Traffic Calming
L E S S O N 11L E S S O N 11
L E S S O N 11L E S S O N 11
L E S S O N 11
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11.2 Traffic-Calming
The most fundamental traffic-calming goal is to
reduce the speed of vehicular movement. With
reduction of speed, the following objectives can be
1. Improved “feel” of the street.
This objective calls for increased community
involvement in and “ownership” of the street. If
people feel more comfortable on the street, they
are more likely to walk or bicycle there and to
11.1 Purpose
Traffic calming is a traffic management approach that
evolved in Europe and is now being implemented in
many U.S. cities. The following definition is quoted
from An Illustrated Guide to Traffic Calming by
Hass Klau (1990):
Traffic calming is a term that has emerged in Europe
to describe a full range of methods to slow cars, but
not necessarily ban them, as they move through
commercial and residential neighborhoods. The
benefit for pedestrians and bicyclists is that cars now
drive at speeds that are safer and more compatible to
walking and bicycling. There
is, in fact, a kind of equilibrium
among all of the uses of a
street, so no one mode can
dominate at the expense of
This chapter explores the
principle of traffic calming and
provides a variety of studies,
design details, and photo-
graphs of areas where traffic
calming has been effectively
used in the United States and
in Europe. Along with the
advantages of traffic calming,
the text describes mistakes
that practitioners have
sometimes made in implement-
ing traffic-calming techniques.
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engage in other street-
oriented activities with their
neighbors. A key aspect of
achieving this objective is
reducing the perceived
threat of danger from motor
2. Enhanced aesthetic values
and a sense of nature.
Several traffic-calming
techniques, such as street
landscaping, pedestrian
amenities, and reclamation
of roadway areas can serve
as community open space.
Not only do these tech-
niques make the neighborhood more attractive,
but they also break up long, uninterrupted street
vistas conducive to speeding and convey the
message that “this is a pedestrian place.”
3. Reduced crime.
It’s harder to make a speedy getaway if a fleeing
felon has to deal with speed humps, woonerfs,
and traffic circles. It’s harder to get away
without being spotted if there are “eyes on the
street” – if the street is a positive, community
4. Equitable balance among transportation modes.
With reduced motorist speeds, safety is im-
proved. Pedestrians and bicyclists have more
time to detect and avoid motor vehicles. Traffic
Traffic-calming devices are used to break up long
uninterrupted street vistas that encourage
calming sends the message that
“motor vehicles don’t exclu-
sively OWN the roadway” –
that other modes have equal
rights. Studies that evaluate
traffic-calming improvements
show increased levels of
walking, bicycling, and transit
use following installation.
5. Increased safety/de-
creased severity of injury in
traffic crashes. With reduced
speeds comes a significant
reduction in the number and
severity of crashes involving
motor vehicles. Traffic-calming
facility evaluations uniformly show fewer
crashes, fewer fatalities, and less severe injuries.
6. Improved air quality and noise levels.
Slower moving vehicles make less noise and,
generally, emit fewer pollutants.
7. Decreased fuel consumption.
With more trips made by walking, bicycling, and
transit, and with slower traffic speeds, fuel
consumption reductions of 10 to 12 percent have
been reported.
8. Continued accommodation of motor vehicle
An important objective is the continued accom-
modation of motor vehicle traffic. Although
traffic calming shifts the balance among travel
modes, this shift should not result in
severely restricted traffic volumes or
in shifting traffic problems from the
traffic-calmed area to other streets.
11.3 Traffic-Calming
When any new traffic management
approach is introduced, issues,
concerns, and questions are bound
to arise. Design decisions related to
traffic can have far-reaching conse-
quences. Lives, economic well-being,
and urban livability are directly
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Professional engineers, planners,
government, and the public all are
aware of and sensitive to proposals
for changes in the traffic environ-
ment. Roadway congestion, air
quality, traffic safety, street crimes,
and the high cost of new improve-
ments are among the most-widely
debated issues in America today.
New design ideas are, and should be,
subjected to rigorous testing and
evaluation before being accepted as
part of the standard engineering and
transportation planning tool kit.
Traffic calming is not a panacea for
urban transportation woes, but it can
have significant benefits in many
In considering the application of traffic-calming
techniques, what specific issues are likely to arise?
The discussion on the following pages focuses on
traffic-calming issues. (Note: Studies and statistics
referenced are cited in FHWA Case Study Nos. 19
and 20, National Bicycling and Walking Study.)
1. Traffic safety.
The Issue: Encouraging people to walk, play, and
bicycle in and next to the streets is just asking for
trouble. They will have a false sense of security and
accidents will increase. They will develop bad habits
that may increase their when they leave the
Comment: Traffic-calming measures have been
implemented in many European cities. In the
Netherlands and Germany, extensive research has
been conducted to evaluate the safety and impact of
traffic-calming techniques and devices.
2. Impact on traffic volumes, distribution, and
The Issue: Traffic calming will never work on
anything except very low-volume residential streets.
It will substantially reduce the amount of traffic that a
street can handle efficiently and this is counterpro-
ductive. We need to move vehicles, not restrict them.
Furthermore, if we slow traffic on one street, the
traffic will simply be diverted to another street. The
net result will be increased congestion and more
problems overall.
Comment: A 5-year German Federal Government
evaluation of traffic calming and follow-up research
Little change in overall traffic volumes.
Reduction in average vehicle speeds by almost
50 percent.
Average increase in motorist trip time of only 33
3. Lack of proven design standards.
The Issue: There are no uniform, accepted, and
legally defensible standards to follow. If we want to
try traffic calming, where can we get specific informa-
tion about design?
Comment: Many U.S. cities are now developing and
testing design guidelines for traffic-calming improve-
ments. Although uniform, national standards have
yet to evolve, valuable experience is being gained.
The list of references at the end of this lesson
provides a starting point for further exploration of
specific design approaches.
4. Liability.
The Issue: These traffic-calming ideas may be
accepted in Europe, but they haven’t really been tried
here. Are we opening the door to all kinds of legal
problems if somebody crashes on a traffic circle or a
speed table and sues us?
