Frontiers in Medicine 01
Patient-reported outcomes of
serum eye drops manufactured
from Australian blood donations
and packaged using Meise vials
Carley N.Gemelli
, PhillipMondy
, AthinaKakkos
, PerfectoDiaz
, ElizabethKnight
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, Melbourne, VIC, Australia,
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, Sydney,
NSW, Australia,
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Introduction: Serum eye drops (SED) are an eective treatment for dry eye
syndrome. However, autologous serum collection can have challenges. Patient-
tailored (allogeneic) SED (PT-SED) can be made from healthy blood donors.
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood has manufactured both autologous SED (Auto-
SED) and PT-SED and, in May 2021, introduced Meise vial packaging. This study
aimed to explore SED patient-reported outcomes and vial packaging satisfaction.
Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted with recruitment
between 1 November 2021 and 30 June 2022. Participants completed the dry
eye questionnaire (DEQ5), health-related quality-of-life (SF-8), functional
assessment of chronic illness therapy-treatment satisfaction-general (FACIT-
TS-G), and general wellbeing surveys. Existing patients completed these once,
and new patients were surveyed at baseline, 3  months post-treatment, and
6  months post-treatment.
Results: Participants who completed all study requirements were 24 existing
and 40 new Auto-SED and 10 existing and 8 new PT-SED patients. Auto-SED
patients were younger [56.2 (±14.7) years] than PT-SED patients [71.4 (±10.0)
years]. Participants used a mean of 1.8 (±1.1) SED, 5.3 (±2.9) times per day. In new
patients, DEQ5 scores improved within 6  months from 14.0 (±2.9) to 10.6 (±3.4)
for Auto-SED and from 12.9 (±3.7) to 11.4 (±2.8) for PT-SED. General wellbeing
measures improved in the new Auto-SED from 7.0 (±1.9) to 7.8 (±1.7) but were
reduced for new PT-SED from 6.7 (±2.9) to 6.1 (±2.9).
Discussion: SED improved dry eye symptoms in most patients, regardless of the
serum source. Patients using PT-SED showed decreases in some quality-of-life
measures; however, recruitment was reduced due to operational constraints, and
concurrent comorbidities were not assessed. General feedback for SED and vial
packaging was positive, with some improvements identified.
blood donation, serum eye drops, transfusion medicine, dry eye, blood
Michele Lanza,
University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy
José-María Sánchez-González,
Sevilla University, Spain
Michael Thiel,
University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Rena Hirani
RECEIVED 04 July 2023
ACCEPTED 17 August 2023
PUBLISHED 05 September 2023
Gemelli CN, Mondy P, Kakkos A, O’Donovan J,
Diaz P, Knight E and Hirani R (2023) Patient-
reported outcomes of serum eye drops
manufactured from Australian blood donations
and packaged using Meise vials.
Front. Med. 10:1252688.
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1252688
© 2023 Gemelli, Mondy, Kakkos, O’Donovan,
Diaz, Knight and Hirani. This is an open-access
article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
The use, distribution or reproduction in other
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original publication in this
journal is cited, in accordance with accepted
academic practice. No use, distribution or
reproduction is permitted which does not
comply with these terms.
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 05 September 2023
DOI 10.3389/fmed.2023.1252688
Gemelli et al. 10.3389/fmed.2023.1252688
Frontiers in Medicine 02
1. Introduction
Severe dry eye disease (also known as dry eye syndrome or
keratoconjunctivitis sicca) is a commonly diagnosed condition and,
within a summary of international prevalence, is noted to aect up to
50% of patients referred to ophthalmologists (1). Dry eye is caused by
the inability to produce enough tears for lubrication or tear
evaporation, resulting in severe quality of life challenges for the
aected person (2, 3). Dry eye is mostly found in older women and
has a range of potential causes, including hormonal changes; medical
conditions, such as autoimmune conditions or rheumatological
diseases; medications; and environment. However, depending on the
denition of dry eye that is used, it is becoming more commonly
reported and is linked with the use of computers and other screen
technologies (4, 5). In Australia, vision problems are reported to aect
9.4% of Australians aged over 55 years (6).
ere are a number of available treatments and surgical
interventions, such as preservative-free ocular lubricants, punctal
occlusion, night-time ointment or moisture goggles, therapeutic
contact lenses, topical anti-inammatory medications (corticosteroids
and cyclosporine), or oral antibiotics (macrolide or tetracycline).
