GE Digital Proficy Historian and Operations Hub: Data Analysis in Context 1
Result Sets
Plant Applications 8.2
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Table of Contents
Description of Result Sets ....................................................................................................................... 1
General Methodology used for Result Sets: .................................................................................... 2
Techniques used in creating Result Set Stored Procedures: .......................................................... 2
Testing Result Set Stored Procedures ............................................................................................ 2
Tables and Stored Procedures ............................................................................................................... 3
Using Result Sets with Stored Procedures ............................................................................................. 4
Example for a Production Event Result Set..................................................................................... 4
Result Set 1 - Production Events ............................................................................................................ 8
Partial Example Code for Using Result Set 1 .................................................................................. 9
Result Set 2 - Variable Values .............................................................................................................. 11
Partial Example Code for Using Result Set 2 ................................................................................ 11
Result Set 3 - Product Changes ........................................................................................................... 13
Partial Example Code for Using Result Set 3 ................................................................................ 13
Result Set 4 - Topic Messages ............................................................................................................. 15
Result Set 5 - Downtime Events ........................................................................................................... 15
Result Set 6 - Alarms ............................................................................................................................ 16
Result Set 7 - Sheet Columns ............................................................................................................... 17
Result Set 8 - User-Defined Event ........................................................................................................ 19
Result Set 9 - Waste Event ................................................................................................................... 20
Result Set 10 - Production Event Details .............................................................................................. 22
Result Set 11 - Genealogy Event Components .................................................................................... 23
Result Set 12 - Genealogy Input Events ............................................................................................... 24
Input Event Result Sets Tips ......................................................................................................... 24
Result Set 13 - Defect Detail ................................................................................................................. 24
Result Set 14 - Historian Write .............................................................................................................. 26
Result Set 15 - Production Plan ............................................................................................................ 26
Partial Example Code for Using Result Set 15 .............................................................................. 27
Result Set 16 - Production Setup .......................................................................................................... 32
Result Set 17 - Production Plan Starts ................................................................................................. 32
Result Set 18 - Production Execution Path Unit Starts ......................................................................... 33
Result Set 19 - Production Stats ........................................................................................................... 33
Result Set 20 - HistorianRead Result Set ............................................................................................. 34
Table of Contents
Partial Sample Code for Using Result Set 20 ................................................................................ 35
Result Set 21 - Non-Productive Time ................................................................................................... 38
Result Set 50 - Output File Creation ..................................................................................................... 39
Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 39
Startup and Shutdown ................................................................................................................... 39
Communication Protocol ................................................................................................................ 39
Log Files ........................................................................................................................................ 39
Result Set 50 Description .............................................................................................................. 39
Result Set 50 Output File Parameters ........................................................................................... 40
Key Parts of a Result Set 50 Example........................................................................................... 40
Result Set 51 - Return Parameters ....................................................................................................... 42
Description of Result Sets
Result Sets allow you to add real-time messages to model-based custom SQL stored procedures and
to Plant Applications' variable stored procedure calculations. These result sets will allow you to safely
update the Plant Applications database and notify the Plant Applications client of the changes made.
Note: Run the spServer_CmnShowResultSets stored procedure to see what fields are in the
result sets.
Plant Applications employs a messaging system and result sets allow you to use this messaging
system. The Proficy Router service (called Message Bus in earlier versions) acts as the postal
service. The Plant Applications Client and Proficy Server both send and receive messages. The
Database Manager service handles all database updates. Instead of directly updating the Plant
Applications database with SQL Insert and Update statements in a custom stored procedure, result
sets use the Plant Applications messaging infrastructure to make the database changes and allows
the clients that are currently running to see these database changes in real time. This method of
issuing a message is necessary to notify the client that a change has been made to the database.
The following table lists the result set types available and the appropriate number to use when
invoking a result set. All result sets require that the first column is one of the following values in the
Type column.
Production Events
Create, update, and delete event records.
Variable Values
Create, update, and delete Variable data records.
Product Change
Create, update, and delete Product Changes.
Downtime Events
Create, update, and delete Downtime records.
Sheet Columns
Create, update, and delete Sheet Column records.
User Defined Events
Create, update, and delete User Defined Event records.
Waste Events
Create, update, and delete Waste records.
Production Event Details
Create, update, and delete Production Event Detail
Production Event
Create, update, and delete Production Event Component
Genealogy Input Events
Create, update, and delete Genealogy Input Events.
Defect Details
Create, update, and delete Defect Detail records.
Historian Write
Production Plan
Production Setup
Production Plan Starts
Production Execution Path
Unit Starts
Production Stats
HistorianRead Result Set
Non-Productive Time
Create, update and delete non-productive time records.
Output File Data Export
Create output files for exporting data.
Return Parameters
Allows special parameters to be returned from spLocals
All Generic Models that used to trigger a Stored Procedure that can be used for creating Result Sets
start with the same 2 parameters as outputs at the beginning of the stored procedure. The first
parameter is the Status indicating if the Result Sets should be executed. If this is set to a 1, Result
Description of Result Sets
Sets are executed by the Event Manager Service and the Message Output is logged in the Event
Manager log file. If no Message Output is desired, set the message parameter to a blank value. If the
first parameter is set to 0, result sets are not performed and the Message Output is logged in the
Event Manager log file.
General Methodology used for Result Sets:
1. Gather data for the Result Set.
2. Check to see if the record already exists.
3. Select the Result Set data.
4. Set the Return Status Value to a 1 to execute Result Sets or set the Return Status Value to a
0 to ignore Result Sets and to report Errors to the Event Manager Service for Model based
Result Sets.
Techniques used in creating Result Set Stored Procedures:
Use SQL temporary tables to hold data.
Use the right number of columns for the Result Set.
Set NoCount On to turn off count messages.
Use Date formatting
Use a Custom Plant Applications User to aid in troubleshooting problems.
Testing Result Set Stored Procedures
No Stored Procedure should be attached to a model or variable without first running it
manually to see if anything comes to the screen unexpectedly. Anything that comes to the
screen will appear to be a result set to the caller.
Test by running the Stored Procedure manually from SQL Server Management Studio.
Supply a set of parameter values that match the stored procedure input parameters. Then
use the SQL Execute statement to run the stored procedure.
It is important that you don't forget the @ symbols in front of variables within your stored
An example would be, Select X = 7 instead of, Select @X = 7. This looks like a result
set to the calling code in the Event Manager or Calculation Manager. This Select X = 7
the calling code would think it has a SheetColumn result set coming and would start
accessing columns that are not present.
Confirm the output in the Management Studio is correct. Make sure there are no extra
messages being sent out that may be interpreted as result sets. Sometimes extra Select
messages may be used to check on specific values while troubleshooting a Result Set Stored
Procedure such as:
Select @X
By testing it, you may notice that there are Select messages that still need to be removed
prior to using this Stored Procedure in the production environment.
When first activating the Stored Procedure in the production environment, check the Event
Manager log file for messages if this is a Result Set Stored Procedure driven by a model. If it
is driven by a Plant Applications Variable, then check the Calculation Manager log file for
When first activating the Stored Procedure in the production environment you can put the
Database Manager service in Debug Mode and check the log file for additional error
Tables and Stored Procedures
Most result sets are associated with a system stored procedure and a particular table in the Plant
Applications database. When a result set is issued, the end result is a record added, updated, or
deleted from its associated table.
The following table lists the result set and the associated stored procedure and table.