Comment: When considering the use of any new
design approach, concerns about liability can be
Traffic calming can be termed as engineering and other physical measures designed
to control traffic speeds and encourage driving behavior appropriate to the
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addressed somewhat through performance of “due
diligence” on the part of the engineer, planner, or
other professionals involved in the design. Research
into the experiences of other U.S. cities, European
standards, and evaluation studies should be thor-
ough and followed up with a first-hand look if
possible. Construction of a pilot project or other
testing of proposed designs can benefit, as can on-
going and systematic evaluation of the improvements
once installed.
5. Emergency and service vehicle access.
The Issue: Construction of speed bumps, neck-
downs, medians, and traffic circles will increase
response times for emergency vehicles and may
restrict access for garbage trucks, delivery vans, and
other large vehicles.
Comment: Studies in Berkley and Palo Alto, CA,
show that traffic management measures (e.g., traffic
diverters, bicycle boulevards) have not impaired
police or fire emergency response times.
The Seattle Engineering Department works
closely with its Fire Department to design and
field-test traffic circles on a site-specific basis to
ensure good emergency access.
6. Impacts on bicycling.
The Issue: Pavement texturing, speed tables, wider
sidewalks, “bulb-outs” at corners and similar
improvements may make things better for pedestri-
ans, but may have a negative impact on bicycling.
Emergency vehicle access should always be considered when incorporating traffic-calming
Comment: A 5-year German Federal
Government evaluation of traffic
calming and follow-up research
found doubling of bicycle use over a
4-year period.
Implementation of traffic manage-
ment strategies in the downtown
area of the Dutch City of
Groningen contributed to a
substantial increase in bicycling
and walking. Bicycle use is now
well over 50 percent of all trips.
Studies of traffic-calming areas in
Japan show increases in both
bicycle and pedestrian traffic
volumes along most routes.
(Note: Cyclists and Traffic Calming, a Technical
Note publication of the Cyclists Touring Club (see
references, end of lesson), includes extensive
information on adapting traffic-calming techniques
for bicycling.
11.4 Traffic-Calming
Traffic calming has many potential applications,
especially in residential neighborhoods and small
commercial centers. Traffic-calming devices can be
grouped within the following general categories:
Bumps, humps, and other raised
pavement areas.
Reducing street area where motor traffic
is given priority.
Street closures.
Traffic diversion.
Surface texture and visual devices.
Parking treatments.
Frequently, a combination of traffic-calming devices
is used. Examples of such combinations will be
discussed briefly, including:
The woonerf.
Entry treatments across intersections.
Shared surfaces.
Bicycle boulevards.
Slow streets.
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Speed Humps
A speed hump (or “road hump”)
is a raised area in the roadway
pavement surface extending
transversely across the roadway.
Speed humps normally have a
minimum height of 3 to 4 inches
and a travel length of approxi-
mately 12 feet, although these
dimensions may vary. In some
cases, the speed hump may raise
the roadway surface to the height
of the adjacent curb for a short
The humps can be round or flat-
topped. The flat-topped
configuration is sometimes called
a “speed table.” Humps can
either extend the full width of the road, curb-to-curb,
or be cut back at the sides to allow bicycles to pass
and facilitate drainage.
Design Considerations:
If mid-block pedestrian crossings exist or are
planned, they can be coordinated with speed
hump installation since vehicle speeds will be
lowest at the hump to negotiate ramps or curbs
between the sidewalk and the street.
The hump must be visible at night.
Speed humps should be located to avoid conflict
with underground utility access to boxes, vaults,
and sewers.
Speed humps slow traffic speeds on residential streets.
Speed bumps can be combined with curb extensions
and a winding street alignment. Signing and
pavement markings should clearly identify the bump.
Channelization changes.
Traffic calming on a major
Modified intersection
1. Bumps, humps, and other
raised pavement areas.
This category includes all
traffic-calming devices raised
above pavement level. Drivers
must slow down when they
cross these devises or suffer an
uncomfortable KER-BUMP or
running the risk of spilled
coffee and a severe jolt to their
tailbones. Although people
often gripe about the inconvenience of having to
slow down for these devices, they don’t have much
choice. Their effectiveness at slowing traffic cannot
be disputed. They are sometimes referred to as
“Silent Policemen.”
Included in this category are:
Speed bumps.
Speed humps.
Raised crosswalks.
Raised intersections.
The following are brief descriptions of each, with
definitions, comments, and examples:
Speed Bumps
A speed bump is a raised area in the
roadway pavement surface extending
transversely across the travel way,
generally with a height of 3 to 6 inches
and a length of 1 to 3 feet.
Design Considerations:
Most effective if used in a series at
300- to 500- foot spacing.
Typically used on private property
for speed control – parking lots,
apartment complexes, private
streets, and driveways.
Speed bumps are not conducive to
bicycle travel, so they should be
used carefully.
Speed humps should not be constructed at
driveway locations.
Speed humps may be constructed on streets
without curbs, but steps should be taken to
prevent circumnavigation around the humps in
these situations.
Adequate signing and marking of each speed
hump is essential to warn roadway users of the
hump’s presence and guide their subsequent
Speed humps should not be installed in street
sections where transit vehicles must transition
between the travel lane and curbside stop. To
the extent possible, speed humps should be
located to ensure that transit vehicles can
traverse the hump perpendicularly.
A single hump acts as only a point speed
control. To reduce speeds along an extended
section of street, a series of humps is usually
needed. Typically, speed humps are spaced at
between 300 and 600 feet apart.
Bellevue, Washington has installed speed humps in
residential neighborhoods (labeled as speed
“bumps” below, although broader than the typical
speed bump). The City uses a 12-foot-wide hump, 3
inches high at the center. The design allows for little
or no discomfort at speeds of 15 to 25 mph, but will
cause discomfort at higher speeds. The humps are
marked clearly, distinguishing them from crosswalks.
White reflectors enhance nighttime visibility.
Bellevue found that the speed humps reduced traffic
speeds and volumes. The humps, in general,
received strong public support, and residents
favored their permanent installation.
