July 2015
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 4
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5
II. Some Observations on Long-Term Interest Rates .................................................................................... 7
Interest Rates Have Declined Over the Last Thirty Years ......................................................................... 7
Declining Long-Term Interest Rates are a Global Phenomenon ............................................................... 9
Forecasts Have Largely Missed the Decline in Long-Term Interest Rates .............................................. 10
Key Takeaways .................................................................................................................................... 12
III. Interest Rates through the Lens of Economic Theory ............................................................................ 13
III.a. Link between Economic Growth and the Real Interest Rate ............................................................. 14
Consumption Growth and the Real Interest Rate .................................................................................. 16
Productivity Growth and the Real Interest Rate ..................................................................................... 16
Key Takeaways .................................................................................................................................... 19
III.b. Information from Financial Markets ................................................................................................... 20
Forward Interest Rates ........................................................................................................................... 21
TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) ........................................................................................ 22
FOMC Participant Assessments of Short-Term Interest Rates ............................................................... 24
Term Premium ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Summarizing the Information from Financial Markets ........................................................................... 26
Key Takeaways .................................................................................................................................... 27
III.c. Real Interest Rates in a Globalized World Economy ........................................................................... 28
Key Takeaways .................................................................................................................................... 31
IV. Why Have Interest Rates Fallen So Much? ............................................................................................ 32
Factors that Are Likely Transitory ........................................................................................................... 32
Fiscal, Monetary, and Foreign-Exchange Policies ............................................................................... 32
Inflation Risk and the Term Premium ................................................................................................. 33
Private-sector Deleveraging ................................................................................................................ 33
Factors that Are Likely Longer-lived........................................................................................................ 34
Lower Global Long-run Output and Productivity Growth ................................................................... 34
Shifting Demographics ........................................................................................................................ 35
The Global “Saving Glut” ..................................................................................................................... 36
Safe Asset Shortage ............................................................................................................................ 37
Secular Stagnation?............................................................................................................................. 38
Tail Risks and Fundamental Uncertainty ............................................................................................. 39
Key Takeaways .................................................................................................................................... 39
V. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 40
References .................................................................................................................................................. 41
Appendices .................................................................................................................................................. 45
Appendix A: Infinite Horizon Growth Model with Labor-Augmenting Technical Progress .................... 45
Appendix B: Long-Term Interest Rate and Term Premium ..................................................................... 48
Appendix C: Relationship between TFP and Labor Productivity ............................................................. 53
Appendix D: International Interest-Rate Linkages and Exchange Rates ................................................. 53
Executive Summary
The long-term interest rate is a central variable in the macroeconomy. It matters to borrowers
looking to start a business or purchase a home; to lenders weighing the risks and rewards of
extending credit; to savers preparing for college or retirement; and to policymakers gauging the
state of the economy and financing government expenditure.
The global financial crisis and the aggressive policy response pushed long-term interest rates in
the United States and in many advanced economies to historically low levels. But today’s low-
rate environment is not just a cyclical story. Interest rates had been falling worldwide for nearly
twenty years before the crisis. Despite the magnitude and persistence of the secular downtrend,
the explanation for the decline is one of the most vexing questions faced by macroeconomists
today. The future path of interest rates is even less clear.
This report surveys the recent thinking on the many drivers of long-term interest rates in recent
decades and going forward. It concludes:
The decline in long-term interest rates over the past thirty years was real, global, and
unexpected. While lower inflation explains some of the decline in nominal interest rates, the
downtrend is evident even when adjusting nominal interest rates for the rate of inflation. The
decline has also been evident across a wide range of countries, reflecting the increasing
integration of the global economy. Financial markets and professional forecasters alike
consistently failed to predict the secular shift, focusing too much on cyclical factors and
missing the long-term trend.
The decline is consistent with several theoretical frameworks economists have used to
analyze interest rates. The interest rate settles at the level that equates the supply of saving
with the demand for investment, and innumerable factors affect both sides of the equation.
Many frameworks suggest that long-term interest rates are closely related to productivity
growth. Other factors such as the rate of population growth and technological advance, as
well as aggregate demand and the stance of fiscal and monetary policy, also play a role.
A number of factors, both transitory and longer-lived, have contributed to the decline
with many of these factors suggesting that long-run equilibrium interest rates have fallen.
Transitory factors include global fiscal and monetary policies, shifts in the term premium and
inflation risk, and post-crisis private-sector deleveraging. More persistent factors include
lower potential output and productivity growth, shifting demographics, and the global
“saving glut.”
Ultimately, interest rates reflect underlying macroeconomic conditions; there is no “optimal”
long-term rate of interest. Rather, policy should support long-run growth, maintain price stability,
and support a stable financial system.
I. Introduction
The long-term interest rate is a central variable in the macroeconomy. A change in the long-term
interest rate affects the value of accumulated savings, the cost of borrowing, the valuation of
investment projects, and the sustainability of fiscal deficits. A projection of the long-term interest
rate is therefore a key input to the Administration forecast underlying the President’s budget.
Interest rates at all maturities have declined over the past thirty years. At least some of the
decline is due to cyclical factors that will likely diminish as the economy recovers further from
the Great Recession and economic policies normalize. But many have speculated that even after
policy normalizes, the underlying long-term interest rate will remain lower than it had been
historically. This Report investigates this question, examining the key determinants of long-term
interest rateswith a particular focus on the factors that seem most important in determining
the rate on the 10-year Treasury note ten years from now.
The nominal interest rate is most usefully conceptualized as the sum of the real interest rate and
the expected rate of inflation (Fisher 1930). The equilibrium real interest rate is the rate at which
the supply of saving is equal to the demand for investment, and it equates the marginal return
on investment to the compensation savers earn for delaying consumption. Ultimately, nominal
interest rates are jointly determined by a host of factors including expectations about the rates
of economic growth and inflation, the cyclical position of the economy, the volatility of financial
markets, and consumer preferences for smoothing consumption and absorbing risk. As markets
have become more integrated internationally, conditions in foreign markets play an increasingly
central role in determining interest rates in the United States, especially long-term rates.
Section II reviews trends in real and nominal interest rates and inflation. Since the early 1980s,
both nominal and real long-term interest rates have declined. Currently, the nominal interest
rate on the 10-year Treasury note hovers above 2 percent, and the average comparable interest
rate for some of the other G7 countries is below one percent. Even at today’s low inflation rates,
the ex post real interest rate (the nominal rate less realized inflation) on long-term bonds has
dipped into negative territory for some advanced countries.
Section III draws on economic theory for a framework to think about real and nominal interest
rates in general equilibrium and at different horizons. A basic growth model generates a
fundamental relationship between real per capita consumption growth, the underlying rate of
growth in the economy, and the real interest rate, according to which higher growth implies a
higher real interest rate. This relationship is useful for explaining real interest rates in the absence
of uncertainty about future economic conditions, but misses the role of risk in influencing real as
well as nominal interest rates. Financial models are useful for thinking about such risks, and how
these complicate the simple Fisher relationship between real and nominal interest rates for
longer maturity bonds, though they are less successful at linking rates of return to long-run
economic fundamentals empirically. Both of these approaches are used to evaluate historical and
more recent data on long-term interest rates. The section also discusses application of these
insights in economies that are integrated with world markets.
Section IV returns to the question of why
long-term interest rates are currently so low and the
implications of low rates today for future long-term rates. The potential explanations are high
global saving, demographic changes, low productivity growth, and falling term premiums
connected with the aftermath of the global financial crisis. An important question, closely related
to the global saving glut and secular stagnation hypotheses, is the extent to which these low
interest rates will persist. There is no definitive answer to the question, but many hypotheses
point to the possibility that while long-term real and nominal interest rates will likely rise off their
current lows, their long-run levels have fallen relative to those that prevailed before the financial
The drivers of long-term interest rates are complex and the report delves into these issues in
some detail. To assist readers less interested in the technical details, lists of key take-aways
conclude section II, sections IIIa, b, and c, and section IV.
II. Some Observations on Long-Term Interest Rates
Interest Rates Have Declined Over the Last Thirty Years
Figure 1 provides a long-run perspective on U.S. nominal interest rates, plotting the annual yields
on one- and 10-year Treasury notes since 1871.
The figure highlights successive eras in economic
history (e.g., the gold standard era and the Bretton Woods era). Several things stand out in the
figure. First, nominal interest rates follow long swings and can spend extensive periods of time
away from their long-run historical averages. Second, both the 10- and the one-year nominal
interest rates have declined fairly steadily from their highs in the early 1980s. A third observation
is that since the onset of the Great Depression during the interwar period, the 10-year rate has
tended to bethough is not alwaysabove the one-year rate. The relatively higher 10-year rate
reflects the compensation investors require for holding a longer-term asset. The 10-year rate also
tends to be less volatile than the one-year rate because the 10-year rate reflects an average of
expected future short-term rates, as discussed below, and averaging smooths much of the year-
to-year fluctuation in the shorter rate. Finally, the figure shows that since 2010, the one-year
nominal interest rate has been below 0.46 percenta level not observed previously in these
data, though from 1935-45, the rate hovered between 0.5 and 1.0 percent.
Figure 1
Figure 2 plots the real interest rate on the 10-year Treasury note, where the real interest rate is
proxied by the difference between the nominal annual yield on the 10-year note less the five-
Bond yield data are taken from the website of Robert Shiller, at http://www.econ.yale.edu/~shiller/data.htm,
under “long term stock, bond, interest rate and consumption data”
(http://www.econ.yale.edu/~shiller/data/chapt26.xls). Historical bond yields are also available from the National
Bureau of Economic Research Macrohistory database, Chapter 13 (Interest Rates). For the pre-1953 period, Shiller
uses yields on 10-year government bonds from Homer (2005). The bond yield is the market yield at constant
maturity, quoted on an investment basis.
1871 1884 1897 1910 1923 1936 1949 1962 1975 1988 2001 2014
One-Year Interest Rate
Ten-Year Interest Rate
Interwar Era
Classical Gold
Standard Era
Woods Era
Stability Era
Source: Robert J. Shiller (Yale University); Federal Reserve Board.
One-Year and 10-Year U.S. Nominal Interest Rates
year unweighted moving average of current and past annual inflation.
The real interest rate is
the rate that influences economic activityultimately, market participants care about the
returns to their saving and investment decisions net of inflation.
The behavior of the real interest
rate varies across monetary regimes, exhibiting less volatility during the latter part of the Bretton
Woods era, when the dollar’s exchange rates to foreign currencies were pegged and inflation
relatively stable, and during the modern inflation-stability period since the mid-1980s. Like the
nominal interest rates in Figure 1, the real 10-year interest rate has been on a steady decline
