Summer-Fall 2012
BEA Students are Reading Wizards!
2 / Bald Eagle Area School District
While this summer has not been as
hectic as the two previous summers, it has
been a really busy few weeks for all of our
staffs. There are many things that need to be accomplished over the
summer months to allow for an orderly start of the school year.
We were notified by the Pennsylvania Department of Education
that our District had achieved Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for
the 2011-12 school year, which was a total staff/student
accomplishment. I truly appreciate and applaud all of our students
and staff, and our families, who have been so very supportive in our
efforts to encourage our
students, your children,
to perform at AYP
To help guide us in
our educational journey
over the next few years,
we will be developing a
six-year Comprehensive Plan to be completed by the end of October.
If you have an interest in serving on the Comprehensive Plan
Leadership Team, please email me at [email protected]g or call 355-
The District's fiscal health will continue to be stressed as we
cope with the increased health care, retirement, special education,
and energy costs. I do not see this financial stress going away
anytime soon. Thus far, we have not had to furlough staff or close
any of our facilities as many districts have done. We are making
every effort to accomplish our mission with reduced staffing through
retirements and/or resignations.
BEA presently has class sizes at Wingate Elementary that are
larger than those in our other three elementary schools. We are
encouraging parents, particularly our Wingate parents, to consider
sending their children to one of the three other elementary schools to
reduce the disparity of class sizes. In previous years, we may have
simply added a staff member or two at Wingate Elementary to
address this situation, but with the present budgetary cliff we are
approaching, this is no longer a viable option.
I could probably ramble on for another page or two but suspect
many of you may have left me by now. For those who are still there
I must let you know that I am pretty sure this will be my last message
as I am planning on retiring at the end of February 2013. It has been
an honor and a pleasure working with the BEA community to help
nurture the educational growth of our students for the past 39 years.
I will truly miss the interactions, particularly with our students, but
that time of retirement comes eventually for all of us and I am sure it
is time for me. Thank all of you so very, very much for supporting
and being part of our BEA family.
Dan Fisher
(814) 355-4860
Howard Reading Wizards
Earn First Place Trophy..2
Superintendent’s Message ...2
Positive Behavior Honors ...3
Eagle Ambassadors Update ..3
Wingate Elementary Gifted
Education .............4
Mountaintop Elementary Wins
Reading Super Bowl.....4
HONORED - Dan Fisher, Betsy
Dickey, Diane Lucas, Emily
Chambers, and Ben
Senior Awards .......... 6-8
CPI Awards ..............9
Senior Photos............10
Tech Team Attends
PETE & C ...........10
Ronald McDonald House
Charities Grant ........11
BEA MAKES AYP .......11
Some Shining Stars ... 12-13
Ag-Science/FFA News.....14
Environmental Art Contest . 14
Governor's Environmental
Excellence Award......15
Technology Update .......16
Abbey Crago - Board Rep..16
New Restroom Facilities ...16
BEA Tax Office Will Close . 16
Adult Ed Classes .........17
AP Chemistry............18
Mathletes Compete .......18
Middle School Reading ....18
District Directory.........19
Port Matilda Elementary
Spring Festival ........19
Read Across America......20
We Teach for Success
On the Cover…
The Howard Elementary Reading Wizards pose in front of the
Howard Elementary School, proudly displaying their trophy.
From Left - Front Row: Dominic Yoder, Kyle Undercofler, Garrett
Giedroc, and Cameron Cody; Middle Row: Anton Fatula, Dylan
Roberts, Brooke Masden, and Michael Maye; Back Row: Coach
Amber Buchanan, Natalie Nyman, Abigail Brand, Elizabeth
Peters, Madison Surovec, and Coach Mary Park.
First Place Trophy as BEA Hosts Elementary
Reading Competition
The Howard Elementary Reading Wizards, coached
by Amber Buchanan and Mary Park, won a first place
trophy in the CIU 10 Elementary
Reading Competition, which
was hosted this year by Bald
Eagle Area School District. The
Howard Elementary team was
honored at a school-wide
celebration where the
mysterious Reading Wizard
(pictured at left) magically
appeared! Music for the
afternoon celebration was
provided by the Howard
Elementary Band.
"It has been an honor and a
pleasure working with the BEA
community to help nurture the
educational growth of our students
for the past 39 years."
Summer - Fall 2012 / 3
ll four BEA elementary schools were recognized by
the State for their excellent School Wide Positive
Behavior Support Programs (SWPBS) in a ceremony in
Hershey. Each school was evaluated by a team from
the Department of Education to determine whether the
School Wide programs met the standards of excellence
and delity that the State has set. Each BEA elementary
school passed with ying colors and was declared a Ban-
ner School!
chool Wide Positive Behavior Support Programs in-
clude 3-5 positively stated rules that are consistently
taught and reinforced throughout the school year and
across all settings. Students are recognized for their ap-
propriate behavior, and there are designated procedures
for discouraging inappropriate behaviors. Schools must
also collect data to monitor the effectiveness of the pro-
gram and make adjustments where they are needed.
BEA Elementary Schools
Earn Pennsylvania
Positive Behavior Support AWARDS
programs at BEA! If your business would
like more information please contact Eagle
Ambassadors President Karen Kelce
Urbanik at karen.urbanik@
Eagle Ambassadors will be offering a tour of the
BEA Middle/High School on Friday, August 30 at
5:30 p.m., prior to the first home football game
(BEA vs. Bellefonte). The tour starts at the entrance
closest to the football field/Alumni Stadium. LOOK
FOR SIGNS! Tour the new addition and join us for
free hotdogs and cookies.
Eagle Ambassadors becomes an approved
agle Ambassadors, Inc. is now an approved Educational
Improvement Tax Credit Organization through which
companies can directly designate PA Educational Improvement
Tax Credits (EITC) to support K-12 educational improvement
initiatives in the Bald Eagle Area School District. The currently
approved anchor programs at BEA are our Eco-Pond and
Environmental Learning Center, our Botball Educational
Robotics Program/Technical Team, and our Penpals Program.
ualifying businesses complete a one-page application and
submit it to the Department of Community & Economic
Development (DCED) on July 1 of each year. Application forms
are available online at When your business
donates to an Educational Improvement Organization you
receive a 90 percent tax credit for a two-year commitment. This
is an easy and cost-effective way to support innovative
Elementary Principals Betsy Dickey (left), Mary Beth
Crago, Marsha Sackash, and Jim Orichosky proudly display
a School Wide Positive Behavior recognition banner.