Database Table
Stored Procedure
1 Production
Events spServer_DBMgrUpdEvent
2 Variable Test Tests spServer_DBMgrUpdTest2 or
spServer_DBMgrUpdTest (legacy)
3 Product Change
Production_Starts spServer_DBMgrUpdGrade2 or
spServer_DBMgrUpdGrade (legacy)
5 Downtime Event
Timed_Event_Details spServer_DBMgrUpdTimedEvent
7 Sheet Columns Sheet_Columns spServer_DBMgrUpdColumn2 or
spServer_DBMgrUpdColumn (legacy)
8 User Defined
User_Defined_Events spServer_DBMgrUpdUserEvent
9 Waste Events Waste_Event_Details spServer_DBMgrUpdWasteEvent
10 Production
Event Details
Event_Details spServer_DBMgrUpdEventDet
11 Production
Event_Components spServer_DBMgrUpdEventComp
Genealogy Input
PrdExec_Input_Events spServer_DBMgrUpdPEInputEvent
13 Defect Details Defect_Details spServer_DBMgrUpdDefectDetail
14 Historian Write none None. Must use a result set.
15 Production Plan
Production_Plan spServer_DBMgrUpdProdPlan
16 Production
Production_Setup spServer_DBMgrUpdProdSetup
17 Production Plan
Production_Plan_Starts spServer_DBMgrUpdProdPlanStarts and
18 PrdExec Path
Unit Starts
PrdExec_Path_Unit_Starts spServer_DBMgrUpdPrdExecPathUnitStarts
19 Production Stats
20 Historian Read none None. Must use a result set.
21 Non-Productive
Output File Data
none None. Must use a result set.
Using Result Sets with Stored Procedures
When creating a stored procedure that uses result sets, you should use a standard approach. From a
cursory point of view, you should use the following steps:
Create a table variable for the result set that contains a field for each parameter in the result
set. Some fields in the table variable can have default values assigned to them.
Create a local variable for each field in the table that the result set will update.
Create additional local variables that will be used for program flow and/or error checking.
Determine if the result set will add, update, or delete a record.
NOTE: In each case you should always check to see if the record exists and handle the
situation accordingly. Don't assume a record exists for an update or delete or that the record
you will insert is not already in the database.
Create logic that will assign values to each of the local variables that are associated with the
table you are updating.
Insert a record into the result set table variable using the local variables that are associated
with the table being updated.
Ensure that the message type is a pre-message so that the messaging system will inform the
Database Manager to update the database.
Issue the result set using a Select statement that selects all of the records from the result set
table variable.
Example for a Production Event Result Set
-- Declare Table Variable for Production Event Result Set(1).
DECLARE @rs1ProductionEvent TABLE(
rs1ResultSetType int DEFAULT 1, -- 00 - Result Set Type (1)
rs1NotUsed int, -- 01 - Not Used
rs1TransactionType int, -- 02 - TransactionType
rs1EventId int, -- 03 - EventId
rs1EventNum varchar(25), -- 04 - EventNum
rs1PUId int, -- 05 - PUId
rs1TimeStamp datetime, -- 06 - TimeStamp
rs1AppliedProduct int, -- 07 - AppliedProduct
rs1SourceEvent int, -- 08 - SourceEvent
rs1EventStatus tinyint, -- 09 - EventStatus
rs1Confirmed bit, -- 10 - Confirmed
rs1UserId int DEFAULT 6, -- 11 - UserId
rs1PostDB int DEFAULT 0, -- 12 - PostDB
rs1Conformance bit, -- 13 - Conformance
rs1TestPctComplete tinyint, -- 14 - TestPctComplete
rs1StartTime datetime, -- 15 - Start Time
Result Sets
rs1TransNum int DEFAULT 0, -- 16 - TransNum
rs1TestingStatus int, -- 17 - TestingStatus
rs1CommentId int, -- 18 - CommentId
rs1EventSubTypeId int, -- 19 - EventSubTypeId
rs1EntryOn datetime, -- 20 - EntryOn
rs1ApprovedUserId int, -- 21 - ApprovedUserId
rs1SecondUserId int, -- 22 - SecondUserId
rs1ApprovedReasonId int, -- 23 - ApprovedReasonId
rs1UserReasonId int, -- 24 - UserReasonId
rs1UserSignOffId int, -- 25 - UserSignOffId
rs1ExtendedInfo int) -- 26 - ExtendedInfo
-- Declare Local Variables for Events Table
DECLARE @eEvent_Id int,
@eConfirmed bit,
@eConsumed_Timestamp datetime,
@eTimeStamp datetime,
@eEntry_On datetime,
@eStart_Time datetime,
@eUser_Signoff_Id int,
@eApprover_User_Id int,
@eUser_Reason_Id int,
@eApprover_Reason_Id int,
@eTesting_Status int,
@eEvent_Subtype_Id int,
@eSecond_User_Id int,
@eSource_Event int,
@eUser_Id int,
@eComment_Id int,
@ePU_Id int,
@eApplied_Product int,
@eEvent_Status tinyint,
@eConformance tinyint,
@eTesting_Prct_Complete tinyint,
@eExtended_Info varchar(255),
@eEvent_Num varchar(25)
-- Declare Additional Local Variables.
DECLARE @TransactionType int,
Using Result Sets with Stored Procedures
@PostDB int,
@TransNum int
-- Create Logic that determines whether new Event Result is needed or
-- if an existing record needs to be updated or deleted. Set values of
-- variables.
-- Add record to @rs1ProudctionEvent Table Variable.
-- NOTE: Some fields in following insert statement are commented and
-- values for Table Variable are used. If other values required then
-- comments and assign values using additional local variables. All fields
-- are included for ease of readability.
INSERT INTO @rs1ProudctionEvent (
-- rs1ResultSetType, -- 00 - Result Set Type (1)
-- rs1NotUsed, -- 01 - Not Used
rs1TransactionType, -- 02 - TransactionType
rs1EventId, -- 03 - EventId
rs1EventNum, -- 04 - EventNum
rs1PUId, -- 05 - PUId
rs1TimeStamp, -- 06 - TimeStamp
rs1AppliedProduct, -- 07 - AppliedProduct
rs1SourceEvent, -- 08 - SourceEvent
rs1EventStatus, -- 09 - EventStatus
rs1Confirmed, -- 10 - Confirmed
-- rs1UserId, -- 11 - UserId
-- rs1PostDB, -- 12 - PostDB
rs1Conformance, -- 13 - Conformance
rs1TestPctComplete, -- 14 - TestPctComplete
rs1StartTime, -- 15 - Start Time
-- rs1TransNum, -- 16 - TransNum
rs1TestingStatus, -- 17 - TestingStatus
rs1CommentId, -- 18 - CommentId
rs1EventSubTypeId, -- 19 - EventSubTypeId
-- rs1EntryOn, -- 20 - EntryOn
rs1ApprovedUserId, -- 21 - ApprovedUserId
rs1SecondUserId, -- 22 - SecondUserId
rs1ApprovedReasonId, -- 23 - ApprovedReasonId
rs1UserReasonId, -- 24 - UserReasonId
Result Sets
rs1UserSignOffId, -- 25 - UserSignOffId
rs1ExtendedInfo) -- 26 - ExtendedInfo
-- rs1ResultSetType, -- 00 - Result Set Type (1)
-- rs1NotUsed, -- 01 - Not Used
@TransactionType, -- 02 - TransactionType
@eEvent_Id, -- 03 - EventId
@eEvent_Num, -- 04 - EventNum
@ePU_Id, -- 05 - PUId
@eTimeStamp, -- 06 - TimeStamp
@eApplied_Product, -- 07 - AppliedProduct
@eSource_Event, -- 08 - SourceEvent
@eEvent_Status, -- 09 - EventStatus
@eConfirmed, -- 10 - Confirmed
-- rs1UserId, -- 11 - UserId
-- rs1PostDB, -- 12 - PostDB
@eConformance, -- 13 - Conformance
@eTesting_Prct_Complete,-- 14 - TestPctComplete
@eStart_Time, -- 15 - Start Time
-- rs1TransNum, -- 16 - TransNum
@eTesting_Status, -- 17 - TestingStatus
@eComment_Id, -- 18 - CommentId
@eEvent_Subtype_Id, -- 19 - EventSubTypeId
-- rs1EntryOn, -- 20 - EntryOn
@eApprover_User_Id, -- 21 - ApprovedUserId
@eSecond_User_Id, -- 22 - SecondUserId
@eApprover_Reason_Id, -- 23 - ApprovedReasonId
@eUser_Reason_Id, -- 24 - UserReasonId
@eUser_Signoff_Id, -- 25 - UserSignOffId
@eExtended_Info) -- 26 - ExtendedInfo
-- Issue Result Set.
IF (SELECT Count(*)
FROM @rs1ProudctionEvent
WHERE rs1EventNum IS NOT NULL) > 0
SELECT * FROM @rs1ProudctionEvent
Result Set 1 - Production Events
The following table lists the parameters used in a Production Event Result Set.
