DCMA Manual 4301-05, Volume 3
Financial Systems and Interfaces: Order to Cash
Office of Primary
Responsibility Stewardship Capability
Effective: September 8, 2019
Releasability: Cleared for public release
New Issuance
Implements: DCMA-INST 4301 “Stewardship,” July 18, 2018
Internal Control: Process flow and key controls are located on the Resource Page
Labor Codes: Not Applicable
Resource Page Link: https://360.dcma.mil/sites/policy/ST/SitePages/4301-05v3r.aspx
Approved by: David H. Lewis, VADM, USN, Director
Purpose: This Order to Cash Defense Agencies Initiative Systems Manual is one of several
volumes each defining automated processes and related policies that govern the agency’s
implementation and usage of Defense Agencies Initiative. This Financial Systems and
Interfaces: Order to Cash Manual describes the automated processes by which DCMA receives
and processes reimbursable orders from receipt to billing and reconciliation. In accordance with
the authority in DoD Directive 5105.64, “Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA),” this
Manual implements policies and defines procedures as defined in DCMA Instruction 4301.
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Table of Contents 2
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION ..........................................................4
1.1. Applicability .......................................................................................................................4
1.2. Policy .................................................................................................................................4
1.3. Executive Summary ...........................................................................................................4
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................6
2.1. Director, DCMA.................................................................................................................6
2.2. Executive Director, Financial and Business Operations .....................................................6
2.3. Director, International and Federal Business Division .......................................................6
2.4. Corporate Operations Directorate, Agency Support Agreement Manager .........................7
2.5. Director, Compliance and Accounting Division ................................................................7
2.6. Director, Financial Systems Division. ................................................................................7
2.7. Director, Budget Division. .................................................................................................8
2.8. Executive Director, Contracts Directorate ..........................................................................8
2.9. Operational Unit Commanders/Directors ...........................................................................8
2.10 Contract Management Office Commanders/Directors ......................................................8
3.1. Process Responsibilities ................................................................................................... 10
3.2. DCMA/Defense Finance Accounting Services Roles Table ........................................... 10
SECTION 4: THE ORDER TO CASH PROCESS .................................................................. 14
4.1. Reimbursable Process in Defense Agencies Iniative ........................................................ 14
4.2. Processing of Reimbursable Order ................................................................................... 14
4.3. Reimbursable Order Process ............................................................................................ 15
4.4. Project and Tasks ............................................................................................................. 17
4.5. Establish and Unfilled Orders .......................................................................................... 19
4.6. Funds Control Budget ...................................................................................................... 20
4.7. Recording Costs ............................................................................................................... 20
4.8. Recognizing Revenue ....................................................................................................... 22
4.9. Billing ............................................................................................................................... 22
4.10. Collections of Invoices ................................................................................................... 22
4.11. Reimbursable Order Closeout ........................................................................................ 22
SECTION 5: MISCELLANEOUS PROCESSES .................................................................... 23
5.1. Unfunded Civilian Retirement ......................................................................................... 23
5.2. Military Personnel ............................................................................................................ 23
5.3. International and Federal Business Division Managed Direct Projects ............................ 23
SECTION 6: REPORTING ....................................................................................................... 25
6.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................... 25
6.2. Major Order to Cash Reports ........................................................................................... 26
SECTION 7: REIMBURSABLE LABOR CHARGES ........................................................... 27
7.1. Time and Labor Attributes ............................................................................................... 27
APPENDIX A. SYSTEMS .......................................................................................................... 30
IA. Defense Agencies Initiative Order to Cash Interfaces ......................................................30
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Table of Contents 3
RESPONSIBILITES MATRIX .................................................................................................. 31
IB. Responsibility Matrix ........................................................................................................31
APPENDIX C. WORK INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................ 32
C1. Work Instructions ............................................................................................................. 32
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................................. 33
G.1. Acronyms ........................................................................................................................ 33
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 35
Table 1. DCMA/Defense Finance Accounting Services Roles in DAI ......................................... 10
Table 2. Project and Task Setup Examples ................................................................................... 18
Table 3. Recognizing Revenues .................................................................................................... 21
Table 4. Major O2C Reports ......................................................................................................... 26
Table 5. DAI O2C Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 30
Table 6. Responsibility Matrix ...................................................................................................... 31
Figure 1. Reimbursable Order Work Flow .................................................................................... 14
Figure 2. DCN Structure ............................................................................................................... 21
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Section 1: General Issuance Information 4
1.1. APPLICABILITY. This issuance applies to the DCMA Financial and Business
Operations Directorate (FB) and all employees, contingent workers and contractors of DCMA.
1.2. POLICY. Accurate and responsive reimbursable work order processes are a fundamental
responsibility of all DCMA Commanders/Directors, supervisors, and employees. All DCMA
employees have a fiduciary duty inherent in their roles as stewards of government resources and
must comply with the guidance outlined in this Manual. It is DCMA policy that:
a. Scope. Defense Agencies Initiative (DAI) Order to Cash (O2C) Module is the approved
Agency tool for the entry, acceptance, and approval of reimbursable financial and labor
execution data for the Agency. This module is utilized to perform Military Interdepartmental
Purchase Request (MIPR) acceptance, issuance, reimbursable order management, revenue,
billing, collections and reporting. It is used in conjunction with the Electronic Contract
Administration Request System (ECARS) which facilitates reimbursable order delegation.
b. Usage. DAI is the official financial data entry and repository system for DCMA.
c. Execution. Employees execute this Manual in a safe, efficient, effective, and ethical
a. Background. DAI was developed by the DoD to comply with its transformation goals to
modernize the Defense Agencies’ systems. DAI is also the name of the Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) tool that provides the basis for an integrated, enterprise-level solution for all
defense agencies. The goal of DAI is to modernize financial management capabilities and to
allow an Agency to manage internal and external resources including tangible assets, financial
resources, materials, and human capital. DAI facilitates the flow of information between internal
reimbursable business functions and manages connections to external stakeholders of the
Agency’s reimbursable program through the O2C module.
(1) The Oracle modules that support the O2C end-to-end process include Oracle
Projects, Oracle Receivables, Oracle General Ledger (GL), and Oracle Business Intelligence
Enterprise Edition (OBIEE). The DCMA DAI O2C module supports:
(a) Creation and maintenance of customer master data by Defense Finance
Accounting Service (DFAS) in coordination with the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) DAI
Program Management Office (PMO).
(b) Reimbursable agreements without an advance.