Although the banner pictured is for the Wingate Elementary
School, all FOUR schools received an identical banner for
display in their schools. Congratulations to Howard,
Mountaintop, Port Matilda, and Wingate Elementary
Eagle Ambassadors
Eagle Ambassadors is a nonprot organization committed
to raising funds to ensure and enhance the quality of the
educational opportunities for students at the Bald Eagle
Area School District. Eagle Ambassadors was incorporated
in 2003 as a vehicle to support academics, arts, and athletics
at the Bald Eagle Area School District. Supporters of Eagle
Ambassadors include 50+ years of BEA alumni, along with
other members of our greater Bald Eagle Area Community
4 / Bald Eagle Area School District
Congratulations to the Mountaintop Elementary students for winning
the 2012 Reading Super Bowl. Students and staff celebrated by having
a rousing dodge ball game with Ike the Spike and the Nookie Monster.
The average number of Accelerated Reader points achieved at
Mountaintop Elementary was 40.2 per student. Throughout the entire
District, elementary students read more than 40,000 books during the
six-week contest period. Now that's a SUPER amount of reading!
hird through fifth
grade gifted support
students opened a Butter-
fly Museum at the Wing-
ate Elementary Library.
Groups of students from
K-5 were invited to come
to the museum. They en-
joyed slide shows of dif-
ferent types of butterflies
and butterfly characteris-
tics. There was a movie
about the monarch butter-
fly migration with a map
to show students where the butterflies travel. Other students created display boards about butterfly metamorphosis.
There were paper mache creations hanging from the ceiling that depicted the different stages of metamorphosis. One
student created a "robotic butterfly" that flew across the room on a piece of fishing line. It was a favorite activity. Liza
Yeaney created a poster that showed how "butterfly" was spelled in about 20 different languages.
he feedback from the youngest to the oldest students was positive. After the museum closed its doors, the
students went outside to let the live painted lady butterflies go behind the Wingate Elementary School. It was
an awesome end to a great activity. The gifted support students are already thinking of ideas for next years museum.
Wins Elementary Reading Super Bowl
A happy Mountaintop Elementary staff poses with the Super
Bowl Reading Trophy and the Eagle Mascot.
Butteries are Free at Wingate Elementary!
Students attending the Buttery Museum at Wingate Elementary watch a buttery eat an orange in its
cage (above left) and students applaud as Emily Shiels sets the last painted lady buttery free.
Mountaintop students wait for the signal to throw balls at Ike the
Spike and the Nookie Monster during the dodge ball game.
Summer - Fall 2012 / 5
an Fisher, Superintendent of
the Bald Eagle Area School
District, was honored at the 2012
Pennsylvania Association of Rural
and Small Schools (PARSS) Con-
ference as the Hillman Award Win-
ner – Pennsylvania Rural Educator
of the Year. PARSS is comprised
of approximately 180 school dis-
tricts, 10 intermediate units, and 30
business associate members.
isher has been an integral part
of Bald Eagle Area since he
served as President of the BEA Class of 1964. After completing
post-secondary studies and a stint in the Navy, he returned to his
Alma Mater as a social studies teacher, and also held the positions
of Assistant High School Principal, Athletic Director, Business
Manager, and Assistant Superintendent before becoming Superin-
tendent, a post he has served in for the past 22 years.
BETSY DICKEY in top 3 finalists for
Principal of the Year
Summer - Fall 2012/ 5
RuraI Educator of the Year
DIANE LUCAS honored with the
Victor Skotedis Award in Economics
ongratulations to Ben Leskovan-
sky, named Best Supporting Ac-
tor for his portrayal of Conrad Birdie,
and to the entire cast of Bye Bye Bird-
ie for being rst runner-up in the Best
Musical Number category at the 2012
Isaac Awards. Congratulations also
to Maggie Mehalko, Clifford Smolko
and Dylan Bathurst for their Isaac
Ben Leskovansky performs as Con-
rad Birdie as part of the entertain-
ment for the annual staff Recogni-
tion and Retirement Banquet.
iane Lucas was honored
at the 2012 Adam Smith
Leadership Award Luncheon on
June 15 at Shamokin Dam, PA
with the Victor Skotedis Award
in Economics. This award, given
by EconomicsPennsylvania, was
previously called the Teacher of
the Year and is EconomicsPenn-
sylvania's highest award given to
a teacher.