Field Name
lues/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 1
1 Not Used Not used.
2 Transaction Type X 1 Add, 2 Update, 3 - Delete
3 Event Id X Events (Event_Id). Not required on
4 Event Number X Events (Event_Num)
5 Production Unit Id X Events (PU_Id), Prod_Units (PU_Id)
6 Timestamp X Events.(TimeStamp)
7 Applied Product Events (Applied_Product)
8 Source Event Events (Source_Event)
9 Event Status Events (Event_Status)
10 Confirmed
11 User Id X Events (User_Id), Users (User_Id). Allows
a specific User_Id to be used and
tracked. If not using a specific User_Id
account then set it to 0 and the appropriate
Service User_Id will be used.
12 Update Type 0 = Pre Update. Database Manager writes
to database and sends to client.
1 = Post Update. Data already in database
and sent to clients only.
13 Conformance 0 - Target
1 - Upper/Lower User Limit Exceeded
2 - Upper/Lower Warning Limit Exceeded
3 - Upper/Lower Reject Exceeded
14 TestPctComplete Events (Testing_Prct_Complete)
15 StartTime Events (Start_Time)
16 TransNum 0 Update fields that are not null to the new
2 Update all fields of Events to the values
in Result Set.
17 Testing Status Events (Testing_Status)
1- Normal
2 - Skip
3 - Reset
18 Comment Id Events (Comment_Id)
19 EventSubTypeId Events (Event_Subtype_Id),
Event_Subtypes (Event_Subtype_Id)
20 EntryOn Events (Entry_On)
21 ApprovedUserID User ID of eSig approver
22 SecondUserID User ID of eSig second approver
23 ApprovedReasonID
Reason ID of reason code for approval
24 UserReasonID Reason ID for user sign-off
25 UserSignOffID User ID for user sign-off
26 ExtendedInfo Extended information field
27 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Result Sets
Partial Example Code for Using Result Set 1
--Declare the SQL variables used
@EUOrderId int,
@EUTransaction_Type int,
@EUEvent_Id int,
@EUEvent_Num varchar(25),
@EUPU_Id int,
@EUTimestamp datetime,
@EUApplied_Product int,
@EUSource_Event int,
@EUEvent_Status int,
@EUConfirmed int,
@EUUser_Id int,
@EUPostUpdate int,
@EUConformance int,
@EUTestPctComplete int,
@EUStartTime datetime,
@EUTransactionNumber int,
@EUTestingStatus int,
@EUComment_Id int,
@EUEvent_Subtype_Id int,
@EUEntry_On datetime
--Create a temporary table to hold all event result set rows
CREATE TABLE #EventUpdates (
EUId int,
EUTransaction_Type int,
EUEvent_Id int NULL,
EUEvent_Num Varchar(25),
EUPU_Id int,
EUTimeStamp varchar(25),
EUApplied_Product int Null,
EUSource_Event int Null,
EUEvent_Status int Null,
EUConfirmed int Null,
EUUser_Id int,
EUPostUpdate int,
EUConformance int,
EUTestPctComplete int,
EUStartTime datetime,
EUTransactionNumber int,
EUTestingStatus int,
EUComment_Id int,
EUEvent_Subtype_Id int,
Result Set 1 - Production Events
EUEntry_On datetime)
--Set Result Set Variables to values retrieved in your custom code. No
specific custom code is being show.
Select @EUOrderId
Select @EUTransaction_Type = 1
Select @EUEvent_Id = Null
Select @EUEvent_Num = @NewEvent_Num
Select @EUPU_Id = @PU_Id
Select @EUTimestamp = @EventTimestamp
Select @EUApplied_Product = NULL
Select @EUSource_Event = NULL
Select @EUEvent_Status = ProdStatus_Id from Production_Status
Where ProdStatus_Desc = 'Active'
Select @EUConfirmed = 1
Select @EUUser_Id = Null
Select @EUPostUpdate = 0
Select @EUConformance = Null
Select @EUTestPctComplete = Null
Select @EUStartTime = @EventTimestamp
Select @EUTransactionNumber = Null
Select @EUTestingStatus = Null
Select @EUComment_Id = Null
Select @EUEvent_Subtype_Id = Null
Select @EUEntry_On = Getdate()
Insert into #EventUpdates
EUComment_Id, EUEvent_Subtype_Id,EUEntry_On)
--Send out Result Set Message back to the calling Service
If (Select Count(*) From #EventUpdates) > 0
Select 1,* From #EventUpdates
Select @ReturnStatus = 1
Result Set 2 - Variable Values
The following table lists the parameters used in a Variable Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 2
1 Variable Id X Tests (Var_Id)
2 Production Unit Id X Variables (PU_Id)
Prod_Units (PU_Id)
3 User Id X Tests (User_Id)
Users (User_Id). Allows a specific User_Id to
be used and tracked. If not using a specific
User_Id account then set it to 0 and the
appropriate Service User_Id will be used.
4 Cancelled X 0 – False
1 – True
If set to True then it is treated like a delete.
5 Value X Tests (Result)
6 Timestamp X Tests (Result_On)
7 Transaction Type 1 – Add, 2 – Update, 3 - Delete
8 Update Type 0 – Pre Update. Database Manager writes to
db and sends to client.
1 – Post Update. Data already in db and sent
to clients only.
NOTE: PostDB messages do not support
comment IDs.
9 SecondUserId
10 TransNum 0 = Coalesce all input values with values from
database before updating
2 = Update database using only input values to
this stored procedure
11 EventId Events (Event_Id)
12 ArrayId Array_Data (Array_Id)
13 CommentId Tests (Comment_Id)
14 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Partial Example Code for Using Result Set 2
--Declare the SQL variables used
@VUVar_Id int,
@VUPU_Id int,
@VUUser_Id int,
@VUCanceled int,
@VUResult Varchar(25),
@VUResult_On varchar(25),
@VUTransaction_Type int,
@VUPostUpdate int
--Create a temporary table to hold all variable result set rows
CREATE TABLE #VariableUpdates (
VUVar_Id int,
VUPU_Id int,
Result Set 2 - Variable Values
VUUser_Id int,
VUCanceled int,
VUResult Varchar(25),
VUResult_On datetime,
VUTransaction_Type int,
VUPostUpdate int)
--Set Result Set Variables to values retrieved in your custom code. No
specific custom code is being show.
Select @VUVar_Id = Var_Id
from Variables where PU_Id = @PU_Id And Var_Desc Like '%Remaining%'
Select @VUPU_Id = @PU_Id
Select @VUUser_Id = 0
Select @VUCanceled = 0
Select @VUResult = @Value
Select @VUResult_On = @Timestamp
Select @VUTransaction_Type = 1
Select @VUPostUpdate = 0
Insert into #VariableUpdates
If (Select Count(*) From #VariableUpdates) > 0
Select 2,* from #VariableUpdates
Result Set 3 - Product Changes
The following table lists the parameters used in a Product Change Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set
1 Start Id X
Production_Starts (Start_Id)
2 Production
Unit Id
Production_Starts (PU_Id)
Prod_Units (PU_Id)
3 Product Id X
Production_Starts (Prod_Id)
Products (Prod_Id)
4 Start Time X
Production_Starts (Start_Time)
5 Update Type
0 – Pre Update. Database Manager writes to database and sends to
1 – Post Update. Data already in database and sent to clients only.
6 User Id Production_Starts (User_Id)
Users (User_Id) Allows a specific User_Id to be used and tracked. If
not using a specific User_Id account then set it to 0 and the appropriate
Service User_Id will be used.