The following concerns were raised regarding the
speed hump installation:
Concern about restricted access and increased
response time for emergency vehicles. The
Bellevue Fire Department asked that the humps
be installed on primary emergency access routes.
Concern about aesthetics of signing and
markings at the traffic humps. Residents raising
the concerns, however, felt that the speed
reductions compensated for the appearance of
the humps.
Concern about the effectiveness of the humps in
reducing motor vehicle speeds along the length
of a street, not at just two or three points. The
distance between speed humps was found to
have an impact on traffic speeds. The City
found that maximum spacing should be approxi-
mately 500 feet.
The Bellevue Department of Public
Works concluded that speed humps
were effective speed-control measures
on residential streets and recommended
their use be continued. The table on the
following page summarizes “before” and
“after” data related to the Bellevue
speed humps:
Raised Crosswalks
Raised crosswalks are essentially broad,
flat-topped speed humps that coincide
with pedestrian crosswalks at street
intersections. The crosswalks are raised
above the level of the roadway to slow
traffic, enhance crosswalk visibility, and
make the crossing easier for pedestrians
who may have difficulty stepping up
and down curbs.
Raised crosswalks can both slow motor traffic and give pedestrians a continuous-
level surface at the crossing. Changes in texture and color help define the edges
of the crossing.
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Source: FHWA Case Study No. 19.
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Design Considerations:
Can be constructed of brick, concrete block,
colored asphalt or cement, with ramps striped for
better visibility.
Raised crosswalks are applicable:
(1) On roadways with vehicular speeds perceived
as being incompatible with the adjacent
residential land uses.
(2) Where there is a significant number of pedes-
trian crossings.
(3) In conjunction with other traffic-calming
devices, particularly entry treatments.
(4) On two-lane or fewer residential streets
classified as either “local streets” or neighbor-
hood collector streets.”
(5) On roadways with 85
percentile speeds less
than 45 mph.
Intersection Humps/Raised Intersections
Intersection humps raise the roadway at the intersec-
tion, forming a type of “plateau” across the
intersection, with a ramp on each approach. The
plateau is at curb level and can be enhanced through
the use of distinctive surfacing such as pavement
coloring, brickwork, or other pavements. In some
cases, the distinction between roadway and sidewalk
surfaces is blurred. If this is done, physical obstruc-
tions such as bollards or planters should be
considered, restricting the area to which motor
vehicles have access.
Design Considerations:
Ramps should not exceed a
maximum gradient of 16 percent.
Raised and/or textured surfaces can
be used to alert drivers to the need
for particular care.
Distinctive surfacing helps
reinforce the concept of a “calmed”
area and thus plays a part in
reducing vehicle speeds.
Distinctive surfacing materials
should be skid-resistant, particu-
larly on inclines.
Ramps should be clearly marked to enable
bicyclists to identify and anticipate them,
particularly under conditions of poor visibility.
Care must be taken so the visually impaired have
adequate cues to identify the roadway’s location
(e.g., tactile strips). Color contrasts will aid
those who are partially sighted.
2. Reducing street area where motor traffic is given
This category of traffic-calming techniques includes
all those that reduce the area of the street designated
exclusively for motor vehicle travel. “Reclaimed”
space is typically used for landscaping, pedestrian
amenities, and parking.
Discussed here are:
Slow points.
Curb extensions.
Corner radius treatment.
Narrow traffic lanes.
Slow Points (neck-downs, traffic throttles, pinch
Slow points narrow a two-way road over a short
distance, forcing motorists to slow and, in some
cases, to merge into a single lane. Sometimes these
are used in conjunction with a speed table and
coincident with a pedestrian crossing. The following
are advantages and disadvantages of both one-lane
and two-lane slow points:
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(1) One-lane slow point.
One-lane slow points restrict traffic flow to one lane.
This lane must accommodate motor traffic in both
travel directions. Passage through the slow point
can be either straight through or angled.
Vehicle speed reduced.
Most effective when used in a series.
Imposes minimal inconvenience to local traffic.
Pedestrians have a reduced crossing distance,
greater safety.
Reduced sight distances if landscaping is not
low and trimmed.
Contrary to driver expectations of unobstructed
Can be hazardous for drivers and bicyclists if not
designed and maintained properly.
Opposing drivers arriving simultaneously can
create confrontation.
(2) Two-lane slow point.
Two-lane slow points narrow the roadway while
providing one travel lane in each direction.
Only a minor inconvenience to drivers.
Regulates parking and protects parked vehicles
as the narrowing can help stop illegal parking.
Pedestrian crossing distances reduced.
Space for landscaping provided.
Not very effective in slowing
vehicles or diverting through
Only partially effective as a
visual obstruction.
Design Considerations:
Where slow points have been
used in isolation as speed
control measures, bicyclists
have felt squeezed as motorists
attempt to overtake them at the
narrowing. Not all bicyclists
have the confidence to position
themselves in the middle of the
road to prevent overtaking on the approach to
and passage through the narrow area.
To reduce the risk of bicyclists’ being squeezed,
slow points should generally be used in con-
junction with other speed control devices such
as speed tables at the narrowing. Slower moving
drivers will be more inclined to allow bicyclists
through before trying to pass. Where bicycle
flows are high, consideration should be given to
a separate right-of-way for bicyclists past the
narrow area.
A textured surface such as brick or pavers may
be used to emphasize pedestrian crossing
movement. Substituting this for the normal
roadway surface material may also help to
impress upon motorists that lower speeds are
Such measures should not confuse pedestrians
with respect to the boundary of the roadway
area over which due care should still be taken.
In particular, where a road is raised to the level of
the adjacent sidewalk, this can cause problems
for those with poor sight. However, a tactile
strip may help blind people in distinguishing
between the roadway and the sidewalk; similarly,
a color variation will aid those who are partially
Slow points can be used to discourage use of
the street by large vehicles. They can, however,
be barriers to fire trucks and other emergency
This traffic-calming measure uses a landscaped median to narrow the travel lanes.
