Finance and Economics Discussion Series
Divisions of Research & Statistics and Monetary Affairs
Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
A Primer on Farm Mortgage Debt Relief Programs during the
Jonathan D. Rose
NOTE: Staff working papers in the Finance and Economics Discussion Series (FEDS) are preliminary
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A Primer on Farm Mortgage Debt Relief Programs during the 1930s
Jonathan Rose
April 22, 2013
This paper describes New Deal farm mortgage debt relief programs, implemented
through the Federal Land Banks and the Land Bank Commissioner. Along with
the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, the analogous program for nonfarm
residential mortgage borrowers, these were the first large-scale mortgage debt
relief programs in US history.
Federal Reserve Board, jonathan.d.[email protected]ov. The views presented in this paper are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of the Federal Reserve Board or its staff.
1. Summary
Farm mortgage debt relief is a relatively unexplored area of the New Deal.
The goal of
this paper is to set out some basic facts about these programs. These were the first large-scale
mortgage loan modification efforts in US history, along with the Home Owners’ Loan
Corporation (HOLC), an analogous program for nonfarm residential home mortgage borrowers
which has been the subject of some study in recent years.
These Depression-era programs offer
interesting policy precedents, as the principles of loan modification during the 1930s are still
quite relevant in the modern day.
The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, enacted in May 1933, set up two separate but tightly
coordinated programs to address a rising wave of farm mortgage loan defaults. One program
was run by the Federal Land Banks (FLBs)a regional set of twelve private but government-
sponsored farm mortgage lenders—and the other was run by their regulator, the Land Bank
Commissioner (LBC). Together, the footprint of these programs was large, as about two-fifths
of the nation’s farm mortgage loans were owned by the FLBs and LBC at peak in the 1930s.
Financially, funding came mainly from federally-guaranteed bonds, and the Treasury also
provided the programs with significant direct subsidies to offset the costs of the modifications.
Table 1 summarizes the loan terms offered by each program. The FLBs modified all
their existing loans to carry these terms, and offered refinancing at the same terms to borrowers
at other lenders. The LBC, which had no preexisting loan portfolio, also offered refinancing,
with a focus on debts that could not qualify for FLB loans because the debts exceeded the FLB’s
statutory loan-to-value cap or would be secured by junior liens. Table 1 shows that debt
payment relief was primarily in the form of low interest ratesreduced to as low as 3.5 percent
on FLB loans—and principal payment forbearance. New FLB borrowers also benefitted from
the long durations of 30-40 years, but this was not a source of relief to existing FLB borrowers
since their loans had always carried those durations. The LBC terms were a bit less
concessionary than FLB terms, with the aim of encouraging borrowers to refinance with the
FLBs if possible.
As far as I can tell, there is little secondary literature on federal mortgage debt relief programs of this era. I rely
heavily on primary sources, including the Annual Report and other publications of the Farm Credit Administration
(an independent federal agency with oversight of these programs), USDA (1933, 1949), and Horton, Larsen and
Wall (1942). See also Woodruff (1937) and Jones and Durand (1954).
Harriss (1951) is an early and invaluable study on the HOLC. Recent studies include Courtemanche and Snowden
(2011), Fishback, Kantor, Flores-Lagunes, Horrace, and Treber (2011), Rose (2011), and Fishback, Rose, and
Snowden (Forthcoming 2013).
Table 1: Terms of New Deal mortgage debt relief programs
Interest rate
4.5 - 5% (1933-35)
- 4% (1935-44)
5% (1933-37)
4% (1937-40)
3.5% (1940-44)
5% (1933-1939)
4.5% (1939 onwards)
Loan duration
36 years, typically
13 years, extended to
20+ in late 1930s
15 years, extended to
in late 1930s
Principal payment
Until July, 1938
3 years from loan
Until June, 1936
50% of land plus
20% of improvements
75% of land
and improvements
80% of land
and improvements
"Normal" value
"Normal" value
"Normal" value
Lien limitation
First liens only
First or second liens
First liens only
lending period
extended to 1947
Financial support
from Treasury
Capital investment
Cash subsidies
to lower
interest rates, capital
investments to cover
principal forbearance
raised by federally
guaranteed bonds
Capital investment
Cash subsidies to lower
interest rates
raised by federally
guaranteed bonds
Capital investment
by federally
guaranteed bonds
Table 1 also compares both farm programs to the HOLC, the sister relief program in the
nonfarm field. The terms of the farm loans were slightly more generous in some dimensions,
made possible by significant cash subsidies and capital investments to the FLBs from the
Treasury that were not paralleled in the HOLC. In addition, while the HOLC required that
borrowers prove they were in distress, such as facing foreclosure, no such requirement appears to
have been in place for the farm programs. The lack of such a requirement is particularly evident
in the FLBs’ extension of relief to all of their existing borrowers.
Despite the relatively concessionary terms on these loans, delinquency rates on FLB and
LBC loans ranged from 20-30 percent in the late 1930s, particularly after the periods of principal
forbearance ended. Ultimately, a lower fraction of these loans, about 9 percent (or 11 percent by
value) ended in foreclosure, with the difference likely due to two factors: additional legislation in
the late 1930s that further liberalized loan terms, and higher prices for farm products and land
that buoyed many borrowers during World War II.
I elaborate on the institutional background and the history of the FLBs in section 2,
describe the scale of lending activity by the FLBs and LBC after 1933 in section 3, and detail the
exact terms of the loans offered by each program in section 4. Section 5 describes the outcomes
of the program, in terms of delinquencies and foreclosures. Section 6 contains a calculation of
the total discounted cost of the two programs to the Treasury, which I estimate amounted to
about 6½ percent of assets. This is not a program evaluation, however, as I make no attempt to
quantify the benefits of the programs. Finally, section 7 concludes with some thoughts on the
principles evident in the design of these Depression mortgage relief programs.