7 Second User
8 Transaction
9 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Partial Example Code for Using Result Set 3
--Declare the SQL variables used
@CurrentProd_Id int,
@NewProd_Id int,
@NewPCTime datetime,
@PCStart_Id int,
@PCPU_Id int,
@PCProd_Id int,
@PCStart_Time datetime,
@PCPostUpdate int
-------------Product Change Logic----------------------
--Retrieve Current Product being run on a Unit
Select @CurrentProd_Id = Prod_Id From Production_Starts
Where (PU_Id = @PU_Id) And
(Start_Time < @EventTimestamp) And
((End_Time >= @EventTimestamp) Or (End_Time Is Null))
--Check to see if the Product is new
If @NewProd_Id <> @CurrentProd_Id
Select @PrevEventTimeStamp = Timestamp
Result Set 3 - Product Changes
From Events Where (PU_Id = @PU_Id) And (Timestamp = (Select
Max(Timestamp) From Events
Where (PU_Id = @PU_Id) and (Timestamp < @EventTimestamp)))
--Set the Product Change Time to 1 Minute after the Previous Event Time
Select @NewPCTime = DateAdd(mi,1,@PrevEventTimeStamp)
Create Table #ProductChange(
PCStart_Id Int Null,
PCPU_Id Int,
PCProd_Id Int,
PCStart_Time DateTime,
PCPostUpdate Int Null)
Select @PCStart_Id = Null
Select @PCPU_Id = @PU_Id
Select @PCProd_Id = @NewProd_Id
Select @PCStart_Time = @NewPCTime
Select @PCPostUpdate = 0
Insert into #ProductChange
Values (@PCStart_Id,@PCPU_Id,@PCProd_Id,@PCStart_Time,@PCPostUpdate)
Select 3,* From #ProductChange
Drop Table #ProductChange
Full code samples can be downloaded from the support site.
Result Set 4 - Topic Messages
This result set is used for sending out topic messages. The following table lists the parameters used
in a Topic Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 4
1 Topic X
2 Key X
Result Set 5 - Downtime Events
The following table lists the parameters used in a Downtime Event Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 5
1 Production Unit Id X Timed_Event_Details.PU_Id,
2 Location X Timed_Event_Details.Source_PU_Id,
3 Status Id X Timed_Event_Details.TEStatus_Id,
4 Fault Id Timed_Event_Details.TEFault_Id,
5 Reason 1 Id Timed_Event_Details.Reason_Level1,
6 Reason 2 Id Timed_Event_Details.Reason_Level2,
7 Reason 3 Id Timed_Event_Details.Reason_Level3,
8 Reason 4 Id Timed_Event_Details.Reason_Level4,
9 Production Rate Timed_Event_Details (Production_Rate)
10 Duration Timed_Event_Details (Duration) This is a
calculated (end_time – start_time) column in
the database. It is not used by the SP.
11 Transaction Type X 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
4 = Close
12 Start Time X Timed_Event_Details.Start_Time
13 End time Timed_Event_Details.End_Time
14 Downtime Event Id Timed_Event_Details.TEDet_Id
15 Update Type 0 – Pre Update. Database Manager writes to
db and sends to client.
1 – Post Update. Data already in db and sent
to clients only.
16 TransNum 0 = Coalesce all input values with values from
database before updating
2 = Update database using only input values to
this stored procedure
17 Action1 Timed_Event_Details.Action_Level1,
Result Set 6 - Alarms
18 Action2 Timed_Event_Details.Action_Level2,
19 Action3 Timed_Event_Details.Action_Level3,
20 Action4 Timed_Event_Details.Action_Level4,
21 ActionCommentId Timed_Event_Details.Action_Comment_Id,
22 ResearchStatusId Timed_Event_Details.Research_Status_Id
23 ResearchCommentId
24 ResearchOpenDate Timed_Event_Details.Research_Open_Date
25 ResearchCloseDate
26 CommentId Timed_Event_Details.Cause_Comment_Id,
27 TargetProdRate Not Used
28 DimensionX1 Not Used
29 DimensionX2 Not Used
30 DimensionY1 Not Used
31 DimensionY2 Not Used
32 DimensionZ1 Not Used
33 DimensionZ2 Not Used
34 ResearchUserId Timed_Event_Details.Research_User_Id
35 RsnTreeDataId Identifies what Node on the Reason Tree this
Downtime event corresponds to. Used in
36 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Result Set 6 - Alarms
This result set is no longer used.
The following table lists the parameters used in the Alarm Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 6
1 Update Type X 0 - Post-Update. Database Manager writes to
database and sends to client.
1 - Pre-Update. Data already in database and
sent to clients only.
2 Transaction Number
X 0 – Update fields that are not null to the new
2 – Update all fields of Alarms to the values in
Result Set.
3 Alarm Id X Alarms (Alarm_Id)
4 Alarm Template
Data Id
X Alarm_Template_Var_Data (ATD_Id)
5 Start Time X Alarms (Start_Time)
6 End Time Alarms (End_Time)
7 Duration Alarms (Duration)
8 Acknowledged Alarms (Ack)
9 Ack Timestamp Alarms (Ack_On)
10 Acknowledged By Alarms (Ack_By)
11 Starting Value Alarms (Start_Result)
12 Ending Value Alarms (End_Result)
Result Sets
13 Minimum Value Alarms (Min_Result)
14 Maximum Value Alarms (Max_Result)
15 Cause 1 Alarms (Cause1), Event_Reasons(Reason_Id)
16 Cause 2 Alarms(Cause2), Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
17 Cause 3 Alarms (Cause3), Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
18 Cause 4 Alarms(Cause4), Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
19 Cause Comment Id
Alarms (Cause_Comment_Id), Comments
20 Action 1 Alarms (Action1), Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
21 Action 2 Alarms (Action1), Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
22 Action 3 Alarms (Action1), Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
23 Action 4 Alarms (Action1), Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
24 Action Comment Id Alarms (Action_Comment_Id), Comments
25 Research User Id Alarms (Research_User_Id), Users (User_Id)
26 Research Status Id Alarms (Research_Status_Id)
27 Research Open
Alarms (Research_Open_Date)
28 Research Close
Alarms (Research_Close_Date)
Research Comment
Alarms (Research_Comment_Id), Comments
30 Source PU Id Alarms (Source_PU_Id), Prod_Units (PU_Id)
31 Alarm Type Id Alarms (Alarm_Type_Id), Alarm_Types
32 Key Id
33 Alarm Description Alarms (Alarm_Desc)
34 Transaction Type 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
35 Template Var
Comment Id
Alarm_Templates (Comment_Id), Comments
36 Alarm Priority Id Alarm_Templates (AP_Id), Alarm_Priorities
37 Alarm Template Id Alarm_Templates (AT_Id)
38 Variable Comment
Variables (Comment_Id), Comments
39 Cutoff Alarms (Cutoff)
40 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Result Set 7 - Sheet Columns
The following table lists the parameters used in a Sheet Columns Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 7
1 Sheet Id X Sheet_Columns (Sheet_Id)
Sheets (Sheet_Id)
2 User Id X Sheet_Columns (User_Id)
Users (User_Id). Allows a specific User_Id to
be used and tracked. If not using a specific
User_Id account then set it to 0 and the
appropriate Service User_Id will be used.
3 Transaction Type X 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
Result Set 7 - Sheet Columns
4 Timestamp X Sheet_Columns (Result_On)
5 Update Type X 0 – Pre Update. Database Manager writes to
db and sends to client.
1 – Post Update. Data already in db and sent
to clients only.
6 Approved User Id Sheet_Columns.Approved_User_Id,
7 Approved Reason Id
8 User Reason Id Sheet_Columns.User_Reason_Id,
9 User Sign Off Id Sheet_Columns.User_Signoff_Id,
10 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Result Set 8 - User-Defined Event
The following table lists the parameters used in a User-Defined Event Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 8
1 Update Type X 0 - Post-Update.
Data already in db and sent to
clients only.
1 - Pre-Update. Database Manager writes to
db and sends to client.
