Pest Management
A guide to what a Pest Management Technician
needs to know.
November 2021
Pest Management A guide to what a Pest Management Technician needs to know.
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A guide to what a Pest Management Technician needs to know?
Published by the State of Queensland (Queensland Health), 25 November 2021
This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence.
To view a copy of this licence, visit
© State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2021
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the
State of Queensland (Queensland Health).
This version replaces version 1 Dated July 2017
For more information contact:
Environmental Hazards Team, Health Protection, Department of Health, GPO Box 48,
Brisbane QLD 4001, email phone (07) 3328
An electronic version of this document is available at
The content presented in this publication is distributed by the Queensland Government as an information source only.
The State of Queensland makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or
reliability of any information contained in this publication. The State of Queensland disclaims all responsibility and all
liability (including without limitation for liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might
incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason reliance was placed
on such information.
Pest Management A guide to what a Pest Management Technician needs to know.
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Introduction......................................................................................................... 4
Licensing ............................................................................................................ 4
General licence information ................................................................................. 4
Approved Person ................................................................................................. 5
Recognition of other pest management licences .................................................. 6
Suitability of a person to hold a licence ................................................................ 6
Licence process ................................................................................................... 6
- Applying for a licence ........................................................................ 6
- Renewal of a licence ......................................................................... 8
- Maintaining licence details ................................................................. 8
- Amendment of a licence .................................................................... 9
- Replacement licence or identity card ................................................. 9
Pest management competency requirements and transition period ..................... 9
Risk Management Plan ...................................................................................... 10
Business owner’s responsibilities ....................................................................... 10
Pesticides registration and control of use ........................................................... 11
Pest Management Technician Responsibilities .................................................. 11
- Access to the storage area .............................................................. 11
- Storage area (other than in a motor vehicle) .................................... 12
- Storage area (in a motor vehicle) ..................................................... 12
- Containers ....................................................................................... 12
- Labelling of containers and Safety Data Sheet ................................ 12
- Records of use ................................................................................ 13
- Advice to clients (pest control advice) .............................................. 14
- Disposal of waste ............................................................................ 15
- Disposal of containers ..................................................................... 15
- Clean up of spills and dealing with leakages .................................... 15
- Notifiable incidents .......................................................................... 16
- Activity Risk Management Plans ...................................................... 17
- Fumigation activity ........................................................................... 17
- Actions and precautions to be undertaken during the fumigation
activity: ..................................................................................................... 18
- Actions and precautions to be taken at the end of the fumigation
activity: ..................................................................................................... 19
- Provision of a clearance certificate .................................................. 19
- Supervising trainees ........................................................................ 19
- Changes affecting licence ................................................................ 19
- Advertising pest management activities ........................................... 20
- Requiring another person to carry out pest management
activities .................................................................................................... 20
Business owner responsibilities ......................................................................... 20
- Responsibilities in relation to trainees .............................................. 20
- Equipping employees ...................................................................... 21
- Storage of pesticides and fumigants ................................................ 21
- Vehicle storage ................................................................................ 21
- Vehicle signage ............................................................................... 21
- Keeping records .............................................................................. 22
Inspectors ......................................................................................................... 22
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General powers of inspectors ............................................................................ 22
Compliance activities and offences .................................................................... 22
Relevant Legislation, Standards and Resources .............................................. 23
Obligations under other related legislation ......................................................... 23
Appendix 1 Key Stakeholder Information ...................................................... 25
Appendix 2 Dictionary ................................................................................... 26
Appendix 3 Pest management activities guide .............................................. 28
Appendix 4 Units of competency ................................................................... 30
Appendix 5 Provisions and Offences Relevant to Pest Management
Industry ............................................................................................................ 32
Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 .............................................................. 32
Medicines and Poisons (Pest Management,) Regulation 2021 ................. 33
Pest Management A guide to what a Pest Management Technician needs to know.
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This guide aims to assist the Queensland pest management industry by providing an
overview of the Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 (the Act) and the Medicines and
Poisons (Pest Management Activities) Regulation 2021 (the Pest Regulation).
Most pesticides and fumigants are inherently hazardous and the risk to human health
and the environment depends on how safely they are handled and used.
Consequently, the main policy objectives of the Act are to protect the Queensland
public and pest management technicians (PMTs) from the health risks associated with
pest control activities and fumigation activities; and adverse results of the ineffective
control of pests. Pests are defined under the Act and generally mean an arthropod,
bird, mollusc or rodent or another biological entity prescribed under a regulation that
injuriously affects or may injuriously affect a place or a person.
Enquiries on information contained in this document can be made to your local
Queensland Health Hospital and Health Service Public Health Unit (HHSPHU). See
Appendix 1 for contact details.
A Dictionary of terms is listed in Appendix 2.
General licence information
Any person undertaking a pest management activity in Queensland must possess a
pest management licence unless they are prescribed as an approved person under
Section 54 of the Act for activities permitted to be undertaken without requiring a
licence. Appendix 3 of this guideline provides direction on the types of activities that
require or dont require a pest management licence.
Heavy penalties up to 200 penalty units may apply to unlicensed or unauthorised pest
management activity. The same penalties apply to unlicensed persons offering to carry
out pest management activities unless they then employ a licensed PMT to carry out
the work. Penalties may apply to either the individual PMT, the business that employs
the PMT or any persons interfering with effective pest management activities, such as
A new requirement of the MPA is that PMTs working in primary production will now
need to be appropriately licenced. Pest management activities in intensive livestock
farming such as in abattoirs, chicken farms, piggeries will be classed as high-risk pest
management activities.
Fact sheets pertaining to pest management can be found on the Queensland Health
Pest Management A guide to what a Pest Management Technician needs to know.
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Licenses are only issued to individuals. There are no licenses for pest management
businesses. However, pest management businesses now have a number of obligations
under this legislation.
A licence may not be transferred to another person. You must be at least 17 years of
age or more and in possession of relevant pest management qualifications in order to
apply for a licence.
Licences are issued for the following pest management endorsements:
1. Urban pest control activity excluding timber and bird pests this enables
the holder to undertake pest control activities for pests other than timber pests
such as termites. Common pests include cockroaches, silverfish, fleas, ants,
spiders, lawn grubs and rodents. The treatment of termites and birds requires
additional skills and knowledge.
2. Urban pest control activity including timber pests this licence enables the
holder to undertake pest control activities for urban pests and termites.
3. Urban pest control activity including bird pests (new under the Act) this
licence enables the holder to undertake pest control activities for urban pests
and bird pests.
4. Pest control activity in high-risk places (new under the Act) this licence
enables the holder to undertake pest control activities in places such as
intensive or high-density livestock farming, food processing and manufacturing
5. Pest control activity in sensitive places (new under the Act) this licence
enables the holder to undertake pest control activities in places such as
schools, health care, aged care and childcare facilities.