However, one well-tolerated treatment is serum eye drops (SED),
which are reported to have few side eects, including slight eye
irritation, burning, and tearing with the potential for an increased risk
of infection if the eye drop vessel is not handled as directed (716).
SED are made by separating the serum from the cellular
components of whole blood (WB) and can bemade from a patient’s
own blood donation (autologous) or using blood donations from
healthy volunteers (allogeneic). SED manufacturing procedures are
not standard internationally and dier between blood collection
agencies, pathology clinics, and other providers. SED manufacture can
dier in the amount of WB collected, concentration, type of diluent,
and packaging systems (17). ese dierences can make eective
comparisons of patient outcomes following the use of SED more
challenging and impact the understanding of which proteins or
growth factors are vital for the most eective SED composition.
In Australia, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood (Lifeblood) is the
national provider of fresh blood and blood products manufactured
from blood donations made by voluntary, non-remunerated donors.
Currently, Lifeblood manufactures both autologous serum eye drops
(Auto-SED) and patient-tailored (allogenic) serum eye drops
(PT-SED) diluted to a concentration of 20% in 0.9% saline. Following
manufacture, SED components are transported using dry-ice to an
approved health provider (AHP) close to the patients home, and
patients are notied to collect them. Auto-SED patients receive a
12 months supply, and PT-SED patients receive a 6 months supply,
which are stored by the patients in domestic freezers. Both sources of
SED have a 12 months expiration date following manufacture. Once
opened, SED users are asked to dispose of vials at the end of the day.
For SED provision, patients must have a referral from a consultant
ophthalmologist where there is a reasonable expectation of therapeutic
benet. Suitability for Auto-SED collection is dependent on the
patient meeting general blood donation eligibility criteria, having
reasonable venous access, and having the ability to tolerate
venesection. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, blood collection for
Auto-SED was conducted via a Lifeblood blood donation centre or, in
particular cases, using selected AHPs. PT-SED are a desirable
alternative for cases where patients are unable to donate due to poor
venous access, have comorbidities preventing donation, or have
mobility/geographical restrictions, and they also enable the ability to
streamline manufacturing processes (18). As a result of the COVID-19
pandemic in 2020, health service restrictions prevented the collection
of autologous donations from patients within AHPs, and PT-SED
production increased.
Furthermore in May 2020, Lifeblood introduced Meise vial (Meise
Medizintechnik GmbH) packaging for SED (Figure1). Prior to this,
SED were packaged using segmented plastic tubing (Macopharma
VSE4001XK tubing set) (19). e introduction of closed vials is
known to improve eciencies in SED manufacture and assist patients
in the administration of SED onto the ocular surface (20). e
previous segments were reported to bedicult to open, as they had
to becut open with scissors and were dicult to squeeze to get the
drops out. ey were also labour-intensive to manufacture, as they
required manual heat sealing to produce a single-dose segment length
(17). e vials are easier to open, as they have a twist cap, can
berecapped and stored for the day, and are already segmented into
vials, making them more ecient to manufacture. Furthermore, using
vial packaging did not aect the stability of SED composition (19, 20).
Previous studies have shown that Auto-SED has sustained benets
for dry eye in Australian patients (14). However, there are limited
standardised studies on the eectiveness of comparing Auto-SED and
PT-SED, especially for patients who have been swapped between SED
types. One Netherlands study did indicate that autologous and
allogeneic SED have comparable ecacy and tolerability (18).
In this study, weexplore both Auto-SED and PT-SED patient
group perspectives on the eectiveness of SED products on their eye
symptoms and quality of life using standardised dry eye and quality
of life surveys. Views from all SED patients were also explored on the
vial packaging.
Photograph of the original tubing segments (top) used for serum eye
drops and the Meise vials (bottom) introduced in May 2021.
Gemelli et al. 10.3389/fmed.2023.1252688
Frontiers in Medicine 03
2. Methods
e study was reviewed and approved by the Australian Red Cross
Lifeblood Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) (Mondy
21092021). e study was conducted in accordance with the National
Health and Medical Research Councils National Statement on Ethical
Conduct in Human Research (2007, updated 2018).