mily Chambers was recently selected as Miss BEA for
the 2012-13 school year. Mary Pillot was first runner-up
and Lexi Holderman was second runner-up. Emily, who is
the daughter of Cliff Chambers of Clarence and Tammy
Chambers of Snow Shoe, will represent the Bald Eagle Area
School District at the Flaming Foliage Festival and at other
parades and events during the summer and during the
2012-13 school year. Pictured Above: Former Miss
BEA Abby Gettig (right) crowns Emily Chambers at
ceremonies held at the Bald Eagle Area Middle/High
ongratulations to Port Matilda
Elementary Principal Betsy
Dickey who was named as one of
the top three nalists for Pennsylva-
nia for the National Distinguished
Principals Program. Mrs. Dickey's
work has caught the state-wide
attention of her peers. Through her
leadership and unselsh support of
students and staff, the Port Matilda
Elementary School has become a
valuable part of the Port Matilda
6 / Bald Eagle Area School District
6 / Bald Eagle Area School District
VALEDICTORIAN Trophy Timothy Gleason
SALUTATORIAN Trophy Kyle Johnson
Highest Honors Trophy Maggie Mehalko
Trophy Michael Blaylock
Trophy Kyle Frost
Trophy Kodie Vermillion
Trophy Brittany Etters
Trophy Abby Gettig
Honors Awards Certificate Kylie-Lynne Bechdel
Certificate Emilie Rogers
Certificate Nathan Neely
Certificate Sheri McCloskey
Certificate Steven Gawryla
Certificate Randall Haynes
Certificate Garren Kunes
Certificate Kelly Hamer
U. S. Marine Corps Awards
Scholastic Excellence Award Certificate Tim Gleason
Semper Fidelis Award Certificate Kyle Lucas
Athletic Awards Male: Certificate Kyle Frost
Athletic Awards Female: Certificate Brittany Etters
The Richard M. Sharp Memorial Award Certificate Tim Gleason
Good Citizen Award Certificate Abby Gettig
Good Citizen Award Certificate Kodie Vermillion
Unionville/Union Township Award Union Township Certificate $25.00 Kodie Vermillion
Boggs Township SAT Award $25.00 Sheri McCloskey
Milesburg Borough SAT Award $25.00 Maggie Mehalko
Attendance Award Female: $25.00 Samantha Wellar
Attendance Award Male: $25.00 Trevor Craig
Art Award $25.00 Kylie-Lynne Bechdel
Union Grange #325 Achievement Award Certificate $25.00 Molly Gilbert
"Pappy" Tom Tedrow Memorial Volleyball Award Plaque $25.00 Megan Flick
Clarence American Legion Auxiliary Award Certificate/Pin $25.00 Shay Cramer
The Aaron Weaver Memorial Award $25.00 Ed McMillin
Wingate Community Service Award $50.00 Seth Holt
Wingate Community Service Award $50.00 Jessica Brobeck
County Star in FFA & Agricultural Program for Bald Eagle Area $50.00 Cortney Matthiesen
Senior High Service Award $50.00 Morgan Donley
Our Lady of the Mountain-Knights of Columbus Council Award $50.00 Michael Blaylock
Our Lady of the Mountain-Knights of Columbus Council Award $50.00 Shay Cramer
The Military Appreciation Award Marines: $50.00 Brian Walk
The Military Appreciation Award Marines: $50.00 Corbin Rossman
D.A.R. Good Citizen Award Certificate/Pin $50.00 Abby Gettig
Senior Awards
Class President Colin Barr (left), Salutatorian Kyle Johnson,
and Valedictorian Timothy Gleason.
Summer - Fall 2012 / 7
VALEDICTORIAN Trophy Timothy Gleason
SALUTATORIAN Trophy Kyle Johnson
Highest Honors Trophy Maggie Mehalko
Trophy Michael Blaylock
Trophy Kyle Frost
Trophy Kodie Vermillion
Trophy Brittany Etters
Trophy Abby Gettig
Honors Awards Certificate Kylie-Lynne Bechdel
Certificate Emilie Rogers
Certificate Nathan Neely
Certificate Sheri McCloskey
Certificate Steven Gawryla
Certificate Randall Haynes
Certificate Garren Kunes
Certificate Kelly Hamer
U. S. Marine Corps Awards
Scholastic Excellence Award Certificate Tim Gleason
Semper Fidelis Award Certificate Kyle Lucas
Athletic Awards Male: Certificate Kyle Frost
Athletic Awards Female: Certificate Brittany Etters
The Richard M. Sharp Memorial Award Certificate Tim Gleason
Good Citizen Award Certificate Abby Gettig
Good Citizen Award Certificate Kodie Vermillion
Unionville/Union Township Award Union Township Certificate $25.00 Kodie Vermillion
Boggs Township SAT Award $25.00 Sheri McCloskey
Milesburg Borough SAT Award $25.00 Maggie Mehalko
Attendance Award Female: $25.00 Samantha Wellar
Attendance Award Male: $25.00 Trevor Craig
Art Award $25.00 Kylie-Lynne Bechdel
Union Grange #325 Achievement Award Certificate $25.00 Molly Gilbert
"Pappy" Tom Tedrow Memorial Volleyball Award Plaque $25.00 Megan Flick
Clarence American Legion Auxiliary Award Certificate/Pin $25.00 Shay Cramer
The Aaron Weaver Memorial Award $25.00 Ed McMillin
Wingate Community Service Award $50.00 Seth Holt
Wingate Community Service Award $50.00 Jessica Brobeck
County Star in FFA & Agricultural Program for Bald Eagle Area $50.00 Cortney Matthiesen
Senior High Service Award $50.00 Morgan Donley
Our Lady of the Mountain-Knights of Columbus Council Award $50.00 Michael Blaylock
Our Lady of the Mountain-Knights of Columbus Council Award $50.00 Shay Cramer
The Military Appreciation Award Marines: $50.00 Brian Walk
The Military Appreciation Award Marines: $50.00 Corbin Rossman
D.A.R. Good Citizen Award Certificate/Pin $50.00 Abby Gettig
/ 7
Mountaintop English Award $50.00 Garren Kunes
Mountaintop Social Studies Award $50.00 Kyle Frost
American History Award Certificate/Medal $50.00 Steven Gawryla
Mountaintop True Value Hardware Store Award $50.00 Victoria McKean
Hall’s Market Award $50.00 Garren Kunes
The Snow Shoe VFW Post 5644 Ladies Auxiliary Award $50.00 Emily Butterworth
Walter L. McClincy Memorial Award Male: $50.00 Kyle Frost
Walter L. McClincy Memorial Award Female: $50.00 Sheri McCloskey
Bald Eagle Soccer Award $50.00 Dan Styles
The Bisbee Project Scholarship for Service $50.00 Tyler Howell
St. John The Evangelist Home-School Association Recognition Award $50.00 Sarah Miller
