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For Publication
September 2021
Railroad Retirement Spouse Benefits
In addition to the retirement annuities payable to railroad employees, the Railroad Retirement Act,
like the Social Security Act, also provides annuities for some spouses of retired employees. Payment
of a spouse annuity is made directly to the wife or husband of the employee. Divorced spouses may
also qualify for benefits.
The following questions and answers describe the benefits payable to spouses and the eligibility
requirements. Information regarding divorced spouses begins with Question 8.
1. How are railroad retirement spouse annuities computed?
Regular railroad retirement annuities are computed under a two-tier formula.
The tier I portion of an employee’s annuity is based on both railroad retirement credits and any
social security credits that the employee earned. Computed using social security benefit formulas, an
employee’s tier I benefit approximates the social security benefit that would be payable if all of the
employee’s work were performed under the Social Security Act.
The tier II portion of the employee’s annuity is based on railroad retirement credits only, and may
be compared to the retirement benefits paid over and above social security benefits to workers in other
The spouse annuity formula is based on percentages of the employee's tier I and tier II amounts.
The first tier of a spouse annuity, before any applicable reductions, is 50 percent of the railroad
employee’s unreduced tier I amount. The second tier amount, before any reductions, is 45 percent of
the employee’s unreduced tier II amount.
2. How does a railroad retirement spouse annuity compare to a social security spouse
The average annuity awarded to spouses in fiscal year 2020, excluding divorced spouses, was
$1,130 a month, while the average monthly social security spouse benefit was about $744.
Annuities awarded in fiscal year 2020 to the spouses of employees who were of full retirement age
or over and who retired directly from the rail industry with at least 25 years of service averaged $1,410
a month; and the average award to the spouses of employees retiring at age 60 or over with at least 30
years of service was $1,602 a month.
Railroad Retirement Information
844 North Rush Street Chicago, Illinois 60611-1275
U.S. Railroad Retirement Board
General information: 877-772-5772
Public Affairs
Media inquiries: opa@rrb.gov
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3. What are the age requirements for a railroad retirement spouse annuity?
The age requirements for a spouse annuity depend on the employee’s age, date of retirement, and
years of railroad service.
If a retired employee with 30 or more years of service is age 60 or older, the employee’s
spouse is eligible for an annuity the first full month the spouse is age 60. Certain early retirement
reductions are applied if the employee first became eligible for an annuity July 1, 1984, or later and
retired at ages 60 or 61 before 2002. If the employee was awarded a disability annuity, has attained age
60 and has 30 years of service, the spouse can receive an unreduced annuity the first full month she or
he is age 60, regardless of whether the employee annuity began before or after 2002, as long as the
spouse’s annuity beginning date is after 2001.
If a retired employee with less than 30 years of service is age 62 or older, the employee’s
spouse is eligible for an annuity the first full month the spouse is age 62. Early retirement reductions
are applied to the spouse annuity if the spouse retires prior to full retirement age. Full retirement age
for a spouse is gradually rising to age 67, just as for an employee, depending on the year of birth.
Reduced benefits are still payable at age 62, but the maximum reduction will be 35 percent rather than
25 percent by the year 2022. However, the tier II portion of a spouse annuity will not be reduced
beyond 25 percent if the employee had any creditable railroad service before August 12, 1983.
4. What if the spouse is caring for a child of the retired employee?
A spouse of an employee who is receiving an age and service annuity (or a spouse of a disability
annuitant who is otherwise eligible for an age and service annuity) is eligible for a spouse annuity at
any age if caring for the employee’s unmarried child, and the child is under age 18 or a disabled child
of any age who became disabled before age 22.
5. What are some of the other general eligibility requirements for a railroad retirement
spouse annuity?
The employee must have been married to the spouse for at least one year, unless the spouse is the
natural parent of their child, or the spouse was eligible or potentially eligible for a railroad retirement
widow(er)’s, parent’s or disabled child’s annuity in the month before marrying the employee or the
spouse was previously married to the employee and received a spouse annuity.
6. Can the same-sex spouse of a railroad employee file for a railroad retirement spouse
Yes, if the same-sex spouse meets current spouse annuity eligibility requirements and follows
current application procedures.
7. Are spouse annuities subject to offset for the receipt of other benefits?
Yes. The tier I portion of a spouse annuity is reduced for any social security entitlement, regardless
of whether the social security benefit is based on the spouse's own earnings, the employee's earnings or
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the earnings of another person. This reduction follows principles of social security law which, in
effect, limit payment to the higher of any two or more benefits payable to an individual at one time.
