Rosh Hashanah Greetings
Presented with love from
The Sisterhood of Temple Ramat Zion
As we enter 5784 we have all become aware of the
benefits of vaccines and boosters to keep us healthy.
This year TRZ is offering you a special dose of
Vitamin C! Not the kind you get from oranges.
Vitamin Community. It keeps you healthy and happy
all year long. Make sure that you get the recommended
daily dose of community through your friends and
family at TRZ.
May we all share wonderful moments together in the
coming year, and may this year be filled with good
health and many blessings for all of us.
Shanah Tovah Umetukah.
-Rav Ahud Sela
On this Rosh Hashannah may this New Year
be lled with health and happiness for you
and your family. On Yom Kippur may all
your prayers be heard and may God bless
you with all that is good.
Hazzan Daniel and Jodie Freidman,
Isabelle, Georgia, Lilia, Zoe, Lucas and Jonas
Dear TRZ Family,
Happy 5784!
I am happy to be observing my 35
High Holidays at TRZ and
I am now honored to be celebrating my 2nd as your President.
As you can tell, TRZ is my second home and Family!
Now that summer is waning and we are in the season of re-
pentance we all, as individuals and as a community, need to
reflect on the past year and move forward in the coming year.
Please be involved this year as we will be creating many new
activities and events that will bring us together and reward you
with a life of enjoyment, community and spirituality.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, our dedicated professional
and office staff and the Osadchey family I wish you all
Tova Umetukah.
May you and your loved ones be inscribed
in the Book of Life and sealed for a year of health, happiness
and peace.
Alan Osadchey
On behalf of our Sisterhood Board of Directors and their families, we wish
our entire TRZ family, Rav Sela and Hazzan Friedman, our leadership, the
wonderful teachers in our Religious School and Early Learning Center,
and of course our caring staff, a most heartfelt L’Shanah Tova. We know
that 5784 will again give us many challenges, but our hope for all of you, is
that it will bring a new year of good health, happiness, prosperity and
peace for America, Israel and the world.
Our TRZ Sisterhood is affiliated with our International organization,
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. Their mission is to unite
synagogue women in support of Conservative Judaism, perpetuating its
teachings and observances in the home, the synagogue, and community
at large, and strengthening the bonds with our Jewish brethren in Israel
and across the world.
Our Sisterhood has been a very important arm of TRZ since its beginnings
in 1960. For 63 years, Sisterhood has been a very supportive affiliate,
and most active in all areas of the synagogue, both financially and in their
service to TRZ. Our only outside fundraising efforts are for the Women’s
League Torah Fund Campaign that helps to underwrite the Conservative
seminaries that train future rabbis and religious leaders.
As every TRZ woman member is a part of our Sisterhood, we encourage
you to join our International organization. We value your presence, and
your input. Please join us for our upcoming meetings and programs.
Our appreciation and thank you to everyone who supported and participat-
ed in this year’s beautiful High Holiday Greetings. We thank you for your
purchase of gift cards throughout the year, and being a part of our monthly
TRZ family tribute grams.
L’Shanah Tova U’Metukah. May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life.
Sheree Wolk and Gayle Bisho
5784 High Holiday Greengs from
the Board of Temple Ramat Zion
Execuve Commiee
Alan Osadchey, President
Execuve Vice President – Michelle Dean
Administrave Vice President -J udi Greenberg
Religious Vice President – J. P. Wolk
Financial Vice President David Perren
Educaon Vice President – Aaron Simon
Membership Vice President – Bobbie Sadiko
Ways and Means Vice President – Howard Langfus
Secretary – Ria Snoek
Mens Club President Marc Osadchey
Sisterhood Co-Presidents Carol Maller and Diane Schwarz
Immediate Past President – Susan Lukenbill
Board of Directors
Rebecca Diamond Sco Himelstein Burt Margulis
Alyssa Eisman Arlene Hoang Maxine Simon
David Ficksman Karen Jackson Jennifer Simpson
CaryFox Aimee Katz Jason Troshinsky
Linda Fox David Leitch Michelle Troshinsky
Janet Govenar Morris Levy Hannah Villhauer
Amy Graham Burt Margulis Darci Weintraub-Siegel
Wishing our TRZ Family a
Happy, Healthy and Sweet New Year
With Love from TRZ Sisterhood
Temple Ramat Zion Sisterhood
2023 2024 Board of Directors
Execuve Commiee
Co-Presidents – Gayle Bisho and Sheree Wolk*
Administrave Vice President Carol Maller*
Catering Vice President Gloria Sher*
Membership Vice President Lynne Lertzman
Program Co-Vice Presidents – Phyllis Fleschler and Karen Jackson*
Religious Vice President – Julie Steinschriber*
Torah Fund Co-Vice President Lori Rose and Diane Schwarz*
Ways and Means Vice President Janice Banarer
Corresponding Secretary Susan Cohen
Recording Secretary Bonnie Elias
Financial Secretary Sheree Wolk*
Treasurer – Judy Shandling
Parliamentarian Linda Zucker*
Board of Directors
Elaine Adelman* Roberta Fox* Marla Marks
Caryn Baitel Elaine Friedman* Joyce Newman
Renee Becker* Judi Greenberg Aviva Rich
Natalie Berger Iris Lasky* Bobbie Sadiko
Connie Brockman* Jody Levy Gina Seeman
Sari Currier Marsha Marcus Alisha Sela
Karen Deutsch Shayne Marine Carol Shubin
Dorothy Epstein Lidia Markiz Michele Stein
Linda Fox* Bey Marks* Rose Steinberg*
Marcia Strauss*
*Past President
TRZ Mens Club encourages all male synagogue members
over the age of 18 to join together in developing new and old
friendships, as well as strengthening the legacy of Judaism for
generations to come. Heres to making 5784 a sweet and
successful year!