2 User Defined Event
X User_Defined_Events (UDE_Id)
3 UD Event Number X User_Defined_Events (UDE_Desc)
4 Unit Id X User_Defined_Events (PU_Id), Prod_Units
5 Event Subtype Id X User_Defined_Events (Event_Subtype_Id)
6 Start Time X User_Defined_Events (Start_Time)
7 End Time User_Defined_Events (End_Time)
8 Duration User_Defined_Events (Duration)
9 Acknowledged User_Defined_Events (Ack)
10 Ack Timestamp User_Defined_Events (Ack_On)
11 Acknowledged By User_Defined_Events (Ack_By)
12 Cause 1 User_Defined_Events (Cause1),
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
13 Cause 2 User_Defined_Events (Cause2),
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
14 Cause 3 User_Defined_Events (Cause3),
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
15 Cause 4 User_Defined_Events (Cause4),
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
16 Cause Comment Id
User_Defined_Events (Cause_Comment_Id),
Comments (Comment_Id)
17 Action 1 User_Defined_Events (Action1),
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
18 Action 2 User_Defined_Events (Action1),
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id
19 Action 3 User_Defined_Events (Action1),
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
20 Action 4 User_Defined_Events (Action1),
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
21 Action Comment Id User_Defined_Events (Action_Comment_Id),
Comments (Comment_Id)
22 Research User Id User_Defined_Events (Research_User_Id),
Users (User_Id)
23 Research Status Id User_Defined_Events (Research_Status_Id)
24 Research Open
User_Defined_Events (Research_Open_Date)
25 Research Close
User_Defined_Events (Research_Close_Date)
Research Comment
Comments (Comment_Id)
UD Event Comment
User_Defined_Events (Comment_Id)
Result Set 9 - Waste Event
28 Transaction Type 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
29 Event Sub Type
Event_Subtypes (Event_Subtype_Desc)
30 Transaction Number
0 – Update fields that are not null to the new
2 –
Update all fields of User_Defined_Events to
the values in Result Set.
31 User Id User_Defined_Events (User_Id)
Users (User_Id)
32 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Result Set 9 - Waste Event
The following table lists the parameters used in a Waste Event Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 9
1 PreDB X The update type.
0 - Post-Update. Data already in database and sent to
clients only.
1 - Pre-Update. Database Manager writes to database
and sends to client.
2 TransNum X The transaction number.
0 - Update fields that are not null to the new values.
2 - Update all fields of Event_Details to the values in
Result Set.
3 UserId X The user ID.
Waste_Event_Details (User_Id)
Users (User_Id)
4 TransType X The transaction type.
1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
5 WasteEventId X Waste_Event_Details (WED_Id)
6 PUId X Waste_Event_Details (PU_Id)
Prod_Units (PU_Id)
7 SourcePUId X The location.
Waste_Event_Details (Source_PU_Id)
Prod_Units (PU_Id)
8 TypeId Waste_Event_Details (WET_Id)
Waste_Event_Types (WET_Id)
9 MeasId Waste_Event_Details (WEMT_Id)
Waste_Event_Meas (WEMT_Id)
10 Reason1 Waste_Event_Details (Reason1)
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
11 Reason2 Waste_Event_Details (Reason2)
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
12 Reason3 Waste_Event_Details (Reason3)
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
13 Reason4 X Waste_Event_Details (Reason4)
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
Result Sets
14 EventId X Waste_Event_Details (Event_Id)
Events (Event_Id)
15 Amount Waste_Event_Details (Amount)
16 Marker1 Waste_Event_Details (Marker1)
17 Marker2 Waste_Event_Details (Marker2)
18 Timestamp Waste_Event_Details (TimeStamp)
19 Action1 Waste_Event_Details (Action1)
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
20 Action2 Waste_Event_Details (Action1)
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
21 Action3 Waste_Event_Details (Action1)
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
22 Action4 Waste_Event_Details (Action1)
Event_Reasons (Reason_Id)
23 ActionCommentId Waste_Event_Details (Action_Comment_Id)
Comments (Comment_Id)
24 ResearchCommentId
Waste_Event_Details (Research_Comment_Id)
Comments (Comment_Id)
25 ResearchStatusId Waste_Event_Details (Research_Status_Id)
26 ResearchOpenDate Waste_Event_Details (Research_Open_Date)
27 ResearchCloseDate Waste_Event_Details (Research_Close_Date)
28 CommentId Waste_n_Timed_Comments (WTC_Id)
29 TargetProdRate Waste_Event_Details (Target_Prod_Rate)
30 ResearchUserId Waste_Event_Details (Research_User_Id)
Users (User_Id)
31 FaultId Waste_Event_Details (Fault_Id), Waste_Event_Fault
32 RsnTreeDataId Waste_Event_Details (Event_Reason_Tree_Data_Id),
33 DimensionX
34 DimensionY
35 DimensionZ
36 DimensionA
37 StartCoordinateX
38 StartCoordinateY
39 StartCoordinateZ
40 StartCoordinateA
41 General1
42 General2
43 General3
44 General4
45 General5
46 OrderNum
47 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Result Set 10 - Production Event Details
The following table lists the parameters used in an Event Details Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 10
1 Update Type X 0 - Post-Update. Data already in database and sent to
clients only.
1 - Pre-Update. Database Manager writes to database
and sends to client.
2 User Id X Event_Details (User_Id), Users (User_Id). Allows a
specific User_Id to be used and tracked. If not using a
specific User_Id account then set it to 0 and the
appropriate Service User_Id will be used.
3 Transaction Type X 1 Add, 2 Update, 3 - Delete
4 Transaction Number X 0 Update fields that are not null to the new values.
2 Update all fields of Event_Details to the values in
Result Set. Values of 0 for dimensions are set to null.
5 Event Id X Event_Details (Event_Id)
Events (Event_Id)
6 Unit Id X Prod_Units (PU_Id)
7 Primary Event
X Event_Details (Primary_Event_Num)
8 Alternate Event
Event_Details (Alternate_Event_Num)
9 Comment Id Event_Details (Comment_Id)
Comments (Comment_Id).
10 Event Sub Type Id Event_Subtypes (Event_Subtype_Id)
11 Original Product Event_Details (Original_Product)
Products (Prod_Id)
12 Applied Product Event_Details (Applied_Product)
Products (Prod_Id)
13 Event Status X Event_Details (Event_Status)
Production_Status (ProdStatus_Id)
14 Timestamp X Event_Details (TimeStamp)
15 Entry On Event_Details (Entry_On)
16 Production Plan
Setup Detail Id
Event_Details (PP_Setup_Detail_Id)
Production_Setup_Detail (PP_Setup_Detail_Id)
17 Shipment Item Id Event_Details (Shipment_Item_Id)
Shipment_Line_Items (Shipment_Item_Id)
18 Order Id Event_Details (Order_Id)
Customer_Orders (Order_Id)
19 Order_Line_Id Event_Details (Order_Line_Id)
Customer_Order_Line_Items (Order_Line_Id)
20 Production Plan Id Event_Details.PP_Id
Production_Plan (PP_Id)
21 Initial_Dimension X Event_Details (Initial_Dimension_X)
22 Initial_Dimension Y Event_Details (Initial_Dimension_Y)
23 Initial_Dimension Z Event_Details (Initial_Dimension_Z)
24 Initial_Dimension A Event_Details (Initial_Dimension_A)
25 Final_Dimension X Event_Details (Final_Dimension_X)
Result Sets
26 Final_Dimension Y Event_Details (Final_Dimension_Y)
27 Final_Dimension Z Event_Details (Final_Dimension_Z)
28 Final_Dimension A Event_Details (Final_Dimension_A)
29 Orientation X Event_Details (Orientation_X)
30 Orientation Y Event_Details. (Orientation_Y)
31 Orientation Z Event_Details (Orientation_Z)
32 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Result Set 11 - Genealogy Event Components
The following table lists the parameters used in a Genealogy Event Components Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 11
1 Update Type X 0 - Post-Update. Data already in database
and sent to clients only.
1 - Pre-Update. Database Manager writes to
database and sends to client.
2 User Id X Event_Components (User_Id)
Users (User_Id). Allows a specific User_Id to
be used and tracked. If not using a specific
User_Id account then set it to 0 and the
appropriate Service User_Id will be used.
3 Transaction Type X 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
4 Transaction Number X 0 Update fields that are not null to the new
2 Update all fields of Event_Details to the
values in Result Set. Values of 0 for
dimensions are set to null.