2.1. Patient enrolment
Eligible SED patients between 1 November 2021 and 30 June
2022, over 18 years of age, who were able to provide written informed
consent and were not current Lifeblood sta members, were identied
through the National Blood Management System (NBMS)
administered by Lifeblood. Potential participants were screened by a
research study nurse to determine study eligibility. Once eligible,
patients were invited to participate in the study via email or postal
letter. Following participant consent, links to the survey were sent, and
data were collected via the online web platform Qualtrics (Qualtrics,
Provo, UT). If a valid email address was not available or if the
participant requested it, paper-based surveys were sent to the recorded
postal address. Participants were also able to complete the surveys
with research team assistance over the telephone if they requested so.
When there was no response, participants received a reminder email
within 10 days. Follow-up telephone calls were also conducted if no
response had been received 2 weeks aer initial contact. If participants
asked for the survey to becompleted via telephone, a research sta
member would read out the questions and complete the form on
Qualtrics. Any feedback provided outside of the survey questions was
not recorded to ensure that the feedback was the same as for
participants who completed the survey online or via paper-
based copies.
Auto-SED and PT-SED participants were divided into two groups:
those receiving the product for the rst time were classied as “New,
while those who had received SED before this research study were
classied as “Existing.” e groups were identied before the
participant was invited to ensure that the correct survey tools were
provided. All patient research records were managed using REDCap
(Research Electronic Data Capture), a secure web platform supporting
data capture for research studies (21). A research study nurse veried
details regarding patient medications and clinical indications.
2.2. Survey and interview
Existing patients received only a single survey sent at the time
when their next allotment of SED was available. New patients received
surveys at baseline prior to SED treatment to establish a pre-treatment
measure. ey then received two follow-up surveys at 3months and
6months post-SED commencement. Survey questions were removed
or included depending on the timepoint as required to comment on
SED usage where appropriate. Brief outlines of each survey section are
provided below, with a detailed survey questions provided in
Supplementary Figure S1. e survey tools used were chosen because
they are well-reported, simple, and objectively standardised
measurement tools within the medical eld to measure patient-
reported outcomes. ey were chosen to determine not only whether
dry eye symptoms were reduced but also whether the relief of these
symptoms assisted patients with other general wellbeing measures and
provided insight into the wider health status of this patient group.
2.3. Dry eye questionnaire
e dry eye questionnaire (DEQ5) assesses a patients experience
of dry eye symptoms on a typical day over a month. Questions were
included to ascertain the severity and degree of eye discomfort, eye
dryness, and excessive wateriness. e ve measures are combined
into a total score ranging from 0 to 22, where the lower the score, the
less severe the symptoms (22).
2.4. Short form health survey
e short form health survey (SF-8) is a shortened version of
the SF-36 health survey and provides a generic assessment of
health-related quality of life in adults, including physical health and
functioning, role limitations, bodily pain, vitality, social functioning,
mental health, and emotional challenges (23, 24). Scores range from
0 to 100, with higher totals indicating better health.
2.5. General wellbeing
e National Eye Institute visual function questionnaire (NEI-
VFQ-25) captures vision and health-related quality of life and is one
of the most commonly implemented patient-reported outcomes in
ophthalmology research (25). For this study, two items from the
NEI-VFQ-25 have been used to describe the current level of wellbeing
and distress. Specically, these are “I amoen irritable because of my
eyesight” and “I do not go out of my home alone, because of my
eyesight.” Scores ranged from 2 to 10, with a higher score indicating a
greater level of wellbeing experienced.
2.6. Functional assessment of chronic
illness therapy-treatment
e functional assessment of chronic illness therapy-treatment
satisfaction-general (FACIT-TS-G) version 4 measures a patient’s
satisfaction with the treatment they have been administered (26).
Patients are asked to rate the eectiveness of the treatment compared
to expectations, satisfaction with the treatment, physician evaluated
eects of the treatment, whether they would use the treatment again,
and recommendations to others. e responses are combined to
provide a score ranging from 0 to 25, with a higher score indicating
more satisfaction with the treatment.
2.7. Generic SED packaging and satisfaction
SED treatment-related questions, frequency and volume of SED
use, and views on SED were also asked and are outlined in
Gemelli et al. 10.3389/fmed.2023.1252688
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Supplementary Figure S2. Text from open elds within the survey was
analysed and coded for inclusion in relevant themes.
