Thank you for taking time to learn about the UC admission application and
review helpful tips so that applicants can best present themselves.
This presentation is for students applying for freshman admission.
Before you begin, it’s important to understand the application process, and
what should be done to prepare to complete the application.
Fall Admission Application: Opens August 1. For other terms (winter/spring) go to:
Application Submission: between November 1 and 30. Applicants must meet the deadline; late
applications are rarely accepted.
December Test Scores: For ACT with Writing and/or the SAT with Essay tests (or SAT Subject Tests)
exams completed in December, applicants must first self-report the test results by logging back into their
submitted application as soon as scores are received. Official December test scores must be sent to one
UC campus as soon as the scores are available; scores will be shared with all campuses to which the
student applied.
Admission Decisions: Campuses may begin to admit students as early as February 1, but most
students will receive notification of admission via the campus’ applicant portal during the month of March.
Waitlist Offers: Some students may receive an offer to be placed on a waitlist at one or more
campuses. If a waitlist offer is extended, applicants must respond by the stated deadline. UC campuses
very rarely make exceptions for a late response.
Guarantee of Admission: In mid-April, applicants who were identified as being in the Top 9%
Statewide or Top 9% Local Context (ELC) and met/will meet all admission requirements, but were not
offered admission to any campus at which they applied, will be sent an email message if another campus
has space available to offer them a place.
Statement of Intent to Register: May 1 is the deadline to submit the Statement of Intent to Register
(SIR) (accept an offer of admission) to ONLY ONE UC campus for all freshman admits who received an
offer by April 1. Admit offers received after April 1 will include a corresponding SIR deadline.
Waitlist Decisions: Early May to early July, campuses will notify applicants who accepted a place on
the waitlist of the final decision on their application.
For Students:
Begin preparing for the application now – don’t wait until November.
Start by researching the campuses now so you know where you want to apply.
Learn about the majors offered and all the types of courses needed to earn the UC degree
so you are fully informed about graduation requirements and can plan how long it may take
to graduate.
If you are certain about the intended major, review the curriculum in the campus’ General
List of majors by disciplines across all nine UC campuses:
Some majors are not open to freshmen applicants, or for every term.
Gather materials that you’ll need: transcripts/academic records, list of current and planned courses,
test scores, awards and honors, volunteer program timelines and hours, employment timeline and
hours, etc.
Brainstorm: take time to remember all the important things you have done throughout secondary/high
school, from club involvement, to volunteering, to athletics and leadership, and more.
Your short answer responses to the personal insight questions are important.
Write responses early and refer to online resources with writing tips and a worksheet (a
video is also available) to help you get started.
Ask a trusted teacher, counselor, or other adult for feedback on each of your responses.
All UC campuses are selective. Apply to different types of campuses throughout the system for your
best chance of being admitted and finding a good match. Information on each UC campus can be
found at:
Campuses use email to communicate with applicants during the application process; students should
create an email account (preferably one that identifies them instead of a “cute” or “non-distinct” name)
and be sure to check it regularly.
Applicants to UC should understand how their application information will be
reviewed by the campuses. This section offers guidance on the importance of
the information presented and how campuses will use the information to
understand the context of the applicant’s educational experience.
Requirements: All UC campuses have the same minimum requirements for
freshmen to ensure that all students are prepared to be academically successful at
the University.
Selection: Selection is a process at each campus which is necessary when more
applicants apply to a campus than a campus can admit and enroll. Each UC campus
evaluates applicants beyond just their GPA and test scores in order to select the
applicants who are best suited for their campus.
Applicant Pool: Who else is in the applicant pool? Applicants must remember that
they are not just applying with students from their school and community, but also
with students from all parts of California, the U.S. and from other countries, whose
backgrounds may be similar or different from their own. UC receives applications
from students with a variety of attributes: those living in small rural areas, students
from families with low and high incomes and communities that have high and low
college-going rates, out-of-state students, etc. Even if students think their
background or situation is typical (or not unusual) it’s important to explain (not
complain) why, so UC admission staff understand the applicant better. The
admission staff need more than just a school name or city to get a better sense of the
Each UC campus evaluates the application without knowing the status of the same
application at another campus. One campus will not admit or deny based on the
admission decision of another campus.
Each UC campus has a unique application review process developed by its faculty committee. Each
campus may place a different emphasis or value on the information in the application in the
Comprehensive Review process. ALL campuses conduct a Comprehensive Review.
