cademic Catalog
Volume XL III
Original public
ation date: July 29, 2024
Current publication date: July 29, 2024
In New York State, DeVry University operates as DeVry College of New York.
Table of Contents
The table of contents includes links to help navigate the catalog. Links throughout the catalog
help navigate to other sections and to external websites that may provide valuable information.
Message from the President ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Mission, Accreditation & State Authorization ............................................................................................................ 6
Academic Calendar .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Credit Hour Definition, Schedule Information & Course Levels ............................................................................ 16
Colleges & Programs of Study .................................................................................................................................. 18
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences ........................................................................................................................... 21
University General Education Common Core .......................................................................................................... 22
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and Badges ........................................................................................ 24
College of Business & Management ........................................................................................................................ 25
Accounting Certificate Program ............................................................................................................................... 26
Business Essentials Certificate Program ................................................................................................................. 28
Business Associate Degree Program ...................................................................................................................... 31
Accounting Bachelor’s Degree Program ................................................................................................................. 35
Business Administration Bachelor’s Degree Program ............................................................................................. 39
Management Bachelor’s Degree Program .............................................................................................................. 48
Technical Management Bachelor’s Degree Program .............................................................................................. 55
College of Engineering & Information Sciences ..................................................................................................... 66
Engineering Technology Certificate Program .......................................................................................................... 67
Engineering Technology Program, Associate Degree ............................................................................................. 70
Engineering Technology Program, Bachelor’s Degree ............................................................................................ 74
Cloud Computing Certificate Program ..................................................................................................................... 78
Cyber Security Certificate Program ......................................................................................................................... 80
Information Technology Essentials Certificate Program .......................................................................................... 83
Internet of Things Certificate Program ..................................................................................................................... 85
Networking Essentials Certificate Program ............................................................................................................. 87
Cybersecurity & Networking Associate Degree Program ........................................................................................ 89
Cybersecurity & Networking Bachelor’s Degree Program ................................................................................ .......92
Information Technology & Networking Associate Degree Program ......................................................................... 96
Information Technology & Networking Bachelor’s Degree Program ...................................................................... 100
Data Mining & Analytics Certificate Program ......................................................................................................... 105
Programming Essentials Certificate Program ........................................................................................................ 107
Software Design & Solutions Certificate Program ................................................................................................. 109
Web & Mobile Application Development Certificate Program ................................................................................ 111
Computer Information Systems Bachelor’s Degree Program ................................................................................ 113
Software Development Bachelor’s Degree Program ............................................................................................. 119
College of Media Arts & Technology ...................................................................................................................... 123
Website Design Certificate Program ..................................................................................................................... 124
Website Development Certificate Program ........................................................................................................... 126
College of Health Sciences ..................................................................................................................................... 128
Medical Billing & Coding Certificate Program ........................................................................................................ 129
Medical Billing & Coding Health Information Coding Certificate Program .......................................................... 129
Health Information Technology Associate Degree Program .................................................................................. 133
Healthcare Administration Bachelor’s Degree Program ........................................................................................ 137
Programs No Longer Accepting New Applicants .................................................................................................. 141
DeVry University Undergraduate Tuition, Fees and Expenses: Degree Programs No Longer Accepting New
Applicants .............................................................................................................................................................. 142
Biomedical Engineering Technology Bachelor’s Degree Program ........................................................................ 144
Communications Bachelor’s Degree Program....................................................................................................... 148
Computer Engineering Technology Bachelor’s Degree Program .......................................................................... 151
Electronics Engineering Technology Bachelor’s Degree Program ........................................................................ 155
Electronics & Computer Technology Associate Degree Program ......................................................................... 160
Engineering Technology Computers Bachelor’s Degree Program ..................................................................... 163
Engineering Technology Electronics Bachelor’s Degree Program ..................................................................... 167
Healthcare Administration Bachelor’s Degree Program ........................................................................................ 172
Health Information Technology Associate Degree Program .................................................................................. 175
Justice Administration Bachelor’s Degree Program .............................................................................................. 178
Medical Billing & Coding Certificate Program ........................................................................................................ 182
Medical Billing & Coding Health Information Coding Certificate Program .......................................................... 182
Multimedia Design & Development Bachelor’s Degree Program .......................................................................... 186
Network & Communications Management Bachelor’s Degree Program ............................................................... 190
Network Systems Administration Associate Degree Program ............................................................................... 194
Technical Management Health Information Management Specialty Bachelor’s Degree Program ...................... 197
Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................................................ 200
Accounting............................................................................................................................................................. 201
Business Intelligence and Analytics Management ................................................................................................. 205
Biosciences ........................................................................................................................................................... 205
Biomedical Engineering Technology ..................................................................................................................... 206
Business Information Systems .............................................................................................................................. 207
Business ................................................................................................................................................................ 207
Career Development ............................................................................................................................................. 209
Computer Forensics .............................................................................................................................................. 210
Engineering Technology and Information Sciences .............................................................................................. 210
Computer Information Systems ............................................................................................................................. 214
Critical Thinking ..................................................................................................................................................... 215
Communications .................................................................................................................................................... 215
Computer Applications and Programming ............................................................................................................. 215
Criminal Justice ..................................................................................................................................................... 216
Database Management ......................................................................................................................................... 217
Economics ............................................................................................................................................................. 217
Electronics and Computer Technology .................................................................................................................. 217
English Composition .............................................................................................................................................. 219
Ethics .................................................................................................................................................................... 220
Finance ................................................................................................................................................................. 220
Global Supply Chain Management ........................................................................................................................ 221
Health Information Management ........................................................................................................................... 222
History ................................................................................................................................................................... 224
Health Information Technology .............................................................................................................................. 225
Hospitality Management ........................................................................................................................................ 231
Human Resource Management ............................................................................................................................. 232
Health Services Management ............................................................................................................................... 233
Humanities ............................................................................................................................................................ 234
Internship .............................................................................................................................................................. 234
Justice Administration ........................................................................................................................................... 235
Liberal Arts and Sciences ...................................................................................................................................... 237
Legal Issues .......................................................................................................................................................... 237
Leadership............................................................................................................................................................. 238
Mathematics .......................................................................................................................................................... 239
Management ......................................................................................................................................................... 240
Marketing .............................................................................................................................................................. 241
Networks ............................................................................................................................................................... 242
Political Science .................................................................................................................................................... 244
Project Management ............................................................................................................................................. 245
Psychology ............................................................................................................................................................ 246
Renewable Energy Engineering Technology ........................................................................................................ 246
Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship ............................................................................................. 246
Sciences ................................................................................................................................................................ 247
Information Systems Security ................................................................................................................................ 248
Social Sciences ..................................................................................................................................................... 250
Speech .................................................................................................................................................................. 251
Sustainability Management ................................................................................................................................... 251
Technical Communication ..................................................................................................................................... 251
Technology ............................................................................................................................................................ 252
Web Game Programming ...................................................................................................................................... 253
Web Development and Administration .................................................................................................................. 253
Web Graphic Design ............................................................................................................................................. 254
General Student Information ................................................................................................................................... 255
Student Services & Support Resources ................................................................................................................ 266
Student Records ...................................................................................................................................................... 269
Admission Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 270
Academic Policies & Graduation Requirements ................................................................................................... 275
Financial Information ............................................................................................................................................... 300
Tuition ................................................................................................................................................................... 300
Financial Assistance .............................................................................................................................................. 311
Cancellations & Refunds ....................................................................................................................................... 320
Regulations............................................................................................................................................................... 329
DeVry Locations ....................................................................................................................................................... 335
DeVry University Leadership .................................................................................................................................. 338
Administration & Faculty ......................................................................................................................................... 341
Administrators ....................................................................................................................................................... 342
Full-Time Professors ............................................................................................................................................. 344
Supplemental Information as of July 29, 2024 ....................................................................................................... 358
* At DeVry College of New York, programs are offered by Schools within the College.
Volume XLIII; effective July 29, 2024 through July 31, 2025. Information updated on or
after July 29, 2024, including additions and amendments, is available via
https://www.devry.edu/catalogs. The newest version supersedes all other versions.
It is the responsibility of applicants and students to check for updates.
DeVry University, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cogswell Education, LLC, 19 W. Elm St.,
Greenwich, CT 06830, 630.799.0400. DeVry University operates as DeVry College of New York
in New York.
Program availability varies by location and delivery method. DeVry reserves the right to change
terms and conditions outlined in this catalog at any time without notice. Information is current at
the time of publication. This catalog supersedes all previously published editions and is in effect
until a subsequent catalog is published. Information contained herein effective July 29, 2024.
For students who signed enrollment agreements prior to May 13, 2016, DeVry University is
forgoing its right to invoke the mandatory arbitration clause in the event of student/
graduate claims or controversies arising out of or related to the terms of the Enrollment
Agreement or education provided by DeVry University.
2024 DeVry Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved. PMP is a registered mark of
the Project Management Institute, Inc. For the full list of PMI’s legal marks, contact the PMI
Legal department. Any other trademarks used herein are owned by DeVry Educational
Development Corp. or by their respective owners and may not be used without permission from
such owners.
Message from the President
Dear Student,
Welcome to DeVry University! As you make this significant investment in yourself and in your
education and career goals, I hope you do so with immense pride. Whether transferring from
community college; attending part time or full time while managing family and other
commitments; or returning to school to reskill or upskill, building your future is exciting. Rest
assured; DeVry will be with you every step of the way.
Our founder, Dr. Herman DeVry, believed visual learning would advance education and change
the world. In inventing a portable movie projector, Dr. DeVry expanded the reach of film to
classrooms; in 1931, classrooms would begin bearing his name, as he established what’s
known today as DeVry University. We proudly continue his legacy of providing technology-
focused, applications-oriented education. Throughout their careers, hundreds of thousands of
DeVry alumnimany the first in their families to attend college, many the latest in generations
of family members calling DeVry home have applied their education to enhance their lives,
businesses, and communities. Our graduates have, as Dr. DeVry predicted, changed the world.
The following pages highlight the diverse academic programs and student services upon which
DeVry University has built its reputation. Further supporting DeVry’s commitment to education
excellence is institutional accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission
and from diverse
programmatic accreditors. I invite you to learn more about this accreditation, and about DeVry
University’s Accountability Principles, which guide us always in doing what’s best for students.
I also proudly share that Newsweek ranked DeVry University 6
of 200 on its list of “America’s
Top Online Colleges
.” Fitting school into your busy schedule isn’t easy; DeVry’s online and
blended/hybrid learning options, and six start dates a year, help.
Among the many benefits of DeVry University is learning from professors never teaching
assistants who infuse their business and industry experience into our eight-week courses.
Exceptional student care is another hallmark of DeVry. As you progress through your studies,
I’m confident you’ll find DeVry offers a nurturing environment in which to challenge yourself,
gain new skills, and build lasting friendships and mentor relationships.
As president of DeVry, my top priority is building a university that delivers the education
experience you want while helping catalyze the future you envision. We’re grateful to assist you
in advancing your ambition and confident you’re going places. Enjoy the journey.
Elise Awwad
President and CEO, DeVry University
DeVry University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), www.hlcommission.org. The University’s
Keller Graduate School of Management is included in this accreditation. HLC is a national agency that accredits U.S.
colleges and universities at the institutional level and is recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education and the
Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Accreditation provides assurance to the public and to prospective
students that standards of quality have been met. Contact information for the HLC is: Higher Learning Commission,
230 S. LaSalle St., Ste. 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604, 800.621.7440, www.hlcommission.org.
Newsweek, https://www.newsweek.com/rankings/americas-top-online-colleges-2023
Mission, Accreditation & State Authorization
Mission and Accountability Principles
DeVry University strives to close our society’s opportunity gap and address emerging talent
needs by preparing learners to thrive in careers shaped by continuous technological change.
Through innovative programs, relevant partnerships and exceptional care, we empower
students to meaningfully improve their lives, communities, and workplaces.
In addition, DeVry’s Accountability Principles support the mission and hold the University
publicly accountable for doing what’s best for students. DeVry’s Accountability Principles are
currently focused on four areas:
Academic and Student Support
Accountability and Transparency
Financial Literacy and Responsible Borrowing
Responsible Recruiting and Enrollment
More information about DeVry’s Accountability Principles can be found on the DeVry website at
Institutional Accreditation
Note: Upon request to a student support advisor or location leader, copies of documents
describing DeVry University’s accreditation, as well as its state and federal approvals, are
available for review.
Higher Learning Commission
DeVry University* is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC),
www.hlcommission.org. The University’s Keller Graduate School of Management is included in
this accreditation.
HLC has historically been a regional accreditor recognized by the U.S. Department of
Education. HLC today is considered to be an institutional accreditor accrediting U.S. colleges
and universities across the nation. HLC is recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education
and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Accreditation provides assurance to the
public and to prospective students that standards of quality have been met. Contact information
for HLC is:
Higher Learning Commission
230 S. LaSalle St., Ste. 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604
Council for Higher Education Accreditation
DeVry University is a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), a
national advocate and institutional voice for self-regulation of academic quality through
accreditation. CHEA, an association of more than 8,200 colleges, universities and higher
education organizations, recognizes more than 80 institutional and programmatic accreditors.
* In New York State, DeVry University operates as DeVry College of New York.
Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition
The following DeVry University programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), https://acbsp.org, demonstrating that they have met
standards of business education that promote teaching excellence:
Associate of Applied Science in Business
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Management
Bachelor of Science in Technical Management
ACBSP has also granted specialized accounting accreditation to the following established
DeVry University degree programs: Bachelor of Science in Accounting; Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration with a specialization in Accounting; Bachelor of Science in
Management with a specialization in Accounting; Bachelor of Science in Technical Management
with a specialization in Accounting.
DeVry University has been designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber
Defense (CAE-CD) for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems with a
specialization in Cyber Security Programming.
The following programs, at the following locations, are accredited by the Commission on
Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM),
Associate Health Information Technology: Online, when completed with the Health
Information track
Baccalaureate Technical Management with Health Information Management
Specialty: Online
The most recent information on CAHIIM accreditation is available at www.devry.edu.
The following programs are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation
Commission of ABET (ETAC of ABET), www.abet.org:
Associate Engineering Technology: Online
Baccalaureate Engineering Technology: Online
Baccalaureate Biomedical Engineering Technology: Chicago, Columbus, Decatur,
Irving, Iselin, Midtown Manhattan, Newark, Orlando, Phoenix
Baccalaureate Computer Engineering Technology: Arlington, Chicago, Columbus,
Decatur, Irving, Midtown Manhattan, Newark, Ontario, Orlando, Phoenix, Sherman Oaks
Baccalaureate Electronics Engineering Technology: Arlington, Chicago, Columbus,
Decatur, Irving, Iselin, Midtown Manhattan, Newark, Ontario, Orlando, Phoenix, Sherman
Oaks (Encino)
Baccalaureate Engineering Technology Computers: Online
The most recent information on ETAC of ABET accreditation is available at each location and at
DeVry University’s Business Administration program, when completed with a Project
Management major/concentration, is accredited by the Global Accreditation Center for Project
Management Education Programs (GAC) of the Project Management Institute, as is the
Management program when completed with a Project Management concentration and the
Technical Management program, when completed with a Project Management technical
specialty. More information on this accreditation is available via https://www.pmi.org/global-
DeVry University’s cybersecurity curriculum is acknowledged and verified as an approved
provider by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS). NICCS is an
online training initiative and portal that follows the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education
framework and connects students, educators and industry to cybersecurity resources and U.S.
training providers. More information is available via https://niccs.cisa.gov and www.nist.gov/nice.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) has recognized DeVry University as a Premier level
Authorized Training Partner (ATP), committed to enhancing the ongoing professional
development of PMI members, PMI credential holders and other project management
stakeholders through appropriate learning activities and products. As a Premier level ATP,
DeVry abides by established operational and educational criteria, and is authorized to teach
project management exam preparation courses. Details are available via
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has acknowledged that the following
programs align with SHRM’s HR Curriculum Guidebook and Templates: Business
Administration, with Human Resource Management major/concentration; Management, with
Human Resource Management concentration; Technical Management, with Human Resource
Management technical specialty. SHRM developed the HR Curriculum Guidebook and
Templates to define the minimum HR content areas that should be studied by HR students at
the undergraduate and graduate levels. The SHRM Human Resource Curriculum Guidelines
are part of SHRM’s Academic Initiative to define HR education standards taught in university
business schools and help universities develop degree programs that follow these standards.
More information on SHRM is available at www.shrm.org.
State Relocation Notice, and State and Distance Education Authorizations
State authorization information for DeVry University locations and distance (online) education is
provided below.
State Relocation Notice
Students may be unable to complete their program if relocating to a state in which DeVry is not
authorized to operate or is not authorized to offer the program in which they’re enrolled.
Students should contact Student Central if considering relocating during their course of study or
transferring to a different DeVry program.
Applicants may be unable to enroll in their program if relocating to a state in which DeVry is not
authorized to operate or is not authorized to offer the program in which they’re interested.
Applicants should contact their admissions advisor/representative to discuss how relocation
could affect their ability to enroll in certain programs.
Students and applicants should note there may be consequences, such as ineligibility for
financial aid, when relocating to a state in, or transferring to a program for, which DeVry
University is not authorized.
State and Distance Education Authorizations
DeVry University is approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization
Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), which provides a voluntary, regional approach to state
authorization of postsecondary distance (online) education. With that approval, and with
approval from the Illinois Board of Higher Education, DeVry’s distance (online) education
programs are considered approved by reciprocity with other SARA member state higher
education agencies. Visit the SARA website (www.nc-sara.org) for the most current list of
participating states and a detailed description of SARA.
DeVry University holds the following state authorizations to offer distance (online) education and
to operate in states in which it has locations. States have varying requirements governing
postsecondary distance (online) education.
Alabama: DeVry holds a Private School License from the Private School Licensure Division
of the Alabama Community College System, 135 South Union Street, Montgomery, AL
36104, 334.293.4500. DeVry is exempt from the Alabama Commission on Higher
Education’s programmatic review.
Arizona: DeVry is authorized to operate and grant degrees by the Arizona State Board for
Private Postsecondary Education, 1740 W. Adams, 3
Flr., Phoenix, AZ 85007,
Arkansas: DeVry University has been granted certification by the Arkansas Higher
Education Coordinating Board, 423 Main St., Ste. 400, Little Rock, AR 72201, for certain
undergraduate and graduate programs offered by distance education. Arkansas Higher
Education Coordinating Board certification does not constitute an endorsement of any
institution or program. Such certification merely indicates that certain criteria have been met
as required under the rules and regulations implementing institutional and program
certification as defined in Arkansas Code §6-61-301. The student should be aware that these
degree programs may not transfer. The transfer of course/degree credit is determined by the
receiving institution.
California: DeVry is a private institution approved to operate by the California Bureau for
Private Postsecondary Education. Approval to operate means the institution is compliant with
the minimum standards contained in the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of
2009 (as amended) and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. DeVry
also holds Registration of Out of State Institution for distance education from the Bureau. For
additional information, please visit the Bureau’s website, http://www.bppe.ca.gov. Any
questions a student has regarding this catalog that have not been satisfactorily answered by
the institution may be directed to the Bureau at 1747 N. Market Blvd., Ste. 225, Sacramento,
CA; 888.370.7589 (fax: 916.263.1897). Notice to Prospective Students: As a prospective
student, you are encouraged to review this catalog before signing an enrollment agreement.
You are also encouraged to review the School Performance Fact Sheet, which must be
provided to you before signing an enrollment agreement. The Office of Student Assistance
and Relief is available to support prospective students, current students, or past students of
private postsecondary educational institutions in making informed decisions, understanding
their rights, and navigating available services and relief options. The office may be reached
by calling 888.370.7589, option 5, or by visiting https://osar.bppe.ca.gov.
Delaware: DeVry has been granted an operating license to offer courses, programs and/or
degrees to Delaware residents by the Delaware Department of Education, 401 Federal St.,
Ste. 2, Dover, DE 19901, 302.735.4000.
Florida: DeVry is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education, Florida
Department of Education. Additional information regarding this institution may be obtained by
contacting the Commission at 325 W. Gaines St., Ste. 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399, toll-free
telephone number 888.224.6684.
Georgia: DeVry is authorized under the Nonpublic Postsecondary Educational Institutions
Act of 1990, by the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission, 2082 E.
Exchange Pl., Ste. 220, Tucker, GA 30084, 770.414.3300.
Illinois: DeVry is authorized to operate and grant degrees by the Illinois Board of Higher
Education, 1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza, Ste. 333, Springfield, IL 62701, 217.782.2551. To
report unresolved complaints to the Illinois Board of Higher Education visit their web page at
Indiana: This institution is authorized by: The Indiana Commission for Higher
Education/Indiana Board for Proprietary Education 101 W. Ohio St., Ste. 300, Indianapolis,
IN 46204-4206.
Kansas: DeVry is approved by the Kansas Board of Regents, 1000 SW Jackson St., Ste.
520, Topeka, KS 66612, 785.430.4240.
Kentucky: DeVry University is licensed by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary
Education, 100 Airport Rd., 3
Flr., Frankfort, KY 40601, 502.573.1555.
Louisiana: DeVry University is currently licensed by the Board of Regents of the State of
Louisiana, P.O. Box 3677, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. Licenses are renewed by the State
Board of Regents every two years. Licensed institutions have met minimal operational
standards set forth by the state, but licensure does not constitute accreditation, guarantee the
transferability of credit, nor signify that programs are certifiable by any professional agency or
Maryland: DeVry University is registered with the Maryland Higher Education Commission,
6 N. Liberty St., 10
Flr., Baltimore, MD 21201, 410.767.3300.
Michigan: DeVry is licensed by the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity,
P.O. Box 30726, Lansing, MI 48907, 517.335.4000.
Minnesota: DeVry University is registered with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education,
1450 Energy Park Dr., Ste. 350, St. Paul, MN 55108, 651-642-0567, www.ohe.state.mn.us,
pursuant to sections 136A.61 to 136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the
institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions. The
Bachelor of Science in Accounting is not a “CPA Pathway” program.
Missouri: DeVry is certified to operate by the Missouri Department of Higher Education,
301 W. High St., Ste. 870, Jefferson City, MO 65101, 573.751.2361.
Nevada: DeVry is licensed to operate in the state of Nevada by the Nevada Commission on
Postsecondary Education, 2800 E. St. Louis Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89104, 702.486.7330.
Note: The state of Nevada requires students to meet its requirement for study of the Nevada
and U.S. constitutions. DeVry’s POLI332 course fulfills this requirement.
New Jersey: DeVry is licensed by the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher
Education, P.O. Box 542, Trenton, NJ 08625, 609.292.4310. Notice to students: In the
event of a disorderly closure, the institutional debt shall be void and shall not be recovered,
collected or enforced.
New Mexico: DeVry holds a Distance Education Authorization Certificate from the New
Mexico Higher Education Department, 2044 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, Santa Fe, NM 87505,
New York: DeVry has received permission to operate its academic programs in New York
from the University of the State of New York Board of Regents/The State Education
Department, 89 Washington Ave., 5 North Mezzanine, Albany, NY 12234, 518.474.2593.
North Carolina: DeVry has been evaluated by the University of North Carolina (140 Friday
Center Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27515, 919.962.4559) and is licensed to conduct higher
education degree activity. The School’s guaranty bond for unearned prepaid tuition is on file
with the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina and may be viewed by
contacting the Regulatory Affairs Department at DeVry University.
North Dakota: DeVry is authorized to operate in North Dakota under North Dakota Century
Code 15-18.1. North Dakota University System, State Capitol, 600 E. Boulevard Ave.,
Dept. 215, Bismarck, ND 58505, 701.328.2960.
Ohio: DeVry holds Certificate of Authorization by the Ohio Department of Higher Education,
25 S. Front St., Columbus, OH 43215, 614.466.6000.
Tennessee: DeVry University has been granted optional expedited authorization by the
Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Parkway Towers, Ste. 1900, Nashville, TN 37243,
Texas: DeVry is authorized to grant degrees by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board, P.O. Box 12788, Austin, TX 78711, 512.427.6101, 512.427.6127 fax. DeVry is
granted exemption as a private university by the Texas Workforce Commission. Exemption
status means DeVry is not approved or regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission.
Utah: DeVry is registered under the Utah Postsecondary Proprietary School Act (Title 13,
Chapter 34, Utah Code). Registration under the Utah Postsecondary Proprietary School Act
does not mean that the State of Utah supervises, recommends, nor accredits the institution. It
is the students responsibility to determine whether credits, degrees, or certificates from the
institution will transfer to other institutions or meet employerstraining requirements. This may
be done by calling the prospective school or employer. State of Utah, Department of
Commerce, 160 East 300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84114.
Virginia: DeVry is certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia,
101 N. 14
St., Richmond, VA 23219, 804.225.2600. Associate degree programs are
considered terminal and credits earned in these programs are generally not applicable to
other degrees. More information on applicability of credits earned in associate degree
programs to bachelor’s degree programs is available from DeVry admissions representatives.
DeVry Universitys Board of Trustees and the provost and chief academic officer have
approved all degree programs and certificate programs offered by DeVry University and its
Keller Graduate School of Management in the State of Virginia. DeVry’s associate of applied
science programs are technical programs; credits earned may not be applicable to degree
programs offered at other institutions.
Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Educational Approval Program, 4822 Madison Yards Way,
Madison, WI 53705, 608.266.2112 certifies that DeVry University (Online) has been
approved and is legally authorized to do business in the state of Wisconsin as a private
postsecondary school, subject to the provisions of 440.52 Wisconsin Statutes, and all
administrative rules adopted pursuant to the statutes.
Bankruptcy Statement
DeVry University does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy, is not operating as a debtor in
possession, has not filed a petition within the preceding five years and has not had a petition in
bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in reorganization under
Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
Academic Calendar
DeVry delivers courses in a session format, with two 8-week sessions offered each semester.
Sessions within DeVry’s summer, fall and spring semesters are designated in two overlapping
calendar cycles. At the time they matriculate, students are assigned either a Cycle 1 or Cycle 2
schedule (visit the Student-Centric Period section).
Note: Each session, instruction ends at 11:59 pm MT on Saturday of week 8. No instruction
occurs on holidays or during noted break periods.
Cycles 1 and 2 Breaks
2024 Winter Break: Sunday-Sunday, December 22, 2024-January 5, 2025
2025 Spring Break: Sunday-Sunday, April 27-May 4
2025 Summer Break: Sunday-Sunday, June 29-July 6
Cycle 1 Academic Calendar
2024 Summer Semester: April 29, 2024-August 31, 2024
May 2024 Session
o Monday, April 29: Session Begins
o Monday, May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
o Wednesday, June 19: Juneteenth Holiday
o Saturday, June 22: Session Ends
2024 Summer Break: Sunday-Sunday, June 23-July 7
July 2024 Session
o Monday, July 8: Session Begins
o Saturday, August 31: Session Ends
2024 Fall Semester: September 2, 2024-December 21, 2024
September 2024 Session
o Monday, September 2: Session Begins, Labor Day Holiday
o Saturday, October 26: Session Ends
November 2024 Session
o Monday, October 28: Session Begins
o Thursday-Friday, November 28-29: Thanksgiving Break
o Saturday, December 21: Session Ends
2024 Winter Break: Sunday-Sunday, December 22, 2024-January 5, 2025
2025 Spring Semester: January 6, 2025-April 26, 2025
January 2025 Session
o Monday, January 6: Session Begins
o Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday
o Saturday, March 1: Session Ends
March 2025 Session
o Monday, March 3: Session Begins
o Friday, April 18: Spring Holiday
o Saturday, April 26: Session Ends
2025 Spring Break: Sunday-Sunday, April 27-May 4
2025 Summer Semester: May 5, 2025-August 30, 2025
May 2025 Session
o Monday, May 5: Session Begins
o Monday, May 26: Memorial Day Holiday
o Thursday, June 19: Juneteenth Holiday
o Saturday, June 28: Session Ends
2025 Summer Break: Sunday-Sunday, June 29-July 6
July 2025 Session
o Monday, July 7: Session Begins
o Saturday, August 30: Session Ends
Cycle 2 Academic Calendar
2024 Summer Semester: July 8, 2024-October 26, 2024
July 2024 Session
o Monday, July 8: Session Begins
o Saturday, August 31: Session Ends
September 2024 Session
o Monday, September 2: Session Begins, Labor Day Holiday
o Saturday, October 26: Session Ends
2024 Fall Semester: October 28, 2024-March 1, 2025
November 2024 Session
o Monday, October 28: Session Begins
o Thursday-Friday, November 28-29: Thanksgiving Break
o Saturday, December 21: Session Ends
2024 Winter Break: Sunday-Sunday, December 22, 2024-January 5, 2025
January 2025 Session
Monday, January 6: Session Begins
Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday
Saturday, March 1, Session Ends
2025 Spring Semester: March 3, 2025-June 28, 2025
March 2025 Session
o Monday, March 3: Session Begins
o Friday, April 18: Spring Holiday
o Saturday, April 26: Session Ends
2025 Spring Break: Sunday-Sunday, April 27-May 4
May 2025 Session
o Monday, May 5: Session Begins
o Monday, May 26: Memorial Day Holiday
o Thursday, June 19: Juneteenth Holiday
o Saturday, June 28: Session Ends
2025 Summer Break: Sunday-Sunday, June 29-July 6
2025 Summer Semester: July 7, 2025-October 25, 2025
July 2025 Session
o Monday, July 7: Session Begins
o Saturday, August 30: Session Ends
September 2025 Session
o Monday, September 1: Session Begins, Labor Day Holiday
o Saturday, October 25: Session Ends
Credit Hour Definition, Schedule Information & Course Levels
Credit Hour Definition
DeVry University follows the federal definition of a semester credit hour. The U.S. Department of
Education (USDE) defines a credit hour as one hour (i.e., 50 minutes) of classroom or direct
faculty/qualified instructor instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work
each week for approximately 15 weeks (i.e., 45 hours of learning activities). This definition also
aligns with definitions from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Illinois Board of
Higher Education (IBHE).
DeVry operates on a semester calendar; each semester consists of two eight-week sessions
(visit the Student-Centric Period section). Courses may be offered through alternate scheduling
options and teaching modalities, which are awarded equivalent semester-credit hours. Teaching
modalities include the blended/hybrid modality (a mix of onsite and online) and the purely online
modality. Course materials, learning objectives and program outcomes are equivalent across all
teaching modalities.
DeVry University defines one credit hour based on a 15-week semester as the reasonable
equivalent of one hour of documented faculty-directed instruction and two hours of academically
engaged student learning. One hour of instruction is further defined as a 50-minute period. The
combined three hours occur each week for 15 weeks. Alternate scheduling options equate to
the 15-week semester.
Scheduling options are shown in the Academic Calendar section. The University’s course
delivery modalities are outlined in the Course Delivery section.
At DeVry, a credit hour is defined as the learning that takes place in at least 45 hours of in-
person or online learning activities, which include time for faculty-directed instruction, class
meetings, laboratories, examinations, presentations, tutorials, preparation, reading, studying,
hands-on experiences, simulations, case studies and other learning activities; or a
demonstration by the student of learning equivalent to the established student outcomes.
Students should note that credit hours shown in each program in the Colleges & Programs of
Study section are semester-credit hours, as aligned with credit hour definitions from the USDE,
Student-Centric Period
The student-centric period (SCP) is defined as an academic semester consisting of any two
consecutive sessions that begins when a student matriculates and that ends when time
requirements for a semester have been fulfilled.
Two overlapping calendar cycles designate sessions corresponding to DeVry’s summer, fall and
spring semesters. At the time students matriculate, they are assigned an SCP designator code
of Cycle 1 or Cycle 2. The chart below outlines how sessions correspond to a student’s spring,
summer and fall semesters, based on assigned SCP cycle.
Student-Centric-Period Cycles
Cycle 1 Sessions
Cycle 2 Sessions
January, March
March, May
May, July
July, September
September, November
November, January
Certain processes are conducted on a session basis; others are conducted on a semester
Academic Year
The academic year at DeVry University is defined as two consecutive semesters.
DeVry offers enrollment in three semesters per 12-month period. DeVry offers courses in a
session-based format (visit the Student-Centric Period section).
Course Levels
DeVry offers undergraduate courses at the 100-400 levels. Courses at the 100 and 200 levels
are lower-division courses; 300- and 400-level courses are upper-division courses.
Characteristics of courses at each level, as well as how course levels may align to Bloom’s
Taxonomy (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation) and Miller’s
Pyramid – recollection (knows), interpretation/application (knows how), demonstration (shows),
performance (does) are:
100 Level: Courses at the 100 level typically provide a foundation of knowledge upon which
students can further build their understanding of topics and concepts in future courses.
Students focus on knowledge and comprehension levels and are provided opportunities to
demonstrate their understanding through application and analysis. Typically, 100-level
courses have no prerequisites or require other lower-division courses as prerequisites.
200 Level: Courses at the 200 level typically includes more advanced introductory courses
covering complex concepts, with some courses building on understanding achieved in
100-level courses. Coursework emphasizes application and analysis, such as through
hands-on practical exercises and supervised experiential learning. In some 200-level
courses, students begin to synthesize and evaluate information presented.
300 Level: Courses at the 300 level typically present students with more discipline-specific
concepts, frameworks, and/or tools and technologies that often build on skills and
knowledge covered in required 100- and 200-level courses. Students combine application
and analysis skills acquired in lower-division courses with synthesis and evaluation skills to
explore real-world problems.
400 Level: Courses at the 400 level typically are designed to advance students’
understanding of discipline-specific concepts and frameworks, and/or skill with various tools
and technologies. These courses cover complex topics requiring advanced independent
thought. Such courses include senior projects, advanced specialization courses, and
practica or supervised experiential learning.