(c) Setup and maintenance of project and tasks to support reimbursable agreements.
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Section 1: General Issuance Information 5
(d) Billing of labor, non-labor, travel, and fringe and overhead charges as negotiated
in the agreement.
(e) Analysis of budget versus actuals, unfilled customer orders versus filled customer
orders, paid invoices versus not paid invoices, billed customer orders, receivables, revenues and
(f) Budgetary transactions and their impact on managerial and statutory financial
(g) Invoicing of receivables, billing, and collection of payment by DFAS.
(h) Reporting and data transfer between DCMA and DFAS.
(i) Closeout of Reimbursable Projects.
b. DAI Effort. The DAI is a critical DoD effort to modernize financial management
capabilities. DAI is an ERP tool that compiles the budget, finance, and accounting operations of
the DoD Agencies to:
(1) Achieve accurate and reliable financial information.
(2) Deploy a standardized system solution to improve overall financial management and
comply with the Department’s Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) including Standard
Financial Information Structure, and Office of Federal Financial Management requirements.
(3) Attain Chief Financial Officer compliant business environments with accurate,
timely, authoritative financial data.
(4) Facilitate vendor payment.
c. All forms identified in this Manual can be found on the Manual’s Resource Page.
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Section 2: Responsibilities 6
2.1. DIRECTOR, DCMA. The Director approves new and updated policy publications and is
responsible for ensuring Agency compliance with DoD financial management policy.
Executive Director is responsible for oversight of DCMA’s utilization of the DAI O2C module.
This includes:
a. Oversight of the Agency’s reimbursable program, the Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
program and the financial systems of record that support the functional management of
reimbursables and FMS.
b. Ensuring the documentation the O2C functional processes in compliance with BEA 10.0.
c. Ensuring the identification of financial system process owners.
d. Ensuring compliance with DoD general regulatory and financial audit readiness guidance
which supports the O2C module.
International and Federal Business Division (FBR) manages the Agency’s reimbursable program
and serves as the DoD Central Control Point for direct commercial sales contract administration
support to foreign governments. The FBR Director leads DCMA’s intergovernmental
procurement processes and is the process owner for the DAI O2C module responsible for:
a. Performing program management and administration of the O2C module in support of
Contract Administration Services (CAS) for FMS, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), and other federal agencies.
b. Validating O2C source documents and creating, maintaining, and reporting DCMA
reimbursable program performance.
c. Monitoring O2C system performance and providing requirements as per reimbursable
business processes.
d. Performing system accounting and reconciliation of FMS cases and case closure in
coordination with the Compliance and Accounting Division and DFAS.
e. Documenting the O2C functional processes in compliance with BEA 10.0.
f. Monitoring compliance with DoD general regulatory and financial audit readiness
guidance which supports the O2C module.
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Section 2: Responsibilities 7
AGREEMENT MANAGER. The Agency Support Agreements Manager will:
a. Manage DCMA’s incoming and outgoing Support Agreements Program.
b. Serve as the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for establishing all service provider
agreement efforts, to include but not limited to the following functions:
(1) Monitor the preparation of support agreements, and facilitate coordination and
(2) Establish and maintain the Agency’s SharePoint site and catalog all agreements
between DCMA and its customers.
(3) Administer the support agreement as directed by the DCMA Director.
(4) Interface with Portfolio Management and Business Integration (PM&BI) and FBR on
workload acceptance issues when reviewing support agreements for proper coordination from
the DCMA Director.
(5) Facilitate agency training and materials necessary in preparing the support
agreements and supporting documents.
Accounting Division (FBL) Director oversees accounting and financial support activities
regulations, policies, Defense Travel Systems, Manager’s Internal Control Program initiatives
related to reimbursable programs and is responsible for:
a. Providing expertise on reimbursable program accounting, financial statement impacts, and
audit remediation.
b. Performing oversight of the system accounting activities of the O2C module in support of
CAS for FMS, NASA and other federal agencies.
c. Overseeing and coordinating reimbursable program Financial Improvement and Audit
Remediation initiatives to ensure compliance with DoD and Federal regulations.
2.6. DIRECTOR, FINANCIAL SYSTEMS DIVISION. The Financial Systems Division
(FBS) Director develops and ensures strategic management of payroll accounting, budgeting,
execution, and financial planning systems. The FBS Director leads implementation of O2C
system capabilities used within DCMA and is responsible for:
a. Providing an Agency Level 1 Finance Support Desk that supports the O2C module in
post-implementation and on-going operations.
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Section 2: Responsibilities 8
b. Leading, planning, coordinating, and/or conducting systematic testing for O2C module
enhancements, upgrades and or patches.
c. Providing oversight of system interfaces that are in place to support O2C module in
coordination with DLA DAI PMO.
d. Providing O2C workforce training and documentation to assist in O2C module users’
performance of core functions using DAI.
e. Providing guidance on reimbursable payroll policy, processes and system interfaces.
2.7. DIRECTOR, BUDGET DIVISION. The Budget Division (FBB) Director develops the
budgetary process for managing reimbursable authority and the Foreign Contract Administration
Services (FCAS) direct funding authorization documents in coordination with the Director
International and Federal Business Division. FBB analyzes the execution of reimbursable full-
time equivalents and oversees the estimation, formulation, and execution of reimbursable
Directorate leads the development and deployment of Agency contracting policy and processes
for contract administration, services, and procurement. The Contracts Executive Directorate
assists with the establishment of reimbursable agreements and Memorandum of Agreements
(MOAs) covering contract administration function and supports the timely processing of
contracts that utilize reimbursable funds.
Commanders/Directors are responsible for:
a. Monitoring subordinate organization labor and non-labor charges in DAI against O2C
projects (reimbursable programs).
b. Validating subordinate organization execution and ensure planning and execution
documentation is prepared for proper reimbursement.
Contract Management Office (CMO) Commanders/Directors will:
a. Ensure the availability and accuracy of financial data as their subordinates execute labor
and non-labor charges in DAI.
b. Notify external customers of the funding required to perform reimbursable services. This
will be completed in coordination with the Agency Support Agreements Manager and FBR by
identifying the specific work to be accomplished, determining the number of hours required, and
multiplying by the approved hourly rate.
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Section 2: Responsibilities 9
c. Ensure the workforce captures their time and attendance using the appropriate DAI project
and tasks codes to ensure costs are accurately recovered.
