Practice Test #1
Table of Contents:
Reading Test Answer Explanations .............................................................................. 1
Writing and Language Test Answer Explanations .................................................... 29
Math Test – No Calculator Answer Explanations ..................................................... 52
Math Test – Calculator Answer Explanations ........................................................... 66
Answer Key .................................................................................................................. 93
User Notes:
Please have a copy of the PSAT/NMSQT Practice Test #1 to reference for the
passages and other information that form the basis for the questions in the
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and the Math sections of the Practice Test.
You can also refer to the test to see the information given to students about math
formulas and how to record the student-produced responses.
In this document, we have provided the following for each question:
difficulty level
content description
best or correct answer
answer explanation
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PSAT/NMSQT Practice Test #1 Reading Test Answer Explanations
Reading Test Answer Explanations
Question 1
The main purpose of the passage is to
(A) describe a main character and a significant change in her life.
(B) provide an overview of a family and a nearby neighbor.
(C) discuss some regrettable personality flaws in a main character.
(D) explain the relationship between a main character and her father.
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing purpose
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. Emma Woodhouse’s life and family are discussed,
including the marriage of her governess Miss Taylor who then moves out of
Emma’s home. In line 74, Emma wonders how she is to “bear the change” of Miss
Taylor’s departure, which indicates its significance.
Choices B and D are incorrect because the passage focuses more on Emma than
on her family and neighbors, and Emma’s relationship with her father is a
relatively minor consideration. Choice C is also incorrect because Emma is
characterized as handsome and clever with a happy disposition, and her arrogance
is only briefly mentioned.
Question 2
Which choice best summarizes the first two paragraphs of the passage
(lines 1-14)?
(A) Even though a character loses a parent at an early age, she is
happily raised in a loving home.
(B) An affectionate governess helps a character to overcome the loss of
her mother, despite the indifference of her father.
(C) Largely as a result of her father’s wealth and affection, a character
leads a contented life.
(D) A character has a generally comfortable and fulfilling life, but then
she must recover from losing her mother.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Information and Ideas / Summarizing
Best Answer: A
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Reading Test Answer Explanations
Choice A is the best answer. The passage indicates that Emma’s mother died long
ago and that Emma barely remembers her. Emma is raised by an affectionate
father and governess and is described as a person with a happy disposition.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect: Emma's father is not described as indifferent,
Emma is not described as contented because of her father’s wealth, and Emma
does not appear to suffer from the loss of her mother.
Question 3
The narrator indicates that the particular nature of Emma’s upbringing
resulted in her being
(A) despondent.
(B) self-satisfied.
(C) friendless.
(D) inconsiderate.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Reading closely
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. According to the passage, Emma had “a disposition
to think a little too well of herself” (line 30). Thinking a “little too well of herself”
means that Emma had an elevated opinion of herself, or that she was self-
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because Emma’s relationship with her father and
Miss Taylor, the two characters who raised her, did not result in her being
despondent, friendless, or inconsiderate.
Question 4
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
(A) Lines 1-5 (“Emma . . . her”)
(B) Lines 9-14 (“Her . . . affection”)
(C) Lines 28-32 (“The real . . . enjoyments”)
(D) Lines 32-34 (“The danger . . . her”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. Lines 28-32 state that “The real evils indeed of
Emma’s situation were the power of having rather too much her own way, and a
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disposition to think a little too well of herself; these were the disadvantages which
threatened alloy to her many enjoyments.” Thinking a “little too well of herself”
means that Emma had an elevated opinion of herself, or that she was self-
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not provide the best evidence
for Emma being self-satisfied. Choice A describes Emma’s positive traits, choice B
describes Emma’s affectionate relationship with Miss Taylor, and choice D
discusses only that Emma’s problems were negligible.
Question 5
As used in line 26, “directed” most nearly means
(A) trained.
(B) aimed.
(C) guided.
(D) addressed.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Interpreting words and phrases in context
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. In lines 25-27, Emma’s situation is described as
“doing just what she liked; highly esteeming Miss Taylor’s judgment, but directed
chiefly by her own.” In other words, Emma respects Miss Taylor’s opinion but
makes decisions directed, or guided, primarily by her own opinion.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because lines 25-27 emphasize that in “doing
what she liked” Emma was directed, or guided, by her own opinion. Emma’s
opinion is not trained by, aimed at, or addressed by anyone else.
Question 6
As used in line 54, “want” most nearly means
(A) desire.
(B) lack.
(C) requirement.
(D) request.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Information and Ideas / Interpreting words and phrases in context
Best Answer: B
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Choice B is the best answer. Lines 53-55 describe how Emma felt a loss after Miss
Taylor married and moved out of Emma’s home: “but it was a black morning’s
work for her. The want of Miss Taylor would be felt every hour of every day.” In
this context, “want” means “lack.”
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because in this context “want” does not mean
desire, requirement, or request.
Question 7
It can most reasonably be inferred that after Miss Taylor married, she had
(A) less patience with Mr. Woodhouse.
(B) fewer interactions with Emma.
(C) more close friends than Emma.
(D) an increased appreciation for Emma.
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Information and Ideas / Reading closely
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. According to lines 76-81, following Miss Taylor’s
marriage, “Emma was aware that great must be the difference between a Mrs.
Weston only half a mile from them, and a Miss Taylor in the house; and with all
her advantages, natural and domestic, she was now in great danger of suffering
from intellectual solitude.” This implies that since Miss Taylor’s marriage, the two
characters see each other less often.
Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not mention Miss Taylor’s
relationship with Mr. Woodhouse. Choices C and D are incorrect because the
passage describes how Miss Taylor’s marriage might affect Emma but not how the
marriage might affect Miss Taylor.
Question 8
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
(A) Line 37 (“Miss . . . married”)
(B) Lines 47-48 (“The event . . . friend”)
(C) Lines 61-66 (“A large . . . recollection”)
(D) Lines 74-81 (“How . . . solitude”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: D
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Choice D is the best answer because lines 74-81 refer to Emma’s new reality of
“intellectual solitude” after Miss Taylor moved out of the house.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because none of these choices support the idea
that Miss Taylor and Emma had fewer interactions following Miss Taylor’s
marriage. Choice A mentions Emma’s “sorrow” towards losing Miss Taylor,
choice B introduces how Miss Taylor may benefit from the marriage, and choice C
describes Emma’s and Miss Taylor’s close friendship.
Question 9
Which situation is most similar to the one described in lines 84-92 (“The
evil . . . time”)?
(A) A mother and her adult son have distinct tastes in art and music
that result in repeated family arguments.
(B) The differences between an older and a younger friend are
magnified because the younger one is more active and athletic.
(C) An older and a younger scientist remain close friends despite the
fact that the older one’s work is published more frequently.
(D) The age difference between a high school student and a college
student becomes a problem even though they enjoy the same diversions.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Reading closely
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. Lines 84-92 describe the fact that though Emma and
her father have a loving relationship, Mr. Woodhouse is much older than Emma
and in poor health. For these reasons, he did not make a good companion for the
spirited, young Emma. Their relationship is most similar to a friendship between
an older and younger person that is negatively affected by the fact one is more
lively and active than the other.
Choice A is incorrect because Emma and her father did not have regular
arguments. Choice C is incorrect because the relationship between Emma and Mr.
Woodhouse was affected by the difference in their age and activity, not any
relative successes one or the other might have had. Choice D is incorrect because
there is no indication that Emma and her father enjoyed the same activities.
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Question 10
As used in line 10, “plot” most nearly means
(A) mark.
(B) form.
(C) plan.
(D) claim.
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Information and Ideas / Interpreting words and phrases in context
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. The first paragraph discusses the “vast informal
economy driven by human relationships” (lines 6-7) that existed in the Soviet
Union as a result of the gaps in the official economy. Lines 9-10 state that “The
Soviet people didn’t plot how they would build these [social] networks.” In this
context, the word “plot” means “plan”; the paragraph is implying that the
informal economy grew up spontaneously, without premeditation or planning.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because in this context “plot” does not mean
mark, form, or claim.
Question 11
The references to the shoemaker, the programmer, and the apple farmer
in lines 37-40 (“We can easily . . . community”) primarily serve to
(A) illustrate the quality of products and services in countries around
the world.
(B) emphasize the broad reach of technologies used to connect people.
(C) demonstrate that recommendations made online are trustworthy.
(D) call attention to the limits of the expansion of the global economy.
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing text structure
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. The third paragraph of the passage (lines 27-46)
describes how new technologies are affecting new economies, as people are using
social media to vet people and businesses through eBay, Twitter, Facebook, and
YouTube. The author uses broad examples (a business in South America, a person
in Asia, and a farmer in the reader’s local community) to imply that these
technologies have a global reach.
Choice A is incorrect because the passage provides no comment about the quality
of products or services. Choice C is incorrect because the passage never alludes to
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the trustworthiness of online recommendations. Choice D is incorrect because the
idea that the new global economy will have only a limited expansion is
oppositional to the passage’s main points.
Question 12
The passage’s discussion of life in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s
primarily serves to
(A) introduce the concept of social networking.
(B) demonstrate that technology has improved social connections.
(C) list differences between the Soviet Union and other countries.
(D) emphasize the importance of examining historical trends.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing text structure
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. The Soviet Union of the 1960s and 1970s was most
notable for the disparity between its official economy and a second, unofficial one.
The author explains how unwanted items sold at state stores were not the “nice
furnishings” found in people’s homes. These “nice furnishings” were a result of
the Soviet Union’s unofficial economy driven by social networking, or
“relationship-driven economics” (lines 16-17).
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because the author does not use the discussion
of life in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s to show how technology has
changed social conditions, how the Soviet Union was different from other
countries, or how important it is to consider historical trends.
Question 13
As used in line 45, “post” most nearly means
(A) publish.
(B) transfer.
(C) assign.
(D) denounce.
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Information and Ideas / Interpreting words and phrases in context
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. The third paragraph of the passage (lines 27-46)
describes how new technology has impacted the economy. The author states that
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people can use websites to post descriptions of projects, which means that people
can write these descriptions and publish them online.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because in this context “post” does not mean
transfer, assign, or denounce.
Question 14
The author indicates that, in comparison to individuals, traditional
organizations have tended to be
(A) more innovative and less influential.
(B) larger in size and less subject to regulations.
(C) less reliable and less interconnected.
(D) less efficient and more expensive.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Understanding relationships
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer. The passage explains that socially driven economies
create new societies where “amplified individuals—individuals empowered with
technologies and the collective intelligence of others in their social network—can
take on many functions that previously only large organizations could perform,
often more efficiently, at lower cost or no cost at all, and with much greater ease”
(lines 66-72). It is clear from these lines that the author views some large
organizations as less efficient and more expensive than individuals.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because the passage offers no evidence that the
author believes traditional organizations are more innovative, less regulated, or
less reliable than individuals.
Question 15
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
(A) Lines 22-26 (“Empowered . . . connectedness”)
(B) Lines 40-42 (“We no longer . . . ideas”)
(C) Lines 47-50 (“We are moving . . . socialstructing”)
(D) Lines 66-72 (“amplified . . . ease”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: D
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Choice D is the best answer. Lines 66-72 explain how socially driven economies
are creating societies where individuals no longer rely on traditional organizations
to perform specific tasks. Instead, individuals can use technology and social
relationships to more efficiently perform these tasks at a lower cost.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not directly compare individuals
to traditional organizations.
Question 16
The author recognizes counterarguments to the position she takes in the
passage by
(A) acknowledging the risks and drawbacks associated with new
technologies and social networks.
(B) admitting that some people spend too much time unproductively
on the Internet.
(C) drawing an analogy between conditions today and conditions in
the Soviet Union of the 1960s and 1970s.
(D) conceding that the drawbacks of socialstructing may prove over
time to outweigh the benefits.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing arguments
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. While the author argues throughout the passage that
new technologies benefit modern economies, she also recognizes that some
people believe this new technology “distances us from the benefits of face-to-face
communication and quality social time” (lines 86-87).
Choice B is incorrect because the author provides no evidence of Internet overuse.
Choice C is incorrect because the author provides an example of the Soviet Union
of the 1960s and 1970s to explain an economic process called “socialstructing.”
Choice D is incorrect because the author concludes that socialstructing may
ultimately be “opening up new opportunities to create, learn, and share”
(lines 91-92).
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Question 17
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
(A) Lines 35-37 (“We can look . . . videos”)
(B) Lines 74-76 (“a world . . . hackers”)
(C) Lines 79-84 (“They . . . science”)
(D) Lines 85-87(“Much . . . time”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer as it acknowledges that people have identified some
risks and drawbacks to using new technology to form social connections. Some
people believe that new technology distances users from the advantages of “face-
to-face communication and quality social time” (lines 86-87).
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not show that the author
recognized counterarguments to her argument. Choices A and B provide examples
of the impact and use of the new technologies, and choice C summarizes the
benefits of socialstructing.
Question 18
Which statement best summarizes the information presented in the
(A) Far more people around the world own computers and cell phones
today than in 2005.
(B) The number of people sharing digital information has more than
tripled since 2005.
(C) The volume of digital information created and shared has increased
tremendously in recent years.
(D) The amount of digital information created and shared is likely to be
almost 8 zettabytes in 2015.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Synthesis / Analyzing quantitative information
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. The graph shows a steady increase in digital
information created and shared in recent years, beginning with less than one
zettabyte in 2005 and rising to nearly 8 zettabytes projected for 2015.
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Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not summarize the information
presented in the graph. Choices A and B provide details that, while likely true,
cannot be directly inferred from the information in the graph, and choice D
provides a detail from the graph but not a summary of it.
Question 19
According to the graph, which statement is true about the amount of
digital information projected to be created and shared globally in 2012?
(A) Growth in digital information creation and sharing was projected to
be wildly out of proportion to growth in 2011 and 2013E.
(B) The amount of digital information created and shared was projected to
begin a new upward trend.
(C) The amount of digital information created and shared was projected
to peak.
(D) The amount of digital information created and shared was projected
to pass 2 zettabytes for the first time.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Synthesis / Analyzing quantitative information
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer. The graph shows that the amount of digital
information projected to be created and shared in 2012 is about 2.5 zettabytes.
Since the graph shows a steady increase in the creation and sharing of digital
information, and the digital information created and shared in 2011 was
approximately 1.75 zettabytes, the graph shows that the 2012 projections passes
the 2 zettabyte barrier for the first time.
Choice A is incorrect because the graph shows the projected 2012 numbers to be
part of a steady increase consistent with the 2011 and 2013E numbers. Choice B is
incorrect because the graph projects the 2012 number to continue the increase
started in 2005. Choice C is incorrect because the 2012 numbers are projected to
continue increasing through at least 2015.
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Question 20
The passage is written from the perspective of someone who is
A) actively involved in conducting hibernator research.
B) a participant in a recent debate in the field of cardiology.
C) knowledgeable about advances in hibernator research.
D) an advocate for wildlife preservation.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing point of view
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. The author is someone who knows about advances in
hibernator research but isn’t necessarily an active participant in that research.
Choice A is incorrect because the passage mentions that “Fröbert and his
colleagues” (line 32) are conducting hibernator research. Choice B is incorrect
because the passage discusses the heart health of bears but never provides
evidence that this research is contested. Choice D is incorrect because the passage
focuses on hibernating animals and their health more than wildlife preservation.
Question 21
It is reasonable to conclude that the main goal of the scientists conducting
the research described in the passage is to
A) learn how the hibernation patterns of bears and squirrels differ.
B) determine the role that fat plays in hibernation.
C) illustrate the important health benefits of exercise for humans.
D) explore possible ways to prevent human diseases.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Reading closely
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer. The author begins the passage by suggesting that the
bear hibernation research may be beneficial to human health: “Understanding
how hibernators, including ground squirrels, marmots and bears, survive their
long winter’s naps may one day offer solutions for problems such as heart
disease, osteoporosis and muscular dystrophy” (lines 1-5). In the last paragraph of
the passage, the author suggests that Fröbert hopes to use his research findings to
“stave off hardened arteries in humans as well” (lines 76-77).
Choice A is incorrect because the passage briefly mentions ground squirrels and
does not specifically compare them to bears. Choice B is incorrect because the
passage clearly states that during hibernation fat acts as fuel for a resting animal.
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Choice C is incorrect because the passage discusses exercise only within the
context of bears.
Question 22
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
A) Lines 1-5 (“Understanding . . . dystrophy”)
B) Lines 10-13 (“Fat . . . squirrels”)
C) Lines 31-35 (“To . . . bears”)
D) Lines 42-46 (“Once . . . tissues”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. This sentence supports the idea that one of the goals
of the hibernation research discussed in the passage is to try to improve human
health: “Understanding how hibernators, including ground squirrels, marmots and
bears, survive their long winter’s naps may one day offer solutions for problems
such as heart disease, osteoporosis and muscular dystrophy” (lines 1-5).
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they do not address the main goal of the
hibernator research. Choice B is incorrect because lines 10-13 describe only one
aspect of hibernation: fat as fuel. Choices C and D are incorrect because lines 31-35
and 42-46 describe the field research, not the goal of this research.
Question 23
What main effect do the quotations by Andrews in lines 10-18 have on the
tone of the passage?
A) They create a bleak tone, focusing on the difficulties hibernators face
during the winter.
B) They create a conversational tone, relating scientific information in
everyday language.
C) They create an ominous tone, foreshadowing the dire results of
Andrews’s research.
D) They create an absurd tone, using images of animals acting as if they
were human.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing word choice
Best Answer: B
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Choice B is the best answer. In lines 10-18 the molecular biologist Matthew
Andrews explains how fat is important to hibernating animals, stating “‘Fat is
where it’s at’” and “‘You bring your own lunch with you.’” The use of this
nonscientific language creates a conversational tone that allows readers to
understand what might otherwise be a complex topic.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because Andrews’s phrases, such as “‘Fat is
where it’s at,’” are relaxed rather than bleak, ominous, or absurd.
Question 24
As used in line 19, “stores” most nearly means
A) preservatives.
B) reserves.
C) stacks.
D) shelters.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Interpreting words and phrases in context
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. Lines 19-20 describe how fat is important to
hibernating animals, as “[b]igger fat stores mean a greater chance of surviving
until spring.” In this context, hibernating animals have “stores,” or reserves, of fat
that they put away for later use.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because in this context “stores” does not mean
preservatives, stacks, or shelters.
Question 25
Based on the passage, what is Fröbert’s hypothesis regarding why bears’
arteries do not harden during hibernation?
A) The bears’ increased plasma cholesterol causes the arteries to be more
B) Sluggish circulation pinches off the blood vessels rather than hardening
the arteries.
C) Bears exercise in short, infrequent bursts during hibernation, which
staves off hardened arteries.
D) Bears possess a molecule that protects against hardened arteries.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Reading closely
Best Answer: D
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Choice D is the best answer. The passage concludes by noting that “Fröbert hopes
to find some protective molecule that could stave off hardened arteries in humans
as well” (lines 75-77). This makes clear the scientist’s belief that even though bears
begin hibernation while “‘very, very fat’” (lines 62-63) and do not exercise for
many months, these animals have some molecule that protects them from
hardened arteries.
Choices A and B are incorrect because lines 58-69 explain that the bears’ elevated
plasma cholesterol levels combined with the sluggish circulation that results from
their lack of exercise during hibernation “are a recipe for hardened arteries” (lines
67-68). Choice C is incorrect because lines 63-64 state that hibernating bears “get
zero exercise during hibernation.”
Question 26
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
A) Lines 19-20 (“Bigger . . . spring”)
B) Lines 24-27 (“The brown . . . day”)
C) Lines 70-73 (“Even . . . streaks”)
D) Lines 74-77 (“It’s . . . well”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer. The passage concludes by noting that “Fröbert hopes
to find some protective molecule that could stave off hardened arteries in humans
as well” (lines 75-77). This sentence explains Fröbert’s hypothesis that the reason
bears do not “build up such artery-hardening streaks” (lines 72-73) is because they
have some molecule that protects them from hardened arteries.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not address Fröbert’s
hypothesis. Choice A is incorrect because lines 19-20 highlight the importance of
fat to hibernators. Choice B is incorrect because lines 24-27 describe the diet of
one group of hibernating bears. Choice C is incorrect because lines 70-73 describe
the hardening of arteries in inactive humans.
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Question 27
What information discussed in paragraph 10 (lines 58-69) is represented
by the graph?
A) The information in lines 58-62 (“Recent . . . reported”)
B) The information in lines 62-64 (“These . . . hibernation”)
C) The information in lines 64-66 (“Lolling . . . circulation”)
D) The information in lines 67-69 (“It’s . . . strokes”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Synthesis / Analyzing quantitative information
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. The graph compares the total plasma cholesterol
found in seven bears during periods of their hibernation and nonhibernation,
exemplifying how that cholesterol is generally higher during the hibernating stage.
Meanwhile, lines 58-62 describe the very phenomena that the graph depicts:
“Recent analyses revealed that Scandinavian brown bears spend the summer with
plasma cholesterol levels considered high for humans; those values then increase
substantially for hibernation, Fröbert and his colleagues reported.”
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because none of the other lines in paragraph 10
discuss the comparative levels of plasma cholesterol found in bears during their
hibernating and nonhibernating phases. Lines 62-64 describe how bears spend
their hibernating phase. Lines 64-66 describe the poor circulation those bears
experience during hibernation. Lines 67-69 explain the heart risks that may occur
in humans who are overweight and inactive.
Question 28
Which statement about the effect of hibernation on the seven bears is best
supported by the graph?
A) Only one of the bears did not experience an appreciable change in its
total plasma cholesterol level.
B) Only one of the bears experienced a significant increase in its total
plasma cholesterol level.
C) All of the bears achieved the desirable plasma cholesterol level for
D) The bear with the lowest total plasma cholesterol level in its active state
had the highest total plasma cholesterol level during hibernation.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Synthesis / Analyzing quantitative information
Best Answer: A
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Choice A is the best answer because the graph shows that six of the seven bears
experienced increased plasma cholesterol during hibernation; the seventh bear
experienced neither an increase nor a decrease in plasma cholesterol.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they are not supported by the graph.
Question 29
Which choice best describes the structure of the first paragraph?
(A) A personal history is narrated, historical examples are given, and a
method is recommended.
(B) A position is stated, historical context is given, and earnest advice is
(C) Certain principles are stated, opposing principles are stated, and a
consensus is reached.
(D) A historical period is described, and its attributes are reviewed.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing text structure
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. In the first paragraph, Andrew Carnegie states his
position that the changes in society that are occurring are “not to be deplored, but
welcomed as highly beneficial” (lines 12-13). After providing historical context on
the interactions between rich and poor, Carnegie concludes the first paragraph by
giving earnest advice: “It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable” (lines 27-28).
Choice A is incorrect because the first paragraph emphasizes the current realities
of humanity as a whole—the very “conditions of human life” (lines 4-5)but not
any one personal history. Choice C is incorrect because the first paragraph
describes the author’s personal opinion and his conclusion, not a conclusion
reached by a consensus. Choice D is incorrect because the first paragraph focuses
more on “our age” (line 1) than on the past.
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Question 30
The author most strongly implies which of the following about “the ties of
brotherhood” (line 2)?
(A) They were always largely fictitious and are more so at present.
(B) They are stronger at present than they ever were before.
(C) They are more seriously strained in the present than in the past.
(D) They will no longer be able to bring together the rich and the poor.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Information and Ideas / Reading closely
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. Carnegie states in lines 1-4 that a serious problem of
his time was how to distribute wealth so that “the ties of brotherhood may still
bind together the rich and poor in harmonious relationship.” In other words, he
was concerned that the “ties of brotherhood” between rich and poor were not as
strong as they used to be.
Choice A is incorrect because Carnegie implies that changes in modern society
have negatively impacted the relationship between the rich and poor, but he does
not suggest that such a relationship never existed. Choice B is incorrect because
the passage implies that “the ties of brotherhood” are weaker than they were
previously. Choice D is incorrect because Carnegie states that these ties continue
and “may still bind together the rich and poor in harmonious relationship.”
Question 31
The author uses “dwelling, dress, food, and environment” (lines 7-8) as
examples of
(A) things more valued in the present than in the past.
(B) bare necessities of life.
(C) things to which all people are entitled.
(D) possible indications of differences in status.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing text structure
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer. Carnegie explains that the contrast between the rich
and poor is greater than in the past: “In former days there was little difference
between the dwelling, dress, food, and environment of the chief and those of his
retainers…” (lines 6-9). Carnegie uses the examples of “dwelling, dress, food, and
environment” to show the difference in status between the rich and the poor.
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Choice A is incorrect because Carnegie does not suggest that basic necessities, like
food and housing, are more valued in the present than they were in the past.
Choice B is incorrect because, while these aspects of life are basic necessities, they
are used here as examples of areas in which differences in status might be
evident. Choice C is incorrect because Carnegie is not using these examples to
suggest that “dwelling, dress, food, and environment” are things to which all
people are entitled.
