[Revised December 2014]
This summary provides details on each state’s Purple Heart License Plate
program to include cost, step by step procedures to acquire them, and whether
or not a surviving spouse can use them. MOPH members are encouraged to
acquire the Purple Heart Plate.
As this information is constantly changing, please forward any changes you
encounter to the National Adjutant ([email protected]).
Currently, nine states offer free plates and registration for Purple Heart
recipients. Eighteen states offer free plates, but require payment of normal
registration fees. The rest of the states have a varying mix of costs for plates
and registration, with Illinois being the most expensive at an annual cost of $196
for plates and registration.
Action. This summary can be used to guide MOPH Departments and Chapters
in gaining free or very low admin fees for Purple Heart plates in their states by
working with their legislatures.
Of interest, the Connecticut and New Jersey Purple Heart license plate programs
are administered by Purple Heart members in the name of the State. If this can
be achieved in other states, it would greatly benefit MOPH as MOPH
membership is required to get the plates.
Just [CLICK] on state of interest to see details.
South Carolina
South Dakota
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
West Virginia
Rhode Island
COST: There are two PH plates standard and one
with handicapped symbol.
Standard Plate. There is no fee for the standard plate
and the first set of plates is exempt from registration
fees (but not ad valorem taxes). For additional
standard plates, there’s still no fee for the plates, but you must pay both
registration fees and ad valorem taxes for each set. The standard PH plate is
Handicapped Plate. Same single and multiple plate costs as for standard plates,
but you must also submit an Application for Disability Access Parking Privileges
(MVR 32-6-230-12). Motorcycle and personalized plates are not available.
There’s no limit on the number of plates a registrant may obtain as long as you
pay the fees.
GO to your local county Veterans Service Office (VSO) with proof of PH
award (DD-214 or other) and obtain an affidavit stating eligibility for PH
GO to your local County Licensing Office with your VSO affidavit, vehicle
registration/title, driver’s license and complete application for the PH plate.
County Office will issue or order plates.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Surviving spouses can retain standard PH plates as long
as they remain unmarried, but surviving spouses with handicapped plates must
turn them in when PH recipient dies.
PHONE: 334-242-1170
Return to State Index
COST: The PH plates are free for registered vehicles.
Patriots certified as handicapped get the wheelchair
logo on their plates and have the registration fee
waived. To qualify for the handicapped plate, you must
bring in a letter from the VA sating you are 50% or more
disabled. Motorcycle plate and personalization not available.
GO to your local DMV Office with registration, proof of PH award (copy of DD-
214 or other), and FILL out a “Vehicle Transaction Application” Form. In the
special plate type section, write “Purple Heart Plate.”
If plates not available at office, they will mail to you within two business days.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Surviving spouse must turn in PH plates and re-register
vehicle upon death of sponsor, paying regular registration fees and getting
standard plates.
PHONE: 907-269-5551
Return to State Index
COST: Initial cost of non-personalized PH plates is
$25 for a registered vehicle or motorcycle and annual
renewal is $5. Plates can be personalized for an
additional fee. The vehicle plates can have five
characters and the motorcycle plates four characters. Handicapped symbol can
be added to the plates with doctor’s certification. Plate also may be issued to
spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of veteran eligible for the plate.
GO to your local DMV Office where all applicable forms for the PH plate and
registration, if required, are available. Be sure to take the proof of PH award (DD-
214 or 215 or similar documentation) with you when applying. If the plates are
mailed, there’s postage and handling fee of $1.50.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: May use PH plates without restriction by paying the
annual $25 renewal fee.
PHONE: 602-255-0072
Return to State Index
COST: Both PH plates and vehicle registration are free
for one vehicle, although you may pay some
miscellaneous administrative fees, such as a title fee.
You can have one additional set of plates for $3.75.
Personalization and handicapped symbol not available on PH plates.
PROCEDURE: GO to your local Arkansas Revenue Office with your proof of PH
award (copy of DD-214 or other) and complete the appropriate forms.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: One PH plate can be reissued to surviving spouse at the
regular registration fee for the vehicle. Surviving spouses who are not joint
owners of the vehicle must present a marriage license and death certificate.
PHONE: 800-941-2580
Return to State Index
COST: PH plates are free for initial issue to a
registered vehicle or motorcycle. If vehicle or
motorcycle is un-registered, member must pay regular
registration fee, based on type of vehicle and location,
plus a CHP (California Highway Patrol) fee.