Colleges & Programs of Study
Note: At DeVry College of New York, programs are offered by Schools within the College.
General Notes
The pages that follow describe each DeVry University program, including program outcomes,
degree or certificate awarded, program length, and program outlines that display program
options and courses required for graduation.
Course sequences may vary, and DeVry reserves the right to revise, add or delete courses;
alter the total number of class hours; and/or suspend, cancel or postpone a class for reasons
including, but not limited to, the following: natural occurrences or other circumstances beyond
DeVry’s control, holidays, special institutional activity days and registration days. If it becomes
necessary for any reason to interrupt its regular class schedules or starting dates, DeVry may,
upon reasonable advance notice, suspend or cancel instruction. DeVry will advise students as
soon as possible of dates for resumption of classes.
If the number of students enrolling in a starting class is deemed insufficient, DeVry reserves the
right to cancel the starting class (a class that begins the first term of an academic program). If
this occurs, applicants will be given a full refund, within 30 days, of the application fee and
prepaid tuition. If a continuing program or class is cancelled, students will be offered the
opportunity to transfer within the DeVry system with full credit for all coursework completed.
Each student is required to complete a substantial portion of their program online. Not all
programs are offered at all locations and online. Some courses may not be offered every
session. Students should check with a student support advisor or location leader regarding
course availability and delivery modality.
Applicants and students should consult DeVry’s admissions staff or a student support advisor
when reviewing information regarding DeVry locations, programs and courses such as:
Enrolled Location: Students’ enrolled location is determined at the time of admission and is
reflected in enrollment materials and in DeVry’s student information system. Programs and
specializations are limited to those offered by students’ enrolled location. Each student is
required to complete a substantial portion of their program online.
Programs: Students should be aware that:
o Availability of programs, specializations (including concentrations, majors, technical
specialties and tracks) and courses varies by location and delivery method. Some
courses, including those required for some specializations, may be available online only.
o Program outlines show the minimum credit hours required for graduation. In some
programs, there may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for
graduation and total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour
differences may benefit students with qualifying transfer credit. Students should contact
a student support advisor for more information.
Specializations: Successful completion of a specialization including concentrations,
majors, technical specialties and tracks is noted on transcripts of students who declare
such a specialization. Specializations are not shown on diplomas.
Program Footnotes: Some situations may result in program requirements that differ from
those shown in the program outlines. Footnotes that refer to specific state requirements
indicate their applicability to students enrolled at a location within the state, to state
residents enrolled as online students or to both. Footnotes refer to students’ enrolled
location, as defined above, or to students’ state of residence, regardless of the location at
which students’ classes are taught.
Courses: The following courses, when applicable to the chosen program, must be taken at
DeVry: CARD205, CARD405, CARD415, CEIS101, COLL148, HIM461 and LAS432; and
senior project and capstone courses ACCT461, BUSN460, COMM491, COMM492, HIT277,
JADM490, JADM494 and TECH460. Transfer and proficiency credits are not granted to fulfill
these requirements.
Program-Completion-Time Options
Each program can be completed on a normal-time-to-complete schedule or on a minimum-time-
to-complete schedule, or through a combination of these schedule options. Each session within
their student-centric period (semester), students choose the schedule that best suits their goals
and their commitments outside of school.
Each program outline in this catalog shows program completion time in terms of semesters for
both normal-time-to-complete and minimum-time-to-complete schedules.
Normal-time-to-complete schedule: Students enrolling with a normal-time-to-complete
schedule complete two semesters (four sessions) per each 12-consecutive-month period.
Minimum-time-to-complete schedule: Students enrolling with a minimum-time-to-
complete schedule maintain continuous year-round enrollment. Thus, these students
complete three semesters (six sessions) per each 12-consecutive-month period.
All program completion times are expressed in calendar time (any period of 12 consecutive
months starting at the beginning of a DeVry University session) and assume enrollment in the
per-semester credit-hour range shown. Normal completion times assume students complete two
semesters per 12-month period once they begin their program; minimum completion times
assume students complete three semesters per 12-month period once they begin their program.
In rare cases, a program’s stated completion time is the same for both normal-time-to-complete
and minimum-time-to-complete schedules.
DeVry Certificate and Associate Degree Holders
For students who earned a DeVry undergraduate certificate or associate degree and are
enrolling in a DeVry program culminating in a more advanced academic credential, the
University reviews DeVry coursework for applicability to the new program of enrollment. In
addition, DeVry may adjust bachelor’s degree program requirements as follows:
Successful completion of ETHC232 may be used to fulfill a Humanities requirement in the
bachelor’s degree program.
Successful completion of CARD205 may be used to fulfill part of the Personal and
Professional Development requirement in the bachelor’s degree program, and CARD415 is
taken in lieu of CARD405.
Today’s leading businesses are powered by innovation and technology. As the workplace
becomes digitized at an unprecedented pace, success is fueled by the ability to use
technology to make data-driven decisions. That’s why DeVry infuses programs with
technology and hands-on experiential learning. We call it TechPath, and the goal is simple:
to provide our graduates with real-world opportunities to solve problems, think critically, work
in teams, analyze data, present solutions and stand out as leaders in our digitally driven
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
DeVry University’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences oversees a general education program
designed to help students learn to think critically and creatively while providing focused, yet
flexible, perspectives on the arts, social sciences and humanities. The program is also designed
to help students build effective communication skills for diverse professional environments.
General education courses are developed and updated with input from academic and industry
leaders; are taught by faculty with relevant professional experience; and provide an enriching
education through experiential learning, technologies and case studies.
The following pages provide detailed information on the University’s General Education
Common Core, as well as on diversity, equity and inclusion coursework and badges offered
through the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
More information on transitional studies courses and general education courses developed and
delivered by the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences is found within the General Student
Information section.
University General Education Common Core
At DeVry University, core general education courses in associate and bachelor’s degree
programs provide students with critical learning experiences that support general education and
programmatic learning outcomes. The common general education core emphasizes six key
areas: Communication, Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Technology Literacy, Cultural
Competence, and Global Awareness and Civic Engagement. General education courses are
aligned to the Common Learning Outcomes to promote and develop knowledge, skills and
abilities that complement our career-oriented programs. These Common Learning Outcomes
reflect DeVry University’s commitment to industry-relevant and technologically rich educational
experiences that focus on the interconnectedness of the core values of DeVry’s TechPath.
These Common Learning Outcomes correlate courses with DeVry University’s mission and
establish a philosophy for curriculum design that is current, innovative and practitioner-based.
This correlation is achieved and reinforced through a comprehensive assessment approach
across course levels and continual curriculum development processes.
DeVry’s general education Common Learning Outcomes drive and shape each student’s
academic journey and support their professional objectives by helping them achieve
competence in the following areas:
Communication: Select and implement effective communication strategies through actions
such as:
o Developing audience-appropriate communication through written, oral and visual forms
to promote understanding.
o Utilizing collaboration techniques that illustrate teamwork and leadership skills.
o Practicing effective listening skills and communication strategies for specified purposes
in academic, professional or personal contexts.
Critical Thinking: Integrate principles, concepts and methodologies to analyze and solve
complex problems, including applied mathematics and logical reasoning through actions
such as:
o Utilizing available and emerging tools and technologies to formulate action plans.
o Thoroughly and logically managing projects to transform knowledge based on reasoning
and reflection.
o Producing desired outcomes and evaluating results against desired outcomes to
improve future performance.
Information Literacy: Conduct research and develop information synthesis skills through
actions such as:
o Constructing thoughtful questions to guide inquiry.
o Producing quantitative and qualitative research to interpret data.
o Filtering, synthesizing, and analyzing complex and flawed information to reach
meaningful conclusions.
Technology Literacy: Leverage current and discipline-specific technologies through
actions such as:
o Applying digital and technological literacy across platforms and disciplines.
o Selecting and utilizing appropriate technological tools for fluid communication.
o Utilizing key technology platforms essential for modern industry success.
Cultural Competence: Engage and collaborate with diverse perspectives through actions
such as:
o Acting responsibly as a leader or contributor to diverse teams and working collectively to
achieve a stated goal.
o Fostering a tolerance for ambiguity to respect diverse viewpoints and to promote
constructive conversations, learning experiences and intellectual curiosity.
o Participating in activities such as artistic and cultural presentations, public speeches, and
diverse case studies.
Global Awareness and Civic Engagement: Engage and respond to civil, social, cultural
and global issues through actions such as:
o Developing awareness of diverse cultural and global contexts and trends to promote
responsible engagement and action.
o Promoting ethical reasoning by examining implications of current events, professional
situations and personal decisions to promote understanding and empathy.
o Establishing connections between self, community and the world.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and Badges
DeVry’s associate and bachelor’s degree programs include general education course options
focused on diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I), helping students prepare for careers in
today’s workforce. While some DE&I courses are required, others may be selected as shown in
each degree program outline.
Students are awarded a digital DE&I badge upon successful completion of each course below.
Course Designator and Title
DE&I Badge Title
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Workplace Diversity Badge
HUMN304: Multi-Ethnic Humanities
Multi-Cultural Appreciation Badge
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture
Global Awareness Badge
SOCS185: Culture and Society
Cultural Inclusion Badge
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions
Diversity and Leadership Badge
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication
Diverse Communication Badge
Students should contact a student support advisor to register for DE&I courses or for more
College of Business & Management
DeVry University’s College of Business & Management offers a variety of undergraduate
certificate and degree programs to help students meet their education goals. Programs and
courses are taught by faculty with real-world experience, who translate theory into practice and
provide an enriching education through experiential learning, practitioner-based projects, case
studies and more.
Mission of DeVry University’s Undergraduate Business Programs
The mission of DeVry University’s undergraduate business programs is to prepare learners to
thrive in the digitally driven, diverse business environment by providing them with opportunities
to develop innovative thinking, collaboration and problem-solving skills.
This mission is supported by activities throughout the undergraduate curriculum. Examples
Developing skills to effectively convey information to business audiences through various
settings using appropriate methodologies.
Evaluating the impact of internal and external forces on the success of organizations.
Analyzing issues and needs relating to organizational challenges to identify and promote
quality improvement opportunities.
Conducting and evaluating activities that influence organizational values, ethics and
professional responsibility.
Developing a greater understanding of diverse business functions and how they integrate
with each other.
The following pages provide details on undergraduate programs offered through the College of
Business & Management.
Certificate: Accounting
Certificate: Business Essentials
Associate Degree: Business
Bachelor’s Degree: Accounting
Bachelor’s Degree: Business Administration
Bachelor’s Degree: Management
Bachelor’s Degree: Technical Management
Visit the Keller Graduate School of Management academic catalog for information on graduate-
level degree and certificate programs offered through the University’s College of Business &
Accounting Certificate Program
DeVry’s Accounting undergraduate certificate program is designed to prepare students for
entry-level accounting career paths in private-sector, governmental and not-for-profit
accounting. Coursework introduces essential principles and skills required for entry-level
accounting positions.
BUSINESS CORE Essential Skills for Today’s Workplace
This program features a series of essential Business Core courses to help build
interdisciplinary skills critical to workplace success. Courses introduce students to key
disciplines that support business careers and cover concepts related to general business
principles, including accounting, computer applications and analytics that inform business
Business Core coursework also introduces students to contemporary workplace
applications. In each course, the learning experience is enhanced through activities that
help students apply course material, while shaping future education and career choices.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Create financial statements and reports through proper analysis and recording of accounting
Use appropriate technologies to assist in preparing and analyzing accounting information.
Communicate accounting results and findings across business environments.
Apply problem-solving skills to a variety of accounting-related tasks in the workplace.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Accounting
Total semesters: 2 full time, assuming enrollment in 12 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 24
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 8 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 8 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Business Core 9 credit hours required
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
BIS155: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab2 credit hours
Accounting Core 15 credit hours required
ACCT303: Intermediate Accounting I3 credit hours
ACCT306: Intermediate Accounting II3 credit hours
ACCT326: Federal Tax Accounting I3 credit hours
ACCT360: Managerial Accounting3 credit hours
ACCT454: Accounting Information Systems with Lab3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Accounting include Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing
Clerks (43-3031.00); Accountants (13-2011.00). These positions are used to calculate
graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation
requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles
or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucacct webpage.
Business Essentials Certificate Program
DeVry’s Business Essentials undergraduate certificate program helps prepare students to
function effectively in a modern enterprise, addressing topics such as computer applications;
business technology and technological applications; analytical reasoning and problem-solving;
financial accounting concepts; data analysis and decision-support; and budgeting and
forecasting. Coursework helps students develop skills needed to provide applicable information
to appropriate decision-makers in an organization.
Students who complete the Business Essentials undergraduate certificate program can apply
eligible coursework to DeVry’s associate degree program in Business.
BUSINESS CORE Essential Skills for Today’s Workplace
This program features a series of essential Business Core courses to help build
interdisciplinary skills critical to workplace success. Courses introduce students to key
disciplines that support business careers and cover concepts related to general business
principles, including accounting, marketing, management and analytics that inform
business decision-making.
Business Core coursework also introduces students to contemporary workplace
applications. In each course, the learning experience is enhanced through activities that
help students apply course material, while shaping future education and career choices.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Apply business and management principles to solve business problems.
Demonstrate proficiency with basic computing skills and data analysis with spreadsheets.
Evaluate various business functions within specific industries.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Business Essentials
Total semesters: 2 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 25
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 8 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 8 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Business Core 18 credit hours required
BIS155: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab 3 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
BUSN219: Marketing Fundamentals 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
LEAD150: Leadership and Facilitating Change 3 credit hours
One of
ACCT207: Fundamentals of Accounting 4 credit hours
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
Electives 7 credit hours required
Electives may be chosen from courses listed in the Course Descriptions section provided they
are not used to meet other graduation requirements and prerequisites are met. Qualifying prior
college coursework not meeting other program requirements may be applied toward elective
The following suggested electives align with coursework in DeVry’s associate degree program
in Business. Students who earn the Business Essentials undergraduate certificate can apply
eligible credits earned toward an associate degree in Business.
Budgeting and Forecasting 7 credit hours required
ACCT360: Managerial Accounting 3 credit hours
BUSN278: Budgeting and Forecasting 4 credit hours
General Business 7 credit hours required
GSCM206: Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 4 credit hours
MGMT210: Human Resource Functions 3 credit hours
Healthcare Business 7 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HSM310: Introduction to Health Services Management 4 credit hours
Retail Management 7 credit hours required
BUSN258: Customer Relations 4 credit hours
MGMT230: Contemporary Retail Management 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students must take ACCT212 if selecting the Budgeting and Forecasting option in the Electives course area.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Business Essentials include Administrative Services Manager (11-
3012.00). This position is used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the
state of California and to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization
agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the
Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucbe webpage.
Business Associate Degree Program
DeVry’s associate degree program in Business is designed to prepare graduates to join the
workforce as entry-level business professionals in a wide variety of industries. Through this
program, students can build a foundation in business by learning fundamental principles and
gaining exposure to different specialties.
The program offers tracks as shown in the following program outline. Students who have not
chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared” status; however, they
must select a track by the time they have earned 30 semester-credit hours toward their degree.
Programmatic Accreditation
This program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs,
demonstrating it has met standards of business education that promote teaching excellence.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
BUSINESS CORE Essential Skills for Today’s Workplace
This program features a series of essential Business Core courses to help build
interdisciplinary skills critical to workplace success. Courses introduce students to key
disciplines that support business careers and cover concepts related to general business
principles, including accounting, marketing, management and analytics that inform
business decision-making.
Business Core coursework also introduces students to contemporary workplace
applications. In each course, the learning experience is enhanced through activities that
help students apply course material, while shaping future education and career choices.
Note: Those who earn an associate degree in Business can apply eligible credits toward
DeVry’s bachelor’s degree in Technical Management.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Use business and management principles to apply problem-solving skills to a variety of
administrative tasks in the workplace.
Use technology for business and management tasks, including data analysis, presentations,
communication and research.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing across environments and platforms.
Work collaboratively in a team environment, learn to coordinate and share information to
achieve a common goal.
Program Details
Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Business (in Florida, Associate of Science in
Total semesters: 4 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 61
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 11 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities 3 credit hours required
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace3 credit hours
Social Sciences 3 credit hours required
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 8 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
SCI228: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business Core 18 credit hours required
BIS155: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab 3 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
BUSN219: Marketing Fundamentals 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
LEAD150: Leadership and Facilitating Change 3 credit hours
One of
ACCT207: Fundamentals of Accounting 4 credit hours
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
Track one track selected required credit hours vary by track
Budgeting and Forecasting 14 credit hours required
ACCT303: Intermediate Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT360: Managerial Accounting 3 credit hours
BUSN278: Budgeting and Forecasting 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
General Business 15 credit hours required
One of:
MGMT210: Human Resource Functions 3 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
Three of:
BUSN278: Budgeting and Forecasting 4 credit hours
GSCM206: Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 4 credit hours
LEAD335: Cross-Cultural Leadership 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Healthcare Business
15 credit hours required
BUSN258: Customer Relations 4 credit hours
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT120: Introduction to Health Services and Information Systems 4 credit hours
HSM310: Introduction to Health Services Management 4 credit hours
Retail Management 13 credit hours required
BUSN258: Customer Relations 4 credit hours
MGMT210: Human Resource Functions 3 credit hours
MGMT230: Contemporary Retail Management 3 credit hours
MKTG230: Consumer Behavior Fundamentals 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Students selecting the Budgeting and Forecasting track must take ACCT212.
The Healthcare Business track is not embedded in the bachelor’s degree in Technical Management with Health
Information Management specialty. Students may pursue other Technical Management specializations, such as
Health Services Management.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional licensing exams required to practice certain professions. Persons interested in
practicing a regulated profession must contact the appropriate state regulatory agency for their
field of interest.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Associate of Applied
Science in Business (in Florida, Associate of Science in Business) degree program
include Sales Managers (11-2022.00); Customer Service Representatives (43-4051.00).
These positions are used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of
California and to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies.
Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational
Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ab webpage.
Accounting Bachelor’s Degree Program
DeVry’s bachelor’s degree program in Accounting is designed to prepare students for a variety
of career paths including private-sector, governmental and not-for-profit accounting. The
program includes coursework that provides a solid academic foundation in problem-solving,
accounting research and communication skills important in the diverse field of accounting and
the broader business world. The program is also designed to prepare students for graduate
study in accounting or business.
Programmatic Accreditation
This established degree program has been granted specialized accounting accreditation from
the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. More information is available in
the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
Developing Tomorrow’s Accounting Professionals
This program addresses the need for accounting professionals in diverse organizations
and settings, including accounting firms, small businesses and corporate accounting
departments. The curriculum helps students develop skills required in financial accounting,
auditing, taxation and managerial accounting. Students also gain experience with business
analytics and with technologies used throughout the profession, including accounting
information systems.
Career development strategies are integrated throughout the program, and coursework
in the curriculum addresses emerging topics in the profession, including artificial
intelligence. Students also have the opportunity to participate in industry-centered
activities and organizations.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Generate, analyze and interpret financial statements and supporting information.
Analyze and evaluate transactions and processes, evaluate risk, and recommend internal
controls for operational efficiencies, integrity and compliance.
Evaluate costing systems, and prepare and monitor budgets to support managerial decision-
Organize, analyze, and communicate accounting information to support business decision
Demonstrate and execute the standards of professional ethics and integrity as they apply to
a variety of accounting and business scenarios.
Demonstrate the ability to work and communicate effectively in collaborative environments.
Cultivate and apply problem-solving and decision-making skills that support lifelong personal
and professional development.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 14-16 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 120
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 13 credit hours required
ENGL108: Composition with Lab 3 credit hours
ENGL136: Advanced Composition 3 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities 12 credit hours required
HIST405: United States History 3 credit hours
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
One of:
HUMN303: Introduction to the Humanities 3 credit hours
HUMN304: Multi-Ethnic Humanities 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 9 credit hours required
MATH116: Algebra for College Students 3 credit hours
MATH226: Statistics for Decision-Making 3 credit hours
SCI226: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 3 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business Core 18 credit hours required
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
BIS155: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab 3 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
BUSN319: Marketing 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
Finance and Management 6 credit hours required
BUSN315: Contemporary Business 3 credit hours
BUSN379: Finance 3 credit hours
Accounting Core 39 credit hours required
ACCT303: Intermediate Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT306: Intermediate Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT313: Intermediate Accounting III 3 credit hours
ACCT326: Federal Tax Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT335: Analytics for Accounting 3 credit hours
ACCT360: Managerial Accounting 3 credit hours
ACCT406: Advanced Accounting 3 credit hours
ACCT426: Federal Tax Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT436: Advanced Cost Management 3 credit hours
ACCT439: Professional Ethics for Accountants 3 credit hours
ACCT440: Accounting Research 3 credit hours
ACCT446: Auditing 3 credit hours
ACCT454: Accounting Information Systems with Lab 3 credit hours
Accounting Senior Project 3 credit hours required
ACCT461: Accounting Senior Project 3 credit hours
Electives 6 credit hours required
Electives may be chosen from courses listed in the Course Descriptions section provided they
are not used to meet other graduation requirements and prerequisites are met. The following
suggested electives ensure students meet prerequisites and offer applied tech skills for today’s
business world. Qualifying prior college coursework not meeting other program requirements
may also be applied toward elective hours.
LEAD430: Consulting and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
TECH408: Applied AI for Management and Technology 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Most state boards of accountancy require 150 credit hours of postsecondary education in order
to sit for the CPA exam. As this program is less than 150 credit hours, this program alone does
not meet minimum coursework requirements to sit for the CPA exam. Students interested in
sitting for the CPA exam should check their state’s requirements.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional licensing exams required to practice certain professions. Persons interested in
practicing a regulated profession must contact the appropriate state regulatory agency for their
field of interest. DeVry is not able to recommend graduates for professional licensure in any
state. New York students should contact the NYSED Office of Professions regarding
professional licensure.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Accounting degree program include Accountants and Auditors (13-2011.00); Budget
Analysts (13-2031.00); Credit Analysts (13-2041.00); Financial Examiners (13-2061.00);
Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents (13-2081.00). These positions are
used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to
meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by
searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ba webpage.
Business Administration Bachelor’s Degree Program
DeVry’s Business Administration program is designed to help students develop competency in
applying technology to business strategy, management and decision-making through case
studies, team projects, Internet use, web page development, computer applications and
systems integration. The program offers majors (concentrations in Illinois and New York) as
shown in the following program outline.
Students who have not chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared”
status; however, they must select a major/concentration by the time they have earned 30
semester-credit hours toward their degree.
Programmatic Accreditation and Alignment
This program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
(ACBSP), demonstrating it has met standards of business education that promote teaching
excellence. ACBSP has also granted specialized accounting accreditation to this program when
completed with a specialization in Accounting.
This program, when completed with a Project Management major/concentration, is accredited
by Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programs (GAC) of the
Project Management Institute.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has acknowledged that this program,
with a Human Resource Management major/concentration, aligns with SHRM’s HR Curriculum
Guidebook and Templates.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
BUSINESS CORE Essential Skills for Today’s Workplace
This program features a series of essential Business Core courses to help build
interdisciplinary skills critical to workplace success. Courses introduce students to key
disciplines that support business careers and cover concepts related to general business
principles, including accounting, marketing, management and analytics that inform
business decision-making.
Business Core coursework also introduces students to contemporary workplace
applications. In each course, the learning experience is enhanced through activities that
help students apply course material, while shaping future education and career choices.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Develop the ability to effectively convey information to a variety of business audiences using
oral, written, and technological platforms.
Apply leadership and conflict management techniques to effectively manage and collaborate
within cross-cultural business environments in physical and virtual settings.
Develop and maintain the analytical and managerial skills required to address business
problems, manage risk, and create new business opportunities in collaborative and dynamic
Evaluate and conduct activities that influence organizational values, ethics, and professional
Apply comprehensive research using appropriate technologies to solve business problems
in the global workforce.
Utilize industry-appropriate tools and techniques to identify problems, evaluate solutions,
and make decisions that affect daily business operations and long-term strategies across
varying organizational structures.
Program Details Business Administration Program with Majors/Concentrations
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (in New York, Bachelor of
Professional Studies in Business Administration; in Ohio, Bachelor of Business
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 124
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15
credit hours required
: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities9 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
128 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
14 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location take ENGL108 in lieu of this course.
One of:
HUMN303: Introduction to the Humanities 3 credit hours
HUMN304: Multi-Ethnic Humanities 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
: The Legal Environment 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences12
credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
SCI228: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 4 credit hours
One of
MATH200: Quantitative Reasoning 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business Core
credit hours required
BIS155: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab 3 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
BUSN319: Marketing 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
One of
ACCT207: Fundamentals of Accounting 4 credit hours
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
Finance and Management 16 credit hours required
ACCT360: Managerial Accounting 3 credit hours
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
BUSN379: Finance 3 credit hours
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
Students enrolled at a Nevada location must take POLI332 in lieu of this requirement.
11 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students selecting the Business Intelligence and Analytics Management major/concentration must take MATH221.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must also take BUSN369, BUSN412 and GSCM206 to fulfill this
30 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location, where the additional credit hours satisfy the Elective course area
Students selecting the Accounting or Finance major/concentration must take ACCT212.
One of
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
PROJ404: Project Management for the Profession 4 credit hours
Senior Project 3 credit hours required
BUSN460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
10 credit hours required
Electives may be chosen from courses listed in the Course Descriptions section provided they
are not used to meet other graduation requirements and prerequisites are met. The following
suggested electives ensure students meet prerequisite requirements and offer applied tech
skills for today’s business world. Qualifying prior college coursework not meeting other program
requirements may be applied toward elective hours.
Two of:
BUSN350: Business Analysis 3 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
LEAD150: Leadership and Facilitating Change 3 credit hours
LEAD200: Communication for a Diverse Workplace 3 credit hours
MGMT408: Management of Technology Resources 3 credit hours
One of:
BUSN278: Budgeting and Forecasting 4 credit hours
LEAD335: Cross-Cultural Leadership 4 credit hours
SEC310: Principles and Theory of Security Management 4 credit hours
Major/Concentration one major/concentration selected required credit hours vary by
Accounting 27 credit hours required
ACCT303: Intermediate Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT306: Intermediate Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT313: Intermediate Accounting III 3 credit hours
ACCT326: Federal Tax Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT406: Advanced Accounting 3 credit hours
ACCT426: Federal Tax Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT436: Advanced Cost Management 3 credit hours
ACCT446: Auditing 3 credit hours
ACCT454: Accounting Information Systems 3 credit hours
Business Intelligence and Analytics Management27 credit hours required
BIAM300: Managerial Applications of Business Analytics 4 credit hours
BIAM400: Applied Business Analytics 4 credit hours
Students selecting the Project Management major/concentration must take PROJ404.
Students selecting the Accounting concentration who are interested in sitting for the CPA exam in Texas complete
ACCT434, ACCT440 and MGMT330 as elective course options. Successful completion of topics presented in these
courses is required to sit for the CPA exam in Texas. Additional requirements also apply to students wishing to sit for
the CPA exam; students should check with the Texas Board of Public Accountancy for details.
BIAM410: Database Concepts in Business Intelligence 4 credit hours
BIAM420: Introduction to Internet Analytics 4 credit hours
BUSN350: Business Analysis 3 credit hours
GSCM206: Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 4 credit hours
Supply Chain Management Decision Support Tools and Applications4 credit hours
Finance 28 credit hours required
ACCT303: Intermediate Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT326: Federal Tax Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT426: Federal Tax Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT436: Advanced Cost Management 3 credit hours
FIN351: Investment Fundamentals and Security Analysis 4 credit hours
FIN364: Money and Banking 4 credit hours
FIN382: Financial Statement Analysis 4 credit hours
FIN390: Fixed Income Securities Analysis 4 credit hours
Global Supply Chain Management 28 credit hours required
GSCM206: Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 4 credit hours
GSCM209: Supply
Chain Management Decision Support Tools and Applications4 credit hours
GSCM326: Total Quality Management 4 credit hours
GSCM330: Strategic Supply and Master Planning 4 credit hours
GSCM434: Supply Chain Logistics, Distribution and Warehousing 4 credit hours
GSCM440: Supply Chain Procurement Management and Sourcing Strategy 4 credit hours
GSCM460: Global Issues in Supply Chain Management 4 credit hours
Health Services Management – 28 credit hours required
HSM310: Introduction to Health Services Management 4 credit hours
HSM320: Health Rights and Responsibilities 4 credit hours
HSM330: Health Services Information Systems 4 credit hours
HSM340: Health Services Finance 4 credit hours
HSM410: Healthcare Policy 4 credit hours
HSM420: Managed Care and Health Insurance 4 credit hours
HSM430: Planning and Marketing for Health Services Organizations 4 credit hours
Hospitality Management28 credit hours required
HOSP310: Introduction to Hospitality Management 4 credit hours
HOSP320: Foundations of Hotel Management 4 credit hours
HOSP330: Meetings and Events Management 4 credit hours
HOSP410: Restaurant Management 4 credit hours
HOSP420: Food Safety and Sanitation 4 credit hours
HOSP440: Casino Management 4 credit hours
HOSP450: Tourism Management 4 credit hours
Human Resource Management 28 credit hours required
HRM320: Employment Law 4 credit hours
HRM330: Labor Relations 4 credit hours
HRM340: Human Resource Information Systems 4 credit hours
HRM410: Strategic Staffing 4 credit hours
HRM420: Training and Development 4 credit hours
HRM430: Compensation and Benefits 4 credit hours
MGMT410: Human Resource Management 4 credit hours
Project Management 27 credit hours required
ACCT436: Advanced Cost Management 3 credit hours
GSCM326: Total Quality Management 4 credit hours
MGMT340: Business Systems Analysis 4 credit hours
PROJ330: Human Resources and Communication in Projects 4 credit hours
PROJ410: Contracts and Procurement 4 credit hours
PROJ420: Project Risk Management 4 credit hours
PROJ430: Advanced Project Management 4 credit hours
Sales and Marketing 27 credit hours required
MKTG310: Consumer Behavior 4 credit hours
MKTG320: Market Research 4 credit hours
MKTG340: Digital Marketing Fundamentals 3 credit hours
MKTG410: Advertising and Public Relations 4 credit hours
MKTG425: Personal Selling and Sales Management 4 credit hours
MKTG430: International Marketing 4 credit hours
SBE330: Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development 4 credit hours
Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship 28 credit hours required
BUSN258: Customer Relations 4 credit hours
BUSN278: Budgeting and Forecasting 4 credit hours
MGMT410: Human Resource Management 4 credit hours
SBE310: Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship 4 credit hours
SBE330: Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development 4 credit hours
SBE430: E-Commerce for Small Business 4 credit hours
SBE440: Business Plan Writing for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs 4 credit hours
As a Premier level Authorized Training Partner (ATP) of the Project Management Institute (PMI)
DeVry is proud to offer project management exam preparation course PROJ430. This course
provides authorized content enabling students to meet education requirements for the Certified
Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® certification exam. Faculty teaching PROJ430 have
completed specialized training and have earned the ATP Instructor badge.
CAPM is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must take an additional six semester-credit hours of
general education coursework within these course areas: Communication Skills, Humanities,
Social Sciences, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Humanities and/or Social Sciences
courses selected should be upper-division coursework (DeVry courses numbered 300-499).
Students who wish to complete the internship course sequence (INTP491 and INTP492) must
request approval from the appropriate academic administrator to take these courses in lieu of
one of the major/concentration courses.
Most state boards of accountancy require 150 credit hours of postsecondary education in order
to sit for the CPA exam. As this program is less than 150 credit hours, this program alone does
not meet minimum credit hour requirements to sit for the CPA exam. Students interested in
sitting for the CPA exam should check their state’s requirements.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional licensing exams required to practice certain professions. Persons interested in
practicing a regulated profession must contact the appropriate state regulatory agency for their
field of interest.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Business Administration Program General Business Option Plan II
Qualified graduates of approved international three-year business-related programs may select
this option, which provides a direct path to earning a recognized bachelor’s degree. International
credentials considered for approval from China, India, Singapore and the United Kingdom,
among others include higher national diplomas, three-year bachelor’s degrees and the
Plan II also paves the way for graduate study. In lieu of choosing a major/concentration leading
to specialized knowledge and skills, students choose to become business generalists, familiar
with many aspects of international business and qualified for entry-level opportunities in
business areas.
Eligible students receive general credit for 83 semester-credit hours for their qualifying
credential and must meet the following additional course requirements for graduation.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students should seek academic advising to ensure any
specialized requirements noted in the Business Administration program outline above have
been met. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 8 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 6 credit hours required
: The Legal Environment 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 8 credit hours required
SCI228: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 4 credit hours
One of:
MATH200: Quantitative Reasoning 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Students enrolled at a Nevada location must take POLI332 in lieu of this requirement.
Business 7 credit hours required
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
Senior Project 3 credit hours required
BUSN460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional licensing exams required to practice certain professions. Persons interested in
practicing a regulated profession must contact the appropriate state regulatory agency for their
field of interest.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Business Administration (in New York, Bachelor of Professional Studies in Business
Administration; in Ohio, Bachelor of Business Administration) degree program include
General and Operations Managers (11-1021.00); Sales Managers (11-2022.00);
Administrative Services Managers (11-3012.00); Industrial Production Managers (11-
3051.00); Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers (11-3071.00); Construction
Managers (11-9021.00); Social and Community Service Managers (11-9151.00); Managers,
All Other (11-9199.00); Cost Estimators (13-1051.00); Management Analysts (13-1111.00);
Financial Analysts (13-2051.00); Regulatory Affairs Managers (11-9199.01); Compliance
Managers (11-9199.02); Supply Chain Managers (11-9199.04); Loss Prevention Managers
(11-9199.08). These positions are used to calculate graduate employment rates required
by the state of California and to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization
agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the
Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bba webpage.
