OIS reserves the right to modify this list at any time.
Updated August 13, 2024
Office for International Study, Wright Hall, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
Tel: (413) 585-7598 Email: studyabroad@smith.edu Web: www.smith.edu/studyabroad
Study Abroad Approved Programs List
Approved for Smith College Credit
Students should carefully research their study abroad program options in order to determine which program will be the best match for
their academic, personal and professional goals.
AFRICA, Sub-Saharan
Cameroon SIT Development and Social Change (f, s)
Madagascar SIT Biodiversity and Nat. Resource Mgmt (f, s. E**)
South Africa SIT Int’l Relations in the Global South (f, s, E)
SIT Multiculturalism & Human Rights (f, s, E)
Tanzania SFS Wildlife Management Studies (f, s, E)
Israel Arava Inst. for Environmental Studies (f, s, ay, E**)
Rothberg Int’l School (Hebrew University of
Jerusalem) (f, s, ay, E*)
Tel Aviv University (f, s, ay, E*)
Jordan CET Intensive Language (f, s, ay, E*)
SIT Geopolitics, IR, and the Future of the ME
(f, s, E*)
Morocco SIT Human Rights, Soc Justice & Cult Trans (f, s, E*)
Argentina IFSA Argentine Universities Program (f, s, cy, ay)
SIT Social Movements & Human Rights (f, s)
Brazil CET Brazil: Social Justice (f, s, ay)
Middlebury Schools AbroadFlorianópolis (f, s, ay)
Chile CIEE Liberal Arts, Santiago (f, s, cy, ay)
SIT Cultural Identity, Social Justice & Comm. Dev. (f, s)
Colombia CET Race, Ethnicity & Identity (f,s)
Costa Rica SFS Ecological Resistance Studies (f, s, E*)
Cuba Sarah Lawrence in Cuba (f,s)
Ecuador SIT Comparative Ecology (f, s)
SIT Development, Politics, and Languages (f, s)
Mexico IFSA Mérida Universities Program (f, s, ay)
Mathematical Sciences in Guanajuato (f,s, E**)
Peru IFSA Lima (f, s, cy, ay)
Turks & SFS Marine Resource Studies (f, s, E)
Cambodia SFS Env. Justice and Mekong Ecologies (f, s E)
China Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
(HKUST) (f, s, ay, E**)
IFSA Int’l Bus in Shanghai (f, s, ay, E*)
IFSA Social Sciences in Shanghai (f, s, ay, E*)
Middlebury Schools Abroad Beijing (f, s, ay)
India Carleton Buddhist Studies (f, E)
Japan S
MITH CONSORTIUM: Associated Kyoto Program
(AKP) (f, s, ay, E*)
IES Nanzan University (f, s, ay, E*)
Japan Study Program at Waseda University (s, ay, E*)
Kazakhstan American Councils Advanced Russian Language and
Area Studies Program (f, s, ay, E*)
Middlebury School Abroad Kazakhstan (f, s, ay)
Korea CIEE at Yonsei University (f, s, ay, E*)
Kyrgyzstan Bard Abroad in Bishkek (f, s, ay, E*)
Singapore NUS College (f, s, ay, E)
Taiwan CET Intensive Language (f, s, ay, E*)
American Councils Intensive Semester
Language Program (f, s, ay)
Middlebury Schools Abroad Kaohsiung (f, s, ay)
Australia SFS Rainforest to Reef (f, s)
SIT Rainforest, Reef & Cult. Ecology (f, s)
SIT Sustainability & Environmental Action (f, s)
University of Melbourne (f, s, ay)
University of Wollongong (f, s, ay)
New Zealand Frontiers Abroad: New Zealand Earth Systems &
Geology of New Zealand (f, s)
University of Auckland (f, s, ay)
University of Canterbury (f, s, ay)
University of Otago (f, s, ay)
Samoa SIT Social & Env. Change in Oceania (f, s)
f- fall
s - spring
ay - northern hemisphere academic year
cy - calendar year & southern hemisphere academic year
E - taught in English without language pre-requisites for Smith approval
E* - taught in English with language pre-requisites for Smith approval
E** - exception to the language pre-requisite; see Study Abroad Guide for details
Study Abroad Program Abbreviations
CIEE - Council on International Exchange
IES - Institute for the International Education of Students
IFSA The Institute for Study Abroad
SFS - School for Field Studies
SIT - School for International Training
OIS reserves the right to modify this list at any time.
