Working Paper Series
Congressional Budget Office
Washington, D.C.
The Historical Decline in Real Interest Rates and Its
Implications for CBOs Projections
Edward N. Gamber
Congressional Budget Office
Working Paper 2020-09
December 2020
To enhance the transparency of the work of the Congressional Budget Office and to encourage external
review of that work, CBO’s working paper series includes papers that provide technical descriptions of
official CBO analyses as well as papers that represent independent research by CBO analysts. Papers in this
series are available at http://go.usa.gov/xUzd7.
For helpful comments and suggestions, the author thanks Robert Arnold, Aaron Betz, Mark Doms, Michael
Falkenheim, Daniel Fried, Jeffrey Kling, Mark Lasky, Junghoon Lee, Avi Lerner, Jaeger Nelson, Robert
Shackleton, Jennifer Shand, Jeffrey Werling, and Christopher Williams (all of CBO) as well as Kathryn
Dominguez, Wendy Edelberg (formerly of CBO), William Gale, Donald Kohn, and David Wilcox. The
author thanks Christopher Williams for contributions to Appendix B, Erin Deal for research assistance, and
Bo Peery for editing.
The Congressional Budget Office’s interest rate forecast is an important input into the agency’s
budget projections. In the United States and globally, real (inflation-adjusted) interest rates have
trended downward since the early 1980s. Research on the factors leading to that decline points to
demographic changes, such as slowing labor force growth and the aging of the populations;
slower trend growth of real output; and a global saving glut. The policy responses to the financial
crisis of 2007 to 2009 and the 2020 coronavirus pandemic also played a role in the downward
movement in global interest rates. Additionally, over the past several decades, demand for safe
liquid assets has markedly increased, driving down the interest rates on such assets in relation to
the rates on risky assets. Many of the factors identified as causing interest rates to fall over the
past four decades are expected to persist, albeit to a lesser extent. CBO’s forecasts of interest
rates over the medium term (10 years) and long term (30 years) are based on the factors
identified in the research literature. CBO expects interest rates to rise over the coming decade but
to remain below the historical average levels. That forecast is highly uncertain.
Keywords: global real interest rates
JEL Classification: E43, E47
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
The Importance of Interest Rates as an Input Into CBO’s Budget Projections .............................. 1
The Decline in Interest Rates .......................................................................................................... 2
Explanations for the Long-Term Decline in Real Interest Rates .................................................... 4
Slowdown in Trend Growth........................................................................................................ 5
Aging Global Population ............................................................................................................ 6
Global Saving Glut ..................................................................................................................... 7
Declining Investment .................................................................................................................. 9
Other Explanations...................................................................................................................... 9
Secular Stagnation .................................................................................................................... 10
Factors Mitigating the Decline in Interest Rates ....................................................................... 11
The Influence of the Global Financial Crisis and the Pandemic on Global Real Interest Rates .. 12
The Role of the Global Financial Crisis ................................................................................... 12
The Role of the 2020 Pandemic ................................................................................................ 13
Projected Trends in Real Interest Rates ........................................................................................ 14
CBO’s Interest Rate Projections for the Medium and Long Terms .............................................. 15
Factors Underlying CBO’s Projections .................................................................................... 15
CBO’s Medium-Term and Long-Term Forecasts of Real and Nominal Rates on 10-Year
Treasury Notes .......................................................................................................................... 18
Contributions of the Factors to Past Movements in Interest Rates ........................................... 19
Advantages and Challenges of CBO’s Interest Rate Forecasting Method ............................... 19
Summary and Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 20
Figures........................................................................................................................................... 22
Tables ............................................................................................................................................ 35
Appendix A: Measuring Expected Inflation ................................................................................. 40
Appendix B: China’s Role in the Global Saving Glut .................................................................. 43
Appendix C: CBO’s Method for Forecasting Interest Rates in the Medium and Long Terms .... 45
References ..................................................................................................................................... 53
The Congressional Budget Office’s forecast of interest rates on federal debt is an important input
into its budget and economic projections. Understanding past movements in interest rates helps
inform CBO’s projections of interest rates over the next several decades. Over the past four
decades, real (inflation-adjusted) risk-free interest rates have declined in the United States and
globally. The extent and persistence of the decline was largely unanticipated by CBO and private
forecasters alike. Researchers have identified several long-run structural factors responsible for
that decline, and CBO’s current forecasts of interest rates over the medium term (10 years) and
long term (30 years) reflect those factors identified.
Cyclical forces have also played a role in interest rate movements over the past four decades. In
early 2020, for example, interest rates declined as global economic activity slowed in the wake
of the coronavirus pandemic. Monetary policymakers’ response to the slowdown put further
downward pressure on interest rates. CBO expects real interest rates to rise above their current
level as the U.S. and global economies recover from the effects of the pandemic later in the
decade; however, the agency expects interest rates to remain below their historical level for the
next several decades because of the depressing effects of long-run structural factors. That
forecast is highly uncertain.
The Importance of Interest Rates as an Input Into CBO’s Budget
Interest rates on federal debt affect the federal budget directly through net interest costs—the
difference between what the federal government pays out and receives in interest payments.
CBO projects that net interest costs will rise to unprecedented levels over the next three decades.
Under current law, net interest costs would, CBO projects, rise from 1.6 percent of gross
domestic product (GDP) in 2020 to 2.2 percent in 2030 as debt accumulates and interest rates
increase from their currently low levels. By 2050, net interest costs would equal 8.1 percent of
GDP—higher than they have ever been before.
The U.S. Treasury finances the deficits by issuing securities with maturities ranging from as
short as four weeks to as long as 30 years. Longer-term securities tend to pay higher interest rates
than shorter-term securities. In general, interest rates on Treasury securities of different
maturities tend to move up and down together over time, and the downward trend in interest
The federal government collects interest from various sources (for example, from interest on student loans and
from states that pay interest on advances they received from the federal Unemployment Trust Fund when the
balances of their state unemployment accounts were insufficient to pay benefits promptly). See Congressional
Budget Office (2020b).
The projected rise in net interest costs is due to projected increases in both interest rates and federal debt. The
focus of this paper is on the interest rate portion of that projection. See Congressional Budget Office (2020a).
rates observed over the past four decades has occurred in interest rates on securities of all
maturities. However, interest rates on longer-term Treasury securities (10-year Treasury notes,
for example) have declined by a greater amount than interest rates on shorter-term securities (3-
month Treasury bills). That difference reflects a decline in the term premium—the premium paid
to bondholders for the relatively higher risk associated with holding longer-term bonds. The
causes of that decline are discussed below. CBO projects that the premium on longer-term
securities will rise in coming decades but remain below its historical average, thus implying a
lower cost of borrowing through the issuance of longer-term securities than in the past.
An important distinction when discussing interest rates is the difference between nominal interest
ratesthe interest rates observed in financial markets, stated on loan contracts, and reported in
the financial press—and real interest rates, which are nominal interest rates minus expected
inflation. Both nominal and real interest rates have declined since the early 1980s (see
Figure 1).
Nominal interest rates have declined by a greater amount, implying that some, but not
all, of the decline in nominal interest rates is accounted for by the decline in expected inflation—
the difference between the nominal and real rates. The rest of the decline, which is the primary
focus of this paper, is in real interest rates and thus is attributable to factors that affect the real
interest rate alone.
The Decline in Interest Rates
Real interest rates on U.S. government securities reached a post-World War II peak in the early
1980s (see Figure 2). The interest rate on U.S. 3-month Treasury bills and 10-year Treasury
notes, both adjusted for inflation, averaged over 4.5 percent and 6.7 percent, respectively,
between 1981 and 1985.
Those same rates have averaged 0.95 percent and 0.84 percent,
respectively, over the 2013–2018 period—a decline of roughly 5.5 percentage points for short-
term rates and 5.9 percentage points for long-term rates from the earlier sample period to the
The decline in real interest rates has occurred in other countries as well. Figure 3 shows the
average real short- and long-term interest rates on government securities from a selection of
advanced economies from 1980 through 2018. The decline in the median real short-term interest
Figures in this paper do not include the effects of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, which pushed short- and long-
term rates farther below their historical averages.
The real interest rate is the nominal interest rate adjusted for expected inflation. The researchers cited in this paper
have taken a number of different approaches to measuring expected inflation. Some authors use the expected
inflation rate implied by Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS). Others use survey-based measures or simple
time-series models, and because consistent measures of expected inflation are not always available, especially for
comparisons among countries and across lengthy time periods, some authors use the realized inflation rate as a
proxy for expected inflation. All of those various measures of expected inflation support the general conclusion that
real global interest rates have declined over the past four decades. See Appendix A for more details on expected
rate over that period was 3.0 percentage points, and the decline in the median real long-term
interest rate was 3.7 percentage points.
The data shown in Figure 3 are broadly consistent with the results reported in the literature.
Rachel and Summers (2019) document a decline in global real long-term rates on government
securities of roughly 3 percentage points between 1980 and 2018.
International Monetary Fund
(2014), Council of Economic Advisers (2015), Bean et al. (2015), and Rachel and Smith (2017)
report similar-sized declines in real rates since the early 1980s.
Policy actions by the Federal Reserve and other central banks complicate the interpretation of the
change in real interest rates over time.
In the early 1980s, the Federal Reserve raised interest
rates to rein in inflation, and more recently, the Federal Reserve and other central banks around
the world have reduced rates to help stimulate aggregate demand in the wake of the 2020
coronavirus pandemic. The effects of those policy actions are hard to disentangle from other
factors that affected interest rates. However, qualitatively, central bank actions most likely
pushed interest rates above their equilibrium value in the early 1980s and below their equilibrium
value more recently. Thus, the decline in real interest rates due to persistent, or long-lived,
factors might be considerably smaller than the overall decline in real interest rates measured
using raw data. Studies that attempt to measure trend movements in real rates by filtering out
temporary highs and lows do tend to find smaller declines in rates since the early 1980s. For
example, Johannsen and Mertens (2016), Laubach and Williams (2003, 2016) and Holston,
Laubach, and Williams (2017) find that the neutral real ratethe risk-free rate of interest that
would prevail when the economy was operating at full-employment—declined between roughly
1 percentage point and 3 percentage points from the early 1980s through early 2020.