Personalization and handicapped symbol not available. Plate replacement cost is
GO to your local DMV office with proof of registration and PH award (copy of
DD-214 or other); complete Form REG 17A, Special License Plate
If you need to register the vehicle as well, then complete Form REG 343 and
pay the appropriate fees. With registration, there’s a Verification of Vehicle
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Surviving spouse can retain plates.
PHONE: 1-800-777-0133
Return to State Index
COST: The initial set of PH plates is free for a
registered vehicle or motorcycle. Additional plates will
cost $50 plus regular registration fee. Personalization
and handicapped symbol not available.
Only one site: GO to: DMV, Department of Revenue, 1881 Pierce Street,
Lakewood CO.
Take proof of PH award (DD-214 or other) and copy of the Colorado title,
Colorado registration, Colorado Title complete notice, or Colorado title
receipt, and proof of insurance on vehicle.
COMPLETE Form DR 2223, Application for Purple Heart License Plates.
Office will issue or mail plates.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use plate must be turned in to County Motor
Vehicle Office upon death of PH recipient and vehicle re-registered at standard
PHONE: 303-205-5607
Return to State Index
COST: $10 (One time cost) for a vehicle registered in
Connecticut. Vanity or personalized plate is a one-
time fee of $79. Motorcycle plates and plates with
handicapped symbol not available.
Contact MOPH member Charles P. Gallagher at (203) 468-9722/ (Cell) 203-687-
6217 or email: [email protected]. Proof of Purple Heart Award and
membership in the Military Order of the Purple Heart is required. He will send
you the necessary forms to be submitted to DMV and, if required, application for
membership in the MOPH.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates as long as they remain unmarried and
pay the required registration fees.
MULTIPLE PLATES: Multiple plates may be requested provided the PH
recipients name is listed on each of the registration forms.
COMMENT: Patriot Gallagher is the MOPH Connecticut Judge Advocate and
belongs to Chapter 0103. He is authorized by the Connecticut DMV to adjudicate
and approve the issue of Purple Heart License Plates. He also actively promotes
membership in MOPH when non-MOPH Purple Heart holders apply for the plate.
Return to State Index
COST: One-time fee of $10 for the PH plate, but you
must continue to have vehicle inspected and pay
registration fees. Only one plate can be issued. Not
available for motorcycles. Personalization and
handicapped symbol also not available.
GO to your local DMV office with proof of PH award (DD-214 or other) and
complete Application for Purple Heart Recipient License Plate.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use plate it must be returned to the DMV within
90 days after sponsor’s death.
PHONE: 302-326-5000
Return to State Index
COST: All license plates, including the PH plate, cost $28 to
$36 plus the annual vehicle registration fees based on the
vehicle’s weight. Motorcycle plates are not available and
personalization and handicapped symbols are not available on
the PH plate. One PH plate may be issued at a reduced rate
with proof of service connected disability rated at 100%.
GO to your local County Tax Collector Office with vehicle documentation and proof of
PH award (copy of DD-214 or other), complete Form HSMV 83034, and submit payment
as advised. Take proof of 100% disability if applicable.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates as long as she remains unmarried, paying
regular annual registration fees.
PHONE: 941-861-8300 (Sarasota Tax Office)
Return to State Index
COST: Both PH plate and vehicle registration are free for
one passenger car or motorcycle, without any annual fees.
One additional plate can be purchased for $25 plus annual
registration fees of $25. Georgia now issues PH Plates
with the service of the recipient included as in the example
GO to local County Tag Office with proof of PH award (DD-214 or other), and
COMPLETE appropriate application. County Tag Office will copy your documentation
and issue or order plates.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use the plates after sponsor’s death provided he/she does
not re-marry by submitting DD-214, copy of veteran’s death certificate, and paying
applicable registration fees and ad valorem tax to County Tag Office.
PHONE: 404-417-4477
Return to State Index
Hawaii does not have a state-wide Department of Motor Vehicles, but leaves that
function up to its four counties: City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai.
All have the same costs and procedures, but you have to go to your local DMV office to
be serviced. No mail option.
COST: One-time cost of $5.50 for the PH plates and the first
emblem of expiration. But you still must pay follow-on
annual registration & emblem fees. Motorcycle plates,
personalization, and handicapped symbol not available.
GO to your local DMV office (Satellite City Halls in Honolulu Country) with current
registration, current inspection slip, current license plates, and proof of PH award (copy
of DD-214 or other). FILL out PH plate application and pay appropriate fees.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use plates and must re-register for a regular plate.
However, can keep one of the two PH plates as a remembrance.