Question 32
The author describes the people who live in the “houses of some” (line 15)
as interested in the
(A) materials from which their houses are constructed.
(B) size of their homes.
(C) advantages of culture.
(D) pedigree of their guests.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Reading closely
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. In lines 14-18 Carnegie states that it is “essential, for
the progress of the race that the houses of some should be homes for all that is
highest and best in literature and the arts, and for all the refinements of
civilization, rather than that none should be so.” Carnegie is suggesting that
“houses of some” should be filled with people who care a great deal about
culture, or the “highest and best in literature and the arts.”
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because lines 14-18 explicitly state that the
people who live in the “houses of some” care a great deal about culture, not that
they care about what materials their homes are made of, the size of those homes,
or the pedigree of their guests.
Question 33
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
(A) Lines 9-10 (“the palace . . . laborer”)
(B) Lines 15-16 (“all . . . arts”)
(C) Lines 18-19 (“Much . . . squalor”)
(D) Lines 19-20(“Without . . . Maecenas”)
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: B
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Choice B is the best answer. In lines 15-16 Carnegie advocates that the “houses of
some” should be filled with people who care a great deal about culture, such as
“all that is highest and best in literature and the arts.”
Choices A and C are incorrect because lines 9-10 and 18-19 highlight a disparity in
wealth between the rich and poor but do not specifically mention people who live
in the “houses of some.” Choice D is incorrect because in lines 19-20 Carnegie is
suggesting that patrons of the arts exist because of wealth.
Question 34
The author uses the phrase “good old times” (line 20) as an example of
(A) a cliché that still has life and usefulness left in it.
(B) a bit of folk wisdom from his childhood.
(C) something said by those who have acquired great riches.
(D) something said by people who do not share his viewpoint.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing word choice
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer. Carnegie uses quotation marks around the phrase the
“good old times” to suggest that others refer to the past as the “good old times.”
However, Carnegie states that these “‘good old times’ were not good old times.
Neither master nor servant was as well situated then as to-day” (lines 20-22),
which suggests that Carnegie does not believe that things were better in the past.
Choice A is incorrect because Carnegie immediately refutes the usefulness of the
cliché by saying that the “‘good old times” were not good old times.” Choice B is
incorrect because the passage provides no evidence that the saying comes from
Carnegie’s childhood. Choice C is incorrect because there is no evidence that the
phrase the “good old times” is a cliché used by the wealthy.
Question 35
What is the author’s main point about the disadvantages of the modern
economic system?
(A) It provides only a few people with the advantages of culture.
(B) It replicates many of the problems experienced in the past.
(C) It creates divisions between different categories of people.
(D) It gives certain people great material advantages over others.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Determining central ideas and themes
Best Answer: C
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Choice C is the best answer. Lines 47-60 explain that by Carnegie’s time standards
of living had raised significantly, and that the cost of this increase is that “All
intercourse between [rich and poor] is at an end. Rigid castes are formed . . .”
(lines 65-66). A disadvantage of the modern economic system, in other words, is
that divisions exist between classes and types of people.
Choice A is incorrect because Carnegie says it is “essential” that some people
have access to high culture (line 14). Choice B is incorrect because Carnegie
argues that the “conditions of human life have not only been changed, but
revolutionized, within the past few hundred years” (lines 4-6) and does not
suggest that the modern economic system replicates past problems. Choice D is
incorrect because Carnegie writes “Much better this great irregularity than
universal squalor” (lines 18-19).
Question 36
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
(A) Lines 37-39 (“The master . . . conditions”)
(B) Lines 43-45 (“There was . . . State”)
(C) Lines 46-47 (“The inevitable . . . prices”)
(D) Lines 65-66 (“All intercourse . . . end”)
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer. Lines 47-60 explain that by Carnegie’s time standards
of living had raised significantly, with lines 61-62 then explaining that those
increases came at a cost: “The price we pay for this salutary change is, no doubt,
great.” Lines 65-66 explains what that cost, or disadvantage, is: “All intercourse
between [rich and poor] is at an end.” A disadvantage of the modern economic
system, in other words, is that it creates divisions between classes and types of
Choice A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not provide evidence that
Carnegie believes there are disadvantages to the modern economic system.
Choices A and B are incorrect because lines 37-39 and 43-45 explain what life was
like “Formerly,” in the time of master and apprentice, before the modern
economic system came to exist. Choice C is incorrect because lines 46-47 also
describes a condition of a time before the modern economic system.
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Question 37
As used in line 82, “in its train” is closest in meaning to
(A) before it.
(B) with it.
(C) anticipating it.
(D) advancing it.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Interpreting words and phrases in context
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. In the final paragraph of the passage, Carnegie writes
of the “law of competition” (lines 76-77), explaining that the law has some costs
but also provides improved living conditions for everyone “in its train.” Saying
these conditions come “in the train” of the law means they accompany the law or
come with it.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because in this context “in its train” does not
mean precede the law, predict the arrival of the law, or help advance the law.
Question 38
The author of Passage 1 suggests that the usefulness of de-extinction
technology may be limited by the
(A) amount of time scientists are able to devote to genetic research.
(B) relationship of an extinct species to contemporary ecosystems.
(C) complexity of the DNA of an extinct species.
(D) length of time that a species has been extinct.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Reading closely
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer. Lines 9-11 explain that, although some extinct species
can be brought back to life, “Only species whose DNA is too old to be recovered,
such as dinosaurs, are the ones to consider totally extinct, bodily and genetically.”
The determining factor is the length of time that species has been extinct.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because lines 9-11 explicitly state that only DNA
that is “too old to be recovered” determines whether a species can be brought
back to life, not the amount of time scientists devote to genetic research, the
relationship between an extinct species and contemporary ecosystems, or how
complex a species’ DNA might be.
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Question 39
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
(A) Lines 7-9 (“Thanks . . . life”)
(B) Lines 9-11 (“Only . . . genetically”)
(C) Line 13 (“It will be . . . difficult”)
(D) Lines 13-14 (“It will take . . . succeed”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. Lines 9-11 state that species that have DNA that is
“too old to be recovered” cannot be brought back to life.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because they do not indicate any limits to de-
extinction technology. Choice A is incorrect because lines 7-9 explain only that the
use of DNA can lead to certain species being brought back to life. Choices C and D
are incorrect because line 13 and lines 13-14 explain some challenges to bringing
back certain species but do not explain the limits to de-extinction technology.
Question 40
As used in line 27, “deepest” most nearly means
(A) most engrossing.
(B) most challenging.
(C) most extensive.
(D) most fundamental.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Information and Ideas / Interpreting words and phrases in context
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer. Lines 24-27 explain that “Just the thought of
mammoths and passenger pigeons alive again invokes the awe and wonder that
drives all conservation at its deepest level.” The author of Passage 1 is suggesting
that the “prospect of de-extinction” (line 21) evokes the same emotions of “awe
and wonder” that propel conservation efforts at its deepest, or most fundamental,
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because in this context the “deepest” level of
conservation does not mean the most engrossing level, most challenging level, or
most extensive level.
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Question 41
The authors of Passage 2 indicate that the matter
of shrinking biodiversity should primarily be
considered a
(A) historical anomaly.
(B) global catastrophe.
(C) scientific curiosity.
(D) political problem.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Reading closely
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. “Shrinking biodiversity” means the loss of species,
and the authors of Passage 2 clearly state that shrinking biodiversity is a global
issue: “Species today are vanishing in such great numbers—many from hunting
and habitat destruction—that the trend has been called a sixth mass extinction, an
event on par with such die-offs as the one that befell the dinosaurs 65 million
years ago” (37-41). Labeling this loss of diversity a “mass extinction,” shows that
the authors believe this situation is serious and widespread.
Choice A is incorrect because the passage states the current loss of biodiversity
would be a “sixth” mass extinction, indicating that the occurrence is far from an
anomaly (or abnormality). Choices C and D are incorrect because the authors of
Passage 2 do not primarily present the shrinking biodiversity as a scientific
curiosity or a political problem.
Question 42
Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous
(A) Lines 37-41 (“Species . . . ago”)
(B) Lines 42-45 (“A program . . . woes”)
(C) Lines 53-56 (“Against . . . irresponsible”)
(D) Lines 65-67 (“Such . . . grave”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Information and Ideas / Citing textual evidence
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. Lines 37-41 label the shrinking biodiversity as a global
catastrophe, as it is “a sixth mass extinction, an event on par with such die-offs as
the one that befell the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.” Labeling this loss of
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diversity a “mass extinction” implies the authors’ belief that this shrinking
biodiversity is serious and widespread.
Choices B, C, and D do not explain the authors’ opinions on shrinking biodiversity.
Choices B and C are incorrect because lines 42-45 and 53-56 describe what the
authors view as possible problems with de-extinction. Choice D is incorrect
because lines 65-67 provide one reason to continue with de-extinction programs.
Question 43
As used in line 37, “great” most nearly means
(A) lofty.
(B) wonderful.
(C) large.
(D) intense.
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Information and Ideas / Interpreting words and phrases in context
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. Lines 37-40 state that “species today are vanishing at
such great numbers” that the loss of these species is considered a “sixth mass
extinction.” In this context, there is a “great,” or large, number of species at risk of
Choice A, B, and D are incorrect because in this context, “great,” does not mean
lofty, wonderful, or intense.
Question 44
The reference to the “black-footed ferret and the northern white rhino”
(line 64) serves mainly to
(A) emphasize a key distinction between extinct and living species.
(B) account for types of animals whose numbers are dwindling.
(C) provide examples of species whose gene pools are compromised.
(D) highlight instances of animals that have failed to adapt to new
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Rhetoric / Analyzing text structure
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. The authors of Passage 2 suggest that de-extinction
may “help save endangered species.” (line 60). Lines 61-64 provide an example of
how de-extinction could be beneficial: “For example, extinct versions of genes
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could be reintroduced into species and subspecies that have lost a dangerous
amount of genetic diversity, such as the black-footed ferret and the northern white
rhino.” In this context, the black-footed ferret and northern white rhino are used as
examples of species that have lost genetic diversity; in other words, they are
species whose gene pools have been compromised.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because lines 61-64 clearly identify the black-
footed ferret and the northern white rhino as species whose gene pools have been
compromised. They are not highlighted to emphasize any difference between
extinct and living species, to explain why the numbers of some animals are
dwindling, or to describe species that failed to adapt to new environments.
Question 45
Which choice best states the relationship between the two passages?
(A) Passage 2 attacks a political decision that Passage 1 strongly advocates.
(B) Passage 2 urges caution regarding a technology that Passage 1
describes in favorable terms.
(C) Passage 2 expands on the results of a research study mentioned in
Passage 1.
(D) Passage 2 considers practical applications that could arise from a
theory discussed in Passage 1.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Synthesis / Analyzing multiple texts
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer. Passage 1 enthusiastically supports the idea of de-
extinction, saying it is “profound news. That something as irreversible and final as
extinction might be reversed is a stunning realization” (lines 22-24). Passage 2, on
the other hand, recognizes the “gee-whiz appeal” (line 29) of de-extinction but is
less certain about its implementation: “Yet with limited intellectual bandwidth and
financial resources to go around, de-extinction threatens to divert attention from
the modern biodiversity crisis” (lines 30-33). Therefore, Passage 2 urges restraint
for an idea that Passage 1 enthusiastically supports.
Choice A is incorrect because neither passage focuses on a political decision.
Choice C is incorrect because Passage 1 does not mention a research study.
Choice D is incorrect because Passage 2 does not consider practical uses (or
“applications”) of de-extinction as much as the practical problems that result from
its use.
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Question 46
How would the authors of Passage 2 most likely respond to the “prospect”
referred to in line 21, Passage 1?
(A) With approval, because it illustrates how useful de-extinction could be
in addressing widespread environmental concerns.
(B) With resignation, because the gradual extinction of many living
species is inevitable.
(C) With concern, because it implies an easy solution to a difficult
(D) With disdain, because it shows that people have little understanding of
the importance of genetic diversity.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Synthesis / Analyzing multiple texts
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. The author of passage is amazed by the idea of de-
extinction, while the authors of passage 2 warn that a “program to restore extinct
species poses a risk of selling the public on a false promise that technology alone
can solve our ongoing environmental woes” (lines 42-45). This statement shows
that the authors of Passage 2 view de-extinction as a “false promise” that may
make the problem of shrinking biodiversity appear easier to solve than it actually
will be.
Choice A is incorrect because the authors of Passage 2 are less enthusiastic about
the “prospect” of de-extinction than the author of Passage 1, as they state that de-
extinction “threatens to divert attention from the modern biodiversity crisis” (lines
32-33). Choice B is incorrect because, while the authors of Passage 2 acknowledge
that some extinctions may be inevitable, they are not resigned to de-extinction.
Choice D is incorrect because the authors of Passage 2 do not suggest that people
have little understanding of the biodiversity crisis.
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Question 47
Which choice would best support the claim that the authors of Passage 2
recognize that the “imagination soars” (line 24, Passage 1) in response to
de-extinction technology?
(A) Lines 28-30 (“The . . . news”)
(B) Lines 30-33 (“Yet . . . crisis”)
(C) Lines 58-59 (“That . . . altogether”)
(D) Lines 61-63 (“For . . . diversity”)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Synthesis / Analyzing multiple texts
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. In lines 22-24, the author of Passage 1 writes: “That
something as irreversible and final as extinction might be reversed is a stunning
realization. The imagination soars.” This enthusiasm for such an exciting
possibility is also recognized in Passage 2, which states in lines 28-30 that “The
idea of bringing back extinct species holds obvious gee-whiz appeal and a respite
from a steady stream of grim news.” By conceding that there is “gee-whiz appeal”
to de-extinction, the authors of Passage 2 recognize that it is an idea that makes
the “imagination [soar].”
Choice B is incorrect because lines 30-33 explain why de-extinction is a threat.
Choice C is incorrect because lines 58-59 concede only that the idea of de-
extinction is not entirely without merit, a characterization which is far less
enthusiastic than the statement “the imagination soars.” Choice D is incorrect
because lines 61-63 provide a single example of when de-extinction might be
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PSAT/NMSQT Practice Test #1 Writing and Language Test Answer Explanations
Writing and Language Test Answer
Question 1
(B) see an annual loss of $63.2 billion each year
(C) lose $63.2 billion annually
(D) have a yearly loss of $63.2 billion annually
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Effective Language Use / Concision
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer because it states the situation succinctly and is free of
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because all three contain a redundancy in which
a reference to the annual nature of the loss is stated twice; for example, Choice A
states “yearly” and “annually.”
Question 2
(B) main things leading up to
(C) huge things about
(D) primary causes of
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Effective Language Use / Style and tone
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because the use of language is correct for standard
written English and matches the formal tone of the passage.
Choices A and C are incorrect because both rely on colloquial language,
specifically “big” and “huge,” which strays from the formal tone of the article.
Additionally, “things” in Choice C is vague and informal. Choice B is incorrect for
the same reason.
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Question 3
(B) have spent
(C) spends
(D) are spent
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Conventions of Usage / Agreement / Subject-verb agreement
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer because the verb “spends” grammatically
corresponds with the singular noun “American.”
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because, in each instance, the noun and verb do
not grammatically correspond. The verbs “spend,” “have spent” and “are spent”
would correspond with a plural noun, but not with the singular noun “American.”
Question 4
(B) workers; managers
(C) workers, managers,
(D) workers, managers
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Conventions of Punctuation / Within-sentence punctuation
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it provides punctuation that creates a
complete sentence with clauses whose relationship to one another is clear.
Choice A is incorrect because it results in a sentence fragment. Choice B is
incorrect because the first clause is dependent, signaled by the conditional phrase
“As long as,” so a semicolon cannot be used. Choice C is incorrect because the
comma following “managers” inappropriately separates the noun from the verb
“should champion.”
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Question 5
To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 3 should be placed
(A) where it is now.
(B) before sentence 1.
(C) after sentence 1.
(D) after sentence 4.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Organization / Logical sequence
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. Sentence 3 logically follows the statement in sentence
1 where readers learn that part of the problem is the work itself. Sentence 3 then
tells readers what about the work has caused the decrease in sleep: “The hours the
average American spend[s] working have increased dramatically….”
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not order the information in the
paragraph logically.
Question 6
At this point, the writer is considering adding the following sentence.
Even fifteen-minute power naps improve alertness, creativity, and
Should the writer make this addition here?
(A) Yes, because it demonstrates that the benefits of napping can be
gained without sacrificing large amounts of work time.
(B) Yes, because it explains the methodology of the studies mentioned in
the previous sentence.
(C) No, because a discussion of the type of nap workers take is not
important to the writer’s main point in the paragraph.
(D) No, because it contradicts the writer’s discussion of napping in the
previous sentences.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Development / Focus
Best Answer: A
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Choice A is the best answer because it adds relevant information in support of the
claim that companies should allow their employees to take naps.
Choice B is incorrect because the prospective sentence does not explain
methodology. Choice C is incorrect because the example in the sentence provides
additional information in support of napping. Choice D is incorrect because there
is no contradiction.
Question 7
Which choice provides a supporting example that reinforces the main
point of the sentence?
(B) including a lower risk of cardiovascular problems such as heart attack
and stroke.
(C) which are essential in an era of rising health care costs.
(D) in addition to making employees more efficient.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Development / Support
Best answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because it offers a specific example of a long-term
health benefit that could lead to “reduced health care costs.”
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because they offer no supporting examples of
long-term health benefits that could reduce health care costs.
Question 8
(B) gently wake
(C) gently to wake
(D) gentle waking of
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Sentence Structure / Sentence formation / Parallel structure
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because the verb “wake” is consistent with the
preceding verbs in the series, “block” and “play.” Furthermore, choice B provides
a verb that creates a grammatically complete and standard sentence.
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Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because, in each instance, the verb is not
consistent with the preceding verbs in the series, “block” and “play.”
Question 9
(B) among
(C) between
(D) into
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Conventions of Usage / Conventional expression
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because, in this context, the preposition “among” is
the only idiomatic choice: napping can be promoted “among” people but not
“throughout,” “between,” or “into” them.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the prepositions “throughout,”
“between,” and “into” are unidiomatic in this context.
Question 10
(B) but it benefits
(C) as also to
(D) but also to
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Sentence Structure / Sentence formation / Subordination and
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it completes a parallel construction in which
two elements are compared. In this construction “but also to” is parallel to “not
only to” and thus is the only choice that creates a grammatically complete and
standard sentence. The “not only…but also” construction is also known as a
correlative conjunction, meaning that these two phrases should always travel in
Choices A and C are incorrect because they fail to complete the comparison that
the preposition “not only to” signals. Choice B is incorrect because it results in a
run-on and incomplete sentence.
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Question 11
The writer wants a concluding sentence that restates the main argument of
the passage. Which choice best accomplishes this goal?
(B) Clearly, employers should consider reducing employees’ hours when
they are overworked.
(C) Companies should consider employee schedules carefully when
implementing a napping policy.
(D) More businesses should follow their lead and embrace napping on the
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Organization / Introductions, conclusions, and transitions
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it logically concludes the essay, the main
argument of which is that napping during the workday boosts employee
productivity and morale and reduces costs associated with poor health and
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because none of these choices restates the main
argument of the passage.
Question 12
(B) pollination: this is
(C) pollination,
(D) pollination;
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Conventions of Punctuation / Nonrestrictive and parenthetical elements
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer because it provides the appropriate punctuation for
the nonrestrictive modifying clause “including honeybee pollination.” Because the
clause is not essential to the sentence, it should be offset with commas (or other
matching punctuation). Since a comma is used before the clause, a comma must
be used after it as well.
Choices A and D are incorrect because the punctuation does not match the comma
that sets off the nonrestrictive modifying clause “including honeybee pollination.”
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Choice B is incorrect because “this is” is unnecessarily wordy.
Question 13
(B) highlights the potentially disastrous effects
(C) highlight the potentially disastrous effects
(D) highlight the potentially disastrous affects
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Conventions of Usage / Frequently confused words
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because the verb “highlights” grammatically
corresponds with the singular noun “the importance of bees.” Additionally,
“effects” is the correct noun to describe outcomes.
Choices A and D are incorrect because “affects” is the incorrect word in this
context. Choice C is incorrect because there is no subject-verb agreement between
the singular noun “the importance of bees” and the verb “highlight.”
Question 14
(B) Known as colony
(C) It is known as colony
(D) Colony
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Sentence Structure / Sentence formation / Modifier placement
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because it provides a dependent clause that
adequately introduces the main subject, colony collapse disorder, which
corresponds directly to the subject in the second clause: “this phenomenon.”
Choice A is incorrect because “They” has no clear antecedent and creates a
comma splice. Choice C is incorrect because it also results in a comma splice.
Choice D is incorrect because it creates redundancy with the following noun
phrase “this phenomenon.”
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Question 15
Which choice offers the most accurate interpretation of the data in the
(B) been above the acceptable range.
(C) not changed noticeably from year to year.
(D) greatly increased every year.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Development / Quantitative information
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because it accurately represents the information in the
Choice A is incorrect because in the 2011-2012 winter season, bee mortality rates
fell below 25% of the bee colony. Choice C is incorrect because, according to the
chart, bee mortality rates have varied noticeably year to year. Choice D is incorrect
for a similar reason. The chart shows that, year to year, bee mortality rates have
both increased and decreased.
Question 16
Which choice offers an accurate interpretation of the data in the chart?
(B) portion of bees lost was double what it had been the previous year,
rising to
(C) number of losses, which had fallen within the acceptable range the
previous year, rose to
(D) portion of total colonies lost rose almost 10 percentage points, with a
loss of
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Development / Quantitative information
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it accurately represents the comparison in
bee population loss between the 20102012 and 20122013 periods. Compared to
the 20112012 winter season, bee loss was almost 10 percentage points higher the
following year.
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Choice A is incorrect because it states that compared to the preceding years, bee
losses fell in 20122013 when, according to the data, the opposite was true. Choice
B is incorrect because the bee loss in 20122013 did not double from 20112012.
Given that bee loss in 20112012 hovered around 22%, double would be around
44%, while the chart says bee loss in 20122013 was just over 30%. Choice C is
incorrect because it makes a false statement: the number of losses had not “fallen
within the acceptable range the previous year.”
Question 17
Which choice most smoothly and effectively introduces the writer’s
discussion of studies of CCD in this paragraph?
(B) Bees are vanishing, and according to studies there are several
possible reasons for this trend.
(C) Several possible reasons, offered by studies, may explain why bees
are vanishing.
(D) DELETE the underlined sentence.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Effective Language Use / Syntax
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. It adequately introduces the paragraph’s main topic in
a grammatically complete and standard manner. In addition, its use of the passive
voice (“Studies have offered”) establishes a pattern that the next sentence
maintains (“One reason that is often cited”).
Choices B and C are incorrect because each is redundant. In B, there is no need to
refer to bees vanishing and “this trend” in the same sentence. In C, there is no
need to specify that “reasons . . . may explain.” Choice D is incorrect because if the
paragraph were to begin with the sentence “One reason that is often cited…,” the
writer’s discussion of studies of CCD would not be introduced smoothly and
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Question 18
At this point, the writer is considering adding the following sentence.
“Prolonged exposure to neonicotinoids has been shown to increase bees’
vulnerability to disease and parasitic mites.
Should the writer make this addition here?
(A) Yes, because it provides support for the claim made in the previous
(B) Yes, because it introduces a new idea that will become important later
in the passage.
(C) No, because it would be better placed elsewhere in the passage.
(D) No, because it contradicts the main idea of the passage.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Development / Focus
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer because the information supports the preceding claim
by showing how lingering neonicotinoids impact bees in particular. The previous
sentence notes “one reason” why bees are vanishing (the use of neonicotinoids),
and this proposed sentence usefully elaborates on how neonicotinoids harm bees.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because the information doesn’t introduce a new
idea that will become important later in the passage, belong elsewhere in the
passage, or contradict the main idea.
Question 19
(B) is a pretty big deal.
(C) can’t be put on the back burner.
(D) cannot be ignored.
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Effective Language Use / Style and tone
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because the diction is consistent with the article’s tone
and style.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because the casual tone and style of the phrases
“is not to be scoffed at,” “is a pretty big deal,” and “can’t be put on the back
burner” deviate from the more formal tone and style established in the rest of the
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Question 20
(B) crops, this is an expensive proposition when there is a shortage of
(C) crops, an expensive proposition when there is a shortage of bees.
(D) crops; an expensive proposition when there is a shortage of bees.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Sentence Structure / Sentence formation / Sentence boundaries
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer because it creates a grammatically correct relationship
between an independent clause and a dependent one.
Choices A and D are incorrect because a semicolon should link two independent
clauses in order to be grammatically correct; in each instance the second clause is
dependent. Choice B is incorrect because it creates a comma splice.
Question 21
(B) there
(C) their
(D) its
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Conventions of Usage / Possessive determiners
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer because it provides the correct possessive form of a
plural noun, the farmers who are the main subject of the sentence.