since the mid-1980s, undergoing the longest sustained decline since 1876. However, the decline
in the real rate is also a longer-run phenomenon. A trend line fitted to the data in Figure 2 shows
that the real 10-year rate has declined slightly under 2 basis points per year on average between
1876 and 2013, though the fit of the trend line is weak.
Figure 2
The real interest rate has recently dipped into negative territory. Negative real interest rates have
been observed previously in U.S. history and indeed have been much more negativereaching
almost negative 10 percent in the aftermath of World War I and negative 5 percent after World
War II. In those episodes, the exceptionally negative real rate was a consequence of very high
Inflation expectations are not observable, and, moreover, can differ between individuals. As a result, measurement
of the real interest rate based on nominal rates requires some assumption about “the” expected rate of inflation. In
this report we therefore use alternative measures as a check on sensitivity.
Because investors in nominal bonds are concerned about their future real purchasing power, the inflation rate
relevant for pricing those bonds is the change in the PCE deflator, which is closer to an ideal index of money’s
purchasing power than is the fixed-weight Consumer Price Index (CPI). In Figure 2, however, we use the year-over-
year percent change in the annual CPI, because it is available back to 1871. The CPI-U (Consumer Price Index-All
Urban Consumers) is reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics from 1913. For years before 1913, Shiller splices
the CPI-U with Warren and Pearson’s price index (Warren and Pearson 1935). For details on how Shiller spliced the
two series, see footnote 2 on page 235 of Shiller (2000).
Newell and Pizer (2003) argue that the trend of a declining real interest rate goes back much further than 1876.
1876 1889 1902 1915 1928 1941 1954 1967 1980 1993 2006
inflation. At the current time, it is the low nominal interest rate and not high inflation that is
behind a negative real interest rate.
Along with the nominal 10-year rate (in blue) from 1980 on, Figure 3 shows the real interest rate
as measured in Figure 2 (in red) along with two additional proxy measures. The purple line is the
interest rate on TIPS (the return on the 10-year Treasury note indexed to the consumer price
index, or CPI), available only since 1997 when the security was first issued.
In addition, the annual
nominal yield less expected 10-year inflation as reported by the Survey of Professional
Forecasters is shown in green.
Relatively low variance of inflation after the early 1980s has made
inflation expectations more stable. Therefore, the real interest rate is highly correlated with the
nominal interest rate. The two additional measures of the real interest rate shown in Figure 3
display the same declining path noted in Figure 2.
Figure 3
For forecasting and for understanding the macroeconomy, it is important to grasp the causes and
likely persistence of the decline in long-term interest rates over the past three decades. Section
IV will discuss several hypotheses in detail, but one important piece of evidence is that interest
rates have declined not only in the United States, but also in a wide range of countries across the
Declining Long-Term Interest Rates are a Global Phenomenon
Figure 4 shows the steady decline in long-term nominal rates for a sample of OECD economies.
Japan’s long-term nominal rate is notably lower than the rest over most of the period shown and
SPF expected inflation is the median expected 10-year inflation estimate of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia’s Survey of Professional Forecasters. The median number of forecasters between 1981:Q3 and 1990:Q1
was 21. Since 1990:Q1, the median has been 37.
Nominal Yield
10-Year Real
(Moving Average)
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
10-Year Nominal and Real U.S. Treasury Rates
Note: 10-Year Real (Moving Average) rates are nominal Treasury yields adjusted for 5-year lagged
moving average of CPI inflation. 10-Year Real (TIPS) rates are yields on Treasury Inflation-Protected
Securities. 10-Year Real (SPF) rates are nominal 10-year Treasury yields adjusted using median 10-
year CPI inflation expectations.
Source: Federal Reserve Board; Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Survey of Professional
10-Year Real
10-Year Real
the fall in its rate over time less sharp, but other countries’ rates have moved closer to Japan’s
levels in recent years. Real long-term interest rates have fallen as well. Nominal interest rates on
10-year bonds currently fall short of inflation in Japan, France, Canada, Sweden, and Denmark.
In Section IIIc, we discuss the role of global factors in determining interest rates.
Figure 4
Forecasts Have Largely Missed the Decline in Long-Term Interest Rates
Past forecasts have largely missed the decline in long-term interest rates. This can be seen in
Figure 5, which shows past private-sector forecasts along with the actual path of nominal 10-year
Treasury rates since 1995.
Although economists’ forecasts steadily declined after 1995, their
pace of decline has lagged well behind the realized drop-off in interest rates. Indeed, since 1996,
long-range private sector forecasts have exhibited a root mean square error of 2.7 percentage
points relative to the nominal Treasury rate realized 10 years later.
The Administration’s latest
forecast for the nominal 10-year interest rate in 2025 is 4.4 percent, in line with the levels
forecast by private-sector economists. The long-run forecast of 2.0 percent personal
consumption expenditure (PCE) price-index inflation (the Federal Reserve’s inflation target)
implies an expected long-run long-term real interest rate of 2.4 percent for 2025.
Of course, it is difficult to make predictions about the very long run because so many conditions
can change over that time horizon. However, even at shorter horizons, interest rate forecasts
The real rate is once again measured as the annual rate on the 10-year government bond less the lagged and
current 5-year moving average of annual CPI inflation.
The forecasts presented are those reported in the Blue Chip Economic Indicators survey in March of each calendar
year, reflecting the average of over 50 professional forecasts. Similar patterns are evident in Administration forecasts
reported in the annual Economic Report of the President.
The root mean square error is a commonly used measure of the deviation between predicted and actual values.
The difference between the two values is squared and then summed over time. The square root of that number is
typically reported as a summary statistic, with large values indicating large prediction errors.
Euro Area
1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014
Nominal 10-Year Yields
National Sources
have tended to be inaccurate. Between 1984 and 2012, CBO, private-sector forecasters, and the
Administration all systematically overestimated the path of nominal interest rates just two years
into the future (CBO 2015a).
Figure 5
A central question in forming a long-run forecast is whether interest rates are statistically
stationaryi.e., whether they have a tendency to return to a definite long-run mean value or
average. To the extent interest rates are mean-reverting, the historical average may contain the
most useful information for projecting the long-run long-term interest rate. On the other hand,
if changes in interest rates are permanent (or at least, highly persistent), recent data may contain
more useful information about long-run interest rates than historical data. In general,
econometric tests suggest that real and nominal interest rates revert to their mean very slowly,
with close to unit root (non-stationary)
Tests for non-stationarity tend to be weak,
however, in that distinguishing between a true unit root and mean reversion with very high
persistence is difficult in a finite sample of data (Neely and Rapach 2008).
Economic theory strongly suggests that real interest rates are bounded, if not fully mean
reverting (as discussed in more detail in section III).
A high return on investment should trigger
a reallocation of resources from consumption toward capital accumulation, driving down the
marginal product of capital and the real interest rate over time. Similarly, a low return on
A time series is said to contain a unit root if its random changes contain a permanent component. In this case it is
statistically non-stationary.
Hamilton et. al. (2015) reject the hypothesis that the real interest rate converges to a fixed constant. The difficulty
in predicting the long-run real interest rate leads them to be skeptical of models, like the Ramsey model considered
below, that place a strong emphasis on the link between output growth and the real interest rate.
Even when interest rates are mean-reverting, and therefore stationary in the statistical sense, they can be “trend-
stationary,” reverting to means that evolve deterministically over time rather than being constants. Thus,
stationarity of interest rates does not rule out the possibility that they trend upward or downward over long periods
as a result of somewhat predictable, secular economic forces.
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
10-Year Treasury Rates and Historical Economist Forecasts
Note: Forecasts are those reported by Blue Chip Economic Indicators released
in March of the given calendar year, the median of over 50 private-sector
economists. Source: Blue Chip Economic Indicators, Aspen Publishers.
investment should induce consumers to increase current consumption and reduce capital
investment, eventually driving up the real interest rate. Such economic forces should limit
extremely high or extremely low real interest rates and work to push the rate back to
intermediate levels. Indeed, were real interest rates to be literally non-stationary, the level of the
real rate would pierce any upper or lower bound in finite time with a probability of one, an
implication that is economically implausible and clearly not supported by the historical record.
In the current era of inflation targeting, inflation rates have tended to be moderate and stable,
so the previous reasoning will by and large apply to the properties of nominal as well as real rates
of interest. As noted above, however, interest rates do exhibit a high degree of persistence,
raising the question of the underlying economic causes of long-run changes in interest rates and
the forces that may be slowing their adjustment over time. We return to the specific question of
why long-term interest rates are currently so low, and the implications for long-run equilibrium
rates, in Section IV.
The data in Figure 5 suggest that past forecasts of long-term nominal interest rates have tended
to err on the side of mean reversion. The long-run forecasts (the ends of the extended lines) lie
within a fairly tight range of 4.4 to 6 percent, despite the fact that the nominal 10-year rate has
swung from a low below 2 percent to a high of nearly 8 percent. The forecast range is consistent
with the historical mean of the nominal long-term interest rate but may not accurately reflect
possible changes in structural features of the economy. In light of the persisting downward trend
in long-term interest rates, forecasters have incrementally lowered their expectations for the 10-
year rate over the past two years, with the Administration forecast down by 60 basis points, the
private-sector consensus forecast down by 30 basis points, and the CBO forecast down by 60
basis points.
Key Takeaways
Real and nominal interest rates in the United States have been on a steady decline since
the mid-1980s.
Declining interest rates are a global phenomenon.
It is difficult to forecast interest rates and forecasters largely missed the secular decline
of the last three decades.
III. Interest Rates through the Lens of Economic Theory
A large number of factors play a role in determining interest rates and economic theory helps to
provide a framework for sifting through them. A useful starting place for thinking about interest
rates is the seminal work of Irving Fisher (1930), who characterized the equilibrium relationship
between the nominal rate of return on an asset, the rate of inflation, and the compensation to
savers for postponing consumption. Modern financial theory extends this core insight to
environments with uncertainty by showing that any financial asset can be priced using a
stochastic discount factor (SDF)the rate at which savers trade off consumption today for future
uncertain consumption. In general, the expected return on an asset depends on how long the
asset holder must wait for the payoff, the asset holder’s impatience (i.e., his or her desire to
consume sooner rather than later), the asset holder’s willingness to tolerate risk, properties of
the asset holder’s overall wealth portfolio, and the extent to which the asset being priced adds
or reduces risk in the asset holder’s portfolio.
In Section IIIa, we begin with a simple version of the Ramsey (1928) dynamic saving model that
abstracts from uncertainty and generates a relatively simple relationship between the growth
rate of per capita consumption and the real interest rate. Along the steady-state growth path,
the growth rate of per capita consumption must be equal to the long-run growth rate of per
capita output. When augmented with a forecast for the long-run rate of inflation, the Ramsey-
model prediction therefore implies a forecast for the long-run nominal interest rate.
Section IIIb extends this framework to incorporate the effects of uncertainty about productivity
and inflation. This permits a decomposition of the long-term nominal yield on a bond into three
components: the expected path of the real short-term real interest rate, the expected rate of
inflation, and the term premium (the compensation to the investor for holding a long-term bond
and bearing the risk of fluctuations in its price). Each of the components is discussed in detail and
related to evidence from financial markets. In the end, the macro model based on long-run
growth, adjusted for expected inflation, generates an interest rate forecast that is in the same
general range as estimates from the financial models that incorporate risk. This is not too
surprising, as the underlying linkage between economic growth and interest rates ought to
remain important even when there is long-term risk.
The discussion in sections IIIa and IIIb proceeds as if the United States were a closed economy,
abstracting from the effects of international trade and capital flows. As barriers to international
trade and capital mobility have come down, however, global factors have become increasingly
important in the determination of U.S. interest rates. In Section IIIc, we discuss how the economic
framework can be extended when countries are open to international trade and financial
III.a. Link between Economic Growth and the Real Interest Rate
The Ramsey model generates a fundamental link between per capita consumption growth, the
real interest rate, and the growth rate of the economy. The model is based on the dynamic saving
and investment decisions of a hypothetical, infinitely-lived representative household. (Appendix
A provides a full characterization of the model and its solution.) In this setup, the household
chooses an optimal saving/investment plan to maximize the present value of utility from current
and future consumption. We begin with the simplest version of the model, which assumes that
the household has perfect foresight about the future. Later discussion will take uncertainty into
The intertemporal optimality conditions for a household’s preferred consumption and
investment plan yield the standard Euler condition:
(1) 
  