PHONE: 808-532-4324 (Honolulu Office)
Return to State Index
COST: For a registered vehicle, PH plate is an initial cost of
$6, plus mail fee of $2.60. This will be effective for seven
years from date of issue and then you’ll have to pay the fees
again to keep the plate. Registration, if required, would be an
additional fee at the regular rate, based on year of vehicle.
Motorcycle plates and handicapped symbol will be available in January 2015.
Personalization is not available.
First issue only by mail.
GO to: www.itd.idaho.gov
PRINT and COMPLETE Form ITD 3682, Military License Plates. Note that there is
no payment schedule either include your credit card number or wait for a bill. You
can call 1-208-334-8655 after you’ve mailed your form for the exact mount being
MAIL or FAX completed form with proof of PH award (copy of DD-214 or other) to
Idaho Transportation Department, Special Plates, PO Box 7129, Boise ID 83707-
For renewals, you can go to a local County Assessor’s Office.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use the plates, but must pay annual regular registration
PHONE: 208-334-8649
Return to State Index
COST: There’s a $ 196 annual fee for a vehicle registration and PH plate combination.
Annual renewal is $101. PH plate can be personalized when requested at no additional
charge. Motorcycle plate and handicapped symbol not available.
GO to Office of the Secretary of State, 501 S 2
Howlett Building, Room 541, Springfield IL 62756, with
proof of vehicle registration and PH award (copy of DD-
214 or other), and complete application form.
PH recipient can apply for as many sets of these plates as he or she has vehicles
registered in his or her name but it will cost regular registration fees for each one.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: May obtain or retain these plates, but must pay annual fees for
PH plate and vehicle registration.
PHONE: 217-785-4175
Return to State Index
COST: PH plates are free for a registered vehicle.
Personalization and handicapped symbol and motorcycle
plates not available.
Combination of mail and in person:
GO to: http://www.in.gov/bmv/2713.htm and click on “Download Form 32584.”
PRINT State Form 32584 titled Certification of Eligibility for Veteran License Plates.
COMPLETE form, ATTACH proof of PH award (copy of DD-214 or other), and
MAIL to Department of Veteran Affairs, 302 West Washington Street, Room E-120,
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2738 or F AX to 1-317-232-7721.
Department of Veteran Affairs will return approved certification. Form 32584, by
GO to: local BMV (Bureau of Motor Vehicle) office with approved Form 32584 and
vehicle registration documents and complete application for free PH plate.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use plates; must turn in to BMV upon death of sponsor
and apply for regular plates.
PARKING: Can park in handicapped spaces with PH plate.
PHONE: 317-233-6000
Return to State Index
COST: One set of PH plates at no charge for a registered
vehicle or motorcycle, but there is a $5 annual validation
fee. For a personalized PH plate, it is $25 for the first set
and $50 for the second or subsequent sets, with annual
validation fees of $5. Handicapped symbol not available.
GO to your local County Treasurer’s Office with proof of vehicle registration and PH
award (copy of DD-214 or other)
COMPLETE Form 411260, Special Plate Application, and pay appropriate fee.
Plates will be sent to that office who will notify you when the plates are ready.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates as long as she remains unmarried, but must pay
$5 annual validation fee.
PHONE: 515-237-3110
Return to State Index
COST: PH plates are free, but you must pay registration fees
and property taxes. No personalization or handicapped symbol
is available. However, you can add not more than two decals
for other medals and ribbons (listed on your DD 214) to your
PH plate at $2 each.
You must be a resident of Kansas.
GO to your local County Treasurer’s Office with proof of PH award (DD-214 or
other) and vehicle registration papers.
COMPLETE application for plate and PAY the appropriate fee.
Office will issue plate or request it from State.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use the plate, but can keep it as a remembrance. Must
then register vehicle at regular rates and receive a regular plate.
PHONE: 785-296-3621
Return to State Index
COST: Initial fee for PH plate for registered vehicles and
motorcycles is $26, with an annual renewal fee of $14.
(Note: if the car is already registered with a regular plate,
you may have to re-register to get the PH plate.) The plate
can be personalized for an additional $25 each year.
GO to your local County Clerk’s Office with proof of PH award (DD-214 or other),
COMPLETE application, and PAY fee. Office will issue PH plate.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use the plate indefinitely by paying annual registration
PHONE: 502-564-5301
Return to State Index
COST: Free, lifetime PH plates for all vehicles registered in
applicant’s name, but must pay one-time admin fee for each
plate. Motorcycle plate, handicapped symbol, and
personalization not available.