6. Fumigation this licence enables the holder to undertake fumigation activities
for the site environments listed on their licence.
Queensland Health has the ability to impose conditions on a licence where it is deemed
Approved Person
Approved persons listed in Schedule 1 of the Regulation may undertake the pest
management activities specified without a pest management licence. Approved
persons may also be required to have completed competencies as prescribed in the
Departmental Standard Competency requirements for licensed technicians
undertaking pest management activities with pesticides and fumigants. Examples of
approved persons include commercial pilots and unmanned aircraft operators,
persons treating pests on domestic animals (business operators or employees) and
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persons delivering state programs (biosecurity or public health prevention control
Recognition of other pest management licences
Holders of a pest management licence issued by another Australian State/Territory or
New Zealand (first jurisdiction) can be issued a pest management licence in
Queensland (second jurisdiction) under mutual recognition principles. This allows for a
streamlined approach to working across boundaries. The mutual recognition
arrangement enables you to work as a PMT after an application has been made and
while the decision is pending.
There are some limitations to recognition of fumigation activities and all applications for
fumigation activities must be accompanied with a Declaration of Assessment for
particular site environments or confirmation of competency from your Queensland
Suitability of a person to hold a licence
To hold a licence the person must be deemed as suitable to carry out pest
management under the Act. Regard may be given to the following:
skills and competence
mental capacity (in cases where the person’s physical ability or mental capacity
is in doubt, the chief executive may require the person to undergo a health
assessment by a doctor before deciding if the person is suitable to hold a
contravention of licence conditions
suspension or cancellation of the licence
disciplinary action; or
indictable offences under a relevant law
Licence process
- Applying for a licence
When applying for a licence an application form must be completed, lodged and
accompanied with verified copies of all relevant supporting documentation and the
prescribed fees. Pest management application forms and all supporting information
about applying for licences and fact sheets can be obtained from the Queensland
Health pest management web page.
Photocopied documents including evidence of identity must bear the signature, name
and occupation of an authorised identifier such as Justices of the Peace, health or legal
professionals, Public Health Unit officers, government representatives, public servants
or bank officers.
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Failure to provide the required application information may delay the application
approval process. A licence may be issued for a term ranging from one to five years.
Successful applicants will be issued with a hard copy pest management licence that
specifies their endorsements and the terms and conditions of the PMTs authority (see
example below).
They will also be issued with a photographic identity card confirming their pest
management licence number, with the pest control and fumigation activities they are
endorsed to perform listed on the back of the Identity Card (see example below).
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Note: The same licence application form is used for a new licence, a new licence
under mutual recognition principles, amendment of an existing licence, and a
replacement licence or identity card.
- Renewal of a licence
All license holders must renew their licence on time and before the licence expires. The
Act now provides a 30-day grace period following the date of the expiry of the current
licence. No further allowances will be provided.
Licence renewal form applications are sent to licensed PMTs at their last address
as notified to Queensland Health. Licence renewal form applications are also sent at
least 60 days before the licence expiry date. It is therefore very important that your
postal address and licence details are maintained (see maintaining licence details
below) or that you contact Queensland Health should you not receive your renewal
within 30 days prior your expiry date.
As a PMT, it is your responsibility to check that the licence renewal application has
been received in sufficient time to ensure the licence renewal application is returned to
and received by Queensland Health before the licence expires.
There will be periodic adjustments to fees annually (around September/October) to
reflect the Queensland Government CPI changes. The current fees are listed on the
the pest management webpage
- Maintaining licence details
Once your licence has been granted, you are responsible for ensuring that all your
licence information remains current. The Regulation requires you to notify the
Department should any of the following occur:
Lost your licence
Changed your contact details address, postal address, phone, email etc…
Changed employer details
Changed storage location of your pesticides/fumigants
Change in mental health capacity that may adversely affect PMT ability to
competently and safely carry out pest management activities
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Changes to licence details can be updated by completing and submitting the Changes
in circumstances form, which can be obtained from the Queensland Health pest
management web page. There are no fees applicable for updating licence details.
- Amendment of a licence
A licence can be amended for the following reasons:
to amend the type of endorsements that can be carried out;
to amend a condition of the licence; or
to amend fumigation site environments.
The amendment application must be made on the approved form and include the
correct fee and can be downloaded from the Queensland Health pest management
web page.
- Replacement licence or identity card
Where a licence or identity card has been damaged, destroyed, lost (including lost in
the post) or stolen, a fee will be charged to cover the cost of a replacement licence or
photographic identity card. The application form must include details of what happened
to the licence or identity card in a statutory declaration.
This form can be downloaded from the Queensland Health pest management web
Pest management competency requirements and
transition period
The Regulation requires that licenced PMTs must satisfy the competency requirements
stated in the Departmental Standard Competency requirements for licensed
technicians undertaking pest management activities with pesticides and fumigants can
be found on the Queensland Health pest management web page. Appendix 4 lists
current competency requirements for Pest Management Technicians.
All existing pest management competencies held will transfer over with any existing
licence held. Additional competencies are required to obtain an endorsement to
undertake pest management activities in relation to bird pests. Only competencies
obtained from Department of Agriculture and Fisheries approved avicide-use training
courses will be accepted (Appendix 4). Please refer to the Department of Agriculture
and Fisheries web site for further details.
Prior to undertaking pest management activities in high risk or sensitive places an
Activity Risk Management Plan (ARMP) must be prepared. By 26 September 2023 all
pest management technicians preparing an ARMP or supervising staff under an ARMP
will be required to undertake the following competencies:
Pest Management A guide to what a Pest Management Technician needs to know.
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CPPUPM4003 Assess and advise on pest management options for sensitive
CPPUPM4004 Assess and Advise on pest management options for complex
CPPUPM4005 Implement and monitor pest management plans for sensitive
CPPUPM4006 - Implement and monitor pest management plans for complex
Prior to this date a PMT applying for a new licence or licence renewal who does not
hold these competencies, and who is expecting to work in high-risk or sensitive places,
will be required to provide evidence of experience in working in high-risk or sensitive
places. This evidence can be in the form of a letter from your employer if working for a
company, or where self-employed provision of a copy or copies of receipts for services
provided in high-risk or sensitive places.
The undertaking of pest management activities in high risk or sensitive places can be
undertaken by a licensed PMT who does not hold these competencies where the
ARMP has been prepared by a PMT with these competencies and the licenced PMT is
working under the general supervision of a PMT with these competencies. Supervisors
do not need to be located onsite but must be contactable, while the pest control activity
is being undertaken, by phone or other means.
PMTs seeking endorsement for management of pest birds will need to complete the
competencies identified in Appendix 4 by the 26 September 2022.