St. John The Evangelist Home-School Association Recognition Award $50.00 Taylor Kresovich
Gerald R. Wiser Memorial Scholarship Plaque $75.00 Shay Cramer
Student Government Activities Scholarship $75.00 Emilie Rogers
The Dr. Barry Bowe Memorial Award $100.00 Maggie Mehalko
Howard Area Lions Club Leo Award $100.00 Kodie Vermillion
Woodmen of the World Lodge 691 American History Award Plaque $100.00 Tim Gleason
Pizza Mia Entrepreneur Spirit Award $100.00 Ashley Grant
Port Matilda, Worth, or Huston Township Award $100.00 Timothy Gleason
Port Matilda, Worth, or Huston Township Award $100.00 Kyle Johnson
Howard Civic Club Award $100.00 Brittany Etters
Howard Area Scholastic Award $100.00 Clayton Gardner
Mays Korman Memorial Homemaking Award $100.00 Abby Johnson
The Doug Crater Memorial Award $100.00 Matt Dillon
Centre County Pomona Grange # 13 $100.00 Katrina Heeman
Centre County Bar Association Award for Civic Responsibility $100.00 Emilie Rogers
Mountaintop Scholastic Award $100.00 Michael Blaylock
First National Bank Business Education Award $100.00 Sarah Miller
Allen T. Weaver Memorial Scholarship $100.00 Brittany Etters
Bald Eagle Area High School Service Award $100.00 Brittany Etters
Bellefonte Intervalley Area C of C Business Award $100.00 Nathan Neely
Eagle Cheer Award $100.00 Brittany Etters
Leo T. Bomboy, Sr. Memorial Award $100.00 Dustin Coakley
Leo T. Bomboy, Sr. Memorial Award $100.00 Emily Butterworth
The Nittany Leatherneck Detachment Semper-Fi Award $100.00 Brian Walk
The Norman B. Fisher Memorial Award for Baseball $100.00 Jeff Koleno
Tiffany Bratton Memorial Scholarship $100.00 Megan Flick
The Timothy Van Orman Award $100.00 Molly Gilbert
Milesburg Lions Club Industrial Technology Award $125.00 Quentin Schnarrs
Milesburg Lions Club Leo Club Award $125.00 Kodie Vermillion
Howard Elementary School and Community Service Award $150.00 Brittany Etters
Howard Elementary School and Community Service Award $150.00 Keirsey Hackenberg
Carolyn Connelly Memorial Scholarship $150.00 Kara Hammond
The Dennis L. Hanscom Memorial Award $150.00 Michael Smith
The Etters/Shope Award $150.00 Abby Gettig
The Etters/Shope Award $150.00 Emily Butterworth
Snow Shoe Lions Club Award Regular Curriculum: $200.00 Michael Blaylock
$200.00 Kyle Frost
CPI Curriculum: $200.00 Toby Allen
$200.00 Hannah Bosak
Bald Eagle Area Class of 1964 Memorial Scholarship $200.00 Kyle Lucas
Ethel L. Meckes Memorial Award $200.00 Cassondra Ross
Howard Area Lions Club Memorial Scholarship $200.00 Alaina Warner
Kiwanis Leadership Award $200.00 Katie Lyons
Ashley A. McClain Memorial Softball Scholarship $200.00 Taylor Kresovich
Lycoming College Scholarship $200.00 Shawna Risley
American Red Cross Making a Difference Educational Scholarship $250.00 Shelby Wellar
The William J. McCamley, Sr. Memorial Scholarship $250.00 Keirsey Hackenberg
Bald Eagle Area Football 1st and 10 Club Annual Senior Academic Achievement Award $250.00 Matt Dillon
Gary Confer Memorial Award $250.00 Matt Dillon
Gary Confer Memorial Award $250.00 Abby Gettig
BEA Wrestling Club Award Plaque $250.00 Matt Dillon
The Rex G. McCloskey Drama Award $250.00 Carol Ann Fayman
The Rex G. McCloskey Drama Award $250.00 Maggie Mehalko
Senior Awards Senior Awards
8 / Bald Eagle Area School District8 / Bald Eagle Area School District
Bald Eagle Area Music Booster Club Choral Award $250.00 Maggie Mehalko
Bald Eagle Area Music Booster Club Choral Award $250.00 Josh Koleno
National Choral Award Pin/Trophy Josh Koleno
National Choral Award Pin/Ttrophy Maggie Mehalko
Fred Waring Director's Award Plaque Abby Gettig
Bald Eagle Area Music Booster Club Band Award $250.00 Kyle Lucas
Bald Eagle Area Music Booster Club Band Award $250.00 Michael Blaylock
John Philip Sousa Plaque/Pin/Trophy Tim Gleason
Louis Armstrong Plaque/Pin/Trophy Kyle Frost
Music Department Scholastic Achievement Award $250.00 Tim Gleason
Elks Academic Service Award $250.00 Brittany Etters
Outstanding Student in Environmental Science Award $250.00 Kyle Johnson
The Reverend A. John Perna Memorial Award Plaque Hannah Bosak
2011-2012 BEA Football Scholar Athlete Plaque Matt Dillon
BEA Baseball Coaches Award Plaque Dustin Coakley
Howard Chambers Jr. Memorial Baseball Award Plaque Jeff Koleno
James H. Snyder Memorial Award Letterman: Plaque Kyle Frost
James H. Snyder Memorial Award Letterwoman: Plaque Abby Gettig
Gary Spain Coaches Award Male: Plaque Jeff Koleno
Gary Spain Coaches Award Female: Plaque Abby Gettig
Dennis Spotts Memorial Award Plaque Dan Styles
Dennis Spotts Memorial Award Plaque Quentin Schnarrs
Norman “Cork” Womer Award Male: Plaque Matt Dillon
Norman “Cork” Womer Award Female: Plaque Megan Flick
Scholar/Athlete Award Plaque Kyle Frost
Soaring Eagle Award Plaque Megan Flick
Steven R. Dorman Memorial Athletic Award Plaque/Book $50.00 Colby Peters
Steven R. Dorman Memorial Athletic Award Plaque/Book $50.00 Jeff Koleno
Burl Flick Memorial Athletic Award Football Plaque Cody Ripka
Girls Basketball Plaque Abby Gettig
Boys Basketball Plaque Jeff Koleno
Girls Track Plaque Sheri McCloskey
Boys Track Plaque Kyle Frost
Boys Track Plaque Doug Turner
Baseball Plaque Jeff Koleno
Softball Plaque Carrie Barnyak
Wrestling Plaque Matt Dillon
Girls Soccer Plaque Abby Gettig
Boys Soccer Plaque Dan Styles
Girls Cross Country Plaque Shay Cramer
Volleyball Plaque Megan Flick
Andrew R. (Andy) Jodon Memorial Scholarship $300.00 Jeff Koleno
Betty J. Alexander-Norfolk Memorial Scholarship $300.00 Kelly Hamer
Delta Kappa Gamma Award $300.00 Emilie Rogers
Mount Nittany Medical Center Award $300.00 Taylor Cingle
Principal’s Leadership and Service Award Plaque $300.00 Brittany Etters
Leeman Hilner Memorial Award $400.00 Garren Kunes