GO to: local OMV full service office with appropriate vehicle documentation and proof
of PH award (copy of DD-214 or other); complete form provided; and pay one-time
administrative fee of $11.50. Some OMV offices, particularly the main one in Baton
Rouge, will issue the plate while you wait. Others will either process the paper work and
have the plate mailed to you or just refer you to the Baton Rouge phone number: 1-225-
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use the plate until death or re-marriage. If multiple plates
were issued, only one can be retained.
PHONE: 877-368-5463
Return to State Index
COST: Both PH plate and registration are free, but you
must pay municipal excise (property) tax on each vehicle or
motorcycle. Personalization is available for annual fee of
$25. Handicapped symbol not available. You can get two
sets of plates for your vehicles and one for a motorcycle.
GO to a local Motor Vehicle Branch Office or Municipal Office and request application
for Purple Heart plate. Show DD 214 for proof of award and receipt for payment of
excise tax. You may have up to two passenger vehicles and one motorcycle registered
with PH plates.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates as long as she remains unmarried. Upon
remarriage, the surviving spouse may not use the PH plate on motor vehicles, but may
retain it as a keepsake. Upon death of surviving spouse, the family may retain the PH
plates but not use them on a motor vehicle.
PHONE: 207-624-9055
Return to State Index
COST: One-time fee of $25 for the PH plate plus regular
registration based on weight of vehicle or motorcycle.
Standard renewal registration must be paid annually.
Personalization and handicapped symbol not available.
GO to: local MVA full service office with appropriate vehicle documentation and proof
of PH award (DD-214 or other), complete Form VR-120, and pay PH plate and
registration fee. If you go to the Glen Burnie MVA office, the plates will be issued while
you wait. If you use the other local MVA offices, the plates will be mailed to you.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates until remarriage, paying annual registration fee,
if the vehicle was registered in both names. If only registered in sponsor’s name, then
plates must be turned in and car re-registered for regular plates.
PHONE: 410-768-7174
Return to State Index
COST: Free PH plate for registered vehicles and
motorcycles. (PH recipients eligible for one set of plates for
each PH medal received.) Motorcycle plates must be
renewed annually and vehicle plates every two years.
Personalization and handicapped symbol not available.
Plates must be renewed every two years at no cost.
GO to local Registry of Motor Vehicle (RMV) office with current registration, signed and
stamped RMV 1 or 3 Form from your insurance agent, valid e-mail address, driver’s
license, and proof of PH award (DD-214 or other) and complete application.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates as long as he or she remains unmarried.
PHONE: 617-351-4500
Return to State Index
COST: PH plate is available in either the standard (white
with a blue bar) design or the Spectacular Peninsulas design.
For a registered vehicle, the annual fee is $5 for the standard
design and $10 for the Spectacular.
Personalization costs an additional $30. Not available for
motorcycles. Handicapped symbol not available.
GO to your local Secretary of State Branch Office with proof of PH award (copy of DD-
214 or other), proof of registration and insurance, COMPLETE Form BDVR-87,
Application for Veteran License Plates, and PAY appropriate fee. If needed, this office
can register your vehicle.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates as long as he or she remains unmarried and pays
regular annual vehicle registration fee and annual PH plate fee.
PHONE: 888-767-6424
Return to State Index
COST: $20.00 one-time cost ($10 for PH plate and $10.00
filing fee) for registered vehicles and motorcycles.
Handicapped symbol can be added at no extra cost (doctor
has to sign section on application). Personalization not
Vehicle must be registered in Minnesota.
GO to local Deputy Registrar Office with proof of PH award (certified copy of DD-
214 or other), proof of registration and complete Application for Special Plates. Pay
one time fee and get plates.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use the PH plates but can keep one plate as a souvenir.
Must re-register vehicle for regular plate.
PHONE: 651-296-6911
Return to State Index
COST: The PH plate is free, except for a $2.50 mailing fee,
for a vehicle or motorcycle owned by a Purple Heart
recipient. Personalization or handicapped symbol not
available. Second PH plate for another vehicle requires full
payment of registration and associated fees.
GO to your local Tax Collector Office with proof of PH award (copy of DD-214 or
other), proof of registration and insurance, and pay mailing fee. If you need to register
your vehicle, it can be done at this office.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates as long as he or she remains unmarried and pays
the $2.50 mailing fee for the free plate.
PHONE: 601-923-7000
Return to State Index
COST: Initial set of PH plates for a registered vehicle or
motorcycle is free. Pay $15 for additional sets of PH plates.
Personalization available for an annual fee of $15.
Handicapped symbol available at no fee with submission of
Form DOR-1776.