5 Component Id X* Event_Components (Component_Id)
6 Event Id X Event_Components (Event_Id)
Events (Event_Id)
7 Source Event Id X Event_Components (Source_Event_Id)
Events (Event_Id)
8 Dimension X Event_Components (Dimension_X)
9 Dimension Y Event_Components (Dimension_Y)
10 Dimension Z Event_Components (Dimension_Z)
11 Dimension A Event_Components (Dimension_A)
12 Start Coordinate X Event_Components (Start_Coordinate_X)
13 Start Coordinate Y Event_Components (Start_Coordinate_Y)
14 Start Coordinate Z Event_Components (Start_Coordinate_Z)
15 Start Coordinate A Event_Components (Start_Coordinate_A)
16 Start Time Event_Components (Start_Time)
17 Timestamp Event_Components (Timestamp)
18 Parent Component Id Event_Components (Parent_Component_Id)
19 Entry On Event_Components (Entry_On)
20 Extended Info Event_Components (Extended_Info)
Production Excecution
Input ID
Event_Components (PEI_Id)
22 ReportAsConsumption Event_Components
23 Child Unit ID
24 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Result Set 12 - Genealogy Input Events
*Component Id is a required field only when performing an Update or Delete (Transaction Type 2 or
3). When performing a Transaction Type of 1 to add a new record, the Component Id is not required
and is generated by the system.
Result Set 12 - Genealogy Input Events
The following table lists the parameters used in a Genealogy Input Events Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 12
1 Update Type X 0 - Post-Update. Data already in database and
sent to clients only.
1 - Pre-Update. Database Manager writes to
database and sends to client.
2 User Id X PrdExec_Input_Event (User_Id)
Users (User_Id)
3 Transaction Type X 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
4 Transaction Number
X 0 – Update fields that are not null to the new
2 – Update all fields of Event_Details to the
values in Result Set. Values of 0 for
dimensions are set to null.
5 Timestamp X PrdExec_Input_Event (TimeStamp)
6 Entry On PrdExec_Input_Event (Entry_On)
7 Comment Id PrdExec_Input_Event (Comment_Id)
Comments (Comment_Id)
8 Production Event
Input Id
PrdExec_Input_Event (PEI_Id)
PrdExec_Inputs (PEI_Id)
9 Production Event
Input Position Id
PrdExec_Input_Event (PEIP_Id)
PrdExec_Input_Positions (PEIP_Id)
10 Event Id PrdExec_Input_Event (Event_Id)
Events (Event_Id)
11 Dimension X PrdExec_Input_Event (Dimension_X)
12 Dimension Y PrdExec_Input_Event (Dimension_Y)
13 Dimension Z PrdExec_Input_Event (Dimension_Z)
14 Dimension A PrdExec_Input_Event (Dimension_A)
15 Unloaded PrdExec_Input_Event (Unloaded)
16 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Input Event Result Sets Tips
Load Staged Transaction_Type=2, PEIP_Id=2,Event_Id needed
Unload Staged Transaction_Type=2, PEIP_Id=2,Event_Id Null
Load Running Transaction_Type=2, PEIP_Id=1,Event_Id needed
Unload Running Transaction_Type=2, PEIP_Id=1,Event_Id Null
Complete Transaction_Type=1, PEIP_Id=1,Event_Id Null
Result Set 13 - Defect Detail
The following table lists the parameters used in an Defect Details Result Set.
Result Sets
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 13
1 PreDB X 0 - Post-Update. Database Manager writes to
db and sends to client.
1 - Pre-Update. Data already in database and
sent to clients only.
2 TransType X 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
3 TransNum X 0 – Update fields that are not null to the new
2 – Update all fields of Event_Details to the
values in Result Set. Values of 0 for
dimensions are set to null.
4 DefectDetailId X Defect_Details (Defect_Detail_Id)
5 DefectTypeId X Defect_Details (Defect_Type_Id)
Defect_Types (Defect_Type_Id)
6 Cause1 Defect_Details (Cause1), Event_Reasons
7 Cause2 Defect_Details (Cause2), Event_Reasons
8 Cause3 Defect_Details (Cause3), Event_Reasons
9 Cause4 Defect_Details (Cause4), Event_Reasons
10 CauseCommentId Defect_Details (Cause_Comment_Id),
Comments (Comment_Id)
11 Action1 Defect_Details (Action1), Event_Reasons
12 Action2 Defect_Details (Action1), Event_Reasons
13 Action3 Defect_Details (Action1), Event_Reasons
14 Action4 Defect_Details (Action1), Event_Reasons
15 ActionCommentId Defect_Details (Action_Comment_Id),
Comments (Comment_Id)
16 ResearchStatusId Defect_Details (Research_Status_Id)
17 ResearchCommentId Defect_Details (Research_Comment_Id),
Comments (Comment_Id)
18 ResearchUserId Defect_Details (Research_User_Id), Users
19 EventId Defect_Details (Event_Id), Events (Event_Id)
20 SourcePUId Defect_Details (Source_PU_Id), Events
21 PUId Defect_Details (PU_Id), Prod_Units (PU_Id)
22 EventSubtypeId Defect_Details (Event_Subtype_Id)
Event_Subtypes (Event_Subtype_Id)
23 UserId Defect_Details (User_Id), Users (User_Id)
24 Severity Defect_Details (Severity)
25 Repeat Defect_Details (Repeat)
26 DimensionX Defect_Details (Dimension_X)
27 DimensionY Defect_Details (Dimension_Y)
28 DimensionZ Defect_Details (Dimension_Z)
29 DimensionA Defect_Details (Dimension_A)
30 Amount Defect_Details (Amount)
Result Set 14 - Historian Write
31 StartCoordinateX Defect_Details (Start_Coordinate_X)
32 StartCoordinateY Defect_Details (Start_Coordinate_Y)
33 StartCoordinateZ Defect_Details (Start_Coordinate_Z)
34 StartCoordinateA Defect_Details (Start_Coordiante_A)
35 ResearchOpenDate Defect_Details (Research_Open_Date)
36 ResearchCloseDate
Defect_Details (Research_Close_Date)
37 StartTime Defect_Details (Start_Time)
38 EndTime Defect_Details (End_Time)
39 EntryOn Defect_Details (Entry_On)
40 ESignature Signature ID from the ESignature table
Result Set 14 - Historian Write
The following table lists the parameters used in an Historian Write Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 14
1 NodeAlias X The Alias Name of the Historian (Historian
2 Tag X The Tag to write to
3 Value X The Value to be written
4 Timestamp X The time the tag should be written to. Not
applicable for OPC DA historians.
Result Set 15 - Production Plan
The following table lists the parameters used in a Production Plan Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 15
1 Pre DB X 1 - Pre-update. Database Manager writes to database
and sends to client.
0 - Post-update. Data already in database and sent to
clients only.
2 TransType X 1 - Add, 2 - Update, 3 - Delete
3 TransNum X 0 - Coalesce: replace any null values in the result set
with values for the record being updated from the
Production Plan table.
1 - Comment update only
2 - Do not Coalesce: use the null values sent in with the
result set to replace values of the specified record in the
Production Plan table.
91 - Return the specified Child process order to Parent
process order
92 - Create Child process order based on Start Time.
Important: set the Misc1 value for rows with this
transaction number to the appropriate
93 - Create Child process order before Process Order.
Important: set the Misc1 value for rows with this
transaction number to the appropriate
94 - Create Child process order after Process Order
Important: set the Misc1 value for rows with this
Result Sets
transaction number to the appropriate
95 - Rework process order
96 - Either bind or unbind process order based on the
current value of the specified record.
97 - Process order status transition
98 - Move process order back
99 - Move process order forward
4 PathId X Prdexec_Paths (Path_Id)
Production_Plan (Path_Id)
Production_Plan_Status (Path_Id)
5 PPId Production_Plan (PP_Id)
6 CommentId Production_Plan (Comment_Id)
Comments (Comment_Id)
7 ProdId X Production_Plan (Prod_Id)
Products (Prod_Id)
8 ImpliedSequence Production_Plan (Implied_Sequence)
9 PPStatusId X Production_Plan (PP_Status_Id)
Production_Plan_Statuses (PP_Status_Id)
10 PPTypeId Production_Plan (PP_Type_Id)
Production_Plan_Types (PP_Type_Id)
11 SourcePPId Production_Plan (Source_PP_Id)
12 UserId X Production_Plan (User_id)
Users (User_Id)
13 ParentPPId Production_Plan (Parent_PP_Id)
14 ControlType Production_Plan (Control_Type)
Control_Types (Control_Type_Id)
15 ForecastStartTime X Production_Plan (Forecast_Start_Date)
16 ForecastEndTime X Production_Plan (Forecast_End_Date)
17 EntryOn Production_Plan (Entry On)
18 ForecastQuantity X Production_Plan (Forecast_Quantity)
19 ProductionRate Production_Plan (Production_Rate)
20 AdjustedQuantity Production_Plan (Adjusted_Quantity)
21 BlockNumber Production_Plan (Block_Number)
22 ProcessOrder Production_Plan (Process_Order)
23 TransactionTime
24 Misc1 Use depends on other values in the row.
If transaction number is 92, 93, or 94 the
Parent_PP_Setup_Id should be placed in this value.