Management Bachelor’s Degree Program
DeVry’s Management program is designed to prepare graduates to join the workforce as
management professionals in a wide variety of industries through coursework that helps
students develop knowledge and skills needed to adapt in a rapidly changing, dynamic and
competitive global marketplace.
Concentrations are offered as shown in the following program outline. Students who have not
chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared” status; however, they
must select a concentration by the time they have earned 45 semester-credit hours toward their
Programmatic Accreditation and Alignment
This program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
(ACBSP), demonstrating it has met standards of business education that promote teaching
excellence. ACBSP has also granted specialized accounting accreditation to this program when
completed with a specialization in Accounting.
This program, when completed with a Project Management concentration, is accredited by
Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programs (GAC) of the Project
Management Institute.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has acknowledged that this program,
with a Human Resource Management concentration, aligns with SHRM’s HR Curriculum
Guidebook and Templates.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
BUSINESS CORE Essential Skills for Today’s Workplace
This program features a series of essential Business Core courses to help build
interdisciplinary skills critical to workplace success. Courses introduce students to key
disciplines that support business careers and cover concepts related to general business
principles, including accounting, marketing, management and analytics that inform
business decision-making.
Business Core coursework also introduces students to contemporary workplace
applications. In each course, the learning experience is enhanced through activities that
help students apply course material, while shaping future education and career choices.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Develop the skills to effectively communicate quality information to a variety of business
audiences using oral, written, and technological platforms.
Apply comprehensive research using appropriate technologies to solve business problems
in the global workforce.
Apply fundamental management theories and resource management techniques to
influence organizational performance to promote continuous improvement.
Apply leadership, resource management, and conflict management techniques to effectively
manage and collaborate within cross-cultural business environments.
Evaluate stakeholder influence on organizational values, ethics, and professional
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Management
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 122
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 8 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 6 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 12 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 4 credit hours
Students enrolled at a Nevada location take POLI332.
Ohio residents enrolled as online students, and students enrolled at an Ohio location, must take an additional
natural sciences course from those with prefixes BIOS, PHYS or SCI as part of this requirement.
One of:
MATH200: Quantitative Reasoning 4 credit hours
: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Additional General Education Selection 3 credit hours required
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business Core 18 credit hours required
BIS155: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab 3 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
BUSN319: Marketing 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
One of
ACCT207: Fundamentals of Accounting 4 credit hours
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
Management and Leadership 23 credit hours required
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
BUSN278: Budgeting and Forecasting 4 credit hours
BUSN369: International Business 4 credit hours
LEAD335: Cross-Cultural Leadership 4 credit hours
MGMT410: Human Resource Management 4 credit hours
One of
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
PROJ404: Project Management for the Profession 4 credit hours
Senior Project 3 credit hours required
BUSN460: Senior Project3 credit hours
Students selecting the Business Intelligence and Analytics Management concentration must take MATH221.
Students selecting the Accounting or Finance concentration must take ACCT212.
Students selecting the Project Management concentration must take PROJ404.
Analytics and Computing by Concentration 11 credit hours required
for all students except those selecting the Business Intelligence and
Analytics Management concentration11 credit hours required
The Analytics course sequence is for students who want to learn how to implement business
analytics and modelling techniques. Students leverage traditional and big data sources as
well as design, develop and implement data warehouse solutions.
ACCT346: Managerial Accounting 4 credit hours
BIAM300: Managerial Applications of Business Analytics 4 credit hours
BUSN379: Finance 3 credit hours
Computingfor students selecting the Business Intelligence and Analytics
Management concentration11 credit hours required
The Computing course sequence is for students who want to develop a basic understanding
of programming logic, databases, scripting languages, web applications applied to business
models, and integrating text and graphics into web environments.
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS209: Intermediate Programming 4 credit hours
Concentration one concentration selected required credit hours vary by
Accounting 27 credit hours required
ACCT303: Intermediate Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT306: Intermediate Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT313: Intermediate Accounting III 3 credit hours
ACCT326: Federal Tax Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT406: Advanced Accounting 3 credit hours
ACCT426: Federal Tax Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT436: Advanced Cost Management 3 credit hours
ACCT446: Auditing 3 credit hours
ACCT454: Accounting Information Systems 3 credit hours
Business Intelligence and Analytics Management 27 credit hours required
BIAM300: Managerial Applications of Business Analytics 4 credit hours
BIAM400: Applied Business Analytics 4 credit hours
BIAM410: Database Concepts in Business Intelligence 4 credit hours
BIAM420: Introduction to Internet Analytics 4 credit hours
BUSN350: Business Analysis 3 credit hours
GSCM206: Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 4 credit hours
GSCM209: S
upply Chain Management Decision Support Tools and Applications4 credit hours
Students selecting the Accounting concentration interested in sitting for the CPA exam in Texas complete
ACCT434, ACCT440 and MGMT330 as elective course options instead of the Analytics option. Successful
completion of topics presented in these courses is required to sit for the CPA exam in Texas. Additional requirements
also apply to students wishing to sit for the CPA exam; students should check with the Texas Board of Public
Accountancy for details.
Finance 28 credit hours required
ACCT303: Intermediate Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT326: Federal Tax Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT426: Federal Tax Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT436: Advanced Cost Management 3 credit hours
FIN351: Investment Fundamentals and Security Analysis 4 credit hours
FIN364: Money and Banking 4 credit hours
FIN382: Financial Statement Analysis 4 credit hours
FIN390: Fixed Income Securities Analysis 4 credit hours
Global Supply Chain Management 28 credit hours required
GSCM206: Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 4 credit hours
GSCM209: S
upply Chain Management Decision Support Tools and Applications4 credit hours
GSCM326: Total Quality Management 4 credit hours
GSCM330: Strategic Supply and Master Planning 4 credit hours
GSCM434: Supply Chain Logistics, Distribution and Warehousing 4 credit hours
GSCM440: Supply Chain Procurement Management and Sourcing Strategy 4 credit hours
GSCM460: Global Issues in Supply Chain Management 4 credit hours
Health Services Management 28 credit hours required
HSM310: Introduction to Health Services Management 4 credit hours
HSM320: Health Rights and Responsibilities 4 credit hours
HSM330: Health Services Information Systems 4 credit hours
HSM340: Health Services Finance 4 credit hours
HSM410: Healthcare Policy 4 credit hours
HSM420: Managed Care and Health Insurance 4 credit hours
HSM430: Planning and Marketing for Health Services Organizations 4 credit hours
Hospitality Management 28 credit hours required
HOSP310: Introduction to Hospitality Management 4 credit hours
HOSP320: Foundations of Hotel Management 4 credit hours
HOSP330: Meetings and Events Management 4 credit hours
HOSP410: Restaurant Management 4 credit hours
HOSP420: Food Safety and Sanitation 4 credit hours
HOSP440: Casino Management 4 credit hours
HOSP450: Tourism Management 4 credit hours
Human Resource Management 28 credit hours required
BUSN412: Business Policy 4 credit hours
HRM320: Employment Law 4 credit hours
HRM330: Labor Relations 4 credit hours
HRM340: Human Resource Information Systems 4 credit hours
HRM410: Strategic Staffing 4 credit hours
HRM420: Training and Development 4 credit hours
HRM430: Compensation and Benefits 4 credit hours
Project Management 27 credit hours required
ACCT436: Advanced Cost Management 3 credit hours
GSCM326: Total Quality Management 4 credit hours
MGMT340: Business Systems Analysis 4 credit hours
PROJ330: Human Resources and Communication in Projects 4 credit hours
PROJ410: Contracts and Procurement4 credit hours
PROJ420: Project Risk Management 4 credit hours
PROJ430: Advanced Project Management 4 credit hours
Sales and Marketing 27 credit hours required
MKTG310: Consumer Behavior 4 credit hours
MKTG320: Market Research 4 credit hours
MKTG340: Digital Marketing Fundamentals 3 credit hours
MKTG410: Advertising and Public Relations 4 credit hours
MKTG425: Personal Selling and Sales Management 4 credit hours
MKTG430: International Marketing 4 credit hours
SBE330: Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development 4 credit hours
Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship 28 credit hours required
BUSN258: Customer Relations 4 credit hours
BUSN412: Business Policy 4 credit hours
SBE310: Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship 4 credit hours
SBE330: Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development 4 credit hours
SBE420: Operational Issues in Small Business Management 4 credit hours
SBE430: E-Commerce for Small Business 4 credit hours
SBE440: Business Plan Writing for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
As a Premier level Authorized Training Partner (ATP) of the Project Management Institute (PMI)
DeVry is proud to offer project management exam preparation course PROJ430. This course
provides authorized content enabling students to meet education requirements for the Certified
Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® certification exam. Faculty teaching PROJ430 have
completed specialized training and have earned the ATP Instructor badge.
CAPM is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students should check with their advisor to determine if they are able to apply prior credits to
satisfy degree requirements, especially in General Education course areas (Communication
Skills, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences). A minimum of six
credit hours is required in each General Education course area.
Most state boards of accountancy require 150 credit hours of postsecondary education in order
to sit for the CPA exam. As this program is less than 150 credit hours, this program alone does
not meet the minimum credit hour requirements to sit for the CPA exam. Students interested in
sitting for the CPA exam should check their state’s requirements.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional licensing exams required to practice certain professions. Persons interested in
practicing a regulated profession must contact the appropriate state regulatory agency for their
field of interest.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Management degree program include General and Operations Managers (11-1021.00);
Sales Managers (11-2022.00); Administrative Services Managers (11-3012.00); Industrial
Production Managers (11-3051.00); Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers
(11-3071.00); Construction Managers (11-9021.00); Social and Community Service
Managers (11-9151.00); Managers, All Other (11-9199.00); Cost Estimators (13-1051.00);
Management Analysts (13-1111.00); Financial Analysts (13-2051.00); Regulatory Affairs
Managers (11-9199.01); Compliance Managers (11-9199.02); Supply Chain Managers (11-
9199.04); Loss Prevention Managers (11-9199.08). These positions are used to calculate
graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation
requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles
or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bm webpage.
Technical Management Bachelor’s Degree Program
DeVry’s bachelor’s degree completion program in Technical Management is designed to
prepare students to meet the challenges of a high-tech, global marketplace. Coursework helps
students learn management skills needed to work in many business areas and industries, such
as accounting, project management and information technology. Additionally, through
experiential projects, students can develop the business acumen needed in today’s business
The program offers technical specialties and a General Technical Option (GTO) as shown in the
following program outline. Students who have not chosen an area of specialization may begin
the program in “Undeclared” status; however, they must select a technical specialty by the time
they have earned 30 semester-credit hours toward their degree.
Programmatic Accreditation and Alignment
This program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
(ACBSP), demonstrating it has met standards of business education that promote teaching
excellence. ACBSP has also granted specialized accounting accreditation to this program when
completed with a specialization in Accounting.
When completed with a Health Information Management specialty, the program is accredited by
the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management
When completed with a Project Management technical specialty, this program is accredited by
Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programs (GAC) of the Project
Management Institute.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has acknowledged that this program,
with a Human Resource Management technical specialty, aligns with SHRM’s HR Curriculum
Guidebook and Templates.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
BUSINESS CORE Essential Skills for Today’s Workplace
This program features a series of essential Business Core courses to help build
interdisciplinary skills critical to workplace success. Courses introduce students to key
disciplines that support business careers and cover concepts related to general business
principles, including accounting, marketing, management and analytics that inform
business decision-making.
Business Core coursework also introduces students to contemporary workplace
applications. In each course, the learning experience is enhanced through activities that
help students apply course material, while shaping future education and career choices.
Note: Prior college credit is required for those who wish to be admitted to the BSTM program,
except for those enrolled at a New Jersey location (visit the Special Admission Requirements
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Apply comprehensive research using appropriate technologies to solve business problems
in the global workforce.
Develop the skills to effectively convey information to a variety of business audiences using
oral, written, presentation, and technological platforms.
Apply leadership and conflict management techniques to foster collaboration within cross-
cultural and interdisciplinary business environments.
Demonstrate management and leadership skills to develop and maintain a successful
workforce in a globalized environment.
Examine issues and needs related to organizational challenges and propose change for
quality improvement.
Individual Plans of Study
Degree requirements are specified in an individual plan of study developed with each student
through academic advising. Each plan includes a minimum of six credit hours in each General
Education course area (Communication Skills, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Mathematics
and Natural Sciences). Each plan also includes at least 42 semester-credit hours that must be
earned in upper-division coursework (DeVry courses numbered 300-499). Upper-division
coursework shown in all course areas in the Program Outline section, including the Electives
course area, is applicable to the 42-semester-credit-hour requirement.
Students should check with their advisor to determine if they are able to apply prior credits to
satisfy degree requirements, especially in General Education course areas.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Technical Management (in New York, Bachelor of
Professional Studies in Technical Management; in Ohio, Bachelor of Technical
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 122
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills – 8
credit hours required
: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 6 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 12 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 4 credit hours
One of
MATH200: Quantitative Reasoning 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Additional General Education Selection 3 credit hours required
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business Core 18 credit hours required
BIS155: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab 3 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
BUSN319: Marketing 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
One of
ACCT207: Fundamentals of Accounting 4 credit hours
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
7 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location take ENGL108 in lieu of this course.
Students enrolled at a Nevada location must take POLI332 as part of this requirement, the Additional General
Education Selection or the Electives.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must take TECH204 to fulfill this requirement.
Students selecting the Business Intelligence and Analytics Management technical specialty must take MATH221.
Students selecting the Accounting or Finance technical specialty must take ACCT212.
Management and Technology 8 credit hours required
One of:
BIS245: Database Essentials for Business with Lab 4 credit hours
SEC310: Principles and Theory of Security Management 4 credit hours
One of
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
PROJ404: Project Management for the Profession 4 credit hours
Senior Project 3 credit hours required
BUSN460: Senior Project3 credit hours
8, 9
26 credit hours required
Electives may be chosen from courses listed in the Course Descriptions section provided they
are not used to meet other graduation requirements and prerequisites are met. The following
suggested electives follow DeVry’s TechPath and ensure students meet prerequisite
requirements. Qualifying prior college coursework not meeting other program requirements may
be applied toward elective hours.
Note: BIAM110 is recommended for students selecting the Accounting or Business Intelligence
and Analytics Management technical specialty.
Two of
ACCT360: Managerial Accounting 3 credit hours
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
BUSN379: Finance 3 credit hours
LEAD150: Leadership and Facilitating Change 3 credit hours
LEAD200: Communication for a Diverse Workplace 3 credit hours
MGMT408: Management of Technology Resources 3 credit hours
Five of:
BUSN278: Budgeting and Forecasting 4 credit hours
BUSN369: International Business 4 credit hours
BUSN412: Business Policy 4 credit hours
GSCM206: Managing Across the Supply Chain 4 credit hours
LEAD335: Cross-Cultural Leadership 4 credit hours
MGMT410: Human Resource Management 4 credit hours
Students selecting the Project Management technical specialty must take PROJ404.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must take 55 semester-credit hours of general education coursework.
Fifteen semester-credit hours of general education coursework may be applied to the Electives course area.
Students selecting the Accounting technical specialty interested in sitting for the CPA exam in Texas complete
ACCT434, ACCT440 and MGMT330 as elective course options. Successful completion of topics presented in these
courses is required to sit for the CPA exam in Texas. Additional requirements also apply to students wishing to sit for
the CPA exam; students should check with the Texas Board of Public Accountancy for details.
Students selecting the Accounting technical specialty must take ACCT360. Students selecting the Finance
technical specialty must take ACCT360 and BUSN379.
Technical Specialty one technical specialty selected required credit hours vary by
technical specialty
A technical specialty consists of a sequence of interrelated courses focusing on a particular career
area. With approval from a student support advisor, students choose one of the following options.
Option 1 General Technical Option 27 credit hours required
The General Technical Option (GTO) is designed for students who wish to apply prior coursework
to a particular career area. DeVry coursework, qualifying coursework from a prior college
experience, or a combination of DeVry and qualifying prior coursework may apply.
Option 2 Business Administration Specialtyrequired credit hours vary by technical
The following Business Administration specialties are designed for students who wish to focus on
a particular career area in a business or management field.
o Accounting 27 credit hours required
ACCT303: Intermediate Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT306: Intermediate Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT313: Intermediate Accounting III 3 credit hours
ACCT326: Federal Tax Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT406: Advanced Accounting 3 credit hours
ACCT426: Federal Tax Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT436: Advanced Cost Management 3 credit hours
ACCT446: Auditing 3 credit hours
ACCT454: Accounting Information Systems 3 credit hours
o Business Intelligence and Analytics Management 27 credit hours required
BIAM300: Managerial Applications of Business Analytics 4 credit hours
BIAM400: Applied Business Analytics 4 credit hours
BIAM410: Database Concepts in Business Intelligence 4 credit hours
BIAM420: Introduction to Internet Analytics 4 credit hours
BUSN350: Business Analysis 3 credit hours
o Finance 28 credit hours required
ACCT303: Intermediate Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT326: Federal Tax Accounting I 3 credit hours
ACCT426: Federal Tax Accounting II 3 credit hours
ACCT436: Advanced Cost Management 3 credit hours
FIN351: Investment Fundamentals and Security Analysis 4 credit hours
FIN364: Money and Banking 4 credit hours
FIN382: Financial Statement Analysis 4 credit hours
FIN390: Fixed Income Securities Analysis 4 credit hours
o Global Supply Chain Management 28 credit hours required
GSCM206: Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 4 credit hours
GSCM209: Supply
Chain Management Decision Support Tools and Applications4 credit hours
GSCM326: Total Quality Management 4 credit hours
GSCM330: Strategic Supply and Master Planning 4 credit hours
GSCM434: Supply Chain Logistics, Distribution and Warehousing 4 credit hours
GSCM440: Supply Chain Procurement Management and Sourcing Strategy 4 credit hours
GSCM460: Global Issues in Supply Chain Management 4 credit hours
o Health Services Management 28 credit hours required
HSM310: Introduction to Health Services Management 4 credit hours
HSM320: Health Rights and Responsibilities 4 credit hours
HSM330: Health Services Information Systems 4 credit hours
HSM340: Health Services Finance 4 credit hours
HSM410: Healthcare Policy 4 credit hours
HSM420: Managed Care and Health Insurance 4 credit hours
HSM430: Planning and Marketing for Health Services Organizations 4 credit hours
o Hospitality Management 28 credit hours required
HOSP310: Introduction to Hospitality Management 4 credit hours
HOSP320: Foundations of Hotel Management 4 credit hours
HOSP330: Meetings and Events Management 4 credit hours
HOSP410: Restaurant Management 4 credit hours
HOSP420: Food Safety and Sanitation 4 credit hours
HOSP440: Casino Management 4 credit hours
HOSP450: Tourism Management 4 credit hours
o Human Resource Management 28 credit hours required
HRM320: Employment Law 4 credit hours
HRM330: Labor Relations 4 credit hours
HRM340: Human Resource Information Systems 4 credit hours
HRM410: Strategic Staffing 4 credit hours
HRM420: Training and Development 4 credit hours
HRM430: Compensation and Benefits 4 credit hours
MGMT410: Human Resource Management 4 credit hours
o Information Technology Networking Fundamentals 27 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
NETW260: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking I 3 credit hours
NETW270: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking II 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
o Project Management 27 credit hours required
ACCT360: Managerial Accounting 3 credit hours
GSCM326: Total Quality Management 4 credit hours
MGMT340: Business Systems Analysis 4 credit hours
PROJ330: Human Resources and Communication in Projects 4 credit hours
PROJ410: Contracts and Procurement 4 credit hours
PROJ420: Project Risk Management 4 credit hours
PROJ430: Advanced Project Management 4 credit hours
o Sales and Marketing 27 credit hours required
MKTG310: Consumer Behavior 4 credit hours
MKTG320: Market Research 4 credit hours
MKTG340: Digital Marketing Fundamentals 3 credit hours
MKTG410: Advertising and Public Relations 4 credit hours
MKTG425: Personal Selling and Sales Management 4 credit hours
MKTG430: International Marketing 4 credit hours
SBE330: Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development 4 credit hours
o Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship 28 credit hours required
BUSN258: Customer Relations 4 credit hours
BUSN278: Budgeting and Forecasting 4 credit hours
MGMT410: Human Resource Management 4 credit hours
SBE310: Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship 4 credit hours
SBE420: Operational Issues in Small Business Management 4 credit hours
SBE430: E-Commerce for Small Business 4 credit hours
SBE440: Business Plan Writing for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
4 credit hours
Option 3 Criminal Justice Specialty 27 credit hours required
Visit the Employment in Criminal Justice section to learn more about pre-employment
screenings, training programs and prior experience that may be required to obtain
employment in this field.
CRMJ300: Criminal Justice 3 credit hours
CRMJ310: Law Enforcement 3 credit hours
CRMJ315: Juvenile Justice 3 credit hours
CRMJ320: Theory and Practice of Corrections 3 credit hours
CRMJ400: Criminology 3 credit hours
CRMJ410: Criminal Law and Procedure 3 credit hours
CRMJ420: Criminal Investigation 3 credit hours
CRMJ425: Ethics and Criminal Justice 3 credit hours
CRMJ450: Terrorism Investigation 3 credit hours
Technical Management Program Health Information Management (HIM) Specialty
The Health Information Management (HIM) specialty is designed for students who wish to
develop a solid business foundation for the workplace. This specialization further focuses
studies by helping students become familiar with information systems and health policy in
support of careers in healthcare settings.
DIGITAL HEALTH CORE Essential Health Information Skills for Modern Healthcare
The Technical Management program with a Health Information Management specialty
includes DeVry’s Digital Health Core series of courses, designed to help students
develop a set of interdisciplinary skills for today's rapidly evolving health information
field. Courses explore principles used throughout the healthcare ecosystem, exposing
students to essential topics related to medical terminology, compliance, ethics, electronic
medical records, patient privacy and digital aspects of the healthcare delivery system.
The Digital Health Core curriculum also provides students hands-on experience with
industry-standard software systems and simulated patient records.
Note: To complete their program, students in the HIM specialty must meet requirements
outlined in the Healthcare Practicum and Clinical Coursework Requirements section and in the
Healthcare Site Requirements and General Information section.
Note: Those who have earned a Medical Billing & Coding or Medical Billing & Coding Health
Information Coding undergraduate certificate, or an associate degree in Health Information
Technology, through DeVry can apply eligible coursework in these programs toward the
University’s bachelor’s degree in Technical Management. Students should note that future
programmatic changes could impact application of credit to a future program. Contact a student
support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 8 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 6 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 19 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making4 credit hours
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology4 credit hours
BIOS268: Pathopharmacology 3 credit hours
HIM325: Healthcare Statistics and Research 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
HIT101: Professional Skills for Healthcare3 credit hours
Business Core13 credit hours required
ACCT207: Fundamentals of Accounting 4 credit hours
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
Management 8 credit hours required
BUSN412: Business Policy 4 credit hours
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
Digital Health Core 12 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT125: Electronic Health Records and Digital Health 3 credit hours
HIT223: Medical Ethics, Compliance and Patient Privacy 3 credit hours
HIT235: Health Insurance Billing and Reimbursement3 credit hours
Health Information Technology 6 credit hours required
HIT175: Health Information Technology Application 3 credit hours
HIT227: Healthcare Quality and Data Analytics 3 credit hours
Medical Coding 9 credit hours required
HIT206: CPT Coding with Application 3 credit hours
HIT214: ICD Coding I with Application 3 credit hours
HIT215: ICD Coding II with Application3 credit hours
Health Information Management Specialty 28 credit hours required
HIM335: Health Information Systems and Networks with Lab 3 credit hours
HIM355: Advanced Classification Systems and Management with Lab 3 credit hours
HIM410: Health Information Financial Management 3 credit hours
HIM420: Healthcare Total Quality Management 4 credit hours
HIM435: Management of Health Information Functions and Services 4 credit hours
: Health Information Management Practicum 3 credit hours
HSM310: Introduction to Health Services Management 4 credit hours
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
Senior Project 3 credit hours required
BUSN460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
As a Premier level Authorized Training Partner (ATP) of the Project Management Institute (PMI)
DeVry is proud to offer project management exam preparation course PROJ430. This course
provides authorized content enabling students to meet education requirements for the Certified
Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® certification exam. Faculty teaching PROJ430 have
completed specialized training and have earned the ATP Instructor badge.
CAPM is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students selecting the General Technical Option or a Business Administration specialty who
wish to complete the internship course sequence (INTP491 and INTP492) must request
approval from the appropriate academic administrator to take these courses in lieu of one of the
specialty courses.
Most state boards of accountancy require 150 credit hours of postsecondary education in order
to sit for the CPA exam. As this program is less than 150 credit hours, this program alone does
not meet the minimum credit hour requirements to sit for the CPA exam. Students interested in
sitting for the CPA exam should check their state’s requirements.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional licensing exams required to practice certain professions. Persons interested in
practicing a regulated profession must contact the appropriate state regulatory agency for their
field of interest.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Technical Management (in New York, Bachelor of Professional Studies in Technical
Management; in Ohio, Bachelor of Technical Management) degree program include
General and Operations Managers (11-1021.00); Sales Managers (11-2022.00);
Course provided at no tuition charge for students selecting the Health Information Management specialty.
Administrative Services Managers (11-3012.00); Industrial Production Managers (11-
3051.00); Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers (11-3071.00); Construction
Managers (11-9021.00); Social and Community Service Managers (11-9151.00); Managers,
All Other (11-9199.00); Cost Estimators (13-1051.00); Management Analysts (13-1111.00);
Financial Analysts (13-2051.00). These positions are used to calculate graduate
employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation requirements
of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC
numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/btm webpage.
College of Engineering & Information Sciences
DeVry University’s College of Engineering & Information Sciences offers certificate and degree
programs focused on innovation and practical application to help students begin their careers or
prepare for professional positions with greater responsibility and reward. Curricula are
developed with insight from industry experts who serve on our national advisory committees and
include applied learning activities employing technologies applicable to diverse professions.
Courses are taught by faculty who have relevant professional experience and are dedicated to
educational excellence.
The following pages provide details on undergraduate programs offered through the College
of Engineering & Information Sciences. Each program features DeVry University’s Tech
Core coursework, which is designed to help students build interdisciplinary skills for an ever-
evolving digital world.
Engineering Technology
Certificate: Engineering Technology
Associate Degree: Engineering Technology
Bachelor’s Degree: Engineering Technology
Information Technology
Certificate: Cloud Computing
Certificate: Cyber Security
Certificate: Information Technology Essentials
Certificate: Internet of Things
Certificate: Networking Essentials
Associate Degree: Cybersecurity & Networking
Associate Degree: Information Technology & Networking
Bachelor’s Degree: Cybersecurity & Networking
Bachelor’s Degree: Information Technology & Networking
Software and Information Systems
Certificate: Data Mining & Analytics
Certificate: Programming Essentials
Certificate: Software Design & Solutions
Certificate: Web & Mobile Application Development
Bachelor’s Degree: Computer Information Systems
Bachelor’s Degree: Software Development
Visit the Keller Graduate School of Management academic catalog for information on tech-
focused graduate-level degree and certificate programs.
Engineering Technology Certificate Program
DeVry’s Engineering Technology undergraduate certificate program provides students with
foundational knowledge and readily marketable skills for entry-level positions in a variety of
technical fields. The curriculum includes information technology essentials, which are
complemented by technical coursework applicable to many disciplines. Students also explore
system automation. The program offers focused areas of study, as shown in the program
Students who complete the Engineering Technology undergraduate certificate program can
apply eligible coursework to DeVry’s Engineering Technology associate and bachelor’s degree
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for todays fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Program Outcomes
This program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Understand how to connect and integrate systems with automation and control.
Conduct, analyze, and interpret results of standard tests, measurements, and
experimentation relevant to the field.
Apply principles of technology in the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of
distributed systems.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Engineering Technology
Total semesters: 3 full time, assuming enrollment in 13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 39
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 12 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 4 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
Tech Core 8 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
Program Focus15 credit hours required
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations 3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control 3 credit hours
Three of
ECT308: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design 3 credit hours
ECT313: Generative Design 3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT 3 credit hours
ECT320: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 3 credit hours
ECT325: Electromechanical Systems 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
Career Preparation – 2 credit hour required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
One Option Selected 10 credit hours required
General Option 10 credit hours required
Students select applicable courses from the College of Engineering & Information Sciences and
College of Business & Management provided prerequisites are met. Courses within other Colleges
may be applied with permission from the appropriate academic administrator.
Machine Learning and Design Techniques 10 credit hours required
TECH221: Data-Driven Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Two of:
ECT313: Generative Design 3 credit hours
TECH231: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Applications 3 credit hours
TECH310: Process Improvement 3 credit hours
Medical Technology and Healthcare Systems 10 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology4 credit hours
Two of:
BMET314: Medical Instrumentation 3 credit hours
BMET316: Medical Imaging Technology 3 credit hours
BMET318: Telemedicine 3 credit hours
Students choosing to complete ECT313 within the Machine Learning and Design Techniques Option must take
Renewable Energy and Sustainable Power 10 credit hours required
TECH215: Introduction to Sustainability4 credit hours
Two of:
REET302: Introduction to Alternative Energy Technologies 3 credit hours
REET322: Power Electronics and Alternative Energy Applications 3 credit hours
REET326: Electric Machines and Power Systems 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional certification or licensure exams. DeVry does not guarantee graduates will
successfully pass such exams.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Engineering Technology include Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Technologists and Technicians (17-3023.00); Electro-Mechanical and
Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians (17-3024.00); Industrial Engineering
Technologists and Technicians (17-3026.00); Engineering Technologist and Technicians,
Except Drafters, All Other (17-3029.00). These positions are used to calculate graduate
employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation requirements
of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC
numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucet webpage.
Engineering Technology Program, Associate Degree
DeVry’s associate degree program in Engineering Technology delivers foundational knowledge
and hands-on experience in the test, measurement and implementation of secured digital
systems and devices. Coursework includes instruction in information technology, programming,
controls and automation, as well as in digital systems and security. The program offers focused
areas of study as shown in the program outline.
Programmatic Accreditation
This program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for todays fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on experience
with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems. To support this
experience, DeVry provides students in this program with a laptop computer.
Note: To complete their program, students must meet requirements outlined in the Engineering
and Information Sciences Programs General Course Requirements section.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives (PEOs) are broad statements describing expectations of skill
attainment within a few years of graduation. PEOs are based on the needs of the program’s
constituents and are a requirement of ETAC of ABET accreditation. Engineering Technology
associate degree program PEOs are:
Successfully support maintenance, installation, testing, and securing of automated,
computer-based and/or distributed systems.
Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals and teams.
Exercise critical and systemic thinking, as well as ethical responsibility in solving
professional challenges.
Remain abreast of developments in technology and society.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of
graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire as they
progress through the program. These outcomes map directly to the current Student Outcome
Criteria prescribed by ETAC of ABET. Student outcomes for the Engineering Technology
associate degree program are:
Apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering
and technology to solve well-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Design solutions for well-defined technical problems, and assist with the engineering design
of systems, components or processes appropriate to the discipline.
Apply written, oral and graphical communication in well-defined technical and nontechnical
environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
Conduct standard tests, measurements and experiments, and analyze and interpret results.
Function effectively as a member of a technical team.
Program Details
Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Engineering Technology
Total semesters: 4 full time, assuming enrollment in 15-17 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 64
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 7 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities3 credit hours required
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences3 credit hours required
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 8 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core 12 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
Program Focus15 credit hours required
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations 3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control 3 credit hours
Three of
ECT308: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design3 credit hours
ECT313: Generative Design 3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT 3 credit hours
ECT320: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 3 credit hours
ECT325: Electromechanical Systems 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing - 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
TECH301: Design of Experiments 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 1 credit hour required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
One Option Selected 10 credit hours required
General Option 10 credit hours required
Students select applicable courses from the College of Engineering & Information Sciences and
College of Business & Management provided prerequisites are met. Courses within other Colleges
may be applied with permission from the appropriate academic administrator.
Machine Learning and Design Techniques 10 credit hours required
TECH221: Data-Driven Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Two of:
ECT313: Generative Design3 credit hours
TECH231: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Applications 3 credit hours
TECH310: Process Improvement 3 credit hours
Medical Technology and Healthcare Systems 10 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
Two of:
BMET314: Medical Instrumentation 3 credit hours
BMET316: Medical Imaging Technology 3 credit hours
BMET318: Telemedicine 3 credit hours
Students choosing to complete ECT313 within the Machine Learning and Design Techniques Option must take
Renewable Energy and Sustainable Power 10 credit hours required
TECH215: Introduction to Sustainability4 credit hours
Two of:
REET302: Introduction to Alternative Energy Technologies 3 credit hours
REET322: Power Electronics and Alternative Energy Applications 3 credit hours
REET326: Electric Machines and Power Systems 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Associate of Applied
Science in Engineering Technology degree program include Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Technologists and Technicians (17-3023.00). These positions are used to
calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet
regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching
career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/aet webpage.
Engineering Technology Program, Bachelor’s Degree
DeVry’s Engineering Technology bachelor’s degree program prepares students to use basic
engineering principles in the application and execution of systems, processes and technical
operations. Students study automation, process improvement, project management, computer-
aided design, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) as applied to industrial processes,
healthcare systems, transportation of goods, electrical power delivery and more. In addition to
completing core technical coursework, students select from a wide range of technical and
business courses to augment and focus their program on their career goals.