GO to local Contract Licensing Office with proof of registration and insurance, proof of
PH award (copy of DD-214 or other) and Form DOR-1776, A Physician’s Statement for
Disable Person’s License Plates, if handicapped symbol desired. Complete Form 4601
and pay personalization fee, if desired.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use PH plate until expiration, then must re-register and pay
regular annual plate and registration fees.
PHONE: 573-751-4509
Return to State Index
COST: $20 annual fee ($10 production fee/$10 cemetery
fee) for a registered vehicle. If disability is 50% or more,
then the $10 cemetery fee is waived. Motorcycles have just
the $10 production fee. Personalization is available for an
initial cost of $25 and then $10 for annual renewal.
Handicapped symbol also may be available at no cost with submission of Form MV-5
that requires a doctor’s certification.
PROCEDURE. GO to your local County Treasurer’s Office with your registration/title,
driver’s license, and proof of PH award (DD-214 or other). Office will provide
application, determine your fees, and issue plates. If you need to register your auto,
there’s set rates based on the year of your vehicle, plus a county option tax.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use the PH plate as long as he or she remains unmarried
and pays the annual fees for plate and registration.
PHONE: 406-444-3661
Return to State Index
COST: $5 for initial PH plate and then annual cost of $5 to
renew for a registered vehicle or motorcycle. The plate
cannot be personalized or carry a handicapped symbol. You
can buy additional PH plates at the same fees.
a. GO to: dmv.nebraska.gov/dvr/pdf/prplhe
b. PRINT and COMPLETE Form Application for Purple Heart License Plate.
c. ATTACH proof of PH award (copy of DD-214 or other) and MAIL to Nebraska
Department of Motor Vehicles address at bottom of form.
d. Once approved, DMV will send written notification to applicant, advising when plates
will be available at a local County Treasurer’s Office.
e. TAKE that notification to the local County Treasurer’s Office, pay the appropriate fees
and be processed for the PH plate.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use the plate and must turn it in upon death of sponsor.
PHONE: 402-471-3918
Return to State Index
COST: Two sets of PH plates are free for registered
vehicles and motorcycles. You must pay registration and
any other associated fees. Personalization and
handicapped symbol not available.
Application must be made in person at a full service DMV Office
GO to nearest full service DMV office with registration/inspection papers and proof
of PH award (copy of DD-214 or other) and complete Form SP43, Purple Heart
License Plate Application
DMV will issue or order plates to be mailed to you.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use plates when sponsor dies; must surrender plates and
re-register at regular rates.
PHONE: 877-368-7828
Return to State Index
COST: One free set of PH plates for one registered vehicle
and one registered motorcycle. Vanity or personalized plates
are available for $40. Handicapped symbol not available.
GO to local city/town Clerk’s office where you reside to pay local fees and receive
vehicle registration application. If vanity plates desired, also complete Application for
Initial Plates (Form DSMV 40)
GO to Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles, 33 Hazen Drive, Concord
NH 03305 and submit vehicle/plate applications, proof of registration, proof of PH
award (copy of DD-214 or other), pay appropriate fees.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates until death or re-marriage by paying all required
registration fees.
PHONE: 603-227-4000
Return to State Index
COST: $25 one-time fee for the PH plate, plus normal
registration fees for vehicle. Motorcycle plates,
personalization, and handicapped symbol not available.
PROCEDURE: The PH license plate program in New
Jersey is administered by Patriot Neil Van Ess, 973-930-3079, Email:
[email protected] . Contact him for an application and guidance on the process.
Lifetime membership in MOPH, now $50, is a mandatory requirement for PH plates
according to New Jersey Motor Vehicle law.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: If an Associate Member or member of the Ladies Auxiliary,
spouse can use plates after sponsor’s death. Contact Patriot Van Ess if there are any
PHONE: 973-930-3079
Return to State Index
COST: Two free sets of PH plates (no plate or registration
fee) for vehicles and motorcycles. However, excise tax and
title fees must be paid. Handicapped symbol &
personalization not available.
In person:
Not available
By Mail:
GO to www.dvs.state.nm.us/forms/mvd10353.pdf
COMPLETE and print Application for Military Service Plate (Form MVD10353).
TAKE Form and proof of PH award to local Department of Veteran Services for
approval. Go to http://www.dvs.state.nm.us/field.html for location of your nearest
MAIL approved form and proof of PH award (copy of DD 214 or other) to Vehicle
Services Bureau, PO Box 1028, Santa Fe NM 87504-1028.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use plate must return when sponsor dies.