Air Force Scholarship Program $500.00 Matt Dillon
Pennsylvania Association of Rural Small Schools $500.00 Samantha Wellar
The Jody Sinclair Memorial Award $500.00 Ed McMillin
The Jody Sinclair Memorial Award $500.00 Kyle Frost
Bellefonte Lodge #268 of the Free and Accepted Masons $500.00 Shawna Risley
Rex G. McCloskey Memorial Scholarship Award $500.00 Sheri McCloskey
Elks Community Service Award $500.00 Kodie Vermillion
The Connelly/McCloskey Education Scholarship Award $600.00 Emilie Rogers
The Bob and Donna Vallimont Scholarship $1,000.00 Jessica Brobeck
David B. Garver Memorial Scholarship Valedictorian: $1,000.00 Timothy Gleason
David B. Garver Memorial Scholarship Salutatorian: $1,000.00 Kyle Johnson
LT. Col. Robert and Lois Barraclough Scholarship $1,000.00 Kylie-Lynne Bechdel
Workforce Development Scholarship $1,250.00 Toby Allen
Pennsylvania Association of Rural Small Schools $2,000.00 Chelsea Poorman
The Next Step Scholarship $2,500.00 Randall Haynes
Senior Awards
Summer - Fall 2012 / 9
Special Awards
Heather N. Mitchell David B. Garver Memorial Scholarship
Randall J. Haynes Outstanding Cooperative Education Student
David W. Young Excellence in Attendance
Heather N. Mitchell CPI Leadership Award
Randall J. Haynes CPI Outstanding Student
Automotive Science Technology
Toby A. Allen Fisher Auto Parts
Building Trades Maintenance
Edward M. Walker Sheetz, Inc.
Michael P. Skrtich Instructor's Award
Michael C. Smith Triangle Building Supply
Collision Repair Technology
Shane K. Carra Waite's Auto Body Shop
Alicia Boscaino Teacher's Award
Samantha P. Plummer Chelsea Weaver Memorial Award
Culinary Arts/Food & Beverage Management
Brandy L. Loesch C. A. Curtze, Co.
Brandy L. Loesch Outstanding Student Plaque
Dental Assisting
Adrienne P. Cain David Englehart, DMD, Nittany Dental
Associates and Pediatric Dental Care
Heather N. Mitchell Centre Dental Society, Country Side Dental,
James E. Grant, DMD and Central
Pennsylvania Endodontics
Heather N. Mitchell Outstanding Student Plaque
Diesel Equipment Maintenance & Repair Technology
Nathan Richner Michael D. Bird Memorial Award
Heavy Equipment Operation Technology
Dakota J. Moore Ronald J. Gummo Sr. Memorial Award
Dustin M. Coakley Groff Tractor & Equipment
Gregory L. Butterworth Glenn O. Hawbaker Memorial Award
Gregory L. Butterworth Outstanding Student Plaque
Trent G. Beck Instructor's Award
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Steven M. Christensen Clyde W. Confer Memorial Award
Steven M. Christensen Malco "Head of the Class Award"
Steven M. Christensen Instructor's Top Graduating Senior Award
Steven M. Christensen Outstanding Student Award
Masonry & Building Construction Technology
Cody L. Vaughn Marshalltown
Medical Science Technology
Rachel R. Davis The Hearthside
Rachel R. Davis Outstanding Student Plaque
Precision Machine Technology
Randall J. Haynes Stephen Zeleznick Memorial Award
Randall J. Haynes NIMS
Randall J. Haynes Outstanding Student Plaque
Protective Services
Kristine B. Chiodo Outstanding Student Plaque
Matthew J. Bisel Anthony Doran Memorial Award
Garrett J. R. Goss Roberts Oxygen
Matthew J. Bisel Outstanding Student Plaque
Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science & Technology Awards
Senior Awards Senior Awards
Timothy Gleason
Kyle Johnson
CPI Outstanding Student
Randall Haynes
10 / Bald Eagle Area School District
Senior Photos
Summer - Fall 2012 / 11
he Bald Eagle Area Tech Team attended the 2012
PETE & C (Pennsylvania Education and Technol-
ogy Conference) student showcase in Hershey. The
students had a chance to explain their projects, which
included the categories of Digital Movie, Animation,
Graphic Design, Website Design, Programming, and
Logo Design, to people from all over the state. The stu-
dents were very impressed by the amount of people who
stopped to look at their projects. Many offered positive
feedback and ideas to make their projects better for the
Regional Competition. Students in attendance and their
project areas were:
Dylan Bathurst, Keirsey Hackenberg, and Kara Hammond
Digital Movie:
“Spread the Word to End the Word.”
Evan Kim and Wyatt Glover:
Logo Design
The team designed a logo for the 2013 PA State
Computer Fair.
Kyle Lucas and Doug Turner:
Used an animation program to grow a ower.
Nick Pytel, Zach Ishler, Wyatt Glover: Programming
Developed a gaming program that challenges math skills.
Kylie-Lynn Bechdel and Cody Huyett: Graphic Design
Designed a theme restaurant including menus, business
cards, and yers.
Logan Fye and Ben Leskovansky: Website Design
Designed web page to promote the BEA Tech/Botball Team.
hanks to the Ronald McDonald House Charities
(RMHC) of Mid-Penn Region, Inc., Bald Eagle
Area students will continue to be rewarded for their
positive behavior. RMHC awarded a $7,500 grant to
the Eagle Ambassadors Program at the BEA School
District to support the School Wide Positive Behavior
Programs at the elementary and middle-school levels.
The positive behavior program includes coaches at
each building, staff and student training, weekly class
meetings, rules posted throughout each building, and a
school rewards system, which includes Soaring Eagle
Tickets. Soaring Eagle Tickets are earned by students
for displaying positive behavior and names are drawn
randomly by the principals. The winning tickets are
then exchanged for rewards.
rant funds will be used to purchase age-appropriate
rewards such as books, games, and gift cards to
reward students for their positive behaviors, and to pur-
chase materials for school-wide promotional posters.
awards BEA a $7,500
Grant through Eagle Ambassadors
Evan Kim stands next to a Computer Fair Logo that
he helped design.