indicates interest earned on savings between dates t and t+1 and
is consumption
per worker on date t. The function u(c) measures the private value, or utility, that the consumer
derives from consuming at rate c and
is the rate at which the consumer discounts next period’s
utility relative to today’s. The left-hand-side of (1) is the opportunity cost of forgoing
consumption (i.e., of saving) in period t. The right-hand-side shows the return to savingthe
gross interest rate multiplied by the discounted marginal utility of future consumption. In
equilibrium, the household will save up to the point where the gross return to saving is equal to
the household’s intertemporal marginal rate of substitution,
, this being the
gross rate at which it is willing to sacrifice present consumption for future consumption.
Under standard functional forms for household preferences, the real interest rate can be written
as a function of the growth rate of consumption per capita,
 
ln denotes the natural logarithm, and
  . The
equilibrium real interest rate is increasing in per capita consumption growth and the subjective
rate of discount (
), and is decreasing in the intertemporal elasticity of substitution (1/σ). Note
that condition (2) holds between any two dates, and so will govern saving and investment
decisions in both the short and the long runs. What is the significance of the two key parameters
ρ and σ?
The discount rate
measures how much people value current consumption relative to future
consumption. The more heavily households discount future consumption (the higher is
and the
lower is
), the higher the rate of compensation the household will require for waiting to
consume, and the higher, therefore, will be the real rate of interest. The discount rate is
independent of the level of consumption and therefore enters equation (2) additively.
Estimates of the discount rate
vary widely depending on the data used and the empirical
methodology (Frederick et al. 2002). Some studies calculate the discount rate implied by real-life
microeconomic decisions that involve an intertemporal tradeoff, such as the decision to take a
lump-sum retirement payment versus a stream of payments, or the decision to buy an energy-
efficient air conditioner that will reduce electricity bills over the long run. Estimates of
from this
approach range from a low of 1 percent per year to values over 200 percent (Moore and Viscusi
1990; Ruderman et al. 1987). Meanwhile, macro studies that draw on saving and consumption
data obtain estimates ranging from 4 to 14 percent (Lawrance 1991; Carroll and Samwick 1997;
Gourinchas and Parker 2002). These high implicit discount rates are hard to reconcile with
prevailing low market interest rates: if individuals were truly so impatient, why should such a low
interest rate clear the credit market? Many economists believe that estimates of
based on
aggregate data and surveys overstate the extent to which people truly discount the value of
future consumption. One problem is that there may be a time inconsistency in preferencesthat
is, one’s subjective view of future consumption evaluated from today’s vantage point may be
different from the way one’s “future self” will evaluate consumption tomorrow. Another issue is
that it is difficult to isolate the impact of future unknowns, such as inflation, or other shocks to
wealth, on future consumption, to obtain a “pure” measure of the trade-off between
consumption today and consumption tomorrow.
The intertemporal elasticity of substitution, 1/σ, measures the extent to which households are
willing to give up consumption today for consumption tomorrow, taking into account diminishing
marginal utility. If growth is expected to be high, people will try to borrow against their future
higher income to consume more now, and this will drive up the interest rate. At some point, the
higher interest rate will discourage borrowing and restore equilibrium between the return on
capital investment (which reflects the ability to produce income in the future) and the
household’s desire to consume now. The interest-rate response depends on the interaction
between σ and the growth rate of per capita consumption. If σ is less than 1 (and therefore the
intertemporal elasticity of substitution is large), people are relatively willing to accommodate
changes in the timing of consumption and do not require a high interest rate as compensation. If
people are more resistant to shifting consumption across time (σ > 1 and the intertemporal
elasticity of substitution is low), then the interest rate will react more strongly to changes in the
growth rate of consumption.
There is even more debate about the value of σ than about the value of
. Because the elasticity
interacts with the rate of consumption growth, the estimated relationship depends critically on
what type of consumption and what interest rate one uses in the analysis. Estimated values of σ
tend to be low when based on consumption data at the micro level (e.g. studies based on
individual consumption choices), suggesting that people are fairly willing to substitute over time.
Macroeconomic evidence on aggregate consumption growthwhich tends to be fairly smooth
suggests values of σ around 1. Extremely high values of σ (low intertemporal elasticities of
substitution) are needed to reconcile returns on financial assets, which tend to be highly volatile,
with changes in aggregate consumption.
Consumption Growth and the Real Interest Rate
Rose (1988) observed that if equation (2) is correct, interest rates and consumption growth
should have similar statistical integration (or persistence) properties. Statistical tests confirm that
that consumption growth rates are strongly mean reverting. Real interest rates exhibit much
more persistence than consumption growth, however, revert to mean only at a very slow rate,
as noted earlier.
The mismatch between the statistical properties of consumption growth and
real interest rates suggests that there are shocks that cause the two series to deviate, and the
deviation can persist for long periods of time. For example, persistent changes in the discount
could be one such factor. Demographic factors, to be discussed below, could also play a
role in weakening the link in the data between aggregate consumption growth and interest rates.
Not surprisingly, empirical studies find that growth rates in per capita consumption do a poor job
of predicting out-of-sample real interest rates and vice versa.
Productivity Growth and the Real Interest Rate
In the Ramsey model’s equilibrium, the interest on saving is equal to the marginal return on
capital investment. Capital is combined with labor to produce a good that can be consumed or
invested. Growth in the economy is driven by labor-augmenting technological progress (at rate
g) and population growth (at rate n). Population growth expands the raw number of workers,
while technological advance expands the number of “effective” workers by making each one
more productive over time. Along a balanced growth path with a constant level of capital per
effective unit of labor, the productive efficiency of each unit of labor grows at rate g and total
output and consumption at rate n + g. (For simplicity, the discussion abstracts from depreciation
of capital.) Note that the rate of population growth does not affect the balanced growth path’s
steady-state interest rate because along that path, the household saves just enough for future
generations to keep the ratio of capital per unit of effective labor constant. The rate of
productivity growth, g, determines the growth rate of output per person and consumption per
Under the assumption that preferences are stable and that household consumption reflects
productivity developments, the model suggests that periods of high per capita consumption
growth should coincide with high labor productivity growth and high real interest rates. Figure 6
shows average four-quarter growth in output per hour, per capita real consumption (as
measured by PCE), and the real interest rate since 1958.
The series are smoothed to highlight the
medium- to long-run patterns in the data. The paths for consumption growth and the real interest
Under the class of preferences assumed here, the household’s attitude to smoothing consumption across time is
identical to its attitude toward smoothing across uncertain future states of the world, conflating intertemporal
substitutability with risk aversion. Epstein-Zin-Weil preferences are often used to allow for a separation of the desire
for smoothing consumption over time from attitudes toward risk.
For a comprehensive review of this literature, see Neely and Rapach (2008).
rate are correlated throughout the sample. The link between the real interest rate and labor
productivity growth is still apparent but less strong than the link with consumption growth. This
discrepancy arises because per capita consumption growth is predicted to exactly track labor
productivity growth only in a hypothetical balanced-growth equilibrium, whereas over briefer
time spans measured labor productivity growth is likely to be imperfectly correlated with current
and expected future incomes.
Figure 6
Nonetheless, future long-run productivity growth remains a key driver of understanding the long-
term real interest rate, since it is the rate of productivity growth that ultimately pins down the
growth rate of all macroeconomic variables including consumption. Views on long-run
productivity growth range from extreme optimism about the future to extreme pessimism. Some
economists, among them Mokyr (2014), Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014), and Bloom et al. (2014)
point to recent advances in information technology, management techniques, and scientific
knowledge as laying the foundation for continued economic growth. They see no reason to think
that innovations going forward will be less frequent or contribute less to overall productivity than
before. Others, such as Gordon (2010, 2014), are more pessimistic, pointing to the declining
quality of public education, pressures of globalization, environmental issues, and government
debt as drags on future innovation and growth. And as is discussed further below, others point
to secular stagnationa feedback loop between falling demand and falling investment leading
to low interest ratesas a trap that will impede growth in the near- to medium-term.
Superficially, there seems to be ample evidence of scientific and technological advance in many
dimensions, though there is generally a lag between invention and the development of the
production and market infrastructure needed to facilitate an impact of invention on productivity
(David and Wright 2006).
One could use time-series methods to estimate the stochastic process driving productivity and
forecast out of sample based on the estimated model. There are no easy answers from this
Real 10-Year
Interest Rate
PCE Per Capita
Productivity Growth
1958 1965 1972 1979 1986 1993 2000 2007 2014
10-Year Real Interest Rate, Real Consumption, & Productivity
20-Quarter Moving Average, Year-over-year Percent Change
Federal Reserve Board; Bureau of Labor Statistics; Bureau of Economic Analysis.
approach either. Paralleling the literature on consumption growth, one view is that productivity
growth is non-stationary, in which case recent observations on productivity should receive
greater weight in the forecast (indeed, on this view, recent productivity could be the best forecast
of future productivity). Another view is that productivity growth is mean-reverting, in which case
the long-run trend is informative about the future. Yet others argue that productivity growth may
follow a switching process, with stochastic shifts between “regimes” of high and low productivity
(Kahn and Rich 2011). Again, statistical tests are not dispositive, both because there is insufficient
time-series data to identify with any confidence the underlying stochastic process driving
productivity and because of challenges in accurately measuring productivity itself.
In the meantime, forecasters must rely on insights from economic models and use their best
judgment. Column 1 of Table 1 shows long-run projections of U.S. labor productivity growth,
denoted by g, from a variety of studies, including Administration estimates. Productivity
estimates range from lows of 1.3 percent per year on the most pessimistic end, to 2.2 percent on
the more optimistic end.
The most recent long-run Administration forecast is productivity
growth of 2.1 percent per year. This forecast is conditional on enactment of Administration
policies that include substantial investments in infrastructure, business tax reform, expanded
international trade, and increased educational investment.
Most forecasters focus on the nominal interest rate, which can be directly compared with market
data. Here, the focus is on the real interest rate and its link with productivity growth. To compare
other forecasts with the Ramsey model, we assume (and subtract) an inflation rate of 2.0 percent
from nominal interest rate forecasts to obtain a projected long-run real rate (see Column 2 of
Table 1). Columns 3 through 5 show different projections for the real interest rate implied by the
Ramsey model based on the productivity measures in column 1, and different assumptions about
the preference parameters ρ and σ.
The projections for the real interest rate range from 1.5 percent to 3.5 percent. Higher values of
ρ and σ generate higher real interest rates. Estimates of labor productivity have a large impact
on the forecast of the long-term interest rate.
Some of the studies estimate total factor productivity (TFP), rather than labor productivity, g. Estimated TFP is
divided by labor’s share of income to obtain g. See Appendix C for the correspondence between labor productivity
and total factor productivity.
Table 1
Key Takeaways
The Ramsey growth model implies a link between labor productivity growth, per capita
consumption growth and the real (inflation-adjusted) interest rate.
Historically, periods of low real long-term interest rates have tended to coincide with low
labor productivity growth.
Projections of labor productivity growth, while imprecise, suggest 10-year real interest
rates in the range of 1.5 to 3.5 per cent.
ρ = 0.4 ρ = 0.2 ρ = 0.2
g 10 year real σ = 1 σ = 1 σ = 1.5
1 2 3 4 5
Administration 2.1 2.4 2.5 2.3 3.4
Macroeconomic Advisers 1.4 2.3 1.8 1.6 2.3
SSA 2.1 2.9 2.5 2.3 3.4
Fernald 1.6 2.0 1.8 2.6
CBO 1.9 2.6 2.3 2.1 3.1
Gordon 1.3 1.7 1.5 2.2
Byrne, et al. 1.8 2.2 2.0 2.9
Historical 2.2 2.6 2.4 3.5
Average 1.8 2.6 2.2 2.0 2.9
Median 1.9 2.5 2.3 2.1 3.0
Real Interest Rate Forecasts
Model-based Forecasts
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Byrne, et al. (2013); Congressional Budget Office (2015b);
Fernald (2014); Gordon (2014); Macroeconomic Advisers (2015); Social Security Administration
Note: Historical denotes annualized average from 1953:Q2 to 2007:Q4.
III.b. Information from Financial Markets
The price of assets traded in financial markets can provide information about long-run interest
rates, but realistic asset-pricing models need to incorporate uncertainty about the future.
Appendix B extends the basic growth model to allow for uncertainty in future productivity growth
and inflation. The intertemporal marginal rate of substitution (often labeled as the real stochastic
discount factor or SDF, (
) is central to determining the rate of return
on an asset. The key insight from asset pricing theory is that investors care about, and therefore
must be compensated for, the risk as well as the timing of asset payoffs. As in the Ramsey model,
assets that pay off sooner rather than later are more valuable to the investor and will command
a higher price. The value of an asset also depends, however, on whether the payoffs come at a
good time or not: an asset that is expected to pay dividends when consumption is relatively low
(and therefore the marginal utility of consumption is high) will be more valuable for its insurance
benefits than an asset that pays dividends when consumption is already high.
Maintaining previous assumptions about utility and further assuming that the distribution of
future SDFs follow a lognormal statistical distribution, the long-term nominal interest rate on
date t on a discount bond that matures in k periods can be approximated as:
  
