This factsheet was last updated in March 2020. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, if there is any difference
between this factsheet and any relevant legislation, pension scheme trust deed and/or rules, the latter will prevail.
The Pension Team can be contacted at pensi[email protected].uk
NEST Pension Scheme: Introductory information for casual workers
This document provides introductory information only. For further details on the scheme itself or to discuss anything in
more detail please contact the Pension Team
What is NEST?
NEST (the National Employment Savings Trust) is the workplace pension scheme set up by Government. The University
of Southampton provides a number of pension schemes, and offers NEST for casual workers. Depending on certain
criteria, you will either be auto-enrolled into NEST, or you will be able to ask the University to enrol you into NEST.
What is auto-enrolment?
To help people save for their retirement, all employers must provide a workplace pension scheme and must
automatically-enrol workers into a scheme if they meet certain criteria.
You will be auto-enrolled into NEST if:
You are paid on a timesheet or claims basis (i.e. you are a casual worker); and
You are aged 22 or over, but under state pension age; and
You earn at least £10,000 per year (£833.33 per month)
Even if you don’t meet the criteria for auto-enrolment, you may still be eligible to join NEST. You can ask the University to
enrol you into NEST if:
You are aged 22 years or over, but under state pension age, and earn less than £10,000 per year (£833.33 per
; or
You are aged 16 to 21 years, or over state pension age, regardless of your earnings.
- This auto-enrolment earnings threshold is reviewed annually by the Department for Work and Pensions.
How does auto-enrolment work for casual workers?
As a casual worker your earnings are likely to vary from month to month. For this reason, we wait until the third month
after your commencement date before conducting an assessment of your earnings to determine whether you meet the
criteria for auto-enrolment into NEST.
If you meet the earnings criteria at this point (as well as the other criteria for auto-enrolment), we will enrol you into NEST
and make/deduct the appropriate pension contributions. You will remain in NEST in subsequent months.
If you do not meet the earnings criteria (or the other criteria for auto-enrolment) when we conduct our three-month
assessment, you will not be automatically-enrolled into NEST at this point, but we will continue to review your
circumstances on a monthly basis and will enrol you into NEST from the point at which you fulfil the auto-enrolment
How do I join NEST?
If you meet the criteria for auto-enrolment into NEST you don’t need to do anything; the University will automatically enrol
If you are eligible to join NEST, but don’t meet the criteria for auto-enrolment, you can ask the University to enrol you.
Please contact the Pension Team to do this.
Once you have been enrolled into NEST, you will receive a welcome pack through the post explaining how NEST works
and how you can start making the most of being a member.
What happens if I don’t want to join NEST?
If you meet the criteria for auto-enrolment, the law requires us to automatically enrol you into the scheme. If you don’t
want to join NEST, you have six weeks from being sent your welcome pack to opt-out of NEST.
If you wish to opt-out of NEST you must notify NEST direct. All the information you require will be supplied in your
welcome pack. NEST will then instruct the University’s Pension Team to reverse your membership and arrange for any
This factsheet was last updated in March 2020. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, if there is any difference
between this factsheet and any relevant legislation, pension scheme trust deed and/or rules, the latter will prevail.
The Pension Team can be contacted at pensi[email protected].uk
refund of contributions that may be due to you. Please note, you can only opt-out once you have joined the scheme and
the first deduction has been made.
Re-joining NEST
If you opt-out or withdraw from NEST you can re-join at any time. NEST is a defined contribution scheme which is an
open account that members pay into through their employer. A member can choose to opt-in and out as they wish.
Automatic re-enrolment
The law requires us to automatically re-enrol you into the scheme at regular intervals (usually every three years). If you
are re-enrolled and still don’t want to be a member, you’ll need to opt-out again. We cannot accept previous opt-out
requests as a continual opt-out; you must expressly opt-out after each re-enrolment if you still don’t want to be a member
of the scheme.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the NEST contribution
Member contributions for NEST are currently 4% of pensionable pay.
Employer contributions for NEST are currently 3% of pensionable pay. You
will also get tax relief, an amount equal to 1% of your monthly pay. This
means the payments into your pension will be a total of 8% of your monthly
pay. If you opt-in to NEST and earn £6,136 or less you will not be entitled to
employer contributions.
Please Note: NEST contributions can’t be made through the University’s
salary sacrifice arrangements for pension funding.
What are the Death in Service
Benefits in NEST?
NEST does not provide members with death in service benefits.
What is the retirement age in
You are able to take your money from age 55. At this point you will have
various options and will be able to gain free impartial advice from Pension
Wise. For further information please contact the Pension Team
Can I transfer funds from
previous pension schemes into
my NEST scheme?
Yes, from April 2017 NEST have allowed members to move money from
other pension pots into NEST. You are strongly advised to seek
independent professional advice if you are considering transferring funds
between pension schemes.
Can I make additional
contributions into NEST?
As well as regular contributions, one-off contributions of at least £10 are
also allowed.
Further information about NEST can be found at or by contacting the University’s Pension
It is strongly advised that you seek independent professional advice if you are unsure about any aspects of your pension.
Last updated:
Date consulted:
HR Centres of Excellence
Review Date
March 2021