Evidence from a longer sample reinforces the view that the decline in global real rates on
government and similar securities since the early 1980s is not a return to historical averages.
Figure 4 shows the world real interest rate since the late 1800s. In this longer context, the decline
in real rates since 1980 might at first appear to represent a return to a longer-run historical
average. That is, real interest rates were also relatively low from the late 1940s through the late
Rachel and Summers’ (2019) real world interest rate is based on the average of the real rates implied by inflation-
protected sovereign debt in the G7 excluding Italy. Their real interest rate series is an extension of the real rate series
constructed by King and Low (2014).
Gerlach and Moretti (2014) argue that monetary policy responded to the drop in long-term rates, not the other way
around. Their findings suggest that low rates were more likely the result of secular, as opposed to cyclical, forces in
the decade prior to the global financial crisis. Justiniano and Primiceri (2010) reach a similar conclusion. They show
that the stance of monetary policy when measured relative to the neutral rate of interest is better described as tight
rather than loose in the early 2000s.
Current and historical estimates of the natural rate of interest are available from the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, “Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest” (accessed November 20, 2020),
1970s, suggesting that the recent decline in interest rates could be seen as a return to normal
following the restrictive monetary policy of the early 1980s. Bean et al. (2015) question that
interpretation, however, arguing that the late 1940s through the late 1970s was a period of
widespread financial repressiongovernment policies artificially kept interest rates below their
equilibrium level.
They argue that the drop in real rates observed since the early 1980s is
unusual from the standpoint of the long-term average real rate in periods excluding wars and the
period of financial repression. Looking at sub-sample averages provides some support for this
explanation. Excluding the two world wars (1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945) and the period of
financial repression (1946 to 1983), global real short- and long-term interest rates prior to the
onset of the Great Moderation (1984) averaged 3.1 percent and 3.5 percent, respectively. Since
that time, those rates have averaged 1.8 percent and 3 percent, respectively.
The decline in real interest rates since the early 1990s was largely unanticipated. Figure 5 shows
the real interest rate on 10-year U.S. Treasury notes along with the five-year forecasts produced
by private-sector forecasters as represented by the Blue Chip consensus. The consensus forecasts
exhibited a smaller positive bias from 1984 to 1996 than they did from 1997 to 2014. From the
first sample period to the second, the positive bias in the Blue Chip consensus forecast of the
nominal 10-year interest rate increased, and the positive bias in the Blue Chip consensus forecast
of inflation as measured by the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) decreased.
Those two diverging trends resulted in a larger positive bias in the real interest rate forecast over
the latter period.
Explanations for the Long-Term Decline in Real Interest Rates
Most of the research explaining the trend decline in global real interest rates on government debt
over the past four decades examines factors that have shifted the supply of and demand for
saving. Researchers have identified several such long-run shift factors: the slowdown in trend
real output growth, demographic forces such as slowing labor force growth and aging
populations, a global saving glut, a shortage of safe assets, and secular stagnation. A handful of
other explanations have been proposed including quantitative easing (that is, the large-scale
purchase of financial assets) initiated by central banks in response to the global financial crisis
and the 2020 pandemic as well as a shift in the perceived riskiness of the economy following
those events. In addition to explaining the decline in global interest rates, other studies attempt to
explain why relative demand has shifted away from more risky assets toward risk-free highly
liquid assetsa shift that has resulted in an increase in the risk premium.
Examples of such policies are limits on interest rates that financial institutions can pay on saving, limits on the
flows of financial capital across borders, and, in some instances, requirements that force pension funds and financial
institutions to lend to the government. In the presence of such policies, nonprice mechanisms, such as queuing,
substitute for price rationing. See Reinhart and Sbrancia (2015) for evidence of financial repression over this period.
There is a large degree of overlap in those explanations. The slowdown in trend growth can be at
least partly attributed to the slowdown in population growth and aging. The saving glut and
shortage of safe assets are also somewhat related to demographic forces. Furthermore,
demographic forces play a key role in models of secular stagnation as well.
Researchers have used a variety of methods to investigate why interest rates have declined. The
most common method focuses on the determinants of the demand and supply of investment and
saving. Some researchers focus on the link between trend growth and the real interest rate as
implied by economic theory.
Others look at the reduced-form correlations between interest rates
and factors that, according to economic theory, are expected to influence interest rates. Event
studies have been the main method applied to analyze the effects of quantitative easing.
There is much overlap in those methods. The approaches taken by Laubach and Williams (2003,
2016) and Holston, Laubach, and Williams (2017), for example, are based on the relationship
between the equilibrium real interest rate and trend growth. The demand and supply approach
also recognizes the role of trend growth in determining interest rates but expands the list of
covariates to include other demand and supply shifters. And the reduced-form approach looks at
correlation between real rates and the factors suggested by demand and supply for saving and
Slowdown in Trend Growth
One of the most widely cited explanations for the decline in real interest rates over the past four
decades is the slowdown in trend real output growth (see Table 1). Economic theory predicts that
the real interest rate is positively related to the trend growth rate of real output. Trend growth in
real output has declined for advanced economies since the early 1980s. Figure 6 shows the trend
growth rates for a selection of advanced economies as estimated by Holston, Laubach, and
Williams (2017). The figure shows a clear slowdown in all of those economies since the early
1980s; according to economic theory, that slowdown implies a drop in the real interest rate, all
else held constant. There are differing views on what will happen to trend growth in the future.
Gordon (2016) sees trend growth remaining low over the coming decades. But others, including
Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014), project that trend growth will increase.
Other researchers have questioned the evidence supporting the tight link between growth and
real interest rates suggested by economic theory. For example, Rachel and Smith (2017) show
that growth in a broad cross-section of countries (advanced as well as emerging markets)
remained fairly steady from the early 1980s through the early 2000s, averaging 2 percent to
4 percent. They conclude that past movements in trend output cannot explain the decline in real
interest rates over the entire 1980–2019 period. However, they allow for the possibility that the
Commonly referred to as the intertemporal optimizing condition for consumption, or the Euler equation.
decline in growth following the global financial crisis may have led to a reassessment of future
trend growth and that some of the drop in interest rates over the past decade could therefore be
attributable to the decline in trend growth. Furthermore, they argue that the global trend growth
rate is likely to slow in the future, which would put downward pressure on global real rates.
Other researchers have found that the link between trend growth and the real rate of interest
appears less robust over longer samples. On the basis of samples dating to the early 1800s,
Lunsford and West (2019) and Hamilton et al. (2016) find that the correlation between real
output growth and real interest rates on government debt is variable, weak, and sometimes of the
wrong sign. Both studies find evidence that the correlation has been positive since the end of
World War II, which is perhaps why approaches such as Laubach and Williams’s (2003, 2016)
and Holston, Laubach, and Williams (2017) find a role for trend growth in their estimates of the
neutral real rate.
But a longer view suggests that a stable, reduced-form relationship does not
Reduced-form correlations based on longer samples are more likely to be distorted by
confounding factors, such as increased life expectancy. Hamilton et al. (2016) posit that
increases in life expectancy since the early 1900s may have led to a lower rate of time
preference, that is, as people expected to live longer, they began to place greater weight on
consumption in the future. An earlier study by Clark (2005) argued that the decline in real rates
of return before the start of the industrial revolution in England was also likely due to a decline
in the rate of time preference. Nonetheless, the long sample results suggest that over the past
100 years, changes in trend growth have not been a dominant factor in movements in global real
Aging Global Population
The world’s population is getting older. The median ages of the U.S. and world populations have
risen steadily since the early 1970s. According to the United Nations, both populations are
expected to continue to age through 2100 (see Figure 7).
Aging populations affect interest rates mainly through two channels: shifts in people’s desire to
save and declining participation in the labor force. As individuals move from their early working
years through middle age, their saving tends to rise. After retirement, saving tends to fall or
become negative as assets are drawn down. Over the past four decades an increasing share of the
world’s population has moved into middle age, which has increased saving and pushed down the
world interest rate. The second channel through which aging affects interest rates is through its
effect on labor force participation. As the global population has aged labor force growth has
There are exceptions. Clark and Kozicki (2005), for example, apply Laubach and Williams’s (2003, 2016)
technique to real-time data on real GDP and find “the quantitative link between the equilibrium rate and trend
growth to be weak” (p. 403).
slowed. For a given capital stock, that slowing growth in the labor force has put upward pressure
on the ratio of capital to labor, thereby lowering the marginal product of capital and putting
downward pressure on real interest rates (Rachel and Smith 2015, 2017). Researchers estimate
that together those factors account for roughly 100 to 200 basis points of the decline in global
real interest rates since the early 1980s (see Table 2).
The continued aging of the population projected by the United Nations suggests that at some
point over the coming decade, desired saving will begin to decrease and interest rates will begin
to rise (Favero et al. 2016; Rachel and Smith 2017) as the bulk of the world’s population shifts
from high-saving middle age to retirement age. But Rachel, in a different paper co-authored with
Summers (2019), sees increased life expectancy forestalling that shift toward dissaving, implying
that aging will continue to put downward pressure on interest rates for several more years (see
also, Carvalho et al. 2016; Gagnon et al. 2016; Krueger and Ludwig 2007).