In general campuses look for:
Strong grades & examination scores, courses beyond the minimum requirements, and in
some cases, specific course preparation like advanced math and additional science for
STEM majors
Involvement & leadership “Well-rounded” doesn’t mean a student has to do everything, but
we like to see evidence of students being involved outside of the classroom in activities they
are passionate about an inclusive educational experience
Each applicant is reviewed within the context of his or her available opportunities: if a student does
well compared to peers within the same situation (school, environment, etc.) and uses the application
to explain that context, the applicant will provide UC readers with a better understanding of how they
were able to achieve/complete what is presented on the application.
Each campus may differ on the relative weight (if any) accorded to any criterion
Students should visit each campus’ website for the specific selection process
UC looks for students who have challenged themselves in many ways: students are most successful at
our campuses if they have shown academic promise through their courses/grades, test scores and other
academic pursuits.
We ask many questions as part of the application process so that we can get to know each student.
Since there is no opportunity for an interview and because most UC campuses do not consider
recommendation letters, our goal is get a sense of the applicant’s life, interests and personality through
their application.
Applicants may put themselves at a disadvantage if they do not thoroughly, accurately, and completely
fill out all parts of the application.
To complete the UC online admission application, go to:
Students must thoroughly complete all sections of the application and do so accurately. This is
the students’ opportunity to tell the admission staff about personal details that make each
applicant unique.
Begin by reading the Statement of Application Integrity. Click on the link on the log-in page
for the application, or go to:
Accuracy of Details:
Academic History: MUST be accurately reported--all enrollment, every school/college, all
courses and grades (even/especially if a course was repeated). If a student accepts an
offer of admission, UC requires official academic records to verify the information reported.
“Additional Comments” box in the Academic History section can be used to provide
detailed information or explanations about specific academic issues declining grades,
course selection issues, etc.
Examination scores: report results for exams already completed and dates for planned
exams (including A-Levels).
Activities/Awards: Applicants should not exaggerate or fabricate awards or activities
because the information submitted is subject to verification.
In fact, UC does verify information that students report on the application. It is
critical that students do not misrepresent or falsify information, as this is a serious
offense and will result in serious consequences. Honesty is the best policy.
Contact information --- including an email address which UC will use to communicate
with the applicant
Students can also provide a phone number where they can receive text messages
from the campuses
Family background information is optional but may be helpful for UC to understand
the context of resources and opportunities available to the student.
Browser recommendations
The UC online application functions with the following browser versions: Firefox v61,
Internet Explorer 11, Chrome 67 and higher, and Safari v11.1.2.
Our application uses JavaScript web page functionality. Please make sure JavaScript
is enabled on your browser.
Because it's important to protect the information you provide, the online application is
extremely secure so secure, in fact, that older browsers are not equipped to handle
our level of encryption. Please download one of the browser versions listed above to
ensure maximum security.
The application will automatically save information when “next”, “save & continue”,
or “sign out” is clicked, but not when the browser is closed without clicking one of
the three options. Also, there is a 30-minute inactivity period after which the
application system will automatically sign off.
Create Your Account
New users must enter a unique e-mail address and password
Applicants will use this same account if they apply again in the future
If the students’ family has multiple applicants or has future applicants, different e-mail
addresses must be used for each applicant
Passwords must be at least eight characters (and must have a combination of uppercase
and lowercase letters, numbers and/or symbols)
Create a secret question/answer combination that will be easily remembered
Be sure to keep login information safe
Once “Create a New Account” is complete, an e-mail confirming the start of your
application will be sent
Campuses use e-mail to send critical, time-sensitive correspondence to applicants, so
provide an e-mail address that is checked regularly and will be kept until enrolling in
Remember to adjust e-mail filters to accept mail from UC addresses
Statement of Integrity before starting the application
Common questions/answers on each page
List of Closed Majors:
Downloadable Undergraduate Admission Guide:
Log In
First-time users start by clicking “New Account”
On return visits, enter e-mail and password information under “Sign In”
Navigating the Application
The highlighted step on the progress bar shows the current section of the
application the student is working on
Each page has an “Inside This Section” and “Questions” area
Use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons on the bottom of the page to save
and move through the application. Don’t use the browser navigation
After the first step has been completed, “Start Application,” click on any of
the top navigation boxes or steps in “Inside This Section” to move to the
next step or jump ahead
Navigating to another page will save your work
If account information (e-mail, name, date of birth) needs to be
changed/corrected this can be done in the “My UC application” section at
the top
Click on ‘help’ for access to commonly asked questions and answers
“Sign Out” stores the information entered
Term: Students must select the term for which they are applying for admission
to UC.