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This median provides a diagonal waiting area
for bicyclists, including a railing to hold onto.
vehicles. Some designs
permit access by emer-
gency vehicles by means
of lockable posts or
ramped islands.
Slow points can enhance
the appearance of the
street. For example,
landscaped islands can be
installed, intruding into
the roadway to form a
narrow “gate” through
which drivers must pass.
Landscaping enhances the
neighborhood’s sense of
nature and provides a
visual break in views along
the street.
Slow points are generally only sanctioned
where traffic flows are less then 4,000 to 5,000
vehicles per day. Above this level, considerable
delays will occur during peak periods.
Clear signing should indicate traffic flow
Slow Point Examples:
Medians are islands located along the roadway
centerline, separating opposing directions of traffic
movement. They can be either raised or flush with
the level of the roadway surface. They can be
expressed as painted pavement markings, raised
concrete platforms, landscaped areas, or any of a
variety of other design forms. Medians can provide
special facilities to accommodate pedestrians and
bicyclists, especially at crossings of major road-
Design Considerations:
Medians are most valuable on major, multi-lane
roads that present safety problems for bicyclists
and pedestrians wishing to cross. The minimum
central refuge width for safe use by those with
wheelchairs, bicycles, baby buggies, etc. is 1.6
meters (2 meters is desirable).
Where medians are used as pedestrian and
bicyclist refuges, internally illuminated bollards
are suggested on the medians to facilitate quick
and easy identification.
Used in isolation, roadway medians
do not have a significant impact in
reducing vehicle speeds. For the
purpose of slowing traffic, medians
are generally used in conjunction
with other devices, such as curb
extensions or roadway lane
Several caveats apply:
• To achieve meaningful speed
reductions, the travel lane width
reduction must be substantial and
visually obvious. The slowing,
however, is temporary; as soon as
the roadway widens again, traffic
resumes its normal speed.
Bicyclists have been put at risk of being
squeezed where insufficient room has been left
between a central median and the adjacent curb.
Experience shows that most drivers are unlikely
to hold back in such instances to let bicyclists
go through first. This threat is particularly
serious on roads with high proportions of heavy
The contradiction between the need to reduce
the roadway width sufficiently to lower motor-
ist speeds, while at the same time leaving
enough room for bicyclists to ride safely, must
be addressed. This may be achieved by reducing
the roadway width to the minimum necessary
for a bicyclist and a motorist to pass safely
(i.e., 3.5 meters).
There are three suggestions:
Introducing color or texture changes to the road
surface material around the refuge area reminds
motorist that a speed reduction is intended.
White striping gives a visual impression that
vehicles are confined to a narrower roadway
than that created by the physical obstruction —
adjacent areas exist that vehicles can run over,
but these are not generally apparent to ap-
proaching drivers.
In some cases, provide an alternate, cut-through
route for the bicyclists.
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A 7-foot radius allows for a slow and safe turn. As the radius increases, so does the speed
of the vehicle.
Curb Extensions
The sidewalk and/or landscaped
area on one or both sides of the
road is extended to reduce the
roadway to a single lane or
minimum-width double lane. By
reducing crossing distances,
sidewalk widening is used to
facilitate easier and safer
pedestrian movement.
Reducing roadway width results
in vehicle speed reductions.
When curb extensions are used
at intersections, the resultant
tightened radii ensure that
vehicles negotiating the
intersection do so at slow
Design Considerations:
Can be installed either at intersections or mid-
May be used in conjunction with other traffic-
calming devices.
Curb extensions are limited only to the degree
that they extend into the travelway. Curb
extensions cannot impede or restrict the opera-
tion of the roadway.
Successful bicycle facilities need a clear separa-
tion from sidewalk and street pavement, with
adequate distances from parked cars to avoid
opening doors. Cross-traffic should be slowed
to allow bicyclists better continuity and safety.
Narrowing certain streets can, at the same time,
create safer bicycle facilities, but care should be
taken that bicyclists are not squeezed by
overtaking vehicles where the road narrows.
Encouraging motorists to let the bicyclists
through first by using complementary traffic-
calming techniques such as speed tables and
cautionary signing or leaving sufficient room for
both to pass safely at the narrowing would be
appropriate measures.
If it is expected that a motorist should be able to
pass a bicyclist, the minimum desirable width is
3.5 meters.
Curb extensions can be employed to facilitate
bicycle movement where a segregated multi-use
trail crosses a busy street.
Corner Radius Treatment
Corner radii of intersection curbs are reduced, forcing
turning vehicles to slow down. Efforts to accommo-
date trucks and other large vehicles have historically
led to increased corner radii at intersections.
The following results have been observed:
Large vehicles (trucks, vans, etc.) turn the
corners easily.
Other vehicles turn faster than with a reduced
radius corner.
Pedestrian crossing distances are increased by
up to 4 feet, depending on the radius.
Pedestrian safety is decreased, due to higher
The sharper turns that result from the reduced
radii require motorists to reduce speed, increas-
ing the time available to detect and take
appropriate actions related to pedestrians at the
Can result in increased safety for pedestrians by
reducing crossing distances and slowing the
speed of turning vehicles.
May result in wide swings in turning movements
of large vehicles.
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May affect response times for emergency
Design Consideration:
To slow traffic, a corner radius of approximately 7
feet is recommended.
Narrow Traffic Lanes
Especially in residential areas, wide streets may not
be necessary or desirable. Wide traffic lanes
encourage faster motor vehicle speeds. Consider-
ation should be given to the review of cross-sections
for all street classifications to determine whether
roadway lane widths can be reduced (within
AASHTO guidelines) so more area can be dedicated
to bicycle and pedestrian use and associated traffic-
calming facilities.
Additional area for landscaping, and pedestrian
Reduced vehicle speeds and increased safety.
On-street parking may be restricted.
Design Consideration:
Cross-section approaching the reduced-
width street should also be slowed.
Example: City of Portland, Skinny Street Program
The City of Portland requires most newly constructed
residential streets to be 20 or 26 feet wide, depending
The design of street closures should provide specific parking areas to discourage
obstruction of bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
on neighborhood on-street parking
needs. In the past, residential
streets were required to be as wide
as 32 feet. To achieve a variety of
benefits, the City reduced residential
street widths. The City’s Fire Bureau
participated in the development of
this standard to ensure access for
emergency vehicles.