25 Misc2 Currently unused.
26 Misc3 Currently unused.
27 Misc4 Currently unused.
28 BOMFormulationId Production_Plan (BOM_Formulation_ID)
Partial Example Code for Using Result Set 15
--Declare the SQL variables used
@PreDB tinyint,
@TransType int,
@TransNum int,
@PathId int,
Result Set 15 - Production Plan
@PPId int,
@CommentId int,
@ProdId int,
@ImpliedSequence int,
@PPStatusId int,
@PPTypeId int,
@SourcePPId int,
@UserId int,
@ParentPPId int,
@ControlType tinyint,
@ForecastStartTime datetime,
@ForecastEndTime datetime,
@EntryOn datetime,
@ForecastQuantity float,
@ProductionRate float,
@AdjustedQuantity float,
@BlockNumber varchar(50),
@ProcessOrder varchar(50),
@TransactionTime datetime,
@Misc1 varchar(50),
@Misc2 varchar(50),
@Misc3 varchar(50),
@Misc4 varchar(50)
--Create a temporary table to hold all variable result set rows
CREATE TABLE #ProductionPlanUpdates (
PreDB tinyint,
TransType int,
TransNum int,
PathId int,
PPId int,
CommentId int,
ProdId int,
ImpliedSequence int,
PPStatusId int,
PPTypeId int,
SourcePPId int,
UserId int,
ParentPPId int,
ControlType tinyint,
ForecastStartTime datetime,
ForecastEndTime datetime,
EntryOn datetime,
ForecastQuantity float,
Result Sets
ProductionRate float,
AdjustedQuantity float,
BlockNumber varchar(50),
ProcessOrder varchar(50),
TransactionTime datetime,
Misc1 varchar(50),
Misc2 varchar(50),
Misc3 varchar(50),
Misc4 varchar(50))
--Set Result Set Variables to values retrieved in your custom code. No
--specific custom code is being show.
Select @Var_Id = Var_Id
from Variables where PU_Id = @PU_Id And Var_Desc Like '%Remaining%'
Select @PU_Id = @PU_Id
Select @User_Id = 0
Select @Canceled = 0
Select @Result = @Value
Select @Result_On = @Timestamp
Select @Transaction_Type = 1
Select @PostUpdate = 0
Select @PreDB = 0
Select @TransType = 1
Select @TransNum = 0
Select @PathId = @IncomingPathId
Select @PPId = @IncomingPPId
Select @ProdId = @IncomingProdId
Select @PPStatusId = PP_Status_Id from Production_Plan_Sstatuses
Where PP_Status_Desc = 'pending'
Select @PPTypeId = 1 --Scheduled
Select @SourcePPId = NULL
Select @UserId = 0
Select @ParentPPId = NULL
Select @ControlType = 1 --Duration
Select @ForecastStartTime = getdate()
Select @ForecastEndTime = dateadd(mi,15,getdate())
Select @EntryOn = getdate()
Select @ForecastQuantity = 5000
Select @ProcessOrder = '12345678'
Select @TransactionTime = getdate()
Select @Misc1 = NULL
Select @Misc2 = NULL
Select @Misc3 = NULL
Select @Misc4 = NULL
Result Set 15 - Production Plan
Insert into #ProductionPlanUpdates (PreDB,
Result Sets
-- Since the table was created in the same order as the result set
-- we can just place the 15 in front of the output of a "select *"
If (Select Count(*) From #ProductionPlanUpdates) > 0
Select 15,* from # ProductionPlanUpdates
Result Set 16 - Production Setup
The following table lists the parameters used in a Production Setup Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 16
1 Update Type X 0 - Post-Update.
Data already in db and sent to
clients only.
1 - Pre-Update. Database Manager writes to
db and sends to client.
2 Transaction Type X 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
3 Transaction
X Transaction Numbers
00 - Coalesce
01 - Comment Update
02 - No Coalesce
91 - Return To Parent Sequence
92 - Create Child Sequence
97 - Status Transition
98 - Move Sequence Back
99 - Move Sequence Forward
4 PathId X
5 PPSetupId
6 PPId X
7 ImpliedSequence
8 PPStatusId
9 PatternRepititions
10 CommentId
11 ForecastQuantity
12 BaseDimensionX
13 BaseDimensionY
14 BaseDimensionZ
15 BaseDimensionA
16 BaseGeneral1
17 BaseGeneral2
18 BaseGeneral3
19 BaseGeneral4
20 Shrinkage
21 PatternCode
22 UserId X
23 EntryOn
24 TransactionTime
25 ParentPPSetupId
Result Set 17 - Production Plan Starts
The following table lists the parameters used in a Production Plan Starts Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 17
Result Sets
1 Update Type X 0 - Post-Update. Data already in db and sent
to clients only.
1 - Pre-Update. Database Manager writes to
db and sends to client.
2 Transaction Type X 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
3 Transaction Num X
4 PU Id X
5 PP Start Id
6 Start Time X
7 End Time
8 PP Id
9 Comment Id
10 PP Setup Id
11 User Id
Result Set 18 - Production Execution Path Unit Starts
The following table lists the parameters used in a Production Execution Path Unit Starts Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type
X 18
1 Update Type X 0 - Post-Update. Database Manager writes to
db and sends to client.
1 - Pre-Update. Data already in db and sent to
clients only.
2 Transaction Type X 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
3 Transaction Num X
4 PU Id X
6 Path Id X
7 Comment Id
8 Start time
9 End Time
Result Set 19 - Production Stats
The following table lists the parameters used in a Production Stats Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type (19)
X 19
1 PreDB X 0 - Post-Update. Database Manager writes to db
and sends to client.
1 - Pre-Update. Data already in db and sent to
clients only.
2 Transaction Type X 1 = Add
2 = Update
3 = Delete
3 Transaction Number
4 Path Id X
5 Statistics Type X
Result Set 20 - HistorianRead Result Set
6 Id X
7 Actual Start Time X
8 Actual End Time X
9 Actual Good Items X
10 Actual Bad Items X
11 Actual Running Time
12 Actual Down Time X
13 Actual Good
14 Actual Bad Quantity
15 Predicted Total
Predicted Remaining
Predicted Remaining
18 Alarm Count X
19 Late Items X
20 Repetitions X
Result Set 20 - HistorianRead Result Set
The following table lists the parameters used in a HistorianRead Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 20
1 Start Time X Start Time of Sampling Period
2 End Time X End Time of Sampling Period
3 Tag X Tag to Read
4 Node Alias X The Alias Name of the Historian (Historian
Result Sets
5 Sampling Type X 1 = Average
2 = Interpolated
4 = Minimum
5 = Maximum
6 = Standard Deviation
7 = Total
8 = Cpk
9 = % In Warning
10 = % In Reject
12 = Last Good Value
13 = Count
14 = Next Good Value
15 = Closest Good Value
16 = Increase
17 = Minimum TimeStamp
18 = Maximum TimeStamp
19 = Event TimeStamp
20 = Raw Total
21 = Raw Count
22 = Raw Unique Count
23 = Base TimeStamp - Interpolated
24 = Raw Average
25 = Raw Minimum
26 = Raw Maximum
27 = Raw Standard Deviation
28 = Raw Values
29 = Base TimeStamp - Last Good Value
30 = Base TimeStamp - Next Good Value
31 = Raw Increase
32 = Cp
33 = Pp
34 = Ppk
6 Variable Id X The Destination Variable where the result
should be placed.