2.8. Qualitative interviews
Opt-in participation in a 30 min semi-structured, in-depth phone
interview was also conducted on up to ve selected individuals per
SED group (see Supplementary Figure S2 for a detailed question list).
e participants were invited to a qualitative interview at the time of
enrollment until up to ve individuals had been interviewed per
group. Topics included views on SED packaging, SED usage, and the
impact on quality of life. e interviews were recorded with consent
and transcribed by a contracted transcription service. Participants
received a token gi card to the value of AUD50 to recompense for
their time. Interview transcripts were analysed using an inductive
method, with some sections of the transcript coded.
2.9. Statistical method
Statistical analyses of the quantitative data were performed using
the statistical soware IBM SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics 28.0; IBM
Corporation). Demographic and donation characteristics were
described by means (±SD) for continuous parametric variables,
medians (Med) [interquartile ranges (IQR)] for non-parametric
variables, and by totals (percentages) for categorical variables.
Independent t-tests were conducted to determine any univariate
means dierences between the timepoints for parametric data, and a
Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for non-parametric variables.
Statistical signicance was determined as a two-tailed p-value
of 0.05.
3. Results
3.1. Patient demographics and dry eye
e number of patients who were provided SED during the study
period was 186, of which 144 were Auto-SED recipients and 42 were
PT-SED recipients. Six Auto-SED and two PT-SED patients did not
meet the study requirements; therefore, a total of 178 potential
participants were invited to participate in the study. Of these, 138 (55
existing and 83 new) were autologous recipients (74.2% of total
patients provided with Auto-SED), and 40 (17 existing and 23 new)
were patient-tailored (allogenic) recipients (95.2% of total patients
provided with PT-SED) (Figure2).
Of those invited, a total of 28 existing (50.9% of existing invited)
and 44 new (53.0% of new invited) Auto-SED patients and 10 existing
(58.8% of existing invited) and 12 new (52.2% of new invited) PT-SED
patients consented to participate in the study. However, participants
who completed all study requirements for analysis consisted of 24
existing (43.6% of existing invited) and 40 new (48.2% of new invited)
Auto-SED recipients (44.4% of total patients provided with Auto-
SED), 10 existing (58.8% of existing invited), and 8 new (34.8% of new
invited) PT-SED patients (42.9% of total patients provided with
PT-SED). Previous autologous SED patients that were now being
provided with PT-SED due to operational and manufacturing reasons
were combined with existing PT-SED patients to enable a more
robust analysis.
Table1 summarises the demographic and clinical indications for
SED requirements. e mean age of existing Auto-SED patients was
58.0 (±12.2) years and 55.1 (±16.0) years for new Auto-SED patients.
PT-SED patients were older than Auto-SED patients, with a mean age
of 70.7 (±11.5) years for existing patients and 72.3 (±8.7) years for new
patients. Most (82.8% for Auto-SED and 94.4% for PT-SED) of the
patients requiring SED were women. SED treatment was required due
to the diagnosis of Sjögrens syndrome (51.6 and 61.1% for Auto-SED
and PT-SED, respectively). SED were also required for neurotrophic
corneal diagnosis in 17.2% of Auto-SED patients. Dry eye symptoms
were experienced for approximately 5 years or more, and nearly all
patients (82.8% Auto-SED and 88.9% PT-SED) had tried at least one
other treatment prior to SED. Existing Auto-SED patients had
symptoms longer than new Auto-SED patients [15.4 (±14.7) years and
4.9 (±5.5) years, respectively]. Existing PT-SED patients had
symptoms for a shorter time than new PT-SED patients [10.0 (±13.5)
years and 23.3 (±17.3) years, respectively].
3.2. Survey measures
DEQ5 measures were found to change signicantly in new
Auto-SED patients from baseline to 6 months post-treatment [14.0
(±2.9) to 10.6 (±3.4), p < 0.001] (Table2). Although not statistically
signicant in new PT-SED patients, the DEQ5 scores trended down
from baseline to 6 months post-treatment [12.9 (±3.7) to 11.4 (±2.8)],
indicating improvements for some patients. DEQ5 scores were similar
for existing Auto-SED and existing PT-SED at 12.7 (±2.7) and 12.9
(±3.3), respectively.
In new Auto-SED patients, the SF-8 survey showed no
improvement from baseline to 6 months post-treatment [19.6 (±6.7)
to 18.7 (±6.0)]. In new PT-SED patients, the SF-8 was slightly
improved at 6 months post-treatment, but this was not signicant
[26.3 (±9.5) to 29.3 (±7.7), p = 0.39]. Overall, for existing patients, the
SF-8 score was higher for PT-SED users than for Auto-SED users.