Programmatic Accreditation
This program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
Building Product and Process Innovators
This program addresses the need for skilled professionals in technical fields such as
product development, advanced manufacturing and industrial systems. The curriculum is
aligned with industry certifications offered by the International Association For Six Sigma
Certification, Autodesk and the Smart Automation Certification Alliance. Coursework
provides students with experiential learning opportunities and exposure to engineering tools
and platforms needed to develop skills relevant to automation and smart devices.
Career development strategies are integrated throughout the program. Emerging topics,
such as the impacts of AI in technology fields, are embedded throughout the curriculum.
Students have the opportunity to participate in industry-centered student organizations
and in certification-preparation activities.
To complete their program, students must meet requirements outlined in the Engineering
and Information Sciences General Course Requirements section.
For information on accreditation, visit the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives (PEOs) are broad statements describing expectations of skill
attainment within a few years of graduation. PEOs are based on the needs of the program’s
constituents and are a requirement of ETAC of ABET accreditation. Engineering Technology
bachelor’s degree program PEOs are:
Support successful design, development, testing, and securing of technology-based
Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals or teams.
Exercise critical and systemic thinking, as well as ethical responsibility, in solving
professional challenges.
Contribute to society through a chosen field.
Remain abreast of developments in technology and society.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of
graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire as they
progress through the program. These outcomes map directly to the current Student Outcome
Criteria prescribed by ETAC of ABET. Student outcomes for the Engineering Technology
bachelor’s degree program are:
Apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering
and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Design systems, components or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined
engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Apply written, oral and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and
nontechnical environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
Conduct standard tests, measurements and experiments, and analyze and interpret results
to improve processes.
Function effectively as a member as well as a leader of technical teams.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 126
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 27 credit hours required
ECT345: Signals and Systems 4 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH190: Pre-Calculus 4 credit hours
MATH265: Applied Calculus 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
TECH221: Data-Driven Decision-Making 4 credit hours
TECH301: Design of Experiments 3 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core 15 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
Program Focus24 credit hours required
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations 3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control 3 credit hours
ECT308: Introduction to Computer-Aided Design 3 credit hours
TECH231: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Applications 3 credit hours
TECH310: Process Improvement 3 credit hours
Three of:
ECT313: Generative Design3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT 3 credit hours
ECT320: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 3 credit hours
ECT325: Electromechanical Systems 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information Security 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 12 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management 1 credit hour
: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
TECH408: Applied AI for Management and Technology 3 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
Technical and Business Selection 13 credit hours required
Students select applicable courses from the College of Engineering & Information Sciences and
College of Business & Management provided prerequisites are met. At least two courses must
be at the 300-level or higher. Courses within other Colleges may be applied with permission
from the appropriate academic administrator.
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students must take CEIS101 prior to taking any other course in the Tech Core and in all of the
program’s technical course areas, including Career Preparation and the Senior Project.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Engineering Technology degree program include Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Technologists and Technicians (17-3023.00). These positions are used to calculate
graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation
requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles
or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bet webpage.
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
Cloud Computing Certificate Program
DeVry’s Cloud Computing undergraduate certificate program is designed to prepare students
with knowledge and skills needed to improve business productivity and effectiveness through
Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a service (known as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS). The
curriculum includes hands-on experience in implementing, configuring and managing cloud
technologies and virtualization environments. Coursework also covers web architecture and
infrastructure, security and risk mitigation, and industry standards and best practices as applied
to cloud services.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Identify and utilize cloud computing models and types of available technologies and services.
Design a cloud computing infrastructure and/or service.
Configure, deploy, and manage a cloud computing system considering security threats and risk
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Cloud Computing
Total semesters: 4, assuming enrollment in 8-12 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 40
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 4 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
Tech Core 18 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Cloud Computing 16 credit hours required
NETW314: Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
NETW404: Data Center Virtualization 3 credit hours
SEC380: Cloud Computing Security 4 credit hours
One of:
NETW350: Cloud Services 3 credit hours
NETW351: Cloud Architecture 3 credit hours
One of:
NETW450: Cloud Development 3 credit hours
NETW451: Cloud Operations 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 2 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management 1 credit hour
CEIS499: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Cloud Computing include Computer Systems Analysts (15-
1211.00); Computer User Support Specialists (15-1232.00). These positions are used to
calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet
regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching
career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucclc webpage.
Cyber Security Certificate Program
DeVry’s Cyber Security undergraduate certificate program helps prepare students to provide
essential business infrastructure in the cybersecurity field to support financial, healthcare,
commercial and industrial organizations. The applied curriculum provides skill-building
opportunities to address the cybersecurity concerns of an increasingly complex and pervasive
digital world, including data breaches, hacking and other cybercrimes. Coursework addresses
knowledge, skills and abilities needed to identify cyber vulnerabilities, establish
countermeasures to breaches, and protect applications and hardware systems from malicious
attacks, ensuring an organization’s infrastructure remains available, confidential and
Programmatic Acknowledgement
Students pursuing this undergraduate certificate should note that DeVry’s cybersecurity
curriculum is acknowledged and verified as an approved provider by the National Initiative for
Cybersecurity Careers and Studies. More information is available in the Programmatic
Accreditation and Recognition section.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Students who complete the Cyber Security undergraduate certificate program can apply eligible
coursework to DeVry’s associate degree program in Cybersecurity & Networking, or to its
bachelor’s degree program in Information Technology & Networking with a track in Cyber
Program Outcomes
This program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Create strategies to secure networks, mitigate risks, and protect information assets.
Implement, validate, and update security infrastructure and measures.
Apply and manage information assurance policies, while upholding ethical, legal and
regulatory guidelines.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Cyber Security
Total semesters: 4, assuming enrollment in 7-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 40
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 6 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 2 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 4 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 1 credit hour required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
Cyber Security 14 credit hours required
SEC290: Fundamentals of Infrastructure Security 3 credit hours
SEC395: Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering 3 credit hours
SEC399: Cybersecurity Career Preparation 1 credit hour
One of:
SEC311: Ethical Hacking 3 credit hours
SEC322: Penetration Testing 3 credit hours
One of:
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
SEC340: Business Continuity 4 credit hours
SEC380: Cloud Computing Security 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional certification or licensure exams. DeVry does not guarantee graduates will
successfully pass such exams.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Cyber Security include Information Security Analysts (15-1212.00);
Computer User Support Specialists (15-1232.00). These positions are used to calculate
graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation
requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles
or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/uccs webpage.
Information Technology Essentials Certificate Program
DeVry’s Information Technology Essentials undergraduate certificate program provides students
with a background in major topics of information systems that drive computing and information
technology today. A basic introduction to computer hardware, network functionality, software
utility and information security is provided.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Students who complete the Information Technology Essentials undergraduate certificate
program can apply eligible coursework to DeVry’s associate degree program in Information
Technology & Networking with a track in Automation and Electronic Systems.
Program Outcomes
This program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Develop working knowledge of how computing systems operate.
Identify common security threats and vulnerabilities in computing systems
Apply skills and procedures to install, configure, and troubleshoot computing systems.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Information Technology Essentials
Total semesters: 3, assuming enrollment in 4-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 23
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 2 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 8 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 4 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
Tech Core 18 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 1 credit hour
CEIS297: Technology Career Foundations 1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional certification or licensure exams. DeVry does not guarantee graduates will
successfully pass such exams.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Information Technology Essentials include Computer User
Support Specialists (15-1232.00); Computer System Analysts (15-1211.00). These
positions are used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of
California and to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies.
Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational
Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucite webpage.
Internet of Things Certificate Program
DeVry’s Internet of Things (IoT) undergraduate certificate program is designed to prepare
students with knowledge and skills needed to integrate industrial and enterprise ventures with
an IoT infrastructure facilitating connectivity between information technology (IT) systems and
automation and control. The curriculum includes hands-on experience in implementing,
configuring and managing IoT systems. Coursework also covers information security and mobile
devices, security and risk identification, and industry standards and best practices as applied to
IoT systems.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Develop basic network and device infrastructures to improve operations, increase safety and
security, and streamline automation and industrial systems.
Build, implement and operate IoT systems.
Configure, deploy, and manage an IoT system including security threats and risk mitigation.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Internet of Things
Total semesters: 4, assuming enrollment in 9-12 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 40
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 4 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Mobile and Distributed Devices 13 credit hours required
CEIS490: Ecosystem of The Internet of Things 3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control 3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT 3 credit hours
NETW411: Information Security and Mobile Devices 4 credit hours
Career Preparation 2 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
CEIS499: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Internet of Things (IOT) include Computer Network Architect (15-
1241.00); Computer User Support Specialist (15-1232.00). These positions are used to
calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet
regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching
career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/uciot webpage.
Networking Essentials Certificate Program
The Networking Essentials undergraduate certificate program is designed to provide students
with knowledge, skills and abilities to create and implement physical and virtualized networks.
The curriculum addresses cloud-based infrastructure; data center administration; and
configuration, management, security and maintenance of essential network devices. Students
explore how network configurations and cloud services can be optimized and applied to any
industry or organization, as well as new and emerging technologies.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Program Outcomes
This program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Identify opportunities where network configuration can unite operational technology and
information technology systems.
Establish a basic network by installing, configuring, securing and testing multiple network
operating systems and selected hardware such as network servers and routers.
Utilize contemporary techniques and tools to maintain and optimize basic network
configurations and systems.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Networking Essentials
Total semesters: 3, assuming enrollment in 6-10 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 23
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 12 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 4 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
Tech Core 12 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
Network Systems Administration 6 credit hours required
NETW260: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking I 3 credit hours
NETW270: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking II 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 1 credit hour required
CEIS297: Technology Career Foundations1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional certification or licensure exams. DeVry does not guarantee graduates will
successfully pass such exams.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Networking Essentials include Computer User Support Specialists
(15-1232.00); Computer System Analysts (15-1211.00). These positions are used to
calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet
regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching
career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucne webpage.
Cybersecurity & Networking Associate Degree Program
DeVry’s Cybersecurity & Networking associate degree program (prior program version known
as Network Systems Administration) focuses on helping students gain skills needed to
implement, maintain and update secure network infrastructures and environments for an
organization. Coursework examines layout, implementation and management of interconnected
computing devices, peripherals and associated software to maximize network efficiency and
productivity. Students apply this knowledge to learn how to identify vulnerabilities in networks,
software and devices, as well as how to protect them from cyberattack.
Programmatic Acknowledgement
Students in the Cybersecurity & Networking associate degree program should note that DeVry’s
cybersecurity curriculum is acknowledged and verified as an approved provider by the National
Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies. More information is available in the
Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today’s fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems. To support
this experience, DeVry provides students in this program with a laptop computer.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years after graduation. Program educational objectives are
based on the needs of the program’s constituencies. The program has the following objectives:
Support and maintain an organization’s infrastructure from cyberattack.
Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals and teams.
Exercise critical and systemic thinking, as well as ethical responsibility in solving
professional challenges.
Remain abreast of developments in technology and society.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes are the skills and abilities students are expected to demonstrate at
graduation. The student outcomes for this program include:
Analyze a broadly defined security problem and apply principles of cybersecurity to the
design and implementation of solutions.
Establish and administer network infrastructure through the installation, configuration and
testing of network systems.
Apply security principles and practices to maintain operations in the presence of risks and
Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in cybersecurity
practice based on legal and ethical principles.
Function effectively as a member of a team engaged in cybersecurity activities.
Program Details
Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Cybersecurity and Networking
Total semesters: 4 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-17 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 62
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 7 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities3 credit hours required
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 3 credit hours required
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 8 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Cybersecurity 14 credit hours required
SEC290: Fundamentals of Infrastructure Security 3 credit hours
SEC395: Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering 3 credit hours
SEC399: Cybersecurity Career Preparation 1 credit hour
One of:
SEC311: Ethical Hacking 3 credit hours
SEC322: Penetration Testing 3 credit hours
One of:
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
SEC340: Business Continuity 4 credit hours
SEC380: Cloud Computing Security 4 credit hours
Career Preparation 1 credit hour required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management 1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Associate of Applied
Science in Cybersecurity & Networking degree program include Computer Network
Support Specialists (15-1231.00). This position is used to calculate graduate employment
rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation requirements of other
state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers
above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/acsn webpage.
Cybersecurity & Networking Bachelor’s Degree Program
DeVry’s Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity & Networking program (prior program version
known as Network & Communications Management) is designed to prepare students to
leverage technology to support and protect organizations. The program addresses designing,
implementing, securing and managing networks and information technology (IT) infrastructure.
Coursework provides a technical foundation in IT and builds toward more advanced topics, such
as penetration testing and ethical hacking, as well as strategic applications, such as
cybersecurity architecture, cloud security, and cyber and network operations management.
Programmatic Acknowledgement
Students in the Cybersecurity & Networking associate degree program should note that DeVry’s
cybersecurity curriculum is acknowledged and verified as an approved provider by the National
Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies. More information is available in the
Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
Preparing Future Cyber Defenders
This program addresses the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals, such as those
working as penetration testers, incident responders and information security analysts. The
curriculum teaches principles closely aligned to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology cybersecurity framework. It also aligns to industry cybersecurity certifications
from organizations including CompTIA, EC-Council, GIAC Certifications, ISC
and ISACA.
Courses incorporate cyber tools and platforms, provide experiential learning opportunities
and are designed to help students develop industry competence in cybersecurity.
Career development strategies are integrated throughout the program. Emerging topics,
such as the impacts of artificial intelligence in technology fields, are embedded throughout
the curriculum. Students have the opportunity to participate in activities such as student
clubs and cybersecurity competitions.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years after graduation. Program educational objectives are
based on the needs of the program’s constituencies. The program has the following objectives:
Support successful design, development and testing of cybersecurity solutions.
Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals and teams.
Exercise critical and systemic thinking, as well as ethical responsibility, in solving
professional challenges.
Contribute to society through a chosen field.
Remain abreast of developments in technology and society.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes are the skills and abilities students are expected to demonstrate at
graduation. The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Apply security principles and practices to maintain operations in the presence of risks and
Analyze a complex computing problem and apply principles of computing and other
relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of
computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing
practice based on legal and ethical principles.
Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to
the program’s discipline.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity and Networking
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 124
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming enrollment in 3 semesters
per 12-month period**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator (e.g.,
COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should contact
their student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course listed
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 16 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH234: Discrete Math in Information Technology 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
TECH221: Data-Driven Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Program Focus 34 credit hours required
NETW260: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking I 3 credit hours
NETW270: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking II 3 credit hours
SEC290: Fundamentals of Infrastructure Security 3 credit hours
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
SEC311: Ethical Hacking 3 credit hours
SEC322: Penetration Testing 3 credit hours
SEC340: Business Continuity 4 credit hours
SEC380: Cloud Computing Security 4 credit hours
SEC395: Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering 3 credit hours
SEC455: Security Operations Center 4 credit hours
Career Preparation9 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
SEC399: Cybersecurity Career Preparation 1 credit hour
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
Technical Electives 9 credit hours required
Students select courses from those with prefixes CEIS, CIS, ECT, MGMT, NETW, PROJ, SEC
and WEB provided prerequisites are met. Courses must be at the 300-level or higher. Courses
within other Colleges may be applied with permission from the appropriate academic
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Cybersecurity & Networking degree program include Information Security Analyst (15-
1212.00). This position is used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the
state of California and to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization
agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the
Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bcsn webpage.
Information Technology & Networking Associate Degree Program
DeVry’s Information Technology & Networking associate degree program provides students with
a background in essential technologies as applied to practical business and industry situations.
The program addresses installing, configuring and securing information technology, computing
and/or automated systems.
The program offers tracks as shown in the following program outline. Students who have not
chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared” status; however, they
must select a track by the time they have earned 30 semester-credit hours toward their degree.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for todays fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems. To support
this experience, DeVry provides students in this program with a laptop computer.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years after graduation. Program educational objectives are
based on the needs of the program’s constituencies. The program has the following objectives:
Successfully support maintenance, installation and testing of information technology,
computing, and/or automated systems.
Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals and teams.
Exercise critical and systemic thinking, as well as ethical responsibility in solving
professional challenges.
Remain abreast of developments in technology and society.
This degree program accomplishes these objectives by fostering the student outcomes listed
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes are the skills and abilities students are expected to demonstrate at
graduation. The student outcomes for this program include:
Analyze a broadly defined problem in the program’s domain and apply principles of the
discipline to identify solutions.
Design and implement solutions to meet a given set of computing requirements in the
context of the program’s discipline.
Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice
based on appropriate legal and ethical principles.
Function effectively as a member of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the
program’s discipline.
Use systematic approaches to select, develop, apply, integrate, and administer secure
computing technologies to accomplish user goals.
Program Details
Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology and Networking (in
Florida, Associate of Science in Information Technology and Networking)
Total semesters: 4 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-17 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 60
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 7 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities3 credit hours required
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 3 credit hours required
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 8 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 1 credit hour required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
Track one track selected 12 credit hours required
Automation and Electronic Systems 12 credit hours required
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations 3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control 3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT 3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communications with Lab 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming 12 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS209: Intermediate Programming 4 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals 4 credit hours
Network Systems Administration 12 credit hours required
NETW260: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking I 3 credit hours
NETW270: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking II 3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communications with Lab 3 credit hours
SEC290: Fundamentals of Infrastructure Security 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional certification or licensure exams. DeVry does not guarantee graduates will
successfully pass such exams.
Students must take CEIS101 prior to taking any other course in the Tech Core and in all of the
program’s technical course areas, including Career Preparation and the Track.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Associate of Applied
Science in Information Technology and Networking (in Florida, Associate of Science in
Information Technology and Networking) degree program include Computer Systems
Analysts (15-1211.00), Computer Network Support Specialists (15-1231.00). These
positions are used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of
California and to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies.
Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational
Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/aitn webpage.
Information Technology & Networking Bachelor’s Degree Program
DeVry’s Information Technology & Networking bachelor’s degree program provides students
with techniques and tools needed to systematically analyze organizations’ operational and
communications needs, and to provide effective information processing and networking
solutions. The program addresses design, implementation, security and support of information
technology (IT) systems.
The program offers tracks as shown in the following program outline. Students who have not
chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared” status; however, they
must select a track by the time they have earned 60 semester-credit hours toward their degree.
Programmatic Acknowledgement
Students pursuing the Cyber Security track should note that DeVry’s cybersecurity curriculum is
acknowledged and verified as an approved provider by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity
Careers and Studies. More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and
Recognition section.
Developing Advanced IT Professionals
This program addresses the need for IT professionals to support network systems
management, cloud architecture and cybersecurity analysis. The curriculum aligns to
industry certifications from organizations including Cisco, CompTIA, Microsoft, Google and
AWS. Courses incorporate IT tools and platforms, provide experiential learning, and are
designed to help students develop industry competence in IT and networking.
Career development strategies are integrated throughout the program. Emerging topics,
such as the impacts of artificial intelligence in technology fields, are embedded throughout
the curriculum. Students have the opportunity to participate in industry-centered student
organizations and in certification-preparation activities.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years after graduation. Program educational objectives are
based on the needs of the program’s constituencies. The program has the following objectives:
Support successful design, development and testing of information technology systems.
Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals or teams.
Exercise critical and systemic thinking, as well as ethical responsibility, in solving
professional challenges.
Contribute to society through a chosen field.
Remain abreast of developments in technology and society.
This degree program accomplishes these objectives by fostering the student outcomes listed
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes are the skills and abilities students are expected to demonstrate at
graduation. The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other
relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of
computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice
based on legal and ethical principles.
Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the
program’s discipline.
Use systematic approaches to select, develop, apply, integrate, and administer secure
computing technologies to accomplish user goals.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Networking
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-19 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 120
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 16 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH234: Discrete Math in Information Technology 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
TECH221: Data-Driven Decision-Making4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming 11 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals 4 credit hours
SEC313: Applied AI for Cybersecurity 3 credit hours
Network Systems Administration 15 credit hours required
NETW260: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking I 3 credit hours
NETW270: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking II 3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communications with Lab 3 credit hours
NETW404: Data Center Virtualization 3 credit hours
TECH408: Applied AI for Management and Technology 3 credit hours
Career Preparation9 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management 1 credit hour
: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
Track one track selected required credit hours vary by track
Cloud Based Networking and Virtualization 13 credit hours required
NETW314: Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC380: Cloud Computing Security 4 credit hours
One of:
NETW350: Cloud Services 3 credit hours
NETW351: Cloud Architecture 3 credit hours
One of:
NETW450: Cloud Development 3 credit hours
NETW451: Cloud Operations 3 credit hours
Cyber Security14 credit hours required
SEC290: Fundamentals of Infrastructure Security 3 credit hours
SEC395: Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering 3 credit hours
SEC399: Cybersecurity Career Preparation 1 credit hour
One of:
SEC311: Ethical Hacking 3 credit hours
SEC322: Penetration Testing 3 credit hours
One of:
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
SEC340: Business Continuity 4 credit hours
SEC380: Cloud Computing Security 4 credit hours
SEC440: Information Systems Security Planning and Audit 4 credit hours
SEC455: Security Operations Center 4 credit hours
Mobile and Networked Devices 13 credit hours required
CEIS490: Ecosystem of The Internet of Things 3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control 3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT 3 credit hours
NETW411: Information Security and Mobile Devices 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional certification or licensure exams. DeVry does not guarantee graduates will
successfully pass such exams.
Students must take CEIS101 prior to taking any other course in the Tech Core and in all of the
program’s technical course areas, including Career Preparation and the Track.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Information Technology and Networking degree program include Computer Systems
Analysts (15-1211.00); Information Security Analysts (15-1212.00); Computer Network
Support Specialists (15-1231.00). These positions are used to calculate graduate
employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation requirements
of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC
numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bitn webpage.
Data Mining & Analytics Certificate Program
DeVry’s Data Mining & Analytics undergraduate certificate program is an applied curriculum
designed to prepare students without a business or technology background to conduct data
analysis and evidence-based problem-solving to make sound business and technical decisions
about projects, processes and designs. The program explores practical uses for programming,
analytics software packages and data mining tools to manage, manipulate and present small to
large data sets, which can help students develop the ability to use and/or develop software tools
to support organizational decision-making, essential in the workplace. The curriculum also
covers strategies for data acquisition, retrieval, storage, management, interpretation and
analysis, and introduces predictive analytics, modeling methods and visualization.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for todays fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Retrieve, organize and manipulate data using a variety of mining techniques and analytical
Analyze data, test hypotheses, validate claims, and draw conclusions using appropriate
statistical and modeling methods.
Apply graphical presentation and visual representation techniques to promote understanding
and illustration of complex data, process output, and/or system interactions.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Data Mining and Analytics
Total semesters: 4, assuming enrollment in 8-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 43
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 8 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
TECH221: Data-Driven Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Tech Core9 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
Coding and Programming 11 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals 4 credit hours
CIS313: AI-Driven Business Application Coding 3 credit hours
Data and Analysis 13 credit hours required
BIAM300: Managerial Applications of Business Analytics 4 credit hours
CEIS340: Database Management 3 credit hours
CEIS480: Data Mining and Analytics 3 credit hours
CEIS485: Data Interpretation and Statistical Analysis 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 2 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
CEIS499: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Data Mining and Analytics include Software Developers (15-
1252.00); Web Administrators (15-1299.01). These positions are used to calculate
graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation
requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles
or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucdma
Programming Essentials Certificate Program
DeVry’s Programming Essentials undergraduate certificate program is designed to provide
students with basic coding skills to maximize their understanding and use of software. The
program helps students develop initial expertise in using software to implement computer-
based business solutions in information systems with languages such as Python and C#.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for todays fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Program Outcomes
This program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Utilize at least one modern computer programming language to implement computer-based
information system solutions.
Write programs that enable information to be stored, processed and communicated in
meaningful ways to end users.
Identify and correct data, syntax and programming logic errors.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Programming Essentials
Total semesters: 2, assuming enrollment in 9-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 22
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 8 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 8 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 4 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
Tech Core 9 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming 8 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS209: Intermediate Programming 4 credit hours
Career Preparation 1 credit hour required
CEIS297: Technology Career Foundations1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional certification or licensure exams. DeVry does not guarantee graduates will
successfully pass such exams.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Programming Essentials include Computer User Support
Specialists (15-1232.00); Computer System Analysts (15-1211.00). These positions are
used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to
meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by
searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucpe webpage.
Software Design & Solutions Certificate Program
DeVry’s Software Design & Solutions undergraduate certificate program is designed to help
students develop knowledge and skills needed to create software applications and guide
software development projects. Students explore essential computer information systems
concepts for software development ranging from using object-oriented programming techniques
to designing algorithms for efficient software execution. The curriculum integrates test-driven
development approaches and product life cycle management to ensure continuous attention to
technical specification and user satisfaction, which can help students build skills needed to
clearly define requirements and deliver quality software projects critical to an organization’s
strategic goals.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Analyze usersneeds and requirements to create software application specifications.
Create a quality software design considering key factors such as functionality, usability,
reliability, performance, and supportability.
Propose a software product management plan that addresses all stages in the software
development life cycle (SDLC).
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Software Design and Solutions
Total semesters: 4, assuming enrollment in 7-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 42
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 4 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
Tech Core 9 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming 12 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS209: Intermediate Programming 4 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals 4 credit hours
Application Development 3 credit hours required
CEIS295: Data Structures and Algorithms 3 credit hours
Software Development 12 credit hours required
CEIS200: Software Engineering I 3 credit hours
CEIS320: Introduction to Mobile Device Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS400: Software Engineering II 3 credit hours
CEIS420: Programming Languages and Advanced Techniques 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 2 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
CEIS499: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Software Design and Solutions include Software Developers (15-
1252.00); Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers (15-1253.00); Web
Administrators (15-1299.01). These positions are used to calculate graduate employment
rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation requirements of other
state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers
above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucsds
Web & Mobile Application Development Certificate Program
DeVry’s Web & Mobile Application Development undergraduate certificate program is designed
to provide students with comprehensive programming skills needed to develop mobile device
and web-based applications, which help organizations and individuals communicate, conduct
business and access information. To prepare students for the dynamic workforce, the
curriculum helps instill a programming mindset by helping students develop skills in object-
oriented programming before progressing to coursework focused on interactive and responsive
desktop and mobile application creation.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things
(IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Design applications considering usability, accessibility, and cross-device compatibility.
Select appropriate programming languages and software tools to develop applications that
operate across multiple device platforms.
Code, execute, and debug applications that are user-friendly, interactive and portable.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Web and Mobile Application Development
Total semesters: 4, assuming enrollment in 8-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 43
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Mathematics 4 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
Tech Core 9 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming 12 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS209: Intermediate Programming 4 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals 4 credit hours
Application Development 4 credit hours required
CIS355A: Business Application Programming with Lab 4 credit hours
Web and Mobile Application Development 11 credit hours required
CEIS320: Introduction to Mobile Device Programming 3 credit hours
CIS363B: Web Interface Design with Lab 4 credit hours
CIS407A: Web Application Development with Lab 4 credit hours
Career Preparation 3 credit hours required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Web and Mobile Application Development include Software
Developers (15-1252.00); Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers (15-1253.00);
Web Administrators (15-1299.01). These positions are used to calculate graduate
employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation requirements
of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC
numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucwmd
Computer Information Systems Bachelor’s Degree Program
DeVry’s Computer Information Systems (CIS) program is designed to prepare graduates to
successfully join the workforce as technical and management professionals in various
industries. CIS graduates play essential roles on the business team, typically designing and
implementing hardware and software solutions to business problems. They are also expected to
possess knowledge, experience and skills that enable them to adapt to change in this dynamic
field through a lifelong learning process.
The program offers tracks as shown in the following program outline. Students who have not
chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared” status; however, they
must select a track by the time they have earned 60 semester-credit hours toward their degree.
Programmatic Acknowledgement
Students pursuing the Cyber Security Programming track should note that DeVry’s
cybersecurity curriculum is acknowledged and verified as an approved provider by the National
Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies. More information is available in the
Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
Transforming Tomorrows System Administrators
This program addresses the need for programming and coding professionals to support
business system analysis, database management and enterprise system administration.
Courses cover material aligned to industry certifications offered by Linux Professional
Institute, CompTIA, Python Institute and Microsoft, as well as to competencies published
by the Association for Computing Machinery and the Association for Information Systems.
Career development strategies are integrated throughout the program. Emerging
topics, such as the impacts of artificial intelligence in technology fields, are embedded
throughout the curriculum. Students have the opportunity to participate in industry-
centered student organizations, and in coding and cybersecurity competitions.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years after graduation. Program educational objectives are
based on the needs of the program’s constituencies. The program has the following objectives:
Successfully support maintenance, installation and testing of information technology,
computing, and/or automated systems.
Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals and teams.
Exercise critical and systemic thinking, as well as ethical responsibility in solving
professional challenges.
Remain abreast of developments in technology and society.
This degree program accomplishes these objectives by fostering the student outcomes listed
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes are the skills and abilities students are expected to demonstrate at
graduation. The student outcomes for this program include:
Analyze a complex computing problem and apply principles of computing and other relevant
disciplines to identify solutions.
Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of
computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice
based on legal and ethical principles.
Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the
program’s discipline.
Support the delivery, use, and management of systems within an information systems
Apply security principles and practices to maintain operations in the presence of risks and
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (in New York, Bachelor of
Professional Studies in Computer Information Systems)
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-19 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 124
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills15
credit hours required
: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
For Cyber Security Programming track only.
14 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location take ENGL108 in lieu of this course.
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities 6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 12 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
TECH221: Data-Driven Decision-Making4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming 19 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS209: Intermediate Programming 4 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals4 credit hours
CIS313: AI-Driven Business Application Coding 3 credit hours
CIS355A: Business Application Programming with Lab 4 credit hours
Students enrolled at a Nevada location must take POLI332 in lieu of this requirement.
Program Core by track required credit hours vary by track
Information Technology and Networkingfor students selecting the Cyber Security
Programming and Software Programming tracks13 credit hours required
SEC290: Fundamentals of Infrastructure Security 3 credit hours
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
SEC311: Ethical Hacking 3 credit hours
SEC322: Penetration Testing 3 credit hours
Application Developmentfor students selecting all other tracks12 credit hours
CIS363B: Web Interface Design with Lab 4 credit hours
CIS407A: Web Application Development with Lab 4 credit hours
WBG310: Interactive Web Page Scripting with Lab 4 credit hours
Career Preparation by track 9 credit hours required
For students selecting the Cyber Security Programming track – 9 credit hours
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
SEC399: Cybersecurity Career Preparation 1 credit hour
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
For students selecting all other tracks – 9 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management 1 credit hour
: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
Track one track selected required credit hours vary by track
Computer Forensics 16 credit hours required
CCSI410: Digital Forensics I with Lab 4 credit hours
CCSI460: Digital Forensics II with Lab 4 credit hours
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
SEC440: Information Systems Security Planning and Audit 4 credit hours
Cyber Security Programming 15 credit hours required
SEC380: Cloud Computing Security 4 credit hours
SEC395: Cybersecurity Architecture and Engineering 3 credit hours
SEC440: Information Systems Security Planning and Audit 4 credit hours
SEC455: Security Operations Center 4 credit hours
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
Database Management 16 credit hours required
BIAM300: Managerial Applications of Business Analytics 4 credit hours
BIAM410: Database Concepts in Business Intelligence 4 credit hours
DBM438: Database Administration with Lab 4 credit hours
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
Information Systems Security 16 credit hours required
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
SEC340: Business Continuity 4 credit hours
SEC380: Cloud Computing Security 4 credit hours
SEC440: Information Systems Security Planning and Audit 4 credit hours
Software Programming 15 credit hours required
CEIS200: Software Engineering I 3 credit hours
CEIS295: Data Structures and Algorithms 3 credit hours
CEIS320: Introduction to Mobile Device Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS400: Software Engineering II 3 credit hours
CEIS420: Programming Languages and Advanced Techniques 3 credit hours
Web Development and Administration 16 credit hours required
SBE430: E-Commerce for Small Business 4 credit hours
SEC380: Cloud Computing Security 4 credit hours
WEB375: Web Architecture with Lab 4 credit hours
WEB460: Advanced Web Application Development with Lab 4 credit hours
Web Game Programming 16 credit hours required
WBG370: Game Development with Lab 4 credit hours
WBG410: Dynamic Website Development and Database Integration with Lab 4 credit hours
WEB460: Advanced Web Application Development with Lab 4 credit hours
WGD235: Web Animation 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students must take CEIS101 prior to taking any other course in the Tech Core and in all of the
program’s technical course areas, including Career Preparation and the Track.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must take an additional six semester-credit hours of
general education coursework within these course areas: Communication Skills, Humanities,
Social Sciences, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Humanities and Social Sciences
courses selected should be upper-division coursework (DeVry courses numbered 300-499).
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional certification or licensure exams. DeVry does not guarantee graduates will
successfully pass such exams.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Computer Information Systems (in New York, Bachelor of Professional Studies in
Computer Information Systems) degree program include Computer User Support
Specialists (15-1232.00); Computer Programmers (15-1251.00). These positions are used
to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet
regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching
career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bcis webpage.
Software Development Bachelor’s Degree Program
DeVry’s bachelor’s degree program in Software Development is designed to provide students
with techniques and tools needed to systematically create software products used in many
applications. Contemporary techniques and tools are applied to meet specified criteria.
Knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to developing software products is
employed. Coursework also addresses professional, security, social and ethics issues and
responsibilities associated with developing and using software systems.
The program offers tracks as shown in the following program outline. Students who have not
chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared” status; however, they
must select a track by the time they have earned 60 semester-credit hours toward their degree.
Cultivating Agile Software Developers
This program addresses the need for adaptable software developers and programming
professionals within an ever-evolving workplace. Coursework addresses principles closely
aligned to industry certifications offered by CompTIA, Python Institute, Oracle and Microsoft,
as well as to competencies outlined by the IEEE Computer Society and the Institute for
Certification of Computing Professionals. Coursework provides foundational skillsets in full-
stack programming, data science, machine learning and web application development.
Career development strategies are integrated throughout the program. Emerging topics,
such as the impacts of artificial intelligence in technology fields, are embedded throughout
the curriculum. Students have the opportunity to participate in industry-centered student
organizations and in programming competitions.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years after graduation. Program educational objectives are
based on the needs of the program’s constituencies. The program has the following objectives:
Support the successful practice of design, development and testing of software.
Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals or teams.
Exercise critical and systemic thinking and ethical responsibility in finding solutions to
professional challenges.
Contribute to society through a chosen field.
Continually keep abreast of developments in technology and society.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes are the skills and abilities students are expected to demonstrate at
graduation. The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other
relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of
computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice
based on legal and ethical principles.
Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the
program’s discipline.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Software Development
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 120
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 16 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH234: Discrete Math in Information Technology 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
TECH221: Data-Driven Decision-Making4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming 19 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS209: Intermediate Programming 4 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals4 credit hours
CEIS295: Data Structures and Algorithms 3 credit hours
CIS355A: Business Application Programming with Lab 4 credit hours
Analysis and Design 9 credit hours required
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
CIS313: AI-Driven Business Application Coding 3 credit hours
TECH408: Applied AI for Management and Technology 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 9 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management 1 credit hour
: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
Track one track selected required credit hours vary by track
Big Data and Analytics 13 credit hours required
BIAM300: Managerial Applications of Business Analytics 4 credit hours
CEIS340: Database Management 3 credit hours
CEIS480: Data Mining and Analytics 3 credit hours
CEIS485: Data Interpretation and Statistical Analysis 3 credit hours
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
Software Design and Programming12 credit hours required
CEIS200: Software Engineering I 3 credit hours
CEIS320: Introduction to Mobile Device Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS400: Software Engineering II 3 credit hours
CEIS420: Programming Languages and Advanced Techniques 3 credit hours
Web and Mobile Application Development 11 credit hours required
CEIS320: Introduction to Mobile Device Programming 3 credit hours
CIS363B: Web Interface Design with Lab 4 credit hours
CIS407A: Web Application Development with Lab 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional certification or licensure exams. DeVry does not guarantee graduates will
successfully pass such exams.
Students must take CEIS101 prior to taking any other course in the Tech Core and in all of the
program’s technical course areas, including Career Preparation and the Track.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Software Development degree program include Software Developers (15-1252.00);
Software Quality Assurance Analysts and Testers (15-1253.00); Web Administrators (15-
1299.01). These positions are used to calculate graduate employment rates required by
the state of California and to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization
agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the
Occupational Information Network website.
For comprehensive consumer information, visit the devry.edu/bsd
College of Media Arts & Technology
DeVry University’s College of Media Arts & Technology offers certificate programs focused on
helping students build strong digital imaging skills, refine their design sensibilities and grasp
diverse applications of artistic endeavors. Programs and courses are developed with input from
a professional advisory board; are taught by faculty with industry-relevant experience; and
provide an enriching education through experiential learning, access to the latest web and
multimedia design technologies, and case studies.
The following pages provide detailed information on undergraduate certificate programs offered
through the College of Media Arts & Technology.
Certificate: Website Design
Certificate: Website Development
Website Design Certificate Program
DeVry’s Website Design certificate program is designed to help students gain knowledge, skills
and abilities to develop responsive web pages, web graphics, marketing collateral, web
animations, web videos and multimedia projects by applying a collaborative approach. The
program is also designed to help students use HTML and web-based code, through software
applications, to design, illustrate and produce visual solutions for communications, especially
the Internet.
Graduates should also possess appropriate knowledge to work in a variety of areas and
organizations, such as advertising, marketing, technical communications, publishing and
Note: Special requirements apply to those who wish to be admitted to the Website Design
certificate program (visit the Special Admission Requirements section).
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Apply basic graphic and design principles to web media using application software.
Create HTML and other web-based code to develop responsive, interactive and data-driven
Create and/or apply animations and other media used in the creation of websites.
Apply creative and problem-solving skills to produce graphics and multimedia solutions for
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Website Design
Total semesters: 3, assuming enrollment in 11-14 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 36
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 12 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for certificate
completion and total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour
differences may benefit students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the
minimum may affect program length and cost. Students should contact a student support
advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Web Graphic Design 33 credit hours required
CIS363B: Web Interface Design with Lab 4 credit hours
MGMT408: Management of Technology Resources 3 credit hours
WGD201: Visual Design Fundamentals 3 credit hours
WGD205: Advanced Design and Rapid Visualization 4 credit hours
WGD210: Digital Imaging Fundamentals 4 credit hours
WGD229: Information Design 4 credit hours
WGD235: Web Animation 4 credit hours
WGD242: Advanced Web Design 4 credit hours
WGD251: Responsive Web Design 3 credit hours
Graphic and Multimedia Design 4 credit hours required
WBG370: Game Development with Lab 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Website Design include Web Developers (15-1254.00); Multimedia
Artists and Animators (27-1014.00); Graphic Designers (27-1024.00). These positions are
used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to
meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by
searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucwd webpage.
Website Development Certificate Program
DeVry’s Website Development certificate program is designed to help students gain knowledge,
skills and abilities to develop responsive web pages, web graphics, web-based databases, code
that enables website interactivity and accessible websites by applying a collaborative approach.
The program is also designed to help students become familiar with authoring in HTML,
JavaScript, CSS, PHP and other web code and in using software applications to design,
develop, compile code and produce interactive, responsive websites.
Graduates should also possess appropriate knowledge to work in a variety of areas and
organizations, such as social media; mobile app development; and communications, and web
design and development firms.
Note: Special requirements apply to those who wish to be admitted to the Website Development
certificate program (visit the Special Admission Requirements section).
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Create code to develop responsive, interactive and data-driven websites as well as mobile
web-based applications.
Apply basic graphic and design principles to the integration of web media using application
Develop interactive websites through the application of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP and
other web-based code.
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Website Development
Total semesters: 3 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-15 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 38
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 12 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for certificate
completion and total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour
differences may benefit students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the
minimum may affect program length and cost. Students should contact a student support
advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Web Graphic Design 19 credit hours required
CIS363B: Web Interface Design with Lab 4 credit hours
WGD210: Digital Imaging Fundamentals 4 credit hours
WGD229: Information Design 4 credit hours
WGD242: Advanced Web Design 4 credit hours
WGD251: Responsive Web Design 3 credit hours
Web Development 20 credit hours required
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals 4 credit hours
SBE330: Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development 4 credit hours
WBG310: Interactive Web Page Scripting with Lab 4 credit hours
WBG410: Dynamic Website Development and Database Integration with Lab 4 credit hours
WGD235: Web Animation 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate program in Website Development include Web Developers (15-1254.00). This
position is used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of
California and to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies.
Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational
Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucwdd webpage.
College of Health Sciences
DeVry University’s College of Health Sciences offers certificate and degree programs focused
on in-demand technology-based healthcare fields. Leading industry professionals help build the
curricula, which are taught by faculty with real-world experience and address knowledge needed
to seek healthcare-related employment in hospitals, clinics and labs.
The following pages provide details on programs offered in the College of Health Sciences.
Certificate: Medical Billing & Coding
Certificate: Medical Billing & Coding Health Information Coding
Associate Degree: Health Information Technology
Bachelor’s Degree: Healthcare Administration
Medical Billing & Coding Certificate Program
Medical Billing & Coding Health Information Coding Certificate Program
DeVry’s Medical Billing & Coding (MBC) undergraduate certificate program provides students
with knowledge, skills and abilities needed to function as entry-level coding specialists in the
health information management field. Coursework, taught from the practitioner’s perspective,
focuses on skills and coding competencies used in settings such as hospitals and physician
The MBC certificate can help students who are new to health coding begin their professional
journey. The MBCHealth Information Coding (MBC – HIC) undergraduate certificate can help
those with previous coursework or experience prepare for more advanced entry-level positions.
DIGITAL HEALTH CORE Essential Health Information Skills for Modern Healthcare
This program includes DeVry’s Digital Health Core series of courses, designed to help
students develop a set of interdisciplinary skills for today's rapidly evolving health information
field. Courses explore principles used throughout the healthcare ecosystem, exposing
students to essential topics related to medical terminology, compliance, ethics, electronic
medical records, patient privacy and digital aspects of the healthcare delivery system.
The Digital Health Core curriculum also provides students hands-on experience with
industry-standard software systems and simulated patient records.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Demonstrate understanding of inpatient and outpatient coding guidelines.
Apply knowledge of health records and data content.
Explain reimbursement processes and methodologies.
Relate compliance topics to coding functions.
Describe various information technologies used to perform coding functions.
Recognize, and be sensitive to, issues of confidentiality and privacy.
Special requirements apply to those who wish to be admitted to the MBC program (visit the
Special Admission Requirements section).
Students who complete the MBC undergraduate certificate and are later admitted to DeVry’s
MBCHIC undergraduate certificate program may not be eligible for financial assistance.
Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Those who earn an MBC certificate or an MBCHIC certificate can apply eligible credits
earned toward DeVry’s associate degree in Health Information Technology or bachelor’s degree
in Technical Management. Students should note that future programmatic changes could impact
application of credit to a future program. Contact a student support advisor for more information.
The MBC certificate program includes material addressed in the Certified Professional Coder
(CPC) certification exam. Detailed information on qualifications for the exam is available at
The MBCHIC certificate program includes material addressed in the Certified Coding
Specialist (CCS) certification exam. Detailed information on qualifications for the exam is
available at www.ahima.org/certification/CCS.
Medical Billing & Coding Program
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Medical Billing and Coding
Total semesters: 3, assuming enrollment in 6-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 31
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 2 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 10 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for certificate
completion and total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour
differences may benefit students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the
minimum may affect program length and cost. Students should contact a student support
advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Natural Sciences – 4 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
Digital Health Core 12 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT125: Electronic Health Records and Digital Health3 credit hours
HIT223: Medical Ethics, Compliance and Patient Privacy3 credit hours
HIT235: Health Insurance Billing and Reimbursement3 credit hours
Medical Coding 9 credit hours required
HIT206: CPT Coding with Application 3 credit hours
HIT214: ICD Coding I with Application3 credit hours
HIT216: Coding with Application3 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 6 credit hours required
HIT101: Professional Skills for Healthcare 3 credit hours
: Coding Practicum and Review 3 credit hours
Medical Billing & Coding Program Health Information Coding
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Medical Billing and Coding Health Information
Total semesters: 4, assuming enrollment in 3-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 40
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 6 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 2 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for certificate
completion and total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour
differences may benefit students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the
minimum may affect program length and cost. Students should contact a student support
advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Natural Sciences 7 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
BIOS268: Pathopharmacology 3 credit hours
Digital Health Core 12 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT125: Electronic Health Records and Digital Health3 credit hours
HIT223: Medical Ethics, Compliance and Patient Privacy3 credit hours
HIT235: Health Insurance Billing and Reimbursement3 credit hours
Medical Coding12 credit hours required
HIT206: CPT Coding with Application 3 credit hours
HIT214: ICD Coding I with Application3 credit hours
HIT215: ICD Coding II with Application3 credit hours
HIT217: Advanced Coding3 credit hours
Course provided at no tuition charge for students in the Medical Billing & Coding undergraduate certificate program.
Personal and Professional Development 9 credit hours required
HIT101: Professional Skills for Healthcare 3 credit hours
HIT260: Coding Practicum with Lab 3 credit hours
: CCS Review 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate programs in Medical Billing and Coding, and Medical Billing and Coding
Health Information Coding, include Medical Records Specialists (29-2072.00); Health
Information Technologists and Medical Registrars (29-9021.00). These positions are used
to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet
regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching
career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucmbc webpage.
Course provided at no tuition charge for students in the Medical Billing & Coding Health Information Coding
undergraduate certificate program.
Health Information Technology Associate Degree Program
DeVry’s Health Information Technology (HIT) program prepares graduates to work with health
data, applications systems and electronic health information databases. Given the importance of
information accuracy, privacy and security, the HIT program also prepares graduates for
involvement in regulatory compliance and quality assessment activities designed to ensure that
health information systems support patient care and safety. HIT professionals work with nurses,
physicians, other healthcare providers, and managers and technical specialists in various
settings such as hospitals, long-term-care facilities, insurance and managed care organizations,
government agencies and vendor firms.
The program offers tracks as shown in the following program outline. Students who have not
chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared” status; however, they
must select a track by the time they have earned 30 semester-credit hours toward their degree.
Programmatic Accreditation
This program, when completed with the Health Information track, is accredited by the
Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
DIGITAL HEALTH CORE Essential Health Information Skills for Modern Healthcare
This program includes DeVry’s Digital Health Core series of courses, designed to help
students develop a set of interdisciplinary skills for today's rapidly evolving health
information field. Courses explore principles used throughout the healthcare ecosystem,
exposing students to essential topics related to medical terminology, compliance, ethics,
electronic medical records, patient privacy and digital aspects of the healthcare delivery
The Digital Health Core curriculum also provides students hands-on experience with
industry-standard software systems and simulated patient records.
Note: To complete the HIT program, students must meet requirements outlined in the
Healthcare Practicum and Clinical Coursework Requirements section and in the Healthcare Site
Requirements and General Information section.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Evaluate healthcare data to apply diagnosis and procedure codes, ensure integrity of
healthcare documentation, validate secondary data sources, and ensure compliance with
Understand and apply legal concepts to protect the confidentiality, privacy, and security of
protected health information.
Support healthcare data utilization, health information management functions, research, and
health information exchange through the use of information systems and data analytics.
Explain and apply reimbursement processes, methodologies, and revenue cycle.
Analyze and apply legal and regulatory requirements to ensure organizational compliance.
Understand and apply organizational leadership, change management and process
DeVry accomplishes these goals by:
Providing an academic program that develops a sound foundation in analytical, technical
and management competencies associated with health data and health records systems
management within a healthcare setting.
Incorporating professional practice activities and labs to provide the appropriate level of
applications experience.
Integrating general learning in sciences and computers to support achievement of
Note: Those who have earned an associate degree in HIT through DeVry University can apply
eligible coursework in the associate degree program toward DeVry’s bachelor’s degree in
Technical Management. Students should note that future programmatic changes could impact
application of credit to a future program. Contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Details
Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology
Total semesters: 4 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 61
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills4 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
Humanities3 credit hours required
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 3 credit hours required
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 15 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
BIOS268: Pathopharmacology 3 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
HIT101: Professional Skills for Healthcare3 credit hours
Digital Health Core 12 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT125: Electronic Health Records and Digital Health 3 credit hours
HIT223: Medical Ethics, Compliance and Patient Privacy 3 credit hours
HIT235: Health Insurance Billing and Reimbursement3 credit hours
Track one track selected 19 credit hours required
Analytics 19 credit hours required in:
Analytics 13 credit hours required
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
BIAM300: Managerial Applications of Business Analytics 4 credit hours
HIT227: Healthcare Quality and Data Analytics 3 credit hours
TECH408: Applied AI for Management and Technology 3 credit hours
Healthcare Analytics Profession 6 credit hours required
HIT267: Healthcare Analytics and Practical Applications 3 credit hours
: Career Success in Healthcare 3 credit hours
General Health Services 19 credit hours required in:
Health Services Management 8 credit hours required
HSM210: Medical Office Administration 4 credit hours
HSM310: Health Services Management 4 credit hours
Course Option 8 credit hours required
Courses may be chosen from among those with designators HIM, HIT and HSM, as
listed in the Course Descriptions section, provided they are not used to meet other
graduation requirements and prerequisites are met. Qualifying prior college coursework
in health sciences or healthcare-related topics not meeting other program requirements
may be applied toward elective hours.
Health Services Profession 3 credit hours required
: Career Success in Healthcare 3 credit hours
Course provided at no tuition charge for students selecting the Analytics track.
Course provided at no tuition charge for students selecting the General Health Services track.
Health Information – 19 credit hours required in:
Medical Coding 9 credit hours required
HIT206: CPT Coding with Application 3 credit hours
HIT214: ICD Coding I with Application 3 credit hours
HIT215: ICD Coding II with Application 3 credit hours
Health Information Technology 10 credit hours required
HIT175: Health Information Technology Application 3 credit hours
HIT227: Healthcare Quality and Data Analytics 3 credit hours
: Health Information Practicum Capstone 3 credit hours
HIT279: RHIT Exam Preparation 1 credit hours
IT and Cybersecurity 19 credit hours required in:
Information Technology and Cybersecurity 13 credit hours required
CEIS101C: Introduction to Information Technology and Information Systems 2 credit
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy4 credit hours
IT and Cybersecurity Profession 6 credit hours required
: Career Success in Healthcare3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Associate of Applied
Science in Health Information Technology (in New Jersey, Associate in Applied Science
in Health Information Technology) degree program include Health Information
Technologists and Medical Registrars (29-9021.00). These positions are used to calculate
graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation
requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles
or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ahit webpage.
Course provided at no tuition charge for students selecting the Health Information track.
Course provided at no tuition charge for students selecting the IT and Cybersecurity track.
Healthcare Administration Bachelor’s Degree Program
DeVry’s Healthcare Administration program is designed to prepare graduates to become
managers and support professionals in the healthcare field as well as in related industries. The
program helps develop versatile professionals who, using a collaborative approach, apply
knowledge of information systems, policy, accounting, budgeting and analysis in diverse
healthcare provider settings. The combination of management skills and knowledge of current
issues in health services and systems provides Healthcare Administration graduates with a solid
foundation on which to begin their healthcare careers.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Analyze, design and implement practical approaches to solve and prevent business
problems in healthcare settings.
Sustain a working understanding of evolving issues in the healthcare industry.
Collaborate with others to deliver professional healthcare services in diverse work
Apply project management and business analysis principles.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration
Total semesters: 7 full time, assuming enrollment in 14-20 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 121
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities – 6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 12 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
HIT101: Professional Skills for Healthcare 3 credit hours
Digital Health Core 12 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT125: Electronic Health Records and Digital Health 3 credit hours
HIT223: Medical Ethics, Compliance and Patient Privacy 3 credit hours
HIT235: Health Insurance Billing and Reimbursement 3 credit hours
Program Focus44 credit hours required
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
ACCT360: Managerial Accounting 4 credit hours
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
HSM210: Medical Office Administration 4 credit hours
HSM310: Introduction to Health Services Management 4 credit hours
HSM320: Health Rights and Responsibilities 4 credit hours
HSM330: Health Services Information Systems 4 credit hours
HSM340: Health Services Finance 4 credit hours
HSM420: Managed Care and Health Insurance 4 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
Senior Project 3 credit hours required
BUSN460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
Track one track selected 15 credit hours required
General Option 15 credit hours required
Students select applicable courses from the College of Engineering & Information Sciences,
College of Business & Management and College of Health Sciences provided prerequisites are
met or with approval from the appropriate academic administrator. The following suggested
courses ensure students meet prerequisites:
ACCT304: Intermediate Accounting I 4 credit hours
BUSN379: Finance 3 credit hours
BUSN412: Business Policy 4 credit hours
HRM320: Employment Law 4 credit hours
Healthcare Analytics 15 credit hours required
BIAM300: Managerial Applications of Business Analytics4 credit hours
BIAM410: Database Concepts in Business Intelligence 4 credit hours
HIM325: Healthcare Statistics and Research 4 credit hours
HIT227: Healthcare Quality and Data Analytics3 credit hours
Healthcare Management 15 credit hours required
HIM375: Healthcare Data Security and Privacy4 credit hours
HIM410: Health Information Financial Management 3 credit hours
HSM410: Healthcare Policy 4 credit hours
MGMT410: Human Resource Management 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
DeVry’s Healthcare Administration program is not designed to prepare graduates for nursing home,
assisted living facility, long-term-care or home care administrator positions. Students interested in
practicing a regulated profession must contact the appropriate state regulatory agency for certification
or licensure requirements. Note: in Virginia certain educational and training requirements must be
satisfied for initial nursing home administrator licensure or initial assisted living facility administrator
licensure; DeVry’s program does not satisfy the educational and/or training requirements.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Healthcare Administration degree program include Medical and Health Services
Managers (11-9111.00); Administrative Services Managers (11-3012.00). These positions
are used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and
to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by
searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bha webpage.
Programs No Longer Accepting New Applicants
Information in this section is for currently enrolled students in programs no longer accepting new
applicants, or in versions of programs no longer accepting new applicants. As necessary,
program outcomes/objectives, coursework and graduation requirements are adjusted to ensure
students can successfully complete the programs.
Programs No Longer Accepting New Applicants, by College
Program College
Last Session
Students Admitted
Biomedical Engineering
Technology bachelor’s degree
Engineering & Information Sciences November 2019
Liberal Arts & Sciences
May 2024
Computer Engineering Technology
bachelor’s degree
Engineering & Information Sciences November 2019
Electronics & Computer
Technology associate degree
Engineering & Information Sciences May 2021
Electronics Engineering
Technology bachelor’s degree
Engineering & Information Sciences November 2019
Engineering Technology
Computers bachelor’s degree
Engineering & Information Sciences May 2021
Engineering Technology
Electronics bachelor’s degree
Engineering & Information Sciences May 2021
Healthcare Administration
bachelor’s degree*
Health Sciences May 2024
Health Information Technology
associate degree*
Health Sciences January 2024
Justice Administration bachelor’s
Liberal Arts & Sciences May 2022
Medical Billing & Coding
undergraduate certificate*
Health Sciences January 2024
Medical Billing & Coding Health
Information Coding undergraduate
Health Sciences January 2024
Multimedia Design & Development
bachelor’s degree
Media Arts & Technology May 2022
Network & Communications
Management bachelor’s degree
Engineering & Information Sciences March 2024
Network Systems Administration
associate degree*
Engineering & Information Sciences September 2022
Technical Management with a
specialty in Health Information
Management bachelor’s degree*
Business & Management January 2024
* A version of this program accepts new applicants; visit the Colleges & Programs of Study section.
DeVry University Undergraduate Tuition, Fees and Expenses: Degree Programs No Longer Accepting New Applicants
Effective September 2021 Session through May 2025 Session
For programs no longer accepting new applicants, tuition rates shown are applicable to students enrolled in sessions beginning September 2021
through May 2025. Tuition is assessed each session for a given semester. Tuition rates for military students are found in the Tuition section of this
academic catalog. Visit footnotes on next page.
Bachelor’s Degree Program
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Biomedical Engineering Technology
Computer Engineering Technology
Electronics Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology Computers
Engineering Technology Electronics
Healthcare Administration
Justice Administration
Multimedia Design & Development
Network & Communications Management
all locations except New Jersey
124 $514 $63,736 $3,440 $2,800 $70,006
Network & Communications Management
New Jersey
128 $514 $65,792 $3,440 $2,800 $72,062
Technical Management Health Information
122 $514 $62,708 $3,440 $1,600 $67,778
Associate Degree Program
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Electronics & Computer Technology
Health Information Technology
Network Systems Administration
Undergraduate Certificate Program
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Medical Billing & Coding
Medical Billing & Coding Health Information Coding
Program availability varies by location and delivery method.
Includes course resource fee averaging $150 per session, one-time-per-enrollment $400 learning management system (LMS) access fee and nonrefundable
student services charge of $40 per session.
Average estimated per-session textbook and equipment expenses for full-time students are AECT, AHIT, ANSA, BCOM, BECT, BEET, BET-C, BET-E, BJA,
For matriculating students at current tuition rates, credit hours shown and full-time attendance; includes a $30 application fee; nonrefundable student services
charge, LMS access fee, average estimated course resource fee, and average estimated textbook and equipment expense. Does not include Student Tuition
Recovery Fund assessment, a nonrefundable California state-imposed assessment DeVry University collects from students and remits on behalf of California
residents enrolled at DeVry University and students enrolled at a DeVry University location in California.
Reflects required courses HIT230, HIT272 and HIT274, seven credit hours total, provided at no tuition charge.
Reflects required three-credit-hour course HIT230 provided at no tuition charge.
Biomedical Engineering Technology Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
By providing a firm foundation in biological sciences as well as in core competencies
required of electronics engineering technologists, DeVry’s Biomedical Engineering
Technology (BMET) program prepares graduates to enter the workforce as technical
professionals with competencies in bioengineering processes and tools. BMET graduates
play essential roles on the biomedical team, typically ranging from developing and
maintaining healthcare equipment to designing and implementing hardware and software
solutions to biological or medical problems. The curriculum is applications-oriented in the
areas of physiological bioinstrumentation and informatics, providing knowledge and skills
graduates need to function effectively in multidisciplinary teams, adapt to changes in
technical environments throughout their careers and progress in their professional
Programmatic Accreditation
This program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of
ABET. More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on experience
with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
To complete their program, BMET students must meet requirements outlined in the Electronics
and Engineering Technology General Course Requirements section and may also have to
satisfy requirements outlined in the Healthcare Site Requirements and General Information
Coursework may be taken onsite and online, as available, to fulfil graduation requirements.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years of graduation. PEOs are based on the needs of the
program’s constituents and are a requirement of ETAC of ABET accreditation. BMET PEOs are:
Obtain employment in a technology-related position with appropriate title and
Achieve a successful professional career.
Adapt to change through continuous personal and professional development.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of
graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge and behaviors that students acquire as they
progress through the program. These outcomes map directly to the current Student Outcome
Criteria prescribed by ETAC of ABET. Student outcomes for the BMET program are:
Apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering
and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Design systems, components or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined
engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Apply written, oral and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and
nontechnical environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
Conduct standard tests, measurements and experiments, and analyze and interpret results
to improve processes.
Function effectively as a member as well as a leader of technical teams.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering Technology (in New York, Bachelor
of Technology in Biomedical Engineering Technology)
Total semesters: 9 full time, assuming enrollment in 15-16 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 139
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 3 years, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15
credit hours required
: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
14 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location take ENGL108 in lieu of this course.
Humanities9 credit hours required
HUMN303: Introduction to the Humanities 3 credit hours
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 6 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics, Analytical Methods and Natural Sciences31 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
CEIS301: Engineering Technology Fundamentals 3 credit hours
ECT345: Signals and Systems 4 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH190: Pre-Calculus 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making4 credit hours
MATH265: Applied Calculus 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core^ – 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Automation and Electronic Systems^ – 12 credit hours required
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations 3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communications with Lab 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming^ – 13 credit hours required
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics3 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals4 credit hours
CEIS308: Computer-Aided Design3 credit hours
CEIS485: Data Interpretation and Statistical Analysis 3 credit hours
Biomedical Engineering Technology^ – 12 credit hours required
BMET314: Medical Instrumentation 3 credit hours
BMET316: Medical Imaging Technology 3 credit hours
BMET318: Telemedicine 3 credit hours
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
Career Preparation and Development^^15 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
CEIS310: Process Improvement3 credit hours
: Preparation for the Profession1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management4 credit hours
MGMT408: Management of Technology Resources3 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College of
Engineering & Information Sciences provided prerequisites are met.
^^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College
of Engineering & Information Sciences or the College of Business & Management provided
prerequisites are met.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field, to calculate the graduate employment
rates required by the state of California, for graduates of the Bachelor of Science in
Biomedical Engineering Technology degree program include: Medical Equipment
Repairers (49-9062.00). Please note, both the 2010 and 2018 versions of the Standard
Occupational Classification (SOC) are reflected. More information about these careers
may be found at www.onetonline.org/crosswalk/ by searching for the career title or SOC
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bbet webpage.
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
Communications Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
DeVry’s Communications program is designed to help students develop a robust set of applied
skills that can transfer to a broad range of career opportunities. The program also helps
students gain flexibility to enter and advance in diverse areas such as administration,
communications and consulting in public or private sector industries, including manufacturing,
professional services and other areas.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Apply a variety of perspectives in analyzing a problem.
Deal effectively with diverse, multicultural and multifunctional audiences.
Work effectively in team and collaborative environments.
Apply critical and analytical thinking to solve complex problems.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Demonstrate competency in an area of specialization.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Communications
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 122
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities12 credit hours required
HIST405: United States History 3 credit hours
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
One of:
HUMN303: Introduction to the Humanities 3 credit hours
HUMN304: Multi-Ethnic Humanities 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 15 credit hours required
LAWS310: The Legal Environment 3 credit hours
: Political Science 3 credit hours
PSYC305: Motivation and Leadership 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 20 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
SCI228: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 4 credit hours
SUST210: Renewable Energy: Science, Technology and Management 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Applied Technologies 6 credit hours required
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
BIS155: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab 3 credit hours
Business 19 credit hours required
BIS245: Database Essentials for Business with Lab 4 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
BUSN319: Marketing 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
Students enrolled at a Nevada location must take POLI332 in lieu of this course.
Business Communications Concentration 28 credit hours required
BUSN412: Business Policy 4 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
MGMT330: Business Communication 4 credit hours
PSYC315: Social Psychology 3 credit hours
SOCS335: Workplace Culture and Communication 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
TC220: Rhetorical Strategies for Technical Communication 4 credit hours
TC420: Marketing and Corporate Communications 4 credit hours
Senior Project 4 credit hours required
COMM491: Senior Project I 2 credit hours
COMM492: Senior Project II 2 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Communications degree program include Public Relations Specialists (27-3031.00);
Writers and Authors (27-3043.00); Poets, Lyricists, and Creative Writers (27-3043.05);
Editors (27-3041.00). These positions are used to calculate graduate employment rates
required by the state of California and to meet regulation requirements of other state
authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at
the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bc webpage.
Computer Engineering Technology Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
The Computer Engineering Technology (CET) program offered at DeVry University locations
prepares students to join the workforce as technical professionals in a variety of industries,
including information technology.
CET program graduates take an applications-oriented approach to designing and implementing
software, interfaces that link computers to other physical systems, and computer systems or
other digital subsystems. They design software systems; create code and protocols; test and
evaluate hardware and software products and processes; and diagnose and solve problems.
Graduates should also possess appropriate knowledge, experience and skills to function
effectively in multidisciplinary teams, adapt to changes in technical environments throughout
their careers and progress in their professional responsibilities.
Programmatic Accreditation
This program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on experience
with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
To complete their programs, students must meet requirements outlined in the Engineering and
Information Sciences General Course Requirements section.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years of graduation. PEOs are based on the needs of the
program’s constituents and are a requirement of ETAC of ABET accreditation. CET PEOs are:
Obtain employment in a technology-related position with appropriate title and compensation.
Achieve a successful professional career.
Adapt to change through continuous personal and professional development.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of
graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge and behaviors that students acquire as they
progress through the program. These outcomes map directly to the current Student Outcome
Criteria prescribed by ETAC of ABET. Student outcomes for the CET program are:
Apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering
and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Design systems, components or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined
engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Apply written, oral and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and
nontechnical environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
Conduct standard tests, measurements and experiments, and analyze and interpret results
to improve processes.
Function effectively as a member as well as a leader of technical teams.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology (in New York, Bachelor
of Technology in Computer Engineering Technology)
Total semesters: 9 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 139
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 3 years, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities9 credit hours required
HUMN303: Introduction to the Humanities 3 credit hours
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics, Analytical Methods and Natural Sciences 27 credit hours required
CEIS301: Engineering Technology Fundamentals 3 credit hours
ECT345: Signals and Systems 4 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH190: Pre-Calculus 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
MATH265: Applied Calculus 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Automation and Electronic Systems^ – 15 credit hours required
CEIS490: Ecosystems of the Internet of Things 3 credit hours
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communications with Lab 3 credit hours
Tech Core^ – 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming^ – 26 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects4 credit hours
CEIS209: Intermediate Programming4 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals4 credit hours
CEIS295: Data Structures and Algorithms3 credit hours
CEIS312: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3 credit hours
CIS355A: Business Application Programming with Lab 4 credit hours
WEB375: Web Architecture with Lab 4 credit hours
Career Preparation and Development^^12 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
CEIS310: Process Improvement3 credit hours
: Preparation for the Profession1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management4 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College of
Engineering & Information Sciences provided prerequisites are met.
^^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College
of Engineering & Information Sciences or the College of Business & Management provided
prerequisites are met.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field, to calculate the graduate employment
rates required by the state of California, for graduates of the Bachelor of Science in
Computer Engineering Technology (in New York, Bachelor of Technology in Computer
Engineering Technology) degree program include: Electronics Engineering Technicians
(17-3023.01); Electrical Engineering Technicians (17-3023.03). Please note, both the 2010
and 2018 versions of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) are reflected. More
information about these careers may be found at www.onetonline.org/crosswalk/ by
searching for the career title or SOC number.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bcet webpage.
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
Electronics Engineering Technology Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
The Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) program offered at DeVry University locations
prepares graduates to join the workforce as technical professionals in a variety of industries.
The EET program prepares graduates to join the workforce as technical professionals in a
variety of industries. These graduates play essential roles on the engineering team, typically
designing and implementing hardware and software solutions to technical problems. Graduates
should also possess appropriate knowledge, experience and skills to function effectively in
multidisciplinary teams, adapt to changes in technical environments throughout their careers
and progress in their professional responsibilities.
