FM Best Practices for
Table of contents
Best Practice 1: Control your WOM program ..............................4
Best Practice 2: Replace routine tasks with superhero work .......5
Best Practice 3: Automate your work order processes ................6
Best Practice 4: Your WOM solution must be mobile-friendly ......7
Best Practice 5: Employ warranty tracking ................................ 8
Best Practice 6: Move from reactive to proactive work .................9
Best Practice 7: Ensure payment accountability ........................ 10
Best Practice 8: Capture data insights ...................................... 11
Successful facilities managers (FMs) have to be expert multitaskers, oen managing multiple
work orders while tracking project timelines, completion dates, costs, downtimes, and the
status of vendor payments. However, monitoring all of these tasks simultaneously across
geographically dispersed locations can take a toll on even the most formidable facilities
manager (FM).
For example: Imagine handling 378 work orders in a single day—that actually happened
to one FM last year! That might sound like a herculean task, but if that backlog was mostly
routine, simple automation could’ve resolved many of those open work orders.
There is a better way.
A work order management (WOM) solution can help you become your own FM superhero.
FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management
FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management
Control your WOM
Taking control of your entire program requires
visibility into your assets, facilities, vendors,
and every stage of your work orders. Any gaps
or blind spots can cause ineiciencies. Select a
WOM platform that can:
Connect directly with service pros
Manage service request routing
Schedule preventative/routine
maintenance and expedite reactive
work orders
Set standard not-to-exceed (NTE) limits and dynamic NTEs
Manage and validate certicates of insurance
Obtain accurate vendor/technician times on-site
Verify work completion
Automate invoicing and remittance with your nancial systems
Complete control of your WOM also includes monitoring service requests from end to end and
ensuring repairs and maintenance are completed in accordance with service level agreements.
A major challenge for FMs everywhere is knowing when service providers are on-site and for
how long. A good WOM solution gives FMs and site managers the convenience of verifying job
status via GPS check-ins. The platform also maintains a complete, auditable history of service
requests to ensure accuracy and transparency. Having a record of who did what and when is
essential for vendor compliance and resolving disputes.
Best Practice 1
FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management
Replace routine tasks with
superhero work
Do your maintenance calls ever feel like a never-
ending series of disconnected one-o events? Your
WOM solution should be able to process, automate,
analyze, and optimize every task. The more eicient
your WOM is, the more value it delivers—and the
more your heroic reputation grows.
Your WOM solution should allow you to:
Process work orders at scale and in real time
Automate task routing and tedious processes, like waiting for approvals
Report vendor/technician arrival on-site
View rst-call resolution
See compliance with check-in/check-out procedures
Display average job cost broken down by service provider, trade, asset, and geography
Capture performance criteria separating your top vendors from the rest
You’ll never get to superhero workthe kind that boosts eiciency, asset performance, and
cost-savings—until automation and task routing take charge of routine, low-level tasks—and
do so at scale.
For example, a good WOM solution can manage hundreds of thousands of work orders per
day in real time, across a distributed footprint, and with visibility into each stage of the
WOM process. Triaging separates common tasks from emergencies, so you’re able to more
eiciently allocate resources and reach faster resolutions. You get your time back to devote to
more complex tasks and the heroic work that results in greater operating performance.
Best Practice 2
FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management
Automate your work
order processes
Few things are as frustrating as manually elding hundreds of work orders that could have been
managed and resolved through automation. A WOM platform should allow you to automate
recurring services and reactive repairs by routing them to your preferred technicians and
appropriate vendors. This means faster completion times and fewer repeat visits.
Automating low-level work creates more time for high-priority work orders for complex or
costly assets. Free from processing routine work orders, FMs have more time for higher-level
work that produces deeper insights—such as identifying the assets that generate the highest
service expenses and judging whether they’re in line with market norms.
Small, consistent time- and cost-savings grow your bottom line. A dispatch board, for
example, provides building occupants with troubleshooting guidance before they create
a work order, which prevents needless service calls and ensures the right service provider
responds to each request.