PHONE: 888-683-4636
Return to State Index
COST: One-time PH plate fee of $28.75 for a registered
vehicle and $16.25 for a motorcycle.) If you want the plate
personalized, it will be $60 for the initial vehicle plate, with
an annual renewal fee of $31.50, and $35 for the initial
motorcycle plate, with an annual renewal fee of $18.50.
There’s no charge to add the handicapped symbol to the plate, but a doctor has to sign off
on Form MV 664, Application for Metered Parking Waiver for Disable People. (Form
available at local DMV offices or at website below.
PH plates can only be ordered by mail from the Custom Plates Unit.
GO to: http://www.dmv.ny.gov/forms/mv412.pdf
SCROLL down to “Military and Veterans Custom Plates Application (Form MV-
COMPLETE form, enclose proof of PH award (DD-214 or other) and payment for
plates. DMV can advise on custom plates cost and procedures at 518-402-4838.
MAIL application to: Department of Motor Vehicles, Custom Plates Unit, PO Box
2775, Albany NY 12220-0775.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use the plates after sponsor’s death; DMV will transfer
plates, registration and title to surviving spouse at no fee.
PHONE: 518-402-4838
Return to State Index
COST: PH plate is free for a registered vehicle.
Personalization has an annual cost of $30. Handicapped
symbol not available. Not available for motorcycles.
GO to http://www.ncdot.gov/download/dmv/Plates_MVR33A.pdf which brings up
Form MVR 33A, Military Veteran’s Registration Plate Application.
SELECT “Purple Heart Recipient” or Purple Heart Recipient Motorcycle”
GO to nearest NC Division of Veterans Affairs Office with proof of PH award (copy of
DD-214 or other *) and have form endorsed. For nearest office, go to:
GO to your local License Plate Agency and present endorsed form, proof of registration
and insurance. Plate will be issued or ordered and mailed to you.
*North Carolina accepts MOPH Life membership card as proof of PH award.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: If spouse is on registration and remains single, he or she can
use the plates for fee as long as the vehicle is registered. If spouse is not on registration,
then the plates must be returned and the vehicle re-registered for a regular plate.
PHONE: 919-715-7000
Return to State Index
COST: $15 initial fee for PH plate for a registered vehicle,
with $10 annual renewal fee. Registration fee is based on
vehicle year & weight. Personalized plates are available for
$25 annual fee. Motorcycle plate not available. Handicapped
symbol not available.
GO to a local MVD office (ex- “Fargo Motor Vehicle Branch Office”) and get Form
SFN 51628 Application for North Dakota Veterans’ Number Plate.
COMPLETE form and take it to a local Veterans’ Service Office (VSO) (local MVD
office can tell you where) with your proof of PH award (DD-214 or other). The VSO
will verify your eligibility with a statement at the bottom of the form.
RETURN to the MVD office with your verified application and pay relevant fees.
Registration and plates will be mailed to you.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use plates after spouse’s death and must re-register and
return PH plates.
PHONE: 701-328-2725
Return to State Index
COST: Free standard PH plate for registered vehicles and
motorcycles. Personalized PH plates cost $37.50 annually in
addition to the annual vehicle registration fee. Motorcycle
plate not available. Handicapped symbol not available.
GO to local Deputy Registrar Office with proof of PH award, vehicle title, and driver’s
license. Office will provide application form, and then issue registration card, validation
sticker, and county sticker. PH plates will then be mailed to you.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use plates must return them when PH recipient dies.
PHONE: 614-752-7800
Return to State Index
Purple Heart License Plate. $3 initial and $1.50 annual renewal costs for PH plates on a
registered vehicle or motorcycle. Personalization and handicapped symbol not available.
Military Multi-Decoration License Plate. Oklahoma now
has two unique Military Multi-Decoration License Plates:
On the first, you can display any three of the
following six medals: Silver Star, Bronze Star,
Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross,
Distinguished Service Award, and Ex-POW. Cost is same as for PH plate and it
can be personalized at no extra cost.
On the second, you can display five of the medals, but it cannot be personalized.
Cost is same as for PH plate.
GO to your local Tag Agent Office with proof of PH award (copy of DD-214 or other
COMPLETE appropriate forms, Form 751-K for Purple Heart plate and Form 751-C for
multi decoration plate, and pay required fees. Tag Agent will either issue plates or
have them mailed to you.
If you’re applying for either of the multi-Decoration License plates, ensure that your DD-
214 or other documentation supports award of the three or five medals chosen for display
on the plates.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use the PH plate by paying annual renewal fee, but must
turn in plates if he or she re-marries. Cannot use the Multi-Decoration plate and must
turn it in upon sponsor’s death and re-register vehicle for regular tags.