Offered within the program is a Renewable Energy Engineering Technology (REET) program
option, as shown in the following program outline. Students may begin the program in
“Undeclared” status. Students must make a decision as to whether they wish to complete the
program option in REET by the time they have earned 60 semester-credit hours toward their
Programmatic Accreditation
This program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
To complete their program, students must meet requirements outlined in the Engineering and
Information Sciences General Course Requirements section.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years of graduation. PEOs are based on the needs of the
program’s constituents and are a requirement of ETAC of ABET accreditation. EET PEOs are:
Obtain employment in a technology-related position with appropriate title and compensation.
Achieve a successful professional career.
Adapt to change through continuous personal and professional development.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of
graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge and behaviors that students acquire as they
progress through the program. These outcomes map directly to the current Student Outcome
Criteria prescribed by ETAC of ABET. Student outcomes for the EET program are:
Apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering
and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Design systems, components or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined
engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Apply written, oral and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and
nontechnical environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
Conduct standard tests, measurements and experiments, and analyze and interpret results
to improve processes.
Function effectively as a member as well as a leader of technical teams.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology (in New York, Bachelor
of Technology in Electronics Engineering Technology)
Total semesters: 9 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-20 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 139
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 3 years, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15
credit hours required
: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
133 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
14 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location take ENGL108 in lieu of this course.
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics, Analytical Methods and Natural Sciences 27 credit hours required
CEIS301: Engineering Technology Fundamentals 3 credit hours
ECT345: Signals and Systems 4 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH190: Pre-Calculus 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
MATH265: Applied Calculus 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core^ – 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Automation and Electronic Systems^ – 12 credit hours required
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control 3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communications with Lab 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming^ – 16 credit hours required
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics3 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals4 credit hours
CEIS308: Computer-Aided Design 3 credit hours
CEIS312: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3 credit hours
CEIS485: Data Interpretation and Statistical Analysis 3 credit hours
Program Option one option selected^ – 13 credit hours required
Renewable Energy Engineering Technology students 13 credit hours required
REET302: Introduction to Alternative Energy Technologies 3 credit hours
REET322: Power Electronics and Alternative Energy Applications 3 credit hours
REET326: Electric Machines and Power Systems 3 credit hours
SUST210: Renewable Energy: Science, Technology and Management 4 credit hours
All Other Students Standard Option 13 credit hours required
CEIS340: Database Management 3 credit hours
CEIS490: Ecosystem of the Internet of Things 3 credit hours
SEC290: Infrastructure Security3 credit hours
SEC310: Principles and Theory of Security Management4 credit hours
Career Preparation and Development^^15 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
CEIS310: Process Improvement 3 credit hours
: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
MGMT408: Management of Technologies 3 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College of
Engineering & Information Sciences provided prerequisites are met.
^^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College of
Engineering & Information Sciences or the College of Business & Management provided prerequisites
are met.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students must take CEIS101 prior to taking any other course in the Tech Core and in all of the
program’s technical course areas, including Career Preparation and the Senior Project.
Employment positions determined to be in field, to calculate the graduate employment
rates required by the state of California, for graduates of the Bachelor of Science in
Electronics Engineering Technology (in New York, Bachelor of Technology in Electronics
Engineering Technology) degree program include: Electronics Engineering Technicians
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
(17-3023.01); Electrical Engineering Technicians (17-3023.03). Please note, both the 2010
and 2018 versions of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) are reflected. More
information about these careers may be found at www.onetonline.org/crosswalk/ by
searching for the career title or SOC number.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/beet webpage.
Electronics & Computer Technology Associate Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
DeVry University’s Electronics & Computer Technology program prepares students to apply basic
engineering principles to solve technical problems and implement technical solutions. Graduates
are prepared to support engineers in the execution and maintenance of systems, processes, and
technical operations. Coursework includes instruction in basic engineering principles, information
technology, programming and digital systems.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Note: To complete their program, ECT students must meet requirements outlined in the
Electronics and Engineering Technology Programs General Course Requirements section.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected
to attain within a few years of graduation. Program educational objectives are based on the needs
of the program’s constituencies. The program has the following objectives:
Successfully support maintenance, installation and testing of automated, computer-based
and/or distributed systems.
Communicate and collaborate effectively with individuals and teams.
Exercise critical and systemic thinking, as well as ethical responsibility in solving
professional challenges.
Remain abreast of developments in technology and society.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time
of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire as they
progress through the program. The student outcomes for this program include:
Apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering
and technology to solve well-defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Design solutions for well-defined technical problems, and assist with the engineering design
of systems, components or processes appropriate to the discipline.
Apply written, oral and graphical communication in well-defined technical and nontechnical
environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
Conduct standard tests, measurements and experiments, and analyze and interpret results.
Function effectively as a member of a technical team.
Program Details
Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Electronics and Computer Technology (in Florida,
Associate of Science in Electronics and Computer Technology; in New York, Associate in
Applied Science in Electronics and Computer Technology)
Total semesters: 5 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-14 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 71
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 7 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
Humanities3 credit hours required
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 3 credit hours required
: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 15 credit hours required
CEIS301: Engineering Technology Fundamentals 3 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
72 for Ohio residents enrolled as online students
Students enrolled at a Nevada location must take POLI332 in lieu of this requirement.
Tech Core^ – 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Automation and Electronic Systems^ – 12
credit hours required
CEIS308: Computer-Aided Design 3 credit hours
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control3 credit hours
: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communication with Lab 3 credit hours
Career Preparation^^5 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College of
Engineering & Information Sciences provided prerequisites are met.
^^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College of
Engineering & Information Sciences or the College of Business & Management provided prerequisites
are met.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field, to calculate graduate employment rates
required by the state of California, for graduates of the Associate of Applied Science in
Electronics and Computer Technology (in Florida, Associate of Science in Electronics
and Computer Technology; in New Jersey and New York, Associate in Applied
Science in Electronics and Computer Technology) degree program include: Electronics
Engineering Technicians (17-3023.01); Electrical Engineering Technicians (17-3023.03).
Please note, both the 2010 and 2018 versions of the Standard Occupational Classification
(SOC) are reflected. More information about these careers may be found at
www.onetonline.org/crosswalk/ by searching for the career title or SOC number.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/aect webpage.
24 for Ohio residents enrolled as online students
Ohio residents enrolled as online students, and students enrolled at an Ohio location, must take one of the following
in lieu of this requirement: BIOS105, ENGL135, ENGL216, MATH114, SCI228.
Engineering Technology Computers Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
The Engineering Technology Computers (ETC) program prepares students to join the
workforce as technical professionals in a variety of industries, including information technology.
ET C program graduates take an applications-oriented approach to designing and
implementing software, interfaces that link computers to other physical systems, and computer
systems or other digital subsystems. They design software systems; create code and protocols;
test and evaluate hardware and software products and processes; and diagnose and solve
problems. Graduates should also possess appropriate knowledge, experience and skills to
function effectively in multidisciplinary teams, adapt to changes in technical environments
throughout their careers and progress in their professional responsibilities.
Programmatic Accreditation
This program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET.
More information is available in the Programmatic Accreditation and Recognition section.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
To complete their program, ETC students must meet requirements outlined in the
Engineering and Information Sciences General Course Requirements section.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years of graduation. PEOs are based on the needs of the
program’s constituents and are a requirement of ETAC of ABET accreditation. ET – C PEOs
Obtain employment in a technology-related position with appropriate title and compensation.
Achieve a successful professional career.
Adapt to change through continuous personal and professional development.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of
graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge and behaviors that students acquire as they
progress through the program. These outcomes map directly to the current Student Outcome
Criteria prescribed by ETAC of ABET. Student outcomes for the ET C program are:
Apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering
and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Design systems, components or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined
engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Apply written, oral and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and
nontechnical environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
Conduct standard tests, measurements and experiments, and analyze and interpret results
to improve processes.
Function effectively as a member as well as a leader of technical teams.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology Computers
Total semesters: 9 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 139
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 3 years, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities9 credit hours required
HUMN303: Introduction to the Humanities 3 credit hours
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics, Analytical Methods and Natural Sciences 27 credit hours required
CEIS301: Engineering Technology Fundamentals 3 credit hours
ECT345: Signals and Systems 4 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH190: Pre-Calculus 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
MATH265: Applied Calculus 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Automation and Electronic Systems^ – 15 credit hours required
CEIS490: Ecosystems of the Internet of Things 3 credit hours
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations 3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control 3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT 3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communications with Lab 3 credit hours
Tech Core^ – 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming^ – 26 credit hours required
CEIS150: Programming Objects 4 credit hours
CEIS209: Intermediate Programming 4 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals 4 credit hours
CEIS295: Data Structures and Algorithms 3 credit hours
CEIS312: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3 credit hours
CIS355A: Business Application Programming with Lab 4 credit hours
WEB375: Web Architecture with Lab 4 credit hours
Career Preparation and Development^^12 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
CEIS310: Process Improvement 3 credit hours
: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College of
Engineering & Information Sciences provided prerequisites are met.
^^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College
of Engineering & Information Sciences or the College of Business & Management provided
prerequisites are met.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field, to calculate the graduate employment
rates required by the state of California, for graduates of the Engineering Technology
Computers degree program include: Electronics Engineering Technicians (17-3023.01);
Electrical Engineering Technicians (17-3023.03). Please note, both the 2010 and 2018
versions of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) are reflected. More
information about these careers may be found at www.onetonline.org/crosswalk/ by
searching for the career title or SOC number.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bet-c webpage.
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
Engineering Technology Electronics Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
The Engineering Technology Electronics (ETE) program prepares graduates to join the
workforce as technical professionals in a variety of industries. These graduates play essential
roles on the engineering team, typically designing and implementing hardware and software
solutions to technical problems. Graduates should also possess appropriate knowledge,
experience and skills to function effectively in multidisciplinary teams, adapt to changes in
technical environments throughout their careers and progress in their professional
Offered within this program is a Renewable Energy Engineering Technology (REET) program
option, as shown in the following program outline. Students may begin the program in
“Undeclared” status. Students must make a decision as to whether they wish to complete the
program option in REET by the time they have earned 60 semester-credit hours toward their
Programmatic Accreditation
Programmatic accreditation for the ET – E program from the Engineering Technology
Accreditation Commission of ABET expired September 30, 2023. Students enrolled in the ET
E program may continue in the program or may transfer to DeVry’s Bachelor of Science degree
program in Engineering Technology, which is 13 fewer credit hours than the ET E program
and is ETAC of ABET accredited. More information is available from a student support advisor.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today's fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
To complete their program, students must meet requirements outlined in the Engineering and
Information Sciences General Course Requirements section.
Program Educational Objectives
Program educational objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe what graduates are
expected to attain within a few years of graduation. PEOs are based on the needs of the
program’s constituents and are a requirement of ETAC of ABET accreditation. ET – E PEOs
Obtain employment in a technology-related position with appropriate title and compensation.
Achieve a successful professional career.
Adapt to change through continuous personal and professional development.
Student Outcomes
Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of
graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge and behaviors that students acquire as they
progress through the program. These outcomes map directly to the current Student Outcome
Criteria prescribed by ETAC of ABET. Student outcomes for the ET E program are:
Apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering
and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Design systems, components or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined
engineering problems appropriate to the discipline.
Apply written, oral and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and
nontechnical environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
Conduct standard tests, measurements and experiments, and analyze and interpret results
to improve processes.
Function effectively as a member as well as a leader of technical teams.
Program Details
Degree: or Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology – Electronics
Total semesters: 9 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-20 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 139
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 3 years, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15
credit hours required
: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
14 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location take ENGL108 in lieu of this course.
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics, Analytical Methods and Natural Sciences 27 credit hours required
CEIS301: Engineering Technology Fundamentals 3 credit hours
ECT345: Signals and Systems 4 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH190: Pre-Calculus 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
MATH265: Applied Calculus 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core^ – 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Automation and Electronic Systems^ – 12 credit hours required
ECT226: Electronic Device and System Foundations 3 credit hours
ECT286: Automation and Control 3 credit hours
ECT315: Industrial IoT 3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communications with Lab 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming^ – 16 credit hours required
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals 4 credit hours
CEIS308: Computer-Aided Design 3 credit hours
CEIS312: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3 credit hours
CEIS485: Data Interpretation and Statistical Analysis 3 credit hours
Program Option one option selected^ – 13 credit hours required
Renewable Energy Engineering Technology students 13 credit hours required
REET302: Introduction to Alternative Energy Technologies 3 credit hours
REET322: Power Electronics and Alternative Energy Applications 3 credit hours
REET326: Electric Machines and Power Systems 3 credit hours
SUST210: Renewable Energy: Science, Technology and Management 4 credit hours
All Other Students Standard Option 13 credit hours required
CEIS340: Database Management 3 credit hours
CEIS490: Ecosystem of the Internet of Things 3 credit hours
SEC290: Infrastructure Security 3 credit hours
SEC310: Principles and Theory of Security Management 4 credit hours
Career Preparation and Development^^15 credit hours required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management1 credit hour
CEIS310: Process Improvement 3 credit hours
: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
MGMT408: Management of Technologies 3 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College
of Engineering & Information Sciences provided prerequisites are met.
^^ Courses in this selection may be replaced with applicable alternate courses from the College of
Engineering & Information Sciences or the College of Business & Management provided prerequisites
are met.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students must take CEIS101 prior to taking any other course in the Tech Core an in all of the
program’s technical course areas, including Career Preparation and the Senior Project.
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
Employment positions determined to be in field, to calculate the graduate employment
rates required by the state of California, for graduates of the Bachelor of Science in
Engineering Technology Electronics degree program include: Electronics Engineering
Technicians (17-3023.01); Electrical Engineering Technicians (17-3023.03). Note, both the
2010 and 2018 versions of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) are reflected.
More information about these careers may be found at www.onetonline.org/crosswalk/ by
searching for the career title or SOC number.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bet-e webpage.
Healthcare Administration Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: The version of this program below is no longer accepting new applicants. This
version applies to students whose initial enrollment was the May 2024 session or prior.
DeVry’s Healthcare Administration program is designed to prepare graduates to become
managers and support professionals in the healthcare field as well as in related industries. The
program helps develop versatile professionals who, using a collaborative approach, apply
knowledge of information systems, policy, accounting, budgeting and analysis in diverse
healthcare provider settings. The combination of management skills and knowledge of current
issues in health services and systems provides Healthcare Administration graduates with a solid
foundation on which to begin their healthcare careers.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Analyze, design and implement practical approaches to solve and prevent business
problems in healthcare settings.
Sustain a working understanding of evolving issues in the healthcare industry.
Collaborate with others to deliver professional healthcare services in diverse work
Apply project management and business analysis principles.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 126
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities9 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
One of:
HUMN303: Introduction to the Humanities 3 credit hours
HUMN304: Multi-Ethnic Humanities 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 12 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
SCI228: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business and Technology 34 credit hours required
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
ACCT346: Managerial Accounting 4 credit hours
BIS155: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets with Lab 3 credit hours
BIS245: Database Essentials for Business with Lab 4 credit hours
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
BUSN350: Business Analysis 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
HIM375: Healthcare Data Security and Privacy 4 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
Health Services 24 credit hours required
HSM310: Introduction to Health Services Management 4 credit hours
HSM320: Health Rights and Responsibilities 4 credit hours
HSM330: Health Services Information Systems 4 credit hours
HSM340: Health Services Finance 4 credit hours
HSM410: Healthcare Policy 4 credit hours
HSM420: Managed Care and Health Insurance 4 credit hours
Senior Project 3 credit hours
BUSN460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
Healthcare Management Track 16 credit hours required
BIAM110: Introduction to Business Analytics 3 credit hours
BUSN319: Marketing 3 credit hours
HIM335: Health Information Systems and Networks with Lab 3 credit hours
HIM410: Health Information Financial Management 3 credit hours
MGMT410: Human Resource Management 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
DeVry’s Healthcare Administration program is not designed to prepare graduates for nursing home,
assisted living facility, long-term-care or home care administrator positions. Students interested in
practicing a regulated profession must contact the appropriate state regulatory agency for certification
or licensure requirements. Note: in Virginia certain educational and training requirements must be
satisfied for initial nursing home administrator licensure or initial assisted living facility administrator
licensure; DeVry’s program does not satisfy the educational and/or training requirements.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Healthcare Administration degree program include Medical and Health Services
Managers (11-9111.00); Administrative Services Managers (11-3012.00). These positions
are used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and
to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by
searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bha webpage.
Health Information Technology Associate Degree Program
Note: The version of this program below is no longer accepting new applicants. This
version applies to students whose initial enrollment was the January 2024 session or
DeVry’s Health Information Technology (HIT) program prepares graduates to work with health
data, applications systems and electronic health information databases. Given the importance of
information accuracy, privacy and security, HIT graduates are prepared for involvement in
regulatory compliance and quality assessment activities designed to ensure that health
information systems support patient care and safety. They work with nurses, physicians, other
healthcare providers, and managers and technical specialists in various settings such as
hospitals, long-term-care facilities, insurance and managed care organizations, government
agencies and vendor firms.
Programmatic Accreditation
This program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and
Information Management Education. More information is available in the Programmatic
Accreditation and Recognition section.
Note: To complete the HIT program, students must meet requirements outlined in the
Healthcare Practicum and Clinical Coursework Requirements section and in the Healthcare Site
Requirements and General Information section.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Evaluate healthcare data to apply diagnosis and procedure codes, ensure integrity of
healthcare documentation, validate secondary data sources, and ensure compliance with
Understand and apply legal concepts to protect the confidentiality, privacy, and security of
protected health information.
Support healthcare data utilization, health information management functions, research, and
health information exchange through the use of information systems and data analytics.
Explain and apply reimbursement processes, methodologies, and revenue cycle.
Analyze and apply legal and regulatory requirements to ensure organizational compliance.
Understand and apply organizational leadership, change management and process
DeVry accomplishes these goals by:
Providing an academic program that develops a sound foundation in analytical, technical
and management competencies associated with health data and health records systems
management within a healthcare setting.
Incorporating professional practice activities and labs to provide the appropriate level of
applications experience.
Integrating general learning in sciences and computers to support achievement of
Note: Those who have earned an associate degree in HIT through DeVry University can apply
eligible coursework in the associate degree program toward DeVry’s bachelor’s degree in
Technical Management. Students should note that future programmatic changes could impact
application of credit to a future program. Contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Details
Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Health Information Technology
Total semesters: 4 full time, assuming enrollment in 16-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 67
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact their student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact their student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills4 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
Humanities3 credit hours required
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 3 credit hours required
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 15 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
BIOS268: Pathopharmacology 3 credit hours
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Computer Applications 2 credit hours required
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
Health Information Technology 35 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT120: Introduction to Health Services and Information Systems 4 credit hours
HIT141: Health Information Processes with Lab 4 credit hours
HIT170: Health Information Fundamentals Practicum 2 credit hours
HIT203: International Classification of Diseases Coding I with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT205: International Classification of Diseases Coding II with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT211: Current Procedural Terminology Coding with Lab 4 credit hours
HIT220: Legal and Regulatory Issues in Health Information 2 credit hours
HIT226: Data Applications and Healthcare Quality with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT230: Health Insurance and Reimbursement 3 credit hours
: Health Information Practicum Capstone 3 credit hours
HIT274: RHIT Certification Exam Preparation 1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Associate of Applied
Science in Health Information Technology (in New Jersey, Associate in Applied Science
in Health Information Technology) degree program include Health Information
Technologists and Medical Registrars (29-9021.00). These positions are used to calculate
graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation
requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles
or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ahit webpage.
For all students, this practicum course requires a substantial number of hours of professional practice time in an
approved external healthcare setting. Practice time is generally completed during traditional business hours.
Justice Administration Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
The Justice Administration program provides students with a background in various aspects of
the criminal justice system and prepares students to adapt to change in this dynamic field. The
program is designed to meet the education needs of individuals seeking to begin careers in
criminal justice, as well as those currently working in the field or with related experience.
Coursework is intended to augment government-required training programs.
The program offers tracks as shown in the following program outline. Students who have not
chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared” status; however, they
must select a track by the time they have earned 45 semester-credit hours toward their degree.
Note: Applicants for jobs in the justice administration field may be subject to pre-employment
screenings such as, but not limited to, criminal background checks, drug and/or alcohol testing,
physical and/or psychological examinations and credit checks. Unsatisfactory screening results
may result in denial of an offer for a position in the justice administration field.
Note: Additional government-required training programs or years of relevant experience may be
necessary to obtain employment in this field. Students should contact their state department of
criminal justice to verify training and education requirements.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Analyze issues confronting criminal justice systems and recommend policies, procedures
and/or practices to address them.
Apply ethical, legal and regulatory principles in evaluating policies and procedures and in
determining a course of action in the practice of criminal justice.
Demonstrate the ability to work with diverse professional/peer, offender, and community
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Apply information literacy and problem-solving skills that support lifelong personal and
professional development.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Justice Administration
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 13-18 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 122
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities 9 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
One of:
HUMN303: Introduction to the Humanities 3 credit hours
HUMN304: Multi-Ethnic Humanities 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
: Political Science 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 12 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
SCI228: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business 4 credit hours required
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
Students enrolled at a Nevada location take POLI332.
Computing 2 credit hours required
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
Justice Administration Foundation 48 credit hours required
CRMJ300: Criminal Justice 3 credit hours
CRMJ310: Law Enforcement 3 credit hours
CRMJ315: Juvenile Justice 3 credit hours
CRMJ320: Theory and Practice of Corrections 3 credit hours
CRMJ400: Criminology 3 credit hours
CRMJ410: Criminal Law and Procedure 3 credit hours
CRMJ425: Ethics and Criminal Justice 3 credit hours
JADM200: Introduction to Criminal Law 3 credit hours
JADM240: Introduction to the Criminal Courts 3 credit hours
JADM250: Police Report Writing 3 credit hours
JADM270: Correctional Counseling 3 credit hours
JADM300: Multiculturalism in Criminal Justice Systems 3 credit hours
JADM310: Drugs and Society 3 credit hours
JADM330: Victimology 3 credit hours
JADM340: Criminal Evidence 3 credit hours
JADM350: Research Methods in Criminal Justice 3 credit hours
Senior Project 4 credit hours required
JADM490: Senior Project I 2 credit hours
JADM494: Senior Project II 2 credit hours
Track one track selected 15 credit hours required
Digital Forensics 15 credit hours required
CCSI410: Digital Forensics I with Lab 4 credit hours
CCSI460: Digital Forensics II with Lab 4 credit hours
JADM403: Cybercrime 3 credit hours
SEC310: Principles and Theory of Security Management 4 credit hours
Homeland Security Studies 15 credit hours required
CRMJ450: Terrorism Investigation 3 credit hours
JADM455: Emergency Management 3 credit hours
JADM480: Homeland Security and Terrorism 3 credit hours
JADM485: Security Intelligence Analysis 3 credit hours
POLI457: International Relations 3 credit hours
Policing 15 credit hours required
CRMJ420: Criminal Investigation 3 credit hours
CRMJ450: Terrorism Investigation 3 credit hours
JADM400: Interviewing and Interrogation 3 credit hours
JADM403: Cybercrime 3 credit hours
JADM413: Police Administration 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Justice Administration degree program include First-Line Supervisors of Police and
Detectives (33-1012.00); Correctional Officers and Jailers (33-3012.00). These positions
are used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and
to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by
searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bja webpage.
Medical Billing & Coding Certificate Program
Medical Billing & Coding Health Information Coding Certificate Program
Note: The versions of these programs below are no longer accepting new applicants.
These versions apply to students whose initial enrollment was the January 2024 session
or prior.
DeVry’s Medical Billing & Coding (MBC) undergraduate certificate program provides students
with knowledge, skills and abilities needed to function as entry-level coding specialists in the
health information management field. Coursework, taught from the practitioner’s perspective,
focuses on skills and coding competencies used in settings such as hospitals and physician
The MBC certificate can help students who are new to health coding begin their professional
journey. The MBCHealth Information Coding (MBC – HIC) certificate can help those with
previous coursework or experience prepare for more advanced entry-level positions.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Demonstrate understanding of inpatient and outpatient coding guidelines.
Apply knowledge of health records and data content.
Explain reimbursement processes and methodologies.
Relate compliance topics to coding functions.
Describe various information technologies used to perform coding functions.
Recognize, and be sensitive to, issues of confidentiality and privacy.
Special requirements apply to those who wish to be admitted to the MBC program (visit the
Special Admission Requirements section).
Students who complete the MBC certificate and who are later admitted to DeVry’s MBCHIC
undergraduate certificate program may not be eligible for financial assistance. Students should
contact their student support advisor for more information.
Those who have earned an MBC or MBC HIC certificate can apply eligible credits earned
toward DeVry’s associate degree in Health Information Technology or bachelor’s degree in
Technical Management. Students should note that future programmatic changes could impact
application of credit to a future program. Contact a student support advisor for more information.
The MBC certificate program includes material addressed in the Certified Coding Associate
(CCA) and Certified Professional Coder (CPC) certification exams. Detailed information on
qualifications for the exams is available at www.ahima.org/certification/CCA and
The MBC HIC certificate program includes material addressed in the Certified Coding
Specialist (CCS) certification exam. Detailed information on qualifications for the exam is
available at www.ahima.org/certification/CCS.
Medical Billing & Coding Program
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Medical Billing and Coding
Total semesters: 3, assuming enrollment in 10-13 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 34
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 12 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for certificate
completion and total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour
differences may benefit students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the
minimum may affect program length and cost. Students should contact their student support
advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact their student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Natural Sciences 7 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
BIOS268: Pathopharmacology 3 credit hours
Health Information Technology 27 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT120: Introduction to Health Services and Information Systems 4 credit hours
HIT141: Health Information Processes with Lab 4 credit hours
HIT203: International Classification of Diseases Coding I with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT205: International Classification of Diseases Coding II with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT211: Current Procedural Terminology Coding with Lab 4 credit hours
HIT230: Health Insurance and Reimbursement 3 credit hours
HIT253: Coding Practicum and Review 3 credit hours
Medical Billing & Coding Program Health Information Coding
Program Details
Credential: Undergraduate Certificate in Medical Billing and Coding Health Information
Total semesters: 3, assuming enrollment in 11-17 credit hours per semester
Minimum credit hours required for completion: 42
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 1 year, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 12 months, assuming continuous year-round enrollment (3
semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for certificate
completion and total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour
differences may benefit students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the
minimum may affect program length and cost. Students should contact their student support
advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact their student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Natural Sciences 7 credit hours required
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
BIOS268: Pathopharmacology 3 credit hours
Health Information Technology 35 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT120: Introduction to Health Services and Information Systems 4 credit hours
HIT141: Health Information Processes with Lab 4 credit hours
HIT203: International Classification of Diseases Coding I with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT205: International Classification of Diseases Coding II with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT211: Current Procedural Terminology Coding with Lab 4 credit hours
HIT213: Current Procedure Terminology Coding II with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT220: Legal and Regulatory Issues in Health Information 2 credit hours
HIT230: Health Insurance and Reimbursement 3 credit hours
HIT260: Coding Practicum with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT262: CCS Review 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Undergraduate
Certificate programs in Medical Billing and Coding, and Medical Billing and Coding
Health Information Coding, include Medical Records Specialists (29-2072.00); Health
Information Technologists and Medical Registrars (29-9021.00). These positions are used
to calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet
regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching
career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ucmbc webpage.
Multimedia Design & Development Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
DeVry’s Multimedia Design & Development program prepares graduates to create and distribute
web-enabled and other digital media. Industry-standard and innovative new software is used to
create application projects. The program offers tracks as shown in the following program outline.
Coursework addressing multimedia standards, the graphics business and emerging
technologies provides a foundation for the tracks.
Students who have not chosen an area of specialization may begin the program in “Undeclared”
status; however, they must select a track by the time they have earned 60 semester-credit
hours toward their degree.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Apply industry standards to multimedia projects that meet client requirements.
Demonstrate technical proficiency in multimedia design and development.
Effectively coordinate and manage multimedia projects.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Participate effectively in project team environments.
DeVry accomplishes these goals by:
Incorporating activities and labs to provide the appropriate level of applications experience.
Integrating general competencies such as applied research, written and oral
communications, critical thinking, problem-solving, and team skills in technical and
nontechnical courses.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Multimedia Design and Development
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 11-19 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 122
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15
credit hours required
: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities9 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
One of:
HUMN303: Introduction to the Humanities 3 credit hours
HUMN304: Multi-Ethnic Humanities 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences12
credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
SCI228: Nutrition, Health and Wellness with Lab 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business and Computing 5 credit hours required
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
14 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location take ENGL108 in lieu of this course.
Students enrolled at a Nevada location must take POLI332 in lieu of this requirement.
11 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Multimedia Core 38 credit hours required
CIS363B: Web Interface Design with Lab 4 credit hours
CIS407A: Web Application Development with Lab 4 credit hours
SBE310: Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship 4 credit hours
WGD201: Visual Design Fundamentals 3 credit hours
WGD205: Advanced Design and Rapid Visualization 4 credit hours
WGD210: Digital Imaging Fundamentals 4 credit hours
WGD229: Information Design 4 credit hours
WGD235: Web Animation 4 credit hours
WGD242: Advanced Web Design 4 credit hours
WGD251: Responsive Web Design 3 credit hours
Career Preparation 10 credit hours required
MGMT404: Project Management4 credit hours
MGMT408: Management of Technology Resources 3 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
Track one track selected 20 credit hours required
Graphic and Multimedia Design 20 credit hours required
SBE330: Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development 4 credit hours
WBG310: Interactive Web Page Scripting with Lab 4 credit hours
WBG370: Game Development with Lab 4 credit hours
WBG410: Dynamic Website Development and Database Integration with Lab 4 credit
WEB460: Advanced Web Application Development with Lab 4 credit hours
Web Design and Development 20 credit hours required
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programing Fundamentals 4 credit hours
SBE330: Creativity, Innovation and New Product Development 4 credit hours
WBG310: Interactive Web Page Scripting with Lab 4 credit hours
WBG410: Dynamic Website Development and Database Integration with Lab
4 credit hours
WEB460: Advanced Web Application Development with Lab 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must take an additional six semester-credit hours of
general education coursework within these course areas: Communication Skills, Humanities,
Social Sciences, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Humanities and Social Sciences
courses selected should be upper-division coursework (DeVry courses numbered 300-499).
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Multimedia Design and Development degree program include Multimedia Artists and
Animators (27-1014.00); Graphic Designers (27-1024.00). These positions are used to
calculate graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet
regulation requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching
career titles or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bmdd webpage.
Network & Communications Management Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
To address the need for professionals who can harness technology to advance business goals,
DeVry’s Network & Communications Management program (new program version known as
Cybersecurity & Networking) integrates technology and business management coursework,
enabling graduates to analyze communications needs, provide effective networking solutions
and fill a critical niche in business organizations. The program addresses designing,
implementing, securing and managing networks in order to gain a technical understanding of
networking data, voice and images, as well as their strategic application in business.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today’s fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems. To support
this experience, DeVry provides students in this program with a laptop computer.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Develop network solutions matched to the needs of the business.
Manage technologies to support business objectives.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Demonstrate project management skills.
Apply research and problem-solving skills.
DeVry accomplishes these goals by:
Providing coursework on networking principles and technologies to develop networking
solutions for business using industry standards.
Incorporating networking and communications technologies into courses based on current
and emerging demands such as, but not limited to, wireless and security.
Program Details
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Network and Communications Management (in New York,
Bachelor of Professional Studies in Network and Communications Management)
Total semesters: 8 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-21 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 124
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 4 years, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per 12-month
o Minimum time to complete: 2 years, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 15
credit hours required
: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL216: Technical Writing 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 9 credit hours required
: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
One of:
SOCS325: Environmental Sociology 3 credit hours
SOCS350: Cultural Diversity in the Professions 3 credit hours
128 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
14 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location take ENGL108 in lieu of this course.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must take HIST410 as part of this requirement.
Students enrolled at a Nevada location must take POLI332 in lieu of this requirement.
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 12
credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics 4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business 7 credit hours required
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
MGMT408: Management of Technology Resources 3 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
Information Systems and Programming 7 credit hours required
CEIS236: Database Systems and Programming Fundamentals 4 credit hours
CEIS312: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 3 credit hours
Information Technology and Networking 34 credit hours required
NETW260: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking I 3 credit hours
NETW270: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking II 3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired, Optical and Wireless Communications with Lab 3 credit hours
NETW411: Information Security and Mobile Devices 4 credit hours
PROJ420: Project Risk Management 4 credit hours
SEC290: Fundamentals of Infrastructure Security 3 credit hours
SEC305: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 4 credit hours
SEC322: Penetration Testing 3 credit hours
SEC450: Advanced Network Security with Lab 3 credit hours
WEB375: Web Architecture with Lab 4 credit hours
11 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Career Preparation
8 credit hours required
: Preparation for the Profession 1 credit hour
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
TECH460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must take an additional six semester-credit hours of
general education coursework within these course areas: Communication Skills, Humanities,
Social Sciences, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Humanities and Social Sciences
courses selected should be upper-division coursework (DeVry courses numbered 300-499).
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Network and Communications Management (in New York, Bachelor of Professional
Studies in Network and Communications Management) degree program include
Computer Network Support Specialists (15-1231.00). This position is used to calculate
graduate employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation
requirements of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles
or SOC numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/bncm webpage.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must take CEIS299 as part of this requirement.