Choices A and B are incorrect because neither is the correct possessive form of
“they.” Choice A is a contraction of the subject “they” and the verb “are,” while
Choice B is an adverb that refers to a place or a particular point in time. Choice D is
incorrect because it is the possessive form of a singular, not a plural, noun.
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Question 22
The writer wants a conclusion that addresses the future of efforts to
combat CCD. Which choice results in the passage having the most
appropriate concluding sentence?
(B) Still, bee colonies have experienced such devastating losses that the
consequences of the issue have been felt worldwide.
(C) Although CCD is a relatively new phenomenon, scientists have been
studying other aspects of honeybees for over a century.
(D) Genetic variation in bee colonies generally improves bees’
productivity, disease resistance, and ability to regulate body temperature.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Organization / Introductions, conclusions, and transitions
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer because the passage already has an appropriate
concluding sentence that addresses “the future of efforts to combat CCD.” This
sentence supports the last paragraph’s focus on “commonsense measures” by
outlining potential CCD-prevention efforts such as “[a] decrease in the use of
certain pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides” and stating that these efforts “could
begin a shift in a favorable direction.”
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they don’t address “the future of efforts
to combat CCD” that the question demands. Choice B describes the current impact
of diminishing bee populations instead of discussing the future. Choice C
introduces a new topic that departs from the paragraph’s main topic. Choice D
introduces a related topic that needs further elaboration.
Question 23
(B) stood;
(C) stood
(D) stood
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Conventions of Punctuation / Unnecessary punctuation
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it creates a grammatically complete and
standard sentence.
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Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each inserts unnecessary punctuation
that disrupts the meaning of the sentence, which is to state where Giuseppe Ferrua
Question 24
(B) inside
(C) for
(D) on
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Conventions of Usage / Conventional expression
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer because the preposition “with” correctly reflects the
relationship between the subject, verb, and object: “landscape,” “dotted,” and
“vineyards,” respectively.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because each provides a preposition that does
not appropriately represent the relationship between the subject, verb, and object.
A landscape can be dotted “with” vineyards; it cannot be dotted “inside,” “for,” or
“on” vineyards.
Question 25
(B) however,
(C) by contrast,
(D) thereafter,
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Organization / Introductions, conclusions, and transitions
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer because the information in the sentence elaborates on
and supports the claim in the previous sentence: that lunar farming “is driven by
the belief that the Moon influences levels of moisture in the soil.”
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they do not appropriately signal the
information in the sentence, which elaborates on and supports the claim in the
previous sentence. Rather, Choices B and C suggest that the writer is drawing a
contrast, and Choice D introduces a time sequence that is not present in the
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Question 26
(B) Given that
(C) So
(D) DELETE the underlined portion and begin the sentence with a capital
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Sentence Structure / Sentence formation / Subordination and
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because it creates a grammatically complete and
standard sentence. It also correctly reflects the relationship specified in the
passage between moisture and the lunar calendar.
Choice A is incorrect because “Although” suggests that the second clause will say
something contrary to the first. Choices C and D are incorrect because each results
in a grammatically incomplete sentence.
Question 27
Which choice most effectively sets up the paragraph?
(B) People all over the world farm by the Moon.
(C) Farming by the Moon is not new.
(D) Talk of the Moon’s influence is far-reaching.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Development / Proposition
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer because it acts effectively as a transition between the
previous paragraph and this one.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because none of the three introduces the
paragraph’s main topic, the long history of lunar farming.
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Question 28
Which choice provides the most specific information on the type of advice
a lunar calendar offers?
(B) actions relevant to farming.
(C) points in time at which to undertake certain tasks.
(D) optimal times to plant, weed, prune, and harvest.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Effective Language Use / Precision
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it provides “the most specific information on
the type of advice a lunar calendar offers.”
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each is vague; specifically, “farm
chores,” “actions,” and “certain tasks” are all nebulous terms, and the question
asks for the “most specific information.”
Question 29
(B) almanacs’s
(C) almanac’s
(D) almanacs’
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Conventions of Punctuation / Possessive nouns and pronouns
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer because it provides the grammatically correct option
for a possessive singular noun. The editor belongs to, or is affiliated with, the
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because each fails to provide a grammatically
correct possessive noun. There is only one almanac, the “Old Farmer’s Almanac,”
to which the editor belongs.
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Question 30
(B) skeptics, who have yet to be convinced.
(C) skeptics—those who doubt the method.
(D) skeptics.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Effective Language Use / Concision
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it introduces the paragraph’s topic succinctly
without repeating information. By definition, skeptics are people who are unsure,
have yet to be convinced, doubt the method, etc.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because all three include redundant information
about skeptics.
Question 31
(B) those
(C) it’s
(D) its
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Conventions of Usage / Possessive determiners
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it provides the possessive pronoun that
grammatically corresponds to a singular noun, “agriculture.”
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each fails to provide a grammatically
correct or appropriate possessive pronoun. Choice A presents a possessive
pronoun for a plural antecedent rather than a singular one. Choice B’s “those” is
vague, leaving the reader unsure of the relationship between the practices and
agriculture. Choice C presents a grammatically incorrect construction of the
possessive pronoun for it.
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Question 32
The writer wants to conclude the paragraph effectively while also
reinforcing the point that skepticism toward lunar farming still exists.
Which choice best accomplishes this goal?
(B) and therefore no sound scientific data on the subject exist to date.
(C) yet many continue to practice lunar farming.
(D) leading many to conclude that the practice is based in folklore, not
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Organization / Introductions, conclusions, and transitions
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it satisfies the directions of the question by
“reinforcing the point that skepticism toward lunar farming still exists.” Only
Choice D refers back to the skeptics mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph,
acknowledging that “many...conclude that the practice” of lunar farming is “based
in folklore, not fact.”
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because, while each makes a logical connection
with the preceding part of the sentence, none of the three refers back to the
skeptics mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph.
Question 33
Which choice gives an additional supporting example that emphasizes the
importance of the senses in judging the success of the lunar farming
(B) She has taken photographs of the grapevines and landscape.
(C) She takes careful notes about Ferrua’s farming methods, asking Ferrua
to clarify how he prepares the soil.
(D) She dips bread into Ferrua’s olive oil as he explains a soil preparation
he does in the fall.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Development / Support
Best Answer: A
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Choice A is the best answer because it corresponds with the question’s
instructions to choose “an additional supporting example that emphasizes the
importance of the senses.” Professor Coffman’s statement about the fragrant
rosemary logically follows the English farmer’s statement about his potatoes, as
both use sensory impressions to attest to the success of lunar farming.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because each fails to provide an additional
supporting example that demonstrates that Professor Coffman “has a similar
response” to that of the English farmer. Choices B and D both involve the senses,
but neither uses sensory impressions to judge the success of lunar farming.
Choice C doesn’t involve a sensory experience; it recounts an experience of
information gathering.
Question 34
The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion (ending the
sentence with a period). Should the writer make this deletion?
A) Yes, because the underlined portion detracts from the paragraph’s
focus on the Szathmary collection.
B) Yes, because the information in the underlined portion is provided in
the previous sentence.
C) No, because the underlined portion defines a term that is important to
the passage.
D) No, because the underlined portion gives an example of a particular
culinary artifact.
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Development / Focus
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer because the term “manuscript recipe books” is
unclear without the underlined portion to define it.
Choice A is incorrect because the underlined portion is consistent with the
paragraph’s focus; it does not detract from it. Choice B is incorrect because the
underlined information does not appear in the previous sentence. Choice D is
incorrect because, while it asserts correctly that the underlined portion should not
be deleted, it does not offer a persuasive reason for keeping the definition of
“manuscript recipe books.”
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Question 35
B) Regardless of
C) In contrast to
D) In addition to
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Organization / Introductions, conclusions, and transitions
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer. “Because of” supports the cause-effect relationship
between the two clauses in the sentence, which state that as result of the 20,000-
item donation’s size and range, figuring out how to make the information available
to the public was “a challenge.”
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they do not support the cause-effect
relationship between the two clauses.
Question 36
B) donation of so many culinary artifacts,
C) massive donation of cookbooks,
D) donation,
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Effective Language Use / Concision
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it does not contain information that has
already been established in the preceding sentences of the passage.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they repeat information already
established in the preceding sentences of the passage.
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Question 37
B) for
C) and
D) but
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Sentence Structure / Sentence formation / Subordination and
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because it provides a conjunction, “but,” that
accurately reflects the relationship between the two clauses. This relationship
contrasts the librarians’ desire to share all the objects in the collection with the
problem of presenting the delicate manuscripts.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each provides a conjunction that does
not reflect the relationship between the two clauses.
Question 38
B) his or her
C) their
D) one’s
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Conventions of Usage / Agreement / Pronoun-antecedent agreement
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer because the possessive pronoun “their”
grammatically corresponds to the plural “volunteers.”
Choice A is incorrect because it provides a possessive pronoun that would
correspond with “we,” which would only be valid if the writer were part of the
group of volunteers. Choices B and D are incorrect because each provides a
possessive pronoun for a singular noun, yet the subject of the clause is the plural
noun “volunteers.”
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Question 39
B) simple directions
bare-bones how-tos
D) facile protocols
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Effective Language Use / Style and tone
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because it offers wording that is clear and consistent
with the style of the passage.
Choices A and D are incorrect because both use jargon, or unnecessarily esoteric
language, which is inconsistent with the passage’s formal yet accessible style.
Choice C is incorrect because the wording is clunky and too colloquial for the
passage’s style.
Question 40
B) therefore,
C) however,
D) in short,
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Organization / Introductions, conclusions, and transitions
Best Answer: C
Choice C is the best answer. It provides a conjunction, “however,” which captures
the contrast between transcribing the recipes, described as “easy,” and
recognizing some of the ingredients and measurements in the recipes, described
as “puzzling.”
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because each fails to capture the relationship
between the sentence in which the conjunction appears and the sentence
preceding it. Choice A is incorrect because it proposes a conjunction that suggests
the sentence is building upon information in the previous sentence. Choice B is
incorrect because “therefore” suggests a cause-effect relationship between the
two sentences. Choice D is incorrect because it suggests that the second sentence
is providing a shortened version of information introduced in the first sentence.
Instead, the difference between “easy” in the first sentence of the sequence and
“puzzling” in the second denotes a contrast.
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Question 41
B) access to
C) excess of
D) excess to
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Conventions of Usage / Frequently confused words
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because it provides the correct noun, “access,” to
indicate the ability to utilize something, and the correct preposition, “to,” to link
the noun to the prepositional phrase that follows it.
Choice A is incorrect because it provides a noun and preposition combination that
does not correspond to standard English. Choices C and D are incorrect because
both present the noun “excess,” which is a close homonym of “access,” but
means a surfeit or overabundance.
Question 42
B) work
C) worked
D) could have worked
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Sentence Structure / Inappropriate shifts in construction / Verb tense,
mood, and voice
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the best answer because it provides a verb in the present tense
(“work”), which is consistent with the present tense verb “don’t fare” that opens
the sentence.
Choices A and C are incorrect because both use verbs in the past tense. Choice D
is incorrect because the compound verb “could have worked” presents a
possibility that is not consistent with the tone or purpose of the sentence, in which
the writer is making a comparison between archival recipes that don’t hold up well
in the present day and those that do.
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Question 43
B) almond, cheesecake summer, mince,
C) almond cheesecake summer, mince
D) almond, cheesecake, summer, mince,
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Conventions of Punctuation / Items in a series
Best Answer: A
Choice A is the best answer because it provides items in a series that are whole
discrete items, each one an example of a dessert from the Szathmary collection.
Each item in the series is presented in standard English with the adjective
preceding the main noun, for example, “summer mince pie.”
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because each one scrambles the names of the
dessert items by separating the parts of their names by commas.
Question 44
The writer plans to add the following sentence to this paragraph.
“The judges reported that the entries were delicious.
To make this paragraph most logical, the sentence should be placed
A) after sentence 1.
B) after sentence 2.
C) after sentence 3.
D) after sentence 4.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Organization / Logical sequence
Best Answer: D
Choice D is the best answer because the proposed sentence logically follows
information about a contest at the Iowa State Fair. At no other point in the
paragraph does the writer mention a contest.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because the writer has yet to state that there was
a contest or other situation that involved an official judge, so placement of the
proposed sentence after any of the first three sentences would be illogical.
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PSAT/NMSQT Practice Test #1 Math Test – No Calculator Answer Explanations
Math Test No Calculator Answer
Question 1
A babysitter earns $8 an hour for babysitting 2 children and an additional
$3 tip when both children are put to bed on time. If the babysitter gets the
children to bed on time, what expression could be used to determine how
much the babysitter earned?
A) 8x + 3, where x is the number of hours
B) 3x + 8, where x is the number of hours
C) x(8 + 2) + 3, where x is the number of children
D) 3x + (8 + 2), where x is the number of children
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: A
Choice A is the correct answer. Let
x be the number of hours that the babysitter
worked. Since the babysitter earns money at a rate of
$8 per hour, she earned
x dollars for the x hours worked. If the babysitter gets both children to bed on
time, the babysitter earns an additional
$3 tip. Therefore, the babysitter earned a
total amount of
8x + 3 dollars.
Choice B is incorrect since the tip and the rate per hour have been interchanged in
the expression. Choices C and D are incorrect since the number of children is not
part of how the babysitter’s earnings are calculated.
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Question 2
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: B
Choice B is the correct answer. We can find the ratio
by rearranging the
equation. Multiplying out the expression on the left side of the equation yields
3x + 3y = y. Then, subtracting
from both sides of the equation gives
Finally, dividing both sides of this equation by
3y (note that y 0) gives
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect; they could result from errors during algebraic
transformations of the equation
3.xy y+=
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Question 3
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: A
Choice A is the correct answer. First, we clear the fractions from the two given
equations by multiplying both sides of the first equation by 4 and then both sides
of the second equation by 8 (note that the new equations are equivalent to the
original ones). Thus the system becomes
2 40
Subtracting side by side
the second equation from the first eliminates the variable
(2x y) (x y) = 40 152, leaving an equation with just one variable, x. Solving this
equation gives
x = 112. Substituting 112 for x into the equation x y = 152 gives
y = 264. Therefore, (112, 264) is the ordered pair that satisfies the system of
equations given.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect since the ordered pair in each choice does not
satisfy both equations in the system. For example, the ordered pair of choice B,
(64, 88), does not satisfy equation
= 19 because
(88) 19.
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PSAT/NMSQT Practice Test #1 Math Test – No Calculator Answer Explanations
Question 4
Triangle ABC above is isosceles with AB = AC and BC = 48. The ratio of
DE to DF is 5 : 7. What is the length of DC ?
A) 12
B) 20
C) 24
D) 28
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Additional Topic in Math
Correct Answer: D
Choice D is the correct answer. The base angles,
B and C, of isosceles triangle
ABC are congruent. Additionally,  are both right angles and therefore are
congruent. Because
 and  have two corresponding pairs of angles that
are congruent, they are similar. Consequently, the corresponding sides of the
similar triangles are proportional. So
and since
, it follows
If we let BD = 5x, then DC = 7x. Since
BD + DC = BC and BC = 48, it follows that 5x + 7x = 48. Solving this equation for x
gives x = 4, and so DC is 7(4) = 28.
Alternatively: Due to the similarity of
 and , one can conclude that
and so DC must be greater than half of BC, which is 24. Of the choices
given, only one satisfies this condition, namely
28. If DC = 28, then
BD = 48 – 28 = 20, confirming that
20 5
28 7
Therefore, the length of
must be
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Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each of the values for
DC would result in
BC being less than 48 units long.
Question 5
In a certain game, a player can solve easy or hard puzzles. A player earns
30 points for solving an easy puzzle and 60 points for solving a hard
puzzle. Tina solved a total of 50 puzzles playing this game, earning 1,950
points in all. How many hard puzzles did Tina solve?
A) 10
B) 15
C) 25
D) 35
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: B
Choice B is the correct answer. Let
x and y be the number of easy and hard
puzzles, respectively, that Tina solved. Since she solved a total of
50 puzzles, it
follows that
x + y = 50. She earned a total of 1,950 points, so it must also be true
30x + 60y = 1,950. Dividing both sides of this equation by 30 gives x + 2y = 65.
Subtracting the first equation,
x + y = 50, from the second equation, x + 2y = 65,
y = 15. Therefore, Tina solved 15 hard puzzles.
Alternatively: Let x be the number of easy puzzles Tina solved. Then,
50 x is the
number of hard puzzles she solved. And since she earned a total of
1,950 points, it
must be true that
30x + 60(50 – x) = 1,950. Solving this equation for x gives
x = 35, and so 50 x = 15. Therefore, Tina solved 15 hard puzzles.
Choices A and C are incorrect because if the number of hard puzzles Tina solved
were as they indicate, the total number of points she would earn will not be
The incorrect answer in choice D could be the result of interchanging the number
of hard puzzles and easy puzzles.
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Question 6
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: B
Choice B is correct. This equation can be solved using the quadratic formula or
factoring. The quadratic formula approach is left as an exercise for students. We
will show first how to solve this equation using simple factoring and then will
show how to solve it using both the structure of the equation and factoring.
7x = 10x – 3x, the given equation can be rewritten as 2x
+ (10x – 3x) – 15 = 0.
Regrouping the terms so that the left side of the equation is in the factored form
(2x3)(x + 5) = 0, from which it follows that 2x – 3 = 0 or x + 5 = 0. Thus, the
quadratic equation has solutions
. Since r and s are solutions to the
quadratic equation and
, we can conclude that
r =
5s =-
; therefore,
3 13
Alternatively: Multiplying the original equation by 2, we can rewrite it in terms of
2x as follows: (2x)
+ 7(2x) – 30 = 0. Since the two numbers whose sum is –7 and
whose product is
–30 are –10 and 3, the equation will be factored as
2 3 2 10 0xx+=
, generating
and 5 as solutions. Since r and s are solutions
to the quadratic equation and
, we can conclude that
r =
and s = 5;
3 13
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect and could result from calculating the value of
expressions given in terms of the solutions
r and s, but are not equivalent to the
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rs of these solutions. For example,
is the value of rs, not the
value of
Question 7
To cut a lawn, Allan charges a fee of $15 for his equipment and $8.50 per
hour spent cutting a lawn. Taylor charges a fee of $12 for his equipment
and $9.25 per hour spent cutting a lawn. If x represents the number of
hours spent cutting a lawn, what are all the values of x for which Taylor’s
total charge is greater than Allan’s total charge?
A) x > 4
B) 3 x 4
C) 4 x 5
D) x < 3
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: A
Choice A is the correct answer. If
x represents the number of hours spent cutting
the lawn, the total fee that Allan charges is
8.5 15x +
dollars and the total fee that
Taylor charges is
9.25 12x +
dollars. To find all of the values of x for which Taylor’s
total fee is greater than Allan’s total fee, we solve the inequality
9.25 12 8.5 15,xx+> +
which simplifies to
0.75 3,x >
and so
4x >
Alternatively: Since Taylor’s hourly rate charge is higher than Allan’s, it can be
concluded that after a certain amount of hours, Taylor’s total charge will always be
greater than Allan’s total charge. Thus the inequality that represents all possible
values of
x for which this occurs will be of the form x > a for some value a. Of the
choices given, only
x > 4 is in this form. Lastly, one can confirm that Taylor and
Allan charge the same amount when
x = 4. Therefore, choice A is correct.
Choice B is incorrect because Allan’s total charge is greater than Taylor’s total
charge when
4.x <
Choice C is incorrect because Allan’s total charge and
Taylor’s total charge at
4x =
are exactly the same, and Taylor’s total charge is
greater than Allan’s total charge also for values of
x greater than 5. Choice D is
incorrect because Allan’s total charge is greater than Taylor’s charge when
x is less
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Question 8
n = 456 3T
The equation above is used to model the relationship between the number
of cups, n, of hot chocolate sold per day in a coffee shop and the average
daily temperature, T, in degrees Fahrenheit. According to the model, what
is the meaning of the 3 in the equation?
A) For every increase of 3°F, one more cup of hot chocolate will be sold.
B) For every decrease of 3°F, one more cup of hot chocolate will be sold.
C) For every increase of 1°F, three more cups of hot chocolate will be sold.
D) For every decrease of 1°F, three more cups of hot chocolate will be sold.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: D
Choice D is the correct answer. According to the model, if the average daily
temperature is
T degrees Fahrenheit, then the number of cups of hot chocolate
sold per day in the coffee shop would be
456 3T. If the temperature decreases by
1°F, then the number of cups of hot chocolate sold per day in the coffee shop
would be
456 3(T 1), which can be rewritten as (456 3T) + 3. Therefore, for
1°F drop in the average daily temperature, the coffee shop sells three more
cups of hot chocolate.
Choices A and B are incorrect because the change in the average daily
temperature and the change in the number of cups of hot chocolate have been
interchanged. Choice C is incorrect because, according to the model, the higher
value of daily temperature corresponds to a lower, not higher, number of cups of
hot chocolate sold.
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Question 9
A truck enters a stretch of road that drops 4 meters in elevation for every
100 meters along the length of the road. The road is at 1,300 meters
elevation where the truck entered, and the truck is traveling at 16 meters
per second along the road. What is the elevation of the road, in meters, at
the point where the truck passes t seconds after entering the road?
A) 1,300 0.04t
B) 1,300 0.64t
C) 1,300 4t
D) 1,300 16t
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Best Answer: B
Choice B is the correct answer. Since the truck is traveling at
16 meters per second
along the road, the distance it has traveled t seconds after entering the road is
meters. Since the elevation of the road drops 4 meters for every 100 meters along
the length of the road, it follows that for
16t meters along the road, the elevation
x 16 or 0.64t. Therefore, the elevation of the road at the point where the
truck passes t seconds after entering the road is
1,300 0.64t meters.
Choice A is incorrect because
would be the number of meters that the
elevation drops t seconds after the truck enters the road if its speed were
1 meter
per second. Choice C is incorrect because
4t meters does not give the number of
meters the elevation of the road drops. Choice D is incorrect because the drop rate
4 meters for every 100 meters along the road is not used.
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Question 10
A) 7
B) 5
C) 3
D) 1
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: D
Choice D is correct. Since
f(x 1) = 2x + 3 for all values of x,
f(3) = f(2 1) = 2(2) + 3 and so the value of f(3) is 1.
2x + 3 can be rewritten as 2(x 1) + 5 and since f(x 1) = 2(x 1) + 5
for all values of
x, it follows that f(x) = 2x + 5 for all values of x. Substituting 3 for x
in this equation gives
f(3) = 2(3) + 5 = 1.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because f is a function, and there is one and only
one value for
f(3), which as shown above is 1. Therefore, neither of the choices,
7, 5, or 4 can be the value of f(3).
Question 11
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: C
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Choice C is the correct answer. Using the distributive property to expand the given
expression gives
st s
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect. In each of these choices, at least one of the
products in the expansion is not correct. For example
, not
, not st or
Question 12
p(x) = 3(x
+ 10x + 5) 5(x k)
In the polynomial p(x) defined above, k is a constant. If p(x) is divisible by
x, what is the value of k?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 0
D) 3
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: A
Choice A is the correct answer. If polynomial
p(x) is divisible by x, then x must be a
factor of the polynomial, or equivalently, the constant term of the polynomial must
be zero. Multiplying out on the right side of the equation gives
p(x) = 3x
+ 30x + 15 5x + 5k, which can be rewritten as p(x) = 3x
+ 25x + (5k + 15).
5k + 15 = 0, and so k = 3.
Choices B, C, and D are the not correct answers because if the value of
k were as
indicated in those choices, then
x would not be a factor of the polynomial p(x), and
p(x) would not be divisible by x.
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Question 13
In the xy-plane, if the parabola with equation y = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b,
and c are constants, passes through the point (1, 1), which of the
following must be true?
A) a b = 1
B) b + c = 1
C) a + b + c = 1
D) a b + c = 1
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: D
Choice D is the correct answer. If the graph of a parabola passes through the point
1, 1), then the ordered pair (1, 1) must satisfy the equation of the parabola.
11 1,abc=- +-+
which is equivalent to
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect and could result from misinterpreting what it
means for the point (–1, 1) to be on the parabola or from common calculation
errors while expressing this fact algebraically.
These are the directions students will see in the test for the Student-Produced
Response questions.
Question 14
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: 300
The correct answer is 300. To solve the given equation for
h, first add 6 to both
sides of the equation to get
. Then multiply both sides of this equation by
10 to yield h = 300.
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Question 15
What is the value of a if (2a + 3) (4a 8) = 7 ?
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: 2
The correct answer is 2. The equation given can be rewritten as
2a + 3 4a + 8 = 7,
which is equivalent to
–2a + 11 = 7, and so a = 2.
Question 16
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: 9
The correct answer is 9. Multiplying out the given expression gives
4(9 )
x 0, dividing both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction by
simplifies the expression to 9.
Question 17
If x 2 is a factor of x
bx + b, where b is a constant, what is the value of
b ?
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: 4
The correct answer is
4. If x 2 is a factor of x
bx + b, where b is a constant, then
bx + b can be written as the product (x 2)(x – a) for some real number a.