Training is not provided by Queensland Health and a full list of RTOs, courses and
qualifications can be obtained from the National Training Information Service website
A list of current competencies is located in Appendix 4.
Activity Risk Management Plan
An ARMP is required prior to carrying out pest control activities in high risk or sensitive
places or conducting fumigation activities at any location. Guidelines and templates are
available on the Queensland Health pest management web site to support preparation
of ARMPs.
Business owners responsibilities
Pest management business owners do not require a licence; however, they must
comply with their obligations under the Regulation. This includes the provision of
suitable equipment and vehicles to ensure that the PMTs they employ can carry out
their duties safely and effectively. Business owners also have obligations in relation to
keeping records and documentation relating to pest management activities performed
by their employees.
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If a pest management business owner wishes to sell or supply Schedule 7 pesticides
and/or Schedule 7 fumigants, they must apply for and hold a Schedule 7 poison retail
licence and are only able to sell to those who are authorised purchasers, i.e. not to
domestic households. Business owners are authorised to buy and give Schedule 7
pesticides or fumigants to employees who hold a pest management licence.
Pesticides registration and control of use
All agricultural and veterinary chemicals, including pesticides, must be registered or be
granted a permit by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
The APVMA approves the use and purpose of pesticides. Products available online
from other countries may contain different formulations and labelling and therefore may
not meet Australian standards. Any products and associated labelling from overseas
are required to be approved by the APVMA. All labels used on pesticide containers
must be approved by the APVMA.
Depending on their poisons scheduling (e.g. Schedule 5 poisons will have a CAUTION
as the signal word on their label), pesticides may be available to the public through
agricultural product suppliers, supermarkets and hardware and garden supply stores.
Some products are restricted for sale only to persons who use them in their occupation.
The APVMA maintains a database, the Public Chemical Registration Information
System (PUBCRIS), which contains details of all registered pesticides including copies
of product labels. The database can be found on the APVMA website.
Chapter 3 of the Medicines and Poisons (Poisons and Prohibited Substances)
Regulation 2021 contains controls relating to schedule 7 poisons access, labels,
storage, disposal, records, sale, advertising, etc. These requirements also apply to pest
management technicians.
Section 41 of the Regulation requires qualified persons (licensed PMTs and approved
persons) to use pesticides/fumigants in accordance with the approved label.
Pest Management Technician Responsibilities
Under the Regulation PMTs and pest management business owners have separate
obligations. PMTs employed by a pest management business are only responsible for
the items mentioned under this heading. PMTs who are sole traders or employ other
PMTs are responsible for all items under this heading, as well as all items under
Business owner responsibilities. Below are details for the obligations of the licensed
- Access to the storage area
It is the responsibility of a PMT who has custody, control or possession of a fumigant or
pesticide to ensure that the storage area is secured against un-authorised access. This
includes access to a vehicle that stores pesticides and/or fumigants. The technician
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must ensure, as far as practicable, no person has access to the storage place unless
they have the technician’s permission.
- Storage area (other than in a motor vehicle)
As a PMT who has control, custody or possession of a pesticide or fumigant, you must
comply with certain requirements if the substances are stored at your residence.
Substances must be stored in the area in a way that:
prevents any damage to the packaging or container of the fumigant or pesticide;
prevents any leakage or escape of the fumigant or pesticide from its container.
Any storage of fumigants and pesticides at a workplace (other than at your residence)
must comply with workplace health and safety requirements.
- Storage area (in a motor vehicle)
A PMT needs to ensure that pesticides and fumigants stored on a vehicle are stored in
a way that:
prevents any damage to the packaging or container of the fumigant or pesticide;
prevents any leakage or escape of the fumigant or pesticide from its container
and the vehicle, generally.
- Containers
A pesticide or a fumigant should be kept and stored in its original container. A
container used to contain a fumigant or a pesticide should:
be suitable for the purpose
be impervious
be sufficiently durable to prevent it from breaking, or its contents from leaking or
otherwise escaping, during ordinary handling, transport or storage
have sufficient excess capacity
be capable of being securely closed
be securely closed at all times unless a fumigant or pesticide is being put into,
or taken from, the container
not react chemically with the fumigant or pesticide it contains
not physically interact with the fumigant or pesticide it contains in a way that
may result in deterioration of the performance of the container; and
not be a container that is a food or drink container and is not a container that is
similar in colour, shape or appearance to a food or drink container.
- Labelling of containers and Safety Data Sheet
As a PMT you must ensure all containers, including prepared pesticides, are labelled
correctly. Any PMT using a pest management vehicle at a particular time is responsible
for ensuring the on board containers of pesticide are labelled correctly. Possession of a
container of pesticide includes having custody or control of the container and storing
the container in any place, including a vehicle.
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If a PMT puts a fumigant or pesticide into a container that does not have an approved
label attached to it and then stores the container for future use, the PMT must ensure
that the container is suitably labelled with a durable label that includes:
The name by which the product is marketed or sold
the active constituent(s) of the fumigant or pesticide; and
the strength of each active constituent expressed as the mass or volume of the
active constituent per stated mass or volume of the preparation (dependent
upon whether it is a liquid, solid, semi solid or gas in a liquid, semi-solid, or
gaseous preparation).
Future use generally means for example, that a tank of pesticide solution is mixed, or
dusting powder is put in another container and stored in the container overnight or
longer. In this case, the container must be labelled in accordance with the Regulation.
The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provides important information on the properties of
hazardous chemicals and how they affect health and safety. You should carry the SDS
for every chemical you transport or use. This document is provided from your chemical
- Records of use
As a PMT, you must make a record of each pest management activity as soon as
practicable, and within 24 hours of carrying out a pest management activity. Records
must be kept for five years. If you are employed by a pest management business, you
must give a copy of the record to your employer. Records of pest management
activities must include the following information:
date of the activity;
the address and description for where the activity was carried out;
If the activity was requested by a customer, the contact details of the customer;
The licence number of the licensed PMT who either carried out or supervised (if
a trainee carried out work) the activity;
The name and strength of each active constituent used in the fumigant or
pesticide used; and
The rate of application for the pesticide (if for timber pests) or fumigant.
For timber pest treatments the person is deemed to have complied with the need to
make a record of a pest management activity if they complete and issue a Certificate of
Installation in accordance with Australian Standard 3660.1 or a Certificate of Termite
Treatment in accordance with Australian Standard 3660.2.
Records must not include any information the person knows is false, misleading or
It is noted that some PMTs provide clients with documentation that combines elements
of business administration, pest control advice and record keeping. Despite the
similarities, there are differences between the information requirements for pest control
advice and record keeping and it is the responsibility of the PMT to ensure that all of
the necessary information is included.