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Section 3: DAI Roles and Responsibilities 10
3.1. PROCESS RESPONSIBILITIES. This section lists the DCMA/DFAS roles and
responsibilities that support the O2C process area. The functions are accomplished within the
O2C process areas include:
a. Entering and distributing reimbursable authority: FBB.
b. Accepting Customer order for reimbursable work: FBR/FBB.
c. Setting Up Order structure: FBR.
d. Approving Customer Order: FBR.
e. Digitally Signing Order Acceptance: FBR.
f. Processing approved funding documents in ECARS: FBR.
g. Processing Tasks within ECARS: CMO.
h. Charging of labor or non-labor costs: DCMA.
i. Processing month-end revenue and billings: DFAS/FBR/Accounting Branch, FB
Directorate (FBLA).
j. Generating standard reports to monitor the monthly, quarterly, and annual progress of the
reimbursable work – DCMA/DFAS
DCMA/DFAS roles in DAI outlines the DAI role names and the Agency that may execute the
abilities listed.
Table 1. DCMA/DFAS Roles in DAI
DAI Role
Description of Abilities
O2C AR Inquiry
Ability to:
View transactions, receipts and customer
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Section 3: DAI Roles and Responsibilities 11
Table 1. DCMA/DFAS Roles in DAI, Continued
DAI Role DCMA / DFAS Role Description of Abilities
O2C AR Customer
Ability to:
Enter and maintain customers
Set up and maintain bank accounts
View transaction batch in summary
View transactions
View transactions in summary
View receipts batch in summary
View receipts
View receipts in summary
View scheduler
View customer accounts and overview
View aging, correspondence, account details,
and transaction overview
O2C AR Manager
Ability to:
Enter and maintain AR invoice transactions
Enter and maintain receipts and customer
Set up bank accounts
View transactions
Run accounting, collection, tax and listing
Submit AR to GL transfer program
Print dunning letters, statements and invoices
O2C CA Project
Ability to:
Perform project status inquiry
Create and maintain contract projects, add
Ability to approve and digitally sign
O2C CA Order Entry
Ability to:
Review project status and expenditures
Create and maintain contract projects,
agreements and input agreement funding
O2C Billing
Ability to:
Inquire on agreements and agreement funding
Enter and maintain revenue and billing events
Inquire on expenditures and project status
Run processes to create revenue and billing
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Section 3: DAI Roles and Responsibilities 12
Table 1. DCMA/DFAS Roles in DAI, Continued
DAI Role DCMA / DFAS Role Description of Abilities
O2C Billing
Ability to:
Inquire on agreements and agreement funding
Enter and maintain revenue and billing events
Inquire on expenditures and project status
Run processes to create revenue and billing
Fed Admin Inquiry
Ability to:
Inquire on Federal Admin Functions including:
Validate Treasury confirmation
Find Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
Research Account Payable (AP) Invoice Status
Make prior-year upward and downward
adjustments to obligations
Cross-reference related documents
Customer AR invoice status
Funds available online at detail and summary
Budget level and the amount available for that
budget level
Record receipts or acceptance transactions that
received in a prior period that have closed
Run Budget to Report related requests/reports
View Sub-ledger Accounting Details
View AR Transaction
View AR Receipt
View AR Adjustment
View AP Invoice, AP Payment
View Sub-ledger Journal Entry Lines from a
GL Journal
Ability to Enter Budget Authority
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Section 3: DAI Roles and Responsibilities 13
Table 1. DCMA/DFAS Roles in DAI, Continued
DAI Role DCMA / DFAS Role Description of Abilities
View Budget Transactions Summary and
Budget Distributions
P2P Procurement
Officer DCMA
Ability to Perform transactions for Council of
Logistic Management or Command, Leadership
and Management (CLM) Award Transactions
which include:
AutoCreate a Requisition-ability to enter a
direct Purchase Order (PO)
Run Purchasing and Payables Reports
Manage Deliverables
Create Awards and Modifications
Implement Amendment for Purchasing Buyer
processed requests
Ability to Inquire:
Awards & Modifications
View – Suppliers, CCR Vendors, Requisitions,
PO, Exceeded Price Tolerances, Pending PO
Changes, PO Change History, PO CLM & PO
CLM MIPR Own Un-processed requests
1080 Core DAI Reports
Ability to Acknowledge MIPR
With approved digital signature on file with
Deployment transportation invoices
P2P Cost
Ability to create and process physical invoices
Transportation invoices
Utility invoices
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Section 4: The Order to Cash Process 14
reimbursable business process is executed using the Oracle O2C module within DAI. The
business process for management of reimbursable orders includes the:
a. Setup and maintenance and verification of customer information.
b. Setup of projects and task for reimbursable orders.
c. Approval of agreements, acceptance of the DoD Form (DD Form) 448, "Military
Interdepartmental Purchase Request" and DD Form 448-2, “Acceptance of MIPR, or
reimbursable agreement for reimbursable orders.
d Charging of costs to reimbursable orders.
d. Recognizing revenue for reimbursable orders that are balanced out
f. Billing of reimbursable orders to the requestor
g. Amendment and modification of reimbursable orders
h. Closeout of reimbursable orders
i. Updating of the GL
j. Support of the Dormant Accounts Review-Quarterly (DAR-Q) processes
k. Completion of reconciliations between financial reports (Trial Balance, Status of Funds,
and Quantitative Drill Downs (QDD))
4.2. PROCESSING OF A REIMBURSABLE ORDER. Reimbursable Order Work Flow,
which is illustrated in Figure 1, shows how to record a reimbursable order in DAI as well as
downstream processing activities.
Figure 1. Reimbursable Order Work Flow
Create Order
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Section 4: The Order to Cash Process 15
a. Overview. The reimbursement process is utilized when an Agency needs goods or
services that another Agency can provide. During this process, an issuing government activity
transfers funds via the DD Form 448 to a receiving Agency at a predetermined cost and
repayment schedule. The government activity providing the goods and/or services incurs the
initial costs. A Standard Form (SF) 1080, “Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations
and/or Funds” billing is created, requesting prompt reimbursement from the entity that received
the goods and/or services. Reimbursement by the requesting Agency/entity to the Agency/entity
providing the goods and/or services concludes the reimbursement process. After both agencies
approve a reimbursable agreement for services, the O2C process formally starts with the receipt
of an official funding document. The funding document is either a MIPR or a NASA
Interdepartmental Purchase Request. Examples of agreements include a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA), Financial Management Service Form (FMS Form) 7600A/B, or
"Interagency Agreement (IAA) Agreement Between Federal Agencies." A Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) may be completed as an ancillary document to an agreement to provide
further agreement details.
b. Agreement Establishment
(1) The initial step in the reimbursable process is to establish a detailed support
agreement such as an IAA or an MOA between the two entities that serves as the foundation of
the MIPR.