Note: most campuses and majors are open for the fall term only.
Level: Students must select the appropriate level for which they are applying.
A freshman applicant is currently in high school or has graduated from high
school, but has not enrolled in a regular session at a college or university
after high school graduation (with the exception of the summer term
immediately following high school graduation).
A student who has enrolled in a regular term (fall/winter/spring) at a college
or university after graduating from high school should apply as a transfer
Applicants must select a country of citizenship from the country drop-down
Those who choose a country other than the United States will have follow-
up questions on permanent residency and/or visa status.
Undocumented Students
For country of citizenship, select “No Selection” and do not enter a social
security number.
Social Security Number (SSN)
All applicants who have a social security number (SSN) are required to
enter it.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
Enter a valid SSN, SSN for work purposes, or ITIN if available.
Otherwise, leave it blank.
If an applicant does not have an SSN, he/she may skip that item.
We use the SSN to accurately and reliably merge test scores and the
federal financial aid application with the admission application.
SSN, SSN for work purposes and ITIN numbers are encrypted and kept
Choosing a Major
Applicants must select a major for each campus to which they are applying.
The online application displays which majors are open/closed to the specific applicant level.
Hovering over colleges/majors may display additional information (e.g. For “major closed,” it
means that the major is only open to transfer students and the applicant should apply to a
different major).
Example: At UC Berkeley, freshmen cannot apply directly into the Haas School of
Business select the College of Letters and Science with an undeclared or pre-
business major (for either option your application will be reviewed in the same
Example: At UC Los Angeles, freshmen cannot apply directly to the
Communication Studies major--select the College of Letters and Science with an
undeclared major.
These programs (and others like them at other UC campuses) are only open to
junior level students. Students who enroll at the University can apply for admission
into the major program during their sophomore year of college.
Select an alternate major, if available (the choice for an alternate major is not available at
every campus), or select “No Alternate Major” at the bottom of the list.
If a campus is unable to offer the applicant a place in the first-choice major, they
may consider them for an alternate majorbe sure the alternate major is in a
subject area that the student really wants to study (and in some cases, it should be
in a different area of study than the primary major).
After selecting major/alternate major, scroll to bottom of the page and click “Next”.
Repeat steps for each campus selected.
If most of the majors are closed, it may be that the student has selected the incorrect
applicant level or the filing period has ended.
San Diego Colleges
If a student is applying to UC San Diego, they must rank the colleges in
order of preference to have the best chance of assignment to the college of
their choice
The order of ranking of colleges does not affect the chances for admission
to UC San Diego
Boxes to rank the colleges only appear once the student clicks the “Learn
about UCSD colleges” link (opens a pop up window). Students should
carefully read the information provided to understand the “theme” of each
college at UC San Diego
All UC campuses offer scholarships for students who meet specific criteria.
The applicant should review each scholarship choice and select up to 16
scholarships that match their characteristics, interests, and background.
Research other campus-based scholarships in the link provided at the
bottom of the screen - Learn more: Undergraduate scholarships
Family Size and Income
Information about a student’s parent(s)/legal guardian(s)’ education,
income, and family size is used to provide contextual information about the
home environment and to determine eligibility for the application fee waiver.
This information is not used to determine residency status or eligibility for
financial aid.
Students should have all transcripts (academic records) from all schools they
have attended since the ninth grade. The courses/grades entered must match
exactly the official academic record.
Seventh/Eighth Grade
& 8
grade courses do not need to appear on the high school transcript
Math and Language other than English (LOTE) are the only subject areas
that can be met by course work in middle school
UC will accept a geometry course completed in middle school.
High Schools Attended
Select a location – “In California”, “U.S. (not CA)” or “Outside the U.S.
If applicable, indicate specialized curriculum/year-round information
Start typing the name of the school. After three characters, matching
schools will begin to appear
As more characters are entered, the match will become refined
Select school name/code/location, click “Add”
If no matches are present, complete typing the full name of the school and
click “Add”
Remember to list every school attended beginning with 9
grade, even if 9
grade was considered “middle school”
NOTE: Students will be asked for information on college/university
attendance while in high school later in the application
High School Attendance (continued)
Enter the dates of attendance
If this is same school the student is going to graduate from, enter the
certificate/diploma information
Enter the grading and term system for the school [multiple term systems
may be selected for one school]
Click “Add” to save the information
The school information entered will appear in a table for edit/review
High School Coursework
Courses are selected or entered by grade level beginning with ninth grade
First select the Subject Area/Course Category of the course to be entered (e.g. English,
Math, etc.)
