Making a dierence every day in the way we care for our
patients, colleagues, community and environment through
our Corporate Social Responsibility program.
2022 Pzer CARES snapshot
Patients Colleagues Community Environment
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
2 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
Anne Harris
Managing Director
Pzer Australia and New Zealand
Pzer CARES (Community Collaboration and Responsible
Environment and Economic Stewardship) encapsulates
how Pzer Australia cares for patients, colleagues,
community and our environment. Through the choices
Pzer colleagues make every day and the caring,
inclusive and diverse culture we create and enjoy at
Pzer Australia, we are delivering on our purpose: to
deliver breakthroughs that change patients’ lives.
In this report you will see the incredible eorts colleagues
made in 2022, including our journey of reconciliation
with First Nations peoples and the launch of our REFLECT
Reconciliation Action Plan.
Colleagues have four volunteer days per year to support
causes important to them and we were very pleased to
be back to face-to-face volunteering. We served meals at
a homeless shelter near our Barrack Place Sydney oce,
volunteered with The Food Bank and the Rev. Bill Crews
Foundation, took part in World Blood Donor Day, and so
much more.
Our Charity of Choice, The Smith Family, continues to be a
wonderful partnership where we are helping to overcome
educational inequality caused by poverty for more than 70
students, including 25 students who identify as Aboriginal
and/or Torres Strait Islander, through our Learning for Life
scholarship funding.
I am deeply proud of our colleagues and the impact we
continue to make on the community.
Pzer CARES is our Corporate Social Responsibility program
that focuses on four key pillars. The program supports the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with each
pillar supporting a specic goal.
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Anne Harris, Managing Director
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
Patients Colleagues Community Environment
Patients are central to our scientic
discoveries and the medicines we
make and provide around the world.
Globally in 2022, over 1 billion people
were treated with a Pzer medicine.
In 2022, millions of patients in
Australia received Pzer products for a
diverse range of diseases like cancer,
inammation, rare and metabolic
diseases, infections and more.
We conducted 74 clinical trials with
796 patient participants.
Colleagues gave blood to Red Cross
Lifeblood, with 246 donations from
90 Pzer donors.
Over 316 nights of accommodation
were provided to Ronald McDonald
House Charities, with fundraising
targeting an extra 700 nights for
families in need.
Pzer donated $700,000+ to support
patient groups.
Contributed hundreds of employee
hours to volunteering activities
across Australia.
Proudly launched our REFLECT
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
on the 22nd March to kick o our
reconciliation journey with our nation’s
First Nations people.
Came together to support National
Volunteer Week, NAIDOC Week,
International Women’s Day,
International Day of People with
Disability and PRIDE week.
Collectively provided pro bono legal
assistance to 230 Afghani people
in Australia seeking to bring family
members to safety.
We had over 150 colleagues pledge
their time in 2022.
Provided ongoing support to
The Smith Family:
Supporting 72 school-level
students through the Learning
for Life sponsorship program.
Celebrating our students’
Mentoring and provided career
and leadership guidance.
Celebrating the UNs
International Day of the Girl.
Collected over 119kg of food
and participated in food drives for
Foodbank Australia.
It only took nine minutes for 100 of
our colleagues to change 500 lives
assembling hygiene kits in support of
The Station Ltd.
Gathered over 200 sanitary items
for our charity partner Share the Dignity
to help put a stop to period poverty.
We set clear 2022 objectives
to drive greater action for
environmental sustainability.
We continued to be proactive with our
climate change eorts by investing in
our Melbourne site solar panel project.
We focused on reducing our
environmental impact by:
Reviewing our supply chain and
manufacturing areas of the
business and continually seeking
sustainability enhancements.
Collaborating with Stormwater
Shepherds, our Environmental
Partner, on our rst virtual
Participating in Clean Up
Australia Day eorts, which
were supercharged in 2022
as we collected over 30kg of
waste across Sydney,
Melbourne and Perth.
3 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
(Reporting period: Jan 2022 to Dec 2022)
Patients are central to our scientic discoveries
and the medicines we make and provide around
the world. Globally in 2022, over 1 billion people
were treated with a Pzer medicine.
We know we are being truly patient centric
when we listen and learn from the patients'
perspective, partner with integrity and create
solutions that matter most to patients and
those who care for them. It's quite simple really,
and it starts with listening.