2. Background
Federal involvement in farm mortgage lending dates to 1916, when the Federal Farm
Loan Act set up two systems of federally chartered lenders: the Federal Land Banks and the Joint
Stock Land Banks (JSLBs).
The goal of both systems was to provide affordable mortgage
loans, in particular by offering amortization over long terms (30-40 years). Such long terms
were not generally available from other lenders, which included mortgage companies, life
insurance companies, commercial banks, and noninstitutional lenders such as individuals. The
creation of two systems was a political compromise. The JSLBs were privately owned and
competed with each other, while the FLBs were cooperatively owned by their member “farm
loan associations.”
The FLBs were assigned non-overlapping regions of the country, and did
not originate loans themselves but rather had exclusive correspondent relationships with their
member farm loan associations, in an arrangement similar to the German landschaften system.
Both the JSLBs and the FLBs funded their operations by the issuance of covered mortgage
bonds, subsidized by their exclusion from federal income taxes.
See Snowden (1995, 2010) for more institutional background on farm mortgage lending in general.
The “farm loan associationswere technically known as “national farm loan associations” in a terminology parallel
to “national banks.”
Figure 1: Discontent in 1932
Source: (clockwise from the top) Colliers, October 8, 1932, p. 12; Literary Digest February 4, 1933 p. 10; Literary
Digest February 11, 1933, p. 8.
Both lenders encountered difficulties in the early 1930s, when reductions in farm land
values and farm incomes (which are correlated by nature) led to a wave of farm mortgage loan
Figure 1 shows some cartoons that convey farmers’ deep discontent. These credit
Starting in the first months of 1933, 27 states implemented moratoria that temporarily limited the ability of lenders
to complete foreclosures (Skilton 1943). Several more states considered such laws. In many of these areas the
losses led to broad retrenchment by the portfolio lenders, and the complete collapse of the JSLBs
after the federal government declined to bail them out, and in 1933 the JSLBs were restricted
from issuing any new loans. The FLBs, in contrast, did receive a bail out through a capital
investment from the Treasury, authorized by new legislation in 1932. Prior to this, the FLBs had
been operating with the implicit—but not fully certainbacking of the federal government
during the 1920s, reflected in the higher prices commanded by FLB bonds throughout the
Altogether, this institutional backdrop has striking similarity to the nonfarm residential
mortgage market of recent years, in which portfolio lenders pulled back from the market, private
mortgage securitizers failed, and institutions with implicit government support—Fannie Mae and
Freddie Macwere bailed out by the federal government.
The capital investment by the Treasury in the FLBs during 1932 totaled $125 million, a
significant amount equal to twice the FLBs’ existing capital ($63 million) or about 9 percent of
assets ($1.4 billion). This was the most significant act of the Hoover administration to address
farm mortgage credit. (See the appendix for a list of major pieces of legislation regarding farm
mortgage credit during the 1930s). Though these investments stabilized the FLBs, they did not
require any specific forms of relief to the FLBs’ borrowers beyond granting $25 million in
principal forbearance. They also naturally did nothing to assist borrowers at other lenders. The
collapse of the joint stock land banks also increased demands for refinancing opportunities.
As a result, there was great demand at the beginning of the Roosevelt administration for
additional legislation. The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act was passed early in the Roosevelt
administration on May 12, 1933, as part of the same law that created Agricultural Adjustment
Administration. This act authorized the Land Bank Commissioner—which up to this point had
simply been the regulator of the FLBs—to make direct loans to farmers.
The act also
authorized the FLBs to make direct loans without operating through their member farm loan
associations, in areas where those associations were incapacitated. Ultimately, however, only
statutes were passed to address distress among farm borrowers, while in several northeastern states trouble in urban
areas played an important role. See Alston (1983 and 1984) and Rucker and Alston (1987) for more on this subject.
For example, the JSLBs were forced to start operations by raising capital from private sources, while the FLBs
were initially capitalized by the federal government in 1916. That capital stock was then slowly retired over the
1920s as member farm loan associations began operations. By the late 1920s, member farm loan associations
owned 98 percent of the total capital stock of the FLB system.
Since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were owned by private equity holders, they were distinct in that sense from the
FLBs and, in that dimension, were more similar to the joint stock land banks. The FLBs’ profits were paid as
dividends to their member farm associations, which were in turn cooperatively owned by their farmer-borrowers.
Before this legislation, the Land Bank Commissioner was known as the Farm Loan Commissioner.
about 10 percent of the FLBs’ new loans were direct loans of this nature.
Finally, the
legislation dictated the interest rates, principal forbearance, and other terms of the loans that the
FLBs and the LBC would make.
3. Scale of loan activity
At peak in the mid-1930s, the FLBs and the LBC together held about 1.1 million loans
totaling roughly $2.9 billion. These holdings represented about 40 percent of all outstanding
farm debt by dollar value, as shown by Figure 2. Other important institutional lenders included
commercial banks, life insurance companies, and joint stock land banks. The large
noninstitutional portion of the figure includes mortgage companies, which were unregulated and
therefore without much statistical coverage. Noninstitutional lenders also included a significant
number of individuals, however.
Figure 2: Distribution of outstanding farm debt across lenders, 1909-1953
Notes: Measured at year-end. Source: Saulnier, Halcrow and Jacoby (1958), pp. 159-161.
This 10% figure applies to the May, 1933 to September 1934 period. See the 1934 Farm Credit Administration
Report, Table 9.