(a) The support agreement provides the scope of the agreement, terms and
conditions, defines the responsibilities, and identifies the source of funding.
(b) The support agreement can be established before or after the operating budget
authority is received.
(c) The support agreement is signed by the DCMA Director or the designated
representative and the DCMA Comptroller when DCMA is the servicing Agency and before the
order may be received. For orders that are award reimbursements, a support agreement is not
(2) Funding Documents. The entity requesting the goods or services issues either a DD
Form 448, a NASA Form 523, “NASA Interdepartmental Purchase Request,” or an IAA, FMS
Form 7600-B, as funding documentation to DCMA. The funding document identifies what the
entity is requesting and the funding terms. After the issuance of the document, the requesting
entity records the transaction as a commitment in their financial system of record, which reserves
and commits the funds for the transaction. Required information on the funding document
a. Agreement funded amount for provided services.
b. A detailed description of services.
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Section 4: The Order to Cash Process 16
c. Billing terms.
d. Address to send an SF 1080 billing.
e. Method of reimbursement used.
f. Accounting classification charged.
g. Signature of authorized individual.
h. Fundholder delegation documentation.
i. Source and type of funds.
j. Period of performance.
k. Time period fund are available.
(3) The official funding document may cite either a direct or reimbursement authority.
(a) The direct cite is the amount of funds from the annual operating budget that is
immediately available to the agencies for commitment and obligation. The funding document
provides the issuer’s line of accounting for direct usage versus the receiving Agency’s line of
accounting being used to incur costs, followed by a billing process. Direct cite may only be used
for non-labor requirements in DAI and is the least preferred reimbursable funding method.
(b) The reimbursement authority is the reserved amount of funds from the annual
operating budget that is for reimbursable operational transactions. The term reimbursable
operational transaction refers to expected revenue by an activity for goods or services provided
to a requesting entity. Reimbursable transactions are completed after the acceptance of orders by
the reimbursement authority of the servicing Agency/providing activity. DCMA incurs the
initial costs of the agreement. The issuing Agency is billed in the amount of those costs by
(c) All agreements are specific, and state resources contributed by both the providing
activity and the requesting entity.
c. Manage Customer Records.
(1) The FBR Analyst or Project Manager will verify the customer data in DAI against
the customer funding document received by DCMA.
(2) This procedure is conducted whenever a new funding document is received by the
Agency to determine if the customer account already exists in DAI and is correct.
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Section 4: The Order to Cash Process 17
(3) DFAS is responsible for the creation and maintenance of DAI customer records.
(4) The FBR Analyst is responsible for requesting any required customer master data
updates through the DFAS.
d. Order Revenue. The Agency utilizes the DAI project to facilitate the reimbursement
order process and to capture Agency revenue. Each reimbursable DAI project represents one
external customer order. DAI uses the project-centric approach to track expenditures, revenue,
billing, and collections. A project can contain one or more tasks with a finite start and end date.
(1) DAI uses a work breakdown structure composed of tasks and subtasks.
(2) Projects must have at least one task but may have multiple tasks and subtasks.
(3) Costs are reported by project, task, object class, expenditure type, or based on
attributes entered when creating the project. The DAI Procure to Payment (P2P) and Oracle
Time and Labor (OTL) modules are used to record costs against the associated reimbursable
(4) The project-centric approach also facilitates:
(a) Assignment of costs for work performed using cost distributions, transfers, and
(b) Amendments and modifications to orders
(c) Project and task level billing, collections, and the recognition of revenue for
(d) Monitoring and reporting of reimbursable execution
a. Funding Document Receipt and Verification. Upon receipt of an official funding
document from a customer, an FBR Analyst will validate the existence of the customer in DAI as
identified on the funding document. The DCMA FBR Analyst verifies that the reimbursable
authority cited in the official funding document exists and the establishment of funding for the
reimbursable agreement. If the customer does not exist in DAI, FBR will request DFAS add the
customer as a supplier in DAI with their corresponding standard line of accounting (SLOA).
b. Project Setup. Official funding documents may have separate projects created in DAI.
FBR is responsible for creating the customer’s project and task. The FBR Analyst is responsible
(1) Establishing Project and Task(s) according to the funding document parameters.
(2) Identifying Key Members, which may include a Project Manager, Project Approver,
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Section 4: The Order to Cash Process 18
Contract Administrator, and a Budget Approver
(3) Identify task level revenue and billing parameters.
(4) Establishing the workflow approval process.
c. Task Funding and Cost. Project funding is distributed to the top task(s) of a project, and
it is from this level that the customer is billed. While the top-level task(s) are configured
billable, the tasks at the lowest level are configured to allow charges, which provides visibility of
costs at the lowest task level. If a Document Control Number (DCN) is required for a project, an
FBR Analyst or Employee Supervisor will submit a request to the DCMA DAI Service Center
(FBSO) Tier I Help Desk to enter the DCN into DAI as a subtask of the project. Employee labor
is charged to the DCN subtask of the project.
d. Project Structure. The project structure will vary based on the type of customer and
type of services provided as depicted in Table 2.
Table 2. Project and Task Setup Examples
Order Type
Project Number/
Task Number/
Sub-Task Number/
(ex. NASA_2019)
Populated based upon the
(ex. FMS__CONUS_2019)
(ex. FMS__OCONUS_2019)
MIPR Number
(ex. HSCG38-19-X-JFT001)
Populated based upon DCNs/
(Direct or
(ex. IS_F_ADL_2019)
Line Number-UIC
(ex. 18-003-P6)
Populated based upon the
Foreign Military
(ex. FMS_ADMIN_2019)
Reciprocity or
“No Charge”
Populated based upon the
e. DCMA Supported Projects. The major reimbursable projects supported by DCMA are:
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Section 4: The Order to Cash Process 19
(4) FCAS.
(5) Other miscellaneous work for other DoD customers supported by MIPR.
(6) Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund Administration (FMS ADMIN).