With a WOM solution that can process millions of work orders per year, small savings on each
work order produce substantial savings overall.
Best Practice 3
FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management
Choose a mobile-friendly
WOM solution
FMs and their team members are rarely at their desks, due to the reactive and fast-paced nature
of their work. They may spend a good portion of their days at remote locations or on the road
and need to be able to initiate, assess, and document work orders without having to return to
their desks.
A mobile-friendly WOM solution is required for an eicient FM team to:
Receive work orders
Download asset information
Provide status updates
Take photos before, during, and
aer completion of the work
Communicate with material/
equipment suppliers, service
providers, engineers, etc.
A mobile app must be intuitive and easy to learn for FM teams and their vendors in the eld.
During a busy week, the app becomes the default communication, transaction, and monitoring
channel for hundreds of open work orders.
A mobile WOM platform enables FM teams and other stakeholders to save time by managing
work orders on the go, using technologies that oer considerable convenience and eiciency. As
a result, they have more time to focus on business-critical tasks.
Best Practice 4
FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management
Employ warranty tracking
Keeping track of assets under warranty is vital to controlling costs, but it’s time-consuming
for managers of large or multi-site facilities. Warranty management is oen an ineicient,
paper-driven process that results in unnecessary payments for warrantied work. An eective
WOM solution automatically reviews and ags active warranties, potentially saving you millions
of dollars.
Your WOM platform should automatically alert FMs when warranties are active and identify the
service provider responsible for the work. In some cases, warranty tracking functionality saved
users an average of $1.5M over three years.
Best Practice 5
FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management
Move from reactive to
proactive work
Your WOM system should save you time, so you can focus on forward-looking tasks, like
allocating resources for preventative maintenance. Plus, transitioning from reactive to
preventative maintenance can lead to major savings. A recent analysis revealed that an
average preventative maintenance work order costs $400 less than a reactive one.
A WOM platform can optimize your preventative maintenance spending down to the equipment
level. Maintenance records, costs, and dates are organized and readily available to help you
make informed repair/replace decisions, which is essential for responsible asset management.
Preventative maintenance streamlines and extends the useful life of buildings, machines,
and equipment.
Best Practice 6
FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management
Ensure payment
A robust WOM platform oers pre-built invoices for preventative and routine maintenance, and
work is scheduled at contracted prices. Automation saves time every month by eliminating
ineicient, manual invoice processing.
Look for the following payment automation features in your WOM platform:
Time on-site validation
Pre-built invoices aligned with project
manager schedules
Locked rate cards
Warranty tracking
Automated enforcement of NTE limits
Incomplete work monitoring and
Sales tax verication
According to the 2021 commissioned Forrester Consulting study, “The Total Economic Impact
of Corrigo
,” customers who employ payment accountability save an average of 3–5% on every
invoice processed and see time-savings of up to 75% for electronic invoicing.
Best Practice 7
FM Best Practices for Heroic Work Order Management
Capture data insights
Your WOM platform should help you become
smarter about your work order costs, resolution
times, NTEs, service providers, equipment, and
warranties. It ideally includes reporting and
analytics that allow you to organize work order data
and deliver insights you can use to streamline your
operations—the lifeblood of FM. Without it, jobs
simply won’t get done, and facilities and assets may
become inoperable, while costs skyrocket.
Best Practice 8
Want to learn more about streamlining and automating your
work order management? Request a demo today.
That’s why choosing a
platform that helps you save
time and money—while also
providing better data and
insights into your operations—
is key to working smarter and
being the hero of your work
order management.
About JLL Technologies
JLLT is a division of JLL, a world leader in real estate services,
that helps organizations transform the way they acquire, operate,
manage, and experience space. A rst-of-its-kind team combining
builders of high-growth tech companies and commercial real
estate experts, JLLT delivers a comprehensive technology portfolio
of purpose-built solutions and leading edge, venture-backed
companies to meet and exceed the industry’s demands for better
business intelligence, workplace experience, and smart building
platforms. Learn more at www.jllt.com.