General wellbeing improved for new Auto-SED users 6 months
post-SED treatment [7.0 (±1.9) to 7.8 (±1.7), p = 0.002] but not for
new PT-SED users [6.7 (±2.9) to 6.1 (±2.9), p = 0.36]. Overall, the
wellbeing score was higher for existing Auto-SED patients than for
existing PT-SED patients [7.1 (±2.1) and 6.4 (±2.3)].
e FACIT-TS-G surveys did show a slight improvement in new
Auto-SED patients 6 months post-treatment [16.4 (±5.8) to 17.6
(±5.3)] but was not improved in new PT-SED patients [20.1 (±4.1) to
18.4 (±4.6)]. Overall, the FACIT-TS-G surveys were similar between
existing Auto-SED and existing PT-SED patients [21.5 (±3.8) and 19.2
3.3. Serum eye drop usage and patient
e number of times SED were used per day and the number of
drops each time were similar between Auto-SED and PT-SED users
with approximately two drops used up to six times per day (Table3).
Notably, 1 to 1.5 vials were used per day. Up to four vials were
Gemelli et al. 10.3389/fmed.2023.1252688
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discarded due to damage. Up to 180 vials were reported to bediscarded
due to expiration dates being reached.
Many patients indicated positive sentiments towards their SED
treatment, with many comments indicating that they were considered
It helps me quite a lot because Ihave a lot of eye complications, so
the eyedrops really help my eyes feel comfortable. Because Ihad such
dry eyes that, when Iwould blink, it felt like there were rocks in my
eyes, that’s how weird and dry they were but the eyedrops really,
really help. In fact, Ihave scarring on my corneas, and it turns out
that the serum eyedrops seem to have helped heal that scarring, just
a little bit, so that’s been very pleasant.”
Prior to using the drops my morning vision for up to 3 h aer
waking was poor. About 3 weeks aer commencing the drops
(miraculously) my morning vision was restored to normal. is has
had a huge positive impact on my life. In addition, my vision
generally has improved such that Ihave less need for reading glasses.
Truly, these drops have helped me enormously and
Iamvery grateful!”
Serum drops have been life-changing for me. I have multiple
autoimmune conditions and in the last year or more Ihave reacted
badly to every eyedrop that Itriedboth over the counter and
prescription. (I also react badly to any oral medications Ihave to
use for my dry mouth). With the serum drops, all the nasty
symptoms of dry eye have eased. I am extremely grateful.
ank you!”
e packaging was well liked, and most feedback was to provide
options to help patients travel with the SED while frozen. Due to
Autologous SED recipients
invited to participate
following assessment of
inclusion criteria
Existing (n = 55)
New(n = 83)
Emailedinvite (n = 138)
Paper survey requested
(n = 6)
Phone assistance
requested(n= 3)
Patient-tailored SED
recipients invited to
participate following
assessment of inclusion
Existing (n = 17)
New (n = 23)
Emailedinvite (n = 40)
Paper survey requested
(n = 22)
Completed baseline
(n = 42)
Completed 3-mth
(n = 40)
Completed 6-mth
(n = 40)
New Auto-SED
(n = 44)
Existing Auto-SED
(n = 28)
(n = 12)
Existing PT-SED
(n = 10)
completion and
Follow up
Completed baseline
(n = 25)
Completed baseline
(n = 10)
Survey results analysed
(n = 24)
(n = 5)
Excluded from analysis/lost
to follow up/withdrew from
(n =4)
Completed baseline
(n = 12)
Completed 3-mth
(n = 11)
Completed 6-mth
(n = 8)
Survey results analysed
(n = 40)
(n = 5)
Excluded from analysis/lost
to follow up/withdrew from
(n =4)
Survey results analysed
(n = 10)
(n = 4)
Excluded from analysis/lost
to follow up/withdrew from
(n =0)
Survey results analysed
(n = 8)
(n = 4)
Excluded from analysis/lost
to follow up/withdrew from
(n =4)
Consort diagram of patient enrolment and completion of study requirements.
Gemelli et al. 10.3389/fmed.2023.1252688
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natural disasters in Australia, some patients reported that storing SED
during that time was challenging.
e new packaging, which wehave hadI do not knowthe last
year, or maybe two; its really great. It’s much easier to use than the
old straw(When asked what they liked) at Ido not have to
sterilise them. And that youcan just snap the top o and use them,
put the lid back on and youare done.