(7) Reciprocity or “No Charge” Programs.
f. Modification to existing projects. Changes to projects will follow the standard processes
as outlined in the work instructions in Appendix A. Projects are end-dated after filled orders are
completed or funds are returned to the external customer to prevent unauthorized usage for labor
or non-labor charges.
a. Reimbursable Order Acceptance. The basic MIPR funding and acceptance occurs with
the project contract organizer feature within the DAI O2C module. This process establishes an
unfilled order. A completed DD Form 448-2 is the binding agreement mechanism that fiscally
obligates the customer to DCMA. When the approved DD Form 448-2 is received, the
requesting Agency’s commitment becomes an obligation in their financial system of record. The
issuing Agency is obligated to pay this amount to DCMA for the services delivered.
b. Process Execution. DAI requires project details before executing funding orders. It is
the responsibility of the FBR analyst with the associated DAI Project Contract Organizer role to
confirm that the data entered into DAI matches the agreement terms and:
(1) Verify the contract number.
(2) Verify the MIPR signature date.
(3) Verify customer order amount.
(4) Attach the customer’s funding document.
(5) Verify billing information, quantity, a unit of measure, and the customer’s SLOA.
(6) Verify contacts.
(7) Verify agreement conditions.
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Section 4: The Order to Cash Process 20
c. Budget Execution. The process of reimbursable order acceptance results in the approval
of the DD Form 448-2 by the Contract administrator as well as the creation of the revenue
budget at the allotment level 3. The order approval workflow creates the revenue budget at the
top task level, the Fed Admin Allotment entry, the project cost budget, and sub-allotment entry
with enabled automatic cost budget for the project. The Contract Administrator digitally signs
the DD Form 448-2 within DAI. This DD Form 448-2 is manually downloaded and provided to
the customer Agency for input into their financial system of record.
d. Amendments to existing orders. Amendments and modification to reimbursable orders
will follow the standard processes as outlined in the work instructions in Appendix C.
a. Process Overview. After the creation of the project structure and the contract, the
administrator establishes the revenue budget and the Funds Control Budget is created. The funds
control budget is automatic for projects with only one top task and no subtasks once the DD
Form 448-2 is approved. However, for projects with subtasks, the project is funded by the
Manual establishment of a Funds Control Budget. A Funds Control Budget is entered at the
highest or lowest level task on a project. If entered at the highest level task on the project, the
Funds Control Budget, the costs charged to lower level tasks will accumulate until the amount
funded at the top task is reached. If the funds control budget is entered at the lowest level task
on the project, then the costs charged to lower level tasks will accumulate at the funded levels on
each task separately.
b. Budget Approval. When the Budget Approver key member approves a Budget, sub-
allotment entries are created automatically in Fed Admin as a result of project verification budget
integration. The O2C order approval workflow performed by the Budget Approver reserves and
baselines the agreement funding as outlined in the agreement. DCMA uses burdened cost for
amount types in DAI budget lines. Established projects are set by default to have their budgets
automatically adjusted if they have one task only. Projects that have tasks with subtask(s) must
have all budget modifications funds control cost budget data entered and Manually modified for
the life of the project.
c. Budget Adjustment. Budgets are established monthly, quarterly, or annually, and are
added or modified on an ad hoc basis. Budget entries or adjustments are made in the current
accounting period. Budget adjustments will follow the standard processes as outlined in the
work instructions in Appendix C.
a. Labor Costs. DAI will only allow timecard charges on active reimbursable tasks that are
set to allow charges. FBR utilizes ECARs in coordination with the applicable CMO to create
DCNs for reimbursable work delegations.
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Section 4: The Order to Cash Process 21
(1) The ECARs DCN data is then used to create a task or subtask for labor charges
against a reimbursable or direct project as required for FCAS and Reciprocity programs. The
DCN structure is shown in Figure 2.
(2) Employee Time Users can record their time and attendance in the DAI OTL Module
using the tasks associated with the appropriate reimbursable or direct project (See Appendix D).
Employees and supervisors are responsible for selecting and approving timecard charges while
ensuring that timecard entries reflect the program that the employee is supporting.
b. Non-labor Costs. Non-labor costs are recorded against the project/task via the P2P
process. These include charges for travel, contracts, and so forth.
c. Indirect Costs. Indirect costs are charged against the project/task via the Cost Allocation
d. Cost Transfers. FBLA can transfer costs between labor projects in DAI when costs
should be applied against a reimbursable order. All reimbursable cost transfers are done using
expenditure type 253.30 as a Global Rule for Cost Accounting allocations and P2P Cost
e. Cost Distribution. If a Labor Allocation requires a change to the fund and/or limit, then
a Manual P2P Cost Distribution is completed by FBLA so that a Voucher and Schedule of
Withdrawals and Credits (SF 1081) can be generated out of DAI. Upon the completion of the SF
1081 in DAI at the Agency level, DFAS completes the final invoice and payment. Non-Labor
Transfers/allocations are done in P2P as a cost distribution.
f. Cost Allocations. Cost Allocations (CA) in projects are performed for labor transactions
and only if the fund (excluding the direct/reimbursable flag) and limit are the same between the
source and target project. All reimbursable cost allocations are done using expenditure type
253.30 as a Global Rule for Cost Accounting allocations.
Figure 2 Document Control Number Structure
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
Section 4: The Order to Cash Process 22
4.8. RECOGNIZING REVENUE. Revenue is recognized, billed, and collected by DFAS for
DCMA on the first working day after the DAI functional and technical closes each month for the
previous month’s billings with a GL posting.
Table 3 – Recognizing Revenue
Order Type
Revenue Recognition Method
Miscellaneous/Manual MIPR
Based on Cost Incurred or
Labor hour X billing rate
NASA Funding
Labor – Based on Labor hour X billing rate
Non Labor – Based on Cost Incurred
Labor – Based on Labor hour X billing rate
Non Labor – Based on Cost Incurred
Labor – Based on Labor hour X billing rate
Non Labor – Based on Cost Incurred
Based on Cost Allocation using CONUS
Reimbursable Percentage
Labor Full Time= Actual costs
Labor Part Time= Labor hour X billing rate
Non-labor= Actual costs
4.9. BILLING. Orders are billed in accordance with (IAW) the official funding document. The
month beginning process is executed by DFAS for DCMA 1 to 2 working days after the month-
end process is complete. To recover the costs incurred, as outlined in the official funding
document, DFAS executes the month-end process by billing the customer Agency through the
end-to-end revenue generation process. This produces an automated AR invoice SF 1080 that is
processed through Defense Cash Accountability System (DCAS), Intra-Governmental Payment
and Collections (IPAC) or a printed SF 1080 and collected on behalf of the servicing Agency.