Marc Osadchey - President
In Loving Memory of our dear
TRZ Women of Valor
Shirley Berger
Judy Waterstone
In Loving Memory of our dear
PSW Region Past Presidents
Joan Karchem
Eve Wechsberg
In Loving Memory of our dear
International Past Presidents
Evelyn Auerbach
Evelyn Seelig
May their loving memories always be for a blessing
Shana Tova Umetuka
L’Shana Tova Tikateivu
to our TRZ Family
Janet and Burt Govenar
and Family:
Tim, Stacy, Eryn, Aly, Jordan,
Dylan , Danny, Lisa,
Colton and Ford
L’Shanah Tovah Tikateivu
Ruth Atlas
Sari Currier
Mickey Desser
Bonnie Elias
Judi & Barry Greenberg
Ina Kosoy
Blanche & Mark Kravitz and Family
Sherry Lapides
Betty Marks
Marla Marks
Gloria Sher
Maxine & Rick Simon
Ted Toback & Faye Bernstein
Welcome to our New and Returning Menbers
Howard & Fawn Caplan
Daniel & Skylar Edberg
Mark & Ann Greenstadt
Carol Jaffe
Mort & Iris Lasky
Fanny & Neil Levy
Maxine Luck
Lynne Morchy
Marlene & Shelly Ochitill
Nathan Osadchey
Katie Shaw & Asher Peer
Arleen Winkler & Thomas Rogers
Sheldon & Lila Snow
Heddy Steinman
Seth & Nicolette Stepakoff
Samantha Barnea & Jason Zadikov
To all of our TRZ family,
a wonderful 5784
Elaine & Hal Adelman
and Family
To our TRZ Family,
May you be inscribed and
sealed for a good year!
The Drew Family
John, Karen,
Sienna and Brooke
A happy and healthy New Year
From our house to yours
L’Shanah Tovah
The Lertzman Family
Shana Tova
Jason, Michelle, Evan, Jacob Troshinsky
and Bobe Lidia Markiz
Wishing everyone a healthy, happy New Year
Barbara and Stuart Mesnik
L'Shanah Tova!
Wishing you a year of peace, prosperity, happiness,
and good mental & physical health!
From Gerry Alann Noriega & Family
Wishing you all and everyone you hold dear
Health, happiness, peace and a good year
Rose and Roger Steinberg and Family
We knit and crochet with love for the community
Wishing a Sweet and Healthy Year to our
ght-knit community
Wishing all our Early Learning Center
Families, Congregants, and our TRZ
Community a year filled with good health,
happiness, and fun!
Shana Tova!
From our family to yours
Barry and Lori Rose
Amanda and Brendan Barth
Eric, Erin, Carson
and Reece Grindler
Shanah Tovah
and much love
to our
TRZ family
Bonnie, Jeff
Bridget & Katie Stern
A Peaceful and Healthy New Year to All
From The Bergs
Rosalyn, Neal, Anna and Rebecca
L'Shanah Tovah Umetukah
We wish our TRZ Family a happy, healthy
and sweet New Year.
With Love from the Bishos
Jim, Gayle,
Sco, Randee, Noah,
Benjamin & Sarah
Wishing you a year
of peace, health
and happiness
Linda, Steve, Scott
& Evan Zucker
Wishing our TRZ Family a
sweet and healthy Year
Evelyne and Bob Reiss
Happy and healthy New Year!
Love, Nancy and Dave Perren
and Gina Mann
From Our family to Yours
May you have a good and sweet New Year
Love the Osadchey, Dean & Sadiko families
To Our Dear TRZ Family
We wish you all a year of good health,
happiness and prosperity.
Carol and Mel Maller
Shana Tova
to you and your family.
May you all have a
happy and healthy year!
From our family to
the TRZ family,
wishes for a very
happy, healthy
sweet New Year.
Marsha, Bob, Matt,
Jeff, Lindsay, Cam
and Westy Friedman
Wishing you and your
loved ones a sweet year
David & Karen Jackson
and Family
The Silvermans,
David, Aaron, Charleen and Charlotte
wish a happy, healthy, and wonderful year 5784
to the enre Temple Ramat Zion Family.
May Temple Ramat Zion connue to grow and prosper
and be the foundaon of our Jewish Life.
Wishing our wonderful TRZ family a sweet new year,
blessed with health and happiness, peace and prosperity,
and love and laughter.