Global Saving Glut
The global supply of saving increased sharply beginning in the early 2000s. The initial increase
can be traced to the rise in saving relative to desired investment in emerging-market economies,
many of which responded to the Asian financial crisis at the end of the 1990s by engaging in
fiscal consolidation. Rising prices of oil and other commodities in the early 2000s led to
increased saving by oil- and commodity-exporting countries. Faster growth in high-saving
emerging-market economiesespecially China—than in advanced economies also contributed
to rising saving (International Monetary Fund 2014; see Figure 8).
The increase in the supply
of saving relative to the demand for investment during that period, which has been termed the
global saving glut, put downward pressure on global interest rates (Bernanke 2005, 2007).
A closely related explanation for the decline in global real interest rates over the past three
decades is the so-called safe-asset shortage. The aforementioned glut of saving was not
channeled to a well-diversified portfolio of assets; rather, it was channeled predominately into
(mostly U.S.) assets that were perceived to be safe, that is, free of default risk. A consequence of
that shift in the global portfolio is that interest rates on relatively safe assets, like U.S. Treasury
securities, have declined by more than the return on risky assets, such as equities (Bernanke et al.
Several researchers have noted that when the demand for safe government-issued assets exceeds
the supply, the private sector has responded by supplying assets that are perceived to be safe
(Bernanke et al. 2011; and Gorton 2017). For example, in the decade before the global financial
crisis, financial markets supplied apparently safe mortgage-backed securities in response to the
demand for safe assets. The crisis led to a reassessment of the riskiness of mortgage-backed
See Appendix B for a detailed discussion of China’s role in the global saving glut.
securities, and thus to a decline in the global supply of safe assets, which put further downward
pressure on interest rates on Treasury securities.
Coinciding with the reassessment of the
riskiness of private assets, the demand for U.S. Treasury securities was rising as global investors
sought a safe haven during the crisis. Further exacerbating the shortage of safe assets were large-
scale purchases of such assets by the Federal Reserve and the central banks of Japan, the United
Kingdom, and the European Union. In related research, the International Monetary Fund (2012)
attributes some of the increased demand for safe assets to the Basel III regulations that increased
the amount of safe assets that financial institutions are required to hold.
The portfolio shift toward safe assets has also been described as a rise in the convenience yield
on Treasury securities. The convenience yield refers to the implicit return that investors receive
from holding safe and highly liquid securities, such as Treasury securities and agency debt. The
higher the convenience yield, the lower the observed yield on such securities. The increase in the
spread between the rate of return on risky assets and safe assets over the past four decades is
consistent with the rise in the convenience yield on safe assets (see Figure 9). Del Negro et al.
(2017, 2018) present empirical evidence showing that increases in convenience yields over the
past few decades have been a significant factor in explaining the decline in global real rates.
Jordà et al. (2019) present corroborating evidence for that explanation by showing that the return
on risky assets, and thus the marginal product of private capital, has been roughly stable over the
past 40 years while safe asset returns have declined, which suggests that preferences for safe
assets have increased.
Research on the saving glut and safe-asset shortage has provided some estimates of the
contribution of those factors to the decline in interest rates on government securities over the past
30 years (see Table 3). Rachel and Smith (2017) estimate that the global saving glut accounts for
roughly 25 basis points out of the nearly 4 percentage-point decline in global real interest rates
since 1980. Warnock and Warnock (2009) estimate that increased foreign demand for U.S.
Treasury securities decreased the 10-year Treasury note rate by .80 percentage points over the
1984–2005 period.
Most of the research on the saving glut and safe-asset shortage focuses on explaining past
movements in global real interest rates. A few studies provide qualitative prognoses. The
International Monetary Fund (2014), for example, expected the slowdown in emerging-market
growth following the global financial crisis to reduce the saving rate in those countries and put
upward pressure on real interest rates going forward. As the Council of Economic Advisers
(2015) points out, however, the post-crisis reduction in saving in emerging-market economies
was more than offset by the increased saving by advanced economies. Moreover, the council’s
Caballero and Farhi (2018) estimate that the supply of assets that were perceived to be safe fell from 32 percent of
world GDP in 2007 to 18 percent in 2011.
report noted that if the increased saving in advanced economies is being driven by the prospect
of slower growth and that slower growth is expected to persist, then the saving glut might
continue to put downward pressure on interest rates over the next several years.
Declining Investment
Also contributing to the downward trend in global interest rates was declining investment, which
reduces the demand for loanable funds. According to Bean et al. (2015) and Rachel and Smith
(2015), despite the drop in real interest rates, global investment as a share of GDP has remained
roughly unchanged at 25 percent since the early 1950s, which suggests that there has been both
an increase in the supply of saving and a decrease in demand for investment. As documented by
Karabarbounis and Neiman (2012) and Rachel and Smith (2015), the relative price of capital
goods has been declining since the 1950s. Most empirical studies find that the elasticity of
investment with respect to the price of capital goods is less than 1 (Thwaites 2015) implying that
it costs less (in real terms) to fund the same amount of investment today than in 1950. Thus, as
the price of capital has declined, the investment rate has remained relatively constant as a share
of GDP.
Other Explanations
Although most of the research has focused on the factors discussed above, some studies offer
other explanations for falling interest rates. Several researchers point to rising income inequality
as a factor pushing interest rates down over the past 40 years.
The share of total income
received by higher-income households has increased over the past 40 years in the United States
and worldwide. Higher-income households tend to save a greater proportion of their income, so
the rise in the share of income received by higher-income households has led to an increase in
the total amount of saving available for investment, which has put downward pressure on interest
rates. Auclert and Rognlie (2020) estimate that rising inequality accounts for roughly one-fifth of
the decline in the global real interest rate since 1980.
Researchers have also looked at the effect of increased life expectancy on the rate of time
preference. Clark (2005) presents evidence that real interest rates before 1400 were greater than
10 percent per year, whereas current real rates on equivalent investments are 2 percent per year.
Clark argues that increased life expectancy has led to a decline in the rate of time preference and
thus to a decline in the equilibrium real interest rate.
Gourinchas and Rey (2016) provide a quantitative estimate of the effect of global saving on interest rates. Their
empirical work implies global saving will depress real interest rates by 0.2 percent to 0 percent through 2021,
which they characterized as an extended period of time in 2016. Those estimates are likely less relevant in the wake
of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.
See Bean et al. (2015), Auclert and Rognlie (2020), Rachel and Smith (2017), Eggertsson et al. (2019), Lunsford
and West (2019), and Rachel and Summers (2019).
In addition to declining real and nominal interest rates on securities of all maturities over the past
4 decades, there has also been a decline in the term premium on longer-term assets. Campbell et
al. (2017) posit that the declining correlation between stock and bond returns accounts for that
downward trend. They document that the covariance between stock and long-term bond returns
was positive, on average, from the early 1950s through the early 1980s. Since then, the
covariance has trended downward, and since the early 2000s, it has been persistently negative,
implying that long-term bonds are now more valuable as a hedge against fluctuations in stock
market returns. Those hedging properties have increased the demand for long-term bonds and
pushed rates on those bonds down in relation to the rates on short-term bonds.
Other research finds that the reduction in inflation volatility since the early 1980s has also
contributed to the decline in the term premium on long-term securities. As inflation volatility has
declined, the risk that the real return on a long-term asset will change unexpectedly because of
unanticipated movements in inflation has also declined. Thus, the term premium, which
compensates investors for the risk of holding a long-term asset, has diminished as well. Research
has identified changes in monetary policysuch as inflation targeting, which has increased the
stability of expected inflationas having contributed to the decline in the term premium (Kim et
al. 2019; Clarida 2019).
Secular Stagnation
Secular stagnation describes an economy that persistently operates below its potential level of
output because of insufficient aggregate demand. It is equivalently described as a condition in
which desired saving exceeds desired investment, which pushes the equilibrium real interest rate
below zero.
Much of the research on secular stagnation begins with the observation that the equilibrium real
interest rate has fallen (often by citing the aforementioned literature on causes) and identifies the
challenges those lower rates pose for achieving macroeconomic and financial stability.
In other
words, most of the research focuses on the consequences rather than the causes of lower
equilibrium real rates.
There are a few exceptions, however. Eggertsson et al. (2019), for example, provide a framework
for identifying the sources of decline in the equilibrium real interest rate since the 1970s. The
authors attribute most of the decline in the equilibrium rate since the 1970s to demographic and
technological factors, and they estimate that the downward pressure on interest rates from those
factors has been partially offset by increased government borrowing.
The factors identified by Eggertsson et al. (2019)—technology, demographics, and government
borrowing—are not new to the research on the causes of the decline in interest rates. An
See Summers (2014), for example.
important contribution of their work, however, is that they attribute low interest rates to
persistent factors, which implies that central banks’ interest rate policy will be constrained by the
effective lower bound (ELB) more frequently than indicated by previous literature, which had
mostly attributed the ELB to cyclical factors. The implication is that the ELB is likely to be a
recurring problem as long as those long-lived factors continue to put downward pressure on
interest rates.
Eggertsson et al. (2019) see the ELB as a continued risk given that the low
interest rate environment is caused by factors that are highly persistent (demographics, for
example) and not likely to be reversed quickly.
Rachel and Summers (2019) also find that slowing technological growth and aging populations
have put downward pressure on global real interest rates over the past four decades. Their study
accounts for the partially offsetting effects of rising government debt and social welfare
programs (which have tended to reduce private saving rates). Their key finding is that over the
past 50 years, increases in government debt (which, in the four countries considered, has tripled
as a percentage of GDP) and in social welfare spending have put upward pressure on interest
rates, partly offsetting the downward pressure from demographics, trend growth, and other
factors. They conclude that without rising debt and social spending, the equilibrium real interest
rate would have been negative, which implies that the world economy would have been in a
persistent state of secular stagnation.
Improvements in technology might also contribute to secular stagnation. Thwaites (2015)
presents an overlapping-generations model, in which advances in technology that generate a fall
in the relative price of capital roughly in line with what has been observed in the data can
generate persistently low interest rates and secular stagnation.