  
In words, the nominal long-term interest rate depends positively on:
1. Expected future short-term real interest rates, the sequence of
(first line of (3)).
2. Expected future inflation rates, the sequence of
(second line of (3)).
3. The term premium (third line of (3)). This reflects two forces:
The extent to which bond prices tend to vary positively with consumption growth (the
covariance between the price of a nominal bond with remaining maturity k - j, q
, and
contemporaneous consumption growth)
The extent to which bond prices tend to vary positively with inflation (the covariance
and q
, because a bond that has a high value when the value of money is
low is less valuable as a hedge).
The first two components on this list correspond to the intuition that investors will compare the
interest rate offered by a k-period long-term bond with the earnings available from investing
As presented, equation (3) omits additional convexity terms involving variances, in order to simplify the exposition
and highlight the role of covariances in term premiums.
instead in a sequence of k short-term bonds.
Together, the two parts of the term premium
reflect the risk associated with holding a long-term bond. Intuitively, a k-period bond becomes a
(k 1)-period bond after one period, a (k 2)-period bond after two periods, and so on. At any
point before maturity, the investor may wish to sell the bond, so in deciding the rate of return
she is willing to accept, she will also consider how the future prices of her instrument, as its time
to maturity shrinks over the relevant future horizon, covary with consumption and inflation risks.
In addition to these components, the long-term yield may contain at least two other premiums:
a credit risk premium and a liquidity premium. The credit premium reflects the risk associated
with the solvency of the borrower. Since we are interested in the yield on the long-term U.S
Treasury note, the credit risk premium is not relevant.
The liquidity premium reflects the risk
an investor would face if he or she were unable to sell the bond at fair value due to low market
liquidity. Yields on most U.S. Treasuries themselves are unlikely to contain a significant liquidity
premium, but such a premium could arise in specific instruments such as inflation indexed bonds,
where trading may be thin.
We now turn to financial markets for information about the various components of the long-
term interest rate.
Forward Interest Rates
One might hope to glean market expectations of the future long-term interest rate from
transactions in bonds of different maturity. An interest rate on a 10-year Treasury note purchased
in 2025 and maturing in 2035, for example, can be locked in today by purchasing a 20-year
Treasury bond that matures in 2035 and selling the coupon stream from a 10-year Treasury note
that matures in 2025. The net cost of that transaction yields a measure of the 10-year interest
rate expected to prevail in ten years, which is called the forward interest rate. The rate of return
resulting from this transaction is not a pure expected future long-term interest rate, however, as
it will carry a risk premium related to the term premiums embedded in the yields of the
underlying assets. Nonetheless, the implicit prediction does contain important information about
expectations of future rates.
Each line in Figure 7 shows forward rates on a 10-year Treasury note at different horizons.
Different lines show the rates that prevailed at different dates. Taking the top (blue) line, for
example, the rate at “zero-years” forward is the spot rate on a 10-year Treasury note as of April
2010, a little under 4.0 percent. The rate at “two-years” forward applies to a 10-year Treasury
This follows from recalling that, because of the Fisher equation,
 