Despite the Treasury owning the majority of FLBs’ capital, the FLBs do not appear to have ever been put into
conservatorship nor were considered government programs per se. Nevertheless, Congress dictated the changes in
terms on FLB loans by amending the act which chartered the FLBs while also making sure to fully pay for any
financial costs resulting from those changes.
1909 1914 1919 1924 1929 1934 1939 1944 1949
Percent of total farm mortgage loans
Other (non-
Federal Land
Land Bank
Life Insurance
Joint Stock LBs
The FLBs already held about 400,000 loans in 1932, prior to the New Deal legislation in
May 1933. Their holdings grew to roughly 640,000 loans at peak in 1935, as shown by Figure 3.
The LBC held no loans prior to May 1933, but with a burst of activity its portfolio contained
450,000 loans at peak in 1937, and over the life of the program the LBC made about 680,000
loans. The LBC’s lending authority finally expired in 1947 after having been repeatedly
extended from its original expiration date of 1936.
Prospective borrowers applied for loans
through their regional FLBs, which acted as agents for both FLB and LBC loans. As a result,
farmers submitted only one application form to apply for a loan from either organization, or from
both. It was common for borrowers to have a first mortgage loan from their regional FLB and a
second mortgage loan from the LBC. About 65 percent of LBC loans were secured by second
Figure 3: Number of outstanding loans held by Federal Land Banks
and the Land Bank Commissioner
Notes: Annual year-end data. Source: Farm Credit Administration Annual Reports, 1932-1946.
An exception to this expiration in 1947 was made only for refinancing of existing LBC loans.
See Farm Credit Administration (1959) p. 15. The figure is 65 percent by value or 62 percent by number. The
LBC also made first mortgage loans, which were intended for “cases where the risk was too great to meet the
standards for Federal land bank loans” such as in areas with heavy soil erosion, in certain irrigation or drainage
districts, or in areas where farms were generally low in productivity (Farm Credit Administration 1959, p. 11).
Number of FLB loans
Number of LBC loans
Financing for these loans came from two sources. From May 1933 to April 1934, both
programs purchased loans with cash provided by the Treasury or the Reconstruction Finance
After April, 1934, all loans were funded via the exchange of bonds issued by a
newly created federal government corporation, the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation
That is, those selling loans to the FLBs or LBC received the FFMC bonds as the
means of payment. Since FFMC bonds were fully guaranteed as to both principal and interest
payments by the federal government, those receiving the bonds likely treated them as tantamount
to Treasury securities.
Table 2: Debts Refinanced by Federal Land Banks and the Land Bank Commissioner,
May 1933 to September 1934
Type of debt refinanced
Mortgage debts held by
Life Insurance Companies
Commercial Banks
Joint Stock Land Banks
Other debts held by …
Commercial Banks
Tax Authorities
Source: 1934 Federal Credit Administration Annual Report, Table 7. Farm Credit Administration (1959, p. 17)
gives similar figures for the loans originated by the LBC alone after September 1934.
The LBC’s cash came from a $200 million capitalization from the Treasury. The FLBs’ cash came from several
sources, including cash on hand, $150 million in 3-year loans from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation secured
by FLB bonds, $43.6 million from the sale of FLB bonds to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, $53.1 million
in FLB bonds sold to production credit corporations, and $168 million in deposits of public money from the
Treasury in the FLBs secured by FLB bonds. See the Farm Credit Administration Annual Report of 1934 (p. 20)
and 1933 (p. 20). The Treasury deposits were fully repaid in July and August, 1934. In terms of the RFC loans, the
accounting is a bit mysterious, as the RFC loans are not listed on the liability side of the consolidated balance sheet
of the 12 FLBs. Instead the FLBs list the bonds issued to the RFC.
The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933 gave the FLBs the ability to issue consolidated bonds (secured
severally by the twelve FLBs) with interest payments guaranteed by the Treasury. This was envisioned as the means
of payment for FLB loan purchases, but the FLBs issued these bonds only to the RFC and never to the public.
The FFMC was created by the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act, signed on January 31, 1934. Technically,
the FFMC directly held all LBC loans, but not FLB loans. Instead, the FFMC funded FLB loans by swapping its
bonds for consolidated bonds of the twelve FLBs, and the FLBs would then use the FFMC bonds as a means of
payment when originating loans.
Under both the FLB and LBC programs, most of the new lending activity served to
refinance existing debts held by other lenders. Of the loans written between May 1933 and
September 1934, 91 percent was refinancing activity.
These debts had been held by various
lenders and tax authorities as detailed in Table 2. The distribution across these lenders broadly
matches the amount of debt held by each class at the time.
Applications poured in quickly after the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act was passed in
May, 1933. The large majority of applications were submitted from May 1933 to year-end 1935,
when farmers submitted 1,068,267 applications, and 68 percent of these applicants were
successful in obtaining a loan. Another 354,205 applications were submitted between 1936 and
1941, with almost the exact same acceptance rate. Application activity after 1941 was minimal,
particularly for LBC loans, and the LBC’s lending authority ultimately expired in 1947. Only
individuals could borrow from either program.
The acceptance rate on FLB and LBC loans was about two-thirds, which in comparison
was higher than the HOLC’s acceptance rate of about one-half. Unlike the HOLC, FLB and
LBC borrowers were not required to necessarily demonstrate they were distressed, such as facing
foreclosure. Indeed, all of the roughly 400,000 pre-existing FLB borrowers were charged lower
interest payments and given principal payment forbearance without having to ask for it. No
applications to the FLBs or LBC appear to have been rejected because of lack of distress,
whereas 13 percent of HOLC applicants were rejected for that reason.