(x 2)(x – a) gives x
– 2x ax+ 2a, which can be rewritten as
– (2 + a)x + 2a. Hence, x
(2 + a)x + 2a = x
bx + b is true for all values of x.
Consequently, the coefficients of like terms on each side of the equation must be
the same:
2 + a = b and 2a = b. Solving this system gives
4.b =
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Alternatively: Since
x – 2 is a factor of x
bx + b and (x – 2)
= x
– 4x + 4,one can
correctly conclude that the value of
b is 4.
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Math Test – Calculator Answer Explanations
Question 1
Tyra subscribes to an online gaming service that charges a monthly fee of
$5.00 and $0.25 per hour for time spent playing premium games. Which of
the following functions gives Tyra’s cost, in dollars, for a month in which
she spends x hours playing premium games?
A) C(x) = 5.25x
B) C(x) = 5x + 0.25
C) C(x) = 5 + 0.25x
D) C(x) = 5 + 25x
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: C
Choice C is the correct answer. Tyra pays
$0.25 per hour for time spent playing
premium games, so for the month in which she spends
x hours playing premium
games, she pays
0.25x dollars for playing the premium games. She also pays an
$5 monthly fee. Therefore, Tyra’s cost, in dollars, for the month in which
she spends
x hours playing premium games is given by the function
C(x) = 5 + 0.25x.
Choice A is incorrect because Tyra is not charged
$5.25 per hour for time playing
premium games. Choice B is incorrect because the charge per hour has been
interchanged with the monthly fee. Choice D is incorrect because
25x is the charge
for playing premium games in cents, not in dollars.
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Question 2
A grocery store sells a brand of juice in individual bottles and in packs of 6
bottles. On a certain day, the store sold a total of 281 bottles of the brand
of juice, of which 29 were sold as individual bottles. Which equation shows
the number of packs of bottles, p, sold that day?
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: A
Choice A is the correct answer. Since the store sold a total of
281 bottles, 29 of
which were sold individually, it follows that
281 – 29 bottles were sold in packs of 6
bottles. Therefore, the number of packs of bottles,
p, sold that day in the store is
p =
Choice B is incorrect. Adding the number of bottles sold individually,
29, to the
total number of bottles sold,
281, does not give the number of bottles that were
sold in packs of
6. Choices C and D are incorrect and could result from dividing all
of the bottles into groups of
6 (incorrectly assuming that all 281 bottles of juice
were sold in packs of
6), and either subtracting the 29 bottles sold individually from
that result, as in choice C, or adding the
29 bottles to that result, as in choice D.
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Question 3
The line graph above shows the monthly rainfall from March to October
last year in Chestnut City. According to the graph, what was the greatest
change (in absolute value) in the monthly rainfall between two consecutive
A) 1.5 inches
B) 2.0 inches
C) 2.5 inches
D) 3.5 inches
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: C
Choice C is the correct answer. The greatest change (in absolute value) in monthly
rainfall could be an increase or a decrease in monthly rainfall. The table below
shows the approximate changes in monthly rainfall in Chestnut City last year
between each of the two consecutive months.
Consecutive months
Change in monthly
rainfall (inches)
March to April
April to May
May to June
June to July
July to August
August to September
September to October
Of the values on the right column, the greatest is from September to October,
which is a change of
2.5 inches.
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Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they contain values that either do not
represent any of the changes in monthly rainfall between two consecutive months
or that are not the greatest change.
Question 4
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: C
Choice C is the correct answer. The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of the four
sides and can be calculated using the formula
P = 2
+ 2w, where
is the length
and w is the width of the rectangle. Subtracting 2w from both sides of the equation
P – 2w = 2
, and then dividing by 2 yields
Choice A is incorrect. This choice does not use the fact that the perimeter of a
rectangle is the sum of two length and two widths. Choice B and D are incorrect. In
each of these choices, the equation incorrectly doubles the perimeter.
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Question 5
Which ordered pair (x, y) satisfies the system of equations shown below?
A) (6, 2)
B) (2, 2)
C) (2, 2)
D) (4, 2)
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: C
Choice C is the correct answer. To eliminate
y, the first equation in the system can
be multiplied by
2 and then the equations can be added as shown below.
4 2 12
2 –2
5 0 10
Since the result is 5x = 10, it follows that x = 2. Substituting 2 for x into the equation
x + 2y = 2 gives 2 + 2y = 2 and so y = –2. Therefore, (2, –2) is the solution to the
system given.
Alternatively: Use the substitution method to solve the system. For example, the
first equation can be rewritten as
y = 2x – 6. Substituting 2x – 6 for y in the second
equation gives
x + 2(2x – 6) = –2, and so x = 2. Finally, substituting 2 for x in y = 2x6
gives y = –2, leading to the same solution of the system, namely (2, –2).
Choice B is incorrect. The value for x and the value for y have been reversed in the
ordered pair. Choices A and D are incorrect. The ordered pair in each of these
choices does not satisfy at least one of the equations in the system. For example,
the ordered pair
(4, 2) does not satisfy the equation x + 2 = –2, since 4 + 2(2) 2.
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Question 6
A soda company is filling bottles of soda from a tank that contains 500
gallons of soda. At most, how many 20-ounce bottles can be filled from the
tank? (1 gallon = 128 ounces)
A) 25
B) 78
C) 2,560
D) 3,200
Item Difficulty: Easy
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: D
Choice D is the correct answer. Since 1 gallon equals 128 ounces, 500 gallons
(500)(128) = 64,000 ounces. Therefore, the maximum number of 20-ounce
bottles that can be filled with the soda from the tank is
64, 000
3, 200.
Choice A is incorrect and could result from dividing 500 (the number of gallons
contained in the tank) by
20 (the capacity of one bottle, in ounces). The gallons
need to be converted into ounces first, and then the result can be divided by 20.
Choices B and C are incorrect because they do not give the maximum number of
20-ounce bottles that can be filled from the soda in the tank.
Question 7
A car traveled at an average speed of 80 miles per hour for 3 hours and
consumed fuel at a rate of 34 miles per gallon. Approximately how many
gallons of fuel did the car use for the entire 3-hour trip?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 6
D) 7
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: D
Choice D is the correct answer. Since the car traveled at an average speed of
miles per hour, the distance the car traveled during
3 hours is (80)(3) = 240 miles.
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The car consumed fuel at a rate of
34 miles per gallon, so the car used
gallons of fuel, which is approximately 7 gallons of fuel.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect. For each of these choices, the amount of fuel is
not enough to travel the entire
240 miles.
Question 8
What is the slope of the line in the xy-plane that passes through the points
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: D
Choice D is the correct answer. In the
xy-plane, the slope m of a line that passes
through the points
) and (x
) is the change in y over the change in x (rise
over run), which is expressed by the formula
Thus, the slope of the
line through the points
which simplifies to
Choices A and C are incorrect because the change in
y and the change in x do not
have the same magnitude. Choice B is incorrect; the fraction
is the negative
reciprocal of the slope of the line through the points
,4 .
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Question 9
The scatterplot above shows the widths and the heights of 12 types of
rectangular envelopes. What is the width, in inches, of the envelope
represented by the data point that is farthest from the line of best fit (not
A) 2
B) 5
C) 7
D) 12
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: C
Choice C is the correct answer. The data point that is farthest from the line of best
fit is located at (
7, 4), which means that this point represents a type of envelope
that is
7 inches wide and 4 inches high.
Choices A and B are incorrect because none of the data points with width
2 or
5 is the farthest from the line of best fit. Choice D is incorrect because the
scatterplot does not contain any points with width
12 inches.
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Question 10
A high school basketball team won exactly 65 percent of the games it
played during last season. Which of the following could be the total
number of games the team played last season?
A) 22
B) 20
C) 18
D) 14
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: B
Choice B is the correct answer. The number of games won by the basketball team
must be a whole number. Since
65% is equivalent to
it follows that, of the
choices given, the total number of games the team played last season can only be
by each of the other answer choices does not result in a whole
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because 65% of each of the numbers in the
choices results in non-whole numbers.
Question 11
A coffee shop is running a promotion where a number of free coffee
samples are given away each day. The equation above can be used to
model the number of free coffee samples, y, that remain to be given away x
days after the promotion began. What does it mean that (11, 0) is a
solution to this equation?
A) During the promotion, 11 samples are given away each day.
B) It takes 11 days during the promotion to see 1,210 customers.
C) It takes 11 days during the promotion until none of the samples are
D) There are 11 samples available at the start of the promotion.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: C
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Choice C is the correct answer. Since
x represents the number of days after the
promotion began and
y represents the remaining number of coffee samples, the
fact that the ordered pair (
11, 0) is a solution to the given equation means that it
11 days during the promotion until none of the samples are remaining.
Choice A is incorrect; if
11 samples were given away each day, then the coefficient
x in the equation would be 11. Therefore, this is not the correct interpretation of
(11, 0) as a solution to the equation. Choice B is incorrect; the total number of free
coffee samples given away during
11 days of the promotion was 1,210. But the
number of customers who were in the store during those days need not be
Choice D is incorrect; according to the given equation, there were
1,210, not 11,
samples available at the start of the promotion.
Question 12
Which scatterplot shows a negative association that is not linear? (Note: A
negative association between two variables is one in which higher values of
one variable correspond to lower values of the other variable, and vice
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Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: B
Choice B is the correct answer. Of the choices given, only the scatterplots in A and
B show a negative association between variables
x and y, and of these two
associations, the one depicted in choice B is not linear.
Choice A is incorrect. The association depicted in this scatterplot is negative, but it
can also be linear. Choice C is incorrect. The association depicted in this
scatterplot is not linear. However, for
x greater than 10, the association between x
and y is positive. Choice D is incorrect. There is no clear association between x and
y in this scatterplot.
Question 13
The histogram above shows the distribution of the heights, in meters, of
26 pyramids in Egypt. Which of the following could be the median height
of the 26 pyramids represented in the histogram?
A) 44 meters
B) 48 meters
C) 63 meters
D) 77 meters
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: B
Choice B is the correct answer. The median of a data set is the middle value when
the data points are sorted in either ascending or descending order. When the
number of the data points is even, then the median is the mean of the two middle
values of the sorted data. Hence, the median height of the
26 pyramids is the mean
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of the
13th and 14th tallest pyramids. Since the number of pyramids that are less
30 meters high is 5 and the number of pyramids that are less than 60 meters
high is
17, the median height of the 26 pyramids must be between 45 and 60
meters. Therefore, of the choices given, only
48 meters could be the median height
of the
26 pyramids.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the median height of the
26 pyramids
cannot be less than
45 meters or greater than 60 meters.
Questions 14-16 refer to the following information.
A survey of 170 randomly selected teenagers aged 14 through 17 in the United
States was conducted to gather data on summer employment of teenagers. The
data are shown in the table below.
Question 14
Which of the following is closest to the percent of
those surveyed who had a summer job?
A) 22%
B) 35%
C) 47%
D) 53%
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: B
Choice B is the correct answer. The number of teenagers surveyed in the data is
170. Of those surveyed, a total of 59 teenagers had a summer job; thus, the percent
of those teenager surveyed who had a summer job is
which rounds
Choice A is incorrect. This choice,
22%, is the approximate percent
teenagers aged
14 to 15 who had summer jobs. But that is not precisely what is
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asked in this question. Choices C and D are incorrect and may be the result of
calculating relative frequencies that are different from what the problem asks.
Question 15
In 2012 the total population of individuals in the United States who were
between 14 and 17 years old (inclusive) was about 17 million. If the survey
results are used to estimate information about summer employment of
teenagers across the country, which of the following is the best estimate of
the total number of individuals between 16 and 17 years old in the United
States who had a summer job in 2012?
A) 8,200,000
B) 3,900,000
C) 2,000,000
D) 390,000
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: B
Choice B is the correct answer. In
2012, the total population of individuals in the
United States who were between
14 and 17 years old (inclusive) was about 17
million, which is
times the size of the survey sample, 170. Since of those
39 teenagers aged 16 to 17 had a summer job, it follows that the best
estimate of the total number of individuals aged
16 to 17 in the United States who
had a summer job in
2012 was 39 × 10
= 3,900,000.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect and are likely the result of either conceptual or
calculation errors made.
Question 16
Based on the data, how many times more likely is it for a 14 year old or a
15 year old to NOT have a summer job than it is for a 16 year old or a 17
year old to NOT have a summer job? (Round the answer to the nearest
A) 0.52 times as likely
B) 0.65 times as likely
C) 1.50 times as likely
D) 1.64 times as likely
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: C
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Choice C is the correct answer. According to the data shown in the table,
69 out of
89 teenagers aged 14 to 15 did not have summer jobs. So for a 14- or 15-year-old,
the likelihood of not having a summer job is
. And since 42 out of 81 teenagers
16 to 17 did not have a summer job, the likelihood that a 15- or 16-year-old
not having a summer job is
. Therefore, a 14- or 15-year-old is
= 1.49518, or about 1.50, times more likely to not have
a summer job.
Choice A is incorrect. This choice could result from calculating the likelihood that a
teenager aged
16 to 17 will not have a summer job
. Choice B is incorrect.
This choice could result from calculating the likelihood that a teenager aged
17 will not have a summer job is
. Choice D is incorrect. This choice
could result from calculating the ratio of the number of teenagers aged
14 to 15
who do not have a summer job
(69) to the number of teenagers aged 16 to 17 who
do not have a summer job
(42). If the total number of those surveyed in the two
different groups were the same, this result would be correct. But the sizes of the
two groups are different; therefore, the result obtained is incorrect.
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Question 17
The graph above shows the amount of protein supplied by five different
food products, A, B, C, D, and E, as a percentage of their total weights.
The costs of 10 grams of products A, B, C, D, and E are $2.00, $2.20, $2.50,
$4.00, and $5.00, respectively. Which of the five food products supplies the
most protein per dollar?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) E
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: C
Choice C is the correct answer. The table below organizes the information in the
graph and the additional data needed to answer the question.
Cost of
10 grams
Amount of
(in grams)
per dollar
(in grams/dollar)
$2.00 10 10% 0.1(10) = 1
$2.20 10 15%
0.15(10) =
$2.50 10 20% 0.2(10) = 2
$4.00 10 25%
0.25(10) =
$5.00 10 30% 0.3(10) = 3
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According to the table, food product C provides the most protein per dollar
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect. For each choice, the protein per dollar for each
of the food products is less than
0.8 grams of protein per dollar.
Question 18
In quadrilateral ABCD above, BC is parallel to AD, and AB = CD. If BC
and AD were each doubled and BE was reduced by 50 percent, how would
the area of ABCD change?
A) The area of ABCD would be decreased by 50 percent.
B) The area of ABCD would be increased by 50 percent.
C) The area of ABCD would not change.
D) The area of ABCD would be multiplied by 2.
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: C
Choice C is the correct answer. Quadrilateral
ABCD is a trapezoid, and the formula
for the area of a trapezoid is
are the bases of
the trapezoid (
BC and AD) and h is the height (BE). If the bases (BC and AD) are
each doubled and the height (
BE) is reduced by 50%, then the area of the new
ABCD would be
(2 2 ),
which after multiplying out becomes
hb b+
the same as the area of the original trapezoid. Therefore, the area of
the trapezoid would not change.
Choice A is incorrect. This choice does not take into account the changes to the
BC and AD. Choice B is incorrect. This choice could result from incorrectly
interpreting the impact of doubling the bases on the area of
ABCD as a 100%
increase and the impact of reducing the height by
50% as a 50% decrease, resulting
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in a combined
100% 50% = 50% increase of the area. Choice D is incorrect. This
choice does not take into account the change to height,
Question 19
Boyd grows only tomatoes and raspberries in his garden. Last year, he
grew 140 pounds of tomatoes and 60 pounds of raspberries. This year, the
production, by weight, of tomatoes declined by 20 percent, and the
production, by weight, of raspberries declined by 50 percent. By what
percentage did the total yield, by weight, of Boyd’s garden decline?
A) 29 percent
B) 30 percent
C) 35 percent
D) 70 percent
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: A
Choice A is the correct answer. Since Boyd’s production of tomatoes declined by
20% and the production of raspberries declined by 50% from the previous year,
this year, his tomato production was
140 0.2(140) = 112 pounds and his raspberry
production was
60 0.5(60) = 30 pounds. The percent decline in the total yield is the
decline in the number of pounds of tomatoes and raspberries divided by the
original number of pounds of tomatoes and raspberries, which is
28 30
0.29 29%.
140 60
Choice B is incorrect. This choice is close to the answer, but rounding may have
erroneously led to this answer. Choice C is incorrect. This choice,
35%, may be a
result of calculating the mean of
20% and 50%. Choice D is incorrect. This choice is
the approximate percent weight of the tomatoes and raspberries produced this
year compared to the last year, but that’s not what the problem asks for.
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Question 20
The graph above shows the frequency distribution of a list of randomly
generated integers between 0 and 10. What is the mean of the list of
A) 3.0
B) 3.5
C) 4.25
D) 12.0
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: C
Choice C is the correct answer. There are
12 integers in the list, and some of them
are repeated at the frequencies shown in the graph. So the mean of the list of
numbers is the sum of the numbers (repeats included) divided by
12. That is
0 1 2 3(3) 2(4) 6 7 8 10
++ + + + + ++
Choice A is incorrect;
3 is the mode, not the mean, of the list of numbers. Choice B
is incorrect;
3.5 is the median, not the mean, of the list of numbers. Choice D is
12 is the total number of the integers in the list.
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Question 21
What is the minimum value of the function graphed on the xy-plane
above, for 4 x 6 ?
B) 4
C) 2
D) 1
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: C
Choice C is the correct answer. The minimum value of a graphed function is the
y-value of all the points on the graph. For the graph shown, the
minimum is at the left endpoint of the graph, the
y-value of which is 2.
Choice A is incorrect. If the graph would continue indefinitely downward, then the
minimum value of the function would be negative infinity. However, the domain of
the function is restricted
(4 x 6) and the minimum value of the graph occurs at
point (
4, 2). Choice B is incorrect; 4 is the x-value of the point on the graph
where the minimum value of the function occurs. Choice D is incorrect because
there are points of the graph below the
x-axis; therefore, the minimum value of the
function cannot be positive.
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Questions 22-24 refer to the following information.
In 1929, the astronomer Edwin Hubble published the data shown. The graph plots
the velocity of galaxies relative to Earth against the distances of galaxies from
Hubble’s data can be modeled by the equation
v = 500d, where v is the velocity, in
kilometers per second, at which the galaxy is moving away from Earth and
d is the
distance, in megaparsecs, of the galaxy from Earth. Assume that the relationship is
valid for larger distances than are shown in the graph. (A megaparsec (Mpc) is
3.1 × 10
Question 22
According to Hubble’s data, how fast, in meters per second, is Galaxy Q
moving away from Earth?
A) 2 × 10
B) 5 × 10
C) 5 × 10
D) 2.5 × 10
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: B
Choice B is the correct answer. The coordinates of the data point that represent
Galaxy Q on the scatterplot are (
2.0, 500), which means that Galaxy Q is at a
distance of about
2.0 Mpc from Earth and moves away from Earth at a velocity of
500 km/s. The question asks for the velocity in meters per second;
therefore, kilometers (km) need to be converted into meters (m). Since
1 km is
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equal to
1,000 m, it follows that Galaxy Q is moving away from Earth at a velocity
500 × 1,000 m/s, or 5 × 10
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect and may result from an incorrect interpretation of
the coordinates of the point that represents Galaxy Q on the scatterplot or an
incorrect conversion of the units.
Question 23
There are four galaxies shown in the graph at approximately 0.9 Mpc from
Earth. Which of the following is closest to the range of velocities of these
four galaxies, in kilometers per second?
A) 100
B) 200
C) 450
D) 700
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Probability and Data Analysis
Correct Answer: D
Choice D is the correct answer. The velocities, in km/s, of the four galaxies shown
in the graph at approximately
0.9 Mpc from Earth are about –50, +200, +500, and
+650. Thus, the range of the four velocities is approximately 650 (50) = 700 km/s.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect. The range of velocities is the difference between
the largest and smallest velocity. Each of the answer choices A, B, and C are too
small compared to the real value of the range.
Question 24
Based on the model, what is the velocity, in kilometers per second, of a
galaxy that is 15 Mpc from Earth?
A) 7,500 km/s
B) 5,000 km/s
C) 1,100 km/s
D) 750 km/s
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: A
Choice A is the correct answer. The model indicates that the relationship between
the velocities of the galaxies, in km/s, and their distance from Earth, in Mpc, is
v = 500d. Therefore, the velocity of a galaxy that is 15 Mpc from Earth is v = 500(15)
km/s, or
7,500 km/s.
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Based on the model, the other choices are incorrect: Choice B is the speed of a
galaxy that is
10 Mpc from Earth. Choice C is the speed of a galaxy that is 2.2 Mpc
from Earth. Choice D is the speed of a galaxy that is
1.5 Mpc from Earth.
Question 25
Janice puts a fence around her rectangular garden. The garden has a
length that is 9 feet less than 3 times its width. What is the perimeter of
Janice’s fence if the area of her garden is 5,670 square feet?
A) 342 feet
B) 318 feet
C) 300 feet
D) 270 feet
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
Correct Answer: A
Choice A is the correct answer. Let w represent the width of Janice’s garden and
3w – 9 represent the length of Janice’s garden. Since the area of Janice’s garden is
5,670 square feet, it follows that w(3w – 9) = 5,670, which after dividing by 3 on both
sides simplifies to
w(w – 3) = 1,890.
From this point on, different ways could be used to solve this equation. One could
rewrite this quadratic equation in the standard form and use the quadratic formula
to solve it. Another approach would be to look among integer factors of
1,890 and
try to find two that differ from each other by 3 and whose product is
1,890. The
prime factorization of
1,890 (2·3
·5·7) can help with this. Two factors that satisfy the
conditions above are
42 and 45 (note that 42 = 2·3·7 and 45 = 3
·5). The numbers
–45 and –42 also satisfy the above conditions (w = –42), but since w represents the
width of Janice’s garden, the negative values of
w can be rejected. Thus w = 45
feet, and so the length of the garden must be
3(45) – 9 = 126 feet. Therefore, the
perimeter of Janice’s garden is
2(45 + 126) = 2(171) = 342 feet.
Choice B is incorrect. This answer choice could result from incorrectly identifying
the width of the garden as
42 feet instead of 45 feet. Choices C and D are incorrect;
both answers would result in an area of the garden that is significantly smaller
5,670 square feet. For example, if the perimeter of the garden were 270 feet,
as in choice D, then
w + l = 135 feet, where w represents the width and l represents
the length of the garden. So
l = 135 – w. It is also given that l = 3w – 9, which
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implies that
135 – w = 3w – 9. Solving this for w gives w = 36, and so l = 99. The area
of the garden would then be
36 × 99 square feet, which is clearly less than 5,600
square feet.
Question 26
A) sin A
B) sin B
C) tan A
D) tan B
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Additional Topic in Math
Correct Answer: D
Choice D is the correct answer. Since the ratio
involves only the legs of the
right triangle, it follows that, of the given choices, the ratio can be equal to the
tangent of one of the angles. In a right triangle, the tangent of an acute angle is
defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side of the angle. Side
b is
opposite to angle
B and side a is adjacent to angle B. Therefore,
tan .
Choices A and B cannot be correct; the sine of an acute angle in a right triangle is
defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse, and the ratio shown
involves only the legs of the triangle. Choice C is incorrect. In the triangle
tan ,
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Question 27
A system of inequalities and a graph are shown above. Which section or sections of
the graph could represent all of the solutions to the system?
A) Section R
B) Sections Q and S
C) Sections Q and P
D)Sections Q, R, and S
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Heart of Algebra
Correct Answer: A
Choice A is the correct answer. The solution set of the inequality
y x is the union
of sections R and S of the graph. The solution set of the inequality
2y > 3x + 2 is the
union of sections R and Q of the graph. The solutions of the system consist of the
coordinates of all the points that satisfy both inequalities, and therefore, section R
represents all the solutions to the system since it is common to the solutions of
both inequalities.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they contain ordered pairs that do not
satisfy both of the inequalities.
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Question 28
The xy-plane above shows one of the two points of intersection of the
graphs of a linear function and a quadratic function. The shown point of
intersection has coordinates (v,w). If the vertex of the graph of the
quadratic function is at (4, 19), what is the value of v ?
Item Difficulty: Medium
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
The correct answer is
Since the vertex of the graph of the quadratic function is at
(4, 19), the equation of
the parabola is of the form
y = a(x 4)2 + 19. It is also given that the parabola
passes through point
(0, 3). This means that
a(3 – 4)
+ 19, and so a = –1. So the graph of the parabola is y = (x 4)2 + 19.
Since the line passes through the points
(0, –9) and (2, –1), one can calculate the
slope of the line
that passes through these points and write the
equation of the line in the slope-intercept form as
y = 4x – 9.