Michael and Parvin Davidson
Don, Susan, Sarah and Jasmine Lukenbill
May the new year be filled with good health,
happiness and prosperity for everyone at TRZ
Royce and Robert Goldman
Gayle, Jason,Jackson and Ryan Barkham
Shanah Tovah U’Metukah
Wishing you all a blessed New Year filled with
joy, goodness, and sweetness
Rav Ahud, Alisha,
Yael, Gavi, and Eitan Sela
May you, our Temple Family,
be blessed with health, happiness
and peace in the New Year
Sydell and Bernie Bubman and Family
We wish you a Shana Tova
May you all be inscribed in the Book of Life.
Doug, Arlene, Mia and Katherine Hoang
Wishing my TRZ family a healthy and happy year.
Elaine Friedman & Family
We wish peace, prosperity and good health to our
friends at TRZ and around the World.
L'Shana Tovah Tikateivu
Allan Teplinsky and Family
We wish our TRZ Family a happy and
healthy New Year, full of peace.
Phyllis Fleschler and Aliza Goland
Shanah Tovah Umetukah
May you have a sweet, happy and
healthy New Year
Ruth and Janice Banarer
Hope for peace, health, and a sweet year!
Cheryl & Stuart Shapiro
Douglas Shapiro
Stacy & Sean O'Rourke
Greyson & Eoin O'Rourke
Chag Sameach!
Karen & Howard Langfus
Kadovitz Family
Langfus Family & Darling Family
May 5784 bring peace and good health
to you, your family, and your loved ones
Helene Rubinfeld Bizar
Let this year be the best year for TRZ,
our family and friends
Phil and Joyce Newman
and, the Rich-Faith Family:
Aviva, Robert, Ian, Shane and Max
We wish you a happy,
healthy New Year
Gina, Bernie & Matthew
L;Shana Tova
From the Shandling Family
Mark, Judy,
William and Frank
We wish you all a sweet and good year, filled with
happiness, contentment and health.
May we help one another to
multiply our joys and divide our sorrow.
Rabbi David and Bonnie Vorspan
Shaina and Aaron Brenner
Ben and Elana Vorspan
Evan Max and Judah Jack
Rabbi Ahud and Alisha Sela
Yael Shira, Gavi Yair and Eitan Doron
We wish our TRZ Family
a sweet, healthy and peaceful new year
Scott, Vanessa
Hannah and Ariella Himelstein
l'Shana Tova
Shana Tovah to our awesome TRZ Family!
Have a happy, healthy,
peaceful and sweet 5784
Renee Becker and Family
Cheryl, Steve, Zachary and Jordan Leff
Sarona, Steve, Evan, Noah and Sydney Vivanco
Jay, Sheryl, Henry and Rachel Becker
L'shana Tovah.
Best wishes for a sweet
and healthy year for everyone.
-The Kobulnick Family
L'Shana Tova!
L'Shana Tova!
L'Shana Tova!
L'Shana Tova!
L'Shana Tova!
L'Shana Tova!
L'Shana Tova!
Diane & Amos Schwartz
Kimberly & Stephen and Family
Erica & Joshua and Family
A Healthy Happy New Year To All
Susan Cohen
Wishing You a Happy New Year
The Ficksman Family
Wishing our TRZ family a Healthy New Year
Roberta & Alan Fox
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year
The Heimlich Family - Judy & Bob, Scott &Tracee, Corey & Tami,
Sierra & Kylie, Jonah & Liam & Ada
It's so nice to be home.
Shana Tova to our TRZ Family
Ben & Rhonda Horowitz
Shana Tova!
Wishing all our TRZ friends and community
a happy and healthy new year
Karen, Steve, Matthew & Ella Willinger
We wish our TRZ Family a happy, healthy
and sweet New Year!
Connie & Paul Brockman
A Happy and
L'Shannah Tovah
Ilene and Mark
to our
TRZ Family
Marcia and Sheldon
Wishing you a year filled with health and happiness
Joni and Barry Greenberg
Dear TRZ Family, wishing you all a
healthy and prosperous New Year!
Maya and Uri Grinblat
2320 W. Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506
Mon- Fri 9am - 4:00pm PS
Phone ( 818 ) 567-2900
Fax ( 818 ) 567-2999
Email - colorimag-
Wishing all in our TRZ community
Hakol Tov Chavurah
Willinger, Drew, Schneider, Snider, Nachum
Paull, Monalisa and Christian Families
Todah Rabah
Thank you to everyone who thoughtfully
contributed to this years Greeting Booklet.
Warm thanks to Sheree Wolk and TRZ lay leaders
for their help on the project, and to the hard-working staff
and volunteers in the TRZ Office without whom we
would all be lost!
Special thanks to Colorimages Printing of Burbank for
their assistance with printing the booklet
Janice Banarer, Sisterhood Ways and Means VP
Wishing the entire Temple Ramat Zion Community a
year filled with peace, healty, sweetness and joy
Printed by Temple Ramat Zion
Colorimages 17655 Devonshire St.
Northridge, CA 91325