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
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Pzer ANZ was ranked Number 1 by patient
groups who have ‘worked with’ and are ‘familiar
with’ the company in the 2022 PatientView survey.
In October each year, we take some time to reect
on how we support patients around our four areas
of patient centricity – Insights and immersion,
Supports and services, Empowering
& equipping and Advocacy action.
In October 2022, we heard from patients in a
number of ways, one of which saw Anne Harris,
our Country Manager have a number of in-depth
conversations with patient group leaders in lung
health, blood cancer, breast cancer and alopecia.
Leigh Simmonds, Pillar lead for Patients
4 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Our impact at
Pzer Room 413
The Perth Pzer
Lifeblood team standing
proud following their
Cancer Council Australia
Our colleagues proudly raised funds for Cancer
Council Australia through various fundraising and
volunteering opportunities, including Australia’s
Biggest Morning Tea and Daodil Day.
Our colleague Kim
Konnaris made his
100th donation to
Lifeblood in 2022
The Australian
Red Cross Lifeblood
Under the guidance of Jennifer Schramm and Jennifer
Petkos, our Pzer CARES Lifeblood leads, we continued
to support Lifeblood by taking part in World Blood
Donor Day (14 June) and rallying colleagues across
Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart to
make donations.
I love that the House gives you the opportunity to
meet other families who are going through similar
situations to you. It helps being able to connect and
talk about it with others who understand what you’re
going through. Being a single mum, it helps to have
others around so I don’t feel totally on my own, and
Elaina has been able to make some friends to play
with in the House.”
Home for Dinner
Bush food savoury
treats at Australia’s
Biggest Morning Tea
Climbing mountains for a cause
In 2022, 8 colleagues climbed Australia’s
biggest Mountain, Mount Kosciuszko, and
raised funds for patient group Rare Cancers
Australia. All colleagues were encouraged to
“climb for someoneand demonstrate our
strong commitment to patients, giving our time
and fundraising beyond the company to create
benets for more patients.
Above: Leigh Simmonds, Senior Manager Patient Advocacy, CSR
and RAP Lead, climbed the mountain with her daughter Isabelle in
honour of her Aunt who died of a rare endocrine tumour in 2018.
Virtual Ride for Sick Kids
and Be a Santa for Sick Kids
Ronald McDonald House recipient
5 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
2022 impact
2022 impact
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Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
6 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot
Investing in our people and the
causes that are important to them
creates pride at work, and allows
Pzer Australia to support our
people, patients, the community
and the environment.
Stewart Williams, Pillar lead for Colleagues
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6 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
Volunteer Week 2022
REFLECT Reconciliation Action Plan
We proudly launched our REFLECT Reconciliation
Action Plan (RAP) on the 22nd of March. We are
now on our REFLECT reconciliation action plan
journey. To check out our progress against cultural
competency, community relations, procurement
and employment targets.
Community volunteering
With face-to-face volunteering returning as an option,
we have been ramping up our community outreach.
We have been working with Communiteer, an
organisation who connects corporates and charities,
which has given our colleagues a number of new ways
to lend a helping hand in the community.
As part of our ongoing eorts in this space, our
colleagues supported the 2022 National Volunteer Week
and found opportunities throughout the year to commit
to volunteering in the community. We had over 150
colleagues pledge their time in 2022, committing
168 volunteer hours during Volunteer Week, and
many more hours throughout the year.
Organisations don’t
reconcile it’s the people
within them who do.
We kicked o NAIDOC Week with a ag ceremony
in Melbourne at our manufacturing site where the
Aboriginal ag was raised in acknowledgement of the
traditional custodians of the land, the Bunurong people
of the Kulin Nation.
Shantelle Thompson led a special Yarn, where she
shared wisdom, knowledge and practices from her
culture and experience. Colleagues also enjoyed treats
from Mabu Mabu, an Indigenous catering company
based in Melbourne.
We also launched Deadly Culture Hubs in all our
locations. This is a resource library where colleagues can
read and borrow a range of literature, both historical
and contemporary, suitable for children and adults
about culture, community, people and practices.