PHONE: 405-521-3221
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COST: PH plate is $10 for two years for a registered
vehicle and then must be renewed. It’s $20 for four years for
a new vehicle and then must be renewed. Motorcycle plates,
personalization and the handicapped symbol are not
available. [Note: A portion of the plate fees goes to MOPH
Oregon n.]
In person:
a. GO to your local DMV office with proof of PH award (DD-214, MOPH Life
Membership Card, or other proof),
b. FILL out Form 735-6940, Group Plate Eligibility Certification, for just the plate, if
vehicle is already registered, and Form 735-268, Application for Registration, etc., if
vehicle also needs to be registered. (Write “Purple Heart Plates” in the block titled
“Special Plates.”
c. PAY appropriate fees DMV office will order plates to be mailed.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use the plates, but will be issued a new plate for rest of
registration period and then can re-register for $15. Can keep PH plates as a
remembrance if desired.
PHONE: 503-945-5000
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COST: One-time fee of $11.00 for PH plate for vehicles
currently registered. Personalization, handicapped symbol,
and motorcycle plate not available.
GO to the Bureau of Moto r Vehicles, 1101 S. Front Street, Harrisburg PA 17104-2516
with proof of PH award (DD-214 or other), complete “Application for Special U. S.
Military Vehicle Registration Pl ate” and pay one-time fee. BMD will issue plate as you
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Surviving spouse must turn in plates and re-register upon death
of sponsor.
PHONE: 717-412
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COST: Both PH plate and registration are free.
Personalization, handicapped symbol, and motorcycle
version not available.
PROCEDURES: GO to local Department of Motor Vehicle
office with proof of PH award (DD-214 or other) and complete application.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Plates may be transferred to surviving spouse for the spouse’s
lifetime or until he or she remarries.
PHONE: 401-462-4368
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COST: Two sets of PH plates free for registered vehicles or
motorcycles. You can purchase a third set for $30 plus
standard regular registration. Personalization is not
available, but handicapped symbol is available for both
plates with submission of doctor’s certification that you’re
permanently handicapped.
Only by mail.
GO to
PRINT and COMPL ETE Form MV-37, Application or Military License Plate.
ATTACH proof of PH awardarda (copy of DD-214 or other) and copy of latest tax
receipt, doctor’s certification (DMV Form RG-007) if applying for disabled plate and
MAIL to S. C. Department of Motor Vehicle, PO Box 1498, Blythewood SC 29016-
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Cannot use the plate; must turn it in and re-register vehicle at
regular rates.
PHONE: 803-896-5000
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COST: PH plates cost $10 plus a $5 mailing fee each year, but
registration is free. Applicants are limited to two sets of plates.
Personalization, handicapped symbol, and motorcycle plates are
not available.
GO to local County Treasurer’s Office with proof of PH award (DD214 or other) to get
and submit Application for Special License Plates (MV 4000), along with payment.
Registration and plates will be mailed later from DMV.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: After PH recipient’s death, spouse must surrender plates to the
County Treasurer’s Office and re-register for regular plates.
PHONE: 605-773-3541
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COST: The PH plate is free for two registered vehicles or
motorcycles, but you may purchase additional plates.
Personalized and handicapped versions are not available.
GO to your local Resident County Clerk Office to fill out the necessary forms, present
proof of PH award (copy of DD-214 or other), and show current registration or pay the
appropriate registration fee.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Surviving spouse must turn PH plates and re-register for
regular plates.
PHONE: 888-871-3171
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COST: You may apply for PH license plates if you are a
recipient of the Purple Heart medal. There is a specialty
plate annual fee of $3 for the first set of plates for a
registered vehicle or motorcycle. There is no specialty fee
for additional sets of plates; however, you must pay
registration and other applicable fees. Personalization is available for an annual fee of
Plate options are: PH or PH with international symbol of access (“Handicapped”)
GO to your local County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Officer (find office addresses at
www.TxDMV.gov) with proof of PH award (Copy of DD-214 or other).
COMPLETE Application for Military Recognition License Plates (Form VTR 442)
and pay appropriate fees.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: An unmarried surviving spouse is eligible to continue to
register one vehicle. Submit Form VTR-425 and provide proof of deceased spouse’s
PHONE: 1-888-368-4689
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COST: PH plate is free for a registered vehicle. You can
personalize the plate (up to fi e characters), but it will cost
$55. Handicapped symbol not available for PH plates and
motorcycle plates not available.