The coordinates of the intersection points of the line and the parabola satisfy both
the equation of the parabola and the equation of the line. Therefore, these
coordinates are the solutions to the system of equations below:
y = 4x – 9
y = (x 4)
+ 19
4x – 9 for y into the second equation gives 4x 9 = –(x 4)
+ 19, which
is equivalent to
x24x – 12 = 0. After factoring, this equation can be rewritten as
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(x – 6)(x + 2) = 0, and so x = 6 or x = –2. Since point (v, w) is on the right side of the
y-axis, it follows that v cannot be –2. Therefore, v = 6.
Question 29
In a college archaeology class, 78 students are going to a dig site to find
and study artifacts. The dig site has been divided into 24 sections, and each
section will be studied by a group of either 2 or 4 students. How many of
the sections will be studied by a group of 2 students?
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Heart of Algebra
The correct answer is
x be the number of sections that will be studied by 2 students and y be the
number of sections that will be studied by
4 students. Since there are 24 sections
that will be studied by
78 students, it follows that x + y = 24 and 2x + 4y = 78.
Solving this system gives
x = 9 and y = 15. Therefore, 9 of the sections will be
studied by a group of
2 students.
Alternatively, if all
24 sections were studied by a group of 4 students, then the total
number of students required would be
24 × 4 = 96. Since the actual number of
students is
78, the difference 96 – 78 = 18 represents the number of “missing”
students, and each pair of these “missing” students represents one of the sections
that will be studied by
2 students. Hence, the number of sections that will be
studied by
2 students is equal to the number of pairs that 18 students can form,
which is
Questions 30 and 31 refer to the following information.
An arrow is launched upward with an initial speed of 100 meters per second (m/s). The
equations above describe the constant-acceleration motion of the arrow, where v
is the
initial speed of the arrow, v is the speed of the arrow as it is moving up in the air, h is the
height of the arrow above the ground, t is the time elapsed since the arrow was projected
upward, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s
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Question 30
What is the maximum height from the ground the arrow will rise to the
nearest meter?
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
The correct answer is
As the arrow moves upward, its speed decreases continuously and it becomes
when the arrow reaches its maximum height. Using the position-speed equation
and the fact that
0v =
when h is maximum gives 0 = 100
2gh. Solving for h
h =
meters, which to the nearest meter is 510.
Alternatively, the maximum height can be found using the position-time equation.
100 for v
and 9.8 for g into this equation gives
100 (9.8) .
ht t=-
Completing the square gives the equivalent equation
100 100
4.9 4.9 .
9.8 9.8
ht=- - +
Therefore, the maximum height from the ground
the arrow will rise is
meters, which to the nearest meter is 510.
Question 31
How long will it take for the arrow to reach its maximum height to the
nearest tenth of a second?
Item Difficulty: Hard
Content: Passport to Advanced Math
The correct answer is
10.2 seconds (or 51/5 seconds).
As the arrow moves upward, its speed decreases continuously, and it becomes 0
when the arrow reaches its maximum height. Using the speed-time equation and
the fact that
0v =
when h is maximum, we get 0 = 100 9.8t.
Solving this equation for t gives
t ==
seconds, which to the nearest
tenth of a second is
Page 92
Practice PSAT/NMSQT Form 6
Answer Key
Q 1 A
Q 2 A
Q 3 B
Q 4 C
Q 5 C
Q 6 B
Q 7 B
Q 8 D
Q 9 B
Writing &
Q 1 C
Q 2 D
Q 3 C
Q 4 D
Q 5 C
Q 6 A
Q 7 B
Q 8 B
Q 9 B
Math Test No
Q 1 A
Q 2 B
Q 3 A
Q 4 D
Q 5 B
Q 6 B
Q 7 A
Q 8 D
Q 9 B
Math Test
Q 1 C
Q 2 A
Q 3 C
Q 4 C
Q 5 C
Q 6 D
Q 7 D
Q 8 D
Q 9 C
Q 10 C
Q 11 B
Q 12 A
Q 13 A
Q 14 D
Q 15 D
Q 16 A
Q 17 D
Q 18 C
Q 19 D
Q 10 D
Q 11 D
Q 12 C
Q 13 B
Q 14 B
Q 15 B
Q 16 D
Q 17 A
Q 18 A
Q 19 D
Q 10 D
Q 11 C
Q 12 A
Q 13 D
Q 14 300
Q 15 2
Q 16 9
Q 17 4
Q 10 B
Q 11 C
Q 12 B
Q 13 B
Q 14 B
Q 15 B
Q 16 C
Q 17 C
Q 18 C
Q 19 A
Q 20 C
Q 21 D
Q 22 A
Q 23 B
Q 24 B
Q 25 D
Q 26 D
Q 27 A
Q 28 A
Q 29 B
Q 20 C
Q 21 C
Q 22 A
Q 23 D
Q 24 A
Q 25 A
Q 26 B
Q 27 C
Q 28 D
Q 29 C
Q 20 C
Q 21 C
Q 22 B
Q 23 D
Q 24 A
Q 25 A
Q 26 D
Q 27 A
Q 28 6
Q 29 9
Q 30 C
Q 31 D
Q 32 C
Q 33 B
Q 34 D
Q 35 C
Q 36 D
Q 37 B
Q 38 D
Q 39 B
Q 30 D
Q 31 D
Q 32 D
Q 33 A
Q 34 C
Q 35 A
Q 36 D
Q 37 D
Q 38 C
Q 39 B
Q 30 510
Q 31 10.2, 51/
Q 40 D
Q 41 B
Q 42 A
Q 43 C
Q 44 C
Q 45 B
Q 46 C
Q 47 A
Q 40 C
Q 41 B
Q 42 B
Q 43 A
Q 44 D
Page 93
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 11-12, the author introduces the
main purpose of the passage, which is to examine the dierent views on
where ethics should apply when someone makes an economic decision.
e passage examines what historical gures Adam Smith, Aristotle,
and John Stuart Mill believed about the relationship between ethics
and economics.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they identify certain points
addressed in the passage (cost-benet analysis, ethical economic behav-
ior, and the role of the free market), but do not describe the passages
main purpose.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 4-5, the author suggests that people
object to criticizing ethics in free markets because they believe free mar-
kets are inherently ethical, and therefore, the role of ethics in free markets
is unnecessary to study. In the opinion of the critics, free markets are ethi-
cal because they allow individuals to make their own choices about which
goods to purchase and which goods to sell.
Choices A and B are incorrect because they are not objections that criticize
the ethics of free markets. Choice C is incorrect because the author does not
present the opinion that free markets depend on devalued currency.
Choice A is the best answer. In lines 4-5, the author states that some people
believe that free markets are already ethicalbecause they allow for per-
sonal statement provides evidence that some people believe
criticizing the ethics of free markets is unnecessary because free markets
permit individuals to make their own choices.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they do not provide the best evi-
dence of an objection to a critique of the ethics of free markets.
Choice B is the best answer. In lines 6-7, the author states that people “have
accepted the ethical critique and embraced corporate social responsibility.
In this context, people embrace,or readily adopt, corporate social respon-
sibility by acting in a certain way.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because in this context “embraceddoes
not mean lovingly held, eagerly hugged, or reluctantly used.
Choice C is the best answer. e third and fourth paragraphs of the passage
present Adam Smiths and Aristotles dierent approaches to dening ethics
in economics. e h paragraph oers a third approach to dening ethical
economics, how “instead of rooting ethics in character or the consequences
of actions, we can focus on our actions themselves. From this perspective
some things are right, some wrong(lines 45-48).
Choice A is incorrect because the h paragraph does not develop a coun-
terargument. Choices B and D are incorrect because although “character” is
briey mentioned in the h paragraph, its relationship to ethics is exam-
ined in the fourth paragraph.
Choice A is the best answer. In lines 57-59, the author states that Many
moral dilemmas arise when these three versions pull in dierent directions
but clashes are not inevitable. In this context, the three dierent perspec-
tives on ethical economics may clash,or conict, with one another.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because in this context “clashes” does not
mean mismatches, collisions, or brawls.
Choice C is the best answer. In lines 59-64, the author states, Take fair
trade coee . . . for example: buying it might have good consequences, be
virtuous, and also be the right way to act in a awed market.e author
is suggesting that in the example of fair trade coee, all three perspectives
about ethical economics—Adam Smiths belief in consequences dictating
action, Aristotles emphasis on character, and the third approach emphasiz-
ing the virtue of good actions—can be applied. ese three approaches share
common ground(line 64), as they all can be applied to the example of fair
trade coee without contradicting one another.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not show how the three
dierent approaches to ethical economics share common ground. Choice A
simply states that there are “dierent views on ethics” in economics, choice
B explains the third ethical economics approach, and choice D suggests that
people “behave like a herdwhen considering economics.
Choice C is the best answer. In lines 83-88, the author states that psychol-
ogy can help “dene ethics for us,” which can help explain why people “react
in disgust at economic injustice, or accept a moral law as universal.
Choices A and B are incorrect because they identify topics discussed in the
nal paragraph (human quirks and peoples reaction to economic injustice)
but not its main idea. Choice D is incorrect because the nal paragraph
does not suggest that economists may be responsible for reforming the
free market.
Choice A is the best answer. e data in the graph show that in Tanzania
between the years 2000 and 2008, fair trade coee prots were around
$1.30 per pound, while prots of regular coee were in the approximate
range of 20–60 cents per pound.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they are not supported by infor-
mation in the graph.
Choice B is the best answer. The data in the graph indicate that between
2002 and 2004 the difference in per-pound profits between fair trade and
regular coffee was about $1. In this time period, fair trade coffee was val-
ued at around $1.30 per pound and regular coffee was valued at around
20 cents per pound. The graph also shows that regular coffee recorded
the lowest profits between the years 2002 and 2004, while fair trade
coffee remained relatively stable throughout the entire eight-year span
(2000 to 2008).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because they do not indicate the greatest
dierence between per-pound prots for fair trade and regular coee.
Choice C is the best answer. In lines 59-61, the author denes fair trade
coee as coee that is sold with a certication that indicates the farmers
and workers who produced it were paid a fair denition sug-
gests that purchasing fair trade coee is an ethically responsible choice, and
the fact that fair trade coee is being produced and is protable suggests
that ethical economics is still a consideration. e graphs data support this
claim by showing how fair trade coee was more than twice as protable as
regular coee.
Choice A is incorrect because the graph suggests that people acting on
empathy (by buying fair trade coee) is productive for fair trade coee
farmers and workers. Choices B and D are incorrect because the graph does
not provide support for the idea that character or peoples fears factor into
economic choices.
Choice D is the best answer. Gold is a valuable element that commands
high prices, so calling something “liquid goldimplies that it has great value.
Because the pharmaceutical company GTC was producing the drug in order
to sell it, it can be inferred that describing ATryn as “liquid gold” means it
proved to be a lucrative product for GTC.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because the phrase “liquid gold” does
not refer to the microinjection technique, eciency in dairy production, or
transgenic goats being benecial to dairy farmers.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 25-29, Burke describes the contract
between a person and society as one that is not a partnership in things sub-
servient only to the gross animal existence of a temporary and perishable
nature. It is a partnership in all science; a partnership in all art; a partnership
in every virtue, and in all perfection.” Describing that contract as a partner-
ship in all things indicates its seriousness, while describing it as not being a
“temporary and perishable nature” implies its permanence.
Choice A is incorrect because line 27 states that the contract between a per-
son and society is not temporary or perishable,meaning it is not brief.
Choices B and C are incorrect because the passage does not compare the
contracts in terms of complexity or precision.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 1-9, Burke explains that people have
consecrated the stateto “avoid . . . the evils of inconstancy and versatility,
and that people should examine “the faults of the state . . . with pious awe
and trembling solitude.Burke then explains that society is taught to “look
with horror on those children of their country who want to hack that aged
parent in pieces (lines 10-12). Burke is arguing that children want to revise
the state, or “this aged parent,” by amending its faults. In this context, “state
refers to a political entity, or government, that attempts to protect its citizens
from the evils of inconstancy and versatility.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because in this context, statedoes not
mean style of living, position in life, or temporary condition.
Choice A is the best answer. In lines 17-29, Burke argues that “subordinate
contracts,” are simply business agreements over traded goods, while the state
is not merely a partnership agreement in a trade . . . or some other such
low concern . . . but a partnership in all science; a partnership in all art;
a partnership in every virtue, and in all perfection.” In this context, Burke is
stating that the state is not a contract consisting of “low” or petty concerns.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because in this context, “low” does not
mean weak, inadequate, or depleted.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 41-43, Paine asserts that “Every age and
generation must be as free to act for itself, in all cases, as the ages and genera-
tions which preceded it.He later states that deceased citizens of a state should
no longer have any authority in directing who shall be its governors, or how
its government shall be organized, or how administered” (lines 61-63). Paine
doesn’t believe, in other words, that the decisions of previous generations
should dictate the conditions of modern life and government.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not accurately character-
ize the way Paine views historical precedents.
Choice B is the best answer. In lines 30-34, Burke describes societal con-
tracts as long-term agreements that preserve the interests of past generations
and link the living and the dead into a partnership.Paine, however, states
that past generations have no controlover the decisions made by living
(line 71) because the dead have no longer any participation in the concerns
of this world” (lines 59-60).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because they do not accurately character-
ize how Paine would respond to Burkes claim that societal contracts link
past and current generations.
Choice D is the best answer. Lines 67-72 provide the best evidence that
Paine would respond to Burkes statement that society is a partnership
between past and current generations (lines 30-34) with the explanation that
the current generation cannot know what judgments the dead would make
about contemporary issues. In these lines Paine explains: “What possible
obligation, then, can exist between them; what rule or principle can be laid
down, that two nonentities, the one out of existence, and the other not in,
and who never can meet in this world, that the one should control the other
to the end of time?
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because the lines cited do not provide the
best evidence that Paine would respond to Burkes statement that society is a
partnership” between past and current generations (lines 30-34) by arguing
that the current generation cannot know what judgments the dead would
make about contemporary issues.
Choice D is the best answer. Paine concludes Passage 2 with the argument
that because social issues change over time, the living should not try to
adhere to decisions made by former generations (lines 73-80). Burke, how-
ever, states that living citizens exist within a “universal kingdom (line 35)
comprised of the living, the dead, and those who are not yet born. Burke
argues that the living do not have the right to change their government
based on their speculations of a contingent improvement” (lines 36-37).
erefore, Burke would disapprove of Paines concluding argument, as he
believes the living do not have sucient justication for changing the exist-
ing governmental structure.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not accurately describe
how Burke would likely have responded to Paines remarks in the nal para-
graph of Passage 2.
Choice D is the best answer. Lines 34-38 provide the best evidence that Burke
would disapprove of Paines remarks in the nal paragraph of Passage 2: “e
municipal corporations of that universal kingdom are not morally at liberty
at [the livings] pleasure, and on their speculations of a contingent improve-
ment, wholly to separate and tear asunder the bands of their subordinate
community.In these lines, Burke is arguing that the living do not have suf-
cient justication to change the existing governmental structure.
Choices A, B, and C do not provide the best evidence that Burke would
disapprove of Paines remarks in the nal paragraph of Passage 2, as Burke
believes the living do not have sucient justication for changing the exist-
ing governmental structure.
Choice A is the best answer. e primary argument of Passage 1 is that an
inviolable contract exists between a people and its government, one that is
to be “looked on with other reverence (lines 24-25). Passage 1 suggests that
this contract exists between past and future generations as well; in eect,
current and future generations should be governed by decisions made in the
past. Passage 2 challenges these points, as it argues that current and future
generations are not obligated to preserve past generations’ beliefs: e
Parliament or the people of 1688, or of any other period, had no more right
to dispose of the people of the present day, or to bind or to control them in
any shape whatever, than the parliament or the people of the present day
have to dispose of, bind, or control those who are to live a hundred or a
thousand years hence(lines 48-54).
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because Passage 2 does not oer an alter-
native approach to Passage 1, support an idea introduced in Passage 1, or
exemplify an attitude promoted in Passage 1.
Choice B is the best answer. Passage 1 argues that the government is sacred
(lines 3-6) and that no person should interfere with it (lines 6-9). Passage 2
argues that people have the right to make changes to their government:e
circumstances of the world are continually changing, and the opinions of
men change also; and as government is for the living, and not for the dead, it
is the living only that has any right in it” (lines 73-76).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because they do not identify the main
purpose of both passages.
Choice C is the best answer. e author explains that a “powerful volcano
erupted around 750 years ago and caused “a centuries-long cold snap known
as the Little Ice Age(lines 1-3). e author then states that a group of sci-
entists believe the volcano Samalas was this “powerful volcano,and she
explains how the scientists’ research supports this claim (lines 17-78).
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not identify the main
purpose of the passage.
Choice B is the best answer. e author begins the passage by explaining
how the Little Ice Age was a centuries-long cold snap” that was likely caused
by a volcanic eruption (lines 1-3). e author then explains how scientists
used radiocarbon analysis to determine when the Little Ice Age began and
how a volcanic eruption triggered the cooling temperatures (lines 17-25).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the passage does not criticize a
scientic model, oer a new method of measuring sulfates, or shi from the
use of radiocarbon dating to an examination of volcanic glass.
Choice A is the best answer. In lines 17-25, the passage shis focus from
describing a recorded event to providing evidence that the Little Ice Age was
likely caused by a volcanic eruption. e passage states that scientists used
“radiocarbon dating of dead plant material from beneath the ice caps on
Ban Island and Iceland, as well as ice and sediment core data” to determine
when the Little Ice Age began and how it was connected to the “mystery”
volcanic eruption.
Choice A is the best answer. Lines 69-75 explain that while people are oen
both gi-givers and gi-receivers, they struggle to apply information they
learned as a gi-giver to a time when they were a gi-receiver: Yet, despite the
extensive experience that people have as both givers and receivers, they oen
struggle to transfer information gained from one role (e.g., as a giver) and
apply it in another, complementary role (e.g., as a receiver). e authors sug-
gest that the disconnect between how much appreciation a gi-giver thinks a
gi merits and how much appreciation a gi-recipient displays for the gi may
be caused by both individualsinability to comprehend the others perspective.
Choices B and C are incorrect because neither the passage nor the graph
addresses the idea that society has become more materialistic or that there is
a growing opposition to gi-giving. Choice D is incorrect because the pas-
sage emphasizes that gi-givers and gi-recipients fail to understand each
other’s perspective, but it oers no evidence that the disconnect results only
from a failure to understand the others intentions.
Choice B is the best answer. Lines 2-4 of the passage describe DNA as
a very long chain, the backbone of which consists of a regular alternation of
sugar and phosphate groups. e backbone of DNA, in other words, is the
main structure of a chain made up of repeating units of sugar and phosphate.
Choice A is incorrect because the passage describes DNA on the molecular
level only and never mentions the spinal column of organisms. Choice C is
incorrect because the passage describes the backbone of the molecule as
having a regular alternationof sugar and phosphate, not one or the other.
Choice D is incorrect because the nitrogenous bases are not the main struc-
tural unit of DNA; rather, they are attached only to the repeating units of sugar.
Choice D is the best answer. e authors explain that hydrogen bonds join
together pairs of nitrogenous bases, and that these bases have a specic
structure that leads to the pairing: “One member of a pair must be a purine
and the other a pyrimidine in order to bridge between the two chains” (lines
27-29). Given the specic chemical properties of a nitrogenous base, it
would be inaccurate to call the process random.
Choice A is incorrect because lines 5-6 describe how nitrogenous bases
attach to sugar but not how those bases pair with one another. Choice B is
incorrect because lines 9-10 do not contradict the students claim. Choice C
is incorrect because lines 23-25 describe how the two moleculeschains are
linked, not what the specic pairing between nitrogenous bases is.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 12-14 the authors state: the rst fea-
ture of our structure which is of biological interest is that it consists not of
one chain, but of two.
Choices A and B are incorrect because lines 12-14 explicitly state that it is
the two chains of DNA that are of “biological interest,not the chemical
formula of DNA, nor the common ber axis those two chains are wrapped
around. Choice C is incorrect because, while the X-ray evidence did help
Wats on and Cr ick to discove r t hat DNA cons ists of two chains , it wa s not
claimed to be the feature of biological interest.
Choice C is the best answer. In lines 12-14 the authors claim that DNA mol-
ecules appear to be comprised of two chains, even though “it has oen been
assumed . . . there would be only one(lines 15-17). e authors support this
claim with evidence compiled from an X-ray: the density, taken with the X-ray
evidence, suggests very strongly that there are two [chains]” (lines 18-19).
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because the authors mention density and
X-ray evidence to support a claim, not to establish that DNA carries genetic
information, present a hypothesis about the composition of a nucleotide, or
conrm a relationship between the density and chemical formula of DNA.
Choice B is the best answer. e authors explain that “only certain pairs of
bases will t into the structure(lines 25-26) of the DNA molecule. ese
pairs must contain a purine and the other a pyrimidine in order to bridge
between the two chains” (lines 27-29), which implies that any other pairing
would not t into the structureof the DNA molecule. erefore, a pair
of purines would be larger than the required purine/pyrimidine pair and
would not t into the structure of the DNA molecule.
Choice A is incorrect because this section is not discussing the distance
between a sugar and phosphate group. Choice C is incorrect because the
passage never makes clear the size of the pyrimidines or purines in relation
to each other, only in relation to the space needed to bond the chains of
the DNA molecule. Choice D is incorrect because the lines do not make an
implication about the size of a pair of pyrimidines in relation to the size of a
pair consisting of a purine and a pyrimidine.
Choice D is the best answer. e authors explain how the DNA molecule
contains a “precise sequence of bases” (lines 43-44), and that the authors can
use the order of bases on one chain to determine the order of bases on the
other chain: “If the actual order of the bases on one of the pair of chains were
given, one could write down the exact order of the bases on the other one,
because of the specic pairing. us one chain is, as it were, the comple-
ment of the other, and it is this feature which suggests how the deoxyribo-
nucleic acid molecule might duplicate itself(lines 45-51). e authors use
the words “exact,specic,” and “complement” in these lines to suggest that
the base pairings along a DNA chain is understood and predictable, and may
explain how DNA “duplicate[s] itself” (line 51).
Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not suggest that most nucle-
otide sequences are known. Choice B is incorrect because these lines are not
discussing the random nature of the base sequence along one chain of DNA.
Choice C is incorrect because the authors are describing the bases attached
only to the sugar, not to the sugar-phosphate backbone.
Choice C is the best answer. Lines 6-7 state that Two of the possible bases—
adenine and guanine—are purines,” and on the table the percentages of ade-
nine and guanine in yeast DNA are listed as 31.3% and 18.7% respectively.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not state the percentages
of both purines, adenine and guanine, in yeast DNA.
Choice A is the best answer. e authors state: “We believe that the bases
will be present almost entirely in their most probable forms. If this is true,
the conditions for forming hydrogen bonds are more restrictive, and the only
pairs of bases possible are: adenine with thymine, and guanine with cytosine
(lines 31-35). e table shows that the pairs adenine/thymine and guanine/
cytosine have notably similar percentages in DNA for all organisms listed.
Choice B is incorrect. Although the choice of “Yes” is correct, the explana-
tion for that choice misrepresents the data in the table. Choices C and D are
incorrect because the table does support the authorsproposed pairing of
nitrogenous bases in DNA molecules.
Choice A is the best answer because it gives the percentage of cytosine
(17.3%) in sea urchin DNA and the percentage of guanine (17.7%) in sea
urchin DNA. eir near similar pairing supports the authorsproposal that
possible pairings of nitrogenous bases are adenine with thymine, and gua-
nine with cytosine” (line 35).
Choices B, C, and D do not provide the best evidence for the answer to the
previous question. Choice B (cytosine and thymine), Choice C (cytosine and
adenine), and Choice D (guanine and adenine) are incorrect because they
show pairings of nitrogenous bases that do not compose a similar percent-
age of the bases in sea urchin DNA.
Choice D is the best answer. e table clearly shows that the percentage of ade-
nine in each organisms DNA is dierent, ranging from 24.7% in l i to 33.2%
in the octopus. at such a variability would exist is predicted in lines 41-43,
which states that “in a long molecule many dierent permutations are possible.
Choices A and B are incorrect because the table shows that the percentage of
adenine varies between 24.7% and 33.2% in dierent organisms. Choice C is
incorrect because lines 36-38 state that adenine pairs with thymine but does
not mention the variability of the base composition of DNA.
Choice B is the best answer. In this passage, Woolf asks women a series of
questions. Woolf wants women to consider joining “the procession of edu-
cated men(lines 56-57) by becoming members of the workforce. Woolf
stresses that this issue is urgent, as women “have very little time in which to
answer [these questions]” (lines 48-49).
Choice A is incorrect because Woolf argues against the tradition of only
the sons of educated men(lines 82-83) joining the workforce. Choice C is
incorrect because Woolf is not highlighting the severity of social divisions
as much as she is explaining how those divisions might be reduced (with
women joining the workforce). Choice D is incorrect because Woolf does
not question the feasibility of changing the workforce dynamic.