Leigh Simmonds
Senior Manager Patient
Advocacy, CSR and RAP Lead
Flag ceremony
at Melbourne
manufacturing site
with Serena Angius,
Melbourne Site
community partners
employee volunteer
community partner
National Volunteer
Week virtual sessions
people attended
the sessions
pledges made
Deadly Culture
Hubs launched at all
Pzer locations
7 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
Firesticks, DLA and
Refugee Legal Partnerships
As part of our Reconciliation Action Plan,
together with Norton Rose Fulbright, we
assisted the Firesticks Alliance Indigenous
Corporation (Firesticks) in accessing pro bono
legal research relating to cultural burning.
We also worked with global law rm DLA Piper,
to partner with Refugee Legal, a community
legal centre, to provide pro bono legal
assistance to Afghani people living in Australia
seeking to bring their family members to
safety. In 2022, the teams collectively advised
more than 230 people.
International Day of People
with Disability
To mark the United Nations Day celebrating the
achievements of people with disability, we hosted
a ‘Brunch & Learn’ session on the 7th of December
to acknowledge the 4.4 million Australians living
with disability and contribute to positive change in
the workplace and community.
Celebrating Wellness Month
August was celebrated as Wellness Month
at Pzer Melbourne. To bring the health
and safety of all colleagues to the forefront,
Melbourne colleagues rolled out four weeks of
activities that promoted emotional, physical,
nancial, social and community wellbeing.
Colleagues even had the chance to go into
a rae to win a $250 Endota Spa voucher in
support of the initiative.
Virtual session with
the McGrath Foundation
Our colleagues were invited to attend a face to face
and virtual session with the McGrath Foundation team
in October in acknowledgement of Breast Cancer
Awareness Month.
Above left: Dan Morgan in Yuin Country
(photo credit: Vanessa Milton).
Left: The Cape York Fires Workshop
(photo credit: Leo Goddard)
Women’s Day
This year we worked hard to support the 2022 theme
of #BreakTheBias. Our Melbourne colleagues led an
impressive campaign to challenge women in the Pzer
family to share their images of the #BreakTheBias
crossed arm pose – in support of a world free of bias,
stereotypes and discrimination.
8 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
At Pzer Australia, we believe it is
important to give and as such we
support a range of community driven
initiatives, both large and small.
Globally in 2022, Pzer had a focus
on community engagement and
encouraged all markets to prioritise
community partnerships and support.
Delicia De Sales, Pillar lead for Community
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Supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
9 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
The Station Ltd provides a range of services for
people who are having diculty attaining and
sustaining accommodation, health status, personal
autonomy and dignity.
Learn more about how it took just 9 minutes for 100
of our colleagues to impact 500 lives.
Share The Dignity
We believe that all Australians deserve and should
live with dignity. It is for this reason that our
colleagues wholeheartedly support the women’s
charity Share The Dignity, that works tirelessly to
end period poverty. We collected sanitary items
across Sydney, Melbourne and Perth to support
their important work.
Foodbank Australia
Pzer stood shoulder-to-shoulder with
Australia’s largest food relief organisation
to participate in food drives and
volunteering days in NSW and WA.
Colleagues packed boxes of non-
perishable pantry items, personal hygiene
products and household items for people
in crisis. We also had a team of volunteers
head out to the Sydney Foodbank
Distribution Centre to help sort, label,
stock shelves and pack food orders.
Our colleagues assisted with Foodbank Australia food drives and volunteering days in Sydney
Right: Our colleagues collected sanitary
items for Share The Dignity
The Station Ltd
Stewart Williams
and Delicia De Sales
rolling up their
sleeves at The Station
Ltd’s kitchen
Vinnies CEO Sleepout
Pzer ANZ Managing Director, Anne Harris,
along with six other Pzer colleagues from the
leadership team, participated in the 2022 Vinnies
CEO Sleepout,
raising more than $33,000.
Jack de Groot, former CEO of St
Vincent de Paul with Anne Harris,
Managing Director of Pzer
Australia and New Zealand.