Mid-Penn Region
to all Bald Eagle Area
students and staff for
achieving Adequate
Yearly Progress (AYP)
during the 2011-12
school year!
12 / Bald Eagle Area School District
Some of BEA's
Shining Stars
Kara Hammond, Dylan Bathurst,
and Keirsey Hackenberg
first Place at the CIU 10
Regional Computer Fair
District JAZZ BAND
L-R, Kyle Frost, Cliff Smolko, Andrea Crock, and Luke Besong.
Indoor Majorettes - 2012 Atlantic
Coast Scholastic "A" Champions
Unit members include Captains Molly Gilbert and Kara Hammond;
Tyler Bickle, Nicole Bonsell, Becca Bowling, Gabby Davidson,
Chelcie Goss, Cristen Heaton, Madison Maney, Emily Padisak,
Samantha Plummer, Stephanie Plummer, Mary Veneziano, Morgan
Walk, and Jessica Wellar,
/ Bald Eagle Area School District
Summer - Fall 2012 / 13
Aaron Varner placed sixth in the AAA State Wrestling
District / Regional Chorus
Standing L-R: Dale Haagen, Maggie Mehalko, and Clifford
Smolko; Seated L-R: Lexi Holderman, Kaitlyn Laird, Josh Koleno,
and Doug Turner. Maggie Mehalko and Clifford Smolko also
qualified for Region III Chorus, and Maggie Mehalko qualified to
attend All-State Chorus.
Uneven Bars
Silver Division
PA Classic Gymnastics
District / Regional Band
L-R, Top Row: Cliff Smolko*, Kyle Frost,* Tim Gleason* and
Luke Besong. Bottom Row: Emily Quick, Hannah Martin*, Tyler
Bickle and Dale Haagen. (* Regional Band Participants).
Summer - Fall 2012 / 13
JAKE TAYLOR - Third Place
AAA State Wrestling Championships
14 / Bald Eagle Area School District
BEA enters Environmental Art Contest
What's your carbon footprint?
Ag-Science Progam & FFA News Governor's Environmental Excellence Award
Sarah Fisher (right) wraps newspaper around a used shipping
box for clay that was used as a torso; the large white plastic
bottles are used mayo jars from the cafeteria; the pink shorts
are made from old student schedules; plastic soda bottles
make up the arms and legs; and the figure rides on a duct-
taped "carbon footprint." Emma Thompson (above) holds
up computer paper that will become Shim's hair - other
students working on the project are (from left) Clarissa
Woomer, Joshua Bechdel, Heather Huett, and Madison
Watkins. The only new material used to build the life-sized
figurine was glue!
When Siemens invited BEA to participate in an art contest where entrees
would pertain to ecological issues in some way, thirty BEA students under the di-
rection of Art Instructor Rose Cox, came up with a collaborative work of art. Their
entry was a life-size student named "Shim," who was made completely of post-use
materials and was inspired by the work of
artists Michelle Reader and HA Schult.
Mrs. Cox said she believes artists are true
visionaries and must model responsible
stewardship of our natural resources.
The students traveled to Harrisburg for the judg-
ing and a cook-out. The judges were impressed with the
artwork and students received a pizza party as a reward.
Be sure to look for "Shim" on display throughout the Dis-
trict during the 2012-13 school year.
83rd State FFA Activities Week & Convention
amantha Rougeux competed in the
Junior Public Speaking CDE (Ca-
reer Development Event) at the State
FFA Convention. To qualify for this
honor Samantha won the FFA North-
east Regional Junior public speaking
competition at Penn College, competing
against 11 FFA members from across
the state of Pennsylvania (3 students
qualify from each of the 4 regions of the state for a total of
12). Samantha placed sixth in the State of Pennsylvania with
her speech, entitled New Beginning, on raising her rabbits to
show at the Grange Fair and what she learned from this expe-
rience. Congratulations Samantha!
Riding a wagon
that they built,
some of the Bald
Eagle Area FFA
members ride in
the Mountain-
top Parade.
The new Ag Work Area
and Storage Building,
which is located be-
tween the football eld
and weight room at the
Middle/High School, is
taking shape.
Summer - Fall 2012 / 15
he Bald Eagle Area School District received the 2012 Governors Award for Environmental Excellence at an awards
ceremony in Harrisburg. The awards, presented annually by the PA Department of Environmental Protection, are the
highest statewide honor bestowed upon businesses and organizations for environmental performance and innovation.
he award was given to the District for three recent initiatives at the
Wingate campus – an environmental center, solar panel installa-
tions, and geothermal heating and cooling systems. These initiatives were
made possible by much staff perseverance and dedication, and because of a
forward-thinking Board of Education. Bald Eagle Area’s Wingate Complex
Renovation w/Solar, Geothermal and Environmental Center was one of 17
statewide projects selected to receive the Governors Award, and was the only
award-winner from Centre County.
ark Ott, BEAs Food Service Director, submitted the proposal for
consideration earlier this year. Ott, who is also the President of the
Woodland Owners of Centre County, a member of the Pennsylvania Forestry
Association Board, and a Pennsylvania Forest Steward, says he submitted the
proposal because he thought Bald Eagle Area should receive statewide recogni-
tion for its environmental efforts. Ott said, “When I look around our schools
and see solar panels on the roofs, a recently constructed environmental center,
a Forest Stewardship Plan in the works, and geothermal heating and cooling systems within the schools, I am truly proud of Bald
Eagle Area’s environmentally-conscious efforts. Our students see these energy-saving and environmentally friendly projects
every day at school. That’s a good thing, as it gently reminds and educates students to be more ecologically responsible.”
Ag-Science Progam & FFA News Governor's Environmental Excellence Award
Summer - Fall 2012 / 15
2.5 million-dollar photovoltaic rooftop
system was installed at no cost to the Dis-
trict with the help of Solar One, LLC and
1.4 million dollars in government incen-
System provides 50 percent of the electri-
cal requirements for the schools.