4.10. COLLECTIONS OF INVOICES. DFAS is responsible for processing IPAC and DCAS
collections and applying them to the associated invoices for reimbursable work. When DCMA
initiates a bill to an outside Agency, the physical invoice is created in DAI since it cannot flow in
from the Wide Area Workflow. This method is used by outside vendors for billing DCMA.
DFAS is responsible for discrepancy review and reconciliation of billings to collections in
coordination with DCMA.
4.11. REIMBURSABLE ORDER CLOSEOUT. Reimbursable order revenue, collections and
billings are reconciled monthly. A reimbursable order may be closed out when the order value is
completely earned by the Agency. If the order value will not be fully earned, then funds are
returned to the customer as per the customer agreement.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
Section 5: Miscellaneous Processes 23
a. Overview. DCMA applies the civilian personnel fringe benefit rate to civilian labor costs
incurred in support of reimbursable orders as appropriate. These rates are used when billing
other DoD components, federal agencies and private parties pursuant to Volume 11A, Chapter 6
of DoD 7000-R, “DoD Financial Management Regulations (FMRS).Also, DCMA processes
billings to the FMS Administrative Charge Account and FMS cases under the provisions of DoD
7000.14-R, Volume 15, Chapter 7. FBR utilizes the DoD Civilian Personnel Fringe Benefit
Rates as published by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (OUSD) annually.
b. Process.
(1) When DCMA accepts an FMS CONUS or OCONUS MIPR, FBR ensures that an
O2C-WOA-EE project is created and accept the order utilizing the 97R3041 fund. In
coordination with DFAS, FBR creates a manual billing event. DFAS completes the end-to-end
Revenue and Billing processes and a DCAS SF1080
(2) When DCMA accepts an FCAS Funding Authorization Document (FAD) from
Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) via Program and Budget Accounting System,
FBR creates a Miscellaneous Obligation Reimbursable Document in DAI using the applicable
FMS case project and the supplier as Department of Treasury 38553. The FBR Analyst attaches
the OUSD rate memo for the fiscal year for which the Unit Cost Report is being paid and inputs
the Case Identifier in the Distribution Tab. In coordination with DFAS and FBR, FBLA creates
a physical SF 1080, and submits this physical document to DFAS Columbus/Indianapolis for
a. Overview. Military appropriations fund the costs of salaries and other compensation for
active and retired military personnel and reserve forces based on end strength. DCMA identifies
Military Personnel (MILPERS) reimbursement annually in support of FMS OCONUS funded
b. Process. FBR provides DSCA the amounts to be reimbursed to the individual MILPERS
accounts. DSCA will in turn issue MIPRs to each uniformed service for its share of the
MILPERS reimbursement.
PROJECTS. DCMA receives an annual FAD from DSCA which provides funds for DCMA
work in support of the FMS program to provide security assistance authorized by the Arms
Export Control Act (AECA) as well as the FCAS program.
a. FCAS. DCMA receives a Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA), which is a foreign
government to US government agreement that identifies the services, terms, and conditions
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
Section 5: Miscellaneous Processes 24
required by the requesting government. This LOA, once approved, defines the FMS Case and
Line which are referenced in the FAD received by DCMA. Since the FAD constitutes a direct
multi or no-year appropriation (978242YYYYD), the FCAS projects may be established as
direct or as reimbursable projects. These projects may alternatively be established through the
DAI O2C module as reimbursable projects with the utilization of an internal DCMA MIPR from
the 97824YYYYD fund to the 970100YYYYR fund IAW Volume 11A, Chapter 3, para 030105
of the DoD 7000.14-R. FBR manages the project execution and FBB manages the budget
appropriation, apportionment, allotment and sub-allotment for these projects when they are
established as direct projects. FBR manages the project execution, allotment and sub-allotment
budget levels and FBB manages the budget appropriation and apportionment levels for these
projects when they are established as reimbursable projects.
b. FMS ADMIN. DSCA is responsible for and manages the FMS Trust Fund,
Administrative Surcharge Account and provides a FAD on a quarterly basis to DCMA for its
FMS casework based upon an assessed fee on all FMS cases in compliance with the AECA,
Section 21 (e)(1). DCMA utilizes these funds to cover the management and execution of FMS
programs. FBB receives and loads the budget appropriation, apportionment and allotment levels
for this project. FBR manages the project execution and sub-allotment budget levels for FMS
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
Section 6: Reporting 25
6.1. OVERVIEW. Reimbursable orders are reviewed each month to confirm that costs are
being charged to the project, revenue is being recorded in the proper period, bills are being sent
and collected, and that the unearned balance is accurate. Monthly monitoring will also alert the
Agency to overruns or other resource issues. FBR utilizes DCMA tailored reports from the
Reimbursable dashboard as well as the Global O2C Reports within OBIEE. These dashboards
contains tabs for key reports used to monitor the O2C process.
a. Reimbursable Dashboard. This dashboard contains reports that were requested by the
Agency and developed by Agency personnel in coordination with DLA DAI PMO. They
(1) Reimbursable Task Cost/Revenue Status.
(2) Reimbursable Expenditure Revenue Billing.
(3) Expenditure Cost Distribution.
(4) Reimbursable Status of Funds.
(5) Labor Costs by DCN.
(6) Funds Status with Revenue/Billing/Collections.
(7) Project Expenditures.
b. Global Reports O2C Dashboard. This dashboard contains reports that were developed
by DLA DAI PMO for usage by the DAI O2C community of practice. They include:
(1) Customer Listing.
(2) Contract Project Report.
(3) Agreement Funding Status Report.
(4) Reimbursable Revenue and Cost Budget Report.
(5) Reimbursable Allotment/Sub-Allotment Details.
(6) Project Expenditure Details.
(7) Reimbursable Task Cost Status.
(8) Reimbursable Status.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
Section 6: Reporting 26
(9) Reimbursable Trial Balance.
(10) Cash Receipt Status Report.
(11) Accounts Receivable Aging Report.
(12) Customer Invoice Receipts Status Report.
6.2. MAJOR ORDER TO CASH REPORTS Major O2C Reports lists the main O2C specific
reports that have been identified to support the O2C module.
Table 4. Major Order to Cash Reports
Report Description
Agreement Status by Customer
This report can run for all customers or a specific customer, and
all agreements or a specific agreement. The report displays
revenue and invoice amounts accrued and amounts awaiting
accrual. The report also displays revenue budget amounts not yet
allocated (baselined), and revenue and invoice “Limits.” This
report can typically be part of the DFAS revenue/billing month
end process.
Auto Close Report
This report can run for a specific fund. The report shows the
entire financial status of a customer order, from amount funded, to
amount collected, earned, billed, and disbursed.