If Igo out somewhere, youcannot take them (Meise vials) with you.
Youcannot take them with youwithout going to a lot of trouble, so
Ijust take over-the-counter eye drops to see me through during
the day.
I just nd when Ihave used them at room temperature, Ijust nd
them a bit ineective, so Igure, well Im not going to (take them
out)—it’s too problematic to travel with them that they need to stay
frozen, so noEven just outings Iwill not take them with.
For overseas Ihave to get a licence to travel with (SED)—because
its human blood, youhave to get a special clearance for that, and
Idid not know about that. SoI was unable to travel with them
because Idid not get the clearance in timeI just did not know to
travel with them because Idid not know how to keep them cold on
the ightWhen Icalled up my airline, they told me that Ineeded
a special clearance.
I got ooded in February, and Ihad one box le at home—I had two
boxes at work, luckily—and Itook them to the evac(uation) centre
and they had a freezer there that was on a generator, because there
was no powerBy the time Igot to the next place they’d all thawed
out, but Irefroze them and Iused them anyway, and Idid not have
any problems. It’s because Iwas desperate(My eyes were) really
badly irritated from having no sleep and being—probably rubbing
them, aer being in the funky ood water. ey were the worst I’ve
ever had them
4. Discussion
is study aimed to determine the eectiveness of serum eye
drops in Australian recipients using standardised surveys and
evaluate the patient experience with a vial packaging system that had
TABLE1 Demographics of consented serum eye drop users enrolled.
Autologous patients Patient-tailored
Existing (n=  24) New (n=  40) Existing (n=  10) New (n=  8)
Age (mean ± SD) 58.0 (±12.2) 55.1 (±16.0) 70.7 (±11.5) 72.3 (±8.7)
Gender [n (% of cohort
Male 4 (16.7) 7 (17.5) 0 (0.0) 1 (12.5)
Female 20 (83.3) 33 (82.5) 10 (100.0) 7 (87.5)
Prior auto donations (mean ± SD) 4.0 (±3.7) 0 (0.0)
Clinical indications resulting in dry eye
syndrome [n (% of the cohort total)]
Acute management of corneal injuries 2 (8.3) 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Blepharitis and conjunctivochalasis 0 (0.0) 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Gra vs. host 1 (4.2) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (12.5)
Inherited ocular surface disease 1 (4.2) 6 (15.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Neurotrophic cornea 5 (20.8) 6 (15.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (25.0)
Ocular mucous 0 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Sjögrens syndrome 10 (41.7) 23 (57.5) 7 (70.0) 4 (50.0)
Stevens–Johnson syndrome 2 (8.3) 1 (2.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Supportive 0 2 (5.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (12.5)
Other 4 (16.7) 2 (5.0) 3 (30.0) 2 (25.0)
Number of years with symptoms (mean ± SD) 15.4 (±14.7) 4.9 (±5.5) 10.0 (±13.5) 23.3 (±17.3)
Currently or previously used at least one other
treatment [n (% of cohort total)]
22 (91.7) 31 (77.5) 8 (80.0) 8 (100.0)
Articial tears 19 (79.2) 26 (65.0) 7 (70.0) 7 (87.5)
Topical anti-inammatory drops 17 (70.8) 27 (67.5) 5 (50.0) 6 (75.0)
Tear retention therapies 16 (66.7) 23 (57.5) 6 (60.0) 2 (25.0)
Other 15 (62.5) 18 (45.0) 6 (60.0) 1 (12.5)
Multiple selections could have been made.
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TABLE2 Survey score totals from each group of serum eye drop (SED) users.