10 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
2022 impact
2022 impact
2022 impact
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
Our engagement
The Smith Family Centenary webinar
First Nations Be Brave. Making change
through Reconciliation webinar
Cadetship to Career program
The Smith Family's 5-Year
Strategy Launch
National Great Big Thank You events
Total contribution
155 hours
The dierence our colleagues made in 2022
The number of The Smith Family events
attended by Pzer colleague
Growing Careers volunteers
Volunteers wrote birthday cards
Toy and Book Appeal volunteers
Other volunteers
Student sponsorship
Toy and Book Appeal
47 Volunteers
Kimberley Henderson,
Pillar Lead for The Smith Family
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The Smith Family
The Smith Family has been Pzer Australia’s
charity of choice since 2016. Our colleagues
are proud to rally around Pzers various
initiatives with The Smith Family to help
young Australians overcome educational
inequality caused by poverty.
Our ongoing commitment helps to create a world
where every child has the opportunity to change
their future.
11 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
Growing Careers
of support for
Toy and Book Appeal
Australia’s First
Learning for Life
sponsorship program
Reconciliation Week
International Day
of the Girl
Student Prole
12 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
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Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
Pzer’s purpose - Breakthroughs
that change patients’ lives inspires
our environmental sustainability
priorities. Guided by the UN Sustainable
Development Goals, globally Pzer
is committed to reducing our
environmental footprint.
Mirella Tarulli, Pillar lead for Environment
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Supporting the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals.
13 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
Our environmental sustainability at conferences
and exhibitions
Conscious of sustainability goals and our environmental impact, our approach
towards exhibition stands is changing.
Climate change
As part of our ongoing eorts to make strategic and deliberate actions to improve
environmental sustainability, Pzer installed a new 477kW solar panel system at
Melbourne manufacturing site.
14 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot
Pzer Australia is reducing its
environmental impact over time
by taking the 're-use, reduce, and
recycle' approach to its use of
exhibition stands:
We're developing modular panels that
can be re-used from one event
to another.
We're using modular, prefabricated
exhibition stands and hiring
furniture, ooring, and TV monitors,
instead of custom-built, one-o use
exhibitor stands.
In 2018, PGS Melbourne undertook an energy eciency
study across all equipment and processes on site to
develop sustainability and eciency projects, which
A Net Zero Plan and Site Utilities Master Plan
Project – currently in development.
A site study is in progress to identify and
develop strategy for site utilities
Reduction in energy consumption with
increased utilities eciencies
Site Waste Reduction in 2023 to increase
recycling by 25%
Increase capacity for metal recycling
New site cardboard compactor commissioned
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
Our presence at the May 2022 General
Practice Conference and Exhibition
(GPCE) Sydney meeting resulted in:
Walls made from Aluminium framing,
clad with 3mm PVC panels.
Floor made from MDF which is re-used,
and at end of life, recycled.
95% of the stand is re-used and at end
of life recycled. Only the soft plastics
such as PVC end up as waste to landll
as there is no alternative or recycling
available for this product.
Reducing the number of materials and
Leave Behinds on the exhibition stand
– utilise technology (QR codes), videos
and other multimedia resources.
Solar panel installation at Pzers
Melbourne manufacturing site
14 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)
Reducing our environmental impact in 2022
Transport and cold chain processes
Partnered with DHL on the following initiatives:
Replaced all single use real time temperature
monitors on all inbound international shipments
with reusable monitors.
Introduced Dual Chamber transport vehicles to ship
both Cold Chain and Ambient products to customers
in one vehicle, reducing both carbon emissions and
Cold Chain packaging waste.
To implemented a co-sharing initiative to reduce carbon
emission from transport, and packaging waste.
Patients Colleagues Community EnvironmentSnapshotReections
Clean Up Australia Day
An army of Pzer volunteers headed outdoors to
support the Clean Up Australia Day initiative and
collect bags of waste from their local communities.
Over 25kg of general waste and 5kg of recyclable
waste was collected in Perth, and multiple bags
were collected in Brisbane and Sydney.
Letft: Perth colleagues out in the
community for Clean Up Australia Day
Hack4Good for Stormwater Shepherds
Hackathons are great platforms to share ideas and
come together to collectively solve issues. We gathered
with Communiteer and our Environmental Partner
Stormwater Shepherds on the 8th of June to:
Further develop their corporate sponsorship and
partnership presentation deck
Utilise our sales and marketing skills
Check out the the video to learn more.
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15 2022 Pzer CARES snapshot Australia 2022 (updated October 2023)