Factors Mitigating the Decline in Interest Rates
Although many factors have pushed down interest rates over the past three decades, other factors
have exerted upward pressure on them. As noted above, Rachel and Summers (2019) estimate
that real interest rates would have fallen further if not for rising federal debt relative to GDP,
which stemmed, in part, from expanding social safety net programs.
Another factor putting upward pressure on interest rates over the past three decades has been the
rise in the share of income paid to capital (and the corresponding reduction in the share paid to
labor). All else constant, a rise in the share of income paid to capital will tend to put upward
pressure on interest rates. Two prominent explanations for the rise in the capital share are
The ELB is a constraint on nominal interest rates, whereas the secular stagnation hypothesis predicts that the
equilibrium real interest rate will be negative. Therefore, as noted by Eggertsson et al. (2019), it could be possible to
achieve a negative real interest rate by raising the inflation target. However, if the equilibrium rate is sufficiently
negative, the inflation rate required to push the real interest rate to that level may be higher than policymakers are
willing to accept.
changes in technology that have favored capital over labor (Grossman et al. 2017) and increasing
market power, which has resulted in monopoly rents (Eggertsson et al. 2018). Those
explanations also shed light on the possible causes of income inequality (Auclert and Rognlie
The Influence of the Global Financial Crisis and the Pandemic on
Global Real Interest Rates
In addition to the long-term structural factors described above, the global financial crisis of 2007
to 2009 and the 2020 coronavirus pandemic put downward pressure on real interest rates. In both
instances, saving (particularly in the form of safe assets) increased, investment demand
collapsed, and central banks reduced short-term policy rates and engaged in large-scale
purchases of assets. All of those actions reduced global real interest rates but are probably
temporary (if highly persistent) in nature. Thus, as the economy recovers from the economic
effects of the pandemic, global real interest rates are likely to recover as well but to levels that
are lower than historical averages because long-term structural forcesforces that are unrelated
to the global financial crisis and the pandemic—are expected to continue to put downward
pressure on interest rates for the next several decades.
The Role of the Global Financial Crisis
The onset of the decline in real global interest rates predates the global financial crisis. But the
immediate and lingering effects of the crisis, as well as the policy responses to it, played a role in
pushing interest rates down over the past decade.
In response to the crisis, the Federal Reserve and other central banks around the world lowered
short-term policy interest rates considerably (see Figure 10).
In addition, several central banks
engaged in quantitative easing (see Figure 11), provided forward guidance indicating that policy
rates would be low for a very long time, and, in some cases, set negative short-term policy
interest rates. Quantitative easing policies are thought to affect long-term interest rates on
government securities through two channels—signaling and the term premium. Signaling occurs
when financial market participants perceive that quantitative easing signals a commitment on the
part of the Federal Reserve to maintain low short-term interest rates for an extended period of
time, reinforcing forward guidance (Krishnamurthy and Vissing-Jorgensen, 2011).
The second channel is the effect on the term premium. Quantitative easing mostly involved the
Federal Reserve’s purchasing long-term notes and bonds. To the extent that government
securities of different maturities are not perfect substitutes, those purchases reduced the term
premiumthe premium paid on securities with longer maturities to compensate for the added
Central banks lowered short-term policy rates and engaged in substantial amounts of quantitative easing following
the onset of the 2020 pandemic. The effects of those policies are not included in Figure 10 or Figure 11.
risk of those securities.
Averaging estimates from a number of studies, Borio and Zabai (2016)
estimate that the three quantitative easing episodes undertaken by the Federal Reserve after the
global financial crisis pushed the yield on 10-year Treasury-notes down by roughly 100 basis
In addition to direct policy effects, the global financial crisis may also have depressed interest
rates through other channels. For example, Kozlowski et al. (2018) develop a model with
learning in which a large unexpected event—an event that had previously been perceived to be
of very low probability—could lead to a large and highly persistent shift in beliefs about the
probability that such an event would occur again in the future. Thus, the global financial crisis
shifted investors’ beliefs about the chances of another crisis, and as a consequence, those
investors shifted their portfolios toward less risky and highly liquid bonds, which caused the real
risk-free interest rate to fall. The authors argue that other events which happen more frequently
might not affect investors’ perception of risk.
The implication of their finding is that events like
the global financial crisis and the pandemic can produce highly persistent shifts in preferences
for safe assets.
The Role of the 2020 Pandemic
The 2020 pandemic put further downward pressure on global real interest rates. The pandemic
led to a global recession as governments shut down large segments of their economies in an
effort to slow the spread of the virus. Interest rates, which had been trending down for the
reasons described above, fell further. Short-term interest rates fell as central banks reduced short-
term policy rates. The Federal Reserve, for example, reduced the federal funds rate (that is, the
interest rate that financial institutions charge each other for overnight loans of their monetary
reserves) from 1.6 percent to near zero over a two-week span in early to mid-March. Long-term
interest rates fell as well, as central banks, including the Federal Reserve, made direct purchases
of long-term securities and instituted a number of lending programs aimed at maintaining the
functioning of financial markets. Additional downward pressure on long-term interest rates came
from private and official investors’ shifting out of risky assets, such as equities, and into safe
assets, such as U.S. Treasury securities. Rates were also held down by the fall in demand for
investment as firms postponed and cancelled capital expenditure projects.
Fiscal policymakers also responded aggressively to the downturn caused by the pandemic. In the
United States, legislation signed into law as of mid-April 2020 added an estimated $1.7 trillion to
the projected debt over the coming decade. All else held constant, that increase in debt relative to
GDP could eventually put upward pressure on interest rates. In addition, the unwinding of
The notion that the government securities of different maturities are imperfect substitutes is called the preferred
habitat hypothesis.
Another way to describe the difference is that frequent shocks are drawn from a fixed-probability distribution,
whereas infrequent shocks change investors’ perception of that distribution.
cyclical forces could put upward pressure on interest rates. As the U.S. and world economies
recover from recession, demand for borrowing will rise, central banks may begin to reduce the
degree of accommodation, and investors will begin shifting back toward more risky assets.
Those factors will most likely put additional upward pressure on risk-free interest rates
beginning in the latter part of the coming decade as the economy approaches full employment
and begins to recover and as central banks trim their monetary accommodation measures.
Despite the upward pressure from rising debt and the unwinding of cyclical forces, CBO expects
interest rates to remain below historical averages because of the long-lived factors such as
slowing trend growth and aging world populations.
Projected Trends in Real Interest Rates
Most of the studies summarized in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 focus on explaining past
movements in real interest rates. A few studies provide forecasts, but the range of forecasts are
quite wide, thus making it difficult to identify consensus estimates of the effect of each of the
factors going forward. For example, Rachel and Smith (2017) expect demographic forces to push
the real rate up by roughly 45 basis points over the coming decade, while Carvalho et al. (2016)
forecast demographic forces to push real rates down by an additional 50 basis points through
2050 (see Table 2).
The other challenging aspect of much of the existing literature is that it is focused on a subset of
factors. For example, Laubach and Williams (2003, 2016); Holston, Laubach, and Williams
(2017); and Del Negro et al. (2018) investigate the role of trend growth in explaining the decline
in real interest rates over the past several decades. Similarly, Carvalho et al. (2016), Gagnon et
al. (2016) and Krueger and Ludwig (2007) investigate the role of demographics in explaining the
decline in real interest rates over the past four decades. Those studies do not necessarily purport
to offer a single explanation for the fall in real rates; in fact, Laubach and Williams (2003, 2016)
and Holston, Laubach, and Williams (2017) allow for unknown factors to play a significant role
as well. However, the narrow focus makes it difficult to assess how a combination of factors is
likely to influence real interest rates going forward.
Several exceptions to the general rule that the literature focused on a subset of factors include
Rachel and Smith (2015, 2017), Rachel and Summers (2019), International Monetary Fund
(2014), Bean et al. (2015), Desroches and Francis (2006), Borio et al. (2017), and Council of
Economic Advisers (2015). The general consensus among those studies is that most of the
factors that have pushed real interest rate down over the past four decades—such as demographic
forces, the slowdown in trend growth, and the various causes of the global saving glut and safe-
asset shortage—are long-lived. As such, real interest rates are likely to remain below their
historical average for the coming decade, and perhaps even beyond. Some of those studies
provide quantitative estimates. Rachel and Smith (2015, 2017) forecast real interest rates to rise
by roughly 50 basis points over the coming decade, whereas Rachel and Summers (2019) argue
that the equilibrium real rate of interest will most likely remain near its current low level for the
next decade and well beyond.
CBO’s Interest Rate Projections for the Medium and Long Terms
CBO projects the real interest rate on 10-year Treasury notes to rise gradually over the next
decade as the economy recovers from the economic fallout from the pandemic, monetary policy
returns to a neutral stance, and federal debt continues to rise.
Although CBO expects interest rates to rise over the coming decade, the agency expects them to
remain below their 1995–2004 average through 2050. CBO uses the years 1995 to 2004 for
historical comparison because in those years monetary policy is estimated to have been neutral,
on average; expected inflation was relatively stable; and the economy experienced relatively
mild business cycle fluctuations.
The agency expects the long-lived factors, such as
demographics and trend growth, to continue to put downward pressure on interest rates through
2050. CBO’s method of forecasting interest rates over the medium and long terms is based on
many of the factors identified in the academic literature. The agency’s forecasts of interest rates
over the medium and long terms are highly uncertain, in large part because forecasts of the
underlying driving factors are uncertain.