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- Advice to clients (pest control advice)
As a PMT you must provide a pre-treatment pest control advice before starting a pest
control activity. This enables the occupier to make a decision regarding management of
their exposure and take any necessary precautions to avoid an adverse health effect.
Regardless of whether the premises are occupied or unoccupied, or the method of
communication used, the advice provided must contain the following information:
Pre-treatment advice requirements
PMT contact details or if you are employed by a business, the contact details of
your employer
PMT licence number
a statement that the pesticides/fumigants used are approved by the APVMA
any precautions needed to minimise exposure e.g. covering fish tanks
a statement of any warranties or limitations applying in relation to the activity
PMTs signature and date (sending electronically will satisfy these
Post-treatment advice requirements
A licensed technician must give the customer a post-treatment pest control advice prior
to leaving the place and after carrying out the activity. If the place is unoccupied this
advice must be provided within 24 hours after leaving the place. Post-treatment advice
may be given personally, by mail or electronically.
Post-treatment advice must state the following information:
PMT contact details or if you are employed by a business, the contact details of
your employer
PMT licence number
name of each pesticide used (market name), and the active constituent
details of where the pesticide was used (e.g. interior, ceiling/wall void, exterior,
outbuilding and/or surrounds)
when and for how long the activity was carried out
your signature and date (sending electronically will satisfy these requirements)
In the case of unit complexes, mining dongas, rooming accommodation with shared
kitchen/living facilities, age care facilities, caravan parks etc. advice may be given to
the facility/building manager. It is then their responsibility to notify all tenants and
occupiers. Advice may be given to the facility manager electronically.
It is best practice to place a warning sign at all entry and exit points to the common
areas, and on the complex notice board before pesticide application occurs, even
though it is the site manager’s responsibility to notify occupants. This signage should
remain in place until the area is safe to use.
Extra practical and reasonable steps should be taken in providing pest control advice to
occupiers with impaired capacity or who have difficulty reading (e.g. language barrier)
to ensure the person is not unknowing adversely impacted by the pest control activity.
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When treating a vacant property, the PMT is required to provide pest management
advice to either the owner or the person who requested the activity this maybe the
property manager. In these situations, the written advice notice may be handed directly
to the person, posted or emailed.
- Disposal of waste
The disposal of waste is generally controlled by environmental protection legislation i.e.
Environmental Protection Act 1994 and Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011.
The Regulation has requirements about disposing of unwanted or spilled fumigants or
pesticides (and in the case of a gaseous fumigant, dispersed) by a PMT so that it does
put at risk or endanger the life or safety of any person or animal; or
pollute a watercourse or water supply; or
contaminate land; or
adversely affect air quality.
Chemical disposal advice is often provided on the product label or SDS and by the
supplier. Where disposal is required ensure the treatment contractor is suitably
licenced and approved with the Department of Environment and Science (DES).
- Disposal of containers
As a PMT you must only dispose of containers used to contain a fumigant or pesticide
emptying the container, rinsing it several times with water, then crushing or
piercing it (i.e. rendering it unusable) and then disposing of it without
contravening any law, e.g. at an approved waste facility; or
securely sealing and returning fumigant gas cylinders or containers to the
supplier; or
another method that is lawful, such as a method stated in the Environmental
Protection Act 1994 and the Waste and Recycling Act 2011.
N.B. The contaminated rinse water must be disposed of properly so that it does not
pollute the environment.
- Clean up of spills and dealing with leakages
All pesticide spills should be treated seriously and immediately. Concentrated spills are
more hazardous than pesticides diluted with water. As soon as a PMT becomes aware
of a spill or leakage of a fumigant or pesticide, they must take appropriate action to
contain, and if necessary, dispose of the substance. If a spill occurs that threatens the
environment, you must contact the Department of Environment and Science or local
As soon as practicable after becoming aware of the spill or leakage, the PMT should:
Stop the leakage or escape of any substance if it is safe to do so;
Clean and decontaminate the area of spillage to a safe concentration of the
fumigant or pesticide; and
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Contain and dispose of the leaked fumigant or pesticide.
You should always be aware of the safety requirements on the pesticide/fumigant label
and the SDS before you start using a pesticide. It is important the PMT carries the
appropriate mixing equipment such as funnel, measuring equipment and spill kit.
In circumstances where the spill or leakage is likely to adversely affect any person’s
health the incident needs to be notified to the Chief Executive within 7 days after the
incident (see section on Notifiable incidents below).
- Notifiable incidents
The Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 requires a PMT to notify the Chief Executive,
Department of Health, about any notifiable incidents that occur when the technician is
carrying out or supervising a pest management activity, as well as notifying about any
product that the PMT thinks may not be fit for purpose.
A “notifiable incident” means an exposure, spillage or other release of a pesticide or
fumigant that adversely affects, or is likely to adversely affect, a person’s health
(including the PMT). An example of this would be exposure of persons to a fumigant as
a result of protective equipment failure or a person having an adverse reaction to the
pesticide used e.g. a customer. The Act also requires a PMT to notify the chief
executive if they believe they have been supplied a product that is not fit for purpose (a
suspicious product). This may be if a PMT believes that the product has been
incorrectly labelled or has a manufacturing fault.
The notice of an incident must be given as soon as practicable after the incident
occurring or the PMT has become aware of a suspicious product (orally or in writing).
Notifications given orally must be put in writing within seven (7) days from when the
incident occurred. Notifications can be addressed to:
The Chief Executive,
Department of Health,
PO Box 2368,
Fortitude Valley Qld 4006.
Notifications need to contain enough particulars to enable the Chief Executive to review
the incident, and nature of the location or product.
Generally, information supplied would include the PMT name, business name and
licence number, date, time and location of the incident, a brief description of what
occurred, name of active constituent, concentration and volume of pesticide or
fumigant, names of persons exposed, medical treatments, first aid, the size of the spill
and action taken to rectify.
A form titled Notice to the Chief Executive Notifiable Incidenthas been developed to
assist in providing this information. The document is located at the Queensland Health
pest management web page.
The incident may be investigated by the Hospital and Health Service Public
Health Unit.
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- Activity Risk Management Plans
Prior to undertaking any pest activity, including fumigation, in a high risk or sensitive
place an Activity Risk Management Plan (ARMP) must be prepared.
A high-risk place is a place used for intensive food processing or manufacturing, such
as livestock farms. A sensitive place is a place used for aged care, childcare, schooling
or healthcare purposes and adjacent land.