Next, if a student is enrolled in a California high school, select from the course list for the
To see the courses, expand each subject area
NOTE: new California high school courses being offered for the first time in the
senior year may not appear on the school’s course list until Nov. 1; if you don’t see
a new course on the list, remember to come back to add it later before submitting
the application.
For students not enrolled in a California high school, manually enter the courses as they
appear on the student’s academic record. See the next slide for further information.
When entries for each grade level are complete, click “Next” to save and continue
Repeat this process for each grade level, including 12
grade course grades will default to “IP – In Progress” and “PL – Planned”. If you have
already graduated and have senior year grades, you must manually enter each grade.
For courses that are only one semester long, select No Course” for the term for which the
course was not offered (e.g. Economics offered fall term, for spring term enter “No Course”)
Include all original courses/grades and enter repeated courses/grades for courses in which
an original grade of with D or F was earned and subsequently repeated
Students who attended more than one school should be sure enter courses under the
correct school
For students who attended high schools in California
Self-Reporting Courses: If you do not see an A-G course that you took listed on the
UC-Approved course list, you can self-enter the coursework.
For students who attended high schools outside of California
Self-Reporting Courses: There is no pre-approved course list for schools outside of
California. Review the subject area headings for the required “a-g” course pattern: a.
History/social science, b. English (for international students, the language of
instruction for composition/literature courses), c. Mathematics, d. Laboratory science,
e. Language other than English (for international students the “foreign language”), f.
Visual and performing arts and g. College-preparatory elective (courses that not fit
into the subject categories of a-g above). Referring to the A-G Course List (a
database of UC-approved courses offered in California schools) can provide guidance
on the types of courses that have been UC-approved. A-G Course List: hs-
For all students:
Courses such as physical education (PE) cannot be reported; only academic
subjects. In addition, courses/class periods for teacher assistant, yearbook and
student government, may or may not be UC-approved courses. If they are approved,
enter them. If they are not approved they should not be entered. An opportunity to
enter these types of courses is provided later in the application.
Colleges courses taken during high school
If any college/university-level courses were completed while in high school,
add the college information AFTER the high school information
The process is very similar to entering the high school information
If courses were taken at a California Community College (CCC), a UC-
transferable course list will appear.
Select the course(s) taken, grade earned (or enter IP for In Progress, PL for
Planned courses), and the “a-g” subject area in which the course fits.
Only report courses taken for a letter grade; courses in which a
Pass/Credit/No Credit grade were earned should not be included
Only non UC-transferable English and math courses can be reported in this
section of the application.
If there are other CCC courses that are not UC-transferable, report
them in the Non a-g Coursework area later in the application.
IF college/university courses were not taken at a CCC, enter each course
and grade earned as it appears on the official academic record from the
college/university attended.
Students must enter all courses taken; missing/inaccurate information
may be viewed as falsification and result in cancellation of the
Admission staff look at this section for an explanation of abnormalities in a
student’s academic record, such as a break in attendance or poor grades in a
particular course or year, or for specific information about the school
environment/policies that affect the academic record and/or choices for
There are six categories in the Activities and Awards section of the application, each limited to five entries. Choose experiences
that have meaning, illustrate interests, and/or demonstrate leadership. These are just a couple of examples of the questions in
two of the categories.
Coursework Other than A-G - Academic courses that do not fit in the “a-g” categories of history/social science, English,
math, laboratory science, language other than English (foreign language), and/or visual and performing art should be reported
in this section. Examples include leadership courses or religion courses. Do not include non-academic courses, such as PE,
office/teacher assistant, etc.
Educational preparation programs Programs include but are not limited to: AVID, Upward Bound, and Gear Up. A list of
common programs appear in a drop-down menu. If a program is not included, manually enter it.
Community Service Consistent participation over time may indicate commitment and dedication.
Work Experience Demonstrates time management, responsibility and perhaps leadership.
Awards & Honors Awards which are significant in nature county-wide, state-wide and national - indicate a high level of
achievement with significant competition. School-based awards are more meaningful to readers if context is provided, such
as “5
place out of 500 students” to earn award, but even “perfect attendance” can be insightful.
