© 2020 Rev, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
sales@rev.com | 737-207-9232 | rev.com/security
The following document provides an overview of Rev’s Information Security & Privacy
program. We advise reviewing this document in its entirety.
Rev.com’s advanced platform is a multi-tenant, multi-user, on-demand service providing
unbeatable quality, speed, and value to clients and freelancers alike.
Rev.com may be securely accessed 24x7 through any Internet-connected computer
with a standard browser, an application program interface (API), or mobile applications.
Rev Information Security &
Privacy Program Overview
Ensure that customer data is
encrypted and inaccessible to
other customers and the public.
Ensure that customer data is
accessible to sta only to the
extent necessary to perform the
required work.
Prevent loss or corruption of
customer data.
Maintain a redundant infrastructure
with 99.9% uptime.
Provide timely notification in the
unlikely event of downtime, data
corruption or loss.
Provide continuous training for
our sta on proper operation of
our systems and best practices for
security and privacy.
Our security policies and procedures are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Rev security team,
which is also responsible for their enforcement. All our sta have signed confidentiality agreements.
Security is a critical part of our business. With our security & privacy program, we strive to
achieve the following goals:
© 2020 Rev, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
sales@rev.com | 737-207-9232 | rev.com/security
Please see the Rev Privacy Policy
(https://www.rev.com/about/privacy) for details
on how Rev.com treats personal information
and complies with privacy regulations.
Personally Identifiable Information
Rev follows best practices handling Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) with guidance
from the published General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR).
Rev never stores credit card information.
Rev maintains a PCI certification for payment
processing. Rev works with PayPal to ensure
that all payments are secure and encrypted.
Employees are restricted to handle data
required to perform their job. Our sta is trained
on proper use of our systems and best practices
for security & privacy. All employees have
completed background checks and have signed
confidentiality agreements.
Transcriptionists & Captioners
Revvers (our transcriptionists, captioners, etc.)
are vetted through a rigorous screening process
and receive training. All Revvers have signed
NDAs and strict confidentiality agreements.
While actively working on a file, Revvers are
required to use our secure and proprietary tools,
only accessible through a web-based portal.
Revvers cannot download audio, video or
transcript files as a general rule (configuration
can be modified regarding audio/video
download if the customer requests it). They are
required to have a valid username and password.
Technical controls exist to block Revvers from
accessing Rev.com while using VPN technology.
If their account is deactivated, they are locked
out of all platform customer resources including
forums. All Revver account modifications and
customer data access are logged.
Third Party Marketers
We do not share or sell information we collect to
third party marketers.
Secure Infrastructure
All Rev.com services are hosted by Amazon Web
Services (AWS). AWS maintains strict physical
access policies that utilize sophisticated access
control mechanisms.
Environmental controls such as uninterruptible
power and non-destructive fire suppression are
integrated elements of all data centers.
Information Security
Rev.com uses appropriate technical, organizational
and administrative security measures to protect
any information in its records from loss, misuse,
unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and
destruction. Rev.com uses National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines as
a foundation for its security program including
information security policies and incident response.
© 2020 Rev, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
sales@rev.com | 737-207-9232 | rev.com/security
Secure Infrastructure (cont.)
Rev.com’s infrastructure spans multiple AWS
availability zones for high availability and
utilizes amazon S3 for storage of data (https://
DataDurability.html). AWS provides Distributed
Denial of Service (DDoS) services.
Storage & Transmission
All customer files are encrypted both at rest and
in transit. Communications between you and Rev
servers are encrypted via industry best-practice
protocols TLS 1.2 and AES-256. TLS is also
supported for encryption of emails.
Backup & Recovery
Rev backs up data constantly to prevent any loss
or corruption. All Rev & customer data is hosted
at Tier IV or III+, SSAE-16, PCI DSS, or ISO 27001
compliant facilities in the United States.
Data Control & Deletion
Customers can purge video, audio, and/or
document data from Rev systems at any point via
the User Interface (UI) and can set up automated
deletion policies via a support ticket.
Software Development Lifecycle
As a cloud service company, Rev.com releases
software frequently so that clients may benefit
from on-going development of new service
and security capabilities. Rev.com follows a
defined Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
that includes the application of security-by-
design principles. Rev operates using an agile
development methodology under which software
development teams and management are tasked
with ensuring that the SDLC process and design
principles are followed.
Secure Service Operations
Access to production infrastructure is managed
in keeping with Role Based Access Controls
(RBAC) and “Least Privilege”. Access is limited to
the Rev.com operations team. Sensitive product
service data stored in service databases never
leaves the production system.
Firewall rules are maintained so that production
systems can only be accessed for maintenance
from defined Rev.com locations using secured
access mechanisms. Systems are maintained
in a hardened state with defined baselines for
all host and network equipment. All changes to
systems are tracked and managed according to
well-established change management policies
and procedures. The patch level of third-party
software on systems is regularly updated to
eliminate potential vulnerabilities.
Availability & Access
We maintain a redundant infrastructure with
99.9% uptime. All customer data is accessible
to sta only to the extent necessary to perform
the required work. And just like our customer
support, our Security Team is on call 24/7 to
respond to security alerts and events.
Breach Detection and Response
Rev.com utilizes network Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDS) and network integrity management
tools to continuously monitor the state of the
system. Availability is continuously monitored
using external monitoring tools. Application and
infrastructure logs are aggregated and archived
centrally, facilitating both analysis for suspicious
access patterns and future forensic analysis.
Regular external vulnerability scanning is also
In the event of a breach, Rev.com has the
ability to isolate components of the system for
containment and maintain ongoing operations.
Rev.com’s incident response team is at the ready
to notify customers of security impacting events
according to contractual agreements.