Factors Underlying CBO’s Projections
As reviewed in the previous section, the research literature has identified a number of factors that
are likely to be important in determining the future path of interest rates. CBO’s interest rate
forecast takes those factors into account using projections of labor force growth, federal debt,
private domestic and foreign saving, the growth rate of total factor productivity, the risk
premium, and changes in the share of income paid to capital. As shown in Table 4, each of the
factors that CBO projects is related to one or more of the factors identified in the research
CBO’s real interest rate forecast is based on comparisons of the underlying explanatory factors
over a historical benchmark period—1995 to 2004—to those same factors over the forecast
period. CBO estimates how the projected changes in each of the factors between the benchmark
period and the forecast horizon are expected to affect interest rates by using a set of estimated
impact parameters. CBO chose 1995 to 2004 as the benchmark period for comparison with the
forecast periods because monetary policy is estimated to have been neutral, on average; expected
Rachel and Summers (2019) project that the neutral real rate will remain near -2 percent through the next five
Monetary policy is neutral when the short-term risk-free rate of interest is equal to the rate that would prevail if
the economy was in long-run equilibrium.
inflation was relatively stable; and the economy experienced relatively mild business cycle
In CBO’s assessment, many of the factors listed above are expected to put downward pressure on
interest rates, and others are expected to put upward pressure on interest rates. For example,
growth in labor hours is expected to be slower, on average, over the coming decades compared
with such growth over the 1995–2004 period, putting downward pressure on interest rates. On
the other hand, rising federal debt relative to GDP is expected to push interest rates up over the
coming decades. In CBO’s September 2020 baseline projections, the net effect of these various
factors is negative, that is, real risk-free interest rates are expected to be lower on average over
the 2031–2035 period than they were over the 1995–2004 period by roughly 1.8 percentage
points. Over the longer run, 2046 to 2050, risk-free interest rates are lower in CBO’s forecast
than they were in the 1995–2004 period by roughly .6 percentage points, on average (see
Figure 12).
Labor Force Growth. CBO expects the retirement of the baby boom generation to result in the
labor force’s growing at a slower rate than it grew over the 1995–2004 period. That slower
growth in the number of workers would tend to increase the amount of capital per worker in the
long term, thereby reducing the return on capital and, in turn, the return on government bonds
and other investments.
Private Domestic and Foreign Saving. The retirement of members of the baby-boom
generation and slower growth of the labor force will reduce the ratio of the number of workers in
their prime saving years to the number of older people who are drawing down their savings,
CBO projects. As a result, in CBO’s estimates, the total amount of saving available for
investment will be less than it otherwise would be (all else being equal), which tends to reduce
the amount of capital per worker, thereby pushing up interest rates. CBO estimates that the effect
will only partially offset the positive effect of increased income inequality on saving that results
from changes in the distribution of income. CBO expects the share of total income received by
higher-income households to be larger in the future than it was during the 1995–2004 period.
Higher-income households tend to save a greater proportion of their income, so the difference in
the distribution of income is projected to increase saving and reduce the real interest rate in
relation to the 1995–2004 period.
Foreign inflows of capital are an additional source of saving that CBO expects to affect interest
rates in the medium and long terms. CBO anticipates that emerging-market economies will
Appendix C describes the details of this approach.
Income inequality is not expected to further increase in the coming years in CBO’s forecast. However, the agency
expects the increased inequality that has occurred in prior years to remain roughly unchanged resulting in higher
overall inequality than in the 19952004 period.
attract a greater share of foreign investment in coming decades than they did in the 1995–
2004 period. As economic and financial conditions in those economies improve, they will
become increasingly attractive destinations for foreign investment, thereby lessening the amount
of foreign investment flowing into the United States. In addition, it is likely that household
saving rates will decline as those economies continue to grow. As a result of those developments,
CBO expects the downward pressure on U.S. real interest rates that results from foreign inflows
of capital to diminish over the long term.
Total Factor Productivity Growth. Total factor productivity (TFP) is a key determinant of
trend growth, which, as highlighted in several of the research studies described above, is an
important factor in determining interest rates. As predicted by economic theory, trend growth
and real interest rates are positively related. In CBO’s forecasts, TFP grows more slowly in the
future than it did from 1995 to 2004, thus putting downward pressure on real interest rates.
Debt-to-GDP Ratio. In CBO’s baseline projections, federal debt is much larger as a percentage
of GDP than it was over the 1995–2004 period—reaching 109 percent by 2030 and more than
200 percent by 2050. In the medium and long terms, as the economy reaches its historical
relationship with potential output, greater federal borrowing is expected to crowd out private
investment, thereby reducing the amount of capital per worker and increasing interest rates and
the return on capital over time.
Risk Premium. CBO expects domestic and international investors’ preferences for Treasury
securities over riskier assets to remain higher than it was over the 1995–2004 period. As
documented in the literature on the saving glut and safe-asset shortage, both domestic and
international investors’ appetite for risk began to diminish in the early 2000s, and the economic
fallout from the financial crisis, the slow subsequent recovery, and financial institutions’
response to increased regulatory oversight further increased the demand for low-risk assets. The
2020 coronavirus pandemic further shifted investors’ preferences toward safe assets such as
Treasury securities. The rise in demand for Treasury securities stemming from those events
contributed to lower returns (that is, to lower interest rates).
CBO expects preferences for Treasury securities relative to riskier assets to gradually decline
over the coming decades but to remain above their average levels from 1995 to 2004. In addition
to the increased demand for Treasury securities resulting from a shift in investors’ preferences,
the Federal Reserve increased its purchases of Treasury and other securities in the wake of the
pandemic. The increased purchases by the Federal Reserve put additional downward pressure on
interest rates. In CBO’s forecast, the Federal Reserve’s holdings of Treasury and other securities
measured as a percentage of GDP begins to fall after 2022. With that decline, CBO expects the
downward pressure on interest rates resulting from the Federal Reserve’s purchases to diminish
over the latter half of the coming decade.
Capital Share of Income. The capital share of incomethe percentage of total income that is
paid to owners of capital—has been on an upward trend for the past few decades. That share is
projected to remain higher than its average has been over recent decades. The factors that appear
to have contributed to the rise in income for owners of capital (such as technological change and
globalization) are likely to persist, keeping it above the historical average. In CBO’s estimation,
a larger share of income accruing to owners of capital would directly boost the return on capital
and, thus, interest rates. However, that boost could be smaller if the rise in the share of capital
income was a return to market power rather than to capital.
CBO’s Medium-Term and Long-Term Forecasts of Real and Nominal Rates on 10-Year
Treasury Notes
When forecasting interest rates over the medium term, CBO generally focuses on the latter half
of the coming decade. Over that horizon, CBO typically projects that real output is near its long-
run relationship to potential, the average inflation rate is close to the Federal Reserve’s average
inflation objective of 2 percent, and monetary policy is neutral, on average. In CBO’s current
forecast, however, the economy is still recovering from the 2020 recession over the 2025–
2030 period. In those years, real output is expected to be below its historical relationship with
potential output, on average, and the federal funds rate is expected to be below CBO’s estimate
of the rate consistent with neutral monetary policy.
For the purposes of preparing the baseline forecast published in September 2020, CBO therefore
focused on the 2031–2035 period when forecasting interest rates over the medium term. The
agency expects inflation to be close to the Federal Reserve’s 2 percent average inflation
objective and monetary policy to be neutral, on average, over that time period. CBO also expects
real output to be at its long-run relationship with potential.
When forecasting interest rates over the longer-term, CBO focuses on the last five years of the
long-term projection horizon—2046 to 2050 in the current forecast. That five-year period is far
enough into the future to not be influenced by current economic conditions.
The main forces causing rates to be lower in the medium term are higher private domestic and
foreign saving, slower growth in the labor force, slower growth in total factor productivity and a
higher premium on risky assets compared with the 1995–2004 period. Those downward forces
are expected to be partly offset by upward pressure from higher federal debt relative to GDP and
a higher share of income paid to capital. The net result of those opposing forces is a real interest
rate on 10-year Treasury notes that is 1.8 percentage points lower than the rate over the 1995–
2004 period (see Figure 12, top panel). In the long term, the real rate on 10-year Treasury notes
in CBO’s forecast is 0.63 percentage points lower than it was during the 1995–2004 period (see
Figure 12, bottom panel). The same forces putting downward pressure on real interest rates over
the medium term are expected to continue to put downward pressure on real interest rates over
the long term. However, CBO projects that the growth rate of the labor force will rise somewhat
over the 2030–2050 period, which implies that there will be less downward pressure on real
interest rates over the long term than over the medium term. Weighing in the opposite direction,
the projected increase in federal debt relative to GDP is also expected to put more upward
pressure on the real interest rate over the long term than over the medium term.
CBO forecasts the nominal interest rate on 10-year Treasury notes by adding its forecast of the
real interest rate to its forecast of the inflation rate as measured by CPI-U.
Table 5 shows the
correspondence between the agency’s forecasts of real and nominal interest rates.
Contributions of the Factors to Past Movements in Interest Rates
To understand the contributions of each of the factors to past movements in interest rates it is
possible to use the forecast methods to analyze changes in interest rates over history. Figure 13
shows the estimated contributions of each of the factors to the decline in the real interest rate on
10-year Treasury notes between the historical benchmark period (1994 to 2005) and the past five
years (2015 to 2019). Over that period, the real 10-year Treasury rate declined by roughly
3.0 percentage points (labeled “Total”). The factors in CBO’s interest rate model explain roughly
1.8 percentage points of that decline. The remaining 1.3 percentage-point decline (labeled
“Other” in the figure) is most likely attributable to cyclical factors. CBO estimates that the real
federal funds rate was, on average, roughly 120 basis points below the estimated neutral rate
over the 2015–2019 period.
Advantages and Challenges of CBO’s Interest Rate Forecasting Method
CBO’s method for forecasting interest rate has several advantages. First, it is based on factors
that are part of the agency’s macroeconomic forecast, ensuring consistency between the interest
rate forecast and the forecast of the economy. Second, it attributes changes in interest rates in the
past and over the forecast horizon to changes in factors identified by economic theory as having
important effects on interest rates. And third, CBO’s method allows the agency to track the
sources of changes in its interest rate forecast from one forecast to the next. CBO regularly
describes such changes in its interest rate forecasts in its major recurring reports on the budget
and economic outlook.