3. Street closures.
Three types of street closures are
described in the following discus-
• Complete street closures.
Partial street closures.
Driveway links.
(Caution: Street closures must be considered in an
area-wide context or traffic problems may simply shift
to another nearby street).
Complete Street Closures
Street closures, generally on residential streets, can
prohibit through-traffic movement or prevent
undesirable turns. Street closures may be appropriate
where large volumes of through-traffic or “short-cut”
maneuvers create unsafe conditions in a residential
Design Considerations:
Where proposals are likely to lead to a reduction
in access, prior consultation with residents at
early stages of planning and design is especially
important to minimize opposition.
The benefits of exempting bicyclists should be
carefully considered in all cases.
Bicycle gaps should be designed to minimize the
risk of obstruction by parked vehicles. Painting
a bicycle symbol and other directional markings
on the road in front of the bicycle gap has
proven to be effective.
Bollards can reduce the parking obstruction.
Bollards should be lighted or reflectorized to be
visible at night.
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The design of bicycle gaps should permit good
visibility of adjacent roads.
Signing should acknowledge the continued
route as a through one for bicyclists.
Clearly defined parking can reduce the problem
of parked cars blocking the closure and bicycle
Police and fire departments should be consulted
early in the design process to determine emer-
gency access requirements. Often, removable
bollards, crash gates, and card or key-operated
gates can satisfy these requirements, combined
with parking restrictions. A 20-foot-wide clear
path is needed for emergency access.
Tree planting, benches, and textured paving can
enhance appearance.
Street closures are recommended only after full
consideration of all expected turning and
reversing movements, including those of refuse
trucks, fire trucks, and other large vehicles.
Partial Street Closures
Access to or from a street is prohibited at one end,
with a no-entry sign and barrier restricting traffic in
one direction. The street remains two-way, but
access from the closed end is permitted only for
bicyclists and pedestrians.
Design Considerations:
Bicycle and pedestrian exemp-
tions should be provided as a
general rule, designed to
minimize the likelihood of
obstruction by parked vehicles.
All signing should acknowledge
the continued existence of the
route as a through one for
bicyclists and pedestrians.
Driveway Links
A driveway link is a partial street
closure, where the street character is
significantly changed so it appears
roadway is narrowed and defined with textured or
colored paving. A ribbon curb or landscaping may be
used to delineate roadway edges. “Reclaimed”
roadway area is converted to pedestrian facilities and
This is a very effective method of changing the initial
impression of the street. If done right, drivers will not
be able to see through. It appears as a road closure,
yet allows through traffic.
The driveway link can provide access to small groups
of homes and is especially applicable to planned
residential developments. The “go slow” feel of the
driveway link is enhanced by design standards that
eliminate vertical curb and gutter and use a relatively
narrow driveway cross-section. A ribbon curb may be
used to protect roadway edges.
4. Traffic diversion.
Traffic diversion is one of the most widely applied
traffic-calming concepts. It includes all devices that
cause motor vehicles to slow and change direction to
travel around a physical barrier. Physical barriers used
to divert traffic in this fashion can range from traffic
circles to trees planted in the middle of the road. The
discussion that follows provides information on:
traffic diverters, traffic circles, chicanes, and “tortu-
ous” street alignments as traffic-calming devices.
Traffic Diverters
Traffic diverters are physical barriers installed at
intersections that restrict motor vehicle movements in
Diagonal road closures/diverters limit vehicular access, but allow emergency vehicles
to enter through removable be a private drive. Typically, the
11 - 14
selected directions. The
diverters may be designed to
prevent right- or left-hand turns,
to block straight-ahead travel
and force turns to the right or
left, or create a “T” intersection.
In all cases, paths, cut-throughs,
or other provisions should be
made to allow bicyclists and
pedestrians access across the
Traffic diverters can take many
forms. Here are two examples:
(1) Diagonal road closure/
Straight-through traffic move-
ments are prohibited. Motorists are diverted in one
direction only.
Through-traffic is eliminated.
Area for landscaping is
Conflicts are reduced.
Pedestrian safety is in-
Can include a bicycle
pathway connection.
Will inconvenience residents
in gaining access to their
May inhibit access by
emergency vehicles unless
street names are changed.
Will move through traffic to
other streets if not back to
the arterial.
Eugene, Oregon has used diagonal diverters with
positive community response. Eugene installs the
The splitter islands should be raised and
landscaped to prevent left-turning vehicles from
taking a short cut to avoid driving around the
outside of the island.
Example of an integrated traffic-calming plan.
11 - 15
Traffic Circles
Small traffic circles (center island approximately 4
meters in diameter) can be used as traffic-calming
devices at intersections, reducing vehicle speeds. A
roundabout is a channelized intersection at which all
traffic moves counterclockwise around a central
traffic island. These islands may be painted or
domed, mountable elements may be curbed, and may
include landscaping or other improvements.
Crashes reduced by 50 to 90 percent when
compared to two-way and four-way stop signs
and other traffic signs by reducing the number of
conflict points at intersections.
Effective in reducing motor vehicle speeds.
Success, however, depends on the central island
being sufficiently visible and the approach lanes
engineered to deflect vehicles, preventing
overrun of the island. Overrunnable
roundabouts on straight roads are less likely to
produce the desired speed reduction.
Roundabout Accident Study
In 1989, a survey of crashes at mini-roundabouts
examined years of crash data for 447 sites in
England, Wales, and Scotland.
Key survey findings were:
Mini-roundabouts were most commonly used
on streets with speed limits of 30 mph or less.
diverters on a temporary basis
to get neighborhood feedback
before making a permanent
installation. Two types of
diagonal diverters are used —
some are landscaped, while
others are just guardrails. Both
types have openings for
bicycles. These have been
supported by nearby residents.