 is the expected short-term
nominal interest rate on date t + j - 1.
Credit risk premiums have appeared in U.S. Treasuries, however, under the threat that Congress might refuse to
raise the Federal debt limit, thereby possibly forcing default.
Note here that we are not using the asset pricing framework to “solve” for interest rates, as we did with the
Ramsey model. That is possible in principle, but only on the basis of additional and much stronger assumptions than
those made above. Rather, we are turning to asset markets to inform us about the likely contributions of the
different components to the total return.
note in April 2012. The July 2015 curve is lower than the April 2010 and December 2013 curves,
reflecting the general fall in interest rates between 2010 and 2015 and, probably, the market’s
view that interest rates are likely to stay lower for some time. The forward market’s current
implicit prediction for the 10-year nominal rate in 2025 (ten years forward) is 3.1 percent,
considerably lower than most forecasters’ predictions of the 10-year rate and lower than the 3.6
to 4.7 percent forecasts (real rate plus 2 percent expected inflation) based on the growth model
in Table 1.
Figure 7
There are good reasons to be cautious in taking the forward rate as an accurate predictor of the
future rate. As noted above, the synthetic forward rate embodies risk premiums; moreover, it
relies on prices of assets that may be in very limited supply (for example, the 20-year Treasury).
The fact that the market for such securities is thin may lead to pricing anomalies that would affect
the forward rate. Empirical analysis of the rate on long-term forwards finds that they are highly
volatile and respond to transitory shocks that, from a theoretical perspective, should not affect
the long-run interest rate.
Thornton and Valente (2012) report that the information contained
in forward rates does not provide investors with economic value in terms of higher excess returns
relative to an investment strategy based on current information.
Thus, the current forward
prediction for the 10-year Treasury in 2025 of 3.1 percent is unlikely to be an accurate forecast
of the long-term nominal interest rate.
TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities)
The market for TIPS was established in 1997 and now accounts for roughly 8.5 percent of the
volume of outstanding Treasuries. TIPS are indexed to the CPI and so provide an investor a real
See, for example, Gürkaynak, et al. (2005) or Hanson and Stein (2012).
Thornton and Valente compare the excess returns of a bond portfolio based on the information from forward
rates with the excess returns on a bond portfolio based on current (no expectations) information. The models based
on forward rates fail to outperform the no-predictability benchmark.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Years Forward
Dec 2013
April 2010
Market-Implied Evolution of 10-Year Rate Over Time
Note: Each dot shows the expected yield on a 10-year treasury note at x years forward derived from
the yields on 10-20-year Treasury notes.
Source: Bloomberg Professional Service
Jul 2015
return insured against inflation in that price index.
Figure 8 shows the annual yield on the 10-
year TIPS up through July 2015, and from July 2015 through July 2025, the annual yield based on
forwards on TIPS. As of July 2015, the implied annual real yield on the 10-year TIPS was 0.3
percent. Forward transactions like those described for nominal bonds imply a 10-year TIPS rate
of 1.0 percent in ten years. The return on 10-year TIPS is a measure of expected real interest rates
(reflected in the first component of equation (3)) plus a term premium. In some conditions, the
yield on TIPS may also include a liquidity premium. Even with these additional premiums, the real
yield on TIPS is broadly consistent with the real yield on nominal Treasury bonds implied by
forward transactions, given the Federal Reserve’s inflation target; and, like that yield, real yields
on TIPS are considerably lower than the real return implied by the growth model explored earlier.
Alternatively and equivalently, the ten-year ahead nominal 10-year rate implied by forward
transactions in TIPS is about 3.25 percent (the sum of the 1.00 percent forward yield on TIPS plus
2.25 percent expected CPI inflation), compared with the implicit prediction of 3.10 percent
derived from nominal Treasuries.
Figure 8
As with forwards on nominal Treasuries, a number of caveats should be kept in mind when
interpreting forward rates on TIPS. In addition to a term premium, the yield on TIPS may also
include a liquidity premium due to thin trading volume. Empirical analysis suggests that both of
these premiums vary over time. D’Amico et al. (2014) find that as the market for TIPS expanded
in the early 2000s, the liquidity premium declined followed by a spike during the financial crisis.
As noted above, the theory implies that the consumer wishes to insure against changes in his or her purchasing
power, so the personal consumption expenditure deflator, rather than the CPI, would be the more appropriate
deflator. The CPI and the PCE deflators are strongly, though not perfectly correlated; and CPI inflation is typically
slightly higher than PCE inflation, on average by about 0.25 percentage point on an annual basis. Because TIPS are
indexed to the CPI and not the PCE, their market yield is therefore below the “true” model-implied real interest rate
by 0.25 percentage point.
2003 2008 2013 2018 2023
10-Year Treasury Inflation Protected Security Yield
Note: Dotted line indicates TIPS forward yields as of July 8, 2015.
Source: Federal Reserve Board; Bloomberg Service.
FOMC Participant Assessments of Short-Term Interest Rates
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) publishes the distribution of its members’
assessment for the future federal funds rate. The federal funds rate, technically the rate at which
depository institutions lend to each other on an overnight basis, reflects the short-term real rate
plus expected inflation. The FOMC’s median assessment for the Fed funds rate over the longer
run is currently 3.75 percent. The relationship between the federal funds rate and the U.S.
Treasury rate is historically stablethe federal funds rate tends to exceed the three-month
Treasury rate by approximately 12 to 15 basis points.
Thus, the FOMC longer-run assessments
suggest a short-term nominal Treasury rate in 2025 of about 3.6 percent. The implied level of the
10-year rate in 2025 would be substantially higher after the addition of a projected 1.0 percent
term premium, and therefore substantially above the 3.1 percent implicit prediction from
forward Treasury transactions, as we discuss further below.
Term Premium
The term premium reflects the extra return that lenders demand holding a longer-term bond
instead of investing in a series of short-term securities. In theory, the sign and size of the term
premium depend on the covariance between bond prices and other factors that affect the
investor’s wealth (see Cox et al. 1985). If bonds are a good hedge for other risks the investor
might face, such as inflation, changes in wages, or the returns on other assets in the investor’s
portfolio, the term premium can be low or even negative.
The term premium is not directly observable and numerous strategies have been developed to
estimate it by imposing restrictions on the stochastic properties of the data or by utilizing other
data, such as survey information, to provide identification. Adrian et al. (2013) use econometric
techniques to decompose the nominal rate on 10-year Treasury notes into the expected future
path of short-term Treasury yields and the term premium.
Figure 9 shows the yield on 10-year
Treasuries and the term premium based on their methodology. Daily changes in the term
premium and the aggregate yield are highly positively correlated (correlation coefficient of 0.72)
over the full sample. There are periods, however, when the two series diverge (such as 2007-09).
The term premium has tended to fall along with the decline in the long-term interest rate, and
Adrian et al. estimate that it is currently negative.
D’Amico et al. (2014) and Campbell et al.
(2013) also find evidence of a negative term premium.
This spread is the average difference between the FOMC rate and the three-month treasury rate based on monthly
data between July 1954 and February 2015.
Their method is very similar to that used by Kim and Wright (2005). Kim and Wright use a three-factor model and
survey data, which limits the time interval over which the model can be estimated. Adrian et al. (2013) show that
their five-factor model, without survey information, comes very close to replicating Kim and Wright and has the
advantage of extending back to the 1960s.
Kim and Wright (2005) use inflation data to separate the overall term premium into what they call an inflation
term premium and a real term premium. They attribute two-thirds of the decline in the term premium to the real
Figure 9
The low term premium suggests that long-term bonds add little risk, and indeed may add
diversification, to the set of risks currently faced by investors. The difficult question for an
interest-rate forecast is what will happen to term premiums ten to twenty years into the future.
Some models of the term premium (see for example, Kim and Wright (2005)) include a mean-
reverting component. Simply projecting that model forward generates a long-run term premium
of approximately 0.80 percentage point, driven by increases in both the real term premium and
the inflation risk premium from their current low levels. Because the Kim-Wright model is a non-
structural statistical model, however, this projection does not take into account changes in
macroeconomic conditions and their potentially time-varying covariance with financial variables.
To gain some insight into the underlying economic forces that seem to be driving the term
premium, and therefore help predict it going forward, Adrian et al. (2013) use historical data to
seek correlated economic factors. They find that term premiums appear to be high when
unemployment is high, when there is increased dispersion in professional forecasts about future
bond yields, and when options-implied volatility suggests high uncertainty about Treasury yields.
Interestingly, they find little evidence that term premiums rise when monetary policy tightens.
Taken together, this evidence suggests that term premiums could remain low if expectations
about inflation remain well-anchored as the economy continues to expand.
Campbell et al. (2009) note that much of the variation in the inflation premium remains
unexplained by the factors in their model. They suggest that other variables not in their current
specification, such as the supply of Treasury bonds, may be important for bond term premiums
(see also Krishnamurthy and Vissing-Jorgenson 2011, 2012 and Li and Wei 2013). This latter point
could be important if the demand for safe assets were to change going forward. Ang et al. (2008)
find that the variation in inflation compensation (expected inflation and its covariance risk with
consumption growth) explains about 80 percent of the variation in nominal rates at both short
and long maturities. This underscores the point that small changes in the perception of inflation
risk could have a sizable impact on long-term interest rates.
1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015
10-Year Yield and Term Premium
Source: Federal Reserve Board; Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
Of all of the components of nominal long-term interest rates, the value for the term premium is
the most difficult to pin down. In the table below, the mean of the Adrian et al. (2013) term
premium over the January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2014 period of 1.0 percentage point is used.
Summarizing the Information from Financial Markets
To illustrate our analyses, we illustrate different approaches to forecasting the long-term nominal
interest rate, as is typically done twice a year in the CEA/OMB/Treasury Budget forecast and mid-
session review. Table 2 summarizes the market information on the various components of the
expected long-term nominal interest rate. Forward nominal Treasury interest rates suggest a rate
of 3.10 percent. The forecast based on TIPS plus expected CPI inflation would suggest a rate of
3.25 percent that could likewise include a bias due to term and liquidity premiums. The FOMC
federal funds rate assessment, adjusted to provide an implicit short-term Treasury rate forecast
and adding a 1.00 percentage point term premium, implies a long-term forecast of 4.60 percent.
Table 2
Although reached through different reasoning, the rate on the 10-year Treasury note suggested
by the FOMC’s funds rate forecast is in the same neighborhood as that based on the steady-state
prediction of a Ramsey model. This is not surprisingif the Ramsey model is a valid description
of the economy, long-run interest rates and market expectations about the future will ultimately
conform to the equilibrium conditions in the Ramsey model. There is a gap, however, between
the rate implied by the Ramsey model presented herewhich includes neither inflation risk nor
uncertainty and therefore does not include a term premiumand the rate implied by financial
markets, which in principle incorporate all risks but could be strongly affected by current
economic conditions. Bringing the rate implied by the macro model into conformance with the
rate implied by financial markets (e.g., the 4.4 percent nominal rate implied by Table 1 plus a
term premium with the 4.6 percent FOMC-based forecast in Table 2 that includes the term
premium) requires either a small or even negative term premium, a lower expected productivity
growth rate that would reduce the Ramsey-implied rate, or a higher elasticity of intertemporal
substitution (lower
) than seems realistic to most economists.
(1) (2) (3) + (4) FORECAST
Real (1-Year)
Forward Treasuries 3.10
TIPS 1.00 2.25 3.25
FOMC-Based 1.00 4.60
Blue Chip 4.40
Components of Nominal Interest Rate based on Financial Data
Key Takeaways
Asset-pricing models that incorporate risk suggest that the long-run nominal interest rate
is the sum of expected future short-term real rates, expected future inflation rates, and a
term premium.
The 10-year rate in ten years that forward transactions in nominal Treasuries imply is
currently 3.1 percent.
Forward transactions in the market for TIPS suggest a long-term real rate just above 1.00
percent in ten years. Adding the CPI inflation rate implied by the Federal Reserve’s PCE
inflation target would imply a forward nominal interest rate of 3.25 percent.
The term premium in nominal Treasuries is currently estimated to be near zero, with a
2005-2014 mean of 1 percent.
These components together suggest a 10-year nominal interest rate in the range of 3.1
(forward Treasuries) to 4.6 percent (based on FOMC forecasts of the long-run federal
funds rate).
III.c. Real Interest Rates in a Globalized World Economy
In a closed economy, all of the aggregate economy’s saving necessarily flows into domestic
investment. In an open economy, saving also can flow into assets located abroad (when the
economy has a current account surplus); or foreign borrowing may allow the economy to invest
more than it is currently saving (when the economy has a current account deficit).
At a basic level, the real interest rate in a closed economy is determined by the equality of
national saving and domestic investment.
In a world with financially integrated national capital
markets, the general level of world interest rates is determined by the equality of the global
supply of saving and global investment demandwith individual countries’ current account
balances determined by whether domestic saving exceeds or falls short of national investment
in the global capital-market equilibrium.
An extensive literature in international finance tests for the degree of integration of national
financial markets.
The general consensus of this literature is that advanced economies have
tightly integrated capital markets, emerging market economies are becoming increasingly
integrated into the global financial system, while China (through deliberate policy choices that
restrict capital movements) and low-income economies remain partially segmented from the
global capital market. Even for the advanced economies, real interest rates need not be precisely
equal across borders, even at long horizons, thanks to several factors including exchange-rate
fluctuations. Increasingly, however, arbitrage forces tend to make long-term real and even
nominal interest rates move in tandem. Figure 10, inspired by Blanchard et al. (2014), shows the
narrowing spread in long-term nominal interest rates across OECD countries that has occurred