Modeling and forecasting interest rates also presents many challenges that contribute to the
uncertainty about the path of interest rates, especially over the long term. Three challenges, in
particular, contribute to the uncertainty of the projected path of interest rates over the next 10 to
30 years. The first challenge is that it is difficult to measure and forecast independent movements
CBO’s September 2020 medium- and long-term forecasts for inflation as measured by the price index for personal
consumption expenditures and CPI-U are 1.9 percent and 2.2 percent, respectively. Those estimates are consistent
with CBO’s forecast of an average gap between real output and potential output of 0.5 percent over the medium
and long terms.
See, for example, Congressional Budget Office, The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2020 to 2030 (January 2020),
p. 51, www.cbo.gov/publication/56020.
in the various factors affecting interest rates. For example, the research literature identifies
demographic changes as an important factor in determining interest rates. But demographics (the
aging population and increased life expectancy) affect interest rates through a number of
different channels—the saving rate, the labor force participation rate, and possibly the rate at
which people discount the future. Forecasting the independent influences of those channels is
challenging and contributes to the uncertainty in interest rate forecasts.
A second challenge with forecasting interest rates over the next 30 years is that the ratio of debt
to GDP in the United States is projected to rise to unprecedented levels (Congressional Budget
Office 2020a). The peak ratio of debt to GDP over the past 100 years—120 percent—was
reached just after World War II. In CBO’s long-term budget projections, that ratio exceeds
200 percent. It is difficult to anticipate how the economy and financial markets might respond
when the debt-to-GDP ratio reaches unprecedented levels. CBO’s method for forecasting interest
rates implicitly reflects the assumption that historical relationships between rising debt and
interest rates will remain unchanged as debt rises to those unprecedented levels. But if the
increase in debt leads to an erosion of confidence in the United States’ ability to repay its debt or
to an erosion of the dollar’s status as an international reserve currency, real interest rates could
increase more than CBO anticipates. The challenge of modeling how the economy will respond
to rising debt as it reaches unprecedented levels adds to the uncertainty of CBO’s interest rate
A third challenge with modeling and forecasting interest rates over the long term is separating
temporary movements in interest rates from persistent or permanent movements. Over the past
150 years, real interest rates have been subject to sudden and persistent shifts (see Figure 4). A
challenge with any forecasting method is to separate transitory from persistent shifts in interest
rates. CBO addresses that challenge by choosing a historical benchmark period—1995 to 2004—
over which the agency estimates monetary policy was neutral, on average.
The long-term decline in interest rates that occurred during the latter half of the benchmark
period is interpreted as temporary rather than persistent and thus does not affect CBO’s
projections of interest rates. CBO expects that interest rates would be the same from 2046 to
2050 as they were on average from 1995 to 2004 if during that projection period the values of the
factors that are inputs into CBO’s projections equaled their averages over the 1995–2004 period.
The difficulty in assessing whether omitted factors related to trends within the benchmark period
would persist into the projection period contributes to the uncertainty of CBO’s projections.
Summary and Conclusion
CBO’s interest rate forecast is an important input into its budget and economic projections. Real
interest rates have declined in the United States and globally since the early 1980s. Previous
research attributes much of that decline to long-lived factors such as aging populations and
slowing trend growth. CBO’s forecast of the real interest rate on 10-year Treasury notes
incorporates many of the same factors identified in the research literature. CBO also projects that
long-lived factors will continue to put more downward pressure on real interest rates through the
medium term than they did over the 1995–2004 period. In CBO’s long-term forecast, that
downward pressure from long-lived factors continues but is largely, though not completely,
offset by the effect of rising debt on interest rates. Interest rate forecasts over the medium and
long terms are highly uncertain. That uncertainty has increased significantly since the large
increase in government borrowing in the wake of the 2017 tax cuts and the 2020 coronavirus
CBOs projections use extrapolations of behavior from the past few decades. But confidence in
those projections are reduced by the expectation of unprecedented circumstancespeacetime
levels of federal debt relative to GDP that have never before been reached. Projections of such
levels of debt raise the possibility that rates could go much higher than CBO forecasts if
investors began to have doubts about the ability or the willingness of the public to meet
significantly higher debt-service obligations or of the Federal Reserve to keep inflation near its
2 percent target.
Figure 1.
U.S. and Global Long-Term Nominal and Real Interest Rates, 1968 to 2018
al R
Data sources: Jordà et al. (2019) and author’s calculations.
Real interest rates are the difference between nominal rates and the five-year unweighted moving average of
inflation as measured by the consumer price index for all urban consumers. The long-term nominal interest rate is
the interest rate on the 10-year Treasury note. The global interest rate is the average rate on long-term government
securities from the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy,
Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Expected Inflation
Figure 2.
Real Interest Rates on U.S. Treasury Securities, 1968 to 2018
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
10-year Treasury Note
3-Month Treasury Bill
Data sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federal Reserve, and author’s calculations.
Real rates are the three-year centered moving average of nominal rates minus inflation as measured by the consumer
price index for all urban consumers.
Figure 3.
Average Annual Real Interest Rates for Advanced Economies, 1980 to 1985 and
2013 to 2018
Data sources: Jordà et al. (2019) and author’s calculations.
Short-term real interest rates are calculated as the nominal interest rate on 3-month government securities minus the
expected inflation. Long-term real rates are calculated as the nominal rate on 10-year government securities minus
expected inflation. Expected inflation is measured as the unweighted moving average of the gross domestic product
price index for the current and four previous years. The figure shows the average of the median real interest rate
across a group of advanced economies for two sample periods1980 to 1985 and 2013 to 2018from the
following countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Long-Term Rate Short-Term Rate
1980 to 1985
2013 to 2018
Figure 4.
Global Real Interest Rates, 1876 to 2018
Data sources: Jordà et al. (2019) and author’s calculations.
The real rate is calculated as the nominal 10-year rate on government securities minus expected inflation. Expected
inflation is measured as the unweighted moving average of the gross domestic product price index for the current
and four previous years). The median real rate among the following group of advanced economies is estimated for
each year: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Averages are also shown on the graph for the following sub-samples: 1876 to 1916 (pre-World War I era), 1919 to
1938 (interwar period), 1946 to 1971 (Bretton Woods system), 1972 to 1983 (Great Inflation), 1984 to 2007 (Great
Moderation), and 2010 to 2018 (post–global financial crisis period).
Median Short-Term Rate Median Long-Term Rate
Sub-Sample Averages, Short-Term Rate Sub-Sample Averages, Long-Term Rate
Figure 5.
Real Interest Rates on 10-Year Treasury Notes, Actual Values and Blue Chip Consensus
Forecasts, 1985 to 2014
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Actual Foreca sts
Data sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federal Reserve, and Wolters Kluwer (publisher of the Blue Chip
The actual real interest rate is calculated as the difference between the nominal rate on 10-year Treasury notes and
inflation as measured by the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U). The projected real interest rates
are the differences between the projected nominal rates and the projected CPI-U inflation rates.
Figure 6.
Trend Real Output Growth, 1961 to 2020
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
U.S. Canada
Data sources: Holston et al. (2017) and Federal Reserve Bank of New York, “Measuring the Natural Rate of
Interest” (accessed December 10, 2020), www.newyorkfed.org/research/policy/rstar.
Data are annual averages.
Figure 7.
Median Age of the World’s and the United States’ Population, 1950 to 2095
Data source: United Nations.
Figure 8.
Gross Saving Rates of Advanced and Emerging-Market Economies, 1980 to 2018
Data source: World Bank.
EMEs = emerging-market economies.
Gross Saving by Economy Type
Advanced Emerging
Gross Saving for Emerging Markets
Emerging Markets China Oil Exporters Other EMEs
Figure 9.
Spread Between the Rate of Return on Risky and Safe Assets, 1961 to 2019
Percentage Points
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Data source: Author’s calculations, using data from Aswath Damodaran (http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/)
and the Federal Reserve.
The spread between the rate of return on risky and safe assets is calculated as the weighted average of the equity risk
premium and the spread between Moody's seasoned BAA-rated corporate bond yield and the yield on 10-year
Treasury notes. Historical data on the equity risk premium are from Damodaran, and weights are based on the
proportion of equities versus bonds held by households as reported in the Federal Reserve’s Financial Accounts of
the United States.
Figure 10.
Short-Term Policy Rates of Four Advanced Economies, 1980 to 2019
Data sources: Bank of England, Bank of Japan, European Central Bank, and Federal Reserve.
1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019
Bank of Japan Bank of England European Central Bank Federal Reserve
Figure 11.
Total Assets held by Central Banks Relative to GDP for Four Advanced Economies,
1999 to 2016
Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
Data sources: Bank of England, Bank of Japan, European Central Bank, and Federal Reserve.
1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015
Bank of Japan Bank of England Federal Reserve European Central Bank
Figure 12.
Factors Affecting Projected Interest Rates Over the 2031–2035 Period and
the 2046–2050 Period Measured Relative to the 1995–2004 Period
Percentage Points
Data source: Author’s calculations, using data from the Congressional Budget Office.
Figure 13.
Factors Affecting Interest Rates Over the 2015–2019 Period Measured Relative to the
1995–2004 Period
Percentage Points
Data source: Author’s calculations, using data from the Congressional Budget Office.
Table 1.