Updated August 13, 2024
Office for International Study, Wright Hall, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
Tel: (413) 585-7598 Email: studyabroad@smith.edu Web: www.smith.edu/studyabroad
Czechia CET Prague - Central European Studies (f, s, E)
CET Prague - Film Production (f, s, E)
CET Prague - Jewish Studies (f, s, E)
Denmark DIS in Copenhagen (f, s, ay, E)
Estonia ISEP at Univ. of Tartu (s, ay, E*)
France S
Greece College Year in Athens (f, s, ay, E)
Hungary AIT Budapest Comp Sci. & Software Eng. (f, s, E)
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (f, s, ay, E)
Iceland SIT Climate Change and the Artic (f, s, E)
Italy S
MITH CONSORTIUM: Intercollegiate Center for
Classical Studies, Rome (f, s, E*)
Netherlands Carleton Women’s & Gender Studies in Europe (f, E)
SIT Int’l Perspective on Sexuality and Gender (f, s, E)
University College Roosevelt (f, s, ay, E)
Portugal CIEE Language and Culture (f, s, ay)
Spain S
MITH CONSORTIUM: Programa de Estudios
Hispánicos en Córdoba (PRESHCO) (f, s, ay)
Hamilton College in Madrid (f, s, ay)
Skidmore & Tufts, Madrid (f, s, ay)
Sweden DIS in Stockholm (f, s, ay, E)
Switzerland S
Joint BA/MA Program at the Graduate
Institute for Int’l & Dev Studies (f, E)
REP. of IRELAND and the UK
Rep. of Ireland University College Cork (f, s, ay)
University College Dublin (f, s, ay)
UK - England In London:
King’s College London (s, ay)
London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
(LAMDA) (f, s)
London School of Economics and Political
Science (ay)
Queen Mary University of London (f, s, ay)
Royal Holloway, University of London (s, ay)
Slade School of Fine Art (s)
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),
University of London (f, s, ay)
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
University College London (s, ay)
Outside London:
Advanced Studies in England (ASE) (f, s, ay)
Cambridge University
Pembroke College (s, ay)
Middlebury Schools Abroad - CMRS Oxford
Humanities Program (f, s, ay)
University of Bristol (s, ay)
University of East Anglia (s, ay)
University of Manchester (s, ay)
University of Oxford
Hertford College (s, ay)
Lady Margaret Hall (f, s, ay)
St. Catherine’s College (s, ay)
St. Edmund Hall (s, ay)
University of York (s, ay)
UK - Scotland Glasgow School of Art (f, s)
Univ. of Edinburgh (f, s, ay)
University of St. Andrews (f, s, ay)
Border Studies Program through Earlham College (f, s, E)
Coastal and Ocean Studies Program through Williams-Mystic (f, s, E)
Integrated Studies Program in Puerto Rico through Spanish Studies Abroad (f, s, ay)
f- fall
s - spring
ay - northern hemisphere academic year
cy - calendar year & southern hemisphere academic year
E - taught in English without language pre-requisites for Smith approval
E* - taught in English with language pre-requisites for Smith approval
E** - exception to the language pre-requisite; see Study Abroad Guide for details
Study Abroad Program Abbreviations
CIEE - Council on International Exchange
IES - Institute for the International Education of Students
IFSA The Institute for Study Abroad
SFS - School for Field Studies
SIT - School for International Training