Seattle installed truncated
diagonal diverters, which allow
right-turn movements around
one end of the diverter. The
Engineering Department found
that these diverters were
disruptive to neighborhood
traffic and has focused instead on installation of
traffic circles to control neighborhood traffic prob-
lems. Problems experienced with diverters included:
(1) travel time and distance increased for all users; (2)
local residents were diverted to other streets; (3)
visitors and delivery services were often confused
and delayed; and (4) emergency vehicle response
times were potentially increased.
(2) Turning-movement diverters.
This type of diverter is designed to prevent cut-
through traffic at the intersection of a neighborhood
street with a major street or collector. It prevents
straight-through movements and allows right turns
only into and out of the neighborhood.
Effective at discouraging cut-through traffic.
Relatively low cost.
Creates sense of neighborhood entry and
Limits resident access. Should be installed as
part of overall neighborhood circulation im-
provements to ensure reasonable convenience
for residents.
Motorists may try to override the diverter to
make prohibited turns unless vertical curbs,
barriers, landscaping, or other means are used to
discourage such actions.
Traffic circles can be designed to accommodate large vehicles and emergency access
without undue restrictions.
11 - 16
Where possible, cyclists should be provided with cycle slips which enable them to bypass
speed humps.
Mini-roundabouts were found to have a far
lower overall accident rate than that of signalized
intersections with equivalent speed limits.
Looking only at crashes involving bicycles, the
study showed that four-arm mini-roundabouts
have about the same involvement rate (accidents
per million vehicles of that type entering the
intersection) as do conventional, four-legged,
signalized intersections.
Comparative Accident Rates:
Signalized intersections:
2.65 accidents/intersection/year
34 accidents per 100 million vehicles
20% resulted in serious or fatal injury
0.83 accidents/intersection/year
20 accidents per 100 million vehicles
19% resulted in serious or fatal injury
Both types of intersections compared have 30-mph
speed limits and are four-legged intersections.
Splitter islands are the islands placed within a leg of
the roundabout, separating entering and exiting
traffic and designed to deflect entering traffic. They
are designed to prevent hazardous, wrong-way
turning movements.
These islands are important design elements and
should be provided as a matter of routine, wherever
feasible. Without splitter islands, left-turning
motorists have a tendency to
shortcut the turn to avoid
driving around the outside of
the central island. The islands
should, preferably, be raised
and landscaped. If this is not
possible, painted island
markings should be provided.
Design Considerations:
Roundabouts should
preferably have sufficiently
raised and highly visible
centers to ensure that
motorists use them, rather
than overrunning.
• Clear signing is essential.
Complementary speed reduction measures such
as road humps on the approach to roundabouts
can improve safety.
The design of roundabouts must ensure that
bicyclists are not squeezed by other vehicles
negotiating the feature. Yet, where possible,
adequate deflection must be incorporated on
each approach to enforce appropriate entry
speeds for motor vehicles.
Example: Seattle Neighborhood Traffic Control
The Seattle Engineering Department (SED) has
experimented since the 1960’s with a variety of
neighborhood traffic control devices. The major
emphasis of the SED Neighborhood Traffic Control
Program is installing traffic circles (roundabouts) at
residential street intersections. City staff report that
about 30 circles are built each year. A total of
approximately 400 circles have been installed to date.
Each circle costs about $5,000 to $6,000.
In Seattle, a traffic circle is an island built in the
middle of a residential street intersection. Each circle
is custom-fitted to the intersection’s geometry; every
circle is designed to allow a single-unit truck to
maneuver around the circle without running over it.
A 2-foot concrete apron is built around the outside
edge of the circle to accommodate larger trucks.
Large trucks, when maneuvering around the circle,
may run over the apron. The interior section of the
circle is usually landscaped.
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These pavement markings at a median refuge not only delineate the crossing for motorists,
but also cue pedestrians about the location of the roadway edge.
Where full closure or speed humps are not
feasible, chicanes may be used to reduce traffic
speeds. Many different layouts are possible,
including staggered parking (on alternating sides
of the road).
Tortuous Roads
Roads can be designed to meander or jog sharply,
slowing traffic and limiting views to discourage
speeding. This technique can incorporate use of cul-
de-sacs and courtyards.
Design Considerations:
Tortuous roads are generally planned as part of the
design stage of a new road layout, rather than being
superimposed on an existing layout. The siting of
buildings is used to create a meandering road.
SED coordinates the design and construction of each
circle with the Seattle Fire Department and school
bus companies.
Traffic circles are installed at the request of citizens
and community groups. Because there are more
requests than funding to build them, SED has created
a system for evaluating and ranking the requests.
Before a request can be evaluated, a petition request-
ing a circle must be signed by 60 percent of the
residents within a one-block radius of the proposed
location. Then, the intersection’s collision history,
traffic volume, and speeds are studied.
Chicanes are barriers placed in the street that require
drivers to slow down and drive around them. The
barriers may take the form of landscaping, street
furniture, parking bays, curb extensions, or other
The Seattle Engineering Department has experi-
mented with chicanes for neighborhood traffic
control. It has found chicanes to be an effective
means of reducing speed and traffic volumes at
specific locations under certain circumstances. A
demonstration project at two sets of chicanes
Reduction of traffic volumes on the demonstra-
tion streets.
Little increase in traffic on adjacent residential
Reduced motor speeds and
Strong support for perma-
nent installation of chicanes
by residents (68 percent).
Design Considerations:
Consideration should be
given to safe bicycle travel.
Bicycle bypasses and signs
to indicate directional
priority are suggested.
A reduction in sight lines
should not be used in
isolation to reduce speeds,
as alone, this could be
potentially dangerous. A reduction in sight lines
may be appropriate to avoid excessive land
taking or as a reinforcing measure only where
other physical features are employed that reduce
Chicanes offer a good opportunity to make
environmental improvements through planting.
However, preference should be given to low-
lying or slow-growing shrubs to minimize
maintenance and ensure good visibility.
Measures should be employed to ensure that
chicanes are clearly visible at night.
11 - 18
given to maintaining as direct a route as possible
for bicyclists.
