Disclaimer: The informaon provided here is intended to be an overview only. Vermont tax statutes,
regulaons, Vermont Department of Taxes rulings, or court decisions supersede informaon presented here.
Revised November 2023 | Publicaon FS-1073
Where’s my Vermont Income Tax Refund?
You can check the status of your refund is by selecng Check
the Status of Your Return located on the myVTax homepage
Please wait at least 72 hours for e-led returns and 8-10 weeks
for paper-led returns before checking the status of your
refund. To nd out if your refund has been issued, you must
enter your 1) last name, 2) Social Security Number, 3) ZIP code,
and 4) requested refund amount.
This service will provide the current status of your return, such
as the following:
We’ve received your return (with date received)
We’re processing your return
We’ve requested addional informaon (with date of
We’ve received your addional informaon
We’ve released your refund (with date of release)
Factors That Can Add Time to Processing
Your Refund
Missing Informaon
If your return is missing informaon, forms, or schedules, we
will send you a leer with details of what we need from you. You may submit informaon to the Department
through myVTax by selecng Respond to Correspondence on the myVTax homepage (hps://www.myvtax.
vermont.gov/). Your prompt response will help us process your refund more quickly.
Tax Credits and Refund Claims Take Time
We encourage you to le for tax credits if you are eligible, but informaon you provide to apply for these
credits oen requires research and vericaon by our tax examiners. This adds me to processing. For
example, you must include a completed Schedule HI-144, Household Income, with your Property Tax Credit
We understand that you want your Vermont personal income tax refund as quickly as possible. Perhaps you’ve
already received your federal tax refund from the IRS and wonder when you’ll receive your Vermont tax
refund. There are a number of factors that can add days—and even weeks—to normal processing me. This
fact sheet will cover the most common factors and provide guidance on what you can do to make processing
your refund go more smoothly and quickly.
Check Your Refund Status Online
Claim. The HI-144 requires detailed nancial informaon for you and household members, which must be
reviewed carefully to make sure it is accurate and complete.
We’re Checking for Fraud
The Department works hard to ght fraud and protect your refund, but this can add me to processing. As part
of our fraud detecon eorts, we may send you a leer with instrucons to verify your return. To verify your
return online through myVTax, select Return Filing Vericaon on the myVTax homepage (hps://www.myvtax.
Instances of Fraud are Increasing - But So Are Our Eorts to Stop It
The IRS, Vermont, and other state tax and revenue departments connue to ght identy the and tax refund
fraud. We take our job of protecng taxpayer money and state revenues very seriously. Our special unit
dedicated to detecng and stopping fraud reviews and updates our procedures and standards of pracce to
keep your informaon safe.
Many of these precauons have resulted in increased processing me, but we believe they are worth it. If
we suspect fraud is being commied against you, we will send you a leer requesng vericaon of your
idencaon. Please respond to our request as soon as possible by following the instrucons in the leer.
More details about how to report identy the and fraud can be found on the Vermont Department of Taxes
website (hps://tax.vermont.gov/help/identy-the) and the Internal Revenue Service website (hps://www.
Help Us Process Your Refund Faster
The most common
problem that can hold
up processing is when a
taxpayer does not report
ALL income earned for the
tax year. Be sure to wait
unl you have received
all forms W-2 and 1099
before ling your tax
You can help us speed up the processing of your return and refund by
following these ps. If we cannot process your form, we consider your
tax return “not led,” which may result in late fees and penales.
Choose E-le
Save me and avoid mistakes by ling your return online. Your return
will not only get to the Department for processing faster, but the
soware will walk you through the ling process and do the math for
you. You will have to e-le using commercial soware, but more than
half of Vermont taxpayers qualify for free e-ling through Free File.
Find out if you qualify by vising our website (hp://tax.vermont.gov/
Double Check Your Informaon
Make sure the Social Security Number on your Form W-2 is
correct. If not, correct it with your employer.
Do the math. Double check your math calculaons and enter
them on the correct lines.
If choosing direct deposit, make sure your nancial instuon
account and roung numbers are correct. If in doubt, ask your
nancial instuon.
Sign on the line. All lers must sign the form if a signature(s) is
Watch: How to Check the Status of Your Refund
Print legibly. If we can’t read your wring, we will return the forms to you. You must then resubmit them.
Poor handwring? E-le or use the llable PDF forms to type in your informaon.
Submit all required forms and schedules.
Provide your mailing and physical 911 addresses—We ask for both in Secon 1 on Form IN-111. If you
move, nofy the Department in wring of your new address. See our website for instrucons (www.tax.
Provide requested idencaon, such as your Social Security Number, to help us verify your identy.
Do one nal check for accuracy, making sure all numbers are correct and not transposed, math
calculaons are accurate, and the form is signed by all lers.
If You Use Paper Forms, Always Follow the Form Prinng Instrucons
Subming forms in other than their original formats only slows processing and may lead to an addional fee.
We may send the return back to you if our scanners and tax examiners cannot read your return. Follow these
ps to complete and print forms:
When prinng forms from our website, follow instrucons on the forms carefully. Do not shrink or enlarge
Print forms on 20# or 24# white paper.
Use only blue or black ink when compleng paper forms.
Contact Us
If you have quesons, please contact us if you have not received your refund within six weeks aer it was
issued at tax.IndividualIncome@vermont.gov or (802) 828-2865 or toll free in Vermont (888)-828-2865. We’re
here to help.