7 Lag Time X Time to wait before reading (in seconds)
Partial Sample Code for Using Result Set 20
--Declare the SQL variables used
@StartTime datetime,
@EndTime datetime,
@Tag varchar(255),
@NodeAlias varchar(50),
@SamplingType int,
@VariableId int,
@LagTime int
--Create a temporary table to hold all variable result set rows
CREATE TABLE #HistorianRead (
StartTime datetime,
Result Set 20 - HistorianRead Result Set
EndTime datetime,
Tag varchar(255),
NodeAlias varchar(50),
SamplingType int,
VariableId int,
LagTime int
--Set Result Set Variables to values retrieved in your custom code. No
--specific custom code is being show.
Select @StartTime = getdate()
Select @EndTime = dateadd(mi,15,getdate())
Select @Tag = 'MyTagName'
Select @NodeAlias = 'MyHistorianName'
Select @SamplingType = 2
Select @VariableId = 1302
Select @LagTime = 5
Insert into # HistorianRead(
Result Sets
-- Since the table was created in the same order as the result set
-- we can just place the 20 in front of the output of a "select *"
If (Select Count(*) From #HistorianRead) > 0
Select 20,* from #HistorianRead
Result Set 21 - Non-Productive Time
The following table lists the parameters used in a Non-Productive Time Result Set.
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 21
1 PreDB
2 TransactionType
3 TransNum
4 PUId
5 StartTime
6 EndTime
7 Reason1
8 Reason2
9 Reason3
10 Reason4
11 UserId
12 CommentId
13 RsnTreeDataId
14 EntryOn
15 NPDetId
Result Set 50 - Output File Creation
The Plant Applications File interface models allow for the export of structured or delimited data from
Plant Applications into a file, and for the import of file data into Plant Applications. A Plant Applications
calculation that is either time based or event based triggers the export of data, which is accomplished
through calling a stored procedure (SP) from the calculation. The SP does much of the work via its
select and update queries, which gather up the information, often into temporary tables, and then
writes it out to a file using Plant Applications specific Result Sets to generate the file, its name, and its
format. Imports are done by having files FTP’d to the Proficy Server and by configuring a specific
model to watch a directory for a new file and specifying a stored procedure to be called by the model
to handle the importing of the data into Plant Applications.
General configuration and specific configuration for each type of transfer for the Plant Applications
File Interfaces will be performed in Plant Applications models and on variables in the Plant
Applications Server using the Plant Applications Administrator. (A Plant Applications model performs
tasks according to configurable model attributes in order to accomplish a set of defined tasks.)
Startup and Shutdown
The Plant Applications File Interfaces run as a calculation inside the Calculation Manager Service or
as a component or model inside of the Plant Applications Event Manager Service. In order to start or
stop the Plant Applications File Interfaces, the various models are activated or deactivated through
the Plant Applications Administrator Configure Events option or by activating or deactivating the
Communication Protocol
The protocol of communication between the Plant Applications Server and other computers will be file
transfer using FTP over TCP/IP. It can be assumed that both the Proficy Server and other computers
will have appropriately configured IP addresses and will have FTP services loaded, tested, and fully
functional. The actual transfer of the files can be done using the Plant Applications FTP Engine. This
is configured using the Plant Applications Administrator. The testing of sending, retrieval, and
deletion of files (Gets) using an FTP client is important to verify by using a program such as WS_FTP
prior to commissioning this interface. The Plant Applications FTP Engine is an FTP Client.
Log Files
All messages logged by the by the Plant Applications File Interfaces are logged in the Plant
Applications Calculation or Event Manager logfiles in the Proficy\Logfiles directory named EventMgr-
01.Log or CalculationMgr-01.Log with the 01 being the version of the log file. In the "Log" file there
will be error messages and in the "Show" file EventMgr.Shw or CalculationMgr.Shw there is a
summary of the current configuration. By default, the interface will log only error messages to the Log
file including the date and time along with transaction specific data for the error. The Show file will
contain details of the current configuration of the interface including which models are activated and
the model parameters.
Result Set 50 Description
Plant Applications data export to a flat file can occur when a calculation, an event, or time based
trigger calls a stored procedure. A Plant Applications calculation that is either time based or event
based or an event triggers the export of data, which is accomplished through calling a stored
procedure (SP) from the calculation. The Stored Procedure does much of the work via its select and
update queries, which gather up the information, often into temporary tables, and then writes it out to
a file using the Plant Applications Result Set Type 50 to generate the file, its name, and its
format. The appropriate Plant Applications Service will interpret the result set and build the
Result Set 50 - Output File Creation
file. Transfer of files to other computers is done by having files FTP’d to the other computer using the
Plant Applications FTP Engine.
INFORMATION: There is a maximum column size of 3000 characters.
Result Set 50 Output File Parameters
Field Name
Values/Table Referenc
0 Result Set Type 50
1 File Number Allows the capability with one select statement. The
number of the file to include the Value in..
2 File Name The name of the file to create for a specific file number.
3 Field Number Not Utilized
4 Field Name Not Utilized
5 Type Alpha – pad the value with spaces up to the Length
Any value but Alpha (Numeric) – Gets treated like a
number. The number is formatted to the precision and
the value is padded with spaces up to the Length
6 Length Length of the Value used for padding spaces at the end.
7 Precision Null
8 Value The Value to be put in the file.
9 Carriage Return Carriage Return for that line. Yes = 1, No = 0
10 Construction Path Drive and Directory for file construction.
11 Final Path Drive and Directory for completed file.
12 Move Mask (NO PATH) File mask of the file to move from the Construction Path
to the Final Path.
13 Add Timestamp 0-No, 1-Short, 2-Full
Key Parts of a Result Set 50 Example
Create Table #FileOutput (
FileNumber int,
FileName varchar(20) NULL,
FieldNumber int,
FieldName varchar(20),
FieldType varchar(20),
FieldLength int,
FieldPrecision int NULL,
FieldValue varchar(100) NULL,
FieldCR int DEFAULT 0,
FieldBuildPath varchar(50) NULL,
FieldFinalPath varchar(50) NULL,
FieldMoveMask varchar(50) NULL,
AddTimestamp int
Select @FileNumber = 1
Select @FileBuildPath = 'C:\Proficy\FileExport\Construction\'
Select @FileFinalPath = 'C:\Proficy\FileExport\Outgoing\'
Select @FileNumber = @FileNumber + 1
Result Sets
Select @FieldNumber = 1
Select @FileName = @Prod_Code + '.SR'
Select @FieldType = ’r;Alpha’
Select @Msg = 'RECIPE ' + @Prod_Code + ';'
Select @MsgLength= len(@msg)
Select @FieldMoveMask = ’r;*.txt’
Insert Into #FileOutput (FileNumber, FileName, FieldNumber, FieldName,
FieldType, FieldLength, FieldPrecision, FieldValue, FieldCR,
FieldBuildPath, FieldFinalPath,FieldMoveMask,AddTimestamp)
ue1’,1,@FileBuildPath,@FileFinalPath, @FieldMoveMask,0)
Insert Into #FileOutput (FileNumber, FileName, FieldNumber, FieldName,
FieldType, FieldLength, FieldPrecision, FieldValue, FieldCR,
FieldBuildPath, FieldFinalPath,FieldMoveMask,AddTimestamp)
Values (@FileNumber,@FileName,@FieldNumber,@FieldName,'Alpha',1,Null,
'Value2’,1,@FileBuildPath,@FileFinalPath, @FieldMoveMask,0)
Insert Into #FileOutput (FileNumber, FileName, FieldNumber, FieldName,
FieldType, FieldLength, FieldPrecision, FieldValue, FieldCR,
FieldBuildPath, FieldFinalPath,FieldMoveMask,AddTimestamp)
Values (@FileNumber,@FileName,@FieldNumber,@FieldName,'Alpha',1,Null,
'Value3’,1,@FileBuildPath,@FileFinalPath, @FieldMoveMask,0)
Drop Table #FileOutput
Select 50, * From #FileOutput Order By FileNumber, FieldNumber
Result Set 51 - Return Parameters
Result Set 51 has two fields and allows special parameters to be returned from local stored
procedures (spLocals).
Field Name
Values/Table Reference
0 Result Set Type X 51
1 ParameterName X The name of the parameter.
2 ParameterValue X The value of the parameter you want to return.