Choice A is the best answer. roughout the passage, Woolf advocates for
more women to engage with existing institutions by joining the workforce:
“We too can leave the house, can mount those steps [to an oce], pass in
and out of those doors, . . . make money, administer justice . . .” (lines 30-32).
Woolf tells educated women that they are at a moment of transition” (line 51)
where they must consider their future role in the workforce.
Choice B is incorrect because even though Woolf mentions womens tradi-
tional roles (lines 68-69: “while they stirred the pot, while they rocked the
cradle”), she does not suggest that women will have to give up these traditional
roles to gain positions of inuence. Choice C is incorrect because though
Woo lf wonde rs h ow t he proc essi on of t he sons of e du cated me n” impa cts
womens roles, she does not argue that this male-dominated society has had
grave and continuing eects. Choice D is incorrect because while Woolf sug-
gests educated women can hold positions currently held by men, she does not
suggest that womens entry into positions of power will change those positions.
Choice C is the best answer. Woolf uses the word “weto refer to herself
and educated women in English society, the daughters of educated men
(lines 67-69). Woolf argues that this thoughthas shied womens roles in
society and earned them a “brand-new sixpence” that they need to learn how
to “spend” (lines 70-71). e sixpencementioned in these lines is not a literal
coin. Woolf is using the “sixpence” as a metaphor, as she is suggesting women
take advantage of the opportunity to join the male-dominated workforce.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because in this context, sixpence does
not refer to tolerance, knowledge, or perspective.
Choice B is the best answer. In lines 72-76, Woolf repeats the phrase “let
us think” to emphasize how important it is for women to critically reect on
their role in society. Woolf states this reection can occur at any time: “Let
us think in oces; in omnibuses; while we are standing in the crowd watch-
ing Coronations and Lord Mayor’s Shows; let us think . . . in the gallery of
the House of Commons; in the Law Courts; let us think at baptisms and
marriages and funerals.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because in lines 72-76 Woolf is not empha-
sizing the novelty of the challenge faced by women, the complexity of social
and political issues, or the enjoyable aspect of womens career possibilities.
Choice B is the best answer. e author of Passage 1 identies specic
companies such as the “Planetary Resources of Washington,“Deep Space
Industries of Virginia, and “Golden Spike of Colorado to support his ear-
lier assertion that there are many interested groups “working to make space
mining a reality” (line 8).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the author of Passage 1 does not
mention these companies to prole the technological advances in space
mining, the prot margins from space mining, or the diverse approaches to
space mining.
Choice A is the best answer. e author of Passage 1 explicitly states that
one benet to space mining is access to precious metals and earth elements:
“within a few decades, [space mining] may be meeting earthly demands for
precious metals, such as platinum and gold, and the rare earth elements vital
for personal electronics, such as yttrium and lanthanum (lines 18-22).
Choice B is incorrect because Passage 1 does not suggest that precious met-
als extracted from space may make metals more valuable on Earth. Choice C
and Choice D are incorrect because Passage 1 never mentions how space
mining could create unanticipated technological innovations or change sci-
entists’ understanding of space resources.
Choice A is the best answer. Lines 18-22 suggest that space mining may
help meet earthly demands for precious metals . . . and the rare earth ele-
ments vital for personal electronics.In this statement, the author is stat-
ing materials (“metals,” “earth elements”) that may be gathered as a result of
space mining, and that these materials may be important to Earths economy.
Choices B, C, and D do not provide the best evidence for the answer to
the previous question. Choice B is incorrect because lines 24-28 focus on
an o-planet economy” but never address positive eects of space mining.
Choice C is incorrect because lines 29-30 suggest the relative value of water
found in space. Choice D is incorrect because lines 41-44 state that space
mining companies hope to nd specic resources in lunar soil and asteroids
but do not address how these resources are important to Earths economy.
Choice D is the best answer. e author suggests in lines 19-22 that space
mining may meet earthly demands for precious metals, such as platinum
and gold, and the rare earth elements vital for personal electronics.In this
sentence, “earthly demands” suggests that people want, or desire, these pre-
cious metals and rare earth elements.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because in this context demandsdoes
not mean oers, claims, or inquiries.
Choice C is the best answer. Lines 29-30 introduce the idea that water
mined in space may be very valuable: “water mined from other worlds could
become the most desired commodity.” Lines 35-40 support this assertion by
suggesting how mined space water could be usedfor drinking or as a radia-
tion shield(lines 36-37) or to make spacecra fuel” (line 38).
Choice A is incorrect because the comparison in the previous paragraph (the
relative value of gold and water to someone in the desert) is not expanded
upon in lines 35-40. Choice B is incorrect because the question asked in the
previous paragraph is also answered in that paragraph. Choice D is incorrect
because no specic proposals are made in the previous paragraph; rather, an
assertion is made and a question is posed.
Choice B is the best answer. e author of Passage 2 recognizes that
space mining may prove benecial to humanity, stating that “we all stand
to gain: the mineral bounty and spin-o technologies could enrich us all”
(lines 50-52). e author also repeatedly mentions that space mining should
be carefully considered before it is implemented: “But before the miners
start ring up their rockets, we should pause for thought” (lines 53-54); “But
[space mining’s] consequences—both here on Earth and in space—merit
careful consideration” (lines 57-59).
Choice A is incorrect because the author of Passage 2 concedes that space
mining seems to sidestep most environmental concerns” (lines 55-56) but
does not imply that space mining will recklessly harm the environment,
either on Earth or in space. Choice C is incorrect because the author of
Passage 2 does not address any key resources that may be disappearing on
Earth. Choice D is incorrect because the author of Passage 2 admits that
“resources that are valuable in orbit and beyond may be very dierent to
those we prize on Earth(lines 74-76) but does not mention any disagree-
ment about the commercial viabilities of space mining discoveries.
Choice A is the best answer. In lines 60-66, the author presents some envi-
ronmental arguments against space mining: “[space] is not ours to despoil”
and we should not “[glut] ourselves on spaces riches.e author then sug-
gests that these environmental arguments will be hard to “hold,” or maintain,
when faced with the possible monetary rewards of space mining: “History
suggests that those will be hard lines to hold . . . (line 68).
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because in this context, “hold” does not
mean grip, restrain, or withstand.
Choice D is the best answer. e author of Passage 1 is excited about the
possibilities of space mining and how it can yield valuable materials, such
as metals and elements (lines 19-20 and lines 41-42), water ice (line 35),
and space dirt (line 44). e author of Passage 2, on the other hand, recog-
nizes the possible benets of space mining but also states that space mining
should be thoughtfully considered before being implemented. erefore, the
author of Passage 2 expresses some concerns about a concept discussed in
Passage 1.
Choice A is incorrect because the author of Passage 2 does not refute the
central claim of Passage 1; both authors agree there are possible benets to
space mining. Choice B is incorrect because the author of Passage 1 does
not describe space mining in more general terms than does the author of
Passage 2. Choice C is incorrect because the author of Passage 2 is not sug-
gesting that the space mining proposals stated in Passage 1 are impractical.
Choice B is the best answer. In lines 18-28, the author of Passage 1 describes
many of the possible economic benets of space mining, including the
building ofan o-planet economy” (line 25). e author of Passage 2 warns
that there may be ramications to implementing space mining and building
an emerging o-world economy” (line 73) without regulation: “But miners
have much to gain from a broad agreement on the for-prot exploitation of
space. Without consensus, claims will be disputed, investments risky, and
the gains made insecure(lines 83-87).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the author of Passage 2 does
not suggest that the benets to space mining mentioned in lines 18-28 of
Passage 1 are unsustainable, unachievable, or will negatively aect Earths
economy. Rather, the author recognizes the benets of space mining but
advocates for the development of regulation procedures.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 85-87, the author of Passage 2 states
that the future of space mining will prove dicult without regulations
because claims will be disputed, investments risky, and the gains made
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not provide the best evi-
dence for the answer to the previous question. Choice A is incorrect because
lines 60-63 present some environmental concerns toward space mining.
Choice B is incorrect because lines 74-76 focus on how space mining may
discover valuable resources that are dierent from the ones found on Earth.
Choice C is incorrect because lines 81-83 simply describe one persons
objections to the regulation of the space mining industry.
Choice A is the best answer because both Passage 1 and Passage 2 indi-
cate a belief that the resources most valued in space may dier from those
most valued on our planet. Passage 2 says this explicitly in lines 74-76:e
resources that are valuable in orbit and beyond may be very dierent to
those we prize on Earth.Meanwhile Passage 1 suggests that water mined
from space may be more valuable than metals or other earth elements when
creating an “o-plant economy” (lines 25-30).
Choice B is incorrect because neither passage discusses, either implicitly or
explicitly, the need for space mining to be inexpensive. Choice C is incor-
rect because Passage 2 does not specically identify precious metals or rare
earth elements but instead focuses on theoretical problems with space min-
ing. Choice D is incorrect because diminishing resources on Earth is not
discussed in Passage 2.
Answer Explanations
SAT Practice Test #1
Section 1: Reading Test
Choice B is the best answer. In the passage, a young man (Akira) asks a
mother (Chie) for permission to marry her daughter (Naomi). e request
was certainly surprising to the mother, as can be seen from line 47, which
states that prior to Akiras question Chie “had no idea the request was coming.
Choice A is incorrect because the passage depicts two characters engaged
in a civil conversation, with Chie being impressed with Akiras sincerity”
and nding herself starting to like him. Choice C is incorrect because
the passage is focused on the idea of Akiras and Naomi’s present lives and
possible futures. Choice D is incorrect because the interactions between
Chie and Akira are polite, not critical; for example, Chie views Akira with
“amusement, not animosity.
Choice B is the best answer. e passage centers on a night when a young
man tries to get approval to marry a womans daughter. e passage includes
detailed descriptions of setting (a “winter’s eve” and a “cold rain,lines 5-6);
character (Akiras so, rened” voice, line 33; Akiras eyes sh[ining] with
sincerity,” line 35); and plot (“Naomi was silent. She stood a full half minute
looking straight into Chies eyes. Finally, she spoke,” lines 88-89).
Choice A is incorrect because the passage focuses on a nontraditional mar-
riage proposal. Choice C is incorrect because the passage concludes without
resolution to the question of whether Akira and Naomi will receive permis-
sion to marry. Choice D is incorrect because the passage repeatedly makes
clear that for Chie, her encounter with Akira is momentous and unsettling,
as when Akira acknowledges in line 73 that he has startled” her.
Choice C is the best answer. Akira came directly, breaking all tradition,
(line 1) when he approached Chie and asked to marry her daughter, and he
ask[ed] directly,without a go-between(line 65) or mediation,because
doing otherwise would have taken too much time.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because in these contexts, “directly” does
not mean in a frank, condent, or precise manner.
Choice A is the best answer. Akira is very concerned Chie will nd his mar-
riage proposal inappropriate because he did not follow traditional protocol and
use a go-between(line 65). is is clear in lines 63-64, when Akira says to
Chie Please dont judge my candidacy by the unseemliness of this proposal.
Choice B is incorrect because there is no evidence in the passage that Akira
worries that Chie will mistake his earnestness for immaturity. Choice C is incor-
rect because while Akira recognizes that his unscheduled visit is a nuisance, his
larger concern is that Chie will reject him due to the inappropriateness of his
proposal. Choice D is incorrect because there is no evidence in the passage that
Akira worries Chie will underestimate the sincerity of his emotions.
Choice C is the best answer. In lines 63-64, Akira says to Chie, Please
don’t judge my candidacy by the unseemliness of this reveals
Akiras concern that Chie may say no to the proposal simply because Akira
did not follow traditional practices.
Choices A, B, and D do not provide the best evidence for the answer to the
previous question. Choice A is incorrect because line 33 merely describes
Akiras voice as so, rened. Choice B is incorrect because lines 49-51
reect Chies perspective, not Akiras. Choice D is incorrect because lines
71-72 indicate only that Akira was speaking in an eager and forthright matter.
Choice D is the best answer because Akira clearly treats Chie with respect,
including “bow[ing]” (line 26) to her, calling her Madame(line 31), and
looking at her with a deferential peek(line 34). Akira does not oer Chie
utter deference, though, as he asks to marry Naomi aer he concedes that he
is not following protocol and admits to being a “disruption” (line 31).
Choice A is incorrect because while Akira conveys respect to Chie, there is
no evidence in the passage that he feels aection for her. Choice B is incor-
rect because neither objectivity nor impartiality accurately describes how
Akira addresses Chie. Choice C is incorrect because Akira conveys respect
to Chie and takes the conversation seriously.
Choice D is the best answer. e rst paragraph (lines 1-4) reects on how
Akira approached Chie to ask for her daughter’s hand in marriage. In these
lines, the narrator is wondering whether Chie would have been more likely
to say yes to Akiras proposal if Akira had followed tradition: Akira came
directly, breaking all tradition. Was that it? Had he followed form—had he
asked his mother to speak to his father to approach a go-between—would
Chie have been more receptive?” us, the main purpose of the rst para-
graph is to examine why Chie reacted a certain way to Akiras proposal.
Choice A is incorrect because the rst paragraph describes only one aspect of
Japanese culture (marriage proposals) but not the culture as a whole. Choice B
is incorrect because the rst paragraph implies a criticism of Akiras individual
marriage proposal but not the entire tradition of Japanese marriage proposals.
Choice C is incorrect because the narrator does not question a suggestion.
Choice B is the best answer. In line 1, the narrator suggests that Akiras
direct approach broke all tradition.e narrator then wonders if Akira had
“followed form,or the tradition expected of him, would Chie have been
more receptive to his proposal. In this context, following “form” thus means
following a certain tradition or custom.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because in this context “formdoes not
mean the way something looks (appearance), the way it is built (structure),
or its essence (nature).
Choice C is the best answer. Akira states that his unexpected meeting with
Chie occurred only because of a matter of urgency,” which he explains as an
opportunity to go to America, as dentist for Seattles Japanese community”
(lines 41-42). Akira decides to directly speak to Chie because Chies response
to his marriage proposal aects whether Akira accepts the job oer.
Choice A is incorrect because there is no evidence in the passage that Akira is
worried his parents will not approve of Naomi. Choice B is incorrect because
Akira has an understanding” with Naomi (line 63). Choice D is incorrect;
while Akira may know that Chie is unaware of his feelings for Naomi, this is
not what he is referring to when he mentions “a matter of urgency.
Choice B is the best answer. In lines 39-42, Akira claries that the “mat-
ter of urgencyis that he has an opportunity to go to America, as dentist
for Seattles Japanese community.” Akira needs Chies answer to his marriage
proposal so he can decide whether to accept the job in Seattle.
Choices A, C, and D do not provide the best evidence for the answer to the
previous question. Choice A is incorrect because in line 39 Akira apologizes
for interrupting Chies quiet evening. Choice C is incorrect because lines
58-59 address the seriousness of Akiras request, not its urgency. Choice D
is incorrect because line 73 shows only that Akiras proposal has startled”
Chie and does not explain why his request is time-sensitive.
Choice A is the best answer. Lines 1-9 include examples of how many
people shop (“millions of shoppers”), how much money they spend (over
$30 billion at retail stores in the month of December alone”), and the many
occasions that lead to shopping for gis (“including weddings, birthdays,
anniversaries, graduations, and baby showers.”). Combined, these examples
show how frequently people in the US shop for gis.
Choice B is incorrect because even though the authors mention that
“$30 billionhad been spent in retail stores in one month, that gure is
never discussed as an increase (or a decrease). Choice C is incorrect because
lines 1-9 provide a context for the amount of shopping that occurs in the US,
but the anxiety (or “dread”) it might cause is not introduced until later in the
passage. Choice D is incorrect because lines 1-9 do more than highlight the
number of dierent occasions that lead to gi-giving.
Choice B is the best answer. Lines 9-10 state is frequent experience
of gi-giving can engender ambivalent feelings in gi-givers.In the sub-
sequent sentences, those ambivalent” feelings are further exemplied as
conicted feelings, as shopping is said to be something that “[m]any relish
(lines 10-11) and many dread” (line 14).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because in this context, ambivalent” does
not mean feelings that are unrealistic, apprehensive, or supportive.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 10-13, the authors clearly state that
some people believe gi-giving can help a relationship because it oers a
powerful means to build stronger bonds with ones closest peers.
Choice A is incorrect because even though the authors state that some
shoppers make their choices based on egocentrism, (line 33) there is
no evidence in the passage that people view shopping as a form of self-
expression. Choice B is incorrect because the passage implies that shopping
is an expensive habit. Choice C is incorrect because the passage states that
most people have purchased and received gis, but it never implies that peo-
ple are required to reciprocate the gi-giving process.
Answer Explanations
SAT Practice Test #2
Section 1: Reading Test
Choice A is the best answer. e narrator admits that his job is “irksome
(line 7) and reects on the reasons for his dislike. e narrator admits that
his work is a “dry and tedious task(line 9) and that he has a poor relation-
ship with his superior: “the antipathy which had sprung up between myself
and my employer striking deeper root and spreading denser shade daily,
excluded me from every glimpse of the sunshine of life” (lines 28-31).
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because the narrator does not become
increasingly competitive with his employer, publicly defend his choice of
occupation, or exhibit optimism about his job.
Choice B is the best answer. e rst sentence of the passage explains that
people do not like to admit when they’ve chosen the wrong profession and
that they will continue in their profession for a while before admitting their
unhappiness. is statement mirrors the narrator’s own situation, as the
narrator admits he nds his own occupation “irksome (line 7) but that he
might “long have borne with the nuisance” (line 10) if not for his poor rela-
tionship with his employer.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the rst sentence does not discuss
a controversy, focus on the narrator’s employer, Edward Crimsworth, or pro-
vide any evidence of malicious conduct.
Choice C is the best answer. e rst paragraph shis from a general dis-
cussion of how people deal with choosing an occupation they later regret
(lines 1-6) to the narrator’s description of his own dissatisfaction with his
occupation (lines 6-33).
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because the rst paragraph does not focus
on the narrator’s self-doubt, his expectations of life as a tradesman, or his
identication of alternatives to his current occupation.
Choice A is the best answer. In lines 27-33, the narrator is describing the
hostile relationship between him and his superior, Edward Crimsworth.
is relationship causes the narrator to feel like he lives in the shadeand
in “humid darkness.ese words evoke the narrator’s feelings of dismay
toward his current occupation and his poor relationship with his superior
factors that cause him to live without “the sunshine of life.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because the words “shade” and “darkness
do not reect the narrator’s sinister thoughts, his fear of connement, or his
longing for rest.
Choice D is the best answer. e narrator states that Crimsworth dis-
likes him because the narrator may one day make a successful trades-
man(line 43). Crimsworth recognizes that the narrator is not “inferior
to himbut rather more intelligent, someone who keeps the padlock of
silence on mental wealth which [Crimsworth] was no sharer” (lines 44-48).
Crimsworth feels inferior to the narrator and is jealous of the narrator’s
intellectual and professional abilities.
Choices A and C are incorrect because the narrator is not described as exhib-
iting high spiritsor “rash actions,but “Caution, Tact, [and] Observation
(line 51). Choice B is incorrect because the narrator’s “humble background
is not discussed.
Choice B is the best answer. Lines 61-62 state that the narrator had
long ceased to regard Mr. Crimsworth as my brother.In these lines, the
term “brother” means friend or ally, which suggests that the narrator and
Crimsworth were once friendly toward one another.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the narrator originally viewed
Crimsworth as a friend, or ally, and later as a hostile superior; he never viewed
Crimsworth as a harmless rival, perceptive judge, or demanding mentor.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 61-62, the narrator states that he once
regarded Mr. Crimsworth as his “ statement provides evidence
that the narrator originally viewed Crimsworth as a sympathetic ally.
Choices A, B, and C do not provide the best evidence for the claim that
Crimsworth was a sympathetic ally. Rather, choices A, B, and C provide evi-
dence of the hostile relationship that currently exists between the narrator
and Crimsworth.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 48-53, the narrator states that he exhib-
ited Caution, Tact, [and] Observationat work and watched Mr. Crimsworth
with “lynx-eyes.e narrator acknowledges that Crimsworth wasprepared
to steal snake-likeif he caught the narrator acting without tact or being dis-
respectful toward his superiors (lines 53-56). us, Crimsworth was trying
to nd a reason to place the narrator “in a ridiculous or mortifying position
(lines 49-50) by accusing the narrator of acting unprofessionally. e use of
the lynx and snake serve to emphasize the narrator and Crimsworths adver-
sarial, or hostile, relationship.
Choices A and B are incorrect because the description of the lynx and snake
does not contrast two hypothetical courses of action or convey a resolution.
Choice C is incorrect because while lines 48-56 suggest that Crimsworth is
trying to nd a reason to fault the narrator’s work, they do not imply that an
altercation, or heated dispute, between the narrator and Crimsworth is likely
to occur.
Choice B is the best answer. Lines 73-74 state that the narrator noticed
there was no cheering red gleamof re in his sitting-room replace. e
lack of a cheering,” or comforting, re suggests that the narrator sometimes
found his lodgings to be dreary or bleak.
Choices A and D are incorrect because the narrator does not nd his liv-
ing quarters to be treacherous or intolerable. Choice C is incorrect because
while the narrator is walking home he speculates about the presence of a re
in his sitting-rooms replace (lines 69-74), which suggests that he could not
predict the state of his living quarters.
Choice D is the best answer. In lines 68-74, the narrator states that he did not
see the cheeringglow of a re in his sitting-room replace. is statement
provides evidence that the narrator views his lodgings as dreary or bleak.
Choices A, B, and C do not provide the best evidence that the narrator views
his lodgings as dreary. Choices A and C are incorrect because they do not
provide the narrator’s opinion of his lodgings, and choice B is incorrect
because lines 21-23 describe the narrators lodgings only as small.
Section 2: Writing and Language Test
Choice D is the best answer because outweighis the only choice that
appropriately reects the relationship the sentence sets up between “advan-
tages” and drawbacks.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each implies a competitive rela-
tionship that is inappropriate in this context.
Choice B is the best answer because it oers a second action that farmers
can undertake to address the problem of acid whey disposal, thus support-
ing the claim made in the previous sentence (“To address the problem of
disposal, farmers have found a number of uses for acid whey”).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because they do not oer examples of how
farmers could make use of acid whey.
Choice A is the best answer because it results in a sentence that is gram-
matically correct and coherent. In choice A, “waterways,the correct plural
form of “waterway,conveys the idea that acid whey could impact multiple
bodies of water. Additionally, the compound verb “can pollute” suggests that
acid whey presents an ongoing, potential problem.
Choices B and D are incorrect because both use the possessive form of
“waterway.Choice C is incorrect because it creates an unnecessary shi in
verb tense. e present tense verb “can pollute” should be used instead, as it
is consistent with the other verbs in the paragraph.
Choice C is the best answer because it utilizes proper punctuation for items
listed in a series. In this case those items are nouns: “Yogurt manufacturers,
food scientists, and government ocials.
Choices A and B are incorrect because both fail to recognize that the items
are a part of a series. Since a comma is used aer manufacturers,a semi-
colon or colon should not be used aer scientists. Choice D is incorrect
because the comma aer and” is unnecessary and deviates from grammati-
cal conventions for presenting items in a series.
Choice C is the best answer because sentence 5 logically links sentence 2,
which explains why Greek yogurt production yields large amounts of acid
whey, and sentence 3, which mentions the need to dispose of acid whey
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because each would result in an illogical
progression of sentences for this paragraph. If sentence 5 were le where it is
or placed aer sentence 3, it would appear illogically aer the discussion of
“the problem of disposal. If sentence 5 were placed aer sentence 1, it would
illogically discuss acid-whey runobefore the mention of acid whey being
“dicult to dispose of.
Choice D is the best answer because the paragraph includes several ben-
ets of consuming Greek yogurt, particularly in regard to nutrition and sat-
isfying hunger, to support the sentences claim that the conservation eorts
are “well worth the transition echoes the passages earlier claim
that the advantages of Greek yogurt outweigh the potential drawbacks of its
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they inaccurately describe the
sentence in question.
Choice B is the best answer because it provides a grammatically standard
preposition that connects the verb servesand noun digestive aid” and
accurately depicts their relationship.
Choice A is incorrect because the innitive form to beyields a grammati-
cally incorrect verb construction: “serves to be.” Choices C and D are incor-
rect because both present options that deviate from standard English usage.
Choice C is the best answer because it presents a verb tense that is consistent
in the context of the sentence. e choice is also free of the redundant “it.
Choice A is incorrect because the subject “it” creates a redundancy. Choices
B and D are incorrect because they present verb tenses that are inconsistent
in the context of the sentence.
Choice A is the best answer because it properly introduces an additional
health benet in a series of sentences that list health benets. Alsois the
logical and coherent choice to communicate an addition.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because none of the transitions they oer
logically ts the content that precedes or follows the proposed choice.