Funds Available-Funding
Shows total appropriated, apportioned, allotted, sub-allotted, and
sub-allowance totals
OBIEE Budget Summary
This custom report shows budget detail information by Fund.
Fund organizes the report, the project, and task. The report also
contains a total dollar amount for the budget details by the fund.
This report reflects balances as of the time the report is run.
Project Billing Status Report
This report shows all projects assigned to a project manager, along
with invoice method, top task, project number, project name, and
invoice date, bill through, days since, next billing date, next event
amount, pending invoice amount, revenue amount, invoice
amount, unbilled amount, and unbilled receivable amount.
Project Status Inquiry Report
This report describes all budgeting and expense activity for a
specific project.
Quantitative Drill-Down Report
The QDD Report is a log of all transactions that hit the United
States Standard GL. It is used for research to determine the
accounting elements contained in each transaction.
Trial Balance by Treasury
This standard report shows the beginning and ending balances
with debit and credit amounts. The report can be run for period
end data or fiscal year-end data. The report is arranged by several
parameters including, fund, treasury symbol, Budget Authority,
Budget Sub-Allotment, Budget Line Item, and limit.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
Section 7: Reimbursable Labor Charges 27
7.1. TIME AND LABOR ATTRIBUTES. Time and labor attributes include elements that are
associated with charged time. The time and labor attributes allowed in DAI include Project,
Tasks, Type of hours, Environmental Hazard Other Code, if appropriate, and Other Timecard
a. Projects and Tasks. Projects and tasks for DCMA labor represent the funding source for
hours charged, such as a reimbursable funding document or appropriation from a customer. The
project and task must be selected appropriately by the employee completing the time card. New
project and task combinations are created every fiscal year to account for new funding sources
from reimbursable agreements. Some reimbursable projects and tasks identify a specific DCN
for reimbursable charges. DCNs are used by employees to identify reimbursable labor hours in
the “Task” field of the time card. Currently, the DCNs are generated by the ECARS eTool when
the service request is created and assigned through the ECARS system.
(1) Project and Task. Every row on a DAI timecard requires a project and task. The
project and task for an employee represents their funding source from the Defense Civilian
Personnel Data System and Defense Civilian Pay System. Supervisors are responsible for
ensuring that employees utilize the correct project and task on their timecards. Limited
Timekeepers are responsible for reviewing timecard submissions periodically to ensure
correctness and completion.
(2) ECARS versus non-ECARS projects.
(a) ECARS assigns delegations to the appropriate CMO for acceptance and
execution. ECARS generates a DCN associated to that specific delegation. The DCN is loaded
into DAI and populates the time and attendance application for the assigned workforce to charge
their time to that project. DCNs are loaded Manually in DAI from data reported from ECARS.
ECARS delegations/projects include both reimbursable and reciprocal work (international
reciprocal agreements).
(b) Non-ECARS delegations are not loaded into ECARS, but the labor projects are
loaded into DAI for timekeeping purposes. For example, FMS supporting DoD/Military
Department procurements and some non-Labor MIPRs are not loaded into ECARS.
(3) FMS CONUS Program. The FMS CONUS program is non-ECARS managed. Its
project name utilizes the program and current Fiscal Year (FY) (For example:
FMS_CONUS_2019. Its tasks are configured using specific Unit Identification Code (UIC) (for
example: P6_AE_Labor)) and the type of labor to be recorded (for example: FMS_Labor). The
work type is Regular Graded and Military and the Process Code is as appropriate for the direct or
indirect work performed.
(4) FMS OCONUS Program. The FMS OCONUS program is non-ECARS managed.
Its project name utilizes the program and current FY (For example: FMS_OCONUS_2019 and
the task is descriptive of the UIC, CMO and type of labor to be recorded (for example:
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
Section 7: Reimbursable Labor Charges 28
P3_GA_FMS_ PT_LABOR). Full-Time employees can use All Work Types (Regular,
Overtime, Comp-time, and Credit) for this project. Part-time employees can only use the
Regular Work Type. Use the appropriate Process Code for the work performed.
(5) NASA Program. This program is managed in ECARS. The DAI project name
utilizes the customer and current FY (For example: NASA_2019). The DAI task reflects the
assigned DCN from ECARs (i.e., SCN01A1509040626-19-NES). For NASA projects the work
Types are Regular Work or Overtime (programmed and Un-programmed). Enter the appropriate
Process Code and Agency Code for the work performed. For Headquarters and Region
management activities, a UIC_INDIRECT_LABOR task is also available within the NASA
project for non-delegated management labor activities.
(6) FCAS Direct Commercial Sales Contract. This program is managed in ECARS. The
DAI project utilizes the Case Number and current FY. For example, if you are providing
services for Israel’s DCS contract the project is IS_F_ADL_2019, the task is the assigned DCN
(i.e., S1111A1504039951-19-IPC). The only authorized work Type is Regular Work and the
appropriate Process Code for the work performed. FCAS projects use only time charged in
whole or half hour increments.
(7) Reciprocal No Charge FCAS Delegations. This program is managed in ECARS.
The DAI project utilizes the two-letter Country Code with No Charge (NC) acronym and current
FY. For example, if you are providing services for Germany’s DCS contract the project is
GY_NC_2019. The task is the assigned DCN (S0305A1406038941-19-IQA). The only work
Type is Regular Work and the appropriate Process Code for the services provided.
(8) DoD and other Agencies (non-core work) - MIPR. MIPRs may be managed in
ECARS unless a delegation is not required. The DAI project reflects the MIPR number (For
example: XXXXXX_19_X_xxxxx) the task is the MIPR and UIC/organization description.
(9) Non-DoD Federal Agencies Labor - MIPR. The project is loaded and managed in
ECARS. The Project is the actual MIPR # (HSCG38_19_X_JFT001) the task is the assigned
DCN. The work Type is only Regular Work and the appropriate Process Code for the work
(10) Non-DoD Federal Agencies Non-Labor – Travel. The project is not loaded in
ECARS. The Project is the actual MIPR number, and the task is the specific Labor Code. The
only authorized work type is Regular Graded and Military. The appropriate Process Code for
Direct Travel is D9998 – TDY Travel. For Indirect Travel, process code IDS05 would be used.
