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Phone: DSN
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(a) BUPERSINST 1050.11H
(b) OPNAVINST 4650.15
(c) DOD 4500-G, Department of Defense Foreign
Clearance Guide (DOD FCG),
Web site www.fcg.pentagon.mil
(d) State Department, Web site www.state.gov
(e) Congressional Directory
(f) NATO Publication AMOV P-3 of May 98 (NOTAL)
(g) BUPERSINST 1320.6G
(h) BUMEDINST 6230.15A
1. Policy. As stated in reference (a), Navy personnel may visit
any place outside the United States (U.S.) without obtaining
permission from Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM). The
responsibility for obtaining travel information and for complying
with the laws of the countries and/or places to be visited rests
with the prospective traveler. Members planning to travel with
family members should be aware that the requirements for
civilians are not necessarily the same as those for military
2. Foreign Leave Travel Authorization. Unless prohibited by
competent authority, commanding officers (COs) may, under this
article, authorize foreign leave travel. All countries for which
foreign leave is anticipated or authorized, as well as those
through which travel is required, must be specifically listed in
the detaching endorsement on permanent change of station (PCS)
orders or in the leave authorization. Policy for members wishing
foreign leave travel authorization in connection with PCS orders
is contained in reference (b). Information regarding travel
requirements by personnel taking leave in any foreign country may
be obtained by accessing the below:
a. Department of Defense Foreign Clearance Guide (DOD FCG)
Web site (reference (c)).
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b. Travel advisories to foreign countries that are available
on the State Department Web site (reference (d)).
Commands shall review both the DOD FCG (reference (c)) and
U.S. State Department travel advisories (on reference (d)) prior
to granting leave or travel to foreign countries. When the State
Department travel advisory recommends travel to a foreign country
be deferred, leave to the country should not be authorized.
NOTE: Foreign leave shall not be granted to a member who is in a
disciplinary status, is under investigation for a criminal charge
or security violation, or is considered not to be a creditable
representative of the Navy.
3. Alien Members/Dual National Members
a. Alien members of the Naval Service who return to their
country of origin may be subject to certain impositions or
controls by the laws of that country which could result in
considerable inconvenience or hardship. In some cases alien
members have been drafted into the armed forces of their native
country or prosecuted for draft evasion. Similar problems may
also be encountered by dual national members of the Naval Service
who visit their non-U.S. country of nationality. Generally, such
dual nationality may arise in the following cases:
(1) Member born in foreign territory to parents at least
one of whom is a U.S. citizen.
(2) Member born in the U.S. to parents at least one of
whom is a citizen of another country.
(3) Member born with one parent who is a U.S. citizen and
one parent who is a citizen of another country regardless of
place of birth.
(4) Member born in foreign territory to non-U.S. citizen
parents and member eventually becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen.
b. In some cases, the problems of dual nationals are
resolved by an international protocol relating to military
obligation of dual nationals. The inconveniences and/or legal
difficulties of alien or dual national members are minimized to
some extent by agreements concerning the status of U.S. forces;
however, such agreements have not been concluded with all
countries and usually apply only when the member is on official
duty assignment in the country concerned. In order to reduce the
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potential for such problems, members taking leave to a country of
which they are a citizen (except in the case of the Philippines
covered in MILPERSMAN 1050-260, Leave/Emergency Leave in the
Republic of the Philippines, which requires members requesting
leave to submit a country clearance request) should verify that
no problem with the other country’s draft laws is anticipated
prior to commencing travel to such country. In this regard,
assistance may be obtained from the following:
Office of the Judge Advocate General
International and Operational Law
Code 10
Pentagon Room 5E793
Arlington, VA 22202
COM (703) 697-9161
DSN 221-9161
4. Passports and Visas
a. Requirements for passports vary in each country. It is
strongly recommended that members and their families apply for a
tourist passport if there is any doubt as to whether one will be
b. Military personnel are not required to obtain visas for
many countries provided they present proper military
identification. DD 2 (7-74), Armed Forces of the United States-
Geneva Conventions Identification Card (Active), is the minimum
requirement. Temporary identification cards are not acceptable
in most countries. Visas may be obtained in the principal cities
of the world from the embassy or a consulate of the country to be
visited. The addresses of foreign diplomatic representatives and
foreign counselor offices in the U.S. are listed in the
Congressional Directory (reference (e)) which is readily
available in naval general libraries and most public libraries in
the U.S.
5. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Countries.
Military personnel performing leave travel in or through
NATO countries shall carry, in addition to PCS orders or
leave authorization, NATO Travel Orders in compliance with
Status of Forces Agreement (set forth in reference (f)), as
required by the DOD FCG (reference (c)). See reference (g) for
guidance on completion of NATO Travel Orders. Family members are
required to hold a valid passport in which they are described as
accompanying a member of a force. The NATO countries are as
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Czech Republic
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
United States
6. Immunization Requirements. Navy personnel and their family
members shall follow the immunization requirements for foreign
leave travel per reference (h).
7. MAC Transportation
a. Travel Arrangements. The member who is performing the
travel is responsible for making transportation arrangements.
“Space available” accommodations for leave travel via the Air
Mobility Command (AMC) can be expected to be very difficult to
obtain and may be available only to intermediate or adjacent
destinations. It is imperative that personnel attempting to
travel on a space-available basis have sufficient funds to defray
travel expenses via commercial means and to cover the cost of
hotel accommodations when delayed or when passage by AMC is
b. Travel Uniform. Navy personnel on leave or liberty will
be in an appropriate uniform when traveling on DOD-owned or
controlled aircraft unless civilian attire is authorized due to
local extenuating circumstances for political or personal safety
reasons or as required by reference (c).
c. Obtaining Information. Information regarding travel
requirements by personnel taking leave in any foreign country may
be obtained by accessing the reference (c) DOD FCG Web site.
Travel advisories to foreign countries are available on the
reference (d) State Department Web site.
d. Command Responsibility. Commands shall review both the
DOD FCG (reference (c)) and U.S. State Department travel
advisories (on reference (d)) prior to granting leave or travel
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to foreign countries. This policy applies to personnel traveling
on military and AMC-contracted (Category B) civil aircraft
departing from military airfields and commercial gateways.
e. Clothing Restrictions in Other Countries. Refer to the
current issue of the DOD FCG (reference (c)) regarding an
individual country’s uniform and civilian clothing restrictions.
In compliance with regulations governing AMC transportation, all
countries through which travel is or may be required shall be
specifically listed on the leave authorization or in the
detaching endorsement on PCS orders.