Choice A is the best answer because “satiated” is the only choice that com-
municates eectively that Greek yogurt will satisfy hunger for a longer
period of time.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because each is improper usage in this con-
text. A person can be “fullled” spiritually or in other ways, but a person who
has eaten until he or she is no longer hungry cannot be described as fullled.
Neither can he or she be described as being complacent” or sucient.
Choice B is the best answer because it provides a syntactically coherent and
grammatically correct sentence.
Choices A and C are incorrect because the adverbial conjunctions “there-
fore” and “so,” respectively, are unnecessary following “Because.” Choice D is
incorrect because it results in a grammatically incomplete sentence (the part
of the sentence before the colon must be an independent clause).
Choice B is the best answer because the graph clearly indicates that, on March 5,
average low temperatures are at their lowest point: 12 degrees Fahrenheit.
Choice A is incorrect because the phrase as low assuggests that the tem-
perature falls no lower than 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but the chart shows that
in January, February, and March, the temperature frequently falls below that
point. Choices C and D are incorrect because the information each provides
is inconsistent with the information on the chart.
Choice A is the best answer because it concisely combines the two sen-
tences while maintaining the original meaning.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because each is unnecessarily wordy, thus
undermining one purpose of combining two sentences: to make the phras-
ing more concise.
Choice B is the best answer because it provides a conjunctive adverb that
accurately represents the relationship between the two sentences. “However”
signals an exception to a case stated in the preceding sentence.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because each provides a transition that
does not accurately represent the relationship between the two sentences,
and as a result each compromises the logical coherence of these sentences.
Choice C is the best answer because it provides commas to oset the non-
restrictive modifying clause “an associate professor of geology at Ohio State.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because each provides punctuation that
does not adequately separate the nonrestrictive modifying clause about
Jason Box from the main clause.
Choice C is the best answer because the colon signals that the other factor
that contributed to the early thaw is about to be provided.
Choice A is incorrect because it results in a sentence that deviates from
grammatical standards: a semicolon should be used to separate two inde-
pendent clauses, but in choice A the second clause only has a subject, not
a verb. Choice B is incorrect because it is unnecessarily wordy. Choice D is
incorrect because “being” is unnecessary and creates an incoherent clause.
Choice C is the best answer because it provides the correct preposition
(“of) and relative pronoun (“which”) that together create a dependent
clause following the comma.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because each results in a comma splice.
Two independent clauses cannot be joined with only a comma.
Choice A is the best answer because the verb tense is consistent with the
preceding past tense verbs in the sentence, specically produced” and
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because each utilizes a verb tense that is
not consistent with the preceding past tense verbs in the sentence.
Choice D is the best answer because “their” is the possessive form of a plu-
ral noun. In this case, the noun is plural: “snow and ice.
Choices A and B are incorrect because the possessive pronoun must refer
to a plural noun, snow and ice,rather than a singular noun. Choice C is
incorrect because “there” would result in an incoherent sentence.
Choice D is the best answer. e preceding sentences in the paragraph have
established that a darker surface of soot-covered snow leads to more melting
because this darker surface absorbs heat, whereas a whiter surface, free of soot,
would deect heat. As the passage points out, exposed land and water are also
dark and cannot deect heat the way ice and snow can. Only choice D reects
the self-reinforcing cycle that the preceding sentences already imply.
Choices A, B, and C
are incorrect because the information each provides
fails to support the previous claim that the result” of the soot is a self-
reinforcing cycle.
Choice B is the best answer because it is free of redundancies.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because each of the three presents a
redundancy: Choice A uses “repeat” and again”; Choice C uses damage
and “harmful eects”; and Choice D uses may” and possibly.
Choice D is the best answer because sentence 5 describes the information
Box seeks:to determine just how much the soot is contributing to the melt-
ing of the ice sheet.Unless sentence 4 comes aer sentence 5, readers will
not know what the phrase “this crucial information” in sentence 4 refers to.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each results in an illogical sen-
tence progression. None of the sentences that would precede sentence 4 pro-
vides details that could be referred to as this crucial information.
Choice D is the best answer because it is free of redundancies and oers the
correct form of the verb “wear” in this context.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because all three contain a redundancy.
Considering that “quickly” is a xed part of the sentence, choice As soon
and choice B and C’s “promptly” all result in redundancies. Choices A and B
are also incorrect because each uses an incorrect form of the verb.
Choice D is the best answer because it is the only choice that provides a
grammatically standard and coherent sentence. e participial phrase
“Having become frustrated. . .functions as an adjective modifying “I,the
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each results in a dangling modi-
er. e participial phrase “Having become frustrated . . .does not refer
to choice As “no colleagues, choice B’s colleagues, or choice C’s “ideas.
As such, all three choices yield incoherent and grammatically incorrect
Choice B is the best answer because it provides the correct preposition in
this context, about.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because each provides a preposition that
deviates from correct usage. One might read an article about” coworking
spaces but not an article “into,” “upon,” or “for” coworking spaces.
Choice A is the best answer because it provides the correct punctuation for
the dependent clause that begins with the phrase such as.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because each presents punctuation that
deviates from the standard way of punctuating the phrase such as.When
such as” is a part of a nonrestrictive clause, as it is here, only one comma is
needed to separate it from the main independent clause.
Choice B is the best answer because it provides a transitional phrase, “In
addition to equipment,that accurately represents the relationship between
the two sentences connected by the transitional phrase. Together, the sen-
tences describe the key features of coworking spaces, focusing on what the
spaces oer (equipment and meeting rooms).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because each provides a transition that
does not accurately represent the relationship between the two sentences.
Choice C is the best answer because the sentence is a distraction from the
paragraphs focus. Nothing in the paragraph suggests that the cost of setting
up a coworking business is relevant here.
Choices A and D are incorrect because neither accurately represents the
information in the paragraph. Choice B is incorrect because it does not
accurately represent the information in the next paragraph.
Choice B is the best answer because it logically follows the writer’s preced-
ing statement about creativity and accurately represents the information in
the graph.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because they present inaccurate and
unsupported interpretations of the information in the graph. In addition,
none of these choices provides directly relevant support for the main topic
of the paragraph.
Choice D is the best answer because it provides a relative pronoun and verb
that create a standard and coherent sentence. e relative pronoun “who
refers to the subject “the people, and the plural verb use corresponds
grammatically with the plural nounpeople.
Choices A and B are incorrect because “whom is the relative pronoun used
to represent an object. e noun “peopleis a subject performing an action
(using the coworking space). Choices B and C are also incorrect because
they display a form of the verb “to use” that does not correspond to the plu-
ral noun people.
Choice C is the best answer because the proposed sentence oers a neces-
sary and logical transition between sentence 2, which introduces the facility
the writer chose, and sentence 3, which tells what happened at the facility
roughout the morning.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because each would result in an illogical
progression of sentences.
Choice A is the best answer because the punctuation it provides results in
a grammatically standard and coherent sentence. When an independent
clause is followed by a list, a colon is used to link the two.
Choice B is incorrect because the punctuation creates a fragment (a semi-
colon should be used to link two independent clauses). Choice C is incor-
rect because its use of the comma creates a series in which several of my
coworking colleaguesare distinguished from the “website developer” and
others, although the logic of the sentence would suggest that they are the
same. Choice D is incorrect because it lacks the punctuation necessary to
link the independent clause and the list.
Choice A is the best answer because it provides a phrase that is consistent
with standard English usage and also maintains the tone and style of the
Choice B is incorrect because give some wisdomdeviates from stan-
dard English usage and presents a somewhat colloquial phrase in a text
that is generally free of colloquialisms. Choices C and D are incorrect
because both are inconsistent with the tone of the passage as well as its
purpose. The focus of the paragraph is on sharing, not on proclaiming
Choice A is the best answer because it oers a phrase that introduces a basic
denition of philosophy and thereby ts the sentence.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because each oers a transition that does
not suit the purpose of the sentence.
Choice A is the best answer because it oers the most succinct comparison
between the basic denition of philosophy and the fact that students can
gain specic, practical skills from the study of philosophy. ere is no need
to include the participle speaking” in this sentence, as it is clear from con-
text that the writer is oering a dierent perspective.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they provide options that are
unnecessarily wordy.
Choice B is the best answer because it provides a verb that creates a gram-
matically complete, standard, and coherent sentence.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because each results in a grammatically
incomplete and incoherent sentence.
Choice D is the best answer because it most eectively sets up the informa-
tion in the following sentences, which state that (according to information
from the 1990s) only 18 percent of American colleges required at least one
philosophy course,and more than 400 independent philosophy depart-
ments were eliminated” from colleges. ese details are most logically linked
to the claim that colleges have not always supported the study of philosophy.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because none of these eectively sets up
the information that follows, which is about colleges’ failure to support the
study of philosophy.
Choice C is the best answer because it provides a transition that logically
connects the information in the previous sentence to the information in this
one. Both sentences provide evidence of colleges’ lack of support of philoso-
phy programs, so the adverb “Moreover,which means “In addition, accu-
rately captures the relationship between the two sentences.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because each presents a transition that
does not accurately depict or support the relationship between the two sen-
tences. e second sentence is not a result of the rst (“erefore,” “us”),
and the sentences do not provide a contrast (“However”).
Choice A is the best answer because it succinctly expresses the idea that
“students who major in philosophy oen do better . . . as measured by stan-
dardized test scores.
Choices B and D are incorrect because they introduce a redundancy and
a vague term, results.e rst part of the sentence mentions a research
nding or conclusion but does not directly address any results,so it is
confusing to refer to “these results” and indicate that they can beor are
measured by standardized test scores.e best way to express the idea is
simply to say that some students “oen do better” than some other students
“in both verbal reasoning and analytical writing as measured by standard-
ized test scores.Choice C is incorrect because there is no indication that
multiple criteria are used to evaluate students’ “verbal reasoning and analyti-
cal writing”: test scores and something else. Only test scores are mentioned.
Choice B is the best answer because it provides subject-verb agreement and
thus creates a grammatically correct and coherent sentence.
Choice A is incorrect because the verb “has scored” does not correspond
with the plural subject students.Similarly, Choice C is incorrect because
the verb “scores” would correspond with a singular subject, but not the plu-
ral subject present in this sentence. Choice D is incorrect because it results
in a grammatically incomplete and incoherent sentence.
Choice B is the best answer because it provides a coherent and grammati-
cally standard sentence.
Choices A and D are incorrect because both present students in the pos-
sessive form, whereas the sentence establishes studentsas the subject
(“many students . . . have”). Choice C is incorrect because the verb form it
proposes results in an incomplete and incoherent sentence.
Choice C is the best answer because it accurately depicts how inserting this
sentence would aect the overall paragraph. e fact that Plato used the dia-
logue form has little relevance to the preceding claim about the usefulness of
a philosophy background.
Choices A and B are incorrect because the proposed sentence interrupts the
progression of reasoning in the paragraph. Choice D is incorrect because, as
with Choice A, Platos works have nothing to do with “the employability of
philosophy majors.
Choice D is the best answer because it creates a complete and coherent
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each inserts an unnecessary rela-
tive pronoun or conjunction, resulting in a sentence without a main verb.
Choice D is the best answer because it provides a possessive pronoun that is
consistent with the sentences plural subject “students,” thus creating a gram-
matically sound sentence.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each proposes a possessive pro-
noun that is inconsistent with the plural noun students, the established
subject of the sentence.
Section 3: Math Test — No Calculator
Choice D is correct. Since k = 3, one can substitute 3 for k in the equa-
x 1
= k, which gives
x 1
= 3. Multiplying both sides of
x 1
= 3
by 3 gives x 1 = 9 and then adding 1 to both sides of x 1 = 9 gives x = 10.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because the result of subtracting 1 from
the value and dividing by 3 is not the given value of k, which is 3.
Choice A is correct. To ca lcu lat e (7 + 3i) + (8 + 9i), add the real parts of
each complex number, 7 + (8) = 1, and then add the imaginary parts,
3i + 9i = 12i. e result is 1 + 12i.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect and likely result from common errors that
arise when adding complex numbers. For example, choice B is the result of
adding 3i and 9i, and choice C is the result of adding 7 and 8.
Choice C is correct. e total number of messages sent by Armand
is the 5 hours he spent texting multiplied by his rate of texting:
m texts/hour × 5 hours = 5m texts. Similarly, the total number of messages
sent by Tyrone is the 4 hours he spent texting multiplied by his rate of tex-
ting: p texts/hour × 4 hours = 4p texts. e total number of messages sent
by Armand and Tyrone is the sum of the total number of messages sent by
Armand and the total number of messages sent by Tyrone: 5m + 4p.
Choice D is the best answer because it creates a complete and coherent
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each inserts an unnecessary rela-
tive pronoun or conjunction, resulting in a sentence without a main verb.
Choice D is the best answer because it provides a possessive pronoun that is
consistent with the sentences plural subject “students,” thus creating a gram-
matically sound sentence.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each proposes a possessive pro-
noun that is inconsistent with the plural noun students, the established
subject of the sentence.
Section 3: Math Test — No Calculator
Choice D is correct. Since k = 3, one can substitute 3 for k in the equa-
x 1
= k, which gives
x 1
= 3. Multiplying both sides of
x 1
= 3
by 3 gives x 1 = 9 and then adding 1 to both sides of x 1 = 9 gives x = 10.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because the result of subtracting 1 from
the value and dividing by 3 is not the given value of k, which is 3.
Choice A is correct. To ca lcu lat e (7 + 3i) + (8 + 9i), add the real parts of
each complex number, 7 + (8) = 1, and then add the imaginary parts,
3i + 9i = 12i. e result is 1 + 12i.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect and likely result from common errors that
arise when adding complex numbers. For example, choice B is the result of
adding 3i and 9i, and choice C is the result of adding 7 and 8.
Choice C is correct. e total number of messages sent by Armand
is the 5 hours he spent texting multiplied by his rate of texting:
m texts/hour × 5 hours = 5m texts. Similarly, the total number of messages
sent by Tyrone is the 4 hours he spent texting multiplied by his rate of tex-
ting: p texts/hour × 4 hours = 4p texts. e total number of messages sent
by Armand and Tyrone is the sum of the total number of messages sent by
Armand and the total number of messages sent by Tyrone: 5m + 4p.
Choice A is incorrect and arises from adding the coecients and multiplying
the variables of 5m and 4p. Choice B is incorrect and is the result of multiply-
ing 5m and 4p. e total number of messages sent by Armand and Tyrone
should be the sum of 5m and 4p, not the product of these terms. Choice D is
incorrect because it multiplies Armands number of hours spent texting by
Tyrone’s rate of texting, and vice versa. is mix-up results in an expression
that does not equal the total number of messages sent by Armand and Tyrone.
Choice B is correct. e value 108 in the equation is the value of P in
P = 108 23 d when d = 0. When d = 0, Kathy has worked 0 days that week.
In other words, 108 is the number of phones le before Kathy has started
work for the week. erefore, the meaning of the value 108 in the equation
is that Kathy starts each week with 108 phones to x because she has worked
0 days and has 108 phones le to x.
Choice A is incorrect because Kathy will complete the repairs when P = 0.
Since P = 108 23d, this will occur when 0 = 108 23d or when d =
not when d = 108. erefore, the value 108 in the equation does not repre-
sent the number of days it will take Kathy to complete the repairs. Choices C
and D are incorrect because the number 23 in P = 108 23P = 108 indicates
that the number of phones le will decrease by 23 for each increase in the
value of d by 1; in other words, that Kathy is repairing phones at a rate of
23 per day, not 108 per hour (choice C) or 108 per day (choice D).
Choice C is correct. Only like terms, with the same variables and exponents,
can be combined to determine the answer as shown here:
y 3y
+ 5xy
) (x
y + 3xy
= (x
y (x
y)) + (3y
)) + (5xy
= 2x
y + 0 + 2xy
= 2x
y + 2xy
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect and are the result of common calculation
errors or of incorrectly combining like and unlike terms.
Choice A is correct. In the equation h = 3a + 28.6, if a, the age of the
boy, increases by 1, then h becomes h = 3(a + 1) + 28.6 = 3a + 3 + 28.6 =
(3a + 28.6) + 3. erefore, the model estimates that the boy’s height increases
by 3 inches each year.
Alternatively: e height, h, is a linear function of the age, a, of the boy. e
coecient 3 can be interpreted as the rate of change of the function; in this
case, the rate of change can be described as a change of 3 inches in height for
every additional year in age.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect and are likely to result from common
errors in calculating the value of h or in calculating the dierence between
the values of h for dierent values of a.
Choice B is correct. Since the right-hand side of the equation is P times the
1 +
1 +
, multiplying both sides of the equation by
the reciprocal of this expression results in
1 +
1 +
m = P.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect and are likely the result of conceptual or
computation errors while trying to solve for P.
Choice C is correct. Since
= 2, it follows that
. Multiplying both sides
of the equation by
4 gives 4
= 2.
Choice A is incorrect because if
= 0, then
would be undened.
Choice B is incorrect because if
= 1, then
= 4. Choice D is incorrect
because if
= 4, then
= 1.
Choice B is correct. Adding x and 19 to both sides of 2y x = 19
gives x = 2y + 19. en, substituting 2y + 19 for x in 3x + 4y = 23 gives
3(2y + 19) + 4y = 23. is last equation is equivalent to 10y + 57 = 23.
Solving 10y + 57 = 23 gives y = 8. Finally, substituting 8 for y in
2y x = 19 gives 2(8) x = 19, or x = 3. erefore, the solution (x, y) to
the given system of equations is (3, 8).
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because when the given values of x and y
are substituted in 2y x = 19, the value of the le side of the equation does
not equal 19.
Choice A is correct. Since g is an even function, g(4) = g(4) = 8.
Alternatively: First nd the value of a, and then nd g(4). Since g(4) = 8,
substituting 4 for x and 8 for g(x) gives 8 = a(4)
+ 24 = 16a + 24. Solving this
last equation gives a = 1. us g(x) = x
+ 24, from which it follows that
g(4) = (4)
+ 24; g(4) = 16 + 24; and g(4) = 8.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because g is a function and there can only
be one value of g(4).
Choice D is correct. To determine the price per pound of beef when it was
equal to the price per pound of chicken, determine the value of x (the num-
ber of weeks aer July 1) when the two prices were equal. e prices were
equal when b = c; that is, when 2.35 + 0.25x = 1.75 + 0.40x. is last equation
is equivalent to 0.60 = 0.15x, and so x =
= 4. en to determine b, the
price per pound of beef, substitute 4 for x in b = 2.35 + 0.25x, which gives
b = 2.35 + 0.25(4) = 3.35 dollars per pound.
Choice A is incorrect. It results from using the value 1, not 4, for x in
b = 2.35 + 0.25x. Choice B is incorrect. It results from using the value 2,
not 4, for x in b = 2.35 + 0.25x. Choice C is incorrect. It results from using
the value 3, not 4, for x in c = 1.75 + 0.40x.
Choice D is correct. Determine the equation of the line to nd the relation-
ship between the x- and y-coordinates of points on the line. All lines through
the origin are of the form y = mx, so the equation is y =
x. A point lies on
the line if and only if its y-coordinate is
of its x-coordinate. Of the given
choices, only choice D, (14, 2), satises this condition: 2 =
Choice A is incorrect because the line determined by the origin (0, 0) and (0, 7) is
the vertical line with equation x = 0; that is, the y-axis. e slope of the y-axis is
undened, not
. erefore, the point (0, 7) does not lie on the line that passes
the origin and has slope
. Choices B and C are incorrect because neither of the
ordered pairs has a y-coordinate that is
the value of the x-coordinate.
Choice B is correct. To rew rite
x + 2
x + 3
, multiply by
(x + 2)(x + 3)
(x + 2)(x + 3)
is results in the expression
(x + 2)(x + 3)
(x + 3) + (x + 2)
, which is equivalent to the
expression in choice B.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect and could be the result of common alge-
braic errors that arise while manipulating a complex fraction.
Choice A is correct. One approach is to express
so that the numerator
and denominator are expressed with the same base. Since 2 and 8 are both
powers of 2, substituting 2
for 8 in the numerator of
, which
can be rewritten as
. Since the numerator and denominator of
a common base, this expression can be rewritten as 2
. It is given that
3x y = 12, so one can substitute 12 for the exponent, 3x y, giving that the
is equal to 2
Choices B and C are incorrect because they are not equal to 2
. Choice D is
incorrect because the value
can be determined.
Choice D is correct. One can nd the possible values of a and b in
(ax + 2)(bx + 7) by using the given equation a + b = 8 and nd-
ing another equation that relates the variables a and b. Since
(ax + 2)(bx + 7) = 15x
+ cx + 14, one can expand the le side of the equation
to obtain abx
+ 7ax + 2bx + 14 = 15x
+ cx + 14. Since ab is the coecient of
on the le side of the equation and 15 is the coecient of x
on the right
side of the equation, it must be true that ab = 15. Since a + b = 8, it follows
that b = 8 a. us, ab = 15 can be rewritten as a(8 a) = 15, which in turn
can be rewritten as a
8a + 15 = 0. Factoring gives (a 3)(a 5) = 0. us,
either a = 3 and b = 5, or a = 5 and b = 3. If a = 3 and b = 5, then (ax + 2)
(bx + 7) = (3x + 2)(5x + 7) = 15x
+ 31x + 14. us, one of the possible val-
ues of c is 31. If a = 5 and b = 3, then (ax + 2)(bx + 7) = (5x + 2)(3x + 7) =
+ 41x + 14. us, another possible value for c is 41. erefore, the two
possible values for c are 31 and 41.
Choice A is incorrect; the numbers 3 and 5 are possible values for a and
b, but not possible values for c. Choice B is incorrect; if a = 5 and b = 3,
then 6 and 35 are the coecients of x when the expression (5x + 2)(3x + 7)
is expanded as 15x
+ 35x + 6x + 14. However, when the coecients of x
are 6 and 35, the value of c is 41 and not 6 and 35. Choice C is incorrect; if
a = 3 and b = 5, then 10 and 21 are the coecients of x when the expression
(3x + 2)(5x + 7) is expanded as 15x
+ 21x + 10x + 14. However, when the
coecients of x are 10 and 21, the value of c is 31 and not 10 and 21.
The correct answer is 2. To solve for t, factor the le side of t
4 = 0, giv-
ing (t 2)(t + 2) = 0. erefore, either t 2 = 0 or t + 2 = 0. If t 2 = 0, then
t = 2, and if t + 2 = 0, then t = 2. Since it is given that t > 0, the value of t
must be 2.
Another way to solve for t is to add 4 to both sides of t
4 = 0, giving t
= 4.
en, taking the square root of the le and the right side of the equation
gives t = ±
4 = ±2. Since it is given that t > 0, the value of t must be 2.
The correct answer is 1600. It is given that AEB and CDB have the
same measure. Since ABE and CBD are vertical angles, they have the
same measure. erefore, triangle EAB is similar to triangle DCB because
the triangles have two pairs of congruent corresponding angles (angle-
angle criterion for similarity of triangles). Since the triangles are similar, the
corresponding sides are in the same proportion; thus
. Substituting
the given values of 800 for CD, 700 for BD, and 1400 for EB in
. erefore, x =
= 1600.
The correct answer is 7. Subtracting the le and right sides of x + y = 9 from
the corresponding sides of x + 2y = 25 gives (x + 2y) (x + y) = 25 (9),
which is equivalent to y = 16. Substituting 16 for y in x + y = 9 gives
x + (16) = 9, which is equivalent to x = 9 (16) = 7.
The correct answer is
or 0.8. By the complementary angle relationship
for sine and cosine, sin() = cos(90° ). erefore, cos(90° ) =
Either the fraction
or its decimal equivalent, 0.8, may be gridded as the
correct answer.
Alternatively, one can construct a right triangle that has an angle of measure
such that sin() =
, as shown in the gure below, where sin() is equal
to the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse, or
Since two of the angles of the triangle are of measure x° and 90°, the third
angle must have the measure 180° 90° x° = 90° x°. From the gure,
cos(90° x°), which is equal to the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypot-
enuse, is also
The correct answer is 100. Since a = 5
2 , one can substitute 5
2 for a in
2a =
2 x, giving 10
2 =
2 x. Squaring each side of 10
2 =
2 x gives
2 )
= (
2 x)
, which simplies to (10)
2 )
= (
2 x)
, or 200 = 2x. is gives
x = 100. Checking x = 100 in the original equation gives 2(5
2 ) =
(2)(100) ,
which is true since 2(5
2 ) = 10
2 and
(2)(100) = (
2 )(
100 ) = 10
2 .
Section 4: Math Test — Calculator
Choice B is correct. On the graph, a line segment with a positive slope rep-
resents an interval over which the target heart rate is strictly increasing as
time passes. A horizontal line segment represents an interval over which
there is no change in the target heart rate as time passes, and a line seg-
ment with a negative slope represents an interval over which the target heart
rate is strictly decreasing as time passes. Over the interval between 40 and
60 minutes, the graph consists of a line segment with a positive slope fol-
lowed by a line segment with a negative slope, with no horizontal line seg-
ment in between, indicating that the target heart rate is strictly increasing
then strictly decreasing.