An ARMP must include the following information:
contact details and licence number of the PMT carrying out the activity;
The contact details of the person who prepared the plan where this is different
to the PMT undertaking the work;
contact details for the customer who arranged the activity;
the contact details for the person responsible for access to the location where
this is different to the customers contact details;
procedures to access the place;
the day and time the activity will be carried out;
address of the location where the activity will be carried out and details of
specific areas within the location where the activity will occur;
estimated time the activity will take to complete;
type of pests being controlled and reason why the activity is being undertaken;
type and concentration of pesticide being used, including the name of the active
how the pesticide will be used;
any special considerations or precautions to be aware of;
hazards and risks associated with carrying out the activity and any measures
implemented to control these risks;
roles and responsibilities of all persons involved in carrying out the activity; and
a statement by the preparer that all of the above has been considered.
The ARMP must be signed by the preparer.
ARMPs are prepared per location. A PMT may use an ARMP that they have prepared
previously, only if they are carrying out the same pest management activity at the same
- Fumigation activity
Fumigants are toxic gases and vapours that can cause serious harm to persons or
animals exposed to them. A fumigant activity involves the use of the gas or vapour and
requires specific skills and work practices.
As a PMT you must comply with the following procedures for any fumigation activity:
Ensure an ARMP has been prepared for the activity including:
o details about access to the fumigation site, as well as access to water
and power for the site;
o how the fumigant will be introduced into the fumigation space;
o how the fumigation space will be ventilated;
o arrangements for securing or restricting access to the fumigation space
and risk area;
o the method to be used to establish the fumigation space is safe for
entry; and
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o procedures for dealing with emergency incidents that may arise during
the activity.
Give a fumigation notice in writing to an occupier of the premises before the
fumigation activity is to take place.
The fumigation notice must contain the following information:
PMT contact details or if you are employed by a business, the contact details of
your employer
PMT licence number
The name of the fumigant used
The fumigation site and exposure area
The day and time the fumigant will be introduced
An estimation of the length of the exposure period for the activity
Any precautions that need to be taken to minimise exposure to the fumigant
The Regulation also specifies additional requirements that need to be undertaken
prior to a fumigation activity, these include:
to establish the extent of the risk area;
assess the risk area adjacent to the fumigation space to determine if there is a
risk to persons from any escape of fumigant. This also includes areas some
distance from the fumigation site that may be at risk due to meteorological
ensure only authorised persons are in the fumigation space or risk area;
ensure barricades are in place for the fumigation space and risk area to restrict
ensure a sufficient number of warning signs are in place on the barricades for
the fumigation space and risk area and that the signs can be easily seen by a
person approaching the risk area or fumigation site. (Refer warning sign
definition in Appendix 2 for more details about appropriate signage) These must
be kept in place for the entire exposure period of the activity;
ensure that potential ignition sources in the fumigation space and risk area are
switched off or extinguished;
ensure that all food and liquids are removed from the area;
inspect the fumigation space and the equipment being used to introduce the
fumigant into the space and test for leakage or escape of fumigant to determine
their suitability; and
ensure that all cracks and crevices are sealed to prevent the escape of the
fumigant. This part does not apply if:
- the fumigation space is a grain storage facility; and
- the activity is carried out using a method designed for use in a grain
storage facility that is not sealed.
- Actions and precautions to be undertaken during the
fumigation activity:
ensure that at least one other person is physically present during the fumigation
activity. The person must be at least 17 years, suitably trained and able to
assist the fumigation activity;
ensure barricades remain in place to restrict unauthorised access to the
fumigation area;
ensure danger signs remain in place;
ensure there is no smoking of tobacco or other substances;
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continue to monitor the fumigation space and the equipment used to introduce
the fumigant into the space; and
test for leaks in equipment and in the fumigation space (if applicable).
Inspection and testing must be carried out during the introduction of the fumigant, if
practicable, and regularly during the retention period. If a leak or escape of fumigant
from the equipment or space is detected, it must be stopped and the source sealed, the
exception to this relates to fumigation in some types of grain storage facilities.
- Actions and precautions to be taken at the end of the
fumigation activity:
release the fumigant safely so as not to endanger a person;
vent the fumigation space so that the space has a concentration of fumigant
that is no more than the safe exposure concentration;
determine if the fumigant space and risk area are safe to enter; and
deny access to unauthorised persons until a PMT is satisfied that the space or
risk area is safe to enter.
- Provision of a clearance certificate
When a PMT believes the fumigation space is safe to enter, the PMT must give
the person who requested the fumigation activity a clearance certificate for the
The clearance certificate is a certificate signed and dated by a PMT (not
necessarily the PMT who started the fumigation activity) and must state the
information contained in section 31 of the Regulation including a statement that
the fumigation space is safe for entry.
The PMT, or if the PMT is employed by a pest management business, the
employer, must keep a copy of the clearance certificate for at least five years
after the day the certificate was given.
- Supervising trainees
As a licensed PMT, and when supervising a trainee, you must directly supervise the
trainee while they carry out a pest management activity except where you are satisfied
that the trainee is competent enough to be indirectly supervised and that the health and
safety of the trainee or another person will not be put at risk.
You are required to ensure that the trainee complies with any conditions under the Act
and Regulation for carrying out any pest management activity. This should be done by
providing an appropriate level of direction, demonstrations, training and monitoring of
the respective activity.
If an emergency arises or a condition of the Act is contravened while a trainee is
carrying out a pest management activity, it is the supervising PMT’s responsibility to
take action to resolve the situation.
- Changes affecting licence
You are required to notify the Chief Executive of changes that may affect your ability to
carry out pest management activities. These include:
a change in your contact details;
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if employed by a business, a change in the contact details of the business
and/or change of employer;
a change in the address of where you store pesticides and/or fumigants; and
if required to undergo a health assessment under section 90 of the Act, a
change in a matter disclosed in the health assessment.
- Advertising pest management activities
A PMT must not advertise that they carry out pest management activities that they are
not authorised to do. For example:
if your licence is for non-timber pests, you are not able to advertise or offer to
carry out pest management activities for timber pests;
if you do not hold a fumigation licence, you are not able to advertise of offer to
carry out fumigation activities;
if you have a fumigation licence, you are only able to advertise or offer to carry
out fumigation activities in locations stated on your licence; etc.
However, a person may advertise that they carry on a business of providing a pest
management activity provided they employ a PMT who is licensed to carry out that
- Requiring another person to carry out pest management
It is an offence for anyone, including PMTs and pest management business owners, to
permit someone who is not authorised, to carry out a pest management activity, without
a reasonable excuse. Persons permitted to carry out pest management activities
licensed PMTs (for the activities stated on their licence);
trainees while under the supervision of a licensed PMT;
primary producers/landholders and their employees, volunteers and neighbours
when providing in-kind services;
Business owner responsibilities
Under the Regulation, the owner of a pest management business holds a number of
responsibilities, regardless of whether they are a licensed PMT themselves. In
instances where a PMT works as a sole trader or employs other PMTs to work with
them, the PMT is accountable for the business owner responsibilities, mentioned
below, in addition to the PMT responsibilities identified in this document.
