Strong Sample Letter of Recommendation
Letterhead (if available)
Name of Institution
Your Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Re: Rory Panther
AAMC: 1234567
Dear Program Director,
It is my pleasure to write this letter in strong support of the application of
Ms. Rory Panther for your residency program. I have been clinical faculty
with Florida International University since its inception and have worked
with family medicine students in the clinical setting for the last 8 years.
Overall, I have taught and worked with medical students in the clinic
setting for the past 20 years. I worked personally with Ms. Panther over
the course of the 8 week rotation in a family medicine clinic. In this
capacity, I was able to closely observe and assess her clinical skills.
Ms. Panther was always prepared for each day’s census, reading about
every patient’s history, labs, and diagnoses. An example of the level of
her preparation was seen in her recommendation that we follow up on
sleep issues documented by the therapist in the EMR, indicating Ms.
Panther’s thorough knowledge of the patient, including notes by other
providers. Another example is that she correctly interpreted abnormal
thyroid function studies, and made appropriate treatment
recommendations (including strength of medication) and follow up lab
Ms. Panther demonstrated her clinical curiosity by asking and answering
a clinical question using evidence-based resources. Specifically, she saw a
patient with symptoms of a urinary tract infection, but with a clean urine
dipstick and looked up the sensitivity and specificity of the urine dip in
the face of a strong pretest probability and then seeing that the clean
urine dipstick did not negate the history, Ms. Panther looked up the
appropriate treatment, including dose and frequency. For a patient with
testicular pain, she came up with at least five differential diagnoses,
including important “can’t miss” diagnoses.
Ms. Panther also demonstrated strong teaching skills in working with a
first year medical student coming to the clinic to learn how to obtain a
history from a patient. Ms. Panther went over the patient they were
What makes a strong letter?
The letter is written on
The letter describes the letter
writer’s qualifications for writing
this letter, specifically, her
experience in medical education
The letter describes the writer’s
current role as a clinical teacher.
The letter describes how long and
in what capacity the writer has
known the student.
The letter includes opinions and
The letter is specific and accurate,
including details.
The writer states specific qualities
the candidate possesses:
preparedness, clinical curiosity,
and teaching skills.
The writer provides details to
demonstrate how the candidate
exhibited a certain quality.
Strong Sample Letter of Recommendation
going to see and asked the first year student if she was worried about
any part of the history. After interviewing the patient, Ms. Panther gave
feedback to the first year student, accurately noting that her body
language supported the interview and that transitions might help the
interview to flow more smoothly.
Ms. Panther is an exceptional learner who excels in having the abilities
to communicate with the patient, to be proactive in the work of the
clinic, and the clinical acumen required of an outstanding family
physician. She was able to establish excellent rapport with patients of
any culture or socioeconomic background including patients below the
poverty threshold as well as financially secure and from various
countries such as Venezuela, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Pakistan, and
Russia. One patient commented that “she asked about everything I was
worried about” and was “so kind” in the interview. Ms. Panther cares
genuinely for the well-being of patients she cared for.
The nurse also noted Ms. Panther’s clinical skills and team work,
specifically that Ms. Panther took advantage of every opportunity to
learn, learning to perform blood draws and vaccines with good
technique. The nurse also commented that Ms. Panther contributed to
completing the work of the clinic, bringing in patients and doing vitals
when needed.
Ms. Panther will be an asset to the residency of her choice and will be a
hard-working, dedicated housestaff. I am hopeful that she ranks our
family medicine residency program top on her rank list. She is in the top
10% of students with whom I have worked over the past 20 years and
upon completion of her training she is someone I would trust with the
care of my loved ones as patients. If our university had an [name of
residency program], Ms. Panther would be an excellent fit in our
program. I recommend her without reservation.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call or email. Ms.
Panther has waived her right to view this recommendation.
Name of Attending (signed by hand)
Name of Attending, M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine, Department
Name of University
Spelling and grammar have
been checked
This paragraph again gives
another example of how the
student displayed specific skills
and attitudes in the clinical
This letter provides a
comparison of this student with
other students with whom the
writer has interacted over the
The letter is signed by hand
The letter includes a signature
line which includes the writer’s
faculty appointment.