Library kiosk and wall displays give real-
time data about the electricity the solar
panels are generating.
Envisioned in 2007 – the Environmental
Center became a reality in 2012.
Built mainly with grant funding and vol-
unteer support.
Outdoor classroom with dock. Environ-
mental area includes a one-half acre pond
and 100 acres of crop and forest land.
Provides K-12 students with enriching
"hands-on" environmental activities.
The 224 wells are located under the foot-
ball practice eld adjacent to the high
Wells are 500-foot deep.
Geothermal installation was part of a 27
million dollar renovation project.
A $500,000 Energy Harvest Grant from
the State of Pennsylvania helped provide
funding for the geothermal system.
Receiving the award at Harrisburg. Pictured
(from left) Mark Ott, PA Environmental Council
President & CEO Paul King, Marsha Sackash,
PA Dept. of Environmental Protection Secretary
Michael Krancer, and Dan Fisher.
16 / Bald Eagle Area School District
The BEA Earned Income Tax Office, which is located across from the high school in the District Administration
Building, will close as of September 1, 2012. Because of a law passed by the State of Pennsylvania (State Act 32 of
2008) earned income tax must now be collected by a county-wide collection agency in State College Borough, a site
which was selected by the Centre County Tax Collection Committee.
All balance dues and delinquent filings of tax forms for the years up to and including 2011 are to be paid in
full and filed by September 1, 2012. If they are not filed, they will be sent to the District Magistrate's Office for
collection and additional fines and fees will be assessed at that time.
Extensions that are due October 15, 2012 and December 17, 2012 will still be accepted in the Bald Eagle
Area Tax Office.
The Centre Tax Agency (State College Borough) will be collecting monies for 2012 and beyond. All future
tax filings will be filed with the Centre Tax Agency. The address and phone number for the Centre Tax Agency is
243 S. Allen Street, State College, PA 16801 (814) 234-7120.
September 1, 2012
The Bald Eagle Area School District has recently
established a District Technology Committee to investigate
current technology uses and to make recommendations for
short and long term technology goals for the District. This
committee is comprised of elementary and secondary teach-
ers, building and central ofce administrators, and members
of the BEA community and Board of Education. The commit-
tee is discussing the technology uses of various software and
education programs and the types of hardware that may be
used with the various programs which range from PC (Win-
dows) based hardware to Apple Macbooks to iPads for student
and teacher use. A needs assessment survey of educational
technology will be used to gather information from teachers,
administrators, and clerical staff that will be used to make a
decision on what hardware will be purchased.
The Board of Education has also established an Ad-
hoc committee to focus on the direction that the district will
take with regard to technology, including the expansion of
wireless coverage in the Middle/High School/Wingate Ele-
mentary School buildings, computer hardware (PC or Apple),
data security, data back-up options, etc.
The information gathered by these committees will
be incorporated into the Technology Plan, which is part of the
Comprehensive Plan required by the Pennsylvania Depart-
ment of Education. This plan is to be completed by Novem-
ber 2012. This plan is for a period of three years and will
be re-evaluated on an annual basis by the District Technology
District Technology Committee Update
is Student Rep
Abbey Crago will be the Student
Representative to the Board of Education
for the 2012-13 school year. She will at-
tend meetings and report on school news.
Abbey is a Junior and some of her activi-
ties include student government, drama
club, and National Honor Society.
The newest improvements at the
Middle/High School are restroom facilities
near the Environmental Center and Baseball
Field. Facilities should be completed by the
start of the 2012-13 school year.
Summer - Fall 2012 / 17
During Field Day 2012 everyone enjoyed the new direction
that BEA's Elementary Field Day has taken. Rather than having
eliminations at each school, which allowed only the winning students
from third, fourth, and fifth grade eliminations to participate in
activities while the rest of the students watched, every student could
participate in all 12 events at Field Day. Each student was assigned,
by grade, to the Blue or Gold Teams in a mixture of students from
the other elementary schools. The scored events were the jump rope,
hoop shoot, 70-yard dash, soccer shoot, 800-foot run, and softball
throw. The just-for-fun events were the long jump, hula hoops, tag
games, obstacle course, sack races, and tug-of-war. High school
students were on hand to help wherever they were needed.
The elementary students and their parents had received
previous instructions about the new field day procedures so they
knew what to expect. All students rotated from station to station and
enjoyed participating in a full-day of fun activities while meeting students from the other schools. Half of the events were
held in the morning. Students then enjoyed a brown bag lunch, and then completed the additional six events before returning
to their home schools.
Students had a great time at this well-planned schoolwide event!
Registrations will be accepted by mail or by phone, and 10 people are
required to register before the class will be held. We will hold your
place in class until a check for the class fee is received. Please do
not send cash. In the event that we do not receive the required 10
people for a class, your check will be returned. Any questions
regarding the Adult Education Program can be directed to Nancy
Fisher at 355-4860 or 355-3737, Monday-Friday, between the hours
of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
An evening class will be offered one night a week for eight weeks. Zumba combines Latin and International music with a fun and effective
workout system. Classes will be held Monday evenings at Wingate Elementary from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., beginning Monday, September
24. Cost: BEASD Resident – $25.00, Non-resident – $40.00. Registration Deadline is September 14.
Name ________________________________________________________ Telephone_______________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Class you wish to register for _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Are you a resident of the Bald Eagle Area School District? Yes _____ No______
Check enclosed in the amount of $ ______________________________
Please return registration form/check before the registration deadline to: Bald Eagle Area School District, Adult Education Registration
Make check payable to “Bald Eagle Area School District” 751 S. Eagle Valley Road, Wingate, PA 16823
This is the perfect course for new computer users or those who have
never had any formal orientation to the Windows environment. You
will learn to identify different types of hardware and their functions,
how to customize the Windows environment, and much more.
Classes will be held at the Bald Eagle Area Middle/Senior High
School on Monday & Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.,
beginning Monday, September 24, 2012, and will continue for 6
weeks. Cost: BEASD Resident – $25.00, Non-resident – $40.00.
Registration Deadline is September 14.