Students who complete CARD415 instead of CARD405 apply CARD415 to fulfill this requirement.
Network Systems Administration Associate Degree Program
Note: This program is no longer accepting new applicants.
DeVry’s Network Systems Administration program (new program version known as
Cybersecurity & Networking) provides students with a background in network systems
administration as applied to practical business situations. The program addresses installing,
configuring, securing and administering network systems comprising users, shared resources
and network elements, such as routers, in local and Internet-based environments.
TECH CORE The Internet of Things Experience
This program features a sequence of Tech Core courses to help build a set of
interdisciplinary skills for today’s fast changing digital world. These courses teach
principles used throughout the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and integrate the
essential elements of digital devices, connectivity, operating systems, programming and
Tech Core curriculum includes course instruction providing a practical, hands-on
experience with IoT, cloud, software and security technologies and systems.
Program Outcomes
The program is designed to produce graduates who are able to:
Establish and administer a network by installing, configuring, securing and testing multiple
network operating systems and selected hardware such as network servers and routers.
Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
Demonstrate teamwork skills.
Apply research and problem-solving skills.
Program Details
Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Network Systems Administration (in Florida,
Associate of Science in Network Systems Administration; in New York, Associate in Applied
Science in Network Systems Administration)
Total semesters: 5 full time, assuming enrollment in 12-16 credit hours per semester;
enrollment in additional credit hours may be needed in some semesters
Minimum credit hours required for graduation: 67
Program completion time schedules, expressed in calendar time:
o Normal time to complete: 2 years, 4 months, assuming enrollment in 2 semesters per
12-month period*
o Minimum time to complete: 1 year, 8 months, assuming continuous year-round
enrollment (3 semesters per 12-month period)**
65 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
There may be a slight difference between minimum credit hours required for graduation and
total credit hours required if all courses are taken at DeVry. Credit hour differences may benefit
students with qualifying transfer credit. Credit hours beyond the minimum may affect program
length and cost. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact a student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 11
credit hours required
: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
One of:
SPCH275: Public Speaking 3 credit hours
SPCH276: Intercultural Communication 3 credit hours
Humanities3 credit hours required
One of:
ETHC232: Ethical and Legal Issues in the Professions 3 credit hours
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 3 credit hours required
: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 8 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
TECH204: Everyday Physics4 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD205: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Tech Core 21 credit hours required
CEIS101: Introduction to Technology and Information Systems 2 credit hours
CEIS106: Introduction to Operating Systems 4 credit hours
CEIS110: Introduction to Programming 3 credit hours
CEIS114: Introduction to Digital Devices 3 credit hours
NETW191: Fundamentals of Information Technology and Networking 3 credit hours
NETW212: Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 credit hours
SEC285: Fundamentals of Information System Security 3 credit hours
10 for students enrolled at a New Jersey location.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location take ENGL108 in lieu of this course.
Students enrolled at a Nevada location must take POLI332 in lieu of this requirement.
Information Technology and Networking 16 credit hours required
NETW260: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking I 3 credit hours
NETW270: Intermediate Information Technology & Networking II 3 credit hours
NETW310: Wired Optical and Wireless Communication with Lab 3 credit hours
SEC290: Fundamentals of Infrastructure Security3 credit hours
SEC310: Principles and Theory of Security Management 4 credit hours
Career Preparation 1 credit hour required
CEIS298: Introduction to Technical Project Management 1 credit hour
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Students enrolled at a New Jersey location must take an additional three semester-credit hours
of general education coursework from among the following course areas: Communication Skills,
Humanities, Social Sciences, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Associate of Applied
Science in Network Systems Administration (in Florida, Associate of Science in Network
Systems Administration; in New York, Associate in Applied Science in Network Systems
Administration) degree program include Computer Network Support Specialists (15-
1231.00). This position is used to calculate graduate employment rates required by the
state of California and to meet regulation requirements of other state authorization
agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC numbers above at the
Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/ansa webpage.
Technical Management Health Information Management Specialty
Bachelor’s Degree Program
Note: The version of this program below is no longer accepting new applicants. This
version applies to students whose initial enrollment was the January 2024 session or
DeVry’s bachelor’s degree completion program in Technical Management is designed to
prepare students to meet the challenges of a high-tech, global marketplace. Coursework helps
students learn management skills needed to work in many business areas and industries, such
as accounting, project management and information technology. Additionally, through
experiential projects, students can develop the business acumen needed in today’s business
The Health Information Management (HIM) specialty is designed for students who wish to
develop a solid business foundation for the workplace. This specialization further focuses
studies by helping students become familiar with information systems and health policy in
support of careers in healthcare settings.
Note: To complete their program, students in the HIM specialty must meet requirements
outlined in the Healthcare Practicum and Clinical Coursework Requirements section and in the
Healthcare Site Requirements and General Information section.
Note: Those who have earned a Medical Billing & Coding or Medical Billing & Coding Health
Information Coding undergraduate certificate, or an associate degree in Health Information
Technology, through DeVry can apply eligible coursework in these programs toward the
University’s bachelor’s degree in Technical Management. Students should note that future
programmatic changes could impact application of credit to a future program. Contact a student
support advisor for more information.
Programmatic Accreditation and Alignment
When completed with a HIM specialty, the program is accredited by the Commission on
Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education.
Program Outline
Course areas are shown with required credit hours. Courses are shown by designator
(e.g., COLL148), title and credit hours. Students interested in alternate course options should
contact their student support advisor to determine whether alternates are offered for any course
listed below. Visit the Course Descriptions section for additional information.
Communication Skills 8 credit hours required
ENGL112: Composition 4 credit hours
ENGL135: Advanced Composition 4 credit hours
Humanities6 credit hours required
LAS432: Technology, Society, and Culture 3 credit hours
One of:
ETHC334: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 credit hours
ETHC445: Principles of Ethics 3 credit hours
Social Sciences 6 credit hours required
ECON312: Principles of Economics 3 credit hours
SOCS185: Culture and Society 3 credit hours
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 15 credit hours required
MATH114: Algebra for College Students 4 credit hours
MATH221: Statistics for Decision-Making 4 credit hours
BIOS105: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 credit hours
BIOS268: Pathopharmacology 3 credit hours
Personal and Professional Development 5 credit hours required
CARD405: Career Development 2 credit hours
COLL148: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 3 credit hours
Business Core12 credit hours required
BUSN115: Introduction to Business and Technology 3 credit hours
COMP100: Computer Applications for Business with Lab 2 credit hours
MGMT303: Principles of Management 3 credit hours
One of:
ACCT207: Fundamentals of Accounting 4 credit hours
ACCT212: Financial Accounting 4 credit hours
Management 8 credit hours required
BUSN412: Business Policy 4 credit hours
MGMT404: Project Management 4 credit hours
Senior Project 3 credit hours required
BUSN460: Senior Project 3 credit hours
Health Information Technology 31 credit hours required
HIT111: Basic Medical Terminology 3 credit hours
HIT120: Introduction to Health Services and Information Systems 4 credit hours
HIT141: Health Information Processes with Lab 4 credit hours
HIT170: Health Information Fundamentals Practicum 2 credit hours
HIT203: International Classification of Diseases Coding I with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT205: International Classification of Diseases Coding II with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT211: Current Procedural Terminology Coding with Lab 4 credit hours
HIT220: Legal and Regulatory Issues in Health Information 2 credit hours
HIT226: Data Applications and Healthcare Quality with Lab 3 credit hours
HIT230: Health Insurance and Reimbursement 3 credit hours
Health Information Management Specialty 28 credit hours required
HIM335: Health Information Systems and Networks with Lab 3 credit hours
HIM355: Advanced Classification Systems and Management with Lab 3 credit hours
HIM375: Healthcare Data Security and Privacy 4 credit hours
HIM410: Health Information Financial Management 3 credit hours
HIM420: Healthcare Total Quality Management 4 credit hours
HIM435: Management of Health Information Functions and Services 4 credit hours
HIM460: Health Information Management Practicum 3 credit hours
MATH325: Healthcare Statistics and Research 4 credit hours
* Assumes students remain on a normal-time-to-complete schedule throughout their program.
** Assumes students remain on a minimum-time-to-complete schedule throughout their
Visit the General Notes section for additional information.
Credits and degrees earned from DeVry do not automatically qualify the holder to participate in
professional licensing exams required to practice certain professions. Persons interested in
practicing a regulated profession must contact the appropriate state regulatory agency for their
field of interest.
Students who successfully complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) course are eligible
for a DE&I digital badge for the course. Visit the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coursework and
Badges section.
Employment positions determined to be in field for graduates of the Bachelor of Science
in Technical Management (in New York, Bachelor of Professional Studies in Technical
Management; in Ohio, Bachelor of Technical Management) degree program include
General and Operations Managers (11-1021.00); Sales Managers (11-2022.00);
Administrative Services Managers (11-3012.00); Industrial Production Managers (11-
3051.00); Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers (11-3071.00); Construction
Managers (11-9021.00); Social and Community Service Managers (11-9151.00); Managers,
All Other (11-9199.00); Cost Estimators (13-1051.00); Management Analysts (13-1111.00);
Financial Analysts (13-2051.00). These positions are used to calculate graduate
employment rates required by the state of California and to meet regulation requirements
of other state authorization agencies. Learn more by searching career titles or SOC
numbers above at the Occupational Information Network website.
For additional program information, visit the devry.edu/btm webpage.
Course Descriptions
Within this section are descriptions of courses. To learn which courses apply to the chosen
curriculum, visit the Colleges & Programs of Study section. Course descriptions are presented
alphabetically, by course designator. Alpha designators indicate the discipline of the course
(e.g., MATH for mathematics). Numeric designators indicate the course type as follows:
100-299: Introductory and/or knowledge-building courses
300-499: Discipline and/or specialization-specific courses
Course descriptions shown are typical; however, specific content and sequencing may vary.
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) require successful completion of required math and
composition transitional studies courses. Required transitional studies coursework may
affect program length and cost.
Courses marked with a caret (^) are licensed in New Jersey; students whose enrolled
location is in New Jersey may enroll in these courses in the online and blended/hybrid
Courses marked with a plus sign (+) are available as honors courses (restrictions apply).
To enroll in a course with a corequisite, students must have either successfully completed
the corequisite course during a prior session or concurrently enroll in the corequisite course.
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Fundamentals of
This course introduces financial accounting principles through coursework examining financial
statements and rules that dictate their construction. Through real-world business examples,
students explore key accounting topics including receivables, inventory, plant assets, liabilities,
internal controls, ethics and regulation. Students also evaluate the profitability, liquidity and
solvency of a business through financial statement analysis.
None 4
This course focuses on ways in which financial statements reflect business operations and
emphasizes use of financial statements in the decision-making process. The course encompasses
all business forms and various sectors such as merchandising, manufacturing and services.
Students make extensive use of spreadsheet applications to analyze accounting records and
financial statements.
CEIS101 or corequisite:
COMP100 or MATH114
Essentials of
This course is intended for students in technology-intensive programs, where understanding basic
principles of finance and managerial accounting is essential to successful contribution to
organizational achievement. Students are introduced to the accounting system, financial
statements, and essential elements of cost and managerial accounting within the context of
management decision-making. Capital investment analysis and other budgeting methods are
studied in relation to goal attainment and organizational success. The effect of activities in the
functional areas of business on organizations’ financial viability is emphasized.
BUSN115 4
Accounting I*^
This course expands on topics covered in ACCT212 and presents them within a conceptual
framework determined by generally accepted accounting principles. Financial accounting functions
and theory, and recognition and measurement of assets, are covered.
ACCT212 3
Accounting I*^
This course expands on topics covered in ACCT212 and presents them within a conceptual
framework determined by generally accepted accounting principles. Financial accounting functions
and theory, and recognition and measurement of assets, are covered.
ACCT212 4
Accounting II*^
This second course in intermediate accounting addresses financial accounting, with an emphasis
on external reporting to the investing public in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. Topics include property; plant and equipment; intangible assets; investments; current,
long-term and contingent liabilities; and leases.
ACCT304 4
Accounting II*^
This second course in intermediate accounting addresses financial accounting, with an emphasis
on external reporting to the investing public in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. Topics include property; plant and equipment; intangible assets; investments; current,
long-term and contingent liabilities; and leases.
ACCT303 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Accounting III*^
This course continues topics covered in ACCT305 and addresses accounting for income taxes,
pensions and other postretirement benefits; shareholders’ equity; share-based compensation and
earnings per share; accounting changes and error correction; and statement of cash flows.
ACCT305 4
Accounting III*^
This course continues topics covered in ACCT306 and addresses accounting for income taxes,
pensions and other postretirement benefits; shareholders’ equity; share-based compensation and
earnings per share; accounting changes and error correction; and statement of cash flows.
ACCT306 3
Federal Tax
Accounting I*
This course covers federal income tax concepts and their effect on individuals. Topics include the
history and background of taxes, gross income, exclusions, allowable deductions, and the basis for
gain and loss on the disposition of property.
Corequisite: ACCT212 3
Analytics for
This course introduces analytics tools and techniques commonly used in financial accounting,
managerial accounting, auditing and taxation. Current approaches to gathering, managing and
presenting business/accounting data are explored. Coursework is designed to help students
develop basic skills using various tools to analyze data, demonstrate informed data-driven
decisions and communicate results to key stakeholders.
ACCT303 or ACCT304 3
This course introduces how managers use accounting information in business decision-making.
Topics include standard cost systems, budgeting, break-even analysis, relevant cost issues, and
the effect of state and federal taxes on decision-making. These principles apply to all types of
businesses, including the service industry, manufacturing and merchandising. Students use
spreadsheet applications to analyze and provide solutions to challenges faced by management in
today’s business environment.
ACCT212 4
This course introduces how managers use accounting information in business decision-making.
Topics include standard cost systems, budgeting, break-even analysis, relevant cost issues, and
the effect of state and federal taxes on decision-making. These principles apply to all types of
businesses, including the service industry, manufacturing and merchandising. Students use
spreadsheet applications to analyze and provide solutions to challenges faced by management in
today’s business environment.
ACCT212 3
This course addresses financial accounting practice and theory in relation to consolidations,
pushdown accounting, foreign currency transactions, financial statement remeasurement and
translation, and partnership accounting.
ACCT312 4
This course addresses financial accounting practice and theory in relation to consolidations,
pushdown accounting, foreign currency transactions, financial statement re-measurement and
translation, and partnership accounting.
ACCT313 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Federal Tax
Accounting II*
This course addresses the special tax issues of corporations, partnerships, S corporations, gift
taxes, estates and trusts. Tax forms, tax software, the Internet, spreadsheets and word processing
programs are used to research, solve and analyze tax problems relating to corporate and
partnership income taxes.
ACCT326 3
Federal Income
This course examines basic concepts of federal income taxation of individuals and businesses,
including sole proprietorships, S corporations and limited partnerships. Topics include income
inclusions and exclusions, property transactions, capital gains and losses, and tax credits.
Students develop basic tax planning skills, and use tax planning and preparation software
ACCT212 4
Federal Income
This course examines basic concepts of federal income taxation of individuals and businesses,
including sole proprietorships, S corporations and limited partnerships. Topics include income
inclusions and exclusions, property transactions, capital gains and losses, and tax credits.
Students develop basic tax planning skills, and use tax planning and preparation software
ACCT212 3
Advanced Cost
This course addresses students’ ability to present information to management as part of the
decision-making process. Resource planning, cost estimating, cost budgeting and cost control are
emphasized. Activity-based costing, pricing strategies and profitability are addressed. Current
approaches to cost control such as life cycle costing and just-in-time (JIT) are included. Internet
and library research competencies are developed, as are spreadsheet and presentation software
ACCT346 4
Advanced Cost
This course addresses students’ ability to present information to management as part of the
decision-making process. Resource planning, cost estimating, cost budgeting and cost control are
emphasized. Activity-based costing, pricing strategies and profitability are addressed. Current
approaches to cost control such as life cycle costing and just-in-time (JIT) are included. Internet
and library research competencies are developed, as are spreadsheet and presentation software
ACCT346 or ACCT360 3
Ethics for
This course provides a framework for decision-making in the accounting profession. Core values
such as ethical reasoning, integrity, objectivity and independence, social responsibility, legal and
regulatory requirements, and professional codes of conduct are explored. State, national, and
international ethics and legal developments are examined. General principles are applied using
case studies from the accounting profession.
ACCT312 or ACCT313 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course introduces professional research skills critical in the accounting profession. Students
learn to apply research methods using a real-world case study approach in the areas of financial
accounting, tax and audit. Students identify research problems and authoritative sources, develop
search criteria, gather and evaluate data, formulate conclusions, prepare a written report of their
research and findings, and present recommendations.
ACCT312 or ACCT313;
and ENGL216
ACCT444 Auditing*^
This course covers accepted principles, practices and procedures used by public accountants for
certifying corporate financial statements. It also introduces audit reports, the corporate internal
auditor’s function, and interaction between outside auditors and a client company’s accounting
staff. In addition, the course fosters students’ analytical skills. Hands-on experience is gained with
computerized accounting systems.
ACCT312 4
ACCT446 Auditing*^
This course covers accepted principles, practices and procedures used by public accountants for
certifying corporate financial statements. It also introduces audit reports, the corporate internal
auditor’s function, and interaction between outside auditors and a client company’s accounting
staff. In addition, the course fosters students’ analytical skills. Hands-on experience is gained with
computerized accounting systems.
ACCT313 3
Systems with
This course analyzes current practices and technologies used to design, install, operate and
manage an integrated, automated accounting system. The general ledger, appropriate subsidiary
ledgers and each transaction process cycle are discussed. In addition, application controls,
information security requirements and integration with other business information systems are
ACCT312 4
Systems with
This course analyzes current practices and technologies used to design, install, operate and
manage an integrated, automated accounting system. The general ledger, appropriate subsidiary
ledgers and each transaction process cycle are discussed. In addition, application controls,
information security requirements and integration with other business information systems are
ACCT306 3
Senior Project
Students in this course synthesize business and accounting concepts, applying theory to
accounting practice. Problem-solving, and legal and ethical considerations are examined. Case
analysis or extensive inquiry culminates in an individual essay.
Successful completion
of 89 semester-credit
hours, and ACCT444 or
ACCT446, and
enrollment in the BSAC
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Business Intelligence and Analytics Management
Introduction to
This course provides an overview of methods used by organizations to create, collect, and use
data. Analytical methods and tools that transform data into information for improved business
decision-making are also covered. Methods for basic statistical analysis, linear regression,
optimization, and data visualization are introduced using spreadsheets and other analytics
BIS155 and BUSN115;
or CEIS110; or
Applications of
This course examines major themes of business intelligence and business analytics. Through case
studies, students explore how analytics impact organizational management in today’s data-rich
environment. Coursework addresses implementing business analytics techniques, business
modeling, data sources, the business analyst’s role in the organization, business process
modeling, key performance indicators, use of data warehouses and data mining.
BIAM110 or BIS245 or
CEIS236; and
MATH221 or TECH221
Applied Business
This course examines use of optimized modeling techniques, including break-even analysis,
optimization modeling, sensitivity analysis, linear programming, network models, regression, time
series analysis, decision-making under uncertainty and simulation models.
BIAM300 4
Concepts in
This course explores designing, developing, implementing and using a database to derive
business intelligence solutions. Topics include roles, responsibilities, object relational impedance
mismatch, data warehousing, online analytical processing and implementation of data mining tools.
Case studies focusing on analyzing and interpreting data to support decision-making are used.
BIAM110 or BIS245 or
Introduction to
This course focuses on analyzing and interpreting data to support decision-making for planning
and performance assessment. Students are introduced to data sources such as web logs, big
data, social data (e.g., emails, blogs, tweets), common key performance indicators and Internet
analytics tools.
BIAM300 4
Fundamentals of
Human Anatomy
and Physiology ^
This course provides a “road map” perspective of human body structure and function. Topics
include cell structure and function, and a survey of all major systems of the human body. The
connections and inter-working relationships among systems are introduced.
None 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course combines the study of common human diseases and corresponding drug therapies
used in their treatment. Students are provided the opportunity to explore the fundamental concepts
of the disease process, while also integrating basic pharmacology concepts and drug therapies
associated with treatment of common pathologies within the context of a particular organ system.
Emphasis is placed on disease etiology, signs and symptoms, and diagnostic measures, as well as
dosage, actions, and administration routes, and other characteristics of typical drug treatment
BIOS105 3
Biomedical Engineering Technology
This course presents principles of biomedical devices used to measure biological and physiological
processes. Coursework addresses general purpose bioamplifier and filter units, electromyographs,
noninvasive blood pressure systems, spirometers, pulse-oximeters, plethysmographs, tonometers,
digital thermometers, phonocardiographs and Doppler flow meters. Various transduction
processes are presented, emphasizing physiological signal measurement and basic quantitative
analysis techniques. This course covers integrated biomedical systems and their associated
medical applications, as well as troubleshooting techniques, safety practices and maintenance
procedures for various instruments and devices. Topics include electrocardiographs, brain activity
monitoring recorders, patient monitors, pacemakers, defibrillators, electrical stimulators,
electrostatic units, dialysis equipment and related equipment used in clinical environments.
Coursework examines basics of calibration, troubleshooting, repair and certification, needed to
determine if equipment and instruments meet specifications.
BIOS105 and ECT226 3
Medical Imaging
This course introduces various transmission- and emission-based medical imaging techniques
including X-rays, computed tomography (CT), ultrasound (Doppler and basic imaging), magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). Fundamental physics of these
technologies are presented, as are basics of image acquisition, processing, image format
construction and storage types. Also addressed are PAC and DICOM standards, as well as
radiation safety and standards.
BIOS105 and ECT226 3
BMET318 Telemedicine
This course covers design principles and implementation of computer infrastructure as related to
accessing medical databases, visualizing medical techniques, and transferring and manipulating
medical data over communication networks. Topics include digital imaging and communications in
medicine (DIACOM), picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), and health level 7
(HL7) networks.
BIOS105 and ECT226 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Business Information Systems
Data Analysis
with Lab^
This course focuses on analyzing business situations using current spreadsheet software. Using
data derived from real-world business situations, students learn to use appropriate spreadsheet
software features to organize, analyze and present data, as well as to make business decisions.
COMP100; and
MATH062 or MATH114
Essentials for
Business with
This course introduces fundamentals of structured query language (SQL), the standard language
for managing and querying relational databases. Topics include concepts such as creating,
retrieving, updating and deleting data from databases using a database application. Coursework
also addresses using SQL to create and manage databases and tables, apply conditions and
filters, aggregate data and establish relationships between tables using JOINs. Constructing basic
SQL queries that effectively interact with databases for data manipulation and retrieval tasks in a
business environment is emphasized.
BIS155 4
Note: Required transitional studies coursework may affect program length and cost.
Introduction to
This transitional studies course is designed to enhance students’ reading and writing skills to
prepare them for success in their program of study. Coursework focuses on improving students’
ability to communicate effectively in professional settings through exposure to common workplace
communication methods such as emails, memos and reports. Coursework addresses grammar
skills and also focuses on process-based activities designed to develop pre-reading, reading and
responding skills, as well as pre-writing, writing and revising skills that promote critical thinking.
Eligibility to enroll in the
course is based on
placement results.
Introduction to
Business and
This course introduces business and the environments in which businesses operate. Students
examine the roles of major functional areas of business and interrelationships among them.
Organizational theories and techniques are examined, and economic, cultural, political and
technological factors affecting business organizations are evaluated.
None 3
This course introduces the theory, systems and processes of communicating the value of goods
and services to satisfy needs and wants, while considering business goals and social
responsibilities. Product definition, market research, customer identification, branding and pricing
are addressed
BUSN115 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course examines components of a solid customer relations program and develops students’
ability to recognize and participate in such programs. Students develop interpersonal
communication and listening skills as well as conflict resolution skills. They also explore customer
relations as an effective sales technique.
BUSN115 4
Budgeting and
In this course students design and implement a departmental budget encompassing the various
processes that account for resource expenditures. Students develop a long-range budget forecast
and then assess its impact on departmental planning.
ACCT212 4
This course provides an overview of business and economic principles and theory. Students
consider ways in which businesses must respond to a constantly changing competitive
environment that is both local and global in scale. Coursework addresses business institutions;
roles and responsibilities of management; and functions such as finance, accounting,
organizational management, marketing and human resources. Ethics, social responsibility and the
impact of technology on business are considered. This course may not be applied to elective
course requirements.
Successful completion
of 60 semester-credit
BUSN319 Marketing*^
In this course students apply principles and strategies for marketing products and services to
industrial, commercial and governmental entities. Topics include ways in which market information
and product life cycle affect product and production design; forecasting techniques;
interdependencies between marketing and operations functions; and selling skills.
BUSN115; and
MATH114 or MATH116
This course introduces tasks and techniques used to systematically understand the structure,
operations, processes and purposes of an organization. Approaches to needs assessment, data
collection, elicitation, analysis and synthesis are covered. Problems and cases are used to explore
various organizational functions with multiple stakeholders.
Successful completion
of 56 semester-credit
hours and MATH221 or
This course introduces key concepts defining today’s competitive global environment including
various cultural, political, economic and legal systems and their impact on international business.
In addition, students examine various international business issues, trends, monetary systems,
trade policies and institutions, as well as regional economic integration.
BUSN115 4
BUSN379 Finance*^
This course introduces corporate financial structure and covers basic capital budgeting techniques,
including discounted cash flow analysis. Funds sources and financial resource allocation are
analyzed. Spreadsheet software packages are used to analyze data and solve case-based
ACCT212 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course integrates functional disciplines within the curriculum, and introduces the nature of
strategic management as well as how business policy is created. Topics include organizational
vision and mission, industry and competitive analysis, sustainable competitive advantage, strategy
formulation and implementation, and strategic leadership. Through case analyses and a simulation
exercise, students develop strategic plans and engage in strategic management.
MGMT303 4
BUSN460 Senior Project^*
In this capstone course, students apply previously developed business knowledge and skills,
including problem-solving, critical thinking and communication skills, to create a business plan that
meets the needs of potential customers. Coursework highlights research strategies and
collaboration. This course must be taken at DeVry.
Successful completion
of 89 semester-credit
hours and permission
from the appropriate
academic administrator
Career Development
Note: For students enrolled at a New Jersey location, credit hours awarded for required Personal and Professional Development courses, CARD205 and
CARD405, result in institutional credit only.
Career planning strategies and resources are explored to prepare students for a successful job
search and to maximize potential for advancement and long-term professional growth. Students
perform self-assessment and goal-setting activities, and apply research and evaluation skills to
execute job search and career advancement strategies. Each student assembles a professional
portfolio highlighting achievements, goals and concrete plans. This course must be taken at DeVry.
Successful completion
of 25 semester-credit
Career planning strategies and resources are explored to prepare students for a successful job
search and to maximize potential for advancement and long-term professional growth. Students
perform self-assessment and goal-setting activities, and apply research and evaluation skills to
execute job search and career advancement strategies. Each student assembles a professional
portfolio highlighting achievements, goals and concrete plans. This course must be taken at DeVry.
Students who receive credit for this course may not also receive credit for CARD415.
Successful completion
of 89 semester-credit
Building on self-presentation and career planning skills gained earlier, students in this course
acquire knowledge of ongoing career development strategies. Through research, analysis and
discussion of case studies, videos, role-plays and contemporary business literature, students
identify principles and practices associated with professionalism in today’s careers. Students
develop potential career paths that suit personal strengths and aspirations, and develop greater
awareness of themselves as communicators, problem-solvers and team players. This course must
be taken at DeVry. Students who receive credit for this course may not also receive credit for
Successful completion
of 78 semester-credit
hours and CARD205
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Computer Forensics
Digital Forensics
I with Lab*^
This course introduces the study of forensics by outlining integrative aspects of the discipline with
those of other sciences. Coursework focuses on applying basic forensic techniques used to
investigate illegal and unethical activity within a PC or local area network (LAN) environment and
then resolving related issues.
SEC285 or SEC305 or
Digital Forensics
II with Lab*^
This course builds on forensic computer techniques introduced in CCSI410, focusing on advanced
investigative techniques to track leads over local and wide area networks, including international
computer crime.
CCSI410 4
Engineering Technology and Information Sciences
Introduction to
Technology and
This course introduces the basics of the Internet of Things (IoT) and characterizes the way that
People, Places, Data, and Devices (P2D2) work together. The basics of networking, computing,
and electronic devices as applied to IoT are the focus as students’ problem-solving skills are
Note: This course is available only for students in technology programs for which it is required.
BUSN062 or ENGL062,
and MATH062; or the
Introduction to
Technology and
This course introduces the basics of the Internet of Things (IoT) and characterizes the way that
People, Places, Data, and Devices (P2D2) work together. The basics of networking, computing,
and electronic devices as applied to IoT are the focus as students’ problem-solving skills are
Note: This course is available only for students in technology programs for which it is required.
BUSN062 or ENGL062,
and MATH062; or the
Introduction to
This course presents operating system concepts by examining Windows, Linux, mobile, and virtual
based systems. Computing system architectures and devices are considered. Basic scripting is
Corequisite: CEIS101 or
CEIS101C; and
BUSN062 or ENGL062,
and MATH062, or the
Introduction to
This introductory programming course presents the basic elements of programming, including
variables, expressions, conditionals, and functions, and then uses these elements to create simple
interactive applications. Program specification design, documentation, and validation are also
BIAM110 or CEIS101 or
CEIS101C; and
BUSN062 or ENGL062,
and MATH062, or the
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Introduction to
Digital Devices*^
This course explores digital concepts, devices and connectivity within the realm of the Internet of
Things (IoT). The basics of networking, computing, and digital devices are further explored.
Practical application of IoT systems and concepts are accomplished throughout the course. IoT
solutions are derived to solve industry or societal problems from a global perspective.
CEIS101 or CEIS101C;
and BUSN062 or
ENGL062, and
MATH062, or the
This course builds on structured programming and introduces object-oriented and functional
programming concepts. Students design, code, test and document business-oriented solutions
using complex algorithms. Advanced topics include the use of libraries for data manipulation and
CEIS110 4
Engineering I^
This course applies tools that are typical of software engineering settings and explores
requirements; design; testing; metrics; process improvement; quality assurance; software
configuration management, maintenance, and release, as well as ethics.
CEIS209 3
This course explores structured and object-oriented program development. Topics include
language syntax, selection and iteration control structures, functions, debugger tools and
techniques, objects, classes, encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance. An integrated
development environment is used to program, design, code and test structured and object-oriented
applications. A programming language, such as C#, is used.
CEIS150 4
Systems and
This course explores universal aspects of database systems that are common across
programming languages, operating systems, or application types. Systems reviewed range from
personal device and desktop databases to large-scale, distributed database servers. Classic
relational databases to modern data warehouses are presented. Topics covered are library
creation, primary key selection, column identification, defining relationships, normalization, data
indexing and storage, and query languages. Students code and execute programs and routines
that create, insert, update, and delete data.
CEIS110 or CIS363B 4
Data Structures
and Algorithms^
This course introduces structures that allow efficient organization and data retrieval, frequently
used algorithms and basic techniques for modeling, as well as understanding and solving
algorithmic problems. Arrays and linked lists; hash tables and associative arrays; sorting and
selection; priority queues; sorted sequences; trees; graph representation; graph traversal; and
graph algorithms are covered.
CEIS209 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course reviews and reinforces basic entry-level knowledge and skills needed for a variety of
digital technology-based fields. Industry topics covered are applications of basic computing;
networking and connectivity; operating systems; coding; programming; security; and data storage
and retrieval. Students take practice exams to prepare for the CompTIA IT Fundamentals Plus
certification exam. This course is graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.
Corequisite: CEIS150 or
NETW212 or NETW270
Introduction to
Technical Project
This course presents basic project management concepts and focuses on managing less complex,
smaller and/or routine projects often led by those in technical career positions. Essential project
management concepts across various project management methodologies and frameworks are
Corequisite: CEIS150 or
ECT226, or NETW212
or NETW270
This course introduces fundamental concepts of engineering technology. Topics include design,
communication, and ethics for the engineering technology profession and fundamental engineering
technology principles.
TECH204 3
Students develop computer-assisted design and modelling skills that can be applied in many
technology fields including biomedical, mechanical, and electrical/electronic design. Students
leverage computer-aided design (CAD) software to facilitate the generation, modification, and
optimization of systems, solid models, and prototypes. The benefits and methods of iterative and
rapid prototyping are covered.
CEIS114 and MATH114 3
In this course, the two main processes of six sigma will be introducedDMAIC (define, measure,
analyze, improve, control) and DMADV (define, measure, analyze, design, verify). Students will
learn how these principles are applied to improve existing processes and create new ones.
Emphasis will be placed on DMAIC and statistical process, product control and machine learning
for process improvement. General statistic principles will be reviewed and new topics addressing
principles of statistical process control will be covered. Material covered represents competencies
and proficiencies aligned to Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification.
MATH221 or TECH221 3
Introduction to
Intelligence and
This course explores algorithms, applications, and careers in artificial intelligence and machine
learning. Applications such as the Internet of Things, image processing, robotics, natural language
processing, and data analytics are studied.
CEIS110, and
MATH221 or TECH221
Introduction to
Mobile Device
This course introduces mobile operating systems programming. Students explore the Android and
iOS operating systems with the goal of creating an application for one of these systems. Topics
include menu systems, user interfaces, 2D graphics and audio.
CEIS209 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Students explore techniques for administering and managing non-relational (NoSQL) databases.