- Responsibilities in relation to trainees
It is the business owner’s responsibility to ensure that a trainee they employ is
appropriately supervised by a licensed PMT when the trainee undertakes any pest
management activities. The business owner also needs to ensure that the trainee
receives appropriate training for their work and level of competency.
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- Equipping employees
Business owners are responsible for ensuring PMT’s that they employ have access to
appropriate equipment, documents and vehicles in order to carry out pest management
activities in a compliant manner. Some examples of how business owners can ensure
employees are properly equipped include:
undertaking vehicle inspections at the start of every workday to ensure vehicle
storage and signage are compliant;
providing appropriate procedures and training to staff;
regular inspection of containers, hoses, measuring tools, spray packs and spill
kits to ensure items are appropriately usable; and
providing appropriate templates for record keeping requirements.
- Storage of pesticides and fumigants
Business owners must ensure that pesticides and fumigants used for any part of their
business are stored appropriately. Chemicals must be stored in an area that:
is lockable;
has a floor and other surfaces that are impervious to the fumigants and
is built in a way that a leakage or escape would not be likely to cause harm or
nuisance to a person or the environment; and
is adequately ventilated.
- Vehicle storage
A pest management business owner must ensure all vehicles used for the purpose of
pest control, including the storage, transport or preparation of a fumigant or pesticide
must meet the following minimum standards:
the compartment of the vehicle where pesticides and fumigants are stored must
be lockable to prevent unauthorised access. This includes fumigation cylinders
being fitted with valve locking devices if the vehicle is unattended.
where a solid or liquid fumigant or pesticide is stored, all floors and walls must
be impervious to the pesticide or fumigant to enable ease of cleaning and
prohibit the build-up of chemical residue. This part of the vehicle must be able
to contain a leakage or escape of pesticide.
where a gaseous fumigant or pesticide is stored, the chemical either needs to
have unrestricted ventilation or be stored in a vapour tight cabinet that is
ventilated outside of the vehicle.
the part of a vehicle where a fumigant is located must be separate from the
driving compartment of the vehicle.
- Vehicle signage
All pest management vehicles must be clearly identified as a pest management vehicle
with appropriate sized signage detailing the business name or business owner’s name
and the business owner’s contact phone number. Suitable wording for example, would
be ‘Robo’s Pest Control - telephone (07) 9999 7777’. If the business name does not
indicate that it is a pest management business, the words ‘pest management vehicle’
or similar must be clearly printed on the vehicle.
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The signage also promotes your business and if an accident occurs it will alert people
and emergency responders to take the appropriate measures to manage the risks.
- Keeping records
The business owner must keep a record of:
details of each of their employees;
all pest management activities carried out by each employee; and
any notifiable incidents reported to the chief executive.
PMT employees are responsible for making records for pest management activities,
however it is the business owner’s responsibility to keep the above records for the
required 5 years.
General powers of inspectors
The Act provides a range of powers to enable Inspectors (Environmental Health
Officers from the HHSPHU) to administer the Act and Regulation.
This includes powers to enter (including obtaining a warrant), search and inspect
places of business, stop, inspect and search motor vehicles, seize and secure
evidence, obtain information and samples for analysis and require the production of
any document issued or required to be kept under the Act. Documents that may be
required to be produced, include a pest management technician’s licence, pest
management activity records, fumigation notices, clearance certificates and business
employee records. Inspectors may also issue compliance notices, take copies of
documents; and issue Prescribed Infringement Notices (PIN’s).
A PIN is a notice issued under Part 3 of the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999,
advising that a breach of the Act has occurred (usually a minor breach). It provides the
alleged offender with the opportunity to pay the penalty in full or to elect to have the
matter heard by a Court.
The inspector has the power, if he or she believes that something in or on the vehicle
will provide evidence of an offence against the Act or Regulation, to ask or signal the
person in charge of a vehicle to stop the vehicle so the inspector may enter the vehicle
with the driver’s consent or with a warrant or direct that the vehicle be not moved or
moved to another location.
All inspectors are appointed by the Chief Executive and it is the duty of an inspector to
produce or display their photographic identity card before exercising any power under
the Act. If directing you to stop or move vehicle to a convenient location, the inspector
is not required to display their identity card until the vehicle has stopped moving.
Compliance activities and offences
Inspections of sites/premises and vehicles for compliance with the requirements of the
Act and Regulation may be carried out by an inspector. This may occur as a local area
or state-wide compliance activity, routine inspection or compliance investigation.
Environmental Health Officers from HHSPHU have responsibility for:
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monitoring compliance with conditions of pest management licences;
providing advice to pest management licence holders; and
taking appropriate action when non-compliance by PMTs is detected.
As a PMT you should also be aware it is an offence for a person to obstruct or
impersonate an inspector, fail to comply with an inspector’s direction, tamper with a
seized thing, fail to provide your name or address, or fail to produce or certify a
document unless the person has a reasonable excuse (for example where information
may incriminate the individual).
It is an offence where a person fails to give the reasonable help in the exercise of the
inspector’s powers unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
Penalties relating to the pest management industry under the Act and Regulation are
contained in Appendix 5, along with all provisions PMTs should be familiar with. A
maximum of up to 750 penalty units apply for some offences under the Act.
Relevant Legislation, Standards and Resources
It is important to ensure that all resources used are current, as changes to legislation,
standards, protocols and other resources can occur from time to time. Such documents
Legislation governing the regulation of pest management technicians, pest control
activities and fumigation activities in Queensland such as the:
Medicines and Poisons Act 2019
Medicines and Poisons (Pest Management Activities) Regulation 2021
The legislation can be accessed electronically from the Queensland legislation
webpage at
The Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP)
includes the classification of medicines and chemicals into Schedules for inclusion
in relevant legislation of the states and territories of Australia and is located on the
Therapeutic Goods Administration webpage at
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) maintain a
database, the Public Chemical Registration Information System (PUBCRIS), which
contains details of all registered pesticides including copies of product labels. All
agricultural and veterinary chemicals, which include pesticides, must be registered
by the APVMA. The authority also approve all labels used on pesticide containers
and their database can be located at:
Template forms, newsletters, reports, guidelines, related websites and other
information can be accessed from the Department of Healths poisons and pest
management webpage.
Obligations under other related legislation
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulation
2011 provide the legal framework to protect workers in the workplace environment.
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This legislation is administered by WorkCover Queensland. The regulations include the
control of hazardous substances including most (though not all) pesticides.
The Medicines and Poisons Act 2019 administered by Queensland Health provides
regulation on access controls for all poisons in Queensland and additional safety
requirements to be aware of.