GO to nearest State DMV office and fill out Form TC-817, Application for
Personalized and Replacement License Plates. Check the block for “Utah special
group plate” and write in “Purple Heart.” If you also need to register the vehicle, fill
out Form TC-656, Application for Utah Title.
SHOW proof of PH award (Copy of DD-214 or MOPH Membership Card) and pay
appropriate fees.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates as long as she or he remains unmarried, but must
continue to pay regular registration fees.
PHONE: 1-800-368-8824
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COST: Free for registered vehicles. Motorcycle plate not
available. Handicapped and personalization not available.
GO to DMV main office in Montpelier or local Branch
DMV office with proof of registration and PH award (certified copy of DD-214 or other).
PH documentation must bear original stamp and certification of the State of Vermont
Office of Veterans’ Affairs, 118 State Street, Drawer 20, Montpelier VT 05620-4401.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Can use plates as long as she remains unmarried.
PHONE: 802-828-2000
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COST: Both PH plate and registration are free for one vehicle or
motorcycle. You can purchase additional PH plates, but must pay
regular registration fees. Disabled symbol can be on plate with
doctor’s certification. PH plates can be personalized for $10
GO to your local DMV office with proof of vehicle registration and PH award (copy
of DD-214 or other).
COMPLETE License Plate Application (Form VSA-10). Check “other” on the form
and write in “Purple Heart Special Plate.” Pay personalization plate fee if desired.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Surviving spouse can use plates as long as he or she does not
PHONE: 804-497-7100
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COST: Initial fee for registered vehicle PH plates is $32.75;
initial fee for registered motorcycle PH plates is $14.75.
Both must be renewed yearly. Personalization is available for
both plates $84.75 for vehicles and $66.75 for motorcycles
both plates also require annual renewal. Handicapped
symbol not available.
GO to your local Vehicle Licensing Office with your title, driver’s license, and proof of
vehicle registration and PH award (copy of DD-214 or other). Office will provide
applications for standard or personalized PH plates, determine your fee, and issue plates.
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Surviving spouse can keep plates as long as he or she remains
unmarried and pays annual registration fee.
PHONE: 360-902-3770
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COST: Both registration and PH plate are free, but you
must pay $1.50 ($.50 insurance enforcement fee and $1.00
litter fee). Plate issued for ten years. Motorcycle plate and
handicapped symbol not available. Additional PH plate
available for $40 for the first year and $30 for succeeding
GO to http://www.transportation.wv.gov/dmv/Forms/DMVLicensePlateApps/DMV-
PRINT form.
FILL out Part I of the form.
GO to nearest Division of Veterans Affairs office (Locations and phone numbers on
second page of form) with proof of PH award (DD-214 or other) and get Part II of the
form, Certification, completed.
TAKE completed form to local DMV Regional Office, pay $1.50 in fees, and get
registration and plates.
SURVIVIING SPOUSE: May retain PH plates until remarriage, non-renewal or death.
PHONE: 304-558-3900
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COST: One-time fee of $15 for standard PH plate for
registered vehicle. Initial fee of $15 for a personalized PH
plate for registered vehicle, then annual renewal fee of $15.
Not available for motorcycles. Handicapped symbol not
In person: Not available.
By mail:.pdf
a. GO to http:// http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/drivers/forms/mv2653.pdf
b. PRINT and COMPLETE Form MV2653, Military License Plate Application
c. ATTACH proof of PH award (copy of DD-214 or other) and payment (check or money
order) made out to “Registration Fee Trust” for $15 one-time fee or $15 initial annual fee
for personalized plates. You also need to include annual registration fee if current plates
expire within the next 3 months. Check or money order no credit cards.
d. MAIL to Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Special Plates Unit, PO Box 7911,
Madison WI 53707-7911
SURVIVING SPOUSE: PH plates are transferable to surviving spouse, but annual
registration fee must be paid.
PHONE: 608-266-3041
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COST: PH plate is free for registered vehicle. Motorcycle
plate, personalization and handicapped symbol not available.
PROCEDURE: GO to local County Treasurer’s Office with
proof of vehicle registration, insurance, and PH award (copy
of DD-214 or other). COMPLETE Form MV 100, Application for Special License Plate,
indicating that you are a Purple Heart Recipient. Plate will be issued or ordered to be
SURVIVING SPOUSE: Check with local County Treasurer’s Office upon PH
recipient’s death to determine disposition of PH plates. Most counties require the plate to
be surrendered and the vehicle re-registered at regular rates.
PHONE: 307-777-4709
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