(11) DoD Awards. The project is not loaded in ECARS. The Project and task is the
actual MIPR number. These awards are exempt from an agreement and are processed in
coordination with CMO and FBA budget representatives. The employee award is paid from
direct labor budget in coordination with FBB after the MIPR is accepted. Then a cost transfer is
completed to attribute the award value to the reimbursable MIPR.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
Section 7: Reimbursable Labor Charges 29
b. Time Entry Increments. DAI allows time entry in quarter hour increments. However,
employees and supervisors are responsible for exception scenarios, specifically FCAS/DCS
foreign delegations which should be charged to the whole hour. This may be accomplished by
aggregating hour increments within the pay period.
c. Reimbursable Delegations. Both employee and supervisor need to verify that
reimbursable work is coded correctly through the use of the project and task structure to ensure
customer bills and the Agency’s reimbursements are accurately processed.
d. Process Codes. All time worked must be associated with a process code. Process codes
are labeled as “D” for direct codes and “I” for indirect codes
e. Leave Usage. Absence requests or leave requests are not authorized to charge
reimbursable work. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees do not charge leave
against any reimbursable work.
f. Overtime. CMOs are only authorized to charge overtime hours spent on programs that
they work in support of the applicable DAI project and task on their timecards. The
appropriateness of labor charges must be monitored by Agency supervisors in coordination with
g. End of Year Timecard Submission. Final timecards for the FY are accelerated based on
forecasted hours for the final pay period. FBR begins the closing process ten days before the
final PPE of the FY. FBR forecasts hours and manages accruals for the last pay period in
coordination with FBB.
h. End of Year Project Roll-Over. Reimbursable work is funded with annual, multi-
annual, or no year funding (i.e., NASA and FCAS). DAI is an annual financial system. FBR is
required to create new projects every year, which requires the designation and assignment of the
active DCNs to the new FY projects. CMOs in coordination with FBR are required to validate
DCNs that need to remain active and rolled over to new FY projects.
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
APPENDIX A: Systems 30
1A. Defense Agencies Initiative Order to Cash Interfaces. The table below lists the
applications that interface data to and from the DSCA DCAS DAI O2C business function.
Table 5. Defense Agencies Initiative Order to Cash Interfaces
System Name Disposition
Billings Federal
Non DoD
DAI DCAS Billings DoD
ADS DAI Cash Collections
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
1B. RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX. Listed below are the user name categories mapped to the
appropriate DAI O2C responsibilities based on their DCMA role.
Table 6. Responsibility Matrix
O2C Role
O2C AR Inquiry DCMA
O2C CA Inquiry DCMA
O2C CA Order Entry DCMA
O2C CA Project Manager DCMA
Fed Admin Inquiry DCMA
All FBR Employees
Civilian DCMA
Tier I FBSO Civilian, Contractor DCMA
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
C1. WORK INSTRUCTIONS. O2C work instructions identified to support the DAI O2C
a. R12_WI_O2C_Auto Close Program for Agreements Projects
b. R12_WI_O2C_Auto Close Report for Agreements Projects
c. R12_WI_O2C_Approve a Contract Agreement
d. R12_WI_O2C_Create a Contract Project and Task - DCMA
e. R12_WI_O2C_Create a Manual Event
f. R12_WI_O2C_Create and Fund a Contract Agreement
g. R12_WI_O2C_Create Multiple Contract Agreements Against a Single Contract Project
h. R12_WI_O2C_Manually Enter or Update a Cost Budget - DCMA
i. R12_WI_O2C_Manually Generate Order Acceptance Form - DCMA
j. R12_WI_O2C_MGT Project Billing Status Report
k. R12_WI_O2C_Monthly Receivable Data Preparation Report (Excel Version)
l. R12_WI_O2C_Process a Decrease Amendment with Automatic Cost Budget
m. R12_WI_O2C_Process a Decrease Amendment without Automatic Cost Budget-DCMA
n. R12_WI_O2C_Process an Increase Amendment for a New Task
o. R12_WI_O2C_Process an Increase Amendment to an Existing Task - DCMA
p. R12_WI_O2C_Process a Rejection for an Amendment
q. R12_WI_O2C_Project Funding Inquiry
r. R12_WI_O2C_Reject an Agreement
s. R12_WI_O2C_Review a Customer Record
t. R12_WI_O2C_Review Expenditure Inquiry
u. R12_WI_O2C_Review Project Status Inquiry
v. R12_WI_O2C_Query a Customer
w. R12_WI_O2C_SLOA Report
x. R12_WI_O2C_Dashboard Quick Reference Guide
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
AECA Arms Export Control Act
AR Accounts Receivable
AP Accounts Payable
BEA Business Enterprise Architecture
CA Cost Allocations
CAS Contract Administration Service
CCR Central Contractor Registration
CLM Command, Leadership and Management
CMO Contract Management Office
CONUS Continental United States
DAI Defense Agencies Initiative
DCAS Defense Cash Accountability System
DCN Document Control Number
DD Department of Defense
DD FORM 448 Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
DD FORM 448-2 Acceptance of MIPR
DFAS Defense Finance Accounting Service
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DSCA Defense Security Cooperation Agency
ECARS Electronic Contract Administration Request
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
FAD Funding Authorization Document
FB Financial and Business Operations Directorate
FBB Budget Division, Financial and Business Operations Directorate
FBL Chief Financial Officer Compliance Division, Financial Business
Operations Directorate
FBLA Accounting Branch, Financial and Business Operations Directorate
FBR International and Federal Business Division, Financial and Business
Operations Directorate
FBSO Financial And Business Systems Operations
FCAS Foreign Contract Administration Services
FEDCAS Federal Contract Administration Services
FMS Foreign Military Sales
FMS ADMIN Foreign Military Sales Trust Fund Administrative
FY Fiscal Year
GL General Ledger
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
IAA InterAgency Agreement
IAW In accordance with
IPAC Intra-Governmental Payment and Collections
LOA Letter of Offer and Acceptance
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MILPERS Military Personnel
MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NC No Charge
O2C Order to Cash
OBIEE Oracle Business Intelligence
OCONUS Outside Continental United States
OTL Oracle Time and Labor
OUSD Office of Under Secretary of Defense
P2P Oracle Procure to Payment
PMO Program Management Office
PO Purchase Order
QDD Quantitative Drill Down
SF Standard Form
SF 1080 Voucher for Transfer Between Appropriations and Funds
SF 1081 Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits
SLOA Standard Line of Accounting
UIC Unit Identification Code
DCMA-MAN 4301-05, Volume 3, September 8, 2019
References 35
DoD 7000.14-R,” Financial Management Regulation,” current edition
DoD Directive 5105.64, “Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA),” January 10, 2013