18 / Bald Eagle Area School District
MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAM Earns First Place Trophy
The Advanced Placement Chemistry Class created
a demonstration show with a "secret agent theme."
The story was written by L. J. Flood, and the group
presented the show, which was lled with all sorts
of neat chemistry effects such as fog, ames, and
colorful foaming chemicals, to the Wingate Elemen-
tary second grade students.
The Bald Eagle Area Reading Rulers, coached
by Jodie Long and Roseanne Meyers, earned a rst
place trophy at the 2012 CIU 10 Middle School Read-
ing Competition, which was held at the Central Moun-
tain Middle School. Members of the BEA team were:
Front row (left-right): Alyson Onder, Alice Statham,
Morgan Chambers, and Matthew Blaylock (Captain);
Back row: Brooke Myers, Emma Murgas, Mariah
Veneziano, Charlee Harris, Tiff Reese, and Kaitlin
Carter. Congratulations Reading Rulers!
BEA hosted its rst Math-
letes Competition during the 2011-
12 school year. The students were
excited and all smiles about the
competition. Some of the students'
comments were:
"I love math – it is my favorite sub-
ject! I either want to be a Calculus
teacher, or an Algebra teacher, or a
creative writing teacher."
"We’re awesome - It’s fun. We get packets and we need to
answer the problems – we have 10 minutes to answer them (and
then we check our answers). "
"When we are in the Team Round it is a little stressful, but fun
at the same time."
"This is our third competition. It is a really good time."
District Directory
Mathletes and advisors pictured to the right - (From Left) First
Row: Matthew Blaylock, Mackenzie Stine, Elizabeth Wellar, Kiara
McClusick, Colten Lucas, Karina Bloom, and Michael Bailey; Sec-
ond Row: Miss Buda, Madison Ripka, Skyler Woodward, Morgan
Dubbs, Kayla O’Leary, Miss Thompson, and Miss Warren; Third
Row: Mr. Hoover, Mr. Roberts, Brian Egan, Seth Woodring, Phoebe
McClincy, Stone Woodring, and Noah Rowland.
Summer - Fall 2012 / 19
Port Matilda PTO Holds Annual Spring Festival
District Directory
Administrative Offices
751 S. Eagle Valley Road Wingate
Superintendent of Schools 355-4860
Business Office 355-5516
Elementary Supervisor 355-3737
Food Service 355-8068
Math Director 355-5731
Plant Supervisor 355-4860
Reading Director 353-1413
Special Education 355-5731
Technology/Grants 353-1413
Transportation 355-5516
Wage Tax Office 355-5961
Elementary Schools
Howard Elementary 625-2423
Mountaintop Area Elementary 387-6861
Port Matilda Elementary 692-7429
Wingate Elementary 355-4872
Middle-High School
Principal 355-4868
Athletic Director 355-5721
Attendance Office 355-5721
Guidance Office 355-4629
Central Pennsylvania Institute of
Science & Technology 359-2793
Board of School Directors
S. Thomas Letterman, President
Jeffrey C. Turner, Vice-President and CPI Representative
Timothy E. Nilson, Secretary and PSBA Liaison
Susan Butterworth
Mary Ann Hamilton
Theresa D. Peters
John E. Rougeux
Tawna Smith, CIU 10 Representative
Richard Watters
Lloyd A. Rhoades, Treasurer
uest presenters from Cen-
Clear Head Start, Time
Release, and Port Matilda PTO
shared information with the stu-
dents and parents. The Port
Matilda Fire Company and E.M.S
were on hand to give demonstra-
tions of the “Jaws of Life” and
provided a “Smoke Room.” Stu-
dents, families, and friends prac-
ticed the life-saving skill of safe-
ly escaping a room filled with
artificial smoke.
his day would
not be pos-
sible without the
“Port Family”
ALL working to-
gether. Thanks to
everyone involved
for making the day
a great success!
Starting off the 5K Fun Run/Walk.
ort Matilda Elementary PTO held their annual Spring
Festival on Saturday, May 19. The day started with
the 2nd annual 5K Fun Run/Walk. Over 100 students,
families, and neighbors participated in this event. The 5K
course went from the school to the local park, around the
neighborhood, and ended back at the school.
fter the race there was plenty to eat and fun games for
everyone to play. Port Matilda teachers and families
hosted games like Fishing Pond of Books, Plinko, Ball
Bounce, Lollipop Toss, Wack-a-Roni, and an Obstacle
Course, just to name a few. The Bouncy House run by
Mrs. Dickey was enjoyed by all.
Above - The Port Matilda Fire Company also provided a way
to cool everyone off when the afternoon weather got too hot!
20 / Bald Eagle Area School District
Bald Eagle Area School District
751 South Eagle Valley Road
Wingate, PA 16823-4740
Mr. Daniel Fisher, Superintendent
U.S. Postage
State College, PA
Permit No. 293
ald Eagle Area LOVES to read, and the National Edu-
cation Association's Read Across America Day was an-
other "good excuse" to celebrate reading at BEA. Since the
day also celebrates Dr. Seuss's birthday, students encountered
Cat in the Hat look-a likes reading stories to them in their
he Middle/High School staff found opportunities to con-
nect reading and writing and environmental science
with the popularity of the recently released movie, The Lo-
rax. Truffula trees grew on classroom doors, in the hallways,
and in the library. Mrs. Biddle's science classes had exciting
readings of The Lorax, complete with costumes (pictured at
he Middle/High library also held a Lorax Writing Contest
where students were asked to write an ending to the story
of The Lorax. There were 66 entries and over 100 people
voted for their favorite story endings in 3 separate categories:
High School, Middle School, and Life Skills. Winners en-
joyed a piece of "Read Across America Day" cake during a
celebration in the library!
“The more that you read, the more things
you will know. The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go.”
Lorax Writing Contest Winners (Left to Right) Mrs. Ryba; Carissa Matthiesen (1st Place Middle School); Alyssia Lucas (2nd Place Middle
School); Nicole Walzer (1st Place High School); Nicole Gass (2nd Place High School); and Ms. Yost. Not pictured: Nolan Climent (1st Place
Life Skills), and Room 50 (2nd Place Life Skills).