The tier I portion of a spouse annuity may also be reduced for receipt of any Federal, State or local
government pension separately payable to the spouse based on the spouse’s own earnings. The
reduction generally does not apply if the employment on which the public service pension is based was
covered under the Social Security Act throughout the last 60 months of public employment. Most
military service pensions and payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs will not cause a
reduction. Pensions paid by a foreign government or interstate instrumentality will not cause a
reduction. For spouses subject to a public service pension reduction, the tier I reduction is equal to 2/3
of the amount of the public service pension.
In addition, there may be a reduction in the employee’s tier I amount for receipt of a public
pension based, in part or in whole, on employment not covered by social security or railroad retirement
after 1956. If the employee’s tier I benefit is offset for a noncovered service pension, the spouse tier I
amount is 50 percent of the employee's tier I amount after the offset.
The spouse tier I portion may also be reduced if the employee is under age 65 and is receiving a
disability annuity as well as worker’s compensation or public disability benefits.
While these offsets can reduce or even completely wipe out the tier I benefit otherwise payable to a
spouse, they do not affect the tier II benefit potentially payable to that spouse.
8. How do the eligibility requirements and benefits differ for a divorced spouse?
A divorced spouse annuity may be payable to the divorced wife or husband of a retired employee
if their marriage lasted for at least 10 consecutive years, both have attained age 62 for a full month,
and the divorced spouse is not currently married. A divorced spouse can receive an annuity even if the
employee has not retired, provided they have been divorced for a period of not less than 2 years, the
employee and former spouse are at least age 62, and the employee is fully insured under the Social
Security Act using combined railroad and social security earnings. Early retirement reductions are
applied to the divorced spouse annuity if the divorced spouse retires prior to full retirement age. Full
retirement age for a divorced spouse is gradually rising to age 67, depending on the year of birth.
A divorced spouse is also eligible for an annuity at any age if caring for the employee’s unmarried
child, and the child is under age 18, or a disabled child of any age who became disabled before age 22,
if the employee is deceased.
Unlike a regular spouse annuity, the divorced spouse annuity is computed under the single tier I
formula. The amount of a divorced spouse’s annuity is, in effect, equal to what social security would
pay in the same situation (tier I only) and therefore less than the amount of the spouse annuity
otherwise payable (tier I and tier II). The average divorced spouse annuity awarded in fiscal year 2020
was $768.
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9. Would the award of an annuity to a divorced spouse affect the monthly annuity rate
payable to a retired employee and/or the current spouse?
No. If a divorced spouse becomes entitled to an annuity based on the employee’s railroad service,
the award of the divorced spouse’s benefit would not affect the amount of the employee’s annuity, nor
would it affect the amount of the railroad retirement annuity that may be payable to the current spouse.
10. What if an employee and spouse/divorced spouse are both railroad employees?
If both started railroad employment after 1974, the amount of any spouse or divorced spouse
annuity is reduced by the amount of the employee annuity to which the spouse is also entitled. If both
the employee and spouse are qualified railroad employees and either had some railroad service before
1975, both can receive separate railroad retirement employee and spouse annuities, without a full dual
benefit reduction.
11. Are railroad retirement annuities subject to garnishment or property settlements?
Yes. Certain percentages of any railroad retirement annuity (employee, spouse, divorced spouse or
survivor) may be subject to legal process (i.e., garnishment) to enforce an obligation for child support
and/or alimony payments.
Employee tier II benefits and supplemental annuities are subject to court-ordered property
divisions in proceedings related to divorce, annulment or legal separation. (Tier I benefits are not
subject to property division.) A court-ordered property division payment may be paid even if the
employee is not entitled to an annuity provided that the employee has 10 years of railroad service or 5
years after 1995 and both the employee and former spouse are at least age 62.
12. How can a person get more information about railroad retirement spouse and divorced
spouse annuities?
Individuals with questions about railroad retirement spouse and divorced spouse annuities can send
a secure message to their local RRB office by accessing Field Office Locator at RRB.gov and clicking
on the link at the bottom of their local office’s page. If a customer needs to talk to an RRB
representative, they can call the agency’s toll-free number (1-877-772-5772) between the hours of
9 a.m. and 3 p.m. each weekday, except Federal holidays. However, customers are asked to be patient
because of the increase in call volume due to the closure to the public of RRB offices during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
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