Choice A is incorrect because the graph over the interval between 0 and
30 minutes contains a horizontal line segment, indicating a period in
which there was no change in the target heart rate. Choice C is incorrect
because the graph over the interval between 50 and 65 minutes consists of
a line segment with a negative slope followed by a line segment with a pos-
itive slope, indicating that the target heart rate is strictly decreasing then
strictly increasing. Choice D is incorrect because the graph over the interval
between 70 and 90 minutes contains horizontal line segments and no seg-
ment with a negative slope.
Choice C is correct. Substituting 6 for x and 24 for y in y = kx gives 24 = (k)(6),
which gives k = 4. Hence, y = 4x. erefore, when x = 5, the value of y is
(4)(5) = 20. None of the other choices for y is correct because y is a function of
x, and so there is only one y-value for a given x-value.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect. Choice A is the result of using 6 for y
and 5 for x when solving for k. Choice B results from using a value of 3 for k
when solving for y. Choice D results from using y = k + x instead of y = kx.
Choice D is correct. Consider the measures of 3 and 4 in the gure below.
e measure of 3 is equal to the measure of 1 because they are corre-
sponding angles for the parallel lines and m intersected by the transversal
line t. Similarly, the measure of 3 is equal to the measure of 4 because
they are corresponding angles for the parallel lines s and t intersected by
the transversal line m. Since the measure of 1 is 35°, the measures of
3 and 4 are also 35°. Since 4 and 2 are supplementary, the sum of
the measures of these two angles is 180°. erefore, the measure of 2 is
180° 35° = 14.
Choice A is incorrect because 35° is the measure of 1, and 1 is not con-
gruent to 2. Choice B is incorrect because it is the measure of the com-
plementary angle of 1, and 1 and 2 are not complementary angles.
Choice C is incorrect because it is double the measure of 1.
Choice C is correct. e description “16 + 4x is 10 more than 14” can be
written as the equation 16 + 4x = 10 + 14, which is equivalent to 16 + 4x = 24.
Subtracting 16 from each side of 16 + 4x = 24 gives 4x = 8. Since 8x is 2 times
4x, multiplying both sides of 4x = 8 by 2 gives 8x = 16. erefore, the value
of 8x is 16.
Choice A is incorrect because it is the value of x , not 8x. Choices B and D
are incorrect; those choices may be a result of errors in rewriting 16 + 4x =
10 + 14. For example, choice D could be the result of subtracting 16 from the
le side of the equation and adding 16 to the right side of 16 + 4x = 10 + 14,
giving 4x = 40 and 8x = 80.
Choice D is correct. A graph with a strong negative association between
d and t would have the points on the graph closely aligned with a line that
has a negative slope. e more closely the points on a graph are aligned with
a line, the stronger the association between d and t, and a negative slope
indicates a negative association. Of the four graphs, the points on graph
D are most closely aligned with a line with a negative slope. erefore, the
graph in choice D has the strongest negative association between d and t.
Choice A is incorrect because the points are more scattered than the
points in choice D, indicating a weak negative association between d and t.
Choice B is incorrect because the points are aligned to either a curve or pos-
sibly a line with a small positive slope. Choice C is incorrect because the
points are aligned to a line with a positive slope, indicating a positive asso-
ciation between d and t.
Choice D is correct. Since there are 10 grams in 1 decagram, there are
2 × 10 = 20 grams in 2 decagrams. Since there are 1,000 milligrams in
1 gram, there are 20 × 1,000 = 20,000 milligrams in 20 grams. erefore,
20,000 1-milligram doses of the medicine can be stored in a 2-decagram
Choice A is incorrect; 0.002 is the number of grams in 2 milligrams. Choice B is
incorrect; it could result from multiplying by 1,000 and dividing by 10 instead
of multiplying by both 1,000 and 10 when converting from decagrams to mil-
ligrams. Choice C is incorrect; 2,000 is the number of milligrams in 2 grams, not
the number of milligrams in 2 decagrams.
Choice C is correct. Let x represent the number of installations that each
unit on the y-axis represents. en 9x, 5x, 6x, 4x, and 3.5x are the num-
ber of rooops with solar panel installations in cities A, B, C, D, and E,
respectively. Since the total number of rooops is 27,500, it follows that
9x + 5x + 6x + 4x + 3.5x = 27,500, which simplies to 27.5x = 27,500. us,
x = 1,000. erefore, an appropriate label for the y-axis is “Number of instal-
lations (in thousands).
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect and may result from errors when setting
up and calculating the units for the y-axis.
Choice D is correct. If the value of |n 1| + 1 is equal to 0, then |n 1| + 1 = 0.
Subtracting 1 from both sides of this equation gives |n 1| = 1. e expres-
sion |n 1| on the le side of the equation is the absolute value of n 1,
and the absolute value can never be a negative number. us |n 1| = 1
has no solution. erefore, there are no values for n for which the value of
|n 1| + 1 is equal to 0.
Choice A is incorrect because |0 1| + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2, not 0. Choice B is incor-
rect because |1 1| + 1 = 0 + 1 = 1, not 0. Choice C is incorrect because
|2 1| + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2, not 0.
Choice A is correct. Subtracting 1,052 from both sides of the equa-
tion a = 1,052 + 1.08t gives a 1,052 = 1.08t. en dividing both sides of
a 1,052 = 1.08t by 1.08 gives t =
a 1,052
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect and could arise from errors in rewriting
a = 1,052 + 1.08t. For example, choice B could result if 1,052 is added to the
le side of a = 1,052 + 1.08t and subtracted from the right side, and then
both sides are divided by 1.08.
Choice B is correct. Substituting 1,000 for a in the equation a = 1,052 + 1.08t
gives 1,000 = 1,052 + 1.08t, and thus t =
48.15. Of the choices given,
48°F is closest to 48.15°F. Since the equation a = 1,052 + 1.08t is linear,
it follows that of the choices given, 48°F is the air temperature when the
speed of a sound wave is closest to 1,000 feet per second.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect, and might arise from errors in
or in rounding the result to the nearest integer. For exam-
ple, choice C could be the result of rounding 48.15 to 49 instead of 48.
Choice A is correct. Subtracting 3x and adding 3 to both sides of
3x 5 4x 3 gives 2 x. erefore, x is a solution to 3x 5 4x 3 if and
only if x is less than or equal to 2 and x is NOT a solution to 3x 5 4x 3 if
and only if x is greater than 2. Of the choices given, only 1 is greater than
2 and, therefore, cannot be a value of x.
Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because each is a value of x that is less than
or equal to 2 and, therefore, could be a solution to the inequality.
Choice C is correct. e average number of seeds per apple is the total
number of seeds in the 12 apples divided by the number of apples, which
is 12. On the graph, the horizontal axis is the number of seeds per apple
and the height of each bar is the number of apples with the correspond-
ing number of seeds. e rst bar on the le indicates that 2 apples have
3 seeds each, the second bar indicates that 4 apples have 5 seeds each,
the third bar indicates that 1 apple has 6 seeds, the fourth bar indicates
that 2 apples have 7 seeds each, and the h bar indicates that 3 apples
have 9 seeds each. us, the total number of seeds for the 12 apples
is (2 × 3) + (4 × 5) + (1 × 6) + (2 × 7) + (3 × 9) = 73, and the average
number of seeds per apple is
= 6.08. Of the choices given, 6 is closest
to 6.08.
Choice A is incorrect; it is the number of apples represented by the tallest
bar but is not the average number of seeds for the 12 apples. Choice B is
incorrect; it is the number of seeds per apple corresponding to the tallest
bar, but is not the average number of seeds for the 12 apples. Choice D is
incorrect; a student might choose this by correctly calculating the average
number of seeds, 6.08, but incorrectly rounding up to 7.
Choice C is correct. From the table, there was a total of 310 survey respondents,
and 19% of all survey respondents is equivalent to
× 310 = 58.9 respon-
dents. Of the choices given, 59, the number of males taking geometry, is clos-
est to 58.9 respondents.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because the number of males taking
geometry is closer to 58.9 than the number of respondents in each of these
Choice C is correct. e range of the 21 sh is 24 8 = 16 inches, and
the range of the 20 sh aer the 24-inch measurement is removed is
16 8 = 8 inches. e change in range, 8 inches, is much greater than the
change in the mean or median.
Choice A is incorrect. Let m be the mean of the lengths, in inches, of the
21 sh. en the sum of the lengths, in inches, of the 21 sh is 21m. Aer
the24-inch measurement is removed, the sum of the lengths, in inches, of
the remaining 20 sh is 21m 24, and the mean length, in inches, of these
20 sh is
21m 24
, which is a change of
24 m
inches. Since m must be
between the smallest and largest measurements of the 21 sh, it follows that
8 < m < 24, from which it can be seen that the change in the mean, in inches,
is between
24 24
= 0 and
24 8
, and so must be less than the change
in the range, 8 inches. Choice B is incorrect because the median length
of the 21 sh is the length of the 11th sh, 12 inches. Aer removing the
24-inch measurement, the median of the remaining 20 lengths is the average
of the 10th and 11th sh, which would be unchanged at 12 inches. Choice
D is incorrect because the changes in the mean, median, and range of the
measurements are dierent.
Choice A is correct. e total cost C of renting a boat is the sum of the initial
cost to rent the boat plus the product of the cost per hour and the num-
ber of hours, h, that the boat is rented. e C-intercept is the point on the
C-axis where h, the number of hours the boat is rented, is 0. erefore, the
C-intercept is the initial cost of renting the boat.
Choice B is incorrect because the graph represents the cost of renting only
one boat. Choice C is incorrect because the total number of hours of rental is
represented by h-values, each of which corresponds to the rst coordinate of
a point on the graph. Choice D is incorrect because the increase in cost for
each additional hour is given by the slope of the line, not by the C-intercept.
Choice C is correct. e relationship between h and C is represented by any
equation of the given line. e C-intercept of the line is 5. Since the points
(0, 5) and (1, 8) lie on the line, the slope of the line is
8 5
1 0
= 3. erefore,
the relationship between h and C can be represented by C = 3h + 5, the
slope-intercept equation of the line.
Choices A and D are incorrect because each uses the wrong values for both
the slope and intercept. Choice B is incorrect; this choice would result from
computing the slope by counting the number of grid lines instead of using
the values represented by the axes.
Choice B is correct. e minimum value of the function corresponds to the
y-coordinate of the point on the graph that is the lowest along the vertical
or y-axis. Since the grid lines are spaced 1 unit apart on each axis, the lowest
point along the y-axis has coordinates (3, 2). erefore, the value of x at
the minimum of f(x) is 3.
Choice A is incorrect;
5 is the smallest value for an x-coordinate of a point
on the graph of f, not the lowest point on the graph of f. Choice C is incor-
rect; it is the minimum value of f, not the value of x that corresponds to the
minimum of f. Choice D is incorrect; it is the value of x at the maximum
value of f, not at the minimum value of f.
Choice A is correct. Since (0, 0) is a solution to the system of inequalities,
substituting 0 for x and 0 for y in the given system must result in two true
inequalities. Aer this substitution, y < x + a becomes 0 < a, and y > x + b
becomes 0 > b. Hence, a is positive and b is negative. erefore, a > b.
Choice B is incorrect because b > a cannot be true if b is negative and a
is positive. Choice C is incorrect because it is possible to nd an example
where (0, 0) is a solution to the system, but |a| < |b|; for example, if a = 6 and
b = 7. Choice D is incorrect because the equation a = b could be true, but
doesn’t have to be true; for example, if a = 1 and b = 2.
Choice B is correct. To de ter mine t he numb er of s ala ds s ol d, wr ite and s olve
a system of two equations. Let x equal the number of salads sold and let y
equal the number of drinks sold. Since the number of salads plus the num-
ber of drinks sold equals 209, the equation x + y = 209 must hold. Since each
salad cost $6.50, each soda cost $2.00, and the total revenue was $836.50, the
equation 6.50x + 2.00y = 836.50 must also hold. e equation x + y = 209 is
equivalent to 2x + 2y = 418, and subtracting each side of 2x + 2y = 418 from
the respective side of 6.50x + 2.00y = 836.50 gives 4.5x = 418.50. erefore,
the number of salads sold, x, was x =
= 93.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect and could result from errors in writing the
equations and solving the system of equations. For example, choice C could
have been obtained by dividing the total revenue, $836.50, by the total price
of a salad and a soda, $8.50, and then rounding up.
Choice D is correct. Let x be the original price of the computer, in dollars.
e discounted price is 20 percent o the original price, so x 0.2x = 0.8x is
the discounted price, in dollars. e tax is 8 percent of the discounted price,
so 0.08(0.8x) is the tax on the purchase, in dollars. e price p, in dollars,
that Alma paid the cashiers is the sum of the discounted price and the tax:
p = 0.8x + (0.08)(0.8x) which can be rewritten as p = 1.08(0.8x). erefore,
the original price, x, of the computer, in dollars, can be written as
in terms of p.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect; each choice either switches the roles
of the original price and the amount Alma paid, or incorrectly com-
bines the results of the discount and the tax as 0.8 + 0.08 = 0.88 instead of
as (0.8)(1.08).
Choice C is correct. e probability that a person from Group Y who recalled
at least 1 dream was chosen from the group of all people who recalled at
least 1 dream is equal to the number of people in Group Y who recalled at
least 1 dream divided by the total number of people in the two groups who
recalled at least 1 dream. e number of people in Group Y who recalled
at least 1 dream is the sum of the 11 people in Group Y who recalled 1 to
4 dreams and the 68 people in Group Y who recalled 5 or more dreams:
11 + 68 = 79. e total number of people who recalled at least 1 dream is
the sum of the 79 people in Group Y who recalled at least 1 dream, the 28
people in Group X who recalled 1 to 4 dreams, and the 57 people in Group
X who recalled 5 or more dreams: 79 + 28 + 57 = 164. erefore, the prob-
ability is
Choice A is incorrect; it is the number of people in Group Y who recalled
5or more dreams divided by the total number of people in Group Y. Choice
B is incorrect; it uses the total number of people in Group Y as the denomi-
nator of the probability. Choice D is incorrect; it is the total number of peo-
ple in the two groups who recalled at least 1 dream divided by the total num-
ber of people in the two groups.
Choice B is correct. e average rate of change in the annual budget for
agriculture/natural resources from 2008 to 2010 is the total change from to
2008 to 2010 divided by the number of years, which is 2. e total change
in the annual budget for agriculture/natural resources from 2008 to 2010 is
488,106 358,708 = 129,398, in thousands of dollars, so the average change
in the annual budget for agriculture/natural resources from 2008 to 2010
= $64,699,000 per year. Of the options given, this average
rate of change is closest to $65,000,000 per year.
Choices A and C are incorrect; they could result from errors in setting up or
calculating the average rate of change. Choice D is incorrect; $130,000,000 is
the approximate total change from 2008 to 2010, not the average change from
2008 to 2010.
Choice B is correct. The human resources budget in 2007 was
4,051,050 thousand dollars, and the human resources budget in 2010
was 5,921,379 thousand dollars. erefore, the ratio of the 2007 bud-
get to the 2010 budget is slightly greater than
. Similar estimates for
agriculture/natural resources give a ratio of the 2007 budget to the 2010
budget of slightly greater than
; for education, a ratio of slightly greater
; for highways and transportation, a ratio of slightly less than
; and
for public safety, a ratio of slightly greater than
. erefore, of the given
choices, educations ratio of the 2007 budget to the 2010 budget is closest to
that of human resources.
Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because the 2007 budget to 2010 budget
ratio for each of these programs in these choices is further from the corre-
sponding ratio for human resources than the ratio for education.
Choice A is correct. e equation of a circle can be written as (x h)
(y k)
= r
where (h, k) are the coordinates of the center of the circle and
r is the radius of the circle. Since the coordinates of the center of the circle
are (0, 4), the equation is x
+ (y 4)
= r
, where r is the radius. e radius
of the circle is the distance from the center, (0, 4), to the given endpoint of a
, 5
. By the distance formula, r
+ (5 4)
. erefore,
an equation of the given circle is x
+ (y 4)
Choice B is incorrect; it results from the incorrect equation (x + h)
(y + k)
= r
. Choice C is incorrect; it results from using r instead of r
in the
equation for the circle. Choice D is incorrect; it results from using the incor-
rect equation (x + h)
+ (y + k)
Choice D is correct. When the ball hits the ground, its height is 0 meters.
Substituting 0 for h in h = 4.9t
+ 25t gives 0 = 4.9t
+ 25t, which can
be rewritten as 0 = t(4.9t + 25). us, the possible values of t are t = 0
and t =
5.1. e time t = 0 seconds corresponds to the time the ball
is launched from the ground, and the time t 5.1 seconds corresponds to
the time aer launch that the ball hits the ground. Of the given choices,
5.0 seconds is closest to 5.1 seconds, so the ball returns to the ground
approximately 5.0 seconds aer it is launched.
Choice A, B, and C are incorrect and could arise from conceptual or compu-
tation errors while solving 0 = 4.9t
+ 25t for t.
Choice B is correct. Let x represent the number of pears produced by the
Type B trees. en the Type A trees produce 20 percent more pears than x,
which is x + 0.20x = 1.20x pears. Since Type A trees produce 144 pears, the
equation 1.20x = 144 holds. us x =
= 120. erefore, the Type B trees
produced 120 pears.
Choice A is incorrect because while 144 is reduced by approximately 20 per-
cent, increasing 115 by 20 percent gives 138, not 144. Choice C is incorrect;
it results from subtracting 20 from the number of pears produced by the
Type A trees. Choice D is incorrect; it results from adding 20 percent of the
number of pears produced by Type A trees to the number of pears produced
by Type A trees.
Choice C is correct. e area of the eld is 100 square meters. Each 1-meter-
by-1-meter square has an area of 1 square meter. us, on average, the earth-
worm counts to a depth of 5 centimeters for each of the regions investigated
by the students should be about
of the total number of earthworms to
a depth of 5 centimeters in the entire eld. Since the counts for the smaller
regions are from 107 to 176, the estimate for the entire eld should be
between 10,700 and 17,600. erefore, of the given choices, 15,000 is a rea-
sonable estimate for the number of earthworms to a depth of 5 centimeters
in the entire eld.
Choice A is incorrect; 150 is the approximate number of earthworms
in 1 square meter. Choice B is incorrect; it results from using 10 square
meters as the area of the eld. Choice D is incorrect; it results from using
1,000 square meters as the area of the eld.
Choice C is correct. To de te rm ine wh ich qu adrant do es not cont ain any solu -
tions to the system of inequalities, graph the inequalities. Graph the inequal-
ity y 2x + 1 by drawing a line through the y-intercept (0, 1) and the point
(1, 3), and graph the inequality y >
x 1 by drawing a dashed line through
the y-intercept (0, 1) and the point (2, 0), as shown in the gure below.
y 2x + 1
y x
e solution to the system of inequalities is the intersection of the shaded regions
above the graphs of both lines. It can be seen that the solutions only include
points in quadrants I, II, and III and do not include any points in quadrant IV.
Choices A and B are incorrect because quadrants II and III contain solu-
tions to the system of inequalities, as shown in the gure above. Choice D is
incorrect because there are no solutions in quadrant IV.
Choice D is correct. If the polynomial p(x) is divided by x 3, the result
can be written as
x 3
= q(x) +
x 3
, where q(x) is a polynomial and r
is the remainder. Since x 3 is a degree 1 polynomial, the remainder
is a real number. Hence, p(x) can be written as p(x) = (x 3)q(x) + r,
where r is a real number. It is given that p(3) = 2 so it must be true that
2 = p(3) = (3 3)q(3) + r = (0)q(3) + r = r. erefore, the remainder when
p(x) is divided by x 3 is 2.
Choice A is incorrect because p(3) = 2 does not imply that p(5) = 0.
Choices B and C are incorrect because the remainder 2 or its negative, 2,
need not be a root of p(x).
Choice D is correct. Any quadratic function q can be written in the form
q(x) = a(x h)
+ k, where a, h, and k are constants and (h, k) is the vertex of
the parabola when q is graphed in the coordinate plane. (Depending on the
sign of a, the constant k must be the minimum or maximum value of q, and
h is the value of x for which a(x h)
= 0 and q(x) has value k.) is form
can be reached by completing the square in the expression that denes q.
e given equation is y = x
2x 15, and since the coecient of x is 2,
the equation can be written in terms of (x 1)
= x
2x + 1 as follows:
y = x
2x 15 = (x
2x + 1) 16 = (x 1)
16. From this form of the
equation, the coecients of the vertex can be read as (1, 16)
Choices A and C are incorrect because the coordinates of the vertex A do
not appear as constants in these equations. Choice B is incorrect because it is
not equivalent to the given equation.
The correct answer is any number between 4 and 6, inclusive. Since Wyatt
can husk at least 12 dozen ears of corn per hour, it will take him no more
! 6 hours to husk 72 dozen ears of corn. On the other hand, since
Wyatt can husk at most 18 dozen ears of corn per hour, it will take him
at least
! 4 hours to husk 72 dozen ears of corn. erefore, the possi-
ble times it could take Wyatt to husk 72 dozen ears of corn are 4 hours to
6 hours, inclusive. Any number between 4 and 6, inclusive, can be gridded as
the correct answer.
The correct answer is 107. Since the weight of the empty truck and its driver
is 4500 pounds and each box weighs 14 pounds, the weight, in pounds, of
the delivery truck, its driver, and x boxes is 4500 + 14x. is weight is below
the bridges posted weight limit of 6000 pounds if 4500 + 14x < 6000. at
inequality is equivalent to 14x 1500 or x <
= 107
. Since the number
of packages must be an integer, the maximum possible value for x that will
keep the combined weight of the truck, its driver, and the x identical boxes
below the bridges posted weight limit is 107.
The correct answer is
or .625. Based on the line graph, the number of
portable media players sold in 2008 was 100 million, and the number of
portable media players sold in 2011 was 160 million. erefore, the number
of portable media players sold in 2008 is
100 million
160 million
of the portable media
players sold in 2011. is fraction reduces to
. Either
or its decimal
equivalent, .625, may be gridded as the correct answer.
The correct answer is 96. Since each day has a total of 24 hours of time
slots available for the station to sell, there is a total of 48 hours of time slots
available to sell on Tuesday and Wednesday. Each time slot is a 30-minute
interval, which is equal to a
-hour interval. erefore, there are a total
48 hours
hours/time slot
= 96 time slots of 30 minutes for the station to sell on
Tues day and We dnes day.
The correct answer is 6. e volume of a cylinder is πr
h, where r is the
radius of the base of the cylinder and h is the height of the cylinder. Since
the storage silo is a cylinder with volume 72π cubic yards and height 8 yards,
it is true that 72π = πr
(8), where r is the radius of the base of the cylinder,
in yards. Dividing both sides of 72π = πr
(8) by 8π gives r
= 9, and so the
radius of base of the cylinder is 3 yards. erefore, the diameter of the base
of the cylinder is 6 yards.
The correct answer is 3. e function h(x) is undened when the denomi-
nator of
(x 5)
+ 4(x 5) + 4
is equal to zero. e expression (x 5)
4(x 5) + 4 is a perfect square: (x 5)
+ 4(x 5) + 4 = ((x 5) + 2)
, which
can be rewritten as (x 3)
. e expression (x 3)
is equal to zero if and
only if x = 3. erefore, the value of x for which h(x) is undened is 3.
The correct answer is 1.02. e initial deposit earns 2 percent inter-
est compounded annually. us at the end of 1 year, the new value of the
account is the initial deposit of $100 plus 2 percent of the initial deposit:
$100 +
($100) = $100(1.02). Since the interest is compounded annually,
the value at the end of each succeeding year is the sum of the previous
year’s value plus 2 percent of the previous year’s value. is is again equiva-
lent to multiplying the previous year’s value by 1.02. us, aer 2 years, the
value will be $100(1.02)(1.02) = $100(1.02)
; aer 3 years, the value will be
; and aer t years, the value will be $100(1.02)
. erefore, in the
formula for the value for Jessicas account aer t years, $100(x)
, the value of
x must be 1.02.
The correct answer is 6.11. Jessica made an initial deposit of $100 into her
account. e interest on her account is 2 percent compounded annually, so
aer 10 years, the value of her initial deposit has been multiplied 10 times
by the factor 1 + 0.02 = 1.02. Hence, aer 10 years, Jessicas deposit is worth
= $121.899 to the nearest tenth of a cent. Tyshaun made an ini-
tial deposit of $100 into his account. e interest on his account is 2.5 per-
cent compounded annually, so aer 10 years, the value of his initial deposit
has been multiplied 10 times by the factor 1 + 0.025 = 1.025. Hence, aer
10 years, Tyshauns deposit is worth $100(1.025)
= $128.008 to the nearest
tenth of a cent. Hence, Jessicas initial deposit earned $21.899 and Tyshauns
initial deposit earned $28.008. erefore, to the nearest cent, Tyshauns ini-
tial deposit earned $6.11 more than Jessicas initial deposit.