since the 1980s as well as the accompanying decline in those rates.
Figure 11 shows a specific
recent short-term example, the close co-movement in U.S. and German 10-year government
bond rates over most sub-periods after September 2014 despite different macroeconomic
conditions and monetary policies in the United States and the euro area. Long-term nominal
interest rates in Europe and Japan have recently been mostly below those in the United States,
and current rates on 10-year bonds even fall short of inflation in Japan, France, Canada, Sweden,
and Denmark.
If the Ramsey model is valid, then in the short run that interest rate can be viewed as determining the growth rate
of per capita consumption through the Ramsey model’s Euler equation, with the level of per capita consumption
adjusting so that saving equals investment. In the long-run balanced growth equilibrium, the long-run growth rate
of labor productivity determines the interest rate (while there, too, saving equals investment).
Measures of capital market integration include the correlation between saving and investment rates, correlations
between consumption growth rates across countries, the magnitude and responsiveness to return differentials of
international capital flows, tests for interest-rate parity, indices of legal impediments to capital movements, and the
For more evidence on the close co-movements of different countries’ long-term nominal interest rates, see
Obstfeld (2015).
The real rate is the annual rate on the 10-year government bond less the lagged and current 5-year moving average
of annual CPI inflation.
Figure 10
Figure 11
One explanation for the global decline in interest rates is that the same forces driving down the
U.S. rate are operating abroad. According to the IMF (International Monetary Fund 2014), a
common global factor accounted for 55 percent of the variation in world interest rates over 1980-
1995 and this share increased to almost 75 percent during 1996-2012.
Note that the band in
Figure 10 widens after the onset of the global financial crisis in 2007, reflecting diverging
economic conditions across countries, the consequent differences in central bank monetary
policies, and the unraveling of sovereign yield convergence in the euro area. Over the longer run,
In International Monetary Fund (2014), the IMF conducted a principal component analysis of the contribution of
three common global factors to variations in real interest rates of a group of 17 developed countries. The
contribution of the first factor increased roughly 20 percentage points to nearly 75 percent between 1980-1995 and
GDP-Weighted Average 10-Year
Government Interest Rate
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Note: Sample includes: United States, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy,
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, Finland, Greece, Portugal, Spain,
Australia, and New Zealand.
Source: National sources via Haver Analytics.
Global Long-Term Interest Rates
Sep 14 Nov 14 Jan 15 Mar 15 May 15 Jul 15
U.S. and Germany 10-Year Government Bonds
10-year Bund
Source: Bloomberg
United States
10-year Treasury
Jul. 10
however, the general trend of narrowing differences across countries, reflected in the width of
the gray band in Figure 10, suggests that while common factors may be at work, increased
financial integration across markets has indeed pulled interest rates together.
Given the global equilibrium real interest rate, an extension of the Ramsey model would tie the
growth rate of every country’s per capita consumption to that interest rate via equation (2), while
divergences between countries’ overall spending and output levels would be resolved through
external lending or borrowing. In the world capital-market equilibrium, the global real interest
rate ultimately depends on the productivity growth rates of all the world’s economies, with each
country’s contribution weighted by its importance in world GDP.
This mechanism leads to some convergence of national real rates of interest, but what about
nominal rates? Given real convergence, the tendency of countries in recent decades to adopt
inflation-targeting regimes with somewhat similar target inflation rates or ranges has also
promoted convergence of long-term nominal rates. Japan’s experience, illustrated in Figure 4
above, shows how divergent inflation expectations (in Japan’s case, decades of expectations of
very low or negative inflation) can lead to divergence in long-term nominal interest rates.
Through the mechanism of integrated international markets, foreign factors also influence a
country’s natural real rate of interest, the rate consistent with full employment in the absence of
short-term cyclical fluctuations. Central banks typically adjust their policy rates in an attempt to
track the natural rate. Because the latter is subject to strong global influences, the fact that short-
term nominal policy rates follow long-term rates over the long-run, even though the latter are
heavily influenced by foreign developments, does not imply that the central bank lacks policy
tools with which to steer the economy. Rather, effective domestic monetary policy requires the
central bank to respond to global factors that simultaneously affect long-term interest rates.
In a world with uncertainty, global long-term real and nominal interest rates will naturally include
risk premiums. An individual country’s rates depend in part on idiosyncratic, purely national,
factors. Common international patterns in the linkages between national consumption levels and
world interest rates can, however, induce substantial correlation among countries’ long-term
bond risk premiums.
The generally higher output and consumption growth rates in the emerging and developing
world, which have become an ever-bigger fraction of the world economy over time, might be
considered by some observers as evidence for higher interest rates in the United States and other
rich countries than are suggested by their own growth rates alone. The transmission of rates from
the extensive and deep financial markets of the industrial countries to those of poorer countries
is still much more powerful, however, than the reverse transmission. Moreover, systematic
differences in long-term growth rates can be accommodated by systematic trends in real
exchange rates that drive a wedge between different countries’ real interest rates, without
necessarily muting much of the correlation between changes in these interest rates. (For
example, China’s currency has appreciated against the dollar in real terms over time.) Appendix
D discusses this linkage. Finally, as discussed in the next section, growth projections for emerging
markets have been revised downward recently, contributing to the falling trend in global interest
Key Takeaways
In a world with financially integrated national capital markets, the general level of world
interest rates is determined by the equality of the global supply of saving and global
investment demand.
Capital markets of advanced economies are now tightly integrated while emerging market
economies are becoming increasingly integrated into the global financial system. Low-
income economies remain partially segmented from the global capital market.
As a consequence of increasing international market integration, long-term real and
nominal interest rates are increasingly moving in tandem and have declined along with
U.S. rates. Nominal interest rates also tend to be correlated across countries though
differences in inflation expectations can produce differences in nominal rates.
In a world with uncertainty, global long-term real and nominal interest rates will include
risk premiums that can reflect country-specific risk factors. Strong economic linkages,
however, reinforce substantial correlation in countries’ long-term bond risk premiums.
IV. Why Have Interest Rates Fallen So Much?
Interest rates in the United States are very low today, with real 10-year interest rates essentially
at zero. Most observers believe that this is, at least in part, a transitory phenomenon and that
interest rates will rise as the economy fully recovers and monetary policy normalizes. Further,
some believe that this transitory reduction has been especially deep and prolonged because of
unique factors associated with the aftermath of a severe financial crisis.
Nevertheless, expected future long-term interest rates a decade from now have also fallen
substantially from what was expected by forecasters, or indicated by market forward rates, a
decade or two ago. That decline suggests there may also be structural changes in the economy
that will lead to lower equilibrium long-term interest rates even when the economy is fully
recovered. Determining how long low long-term interest rates will persist and whether they will
settle at a lower level than previously expected requires an evaluation of the reasons they are
low today. While there is no definitive answer to this question, many factors suggest that long-
run equilibrium long-term interest rates have fallen.
Factors that Are Likely Transitory
Fiscal, Monetary, and Foreign-Exchange Policies
The recent recession saw the expansion of public balance sheets, in some cases because private
debt was absorbed by national governments. If consumers are Ricardianthat is, they do not
consider their government debt holdings to be net wealth because they fully anticipate paying
the future taxes the government will levy to service its debtsthe effects of higher deficits
(dissaving) by the government are undone by increased saving on the part of private agents, who
anticipate higher future taxes due to the higher deficit.
In this scenario, reduced government
budget deficits do not raise aggregate saving and therefore have no impact on the interest rate.
The stark assumptions of Ricardian equivalence do not hold if, more realistically, people are
finitely lived (without an operative bequest motive) or do not fully anticipate future tax liabilities.
Thus, one might have expected the higher public debt levels in the post-crisis period to push long-
term interest rates higher and thereby crowd out capital (unless, once again, Ricardian
equivalence holds).
One reason why such pressure on long-term interest rates has not been observed may be that in
the case of the largest economies (the United States and United Kingdom, and then in Japan and
Europe), large-scale programs of quantitative easing have moved public (and often private) long-
term debts from private to central-bank balance sheets, reducing long-term interest rates.
Central banks in emerging markets have continued to purchase foreign exchange reserves,
mostly U.S. government-issued or government-backed securities. Rogoff (2015) argues that
The “Ricardian equivalence” hypothesis—that private households will fully internalize and therefore undo the
effects of government spending and taxationrests on the assumptions that households have rational expectations
and infinite-horizon dynastic preferences.
another factor depressing interest rates in some countries is “financial repression” under which
governments artificially depress government-bond interest rates so as to liquidate high public
debts more rapidly. In addition, after the increase in public debt that accompanied the financial
crisis and recession, many advanced-country governments pursued policies aimed at reducing
structural fiscal deficits, likely placing further downward pressure on interest rates.
Inflation Risk and the Term Premium
At present the term premium is at historic lows, and estimates show it has even touched negative
values (see Figure 9 above). The term premium captures the extent to which long-term bond
prices provide a hedge against consumption risks (see Appendix B). A negative term premium
could reflect a negative covariance between the real economy and bond prices, such that bond
prices tend to rise when the news about consumption growth is bad. In this case, nominal long-
term bonds provide a “deflation hedge” (Campbell et al. 2013)an effect that seems most likely
when, as has been the case since the financial crisis, nominal interest rates are very low and the
ambient price environment is one of deflation pressures. Historically, term premiums have
tended to be at higher levels than today’s, and to the extent that low premiums result from the
current set of cyclical circumstances and policy responses, they should eventually normalize at
historical levels.
Private-sector Deleveraging
The decade leading up to the financial crisis saw a global liquidity boom in which households in
many countries took on unprecedented levels of debt while financial institutions sharply
increased their leverage. The collapse in asset values and the recession in 2007-09 initiated a
period of higher household saving aimed at paying down debts, as well as balance sheet
consolidation by financial institutions facing a more stringent regulatory climate. Reinhart and
Rogoff (2009) argue that recessions in the aftermath of financial crises tend to be more severe
and more persistent than typical business-cycle recessions, although they eventually come to an
end once household and business balance sheets are healthy. Not only does the deleveraging
process discourage consumption and thereby push down real interest rates, it tends to be
associated with deflationary pressures that depress long-term nominal interest rates, both
directly (through the inflation-expectations channel) and indirectly (through monetary policy
Rogoff (2015) has recently re-stated the view that the advanced economies are still experiencing
negative growth effects from an abruptly and disruptively terminated long credit cycle. As one
piece of evidence, he points to lower loan availability for borrowers with less-than-stellar credit
profiles, a factor that has notably been holding back residential borrowing in the United States.
Hamilton et al. (2015) argue similarly. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has long
While the preceding description fits the very recent experience of the advanced economies as well as other notable
episodes (such as Japan after the early 1990s), Romer and Romer (2015) document that financial shocks induce
slowdowns of varying depth and persistence in OECD countries, depending on the magnitude and duration of the
associated financial distress.
espoused a closely related view, restated in its latest annual report (2015), which could explain
not only currently low interest rates but their worldwide decline since the 1980s. Throughout the
world, financial innovation and liberalization, coupled with imperfect macro- and micro-
prudential regulation, led to credit expansion and downward pressure on interest rates,
culminating in the global credit surge of the 2000s and the resulting global financial crisis. Post-
crisis, central banks have held interest rates low to offset the contractionary effects of ongoing
deleveraging. The BIS recommends that countries raise policy interest rates in concert with
structural reforms.
Factors that Are Likely Longer-lived
Lower Global Long-run Output and Productivity Growth
The Ramsey model emphasized the link between saving and productivity growth. A fall in
expected future output and income growth makes people feel less wealthy and induces them to
save more today, with the aggregate response pushing down the real interest rate. It is therefore
notable that across all regions of the world, growth expectations have declined in recent years.
Table 3 shows OECD projections of growth in real per capita GDP and total factor productivity
through 2034. In all regions, including the global aggregate, growth is expected to pick up over
the next decade relative to the sluggish 2010-14 period. However, growth in the following
decade, which is the relevant period for the long-run forecast, is expected to be somewhat lower.
In particular, the rapid growth in China and other parts of Asia that characterized the past two
decades is anticipated to taper off, and authors such as Pritchett and Summers (2014) argue that
the tapering could be very rapid. These forecasts of future growth, taken at face value, are not
supportive of a large increase in the real interest rate.
Table 3
Since the financial crisis, growth forecasts published by the IMF, OECD, and World Bank have
been progressively downgraded, as illustrated for the IMF forecasts in Figure 12. Much of the
downgrade reflects escalating concerns about future productivity growth, and whether lower
productivity growth should be viewed as a temporary or longer-lived phenomenon is the subject
of heated debate among historians and economists, as Section III above described.
2010-2014 2014-2024 2024-2060 2010-2014 2014-2024 2024-2060
World 2.4 2.9 2.3
OECD 1.1 2.0 1.6 1.0 0.9 0.6
USA 1.5 2.0 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.7