Extra Curricular Activities Continued participation over time indicates passion, commitment, and sometimes leadership.
Enter details about each activity.
Use the Worksheet in the Quick-start guide for applying to UC brochure.
For California students (U.S. citizens and permanent residents):
For Out of State students (U.S. citizens and permanent residents):
For International students (non U.S. citizens on with a Visa (or planned Visa) status):
Activities & Awards Tips:
Don’t use acronyms for names of clubs or awards: Spell them out and explain your level of involvement.
Don’t list the same activity in multiple areas (for instance listing Honors Society in “Awards and Honors” and “Extracurricular
Activities”), but make sure the most important activities are reflected in some way.
If an applicant did not have the time/opportunity to participate in school and/or community activities, volunteer/paid
employment, explain to application readers why how else did the applicant use their time and was it a choice or a
requirement, for example: caring for siblings, elder-care, commitment to doing homework (research projects, papers, etc.).
We understand that students are gaining valuable life experience and consider that as part of our comprehensive review.
ACT with Writing and/or SAT with Writing/Essay scores must be completed by December of the
senior year (last year of secondary school).
Report completed test(s) with date(s)/scores or planned test date(s) on the admission
If an examination was completed more than once, enter highest composite/total score from
a single sitting.
SAT Subject tests: Are not required but may be recommended for specific programs at some
campuses as an additional piece of information to consider during the review process.
SAT Subject Test Recommendations can be found at:
UC does not recommend that applicants use the College Board’s Score Choice function because it
might delay delivery of test scores.
We strongly encourage students to report all official scores although we only use the highest score at
a single sitting for admission consideration.
Official SAT/ACT/SAT Subject Tests examination scores can be submitted to just one campus to
which the student will be applying. Scores will be disseminated to all campuses to which the student
If official scores are/were sent to UC prior to an applicant filing an admission application, please note
that the UC system office maintains scores received for three years. For example, if official scores
were submitted for an examination date in the student’s sophomore year, the UC system office will
still have those scores when the student applies during their senior year.
In the Test Score section, students report results of their AP, IB, and TOEFL/IELTS
exams, if applicable.
International students can report their national or external examination results as well.
Advanced Placement & International Baccalaureate Exams:
Scores can demonstrate academic mastery in individual subjects and be used to
satisfy freshman admission subject requirements not satisfied with coursework.
Scores must be self-reported on the application. Don’t worry about “low” scores,
UC treats them as neutral but does acknowledge an attempt was made.
Official AP/IB scores are not required until after a student has accepted an offer of
admission; do not send scores at the time of application submission.
Official TOEFL scores can be submitted to ONE UC campus and the scores will be
shared with all campuses to which the applicant applies. NOTE: IELTS scores
must be sent to each campus.”
Official TOEFL/IELTS score report must be submitted no later than January.
The personal insight questions are an integral part of the UC admission
application. It is not reviewed as a stand-alone part of the application. These
are short answer responses about the applicant, not an essay.
The content of the personal insight responses should add clarity, richness, and
meaning to the information presented in other parts of the UC application,
enabling the admissions officer to form the best impression of the applicant.
The personal insight responses must be about and completed by the
Students should answer the questions that are most applicable to them.
Remember that these are personal insight questionsabout the student.
It is not an English essay.
Admission staff want to learn what the student did and why; what the
student learned and how the student applied what was learned to
aspects of their life.
Students should use “I” statements – I did this, I chose to do that, I
learned about . . . . It’s their one opportunity to ensure we get to know
More details and guidance on the Personal Insight Questions can be found
See a list of all questions and brainstorming worksheets
This is a view of how the personal insight questions appear in the UC
The Additional Comments section should not be used as an extension to
your personal insight responses.
Once the application is completed --- it’s time to go through the application
submission steps.
The application is not ready to submit unless all solid green circles are shown
on the right.
Use the navigation buttons on the top banner to jump to the section(s) that
need to be completed.
Use the View Application button to see and print the entire application.
The application performs a completeness check. Review the information
Return to the coursework section to add any missing courses, if applicable;
Check the box to confirm this is what the applicant wants to submit.
Note: If an applicant plans to use a test score to meet a subject requirement, it
must be included in the “Test Scores” section of the application.
The application cannot be submitted without the applicant’s electronic
signature and acknowledgement of the Statement of Integrity.
The Statement of Integrity is to affirm that all information in the application is
accurate and the personal insight responses were written by the applicant. If
information is withheld, such as poor grades, or falsification is detected, the
application is subject to cancellation.