Hervey (1933) provides a limited amount of information on the reasons given for rejected
applications, up to the end of 1933, recapitulated in Table 3. The most common reason for
rejection involved the valuation of the property itself. While Hervey does not mention
negotiation with lenders, this property valuation issue likely reflects an inability to induce
lenders to forgive enough debt for the loan to meet the loan-to-value limits. After all, a low
property value is not a reason in itself to reject an application; it is only a problem if the
proposed debt is too large relative to the value and the lender will not forgive any of it. The
financial qualifications also likely included the ability of the farm. Otherwise, fundamental
See the 1934 Federal Credit Administration Annual Report, Table 7. This information was temporarily not
collected from October 1934 to December 1935, but nevertheless the available data likely capture the dynamics of
the surge in lending between 1933 and 1935.
There was one exception after 1935 for businesses raising livestock
The HOLC rejection statistic is taken from Harriss (1951, p. 24).
collateral and underwriting issues were the main reasons for rejections, including the suitability
of the land for farm production, the maintenance of the land, and its general riskiness.
Table 3: Reasons for rejected applications
Reason for rejection
Lack of necessary financial qualifications, arising
from the value of the property or the applicant’s
net worth
Unsatisfactory physical condition of the property
for farming purposes, mainly in regard to
equipment or state of improvement
Legal restrictions
Land poor or farm unfavorably located
Personal characteristics of applicant unsatisfactory
Applicant an inexperienced or inefficient farmer
Notes: Data from Hervey (1933) covering a sample of applications during 1933.
Legal restrictions include, for example, whether the property was technically a farm, or
whether the loans were eligible under the various terms of the Federal Farm Loan Act.
4. Relief mechanisms and loan terms
4.1 Interest payment relief
FLB and LBC loans carried interest rates that were significantly lower than rates offered
by other lenders.
The average interest rate in 1928 on farm mortgage loans was 6.1 percent
(Wickens 1932, p. 63), though there was significant regional variation, and President Roosevelt
argued that interest rates “in many instances are so unconscionably high as to be contrary to a
sound public policy.”
Figure 4 shows that, by the late 1930s, the average interest rate on FLB
and LBC loans was below 4 percent, while rates on private loans still averaged above 5 percent.
The difference in interest rates is particularly large given that FLB and LBC loans had much
longer durations than commercial bank or life insurance mortgage loans. Two factors account
for the relatively lower rates. First, the loans were financed by federally guaranteed bonds issued
by the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation (see section 6). As a result, funding costs were lower
These amortized FLB and LBC farm loans required payments semiannually or annually. This is in contrast to the
monthly payments typical in the nonfarm field. The difference is due to the nature of farm income, particularly
income related to crops, which comes once or twice a year rather than at monthly intervals.
“The President’s Message on Farm Bill.” New York Times, April 4, 1933, p. 2.
compared to other lenders, and these savings were passed on to borrowers through lower loan
rates. Second, legislation ordered the FLBs and LBC to not collect contractual interest rates
from borrowers, but rather collect lower interest rates, and the Treasury compensated them for
the lost income. For example, in 1933 the interest rate collected from borrowers on FLB loans
was 4½ percent; in that year, if an FLB borrower had a contractual rate of 5 percent interest, the
borrower only paid 4½ percent and the Treasury paid the remaining ½ percent.
Figure 4: Average interest rates on outstanding loans, by lender groups
Notes: The average rate for the FLBs and the LBC is measured using the reduced rates actually charged borrowers
rather than the contract rates. Data for interest rates on loans made by commercial bank and individuals are missing
for 1946. Source: US Department of Agriculture (1949).
Table 4 gives more detail on the contractual interest rates and the actual interest rates
collected from borrowers, at year-end from 1933 to 1946. These interest rates were changed at
various dates during the 1930s and 1940s as Congress passed additional legislation. LBC
The temporarily reduced interest rates applied to all loans regardless of the contract interest rates. For example, a
loan originated in 1925 at 5½ percent contract rate and in an FLB’s portfolio would receive the reduced rate of 3½
percent in 1935, as would a loan originated in 1934 with a 5 percent contract rate or a loan originated in 1935 with a
4 percent contract rate. Once the reduced rates expired in 1946, the contract rates came back into effect. The
treatment of LBC loans was simpler, since all LBC loans were originated with the same contract rate of 5 percent.
FLBs and LBC
Life Insurance Cos.
interest rates were generally higher than FLB interest rates, as an incentive to route borrowers
through the FLBs if eligible for FLB loans. Likewise, interest rates on FLB loans through the
normal channel of farm loan associations were lower than interest rates on FLB loans made
directly to borrowers.
Table 4: Interest rates on FLB and LBC loans
FLB -- through farm
loan associations
FLB - direct
Notes: Rates are as of year-end. Contract rates pertain to loans originated in each year, whereas the reduced rates
pertain to all loans active in a given year. Source: 1946 Farm Credit Administration Annual Report, Table 2
The Treasury fully compensated the FLBs for the lost interest incomethe difference
between the contractual rates and the rates Congress ordered them to collect from borrowers—to
the tune of $265 million from 1933 to 1944. Likewise, the Treasury paid $57 million to the LBC
from 1937 to 1944. This subsidy was originally designed to last for only a few years after 1933
but was repeatedly extended (see the appendix for a list of legislation). The expense was large
and President Roosevelt vetoed its extension in 1937 due to the cost. Nevertheless, Congress
overrode the veto.
4.2 Principal payment forbearance and forgiveness
“Senate Overrides Farm Loan Veto,” New York Times, July 23, 1937, p. 1.