Euro Zone 0.1 1.7 1.6 1.0 0.9 0.6
Emerging Markets* 5.0 4.3 3.0 0.9 0.8 0.5
*Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa
Global GDP and Total Factor Productivity Growth
Annualized Percent Change in Real GDP per Capita
Annualized Percent Change in Total Factor Productivity
Source : OECD Economic Outlook 2014 - Long-term baseline projections
Figure 12
Shifting Demographics
The interest rate in the Ramsey model is based on the assumption that savers care about the
infinite future, in that members value their descendants’ consumption as though it were their
own future consumption. More realistically, people’s preferences about consumption and saving
change over the life cycle, with middle-aged individuals tending to save in advance of retirement
while younger individuals tend to take on debt to finance the purchase of a home or college
tuition. Depending on the age distribution of the economy and the overall rate of population
growth, the amount of saving and investment will vary, as will the real interest rate. In the United
States, the anticipated increase in the ratio of high-saving middle-aged cohort (ages 40 to 49)
relative to the high-spending young cohort (ages 20-29) is forecasted to depress U.S. interest
rates in the coming decade (see Favero et al. 2013, which extends the model in Geanakoplos et
al. 2004).
Of course, global demographic trends, by influencing long-term interest rates abroad, will also
affect U.S. rates. Projections suggest that the world population growth rate is expected to decline
by 0.25 percentage points between 2010 and 2024, and to continue thereafter (see Figure 13).
Declining population growth is likely to have a negative effect on productivity growth through
several channels. More slowly growing populations reduce the incentives to incur the fixed costs
of R&D and innovation; they imply reduced effects of scale on the generation of new knowledge;
and they imply slower growth in the adoption of productivity-enhancing innovations. Moreover,
less investment is needed to equip a more slowly growing labor force with new capital, an
additional channel that can lower long-run interest rates in models with demographic structures
more complex than in the Ramsey model. Thus, declining population growth is another force that
may depress long-term interest rates.
Forecast in April 2010
Forecast in April 2015
Five-Year-Ahead Growth Forecasts in Selected Economies
Note: *Partial Euro Area excludes Germany and Peripheral countries. Peripheral countries are
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook April 2010 and April 2015; CEA
Advanced Economies
Emerging Market Economies
Figure 13
The Global “Saving Glut”
One explanation for current low global real interest rates is that the world saving curve has
shifted outward, driving down the world interest rate. Such a shift puts downward pressure on
global interest rates, inducing global investment to rise until, in equilibrium, it is once again equal
to global saving. Motivating the upward shift in saving could be the possible expectations of lower
future productivity growth just described, which would tend to raise saving and lower real
interest rates, as well as factors emphasized by Bernanke (2005) in his original exposition of the
“global saving glut” hypothesis, which emphasized precautionary reserve accumulation by
emerging market governments. Of course, post-crisis deleveraging has also played a role.
Figure 14 below shows saving and investment rates for advanced economies, emerging markets,
and the world as a whole based on the IMF’s forecast through 2019. Global saving and investment
rose sharply starting in the early 2000s, fell sharply in the financial crisis (when saving and
investment demand both collapsed) but then resumed an upward climb. Looking forward, the
IMF projects a continued upward trend in saving and investment for some years. If data
measurement were perfect, global saving would equal global investment exactly. Accordingly, it
is not the gap (which reflects measurement error) but the levels of both series that are of interest.
The question is whether the upward trend is primarily due to rising investment demand, which
would increase the world interest rate, or to increasing world saving, which would depress the
rate. Because world saving and investment must be equal, an observed increase in these series
could in principle reflect some combination of a rise in desired saving and a rise in desired
investment. The downward trend of falling real interest rates throughout the world is evidence
that the forces leading to higher saving may have been dominant in the past, and that could
remain the case going forward.
1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060
World Population Growth Rate
Percent per year
Source: The World Bank; The United Nations.
The gap between saving and investment in emerging markets was especially large in the 2000s,
contributing to emerging-market current account surpluses and the “global saving glut” that
Bernanke (2005) argued helped to fuel global current-account imbalances and asset bubbles in
financial markets. As already noted, among the factors that explain the expanded pool of saving
in that epoch are increased precautionary saving by emerging economies in the wake of the late-
1990s Asian crisis and one of its symptoms, the strong demand for reserves on the part of
emerging-market central banks. Since the recent financial crisis, the emerging-market gap has
declined and the IMF projects it will be near zero by the end of 2019. However, global saving
overall is on the rise, driven largely by higher saving in advanced economies. If higher saving is
driven by lower expected future productivity growth, and if that lower growth is a long-term
phenomenon, then the upward trend of saving the IMF projects in Figure 14 could be associated
with a considerable period of continuing downward pressure on global interest rates.
Figure 14
Safe Asset Shortage
Caballero (2006) argued even before the global financial crisis that the supply of relatively safe
assets was failing to keep up with global demand for those assetsas savings vehicles, for
collateral, and for other purposes. Bernanke (2005) stressed that safe asset demand by central
banks (i.e., for foreign exchange reserves) had contributed to global current-account imbalances.
In contrast, Caballero argued that the problem was not an ex ante excess of global saving over
investment, but an ex ante portfolio mismatch between the assets savers desired and those
available in the market.
Caballero (2010) argued further that U.S. financial market innovation responded to the global
safe asset shortage by manufacturing synthetic safe assets in the form of AAA tranches of
securitized loan portfoliosthereby helping set the stage for the global financial crisis. The
realization that such securities may not, in fact, be safe has reinforced the safe asset shortage.
1992 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017
Global Saving and Investment, 19922019
Percent of GDP
Note: Dotted lines indicate forecasts.
Source: International Monetary Fund.
The euro zone crisis has also raised the riskiness of some government bonds previously
considered safe. The excess demand for safe assets thus seems unlikely to abate any time soon.
Secular Stagnation?
An influential recent account of current low interest rates is the “secular stagnation” hypothesis
espoused by Summers (2014). According to this theory, weak aggregate demand and a lack of
productive investment opportunities has shifted the economy into a state of persistent
stagnation at very low, if not negative, real interest rates. Under this theory, with nominal
interest rates at the lower bound of zero and inflation expectations governed by a price-stability
target, monetary policy may lack the capacity to maintain full employment or even to counter
deflation expectations, which push the real interest rate away from its natural or full-
employment level. The equilibrium persists because low investment and unemployment of labor
themselves reduce the economy’s productive capacity through a deterioration of the quality of
human and physical capital. Long-term nominal interest rates are very low although the real rate
need not be low if sufficiently high deflation expectations become entrenched. If low interest
rates generate asset-price bubbles, investment will increase and the economy can attain full
employment, but only at the risk of financial instability threats.
It seems doubtful that a secular stagnation model applies currently to the United States, though
the case arguably is stronger in other parts of the world. Two pieces of evidence weigh against
the secular stagnation argument for the United States. First, Hamilton et al. (2015) present
empirical evidence that U.S. aggregate demand has not been sustained primarily by bubbles in
recent decades. Second, as pointed out by Bernanke (2015), the forces of globalization weaken
the potential for secular stagnation. In an integrated global economy, productive investment
opportunities anywhere in the world will push global interest rates upward and tend to counter
stagnation at home as capital flows outward, depreciating the currency and raising exports. That
depreciation redistributes among countries the higher global demand caused by one economy’s
enhanced investment opportunities. Bernanke (2015) argues, in addition, that the saving glut he
detected in the 2000s may be moderating, which would tend to push global interest rates
upward. If the IMF forecasts of future global saving trends cited earlier are right, the increases
will be driven increasingly by investment demand.
One element pushing against the view that nominal interest rates will be depressed in the long
term is the stock of potential high-return infrastructure investment opportunities throughout the
world, especially in the emerging countries with growing middle classes (Kharas 2010). It was on
this basis that McKinsey Global Institute (2010) forecast an eventual reversal of low global
interest rates. Another factor suggesting higher real and nominal interest rates in the future is
the likelihood, discussed above, that the current slowdown in productivity growth represents a
pause rather than a permanent state of affairs due to the low likelihood of new inventions as
significant as those of the past. However, some emerging markets face governance and other
problems that impede efficient infrastructure investment, whereas the time horizon over which
current scientific and technical advances will feed into higher productivity growth is uncertain.
Thus, it is unclear how much counterweight the preceding factors can provide against other
forces pointing to persistently lower long-term interest rates.
Tail Risks and Fundamental Uncertainty
The simple asset pricing formula in (3) focused on average risks and their covariances, but
suppressed higher-order convexity terms that could capture “tail risks”—that is, extreme events
that occur with very low probability but could have devastating consequences. The possibility of
low-risk catastrophes can significantly depress long-term real interest rates, especially when
market participants must use estimation procedures to assess the possible magnitudes and
probabilities of those risks. (Weitzman 2009 gives a seminal analysis of such “unknown
unknowns,” applied to the possibility climate catastrophes. Barro 2013 explores an alternative
framework.) The presence of large potential consumption declines with hard-to-estimate
likelihoods can greatly increase the subjective variability of future consumption growth, inducing
substantial precautionary saving that pushes real interest rates down.
In the United States, sharply reduced volatility in inflation and growth led economists to call the
period from roughly the mid-1980s until 2007 the “great moderation” (see Stock and Watson
2003, who ascribed the change to better monetary policy). Since then, however, market
participants have become aware of the possibility of financial instability on a scale sufficient to
cause a deep and prolonged global economic slowdown. Moreover, markets also face heightened
tail risks due to continuing environmental risks, new cyber threats, difficulties in containing
virulent infectious disease outbreaks, and intensified geopolitical instability. One result could be
lower long-term interest rates, and most probably persistently lower, because many of these
risks seem unlikely to recede soon. The tail-risk hypothesis by itself cannot explain the declining
trend of interest rates that began during the great moderation period (Figure 1), but it does imply
a lowering of long-term interest rates relative to earlier levels.
Key Takeaways
Long-term interest rates are lower now than they were thirty years ago, reflecting an outward
shift in the global supply curve of saving relative to global investment demand. It remains an
open question whether the underlying factors producing current low rates are transitory, or
imply long-run equilibrium long-term interest rates lower than before the financial crisis.
Factors that are likely to dissipate over timeand therefore could lead to higher rates in the
futureinclude current fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate policies; low-inflation risk as
reflected in the term premium; and private-sector deleveraging in the aftermath of the global
financial crisis.
Factors that are more likely to persistsuggesting that low interest rates could be a long-run
phenomenoninclude lower forecasts of global output and productivity growth,
demographic shifts, global demand for safe assets outstripping supply, and the impact of tail
risks and fundamental uncertainty.
V. Conclusion
Many factors play roles in the determination of long-term interest rates, including the rate of
productivity growth, beliefs about future risks, consumer preferences, demographic shifts, and
the stances of monetary and fiscal policy. As markets have become globally integrated,
conditions in foreign markets are increasingly important for U.S. long-term interest rates. Over
the past two decades, long-term interest rates have been falling worldwide. An explanation for
why they are so lowand whether those low levels will persistis one of the most difficult
questions facing macroeconomists today.
Interest rates are jointly determined by the supply of saving and the demand for investment.
While it is difficult to make strong predictions, this report argues that there are a number of
reasons to think that the global saving supply curve has shifted outward, a development that
would help to keep equilibrium interest rates low. As with any price in the economy, a low price
is beneficial to some and has negative ramifications for others. Low long-term interest rates make
it cheaper for governments to finance their debt burdens. By reducing the cost of borrowing,
lower long-term interest rates create more fiscal space for government programs, including
infrastructure investment, reducing the cost of expansionary fiscal policy. Lower long-term
interest rates should also reduce the cost of borrowing by the private sector, encouraging
investments that can enhance growth in the future. However, if rates are low because of subdued
expectations about future growth, investment is unlikely to be robust.
For savers, lower equilibrium long-term interest rates would affect the return to savings, the cost
of borrowing for homeownership, and lifecycle decisions about when to retire and the time
pattern of consumption.
Finally, lower long-term interest rates could have important implications for monetary policy,
particularly regarding the zero lower bound for short-term interest rates and specific policy tools.
Market participants, in turn, may take these factors into effect when making economic forecasts
or planning consumption and investment.
Ultimately, interest rates reflect fundamental macroeconomic conditions and there is no
“optimal” rate of interest. The goal of policy should not be to target a particular rate, but to
support long-run growth, maintain price stability, and strengthen the resilience of financial
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Appendix A: Infinite Horizon Growth Model with Labor-Augmenting Technical
Consider a representative household that makes optimal consumption plans over an infinite
horizon. The instantaneous utility function of an individual at date t is given by:
where c
is consumption per worker. We assume that  is strictly increasing, concave, twice
continuously differentiable, and satisfies the following Inada conditions:
and 
Labor is inelastically supplied to producers. The labor force grows at rate n. Without loss of
generality, the population at date 0 is normalized to 1 (
 At date t the size of the labor
force is:
  