Signature Releases
Review and check the release authorizations to share application
information with scholarship agencies, parent/guardian, counselors and/or
UC organizations and alumni groups.
Electronically sign and date the application to verify accuracy and
acknowledge that the applicant is the author of their the personal insight
The electronic signature also authorizes the release of official examination
score(s) to all UC campuses to which the student applied.
Information in the application is subject to verification. If an applicant is
selected for verification, non-compliance will result in cancellation of the
application and the application fee will not be refunded.
Application Fees:
For U.S. citizens or permanent resident students, the application fee is $70 per campus.
For International and non-immigrant applicants the application fee is $80 for each campus selected.
If an international or non-immigrant student currently attends school in the U.S., however,
they may be eligible to pay the lower application fee of $70 per campus.
The application tool will advise of the fee amount on this page.
Fee Waiver:
A fee waiver is automatically calculated for California and domestic residents. The fee waiver calculator
is activated from answers about the applicant’s family size and income.
If a fee waiver if granted, the applicant must select “Yes” to accept the fee waiver.
If an applicant decides not to answer those questions, they may qualify for a fee waiver but would not
receive one.
If the applicant makes a mistake on the family income amount, they can correct the information with an
‘edit’ button; eligibility for the fee waiver will automatically re-calculate with the revised information .
Fee Waiver Eligibility:
For U.S. citizens or permanent residents or students who have attended a CA high school for at least
3 years, if students meet the low-income criteria used to qualify for free and reduced lunch, they will
qualify for a UC application fee waiver for up to 4 campus choices but will be responsible for payment
for any additional campus(es) to which they choose to apply.
Students in California on a visa are not eligible for the UC application fee waiver.
UC also accepts the College Board or NACAC fee waiver. Only one waiver may be used.
Application fee payment is required and non-refundable.
Payment may be submitted by credit card in the application tool; or by mailing a check or fee waiver if
a student didn’t qualify for the UC application fee waiver but meets criteria established by the waiver
If total due is $0.00, the "SUBMIT APPLICATION FOR UC ADMISSION"
button is displayed.
When the total due is greater than zero, the applicant must select a payment
If ‘Credit Card’ is selected, the “Submit Application for UC Admission” button
will not display until credit card information has been entered
If ‘Check (by mail)’ is selected, the “Submit” button will appear
This is a sample confirmation choice screen
Student must click “Yes” to move to the final application review and
submission page
When the applicant is at the “Submit” stage, they must carefully review all
information and the personal insight responses entered into the application.
While it may seem like a very simple step, don’t forget to click the submit
button. Failure to do so, especially on the last day of the application filing
period, will lead to disastrous results.
Once “submit” is selected, that’s it, the application is gone and applicants
will not be able to say “Oh no, I forgot to include X” or “I pasted in the wrong
personal insight response” or “I made a mistake on one of my courses or
UC Application ID Number: Write down or keep a copy of your Application ID
number found on the confirmation; you will need this number to access the
various campus student portals and, in many cases, to access your admission
Acknowledgement: In January, each campus the student applied to will email
them to create a login username and password for access to the campus’
applicant portal. This is the site at which the admission decision will be posted
along with other important information—check each campus’ applicant portal
What can be done after submission?
Changes to: name, email or password -- go to “Update Account Information”.
From “View Application,” a copy of the application can be printed.
Address changes are made in the Personal Information section.
Before November 30
all campuses are still open, additional campuses can be added.
Under application status, California resident students are notified if they meet the Top 9%
Local Context (ELC) criteria.
If a student changes schools, adds or drops a course, or fails to earn a C or better in a course
during the current academic year after submission of the application, they must notify the UC
Application Center by email or postal mail. Correspondence must include the full name and UC
Application ID number (and signature if sent by postal mail) of the applicant, and will be made
available to all the campuses to which the student applied.
Mail to:
UC Application Center
P.O. Box 1432
Bakersfield, CA 93302
Minor changes to activities, awards, volunteer work, employment or personal insight responses
are unlikely to have an impact on the admission decision. However, if a student has significant
updates in any of these areas, they may notify us at the UC Application Center.
Download the “Undergraduate Admissions Application Guide
California freshman [PDF]
Out-of-state freshman [PDF]
International freshman [PDF]
After a student has successfully submitted their UC undergraduate application
for admission and scholarships they can relax – it’s done!