The Chemical Usage (Agriculture and Veterinary) Control Act 1988 is administered by
the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and also provides an obligation to use a
pesticide in accordance with the product label.
For timber pests the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Regulation
2018 regulated by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC)
describes the requirements to be met to issue the licence class Termite Management
Chemical. This is completely separate from a pest management licence. The below
activities are licensable activities that are regulated by the QBCC and are not covered
by a pest management licence.
Carrying out pre-slab and perimeter chemical treatments of new building work
for termite management;
Inspecting or investigating a completed building and providing a report or advice
about termite infestation of the building or termite management systems for the
Installation of a particular material or system designed for the prevention of
termite infestation in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification or any
other applicable standard;
Inspecting or investigating a completed building and give advice or a report
about the use of the particular material or system for the building.
Generally, if you are an employee of a business providing a timber pest management
service including inspection and advice, you do not require a QBCC contractor licence.
The business owner or company director would hold the contractor licence.
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Appendix 1 Key Stakeholder Information
Senior Licensing Officer, Health Protection Branch, Department of Health
Lodging and enquiries about licence applications.
Phone (07) 3328 9310 email Licens[email protected] Note that PMT applications
cannot be received by email
Hospital and Health Services Public Health Units (HHSPHU)
Enquiries about compliance with licence requirements, interpreting the Act and the
Regulation are to be obtained from your local Public Health Unit (Environmental
Health section). Public Health Units contact details can also be accessed from the
Queensland Health webpage:
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)
Phone: 02 6770 2300
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
Issues or complaints in relation to the quality of training offered by a RTO can be made to
the Australian Skills Quality Authority:
Phone: 1300 701 801
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Phone: 13 25 23
Department of Environment and Science
Phone: 137 468
Poisons Information Centre
Phone: 131 126
Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC)
Phone: 139 333
Queensland Department of Employment Small Business and Training
Phone: 1300 369 935
WorkCover Queensland
Phone: 1300 362 128
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Appendix 2 Dictionary
For the purposes of this guide, the following definitions apply. It is important that the
definitions are checked as necessary while this guideline is being used.
Agricultural chemical
Meaning given by the Agvet Code of
Queensland, section 4.
Agvet Code of
The provisions applying because of section 5
of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
(Queensland) Act 1994.
Chief Executive
The Chief Executive of the Department of
Warning Sign
A sign required under the regulation which
must be on a white background, contain the
name of the pest management technician or
details of the owner of the pest management
business, a contact phone number for the
technician/business, and include the following
words in red print and capital letters of not less
than 50 mm in height:
WITH (name of fumigant)
A substance capable of producing a gas or
vapour that is ordinarily used in a gaseous or
vaporous state to kill a pest or sterilise grain or
seed to prevent germination.
Fumigation activity
Preparing a fumigant for use including
measuring, mixing or weighing or using a
fumigant to kill a pest or sterilise grain or seed
to prevent germination.
High-risk place
Premises owned by a person and being used
for intensive or high-density livestock farming,
processing food or food manufacturing and
includes land adjacent to those premises if the
premises are owned by the same person.
Household pesticide
Ordinarily used for household use and
ordinarily available for purchase in a retail
store where groceries are sold and packaged
in a way the pesticide is ordinarily available in
a store.
Means a person who holds office as an
inspector under chapter 5, part 2 of the
Medicines and Poisons Act 2019
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(a) a person in actual occupation of the places
or a part of the place;
(b) a person who employs another person in,
or in connection with, the business conducted
in the place; or
c) a principal, agent, manger, supervisor or
other person involved, or apparently involved,
in the management or control of the place or a
business conducted in the place.
Pest control activity
Preparing a pesticide for use, including
measuring, mixing or weighing the pesticide or
using the pesticide to kill, stupefy or repel a
pest; or inhibit the feeding of a pest; or modify
the physiology of a pest to alter its
development or reproductive capacity.
A chemical or biological entity that is ordinarily
used to kill, stupefy or repel a pest; or inhibit
the feeding of a pest; or modify the physiology
of a pest to alter its development or
reproductive capacity.
Pest management
A fumigation activity or pest control activity.
Pest management
An individual who holds a licence issued under
the Act.
Pest Management
A licence granted under the Act.
Includes premises and vacant land.
Premises includes
(a) a building or other structure; and
(b) a part of a building or other structure; and
(c) land where a building or other structure is
situated; and
(d) aircraft, motor vehicle or ship.
Safety Data Sheet
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS), previously called a
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a
document that provides information on
hazardous chemicals and how they affect the
health and safety in the workplace.
Sensitive place
Facilities used for aged care, childcare,
schooling or health care purposes and
includes land adjacent to those premises.
Site environment
A particular or type, of place for fumigation.
An individual who is 17 years or more and
being trained to enable the individual to obtain
a pest management qualification.
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Appendix 3 Pest management activities guide
This guide provides clarification on the types of activities that require a pest
management licence under the Medicines and Poisons Act 2019
Using pesticides inside or outside a
premise (including gardens, yards
etc.) to treat pests as part of a
business activity.
Domestic or
PMT, carpet
cleaners, home
handy man, lawn
Using household pesticides
(pesticides that are sold at a
grocery store) to treat pests inside
or outside a premise as part of a
business activity.
Domestic or
PMT, home handy
man, carpet
cleaner, cleaners,
Using household pesticides to treat
pests inside or outside the house
you occupy.
Domestic premises
Homeowner, home
Using household pesticides to treat
a property you own and rent when it
is not occupied.
Domestic premises
Using household pesticides to treat
a property you own and rent when it
is occupied.
Domestic premises
Using household pesticides to treat
a food store for pests.
Store owner, store
Using pesticides to treat a lawn for
grub or beetle infestation.
Domestic premises
Lawn care
specialist, handy
man, gardener
Using pesticides for the treatment
and care of the growing of plants at
a sporting ground or place used for
recreation, such as a park.
Football oval,
council park,
bowling green
bowls club green
Using pesticides for the treating of
plants for insect infestation, such as
Domestic or
Lawn care
specialist, handy
man, gardener
Using pesticides for treating
animals for fleas.
Domestic premises
Pet owner, pet
business, handy
Incidentally using a household
pesticide in order to carry out
services that are not pest
management, i.e. an electrician
spraying a meter box before
accessing the meter box to work.
Domestic or
service trades
Using pesticides or fumigants to
treat seeds or grains for animal
Farm, grain
packaging or
storage facility
maintenance staff
Using pesticides or fumigants to
Farm, grain
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treat seeds or grains for animal
packaging or
storage facility
seasonal workers.
Using an agricultural chemical
product (approved under the
Section 4 of the Queensland Agvet
Code) for aerial application.