Literature Review: Key Estimates of the Effect of the Slowdown in the Trend Growth of
Real GDP on Real Interest Rates
Estimate of Past Effect
Projected Effect
Laubach and Williams
Holston, Laubach, and
Williams (2017)
Kalman filter
-250 bps, mostly because
of declining trend growth
Clark and Kozicki
Laubach and Williams
method with real-time
Quantitative link between
equilibrium rate and trend
growth is weak
Rachel and Smith
Investment and saving -100 bps
Slight further depressing
Hamilton et al. (2016)
Examined correlations
using annual data
Too noisy to draw
Even if trend growth
slows, no reason to think
real rate will fall given
past correlations
Del Negro et al. (2017)
VAR, medium0scale
DSGE model
-58 bps out of -150 bps
decline since early 1990s
Rachel and Summers
Laubach and Williams
method applied to
advanced economies as
a whole; life-cycle
Changes in trend growth
explain very little of past
decline in real interest
rates; consistent with
Hamilton et al. (2016)
Very little
bps = basis points; DSGE = dynamic stochastic general equilibrium; VAR = vector autoregression; n.a. = not
Table 2.
Literature Review: Key Estimates of the Effect of Changing Demographics on Real
Interest Rates
Estimate of Past Effect
Projected Effect
Krueger and Ludwig
OLG n.a.
-86 bps from 2005
through 2080
Rachel and Smith (2015,
Euler equation -80 bps since 1980 -50 bps through 2030
Rachel and Smith,
(2015, 2017)
Scatter plot dependency
ratio; national saving
-90 bps since 1980 +45 bps through 2030
Carvalho et al. (2016) OLG n.a. -50 bps through 2050
Favero et al. (2016)
Affine term structure
n.a. +100 bps through 2030
Gagnon et al. (2016) OLG
Less than -2 bps since
-10 bps by 2030
Aksoy et al. (2019) Endogenous growth n.a.
-50 bps to -70 bps
through 2030
Rachel and Summers
OLG (Gertler 1999) -180 bps since 1980
Additional downward
pressure through 2070
bps = basis points; OLG = overlapping generations; n.a. = not applicable.
Table 3.
Literature Review: Key Estimates of the Effects of the Saving Glut and the Safe Asset
Shortage on Real Interest Rates
Estimate of Past
Projected Effect
Bernanke (2005);
Bernanke et al. (2011)
Examination of
international capital flows
n.a. n.a.
Warnock and Warnock
OLG and error correction -0.8 bps n.a.
International Monetary
Fund (2014)
Saving and investment
Increased global
saving and
decreased cost of
Saving and investment shifts
unlikely to contribute to
downward pressure on real
rates; portfolio shift likely to
continue to hold down rates
Gourinchas and Rey
VAR n.a.
-2 percent to 0 percent
through 2021
Rachel and Smith
Saving and investment
-25 bps since early
Effect will likely diminish
Del Negro et al. (2018) VAR
Explains half of
the decline since
1980; 60 percent
of the decline
since 1990
bps = basis points; OLG = overlapping generations; VAR = vector autoregression; n.a. = not applicable.
Table 4.
Correspondence Between Factors in CBO’s Interest Rate Model and Factors Cited in the
Research Literature
Factors Underlying
CBO's Interest Rate Projections
Factors Identified in the Research Literature
Labor force growth Demographics
Private domestic and foreign saving
Changing distribution of income, domestic and global
demographics, global growth, and global saving glut
Total factor productivity growth
Trend growth
Debt to GDP ratio
Federal borrowing and crowding out
Risk premium
Demand for safe assets, safe-asset shortage, and global saving
Share of income paid to capital
Share of income paid to capital
Table 5.
Parsing of CBO’s Medium-Term and Long-Term Forecasts of the Interest Rate on 10-Year
Treasury Notes
Percentage Points
CBO’s Forecasts
2031 to 2035
2046 to 2050
Real Interest Rate on 10-Year Treasury Notes Over the
Historical Benchmark Period, 1995 to 2004
2.96 2.96
Change in Real Rate
Real Interest Rate (Benchmark rate + change in real rate) 1.15 2.33
CPI-U Inflation Rate
Nominal Rate on 10-Year Treasury Notes (Real interest
rate + CPI-U inflation rate)
3.38 4.56
Appendix A:
Measuring Expected Inflation
The real interest rate is the nominal interest rate adjusted for expected inflation. Expected
inflation is not directly observed, but researchers have used various methods to approximate it.
The basic stylized fact that is the focus of this paperthat the real interest rate in the United
States and globally has fallen over the past four decadesis robust with respect to the various
measures of expected inflation.
There are various methods for approximating expected inflation: surveys, Treasury inflation-
protected securities (TIPS), and simple time-series methods (see Figure A-1).
Survey Methods. One way to approximate expected inflation is to survey forecasters, financial
market participants, or households about what they think inflation will be over some period of
time and then take the mean or median response as a measure of expected inflation. Figure A-1
shows two different survey measures—the Livingston Survey and the Survey of Professional
Forecasters (SPF). Both measures are the median response of a group of professional forecasters.
The Livingston Survey covers a longer period, but the measure of expected inflation is over the
one-year ahead horizon. The SPF is a measure of long-term inflation expectations but covers a
shorter period (1990 to 2019).
Treasury-Inflation-Protected Securities). Another way to approximate expected inflation is to
use the information contained in TIPS. TIPS provide investors with an interest payment that is
fixed in real terms. The difference between the interest rate on a standard (non-inflation-
protected) Treasury note and the interest rate on TIPS can be used to approximate expected
inflation. The TIPS-implied measure of expected inflation shown in Figure A-1 is based on the
difference between the interest rate on the nominal 10-year Treasury note and the 10-year TIPS.
The 10-year ahead TIPS measure of expected inflation is available only back to 2004.
Time-Series Methods. Some researchers use simple time-series approaches to measuring
expected inflation. The idea behind such measures is that consumers and businesses might use
fairly simple rules, such as a moving average of past inflation, when forming their expectations
of future inflation. Figure A-1 shows the measure of expected inflationlabeled “5-Year
Moving Average”—based on a moving average of the current and past 4 years of realized
inflation. An advantage of this method over the other methods is that it can be used to measure
expected inflation when survey and inflation-protected securities data are not available. As the
figure illustrates, in those periods for which data for all the measures of expected inflation are
available, the measures are all very highly correlated.
Figure A-2 shows the long-term real interest rate calculated as the difference between the
nominal rate on 10-year Treasury notes and each of the various measures of expected inflation
described above. The figure shows that regardless of which measure of expected inflation is used
to calculate the rate, the real interest rate has declined since the early 1980s.
Figure A-1.
Various Measures of Expected Inflation
5-year Moving Average
10-year TIPS
Survey of Professional Forecasters
Figure A-2.
Real Interest Rates Based on the Various Measures of Expected Inflation
1990 2000
2010 2020
Livingston Survey
5-Year Moving Average
10-Year Treasury Inflation Protected Securities
Survey of Professional Forecasters
Appendix B:
China’s Role in the Global Saving Glut
As shown in the bottom panel of Figure 8, China has contributed significantly to the increase in
global saving since the early 2000s. Although China was not directly affected by the Asian
financial crisis of the late 1990s, that crisis likely spurred an increase in China’s saving as its
government attempted to lessen its dependence on foreign lending. A larger factor in spurring the
increase in China’s saving, however, was its acceptance into the World Trade Organization in
2000, which gave it significantly greater access to export markets. Given China’s broad
macroeconomic policy goals as implemented through its fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate
policies, the resulting export-led growth spurred greater saving, which China predominantly
channeled into foreign assets, mostly U.S. Treasury securities (approximately $1.1 trillion during
the 1995–2010 period). China’s purchase of U.S. assets also had the effect of limiting the
appreciation of the Chinese yuan relative to the U.S. dollar, which further fueled Chinese exports
to the United States.
Most of the studies on the global saving glut estimate the aggregate effect on interest rates of
increased global saving as opposed to the effect of any individual country’s saving (see Table 3).
An exception is Beltran et al. (2013), whose model implies that without China’s purchase of
roughly $1.1 trillion in U.S. Treasury notes and bonds between 1995 and 2010, the nominal
interest rate on 5-year Treasury notes would have been 2 percentage points higher.
Several factors suggest that China’s contribution to global saving will lessen over the coming
decade. First, a large portion of the Chinese workforce is entering retirement age, those workers’
retirement will likely suppress household saving. The International Monetary Fund expects the
demographic transition to retirement to reduce China’s household saving rate by 6 percentage
points by 2030. Structural reforms—such as liberalizing markets, raising productivity, shifting
supply toward consumer services, and improving social safety nets—could reduce net saving as
well (Zhang et al. 2018).
It is reasonable to assume, therefore, that China’s contribution to global saving will be lower
over the next decade than it has been over the past two decades. In fact, the Congressional
Budget Office’s current baseline forecast of the rate on 10-year Treasury notes is consistent with
a modest decline in China’s current account balance from its average of 2 percent of gross
domestic product (GDP) since 2011 to an average of 1.5 percent of GDP over the next decade.
An interesting counterfactual to consider is this: What would happen to rates on 10-year
Treasury notes if China continued to run a current account balance of roughly 2 percent of GDP
(see Figure B-1)? Using the estimated long-run effect from Beltran et al. (2013) and assuming
that one-third of China’s flow of saving to the U.S. is used to purchase private sector assets,
CBO estimates that the impact on the 10-year rate in 2028 is roughly 12 basis points. That
estimate suggests that if China maintained a current account balance of 2 percent of GDP
through 2028, the rate on 10-year Treasury notes would be roughly 12 basis points lower than it
is in CBO’s current baseline projections.
Figure B-1.