All FLB and LBC borrowers were granted principal payment forbearance. For FLB
loans, no principal payments were required before July, 1938. For LBC loans, no principal
payments were required during the first three years of the loan, regardless of when the loan was
originated. Roosevelt described this as a “temporary readjustement of amortization, to give
sufficient time to farmers to restore to them the hope of ultimate free ownership of their own
Financially, the FLBs were compensated by the Treasury for these delayed payments.
This compensation was not in the form of a direct cash payment (as was the case for the interest
rate relief) but rather through capital investment in each FLB in the amount of the forborne
payments. In this manner, the FLBs did not take incur any financial cost from delayed principal
payments, and the government’s investment was designed to be paid back when the delayed
principal payments were eventually made. The capital subscriptions cumulated to over $190
million by 1941 and more than doubled the federal government’s capital investment in the FLBs
from the $125 million invested in 1932 under Hoover. The Treasury made no similar
arrangement with the LBC, perhaps because such a capital investment would have been
meaningless since the LBC program was already entirely publicly owned.
Neither the LBC nor the FLBs forgave debt. However, some lenders voluntarily forgave
debt on loans sold to the LBC and FLBs. There is only a limited amount of information on these
reductions. From 1933 to 1935, the average debt reduction, across all FLB and LBC borrowers,
was about 6-7 percent. This is quite similar to the experience of the HOLC, which also did not
forgive any debt itself, but estimated that previous lenders forgave 7 percent of all borrowers’
existing debts when selling loans to the HOLC.
These aggregate figures obscure some
underlying variation across borrowers, however, as most borrowers received no debt reductions,
but those who did received nontrivial reductions. For example, in 1933, 18 percent of new LBC
“The President’s Message on Farm Bill.” New York Times, April 4, 1933, p. 2.
See Federal Home Loan Bank Board (1938), p. 70. As an interesting historical note, farm debt reductions in
general were negotiated through a few thousand voluntary debt adjustment committees” that were set up across the
country at the suggestion of federal officials, beginning in 1933. These committees, comprised of local government
officials and others in the farm business, gathered borrowers and lenders in a setting outside of court and sought to
negotiate reductions. These committees are described in Case (1935 and 1960) and Horton, Larsen, and Wall (1942,
pp. 48-52). Woodruff (1937, p. 145) casts some anecdotal doubt on the success of these committees. I do not know
of any parallel set of institutions for nonfarm homeowners. Internationally, some historical sources indicate that
similar locally-based committees were used in continental European countries.
borrowers received debt reductions from their pervious lenders that averaged 23 percent of those
borrowers’ debts.
4.3 Loan-to-value ratios and appraisals
The FLBs were limited from their inception to loaning a maximum of 50 percent of land
value plus 20 percent of the value of buildings or other improvements. This was unchanged by
the New Deal legislation. The LBC loan limit was higher, at 75 percent of the value of land and
improvements together, in a deliberate effort to target borrowers with debts that exceeded FLB
loan limits.
The loan-to-value limits for these farm loans critically depended on the appraisal
methodology. The May, 1933 legislation specified that the appraisal methodology for FLB or
LBC loans should rely on an estimate of the “normal” value of a piece of land rather than the
present market value. The 1933 legislation defined normal value by the period before the war,
from 1909 to 1914, avoiding the volatile agricultural prices that characterized World War I and
continued through the 1920s.
This is quite similar to the methodology used by the HOLC,
though the HOLC policy was a choice by its administrators rather than a requirement of federal
law (see Rose 2011).
FLB loan amounts were also restricted to a maximum of $50,000 though it appears the
average loan was far lower, around $4,500. LBC loans could not be larger than $7,500.
maxima likely covered the large majority of farms in the country, as the average farm contained
$5,554 in land and $2,169 in buildings according to the 1930 census.
4.4 Loan durations
The FLBs originated loans with long durations, typically 36 years, as they had since their
inception in 1916. Of the loans made between May 1933 and September 1934, 78 percent were
Also in 1933, 5.3 percent of FLB loans involved debt reductions, averaging about 19 percent of debt. In 1934,
combined figures for both program show 16 percent of new loans had debt reductions, averaging about 25 percent of
debt. Finally, in 1935 combined figures show that 20 percent of new loans had reductions, averaging about one-
third of indebtedness. These figures include accrued interest as part of existing debts. See the Federal Credit
Administration Annual Reports: 1933 p. 12, 1934 p. 4, and 1935 p. 7.
This methodology, with specific reference to the years 1909-1914, was also incorporated into certain provisions of
the Agricultural Adjustment Act.
FLB loans greater than $25,000 were subject to a secondary review by the Land Bank Commissioner. The initial
LBC loan limit was $5,000.
amortized over 30-40 years, not including the initial forbearance period which lasted until July
These long durations delivered some relief to borrowers who refinanced with the FLBs,
since those borrowers’ previous loans generally carried much shorter durations (with the
exceptions of borrowers from the joint stock land banks, which also wrote long duration loans).
For example, a 1924 survey of lending practices by commercial banks, life insurance companies,
mortgage companies, and others indicated that the most common loan duration was 5 years, and
that durations longer than 10 years were very uncommon (USDA 1933, p. 19). Existing FLB
borrowers were given no relief through this channel, though, since their loans were already
written with these long durations. LBC loans had shorter durations, as most were initially
written for 13 year periods, consisting of the 3-year forbearance period followed by a 10 year
period during which the principal would be amortized.
However, roughly 150,000 of the LBC
loans were ultimately recast between 1939 and 1942 into longer terms, typically 20 years starting
from the date of the recasting, as discussed in section 6.1.