(mean  ±  SD)
Autologous serum eye drop patients Patient-tailored serum eye drop patients
(n=  24)
(n=  40)
3  months
to baseline
6  months
to baseline
(n=  10)
(n=  8)
3  months
to baseline
6  months
to baseline
DEQ5 discomfort 3.0 (±0.8) 3.4 (±0.7) 2.8 (±0.8) <0.001
2.4 (±0.8) <0.001
3.2 (±1.0) 2.8 (±1.3) 2.3 (±1.2) 0.45 2.8 (±0.7) 1.00
DEQ5 intensity of
2.8 (±0.8) 3.1 (±0.8) 2.4 (±1.1) <0.001
2.4 (±1.0) <0.001
2.9 (±1.0) 2.7 (±1.0) 2.0 (±1.1) 0.14 2.0 (±1.4) 0.23
DEQ5 dry 3.0 (±1.0) 3.3 (±0.8) 2.7 (±0.9) <0.001
2.6 (±0.8) <0.001
2.7 (±1.4) 2.9 (±1.1) 2.1 (±0.8) 0.08 2.6 (±0.7) 0.45
DEQ5 intensity of
3.0 (±0.7) 3.1 (±0.9) 2.4 (±1.1) <0.001
2.3 (±0.9) <0.001
2.9 (±1.4) 3.0 (±0.9) 2.0 (±1.3) 0.07 2.4 (±1.2) 0.18
DEQ5 watery 1.0 (±0.9) 1.1 (±1.1) 1.3 (±1.2) 0.42 1.0 (±1.1) 0.28 1.2 (±1.4) 1.3 (±1.3) 1.1 (±1.5) 0.83 1.6 (±1.3) 0.40
DEQ5 total 12.7 (±2.7) 14.0 (±2.9) 11.5 (±3.7) <0.001
10.6 (±3.4) <0.001
12.9 (±3.3) 12.9 (±3.7) 9.5 (±5.0) 0.10 11.4 (±2.8) 0.32
SF-8 total
19.5 (±8.1) 19.6 (±6.7) 19.2 (±6.8) 0.59 18.7 (±6.0) 0.33 26.1 (±6.6) 26.3 (±9.5) 25.4 (±9.3) 0.68 29.3 (±7.7) 0.39
General wellbeing
7.1 (±2.1) 7.0 (±1.9) 7.5 (±2.0) 0.10 7.8 (±1.7) 0.002
6.4 (±2.3) 6.7 (±2.9) 7.3 (±2.8) 0.92 6.1 (±2.9) 0.36
FACIT-TS-G total 21.5 (±3.8) 16.4 (±5.8) 17.6 (±5.3) 0.05
19.2 (±4.6) 20.1 (±4.1) 18.4 (±4.6) 0.66
DEQ5, dry eye questionnaire (DEQ5); SF-8, 2.4 short form health survey; FACIT-TS-G, functional assessment of chronic illness therapy-treatment satisfaction-general.
Two-tailed p-value 0.05 is considered signicant.
Gemelli et al. 10.3389/fmed.2023.1252688
Frontiers in Medicine 08
been recently implemented. DEQ5 was an eective tool for
measuring dry eye symptoms in patients and we found that for all
patients their dry eye symptoms had reduced in severity aer using
SED, regardless of whether Auto-SED or PT-SED were used. Only
two (2.0%) patients across both cohorts could not use SED or had
adverse reactions. is nding is similar to previously published
studies on SED related outcomes and appears to beconsistent with
whether autologous or allogeneic SED were administered (9, 11, 12,
14, 18, 27).
DEQ5 is a reliable and quick tool to measure SED impact on dry
eye, and we feel this could be routinely used for monitoring
eectiveness in patients who are new to SED treatment (22). e other
survey tools analysing health, wellbeing, and distress were not as
suitable for assessing SED outcomes as there were disparate responses
across users. Disparate ndings were likely due to PT-SED patients
being signicantly older than patients using Auto-SED. erefore,
PT-SED patients may have more associated comorbidities, in addition
to dry eye syndrome, that aect their overall wellbeing. Information
on associated comorbidities and symptom burden for SED users
during the study period was not obtained; therefore, it was challenging
to compare the wellbeing outcomes associated with SED to those that
were extraneous.
Strength of this study was the use of objective, standardised
surveys and following some patients from before SED was applied to
6 months post-treatment. For many SED users, improvements were
gained within 3 months of SED use. Limitations included the lack of
information on comorbidities that may have impacted the overall
wellbeing of the patients. While information on co-treatments was
collected, the regime of these treatments when used in conjunction
with SED was not provided in detail and would not beuseful for any
future studies. ere was also limited recruitment of PT-SED users as
a result of regulatory submissions and operational constraints
following the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic impacting SED production
during the study recruitment period. Further to disruptions caused by
SARS-CoV-2, the study period was additionally impacted by large
geographical areas of Australia experiencing extreme weather events,
such as ooding, that impacted SED users’ distress and wellbeing.