Tortuous roads (a.k.a. serpentines) are under
study, but have not yet been approved for use in
Portland. If approved, they would be limited for
use on two-lane or fewer residential streets.
Road design is limited by AASHTO standards
for transition taper lengths.
This traffic-calming device may require signifi-
cant parking removal and should be used where
parking removal is not an issue.
5. Surface texture and visual devices.
This category of traffic-calming devices includes
signing, pavement marking, colored and textured
pavement treatments, and rumble strips. These
devices provide visual and audible cues about the
traffic-calmed area. Colors and textures that contrast
with those prevailing along the roadway alert
motorists to the need for alertness, much as con-
spicuous materials increase bicyclist and pedestrian
visibility. Signs and pavement markings also provide
information about applicable regulations, warnings,
and directions.
Signing and Pavement Markings
Installation of directional, warning, and informational
signs and pavement markings should conform to
MUTCD guidelines, as applicable. Traffic-calming
devices may be new to many people in the United
States and the signs and markings will help minimize
confusion and traffic conflicts.
Design Considerations:
A part of the sign/pavement marking approach
to mitigating traffic in residential areas includes
painting of stripes/lines on the roadway and
other patterns that are designed to have a
psychological impact on drivers. Although such
patterns are basically intended to slow vehicles
rather than reduce traffic, they should make
passage over residential streets less desirable
than if the roadway were untreated, in effect,
encouraging the use of alternative routes.
Many of the patterns tried have had only
marginal success. In a few cases, the average
speed increased slightly. A pattern that is
successful is that of painting transverse bands.
Painted lines are applied to the
road at decreasing intervals
approaching an intersection or
“slow-down” point. They are
intended to give the impression
of increasing speed and
motorists react by slowing
Pavement Texturing and
The use of paving materials
such as brick, cobbles, concrete
pavers, or other materials that
create variation in color and
texture reinforces the identity of
the area as a traffic-restricted
Pavement treatments can be applied to the entire traffic-calmed area or limited to specific
street uses. The texture or color should be a noticeable contrast to the approaching
roadways if speeds are to be reduced.
Designers should be aware of the need for
accessibility to residential properties, both in
terms of servicing and the needs of the indi-
vidual. Tortuous roads will prove to be
unpopular if they severely restrict accessibility.
Where traffic is deliberately diverted onto a
tortuous route — to avert town center conges-
tion, for example — consideration should be
11 - 19
Model of a “woonerf.”
11 - 20
Design Considerations:
The choice of materials should ensure that they
do not pose a danger or deterrent to bicyclists.
Cobbles present special difficulties, particularly
for vehicles with narrow wheels and without the
benefit of suspension. Such treatment is
particularly discouraging for bicyclists on steep
slopes, making it harder to maintain momentum
when riding uphill. Thus, as a general rule,
cobbles should not be employed. Similarly,
pavers with chamfered edges impair a bicyclist’s
stability and should be avoided.
The color and texture of the street surface are
important aspects of the attractiveness of many
residential streets. The variation from asphalt or
concrete paving associated by most people with
“automobile territory” signals to the motorist
that he or she has crossed into a different,
residential zone where pedestrians and bicyclists
can be expected to have greater priority.
Putting the Design Techniques to Work: Selected
Examples of Traffic Calming
Most traffic-calmed streets utilize a combination of
the devices just discussed. The following are some
examples: the woonerf, entry treatments, shared
streets, and other techniques (bicycle boulevards,
modified street design, modified intersection design,
channelization changes, traffic calming on a major
road, slow streets, transit streets, and pedestrian
1. The woonerf.
A woonerf (or “living yard”)
combines many of the traffic-
calming devices just discussed
to create a street where pedestri-
ans have priority and the line
between “motor vehicle space”
and “pedestrian (or living)
space” is deliberately blurred
(see the model of a woonerf).
The street is designed so
motorists are forced to slow
down and exercise caution.
Drivers, the Dutch say, do not
obey speed limit signs, but they
do respect the design of the
The woonerf (plural — woonerven) is a concept that
emerged in the 1970’s as increased emphasis was
given by planners to residential neighborhoods.
People recognized that many residential streets were
unsafe and unattractive and that the streets, which
took up a considerable amount of land area, were
used for nothing but motor vehicle access and
parking. Most of the time, the streets were empty,
creating a “no-man’s land” separating the homes
from one another.
The Dutch, in particular, experimented extensively
with street design concepts in which there was no
segregation between motorized and non-motorized
traffic and in which pedestrians had priority.
A law passed in 1976 provided 14 strict “design
rules” for woonerfs and resulted in construction of
2,700 such features in the following seven years.
The woonerven were closely evaluated, with the/
following findings:
Injury accidents were reduced by 50 percent.
Vehicle speeds were reduced to an average of 8
to 15 mph (13 to 25 km/h).
Nationally, 70 percent of the Dutch population
thought woonerven to be attractive or highly
Non-motorized users assessed woonerven more
positively than motorized users.
The distinction between sidewalks and roadway is blurred in woonerfs.
11 - 21
Feedback from residents living on woonerfs was
very positive. They appreciated the low traffic
volumes and absence of cut-through traffic, but
considered the larger play areas and other
improvements to the street environment to be
even more important benefits.
Woonerf Design Principles:
Following evaluation of the woonerven, the Dutch
law was amended (July 1988) to allow greater design
flexibility, replacing the design rules with six basic
(1) The main function of the woonerf shall be for
residential purposes. Thus, roads within the
“erf” area may only be geared to traffic terminat-
ing or originating from it. The intensity of traffic
should not conflict with the character of the
woonerf in practical terms: conditions should
be optimal for walking, playing, shopping, etc.
Motorists are guests. Within woonerven, traffic
flows below 100 vehicles per hour should be
(2) To slow traffic, the nature and condition of the
roads and road segment must stress the need to
drive slowly. Particular speed-reduction features
are no longer mandated, so planners can utilize
the most effective and appropriate facilities.
(3) The entrances and exits of woonerven shall be
recognizable as such from
their construction. They
may be located at an
intersection with a major
road (preferable) or at
least 20 meters (60 feet)
from such an intersection.