5. Outcomes
5.1 Delinquencies and Foreclosures
Delinquencies were a serious problem on FLB and LBC loans during the 1930s. Figure 5
graphs the delinquency rates on FLB and LBC loans respectively from 1935 to 1942. These
rates were elevated throughout the second half of the 1930s but fell rapidly during the war years.
The jump in delinquency rates recorded in 1938 is likely due to the expiration of the
principal forbearance periods on most of these loans at that time. The forbearance period on
FLB loans ended in July, 1938, and by year-end the delinquency rate on FLB loans reached 20
percent, up from an already-elevated 14 percent in the previous year. Likewise, the three-year
forbearance period on LBC loans ended for the bulk of those loans in 1937 and 1938. As a
result, the delinquency rate on LBC loans jumped to 28 percent at year-end 1938 compared to 22
percent in 1927.
See the 1939 Annual Report of the Farm Credit Administration (p. 75), and the 1940 Annual Report (p. 57) for
See the 1934 Farm Credit Administration Annual Report, Table 10.
Figure 5: Delinquency rates on Federal Land Bank and Land Bank Commissioner loans
Source: Farm Credit Administration Annual Reports, 1935-1944.
Foreclosures were ultimately significantly less numerous than these delinquency rates
portended. In total, the LBC acquired or charged off 48,773 properties, or about 7 percent of all
loans it originated, although by value the foreclosures were about 10 percent.
It would be
interesting to know the foreclosure rates on loans of different vintages, i.e. those originated in
1933 versus those originated in 1940, but unfortunately the LBC never published data that would
allow such a calculation. It seems likely that the foreclosure rate was higher on the early loans
originated between 1933 and 1935, since the largest numbers of foreclosure were completed in
the late 1930s.
Surprisingly, the FLB foreclosure rate was a bit higher than the LBC rate, even though
the delinquency rate had been higher on LBC loans and even though FLB loans had stricter
underwriting standards, lower interest rates, and longer forbearance periods. Between 1934 and
1942, the FLBs acquired 77,713 properties, constituting a foreclosure rate of roughly 10 percent,
and 11 percent by value.
In comparison to the LBC numbers, it is not clear whether this
number includes properties charged off but not foreclosed.
Three factors likely account for the improvement in credit quality during the 1940s.
First, higher farm product prices during the war buoyed both farm income and farm land prices.
See Farm Credit Administration (1959, p. 12).
This calculation adds up the acquisitions reported in the Farm Credit Administration’s Annual Report in each
year, and divides by 796,000, the number of loans on books in 1932 plus loans originated between 1932 and 1942.
1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944
Delinquency rate (percent)
FLB loans LBC loans
Second, in general, servicing protocols do not appear to have called for aggressive pursuit of
foreclosure. For example, the Farm Credit Administration (the federal agency overseeing the
LBC) described the LBC foreclosure policy this way:
In view of the conditions which gave rise to the making of
Commissioner loans and continuing agricultural difficulties,
particularly in certain distressed areas, the Corporation has
endeavored to administer its collection policies with due regard to
the ability of farmer-borrowers to pay, in the belief that a
constructive policy of assisting farmers to remain on their farms
would, in the long run, best accomplish the Corporation’s aims.
(Farm Credit Administration, 1939 p. 73).
A third factor behind the improved credit quality is a set of further liberalizations in
lending terms put into place in the late 1930s and early 1940s. One element was the lowering of
interest rates (from the contract rate) on all LBC loans for the first time in 1937, by new
legislation. Such relief had been afforded FLB borrowers since 1933. Another element became
important in 1939, when the LBC offered all borrowers the opportunity to reamortize their loans
to longer durations of 20 years, as most LBC loans had originally been written for 13 years.
Between 1939 and 1942, 150,000 LBC borrowers—about one-third of all LBC borrowers at the
time—exercised this option. This reamortization process mechanically decreased the
delinquency rate on LBC loans since reamortized loans were considered newly originated loans.
Many fewer reamortizations were put in place for FLB loans as most FLB loans were originally
written with durations of 30-40 years.
Extensions of delinquent payments were another tool used to delay foreclosure. From
1940 to 1942, about 70,000 extensions were granted. Special forbearance arrangements were
also used, in two varieties, depending on how payments were allowed to fluctuate with
borrowers abilities to pay. Those arrangements were put in place for five year periods.
In the
first plan, a farmer’s required payments were fixed at a lower rate than originally required, but
when farm income exceeded a “normal” amount (defined in coordination with their FLB lender),
one half of the excess was devoted to loan payments. In the second plan, a farmer agreed to
devote a certain share of their post-tax farm income to their loan payments, with any shortfalls
A description is on p. 22 of the 1939 Annual Report.
being made up when income improved. This plan was somewhat more appropriate where it was
difficult to define “normal” levels of income. Though officials repeatedly touted these options,
in practice these plans appear to have been instituted for less than 25,000 loans (combining both
FLB and LBC figures).
Foreclosed farms were sold quickly by these farm programs, in contrast to the HOLC
which held onto its foreclosed properties for many years in order to not depress property prices.
The farm programs justified this practice by stating their desire to “get [the farms] back into the
hands of farm operators” causing many to be sold “at prices that did not cover the total
investment” (Farm Credit Administration 1959, p. 12). It is not clear why a rental program of
foreclosed farms would not have accomplished the same goal.
6. Financial results
In this section, I calculate the net present value of the costs of the LBC and FLB
programs to the Treasury in 1932, the date of the first investment in the FLB.
Government officials typically touted the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation’s
dividends as evidence of the programs’ profitability. For example, the Farm Credit
Administration stated that “The Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation returned substantial
earnings to the Government. The entire $200 million or original [Land Bank Commissioner]
capital was repaid. Furthermore, a total of $145.9 million was paid to the Government as
earnings or dividends.” (1961 Annual Report, p. 33).
