiar verbs.
• Practice: Role-playing scenarios where advice is needed (e.g., What should I do?), with extensive
support from the instructor.
23- Discussing Future Hopes and Plans
• Vocabulary: Future-related vocabulary (hope, plan, want).
• Grammar: Continued practice with the future tense and simple subjunctive for expressing wishes.
• Practice: Forming sentences about hopes and plans (I hope to…, I want to…), using visual prompts
and repetition.
24- Review and Slow-Paced Conversations
• Review: Comprehensive review, focusing on reinforcing understanding of key concepts.
• Practice: Guided conversations, combining past, present, and future tenses, with extensive support
and slow pacing to ensure comprehension.
Course Overview:
Suitable for Independent Spanish Speakers. Engage in debates on current topics to refine
language skills.
• Caminito del Rey - Discuss the historical and cultural signicance of this famous walkway in Spain,
its renovation, and its impact on local tourism.
• Las Hilanderas de Velázquez - Analyze the themes, techniques, and historical context of this
masterpiece by Diego Velázquez, exploring its signicance in Spanish art.
• Turismo de Masas - Debate the advantages and disadvantages of mass tourism, focusing on its
effects on local communities, economies, and the environment.
• Reparación Histórica - Discuss the concept of historical reparations, the challenges of addressing
past injustices, and the importance of reconciling history with the present.
• Prisiones de El Salvador - Explore the conditions, reforms, and human rights issues related to the
prison system in El Salvador, and its broader implications.
• Sevilla - Discuss the cultural, historical, and architectural signicance of Sevilla, and how the city
represents the essence of Andalusian culture.
• Abandono de la Escritura - Debate the decline in traditional writing (handwriting and letter-writing)
in the digital age, and its implications for communication and culture.
• La Isla de Pascua - Explore the mystery, history, and cultural signicance of Easter Island, including
its famous Moai statues and the impact of tourism on the island.