Farm, forest
Commercial pilot,
Using pesticides in primary
production (means the production,
storage, or preparation for the
marketing or export, of agriculture
or horticulture products).
Primary production
farmer, employee
of a farmer,
neighbour of
farmer providing in-
kind service
Using pesticides in primary
production (means the production,
storage, or preparation for the
marketing or export, of agriculture
or horticulture products).
Farm, grain
packaging or
storage facility
Seasonal workers.
Using pesticides to preserve timber
on a commercial basis as an
Environmentally Relevant Activity
under the Environment Protection
Act 1994.
Wood preservation
PMT, wood
preservation plant
*There may be other licence requirements by other government agencies such as Biosecurity
**A pest management licence is required, unless the person carrying out pest management
activities is an approved person for specified activities as prescribed under the Regulation.
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Appendix 4 Units of competency
Units of Competency required as a pest management technician
Type of pest management
Unit of
Title of Unit of Competency
Pest control activity
(activities excluding
activities for timber pests)
(superseded competencies)
Managing pests without applying pesticides
Manage pests by applying pesticides
Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in
pest management vehicles
Modify environment to manage pests
Apply pesticide to manage pests
Maintain an equipment and consumables storage
Pest control activity
(activities including
activities for timber pests)
(superseded competencies)
Managing pests without applying pesticides
Manage pests by applying pesticides
Inspect and report on timber pests
Control timber pests
Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in
pest management vehicles
Modify environment to manage pests
Apply pesticide to manage pests
Inspect and report on timber pests
Control timber pests
Maintain an equipment and consumables storage
Pest control activity
(activities including
activities for bird pests
(superseded competencies)
Managing pests without applying pesticides
Manage pests by applying pesticides
Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in
pest management vehicles
An avicide competency issued by an avicide-
approved training provider (Approved by DAF)
Modify environment to manage pests
Apply pesticide to manage pests
Maintain an equipment and consumables storage
An avicide competency issued by an avicide-
approved training provider (Approved by DAF)
Fumigation activity
Competencies plus a
Declaration of assessment
for fumigation site
Manage organisms by applying fumigants to
commodities and environments
Conduct fumigation
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Pest control activity
(activities including
activities for high-risk and
sensitive places)
*Competencies will be
required by 26/09/2023
(superseded competencies)
Assess and advise on pest management options
for sensitive operations
Implement and monitor pest management plans
for sensitive operations
Assess and advise on pest management options
for complex operations
Implement and monitor pest management plans
for complex operations
Prepare and present pest management
proposals for complex or high-risk operations
Implement pest management plans for complex
or high-risk operations
Assess, advise on options, and develop pest
management plans for complex or high-risk
Important note: From time to time, national training packages are reviewed and
endorsed by the National Skills Standards Council and training packages (and names
and codes of units of competency) may change. New competencies maybe
introduced e.g. sensitive places
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Appendix 5 Provisions and Offences Relevant
to Pest Management Industry
Medicines and Poisons Act 2019
Section of the Act
Maximum penalty units
Meaning of poison
Meaning of fumigant and pesticide
Meaning of S7 substance
Meaning of hazardous poison
Meaning of regulated substance
Meaning of deals with a regulated substance
Meaning of pest management activity, fumigation
activity and pest control activity
Meaning of regulated activity
Meaning of manufacture a regulated substance
Meaning of buy a regulated substance
Meaning of possess a regulated substance
Meaning of supply a regulated substance
Meaning of terms of supply
Meaning of apply a poison
Meaning of dispose of waste
How a person is authorised under this Act
Meaning of authorised way
Offence to manufacture medicines or hazardous
750 penalty units
Offence to supply medicines or hazardous
500 penalty units
Offence to apply poisons
200 penalty units
Offence to carry out pest management activities
200 penalty units
Offence to offer to carry out pest management
activities if unauthorised
200 penalty units
Offence to require or permit unauthorised persons
to carry out pest management activities
200 penalty units
Offence to dispose of waste from hazardous
poison, pesticide or fumigant
200 penalty units
Offence for giving or keeping false, misleading or
incomplete information and records
50 penalty units
What is a substance authority
Authorisation under substance authority
What is a pest management licence
Failure to comply with substance authority
200 penalty units
Transfer unavailable
Changes affecting substance authority
Finalising a substance authority
Requirements for making initial application
Requirements for making amendment application
Minor amendment by chief executive
Requirements for making renewal application
Substance authority in force while renewal
application considered
Further information request
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Period for deciding application
Health assessment for pest management licences
Failure to comply with a compliance notice
200 penalty units
Failure to comply with emerging risk declaration
500 penalty units
Criminal history report
Changes in criminal history must be disclosed
100 penalty units
Disclosure of information to entities performing
relevant functions
Publishing registers
Medicines and Poisons (Pest Management Activities)
Regulation 2021
Section of the
Maximum penalty units
Restricted S7 poisons
Regulated poisons
Direct delivery
Supplier to give invoice
Supply to authorised buyer only
Failure to give receipt
Compliance with restricted S7 poisons
departmental standard
Storage of restricted S7 and high-risk poisons
Transporting restricted S7 and high-risk poisons
Wholesale and retail supply requirements in part 4
apply as conditions
Important person or place changes
Loss or exposure of restricted S7 poison or high-
risk poison
Compliance with Poisons Standard, pt 2
Cracked and damaged containers
40 penalty units
Washing poison containers
40 penalty units
Definitions in this chapter
Fumigant Act, s 14
Trainees authorised
Using containers
Labelling containers
Storage on vehicle
Storage generally
Records of use of fumigants or pesticides
Records of use for termite treatments
Dealing with leakages or escapes
Disposal of containers
Disposal of fumigants or pesticides
Exposure or spillage
Suspicious products
Giving pest control advice
Changes to pest control advice
Activity risk management plan required
Contents of plan
What is a fumigation notice
What is a clearance certificate
Compliance with Commonwealth law
Activity risk management plan required
Contents of plan
Notifying persons about fumigation activity
Pest Management A guide to what a Pest Management Technician needs to know.
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Establishing risk area
Inspecting before fumigating
Barricades to be erected
Warning signs to be displayed
Other person to be near licensed technician
Inspecting and testing during fumigation
Releasing fumigant and venting fumigation space
Re-entering fumigation space
Clearance certificate
Obligations when supervising
Changes affecting licence
Obligations in relations to trainees
20 penalty units
Equipping employees
20 penalty units
Storage on vehicle
20 penalty units
Signage on vehicle
20 penalty units
Secure storage
20 penalty units
Employee records
20 penalty units
Completing and keeping documentation
20 penalty units
Manager to notify attendees
20 penalty units
Interfering with fumigation barricades or warning
20 penalty units
Smoking prohibited
20 penalty units
Current penalty unit rates in Queensland can be found