The statements are technically accurate,
but misleading by virtue of ignoring the larger financial picture. A more complete assessment of
the financial aspects of these programs should incorporate time discounting, since it was not
costless for the Treasury to raise funds in the early 1930s that were not repaid for a decade or
more. (This is a conceptual shortcoming that also undermined government officials’ statements
about the FFMC’s sister in the nonfarm field, the HOLC.) The statements also do not mention
the large costs of the interest subsidies, which were larger than the dividends, and also wrongly
imply that FFMC dividends were derived only from the LBC program and not the FLB loans as
Farm Credit Administration Annual Reports indicate 14,000 special forbearance arrangements on LBC loans from
1940 to 1942, and roughly 9,000 such arrangements on FLB loans in 1940 and 1941. Data for other years are not
available but that is most like because such arrangements were not instituted much in other years.
For another example, see Farm Credit Administration (1959) p. 5.
well. In general, it is necessary to analyze the finances of the two programs together, as the
FFMC dividends reflected earnings from both the LBC and FLB loan programs.
Before detailing the net present value calculation, it is important to note that this is not a
program evaluation, as I have not made any attempt to account for the benefits that the programs
delivered to the economy, via their impact on borrowers, lenders, or farm land markets. Instead,
it is simply a discounted cash flow calculation from the point of view of an accountant in the
Treasury. Another important caveat is that this calculation does not take into account the
unrealized credit risk to which taxpayers were exposed by guaranteeing the bonds issued by the
FFMC, or the implicit subsidies of that guarantee.
The Treasury’s costs related to these programs involved both capital investments and
cash payments to subsidize interest rates. The capital investments can be grouped in three
categories: first, the Treasury invested capital in the FLBs in 1932; second, it capitalized the
LBC operations in 1933; and third, it provided additional capital to the FLBs between 1933 and
1942 in compensation for delayed income from principal forbearance. The FLBs repaid their
capital investments between 1940 and 1947, and between 1941 and 1947 the LBC repaid 99
percent of its capital investment. In addition, the FFMC issued dividends to the Treasury
between 1948 and 1962.
Table 5 displays the financial results of these capital investments, using three different
discount rates: 0, 2, and 7 percent. With no discounting, the capital investments clearly returned
a profit. However, since the costs of the capital investments were frontloaded but the revenues
backloaded, discounting makes it difficult to claim the investments were profitable to the
Treasury. A middle-of-the road discount rate of 2 percent shows the programs’ capital
investments as roughly breaking even, as the dividends just about compensated for the delay in
returning the capital. A higher discount rate of 7 percent suggests a small cost, around 5 percent
of assets.
Both programs funded their loan purchases after April 1934 by using FFMC bonds as the means of payment. The
FFMC held all of the LBC’s loans directly, but it did not hold the FLBs’ loans. Instead, the FLBs issued joint bonds
(secured by the assets of all of the FLBs) to the FFMC. To separate out the finances of the FLBs would require
accounting for the amount of interest paid to the FFMC on those bonds, and I have not been able to find such data.
Many of the LBC’s records treat the LBC and FFMC as interchangeable for financial purposes. For example,
technically the capitalization of the LBC was later transferred to the FFMC, which in turn repaid the capital between
1941 and 1947 and issued dividends. This is simply an issue of nomenclature, and I choose to keep the LBC name
for the sake of simplicity.
Table 5: Net present value of Treasury’s costs
in supporting the LBC and FLB loan programs
Capital investments
FLBs - general purpose
FLBs - principal forbearance
Dividends from FFMC
Total as a percent of assets
Interest Subsidies
Total as a percent of assets
Grand Total
as a percent of assets
Notes: Dollar figures are in millions of dollars, with negative amounts in parentheses. The d
refers to the discount rate used in each column. Source: Farm Credit Administration, Annual
Report, 1932-1962.
Table 5 also lists the costs of the Treasury’s cash payments that subsidized lower interest
rates, paid to the FLBs from 1933 to 1944, and to the LBC from 1937 to 1944. These cash
payments were quite expensive, particularly the payments to the FLBs. A discount rate of 2
percent implies these payments cost about 6½ percent of assets. In contrast to the capital
investments, higher discount rates map into lower costs for these interest rate subsidies, as the
costs were not upfront like the capital investments but rather were spread out over time.
Combining the capital investments and the interest subsidies together, a discount rate of 2
percent implies a cost of about 6½ percent of assets, all coming from the interest rate subsidies.
The LBC also received some minor subsidies, such as free use of the postal system, which I ignore in this table as
I cannot account for them. Therefore, I am assuming these minor items would not change the result materially.
When liquidating in 1962, the FFMC transferred $1.6 million cash and other assets to the Treasury. I include this in
the dividend payment for that year for simplicity.
A higher discount rate of 7 percent implies a large cost of about 9½ percent of assets, with the
costs split about equally between the capital investments and interest rate subsidies.
7. Discussion
The farm debt programs described in this paper were the first major mortgage debt relief
efforts in US history, along with the contemporaneous Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, which
served nonfarm residential mortgage borrowers. These programs have some common features
that suggest certain principles used by New Deal officials in designing these programs.
All of the Depression-era programs—the FLBs, LBC, and HOLC—owned or purchased
the loans they modified and serviced them post-modification. By owning the loans, the federal
government had the means to address the problem of continued delinquencies in the late 1930s.