Data biases from telephone interviews were reduced where possible
by using standardised tools and questions. However, some variations
are possible, especially in older patients, where they may bemore
positive when they are able to discuss the survey questions with a
researcher. Existing patients were used to having SED, so their views
on eectiveness may have been diminished. However, their views on
the new vial packaging are particularly valuable, as these patients
would have been exposed to both the new vials and had used
segmented tubing previously. Wechose to assess these patients in
conjunction with new SED users, to determine whether the vial
packaging was preferred.
e use of vial packaging was strongly supported, but there were
challenges identied. Some indicated that too much serum volume
was being discarded from daily vials as the vial volumes were larger
than the previously used segmented tubing. Some patients indicated
challenges with opening the vials due to arthritis and other
comorbidities aecting ne motor skills. Other patients were
frustrated by the lack of solutions to allow travel while keeping the
vials at the appropriate cold storage requirements. However, despite
these, the vials were strongly supported, and overall use of SED,
whether Auto-SED or PT-SED, was seen positively by the patients.
Further to the limited information on patient-reported
outcomes following SED use, there is also limited information on
whether donor factors aect batches of SED that could inuence the
eect on patients (19, 28). Despite this, SED, whether autologous or
patient-tailored, have been shown to beeective and generally well-
tolerated, conrming the ndings of other studies. Using tools such
as DEQ5 routinely to allow regular standardised measures of
associated symptoms and track sustained improvements can
bevaluable. Overall, this cohort of SED users indicated that their
dry eye symptoms were signicantly reduced regardless of the
source of the drops provided and that vial packaging did improve
the patient treatment experience.
Data availability statement
e raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will
bemade available by the authors, without undue reservation.
TABLE3 Summarised results of serum eye drop (SED)-related use and discard.
(mean  ±  SD)
Autologous serum eye drop patients Patient-tailored serum eye drop patients
(n=  24)
New 3  months
(n=  40)
New 6  months
(n=  10)
New 3  months
(n=  8)
New 6  months
Use per day (times) 5.2 (±2.2) 5.5 (±3.2) 5.3 (±4.1) 6.0 (±3.8) 3.9 (±1.7) 4.5 (±2.5)
How many drops each
2.1 (±1.1) 1.7 (±1.0) 1.9 (±1.7) 2.1 (±1.5) 1.7 (±1.0) 2.1 (±1.3)
How many vials used per
1.5 (±1.0) 1.0 (±0.3) 1.1 (±0.4) 1.5 (±0.8) 1.5 (±0.5) 1.1 (±0.4)
How many vials
disposed of due to
1.3 (±1.0) 2.3 (±1.9) 4.0 (±2.2) 1.0
How many vials
disposed of due to expiry
37.6 (±27.0) 8.0 (±0.0) 5.0 (±2.8) 180.0
Only one patient provided discard information.
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Ethics statement
e studies involving humans were approved by Australian Red
Cross Lifeblood Human Research Ethics Committee. e studies were
conducted in accordance with the local legislation and institutional
requirements. e participants provided their written informed
consent to participate in this study.
Author contributions
PM conceptualised the study. CG, AK, JO’D, and PD performed
project administration, data collection, data analysis, and study
interviews. RH supervised the study, analysed data, designed tables/
gures, and wrote the manuscript. CG, PM, AK, JO’D, PD, EK, and
RH contributed to data interpretation, literature searches/review,
study protocol writing, study design, review of the manuscript, and
had access to the data to assess and verify study results. All authors
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
Australian governments fund Australian Red Cross Lifeblood to
provide blood, blood products and services to the Australian
We would like to thank Australian blood donors who provide
blood and blood products for the community to enable this study.
We thank all of the recipients of serum eye drops who participated
in this study. We also thank Rebecca Camenzuli, Grace Davies,
Miriam Hydon, and Kosta ompson who provided study
administration support. Andrew Farrar, Tegan Diep, Lifeblood
Pathology and Clinical Governance administration team, and
Lifeblood Clinical Nurse Advisors for support in patient
identication and SED manufacture support. And we also thank
Abby Edwards who assisted with interviews and Catherine Willis
who assisted with detailed process mapping of serum eye drop
manufacture and distribution.
Conflict of interest
e authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
beconstrued as a potential conict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their aliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
endorsed by the publisher.
Supplementary material
e Supplementary material for this article can befound online
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