(4) The impression shall not
be created that the road is
divided into a roadway
and sidewalk. Therefore,
there shall be no continu-
ous height differences in
the cross-section of a
road within a woonerf.
Provided this condition is
met, a facility for pedestri-
ans may be realized.
Thus, space can be designated for pedestrians
and a measure of protection offered, for example,
by use of bollards or trees.
(5) The area of the road surface intended for parking
one or more vehicles shall be marked at least at
the corners. The marking and the letter “P” shall
be clearly distinguishable from the rest of the
road surface. In shopping street “erfs”
(winkelerven), special loading spaces can be
provided, as can short-term parking with time
(6) Informational signs may be placed under the
international “erf” traffic sign to denote which
type of “erf” is present.
2. Entry treatment across intersections.
Traffic-calming devices can be combined to provide
an entry or “gateway” into a neighborhood or other
district, reducing speed though both physical and
psychological means. Surface alterations at intersec-
tions with local streets can include textured paving;
pavement inserts; or concrete, brick, or stone
materials. At the entry, the surface treatment can be
raised as high as the level of the adjoining curb.
Visual and tactile cues let people know that they are
entering an area where motor vehicles are restricted.
Eugene, Oregon installs curb extensions at entrances
to neighborhood areas, usually where a residential
The conversion of a 58-foot roadway. Elimination of one travel lane in each direction
creates space for bicyclists.
11 - 22
street intersects an arterial. The curb extension is
placed to prevent motor vehicle traffic from cutting
through the neighborhood. The curb extension is
signed as a neighborhood entrance or exit. Most of
the street remains two-way, but one end becomes a
one-way street. Compliance by motor vehicles is
mostly good. Bikes are allowed to travel both ways
at all curb extensions.
3. Bicycle boulevards.
The City of Palo Alto, California has moved beyond
spot traffic-calming treatments and has created
bicycle boulevards — streets on which bicycles
have priority.
The purpose of a bicycle boulevard is to provide:
Throughway where bicycle movements have
precedence over automobiles.
Direct route that reduces travel time for bicy-
Safe travel route that reduces conflicts between
bicyclists and motor vehicles.
Facility that promotes and facilitates the use of
bicycles as an alternative transportation mode
for all purposes of travel.
The Palo Alto bicycle boulevard is a 2-mile stretch of
Bryant Street — a residential street that runs parallel
to a busy collector arterial. It was created in 1982
when barriers were fitted to restrict or prohibit
through motor vehicle traffic, but to allow through
bicycle traffic. In addition, a number of stop signs
along the boulevard were removed. An evaluation
after 6 months showed a reduction in the amount of
motor vehicle traffic, a nearly twofold increase in
bicycle traffic, and a slight reduction in bicycle traffic
on nearby streets.
The City also found that anticipated problems failed
to materialize and concluded that a predominately
stop-free bikeway — on less traveled residential
streets — can be an attractive and effective route for
bicyclists. The bicycle boulevard bike traffic
increased to amounts similar to those found on other
established bike routes.
The bicycle boulevard continues to function as a
normal local city street, providing access to resi-
dences, on-street parking, and unrestricted local
travel. The City received complaints about the visual
appearance of the initial street closure barriers (since
upgraded with landscaping), but is unaware of any
other serious concerns of nearby residents.
Plans for the extension of the bicycle boulevard
through downtown Palo Alto were approved by the
City Council in the summer of 1992. Included in this
extension was the installation of a traffic signal to
help bicyclists cross a busy arterial.
4. Channelization changes.
The Seattle Engineering Department is changing
some of its streets from four lanes to two lanes. with
a center left-turn lane. These channelization changes
can provide extra room for bicycle lanes or a wide
lane for cars and bikes to share.
Numerous comments from users of some of those
streets say motor vehicle speeds seem to have
decreased. One street in particular, Dexter Avenue
North, is a popular commuting route to downtown
Seattle for bicyclists.
Traffic counts on the street show bicyclists make up
about 10 to 15 percent of the traffic at certain times
during the day. The rechannelization had little or no
effect on capacity, reduced overtaking accidents, and
made it easier for pedestrians to cross the street (by
providing a refuge in the center of the road).
11.5 Exercise
Do one of the following exercises:
1. Choose a site-specific location (such as two to
three blocks of a local street) where fast traffic or
short cuts are a problem. Conduct a site analysis
to determine problems. Prepare a detailed site
solution that incorporates several traffic-calming
devices. Illustrate with drawings and describe
the anticipated changes in traffic speed.
2. Prepare a traffic-calming solution for an entire
neighborhood or downtown area that illustrates
an area-wide approach to slowing traffic.
Conduct a site analysis to determine problem
areas. Illustrate your solutions and describe the
anticipated changes in traffic speed and flow.
11 - 23
11.6 References
Text and graphics for this lesson were derived from
the following sources:
Federal Highway Administration, National Bicycling
and Walking Study–Case Study No. 19: Traffic-
Calming, Auto-Restricted Zones, and Other Traffic
Management Techniques–Their Effects on Bicycling
and Pedestrians, 1994.
Federal Highway Administration, Pedestrian &
Bicyclist Safety and Accommodation–Participation
Handbook, NHI Course #38061, 1996.
Hass Klau, Illustrated Guide to Traffic Calming,
Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1990.
For more information on this topic, refer to:
J. Cleary, Cyclists and Traffic Calming, Cyclists
Touring Club, Godalming, U.K., 1991.
R. Ewing and Kooshian, “U.S. Experience With
Traffic Calming,” ITE Journal, August 1997, pp. 28-
Cynthia Hoyle, Traffic Calming, Planning Advisory
Service Report No. 456, American Planning Associa-
tion, 1995.
Institute of Transportation Engineers, Recommended
Guidelines for the Design and Application of Speed
Humps, 1993.
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
(NCHRP), Research Synthesis on Roundabouts,
NCHRP Synthesis 264.
Traffic Calming in Practice– An Authoritative
Sourcebook With 85 Illustrative Case Studies
(available through ITE), Landor Publishing, London,
11 - 24