In addition, since the federal government guaranteed the FFMC and HOLC bonds used to
finance these loans, it had the incentive to help borrowers avoid default if possible. Indeed, the
actions taken to further lower interest rates and lengthen amortization periods during the late
1930s are quite important in understanding the nature of relief delivered by these programs. It is
not difficult to imagine a counterfactual in which federal officials declined to double-down on
the risky bets of acquiring these loans, and instead pursued an aggressive policy of foreclosure
and liquidation on borrowers that redefaulted. Of course, these policies were not the only factor
in reducing delinquency rates in the late 1930s, as the rise in land values during the war was also
likely a major factor.
A second common feature at each of these programs was that debt forgiveness was not a
common tactic by the government in delivering relief to borrowers. This was true both for the
borrowers that refinanced with the programs, and for the existing borrowers at the FLB. Instead
of debt forgiveness, these programs arranged for principal payment forbearance and for other
relief mechanismssome of which were costly, such as the interest rate subsidies. The lack of
debt forgiveness reflects the era, as borrowers were much more likely to retain some equity even
after land values fell, as loan-to-value ratios were usually capped at 50 percent on first mortgages
and 80 percent on multiple mortgages. But New Deal officials appear to have made a broader
strategic decision, betting that land values would rise again and working to produce that inflation
with other policies, such as the Agricultural Adjustment Act. This strategic approach is reflected
in the appraisal methods used by the farm programs and by the HOLC as well, all of which relied
on long-run values rather than current market prices. Ultimately, land values did rise during the
1940s, though it is not likely that anyone in the early 1930s was clairvoyant enough to predict all
of the events that contributed to that rise, such as World War II. Importantly, the approach to
land appraisals went hand-in-hand with the reluctance by New Deal officials to liquidate the
large amounts of delinquent and redefaulted loans in the FLB, LBC, and HOLC portfolios in the
late 1930s, as those loans had been made on the basis of long-run values that had not yet
materialized. Fundamentally, these Depression programs conceptualized credit risk along
different lines than conventional, befitting loan portfolios largely comprised of troubled loans,
and implemented servicing policies commensurate with that conceptualization.
Finally, the costs imposed on the Treasury by the farm programs were not trivial, largely
as a result of the interest rate subsidies. Here, the farm programs differed with the HOLC, as no
similar subsidies were offered to the HOLC’s borrowers. I have two speculative hypotheses to
explain this difference. First, while I have not engaged in any political economy analysis in this
paper, there is reason to believe that farm mortgage borrowers were the greater priority of the
Congress and the president. After all, the farm mortgage programs were proposed before the
HOLC, enacted before it, retained authority to originate loans for a longer time period, gave less
burdensome terms to borrowers, and cost more to the Treasury. Of course, it should be noted
that President Roosevelt vetoed the costly enlargement of interest rate subsidies in 1937, but the
override of his veto by Congress demonstrates the political difficulties in denying farmers relief
of this sort. Second, the state of the farm market was different in 1933 than the nonfarm market.
The 30-year loan had largely not arrived in the nonfarm sector, while the FLBs and joint stock
land banks had been providing such loans to farm mortgage borrowers. As a result, the HOLC’s
relief was able to rely more heavily on extending amortization periods, a technique that was not
as helpful to large numbers of farm mortgage borrowers who already enjoyed very long
amortization periods. It is significant that interest rate reductions were a more important source
of relief to farm mortgage borrowers, because lowering interest rates is a more costly method of
relief than extending amortization periods. These farm programs, therefore, may be a warning
from the Depression of the costliness of delivering effective relief to mortgage borrowers whose
existing loans were relatively generously underwritten at the time, even if those loans would be
considered fairly conservative by today’s standards. A serious program evaluation is needed in
order to determine whether the Treasury’s costs were justified by the benefits delivered to
borrowers, lenders, and farm land markets.
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Appendix: Farm debt relief legislation during the 1930s
Note: This appendix summarizes federal legislation that created the farm debt relief programs
described in this paper. It avoids a general discussion of all aspects of these bills, which
extended into many areas of the agricultural industry. In addition, various acts in the late 1930s
and 1940s, not listed here, extended the periods of low interest rates on FLB and LBC loans.
Hoover Administration
Federal Farm Loan Act, Amendments (signed Jan. 23, 1932). Allowed the Treasury to
invest $125 million in the capital stock of the Federal Land Banks, with $25 million to be
used exclusively for the funding of forbearance agreements with borrowers.
Roosevelt Administration
Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933 (signed May 12, 1933 as Title II of the
Agricultural Adjustment Act). Authorized (1) loans by the Land Bank Commissioner
with $200 million in funds, (2) direct loans by Federal Land Banks, (3) reduction of
interest on all FLB loans, and (4) principal payment forbearance on all FLB loans.
Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act (signed January 31, 1934). Established the
corporation to fund FLB and LBC loans.
Farm Credit Act of 1935 (signed June 3, 1935). Broadened the eligible uses of LBC loans
to equal those on FLB loans. Previously, LBC loans were restricted generally to
refinancing, redemption, or working capital, rather than new purchases. Extended the
LBC lending period to 1940 (from 1936; later extended to 1947). Reduced the interest on
FLB loans to 3½ percent.
Amendment to the Farm Credit Act (signed June 25, 1936). Extended the period of low
interest rates on FLB loans.
To extend...
(vetoed June 9, 1937, overridden July 23, 1937). Further reduced interest
rates on LBC loans to 4 percent, and extended the reduced interest rates for FLB loans.
Farm Credit Act of 1937 (signed August 19, 1937). Authorized the LBC to extend loan
payments or reamortize loans into longer durations.
The full name of this act is “To extend for 1 year the 3½-percent interest rate on certain Federal land-bank loans,
to provide a 4-percent interest rate on such loans for a period of July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, and to provide for a 4
percent interest rate of Land Bank Commissioner’s loans for a period of 2 years.”