China’s Current Account Balance as a Percentage of Its Economic Output
Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
China's CAB (Actual data)
China's CAB (Implied by CBO's projections)
Appendix C:
CBO’s Method for Forecasting Interest Rates
in the Medium and Long Terms
This appendix describes the details of the Congressional Budget Office’s method for forecasting
interest rates over the medium and long terms. The basic outline of the method is as follows:
CBO identifies a historical benchmark period and a set of factors that economic theory has
shown to be important in determining interest rates. The agency calculates the averages of those
factors over the historical benchmark period as well as over the projection period of interest
(2031 to 2035 and 2046 to 2050 in the examples presented here). CBO then uses a set of
parameters derived from the Cobb-Douglas production function and research literature to
estimate how the projected changes in each of the factors between the benchmark period and the
projection period would affect interest rates.
The Historical Benchmark Period, 1995 to 2004
CBO projects real interest rates by comparing the projected average values of factors that affect
interest rates over the medium and long term with their average values over the historical period
that CBO has chosen as a benchmark—1995 to 2004. Over that 10-year period, monetary policy
is estimated to have been neutral, on average, meaning it neither stimulated nor restrained
economic activity. The neutral rate of interest—which is denoted r*—is defined as the short-term
risk-free rate of interest that would prevail if the economy was in long-run equilibrium. CBO’s
estimate of r* is from Bauer and Rudebusch (2020) and is based on the average of nine separate
r* series, which were estimated using a variety of methods.
Figure C-1 shows the 10-year moving average of the difference between the real federal funds
rate (r) and the average r*. The moving average of that difference crosses the horizontal axis at
two dates—1983Q4 and 2004Q4—indicating that over the decade leading up to and including
those quarters, monetary policy is estimated to have been neutral on average. CBO chose for its
historical benchmark the latter of those two periods because output growth and inflation were
much less volatile in that period than in the earlier one. In addition, changes in financial market
regulations, as well as innovations in banking and finance, suggest that the period 1995 to 2004
is better suited for comparison with the medium-term and long-term forecasts.
Those data are posted along with the article on the American Economic Association’s website
Figure C-1.
10-Year Moving Average of the Real Federal Funds Rate Minus the Neutral Rate of
Data source: Congressional Budget Office, using data from Bauer and Rudebusch (2020).
Forecasting Method
The first step in CBO’s forecasting method is to calculate the value of the real interest rate, and
of each of the factors that determine that rate, over the historical benchmark period, 1995 to
2004, and over the two forecast periods: 2031 to 2035 and 2046 to 2050. The second step is to
calculate the projected change in each of the factors from the historical benchmark to the forecast
period and then multiply each change by an impact parameter that reflects CBO’s estimate of
how changes in each of the factors are expected to affect the real 10-year interest rate. (Estimates
of those impact parameters are detailed below.)
Table C-2 and Table C-3 show the values for the interest rate factors underlying the economic
forecast that CBO published in September 2020; the only exception is the values for the private
domestic and foreign saving rate. Those values have been adjusted to reflect the fact that a
portion of the projected change in that rate is the endogenous response to rising debt relative to
gross domestic product (GDP). CBO therefore includes an estimate of only the exogenous
change in that saving rate, that is, changes that are not attributable to rising debt and interest
rates. In CBO’s current projections, half of the increase in private domestic and foreign saving is
assumed to be attributable to exogenous shifts, and the remaining half is assumed to be in
response to rising debt relative to GDP.
The average real rate on 10-year Treasury notes in the benchmark period was 2.96 percent. From
Table C-2, the projected change in that rate between the 1995–2004 period and the 2031–
2035 period is 1.81 percentage points, resulting in a real rate in the medium term of 1.2 percent.
Adding CBO’s forecast rate of inflation as measured by the consumer price index for all urban
consumers (CPI-U) to that projected real rate results in a projected nominal rate on 10-year
Treasury notes of 3.4 percent over the 2031–35 period.
The projected change the real interest rate over the longer term is much lower (see Table C-3).
That is primarily because of the large increase in the ratio of debt to GDP after 2030. Thus, the
projected real interest rate over the 2046–2050 period is 2.3 percent, or .6 percentage points
below the benchmark average. Adding CBO’s forecast CPI-U inflation rate to that projected real
rate results in a projected nominal rate on 10-year Treasury notes of 4.6 percent over the 2046–
2050 period.
Data Sources for Interest Rate Factors
The data definitions and sources for the historical values of the interest rate factors used in
CBO’s interest rate forecasting model are shown in Table C-1.
Table C-1.
Definitions and Data Sources for Interest Rate Factors
Interest Rate Factor
Detailed Description and Source
Labor Force Growth
Growth rate of potential hours worked in the nonfarm
business sector (BLS; CBO’s estimate)
Private Domestic and Foreign Saving
Private domestic saving is saving by households and firms
(BEA); foreign saving is the negative of net foreign
investment (BEA); both are measured relative to nominal
Total Factor Productivity Growth
Total factor productivity in the nonfarm business sector
(CBO estimate; see www.cbo.gov/publication/53558)
Debt-to-GDP Ratio
Stock of federal debt (CBO’s estimate) relative to GDP
Risk Premium
Weighted average of the equity risk premium and spread
between Moody's seasoned BAA-rated corporate bond
yield and the yield on 10-year Treasury notes; historical
data on the equity risk premium are from Aswath
Damodaran (http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/);
weights are based on the proportion of equities versus
bonds held by households (Federal Reserve, Financial
Accounts of the United States)
Capital Share of Income
The sum of the following (all measured as a share of gross
domestic income): corporate profits with inventory
valuation and capital consumption adjustments, rental
income of all persons with capital consumption
adjustment, proprietors' income, business transfer
payments, and net interest and miscellaneous payments on
assets (all from BEA)
BEA = Bureau of Economic Analysis; BLS = Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Table C-2.
Projected Changes in Interest Rate Factors From the Benchmark Period to the Medium-Term Forecast Period in
CBO’s September 2020 Baseline Projections
Average Value
Over Historical
Period, 1995 to
Average Value in
the Medium
Term, 2031 to
Change in Value
Factor’s Impact
on Interest Rates
Labor Force Growth 0.95 0.28 -0.67
Private Domestic and Foreign
Saving Rate
21.9 24 2.1
Total Factor Productivity Growth 1.86 1.11 -0.75
Debt-to-GDP Ratio 38.18 111.8 73.62
Risk Premium 2.73 3.2 0.47
Capital Share of Income 33.2 35.26 2.06
Table C-3.
Projected Changes in Interest Rate Factors From Benchmark Period to Long-Term Forecast Period in
CBO’s September 2020 Baseline Projections
Average Value
Over Historical
Period, 1995 to
Average Value in
the Long Term,
2046 to 2050
Change in Value
Factor’s Impact
on Interest Rates
Labor Force Growth 0.95 0.41 -0.54
Private Domestic and Foreign
Saving Rate
21.9 26 4.1
Total Factor Productivity Growth 1.86 1.11 -0.75
Debt-to-GDP Ratio 38.18 187.7 149.52
Risk Premium 2.73 3 0.27
Capital Share of Income 33.2 35.38 2.18
Where Do the Impact Parameters Come From?
The impact parameters in CBO’s interest rate projection model come from a variety of sources.
CBO used the expression for the real rate of return on private capital (
 
) derived
from the Cobb-Douglas production function (equation C1) to derive estimates of the impact
parameters for the growth rate of the labor force (), the private domestic and foreign saving rate
(), the share of income paid to capital (), and total factor productivity growth ().
 
+ + (C1)
The impact parameters are derived by differentiating this expression with respect to each of the
interest rate factors. The rate of depreciation () is assumed to be constant for these calculations.
Labor Force Growth. Calculated by differentiating the real rate of return on private capital with
respect to the growth rate of the labor force:
 
Private Domestic and Foreign Saving Rate. Calculated by differentiating the real rate of return
on private capital with respect to the private domestic and foreign saving rate:
 
+ + (C3)
Total Factor Productivity Growth. Calculated by differentiating the real rate of return on
private capital with respect to the growth rate of total factor productivity:
 
Capital Share of Income. Calculated by differentiating the real rate of return on private capital
with respect to the capital share of income:
 
(1 )
+ + (C5)
Table C-4 shows CBO’s estimates of the production function inputs and the resulting impact
parameters based on equations C2 to C5. Estimated values for the production function inputs ,
, and are based on the averages of those variables in all years in the two samples under
consideration. For example, the average growth of potential labor hours in the nonfarm business
sector during the historic benchmark period (1995 to 2004) and the medium term (2031 to 2035)
is calculated as (1 + .28)/2 = 0.62 percent. As noted above, the parameter is assumed to be
fixed at 5.5 percent, which is the average value in all years in the historic benchmark period and
the medium- and long-term forecast periods. The saving rate is set equal to the average
investment–to-saving ratio over the historical benchmark period to reduce the bias attributable to
endogenous responses of saving to changes in the debt-to-GDP ratio and interest rates.
Table C-4.
Production Function Inputs and Impact Parameters
Interest Rate Factor
Medium-Term Forecast
Long-Term Forecast
Labor Force Growth
0.62 1.56 0.68 1.56
Private Domestic and
Foreign Saving Rate
22 -0.59 22 -0.6
Total Factor
Productivity Growth
1.49 2.37 1.49 2.37
Capital Share of Income
34.2 0.43 34.3 0.44
Debt-to-GDP Ratio. The impact parameter of .025 on the debt to GDP ratio is based on the
empirical work by Gamber and Seliski (2019), who found that for each 1 percentage-point
increase in CBO’s projected debt-to-GDP ratio, real rates on 10-year Treasury-notes increased
by 2 to 3 basis points. Gamber and Seliski’s estimates are similar to estimates those of Gale and
Orszag (2004), Engen and Hubbard (2004), and Laubach (2009).
Risk Premium. After using equation C1 to produce a forecast of the change in the real rate of
return on private capital, CBO converts that change to a change in risk-free Treasury securities
by subtracting the projected risk premium. The impact parameter of 1 indicates that, all else
constant, an increase in the spread between the return on risky capital and risk-free Treasury
securities has a one-to-one effect on the return on risk-free Treasury securities.
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