The economy experiences exogenous labor-augmenting technical progress at rate g. Thus, the
production function for this economy is
Where Y
is real output and K
is the capital stock. A
is the effective labor force where
  
and the initial level of technology is again normalized to 1 (
We assume that the production function has constant returns to scale, and this allows us to
rescale and simplify this equation by expressing output per unit of effective labor as a function
of capital per effective labor:
 
where a “hat” over a variable expresses it as a ratio to the number of effective workers,
Characterizing the balanced growth path:
Assume that the utility function is of the constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) class:
 
The coefficient of relative risk aversion is
The inverse of is the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. The intertemporal elasticity of
substitution, 1/σ, measures the extent to which households are willing to substitute consumption
today for consumption tomorrow, taking into account diminishing marginal utility.
How an
individual values utility in different years is governed by the subjective discount factor,
, in the
equation below.
The stream of utility for the economy as whole is given by the sum of period utilities, discounted
< 1 :
The utility function can be transformed into per effective worker units by adjusting the effective
discount factor to reflect the rate of population growth and the rate of technical progress:
  
  
. To ensure that the household’s maximization problem has a solution, we
assume that
  
  
Along the optimal growth path the representative household chooses a plan for consumption
and capital investment to maximize its utility subject to technological and feasibility constraints:
  
  
  
In order to explain macroeconomic phenomena simultaneously with asset prices, many financial models adopt
non-standard preferences that allow for a separation of the desire for smoothing consumption over time from
attitudes toward risk. When preferences under uncertainty are of the standard expected-utility variety, which makes
household welfare a linear function of the probabilities of future uncertain events, the household’s attitude to
smoothing consumption across time is identical to its attitude toward smoothing across uncertain future states of
the world, and so standard intertemporal preferences conflate intertemporal substitutability with risk aversion.
In other words, the growth path of 
is equal to the growth path of
  
  
. Since additive constant terms in objective functions do not affect optimal
decisions, the term 1 in the utility function is omitted when making the transformation in utility from per worker
to per effective worker units.
For simplicity we assume a zero percent depreciation rate. The current-value Lagrangian for this
problem is:
  
  
 
  
  
  
 
There are an infinite number of optimality conditions which govern allocations for each period t.
Below are the first-order conditions derived from differentiating with respect to 1) consumption
per effective labor unit at time t, 2) capital per effective labor unit at time t+1, and 3), the
Lagrange multiplier at t:
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
  
 
The second first-order condition can be re-arranged to yield
  
  
Along a balanced growth path
  
  
The marginal product of capital per effective labor unit in steady state is a constant, and depends
on the rate of time discount, the household’s willingness to substitute over time, and the rate of
technical progress. Note that the rate of population growth does not affect the steady state
interest rate because the household endogenously saves enough for future generations in order
to keep the capital:effective labor ratio constant. In the steady state, consumption per worker
and output per worker grow at rate g, and aggregate consumption, aggregate output and
aggregate capital grow at rate n+g.
The problem above was written in discrete time but the Ramsey condition that connects the real
interest rate to consumption growth is often expressed in continuous time; that is, the limit of
the first order condition as the unit of time goes to zero. Let
describe the relationship
between the discount factor and the discount rate. Further, let the discount factor for a period
of length be
  
. As we let go to 0, we haveusing the definition of the
mathematical constant e
  
as our continuous discount factor. Applying this logic to the expression for the marginal product
of capital we have:
  
  
  
  
  
  
Taking the limit as , we have
 ,
which is the solution for the continuous time case, and which appears as equation (2) in the main
Appendix B: Long-Term Interest Rate and Term Premium
Adding uncertainty to the previous model leads to a theory of long-term real and nominal
interest rates. An obvious candidate for the role of random shocks is the productivity factor
although the analysis that follows is applicable even when there are further sources of
uncertainty (for example, in household preferences). Now, if
denotes a mathematical
expectation conditional on date-t information, the representative household maximizes the
expected value of lifetime utility, given by
In an environment with uncertainty, the first-order condition analogous to equation (5) above,
now written in terms of per capita consumption
(rather than consumption per effective labor
unit 
), takes the form
  
From this condition we can derive the pricing of both long-term real bonds (bonds that are
indexed to consumption) and long-term nominal bonds (bonds with money payouts). These
results immediately yield formulas for long-term interest rates, which are inversely related to
bond prices.
Long-term real interest rates. If the marginal product of date t+1 capital,
, were
completely predictable (for example, the technology is non-stochastic and the date t+1 capital
stock is fully known on date t), then equation (6) above can be re-written as
 
If the (one-period, net) real interest rate between periods t and t+1 is denoted by
, then
investing in a one-period bond is equivalent to investing in (risk-free) capital, and so the
preceding first-order condition would imply that
  
A risk-free real (that is, consumption-indexed) one-period bond pays an investor one unit of the
consumption good after a period and its date t price
(measured in terms of consumption) is
related to the real interest rate between periods t and t+1 by
  
This formula states that the date-t price of a one-period bond is the expected value of a stochastic
discount factor (SDF),
, that gives the ex post date-t+1 marginal utility
value, relative to today’s marginal utility, of a unit of the consumption good delivered on date
This same pricing principle enables one to price bonds with longer maturities, and from those
prices, derive long-term interest rates. A k-period (pure discount) bond pays an investor one unit
of consumption after k periods, so its price in terms of consumption on date t will be
  
denotes the annualized interest rate on a k-period bond that is purchased on date t
and matures k periods laterfor short, the long-term (k-period) real interest rate.
Relation between long and short rates. To understand better the relationship between long- and
short-term (one-period) rates of interest, define the date-t+j SDF by
. In terms of this more compact notation, the price of a k-period bond is
The law of iterated conditional expectations implies that the preceding bond price also has the
representation (see also Rudebusch and Swanson 2012):
is the date-t+1 price of a bond maturing after k 1 periods.
If 
denotes conditional covariance, then this expression further reduces to:
 
But repetition of the earlier argument, in the case of a k-1 period bond traded on date t+1, shows
so that
 
Substituting this expression above into the last equation for
recalling the relation between
the short-term real interest rate and the SDF, and iterating, gives:
 
Finally, this last result shows that the long-term k-period interest rate is given by
  
  
 
  
Absent the second term on the right-hand side above, the k-period discount factor would just be
the product of expected future one-period discount factors—a statement of the “expectations
theory” of the term structure, according to which the return from investing in a k-period bond is
closely related to the expected return from investing in a sequence of k one-period bonds. The
second right-hand term, however, is a risk premium which arises because on every date, the
investor might wish to liquidate rather than continue holding the long-term bond. After j periods
have elapsed, the k-period bond is a (k j)-period bond. If the price of a (k j)-period bond tends
to be high when the growth rate of the marginal utility of consumption
is high, for example,
this results in a positive value of 
 which lowers the long-term interest rate
other things equal. In this case, the period t+ j contribution to the risk premium is negative,
because the statistical tendency of bond-price movement for that maturity provides
consumption insurance, being positive when consumption falls. Under the opposite covariance
assumption, the bond raises the riskiness of consumption, contributing to a higher value of the
long-term interest rate. In total, the risk premium depends on the discounted sum of covariances
of the bond price (over its remaining maturity) with consumption growth on every date until the
bond matures.
Approximate solutions. A somewhat simpler but approximate version of the long-term interest
rate formula is available under the assumption that future SDFs follow a lognormal statistical
distribution (in which case bond prices also will be lognormally distributed). Let
follows a normal distribution and equation (7) above takes the form
 
  
 
denotes a conditional variance.) An iterative procedure analogous to the one followed
before, starting by eliminating
on the right-hand side above, leads to
 
 
Next we express this relation in terms of the approximations
and, for short-
term interest rates, 
 
The result, again assuming
CRRA/isoelastic utility, is
  
The first summation above shows that the long-term interest rate depends on the average of
expected future short-term rates over the life of the long-term bond. The second shows that the
long-term rate on a bond also depends on whether, on average, the bond’s residual value is
positively or negatively correlated with consumption growth. In the former case, the bond is a
bad hedge for consumption risk and individuals will demand a return premium to the long-term
bond rather than rolling over a succession of one-period bonds. In the latter case, the risk
premium embedded in the long-term rate of interest is, instead, negative.
Nominal long-term interest rates. The previous analysis considered a real bond, such as TIPS,
whose payouts are indexed to the CPI. Similar principles apply, however, to the pricing of nominal
bonds, which have money payoffs. The main difference is that expectations about inflationthe
rate of increase of the price levelplay a role in pricing long-term nominal bonds and hence in
determining long-term nominal interest rates (interest rates on loans of money that are not
somehow indexed to the price level).
The stochastic discount factor in this case reflects the relative future marginal consumption value
of a money payment and if
denotes the general price level, the former is
The one-period nominal interest rate on date t, denoted
, satisfies
  
Moreover, through reasoning similar to that above, the price (in terms of money) of a k-period
nominal bond on date t, denoted by
, obeys the pricing formula
which is parallel to equation (7) above. All the steps taken above to draw implication from
equation (7) therefore have exact analogs in the case of nominal bonds.
To get more quickly to a practicable formula for the long-term nominal interest rate, define the
(approximate) inflation rate as
  
note another important approximation,
the famous Fisher (1930) equation linking the nominal interest rate to the short-term real interest
rate and the expected rate of inflation,
 
and observe that for CRRA/isoelastic utility, 
 
  
  
These results lead to an approximation for the long-term nominal rate of interest that parallels
equation (8) above:
 
  
  
As noted above, the PCE, not the CPI, is the more relevant index of the purchasing power of money for modeling
nominal bond prices and nominal interest rates.
As noted in the text, the nominal long-term interest rate depends positively on:
1. Expected future short term real interest rates.
2. Expected future inflation rates.
3. The extent to which bond prices tend to vary positively with consumption growth.
4. The extent to which bond prices tend to vary positively with inflation (because the bond
has a high value when the value of money is low, which makes it less valuable as a hedge).
Items (1) and (2) above correspond to a pure expectations theory of the term structure. Items (3)
and (4) above sum to the risk premium in the long-term nominal interest rate.
Appendix C: Relationship between TFP and Labor Productivity
Assume that production is Cobb-Douglas with
equal to capital’s share in national income, which
will be constant along a balanced growth path. Labor productivity (output per person) grows at
the rate g:
(9) %Δ(Y/L) =
%Δ (K/L) + (1-
) %Δ(A) = g
Total factor productivity (output less factor inputs) is equal to the labor share times g:
(10) %Δ(Y) -
%Δ (K) - (1-
) %Δ(L) = (1-
) g
Appendix D: International Interest-Rate Linkages and Exchange Rates
Countries’ nominal bonds are usually denominated in different national currencies, which means
that investors comparing the rates of return available in different national bond markets must
consider how exchange rates might move over the life of an investment. In a hypothetical world
with no uncertainty, where investors have perfect foresight of the future, arbitrage in financially
integrated markets would imply that any bond must yield the same amount of currency upon
maturity. Thus, if is the nominal interest rate on a domestic-currency nominal bond,
nominal interest rate on a foreign-currency bond, and the rate at which the home currency is
expected to lose value against foreign currency in the foreign exchange market (the rate of
depreciation of domestic against foreign currency), then
 
This nominal interest-rate parity condition states that in equilibrium, all bonds offer the same
yield when yields are measured in the same currency.
According to Fisher (1930), if is the domestic expected inflation rate, the real interest rate on a
domestic bond is given by  , with a parallel expression in the foreign country based on
the foreign expected inflation rate
. With these definitions, upon subtracting from both sides
of the preceding nominal interest-rate parity condition, one arrives at the real interest-rate parity
condition that ties together different economies; real rates of interest:
 
 
The second term  
  on the right-hand side above is the expected change in the real or
inflation-adjusted exchange rate, which measures the real purchasing power of foreign currency
in terms of domestic currency. Because empirically speaking, long-term changes in real exchange
rates are very hard to predict apart from slow-moving trends based on demographics and
productivity, there will be a strong tendency for long-run national real interest rates to move
together in a financially integrated world (though possibly with relatively slowly moving gaps
between the levels). If long-run central bank inflation targets are steady, different countries long-
run nominal interest rates will inherit a similar tendency to move together.
Once realistic uncertainty about the future is recognized, the preceding interest-parity
relationships must be augmented with appropriate risk premiums. Particularly at long maturities,
common shocks to global bond prices (for example, due to global growth expectations or
movements in global risk aversion), are likely to reinforce rather than offset the tendency for
long-run interest rates to move in a synchronized fashion.