Implementation and design of non-relational data are covered. Management considerations for
relational versus various types of NoSQL databases are compared and contrasted through the use
of contemporary database management systems and tools
CEIS236 3
Engineering II^
This course emphasizes best practices in the implementation phase of the software development
life cycle (SDLC). Application software engineering techniques are reinforced using UML/OOAD
and project management skills covered in CEIS200 to an application-oriented team project based
on a business scenario. The project provides real-world experience by integrating software
engineering practices focusing on programming, testing and other implementation activities to
deliver a product that meets approved specifications through lab assignments.
CEIS200 3
Languages and
Students focus on programming language concepts and design principles of programming
paradigms (imperative, functional, object-oriented and logical). Topics include a history of
programming languages, data types supported, control structures and run-time management of
dynamic structures.
CEIS209 3
Data Mining and
This course explores programming concepts and techniques for collecting and analyzing data,
identifying meaningful patterns, and presenting results. Students apply software libraries for web-
scraping, data manipulation, statistical analysis, data mining, pattern recognition, and graphing;
and implement commonly used algorithms for sorting, searching, and classifying data.
Programming language features for working with data are introduced.
CEIS110 and MATH114 3
Interpretation and
This course focuses on methods of visualizing, presenting, and interpreting the results of data
analysis for decision-makers. The course includes advanced features of spreadsheet applications
for data cleansing, multidimensional analysis and graphical presentation using a cloud-based
business intelligence tool. Strategies for storytelling with data are also emphasized.
BIS245 or CEIS110;
and MATH221 or
Ecosystem of
The Internet of
This course focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT) as a networked system. Coursework examines
meshes, wireless networks, sensor nets and other configurations using low-power, low-cost
modern devices interconnected into a robust system. Also addressed are data mining systems that
gather information from many sources and identify patterns within it. IoT applications in which
devices function and communicate with the Internet are explored.
ECT315 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Preparation for
the Profession*^
Opportunities to prepare for desired professions in technology are explored. Students may engage
in a variety of activities under instructor supervision including industry certification examination
preparation, internships, co-ops, portfolio building, and/or applied projects. Students perform self-
assessment and goal-setting activities to execute job search and career advancement strategies
using knowledge gained in their respective areas of study.
CEIS298 or CEIS299,
and corequisite:
CEIS400 or CEIS480 or
CEIS490 or NETW450
or NETW451 or
SEC322 or TECH460 or
Computer Information Systems
Visualization and
This course introduces manipulation, visualization and presentation of data using modern data
tools such as Tableau and Power BI. Data connection, sourcing and analysis are applied, with a
focus on visualization. Creating and refining data reports and dashboards are also covered.
MATH221 or TECH221 3
AI, Machine
Learning and
Data Science
This course examines applied artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive analytic tools.
Data analysis, methods and modeling are covered, as are deep learning and cognitive computing.
Text mining and sentiment analysis are also introduced.
MATH221 or TECH221 3
AI and Machine
Learning Service
This course examines using artificial intelligence and machine learning as tools for service-based
platforms. AWS application building, Amazon Lex and SageMaker are presented.
CEIS110, and
MATH221 or TECH221
This course introduces principles of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as machine learning
algorithms and tools. Students apply AI and machine learning to design and implement a business
solution or environment. Coursework also addresses ethics considerations and responsible
practices in AI coding.
CEIS150; and
MATH221 or TECH221
with Lab*^
Building on analysis, programming and database skills developed in previous courses, this course
introduces fundamental principles and concepts of developing programs that support typical
business processing activities and needs such as transaction processing and report generation.
Students develop business-oriented programs that deal with error handling, data validation and file
handling. Java is the primary programming language used.
CEIS209 4
Web Interface
Design with
This course introduces web design and basic programming techniques for developing effective and
useful websites. Coursework emphasizes website structure and navigational models, practical and
legal usability considerations, and performance factors related to using various types of media and
tools such as hypertext markup language (HTML), cascading style sheets (CSS), dynamic HTML
(DHTML) and scripting. Extensible HTML (XHTML) and JavaScript are the primary software tools
CEIS209 or corequisite:
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Web Application
with Lab*^
This course builds on analysis, interface design and programming skills learned in previous
courses and introduces basics of design, coding and scripting, as well as database connectivity for
web-based applications. A programming language such as Visual Basic.Net, C++.Net or C#.Net is
used to implement web-based applications. ASP.Net is the primary software tool used.
CIS363B 4
Critical Thinking
Note: For students enrolled at a New Jersey location, credit hours awarded for required Personal and Professional Development courses result in institutional
credit only.
Critical Thinking
and Problem-
This course focuses on identifying and articulating skills needed for academic and professional
success. Coursework provides instruction and practice in critical thinking and problem-solving
through analysis of critical reading and reasoning, as well as through examination of problem-
solving methodologies. Students learn to work in teams, to identify and resolve problems, and to
use research effectively to gather and evaluate relevant and useful information. This course must
be taken at DeVry.
None 3
COMM491 Senior Project I
In this course, the first in a two-course sequence, students propose and begin development of an
original thesis paper focusing on a critical issue within their area of concentration. Students apply
acquired knowledge and skills, including competencies in problem-solving, critical thinking,
research, teamwork, and oral and written communication, to a real-world problem at the conceptual
and practical levels.
Successful completion
of 89 semester-credit
hours and ENGL135
and permission from the
appropriate academic
COMM492 Senior Project II
In this course, the second in a two-course sequence, students complete, prepare and present an
original thesis paper focusing on a critical issue within their area of concentration. Students apply
acquired knowledge and skills, including competencies in problem-solving, critical thinking,
research, teamwork, and oral and written communication, to a real-world problem at the conceptual
and practical levels.
COMM491 2
Computer Applications and Programming
Applications for
Business with
This course introduces the basic concepts and principles of productivity tools widely used in
business, such as word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software. Hands-on exercises
provide students with experience in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, the common
productivity software used in today’s businesses.
None 2
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Criminal Justice
CRMJ300 Criminal Justice*
This course focuses on criminal and juvenile justice, and examines the total system of police,
courts and corrections. Emphasis is given to interaction of law, crime and criminal justice agency
administration in preventing, treating and controlling crime. This course is designed for students
with one year of professional experience in law enforcement, criminal justice or a closely related
Corequisite: ENGL112 3
This course covers the roles of police and law enforcement, and examines the profession, from its
historical roots to current concepts such as community policing and homeland security. Policing
functions, actions, technology, control and standards are analyzed.
CRMJ300 3
CRMJ315 Juvenile Justice*
Students in this course examine causes of offending juvenile behavior and analyze juvenile justice
system responses, including historical development of the system. Agencies, the police, law,
courts and corrections dealing with juveniles are covered. Contemporary issues such as gangs
and juveniles in adult courts are explored.
CRMJ300 3
Theory and
Practice of
This course examines the historical foundations, ideological and pragmatic justifications for
punishment, sentencing trends and alternatives to incarceration. Organization, operation and
management of correctional institutions; systems of correction; and inmate life, treatment,
discharge and parole are examined.
CRMJ300 3
CRMJ400 Criminology*
This course examines theories and causes of crime, as well as behavior of criminals. Coursework
also focuses on victims and societal reaction to crime. Criminal statistics, patterns of crime and
typologies are examined, as are ways in which theories are employed within the criminal justice
CRMJ300 and
Criminal Law and
This course addresses crimes and penalties as defined by law, as well as procedural law
regulating enforcement of criminal law. Constitutional principles, types of offenses and the process
of law enforcement and procedures (i.e., search, seizure, arrest, interrogation, identification, trial,
sentencing, punishment and appeal) are covered.
CRMJ400 3
This course covers theory, practice, techniques and elements of crime and criminal investigation.
Recognizing crime, suspects and perpetrators is approached through problem-solving
methodology. Case preparation, testimony, and the evidentiary process for investigating and
reconstructing crime are examined.
CRMJ400 or JADM340 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Ethics and
Criminal Justice*
This course introduces basic ethical theories, emphasizing how such theories can be applied to
contemporary problems in law enforcement, corrections and adjudications. Students apply various
ethical frameworks to typical moral dilemmas in criminal justice.
CRMJ300 3
This course focuses on techniques law enforcement professionals employ in investigating
terrorism. Strategic, political, social and religious underpinnings of terrorism are examined, as are
current challenges, laws and policies in defense of the U.S. homeland. Preparations for, and
responses to, terrorist attacks are covered.
CRMJ310 3
Database Management
with Lab*^
Students are introduced to a variety of database administration topics, including capacity planning,
database management system (DBMS) architecture, performance tuning, backup, recovery and
disaster planning, archiving, reorganization and defragmentation.
BIAM410 4
Principles of
This course introduces basic concepts and issues in microeconomics, macroeconomics and
international trade. Microeconomic concepts, such as supply and demand and the theory of the
firm, serve as foundations for analyzing macroeconomic issues. Macroeconomic topics include
gross domestic product (GDP), and fiscal and monetary policy, as well as international topics such
as trade and exchange rates. The course stresses analyzing and applying economic variables of
real-world issues.
ENGL108 or ENGL112;
and MATH114 or
Electronics and Computer Technology
Electronic Device
and System
The course begins with DC and AC circuit fundamentals with analysis, simulation and
measurement of passive components (resistors, capacitors, and inductors). Semiconductor-based
devices, such as diodes and transistors, are then introduced, followed by more complex integrated
circuits and related electronic components, such as sensors and transducers. Students gain
proficiency in working with complete electronic systems.
CEIS114 and MATH114 3
Automation and
This course focuses on process controls and automation that utilize hardware, such as
microcontrollers and programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Optimization of automation
applications is explored.
CEIS114 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Introduction to
This course is designed to help students develop computer-assisted design and modelling skills
that can be applied in diverse technology fields including biomedical, mechanical, electrical and
electronic design. Students leverage computer-aided design software to facilitate design
generation. Benefits and methods of iterative and rapid prototyping are covered.
CEIS114 and MATH114 3
This course introduces artificial intelligence (AI) technologies applied to computer-aided design.
Students explore how AI can augment the design and problem-solving processes; automate
tedious and repetitive work; and analyze project data to offer predictive insights.
ECT308 3
ECT315 Industrial IoT
This Industrial IoT course focuses on how to control and collect data from industrial system.
Students learn how production and system assets, such as factory equipment, are connected and
integrated into to IT infrastructure and the internet. Topics include PLCs, controllers, IoT
deployment, communication standards, MODBUS, and IoT system administration. Cases in
transportation, energy and manufacturing industries are examined.
ECT286 3
Processes and
This course covers a wide range of manufacturing concepts, including production methods,
workflows, logistics, ergonomics, safety, processes, automation and environments.
ECT286 3
ical Systems
This course presents a variety of integrated technologies and systems involving electronics, fluid
power/flow, mechanical systems and computing devices. Fundamentals of robotics, motors, drives,
sensors, actuators and hydraulic systems are covered.
ECT286 3
Signals and
This course presents fundamental concepts of signals and systems, which are classified and
analyzed in both time and frequency domains. Topics include Fourier, LaPlace and z-transforms;
frequency analysis; convolutions; and linear, time-invariant (both continuous and discrete)
MATH265 and
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
English Composition
Note: Required transitional studies coursework may affect program length and cost.
Introduction to
Reading and
This transitional studies course is designed to enhance students’ reading and writing skills so they
can effectively complete other courses in their program of study. Coursework focuses on process-
based activities designed to develop pre-reading, reading and responding skills, as well as pre-
writing, writing and revising skills that promote critical thinking. An integrated approach links
reading with writing and addresses basic grammar integral to the writing process. The minimum
requirement to pass this course is 80 percent, and grades of C and D are not assigned. The final
grade earned in this course is not used in GPA calculations, and credit hours earned are not
applicable to credit hours required for graduation.
Note: This course is equivalent to BUSN062. Enrollment in this course is limited to students in all
programs except: Business Essentials undergraduate certificate; Business associate degree; and
Accounting, Business Administration, Management and Technical Management bachelor’s degree.
Eligibility to enroll in the
course is based on
placement results.
Composition with
This course introduces elements of composition through analysis of essays, articles and other
written works. Readings are used as models for writing practice and development. Writing
assignments stress process approaches, revision and audience awareness. Word processing and
electronic communication tools support the composition process. Students who receive credit for
this course may not also receive credit for ENGL112.
Eligibility to enroll in the
course is based on
placement results or on
successful completion
of BUSN062 or
ENGL112 Composition+
This course develops writing skills through analysis of essays, articles and other written works that
are used as models for writing practice and development. Writing assignments stress process
approaches, development, organization, revision and audience awareness. Students use word
processing and web-based tools to develop written work. Students who receive credit for this
course may not also receive credit for ENGL108.
Eligibility to enroll in the
course is based on
placement results or on
successful completion
of BUSN062 or
This course builds on the conventions and techniques of composition through critical reading
requirements and longer, more sophisticated reports, including a documented library research
paper. Assignments require revising and editing for an intended audience. Students are also
taught search strategies for accessing a variety of print and electronic resources.
ENGL108 or ENGL112 4
This course builds on the conventions and techniques of composition through critical reading
requirements and longer, more sophisticated reports, including a documented library research
paper. Assignments require revising and editing for an intended audience. Students are also
taught search strategies for accessing a variety of print and electronic resources.
ENGL108 or ENGL112 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Students in this course apply writing skills to common business and technical correspondence
such as memos, letters and brief reports. They also adapt written materials for oral presentation
and explore the research process. The highlight of the course is a brief research project presented
in both written and oral forms.
ENGL108 or ENGL112 3
This course builds on basic composition principles and focuses on common technical and
workplace documents including descriptions; instructions; procedures; reports; proposals;
analyses; and other types of applied writing, such as memos and letters. Students apply a writing
process strategy and guidelines for audience analysis, effective technical style, organizational
strategies and visual aids.
ENGL108 or ENGL112 4
Ethical and Legal
Issues in the
This course provides a framework for decision-making in professional practice. Ethical principles,
social responsibility, legal and regulatory requirements, and professional codes of conduct are
explored to help students develop a clear perspective and a sense of ownership for choices they
make. General principles are applied using examples from professions in specific areas such as
electronics and computer technology, network systems administration and health information
ENGL108 or ENGL112 3
Diversity, Equity
and Inclusion in
the Workplace
This course provides a framework for understanding diversity and diverse populations in
professional practice. Ethical principles, social responsibility, legal and regulatory requirements
and professional codes of conduct are explored to help students develop clear perspectives on the
role of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and gain a sense of ethical accountability
for their behavior in the workplace. General principles are applied to professional examples such
as business management, client engagement and health information technology.
BUSN115 or ENGL108
or ENGL112
Principles of
This course provides knowledge of ethics students need to make moral decisions in both their
professional and personal lives. Combining moral theories and applied ethics topics, coursework
helps students explore traditional and contemporary ethics dilemmas, as well as reflect on and
evaluate their moral beliefs. Balancing respect for diversity and claims of universality, the course
puts ethics principles in the social and cultural context of the world today.
ENGL135 or ENGL136 3
and Security
This course introduces security analysis and valuation, focusing on how to make investment
decisions. Topics include the nature of securities, mechanics and costs of trading, the way in which
securities markets operate, the relationship between risk and return, equity securities, fixed income
securities, portfolio diversification and concepts of valuation.
BUSN379 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Money and
This course introduces the global financial system, focusing on the role of financial services
companies in money and capital markets. Topics include the nature of money and credit, U.S.
banking systems, central bank policies and controls, funds acquisitions, investments and credit
BUSN379 4
This course covers financial statement analysis and interpretation. Topics include techniques used
to analyze and interpret financial statements in order to understand and evaluate a firm’s financial
strength, income potential, working capital requirements and debt-paying ability.
BUSN379 4
Fixed Income
This course introduces the role of fixed-income securities in corporate finance with a focus on the
characteristics of fixed-income securities and how they are traded along with how bond prices and
yields are determined. Topics include sinking funds; bond redemption; debt market structure; bond
investment risk; global bond sectors and instruments; yield spreads and measures; bond valuation;
interest rate term structure and volatility. In addition, students explore mortgage-backed securities,
asset-backed securities, trading strategies, and the investment process.
BUSN379 4
Global Supply Chain Management
Across the
Supply Chain*^
This course introduces operations and supply chain management, examining the products-to-
services spectrum in terms of transformation processes and their impact on the supply chain.
Coursework addresses operations and supply chain strategy as related to other functions within an
organization and focuses on strategic areas impacting supply chain decision-making. Spreadsheet
and presentation software are used as students prepare and analyze potential business solutions
and then present these solutions.
BUSN115 4
Supply Chain
Decision Support
Tools and
This course introduces numerical models used as decision-making tools in operations practice and
examines how they impact supply chain efficiency. Coursework is designed to enhance students’
skills in problem identification and formulation; solution derivation; and decision-making.
GSCM206 4
Total Quality
This course presents quality-related procedures and concepts for enhancing goods, services and
the entire business environment. Quality planning, assurance and control are covered as parts of a
total quality system, and students become familiar with various methods of process control and
acceptance sampling, including using control charts and sampling plans. Probability and statistical
concepts as related to process control are examined in depth.
MATH221 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Strategic Supply
and Master
This course focuses on the supply chain planning process and addresses formal master
production scheduling (MPS), materials resource planning (MRP), capacity resource planning
(CRP) and inventory techniques required for optimal supply chain efficiencies. Contemporary
topics such as the Theory of Constraints are also examined.
GSCM206 4
Supply Chain
Distribution and
This course introduces logistics, distribution, transportation and warehousing fundamentals, which
form the backbone of supply chain management. Coursework provides end-to-end views of the
global supply chain management environment, as well as a holistic view of system objectives
related to customer service and total cost issues.
GSCM206 4
Supply Chain
Management and
This course examines supply chain management fundamentals, strategy and execution.
Coursework examines the role of supply management across the entire supply chain and
addresses strategic cost management; make versus buy versus partner decisions; supplier
evaluation, selection, assessment and quality assurance; the sourcing/procurement process; and
e- and global sourcing.
GSCM206 4
Global Issues in
Supply Chain
Students in this course apply supply chain management tools and procedures to real-world case
studies. Coursework emphasizes applying SCM elements in order to enhance supply chain
effectiveness and efficiency; analysis, problem-solving, prediction and system implementation skills
used in best-in-class supply chain organizations; estimating risk; and forecasting business results.
GSCM206 4
Health Information Management
Statistics and
In this course, students apply statistical analysis tools and biomedical research methodologies to
health information management processes and cases. Descriptive statistics, nonparametric
methods and inferential concepts are used to organize health data and present health information.
Vital statistics methods and epidemiological principles are applied. The course also covers
research design/methods and research protocols.
HIT230 or HIT235, and
Systems and
Networks with
This course builds on coursework in healthcare information systems, and introduces information
technologies architecture, tools, network topologies and devices that support storage and
communication of health information. Also included are telecommunications systems, transmission
media and interfaces that provide interoperability of organization-wide healthcare information
HIT230 or HIT235 or
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Systems and
with Lab*
This course covers advanced classification systems, as well as application and management of
these systems in healthcare organizations. Principles and guidelines for using SNOMED CT and
DSM-IV are introduced. Implementation, management, control and quality monitoring of coding
applications and processes are covered. Electronic applications for clinical classification and
coding are explored. Also addressed are uses of clinical data in healthcare delivery reimbursement
systems, and the importance of compliance and reporting requirements.
HIT230 or HIT235 3
Healthcare Data
Security and
This course builds on coursework in healthcare delivery systems and regulatory issues, introducing
processes, procedures and equipment for data storage, retrieval and retention. Coursework
addresses laws, rules and regulations governing access to confidential healthcare information, as
well as managing access to, and disclosure of, health information. Coursework focuses on
developing and implementing policies, procedures and processes to protect healthcare data
security and patient privacy.
or HIT235 or
and Data Privacy
in Healthcare
This course explores foundational elements of data privacy and cybersecurity in healthcare,
including the CIA triad (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability), and their application in protecting
health information. U.S. privacy requirements and regulations are examined, helping students gain
experience in applying privacy laws to healthcare organizations and understand their impact.
Coursework addresses identifying security issues, performing risk assessments, developing
policies to safeguard data, and creating contingency plans for cyber incidents to effectively
manage and respond to potential threats in healthcare settings.
HIT230 or HIT235 or
This course builds on coursework in healthcare reimbursement and delivery systems. The
accounting system, as well as essential elements of cost/benefit analysis and managerial
accounting within the context of healthcare finance and resource management, are addressed.
Capital, operating and other budgeting methods are studied in relation to goal attainment and
organizational success in healthcare facilities. Reimbursement methodologies for healthcare
services and the role of health information management professionals are studied.
HIT230 or HIT235 or
Healthcare Total
This course addresses knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to coordinate quality and
resource management programs. Quality planning, assurance and control are covered as parts of
a total quality system, as are utilization review and risk management. Also covered are data
collection and statistical analysis, as related to performance improvement; and practice-related
ethical issues, especially as they relate to quality management in healthcare.
HIT125 or HIT141 or
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Management of
Functions and
This course builds on coursework in health data sources, healthcare delivery systems, and
structure and content of the health record. Coursework focuses on principles applied to health
information management functions; health data development; and organization, availability and
analysis of health information for quality of care and regulatory compliance. Also examined is
operation of health information management services to meet the needs of internal healthcare
organization information users as well as external users. Health information management staffing
and project management are addressed.
HIT230 or HIT235 4
This course emphasizes managerial aspects of health information management and provides
students with practical experience in a health information department or health-related
organization. Students apply concepts and skills learned in areas such as department organization
and personnel management, financial management, quality and performance improvement,
interdepartmental relations, information systems applications, and data security and privacy.
Students prepare a written report and present a summary of their practical learning experience. To
prepare for the Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) certification exam, students
complete weekly domain exams and a final RHIA mock exam.
Completion of, or
current enrollment in, all
courses required for the
Health Information
Management specialty
within the Technical
Management bachelor’s
degree program and
permission from the
appropriate academic
This course emphasizes managerial aspects of health information management and provides
students practical experience in a health information department or health-related organization.
Students apply concepts and skills learned in areas such as department organization and
personnel management; financial management; quality and performance improvement;
interdepartmental relations; information systems applications; and data security and privacy.
Students prepare a written report and present a summary of their practical learning experience. To
prepare for the Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) certification exam, students
complete weekly domain exams and a final RHIA mock exam. The minimum requirement to pass
this course is 70 percent. DeVry pays the RHIA exam fee for students who pass this course with
an 85 percent or better. This course is graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.
Completion of, or
current enrollment in, all
courses required for the
Health Information
Management specialty
within the Technical
Management bachelor’s
degree program, and
permission from the
appropriate academic
United States
This course examines American history from the formation of the 13 original colonies to the
present. Coursework addresses the struggle to define American citizenship and government,
development of the nation and a national economy, and racial exclusion in American society. Also
examined are the country’s transformation to a world power, Reconstruction, resurgence,
recession and reform, principles of justice and the American experience.
ENGL135 or ENGL136 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course examines major 20
century political, social, economic and technological
developments in a global context. It also establishes a context for historical events and suggests
relationships among them. The impact of technological innovation on contemporary society,
politics, military power and economic conditions is explored.
ENGL135 3
Health Information Technology
Skills for
This course focuses on identifying, developing and applying skills needed for both academic and
professional success. Topics include time management, study skills, goal setting, motivation,
critical thinking, decision-making and problem-solving skills. Students explore interpersonal
communication issues in the healthcare environment, including communication challenges,
adapting to change and effective customer service. Coursework provides an opportunity for
students to gain practical experience in written and oral communication, and in perception.
Listening and nonverbal strategies are explored as well.
None 3
Basic Medical
This course introduces elements of medical terminology such as foundations of words used to
describe the human body and its conditions, terminology for medical procedures, and names of
commonly prescribed medications. Spelling, pronunciation and meanings of terms used in a
professional healthcare setting are covered, as is recognition of common abbreviations.
None 3
Introduction to
Health Services
and Information
This course covers history, organization and current issues in the U.S. healthcare delivery system.
Interrelationships among system components and care providers are explored. Licensing,
accrediting and regulatory compliance activities are discussed, as are the importance of financial
and quality management, safety and security, and the role of health information professionals. The
evolution, major application types and emerging trends in health information systems are explored.
None 4
Electronic Health
Records and
Digital Health
This course provides an overview of the health information profession and associated
functions. Concepts of digital health, health technologies and health information systems within a
healthcare organization are explored. Policies, regulations and standards related to managing
health information are also addressed.
None 3
Processes with
This course introduces health information functions such as content and format of records;
retention and storage requirements; indexes and registries; and forms design. Relationships
among departments and clinical providers within a healthcare system are explored, and
management concepts are introduced. Hardware, software and communication technology are
used to complete health information processes. Fundamentals of database management are
applied to health information examples. Practice exercises support learning.
HIT120 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course provides a virtual professional practice experience. Practicum competencies reinforce
previous coursework and include knowledge of and skills in health record content, structure,
functions, and use. Course objectives for students whose practical experience occurs virtually are
accomplished through online activities, simulations, and assignments. All students prepare a
written report and present a verbal summary of their practical experience.
HIT111 and HIT141 2
In the context of quality assessment, students explore use of information technologies for data
search and access. Principles of clinical quality, utilization review and risk management are
introduced, as are organizational approaches, and regulatory and accreditation implications of
quality assessment activities. Methods, tools and procedures for analyzing data for variations and
deficiencies are examined and used. In addition, research techniques and statistical methods are
applied to transform data into effective information displays and reports to support a quality
improvement program. Case studies and projects reinforce learning.
HIT111 and HIT125 3
Classification of
Diseases Coding
I with Lab*^
This course, the first in a two-course sequence, addresses principals, guidelines, definitions and
coding conventions of the International Classification of Diseases-10-Procedural Coding System
(ICD-10-PCS). Coursework is designed to help students gain experience needed for accurately
dissecting operative reports and building codes in ICD-10-PCS. Also examined are anatomy and
code structure for each of the body systems and related sections of ICD-10-PCS; health records;
manual and computerized coding methods; and coding references.
BIOS268 3
Classification of
Diseases Coding
II with Lab*^
This course, the second in a two-course sequence, introduces clinical vocabularies and
classification systems. Principles and guidelines for using the ICD-10-Clinical Modification (ICD-10-
CM) system to code diagnoses are introduced. Patient records and exercises using coding
manuals and software tools provide further practice in coding and sequencing diagnoses and
procedures. Coding ethics, data quality and application of coding principles to electronic record
systems are explored.
HIT203 3
CPT Coding with
This course introduces students to the principles of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), which
is used to code procedures and services performed by healthcare providers. Through practice
exercises, students assign appropriate CPT codes and applicable modifiers as needed.
BIOS105 and HIT111 3
Coding with
Knowledge of clinical classification systems is expanded through presentation of principles of
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT-4 or most current version), used to code procedures
performed by healthcare providers. Through practice exercises, students assign procedure codes
and apply guidelines for assignment of Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes and modifiers to
case examples. The purpose and use of the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
(HCPCS) are reviewed. Application of coding principles to an electronic record system is explored.
HIT203 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Coding II with
This course explores advanced coding techniques and guidelines from the Current Procedural
Terminology code set and the International Classification of Diseases. Students code complex
case studies and medical reports by utilizing manuals and software tools. Coding theory is used to
examine principles and application of coding systems.
HIT205 and HIT211 3
ICD Coding I with
This course introduces the International Classification of Diseases 10
version Clinical Modification
(ICD-10-CM) classification system. Principles and guidelines for using the ICD-10-CM to assign
diagnosis codes are introduced. Emphasis is placed on students properly navigating the ICD-10-
CM code book and following the correct steps to assign accurate diagnosis codes utilizing medical
HIT206 3
ICD Coding II
with Application
This course, the second in a two-course sequence, addresses principles, guidelines, definitions
and coding conventions of the International Classification of Diseases 10
version Procedural
Coding System (ICD-10-PCS). Coursework is designed to help students gain experience needed
to accurately decipher operative statements and build codes in ICD-10-PCS.
HIT214 3
Coding with
This course explores coding application techniques and guidelines in the outpatient setting using
the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
(HCPCS) and International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) code
sets. Students also use coding theory to examine principles and application of coding
systems. Using code books and software tools, students code outpatient case studies and medical
HIT214 3
This course explores advanced coding techniques and guidelines from the Current Procedural
Terminology (CPT), International Classification of Diseases 10
version Clinical Modification (ICD-
10-CM) and the International Classification of Diseases 10th version Procedural Coding System
(ICD-10-PCS) code sets. Using code books and software tools, students code complex case
studies and medical documentation.
HIT215 3
Legal and
Issues in Health
Legal and regulatory issues in healthcare are pursued, with emphasis on their application to
healthcare information services and documentation of care. Students explore the rights and
responsibilities of providers, employees, payers and patients in a healthcare context. Legal
terminology pertaining to civil liability and the judicial and legislative processes is covered. Laws
and regulations addressing release of information and retention of records are examined, as are
the legal and regulatory issues surrounding confidentiality of information.
HIT120 2
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Medical Ethics,
Compliance and
Patient Privacy
This course examines legal and regulatory issues in healthcare, emphasizing their application in
ethical practices, compliance and patient privacy. Students explore rights and responsibilities of
providers, employees, payers and patients in a healthcare context. Legal terminology pertaining to
civil liability, and to the judicial and legislative processes, are also explored. Laws and regulations
addressing information release and records retention are examined, as are legal and regulatory
issues surrounding information confidentiality.
HIT125 3
Data Applications
and Healthcare
Quality with
In the context of quality assessment, students explore use of information technologies for data
search and access. Principles of clinical quality, utilization review and risk management are
introduced, as are organizational approaches, and regulatory and accreditation implications of
quality assessment activities. Methods, tools and procedures for analyzing data for variations and
deficiencies are examined and used. Research techniques and statistical methods are applied to
transform data into effective informational displays and reports to support a quality improvement
program. Case studies and projects reinforce learning.
HIT141 and corequisite:
Quality and Data
This course explores using health information to determine quality of care through data analytics.
Methods, tools, technologies and procedures for analyzing data, and for designing, generating and
assessing reports, are examined through course projects. Students apply research techniques and
statistics methods to transform data to support a quality improvement program. Risk management,
as well as regulatory and accreditation implications of quality assessment, are investigated.
MATH221 3
Health Insurance
Students explore reimbursement and payment methodologies applicable to healthcare provided in
various U.S. settings. Forms, processes, practices and the roles of health information professionals
are examined. Concepts related to insurance products, third-party and prospective payment, and
managed care organizations are explored. Issues of data exchange among patient, provider and
insurer are analyzed in terms of organizational policy, regulatory issues and information technology
operating systems. Chargemaster management and the importance of coding integrity are
HIT141 and corequisite:
Health Insurance
Billing and
Students in this course explore reimbursement and payment methodologies applicable to
healthcare provided in various U.S. settings. Forms, processes, practices and the roles of health
information professionals are examined. Concepts related to insurance products, third-party and
prospective payment, and managed care organizations are explored. Issues of data exchange
among patient, provider and insurer are analyzed in terms of organizational policy, regulatory
issues and information technology operating systems. Chargemaster management and the
importance of coding integrity are emphasized.
HIT125 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Practicum and
This course is designed to prepare students for the Certified Coding Associate (CCA) certification
exam, which determines aptitude in six competency domains: clinical classification systems,
reimbursement methodologies, health records and data content, compliance, information
technologies, and confidentiality and privacy. The minimum requirement to pass this course is 70
percent. For DeVry to pay for the CCA exam, students must pass this course with an 85% or
better. This course is graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.
HIT205 and HIT211;
and corequisite: HIT230
Practicum and
This course is designed to prepare students for the Certified Professional Coding (CPC)
certification exam offered through AAPC. The course reinforces aptitude in CPT, ICD-10-CM and
HCPCS code sets, as well as record abstraction, medical terminology, anatomy and physiology,
coding and regulatory requirements, to include compliance and reimbursement. Included is a
minimum of 20 hours of victual practical experience in medical coding for various patient types and
outpatient encounters. The minimum requirement to pass this course is 70 percent. For DeVry to
pay for the CPC exam, students must pass this course with an 85% or better. This course is
graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.
Corequisite: HIT216 3
Practicum with
This course is designed to provide students with hands-on experience with coding authentic
patient records. Included is a minimum of 40 hours of practical experience in medical coding for a
variety of patient types and encounters. Students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge
and skills to complex case studies in a virtual setting.
HIT213 or corequisite
HIT217; and HIT220 or
HIT223; and HIT230 or
HIT262 CCS Review
This course is designed to prepare students for the Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) certification
exam, which determines aptitude in all current competency domains of the exam, as determined by
the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). The minimum requirement to
pass this course is 70 percent. For DeVry to pay for the CCS exam, students must pass this
course with an 85% or better. This course is graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.
Corequisite: HIT260 3
HIT264 CCS Review
This course is designed to prepare students for the Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) certification
exam offered through AHIMA. The course reinforces coding knowledge and skills, coding
documentation, provider queries and regulatory compliance assessed on the CCS certification
exam. Students practice analyzing and coding medical scenarios. The minimum requirement to
pass this course is 70 percent. For DeVry to pay for the CCS exam, students must pass this
course with an 85% or better. This course is graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.
HIT260 3
Analytics and
This course introduces advanced analytics and the health informatics field. Coursework addresses
conducting clinical and operational analyses to improve patient outcomes and decision-making.
Students apply statistical techniques and interpret data analyses to make data-driven decisions.
Artificial intelligence, big data, population health management and outcomes research are also
HIT227 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course provides further supervised practice experience in a health information setting at an
approved external site. A minimum of 80 clock hours is required at a site, generally completed
during traditional business hours. Skills in areas such as data abstraction and analysis are
practiced, and knowledge of record retention and release of information is applied. Application of
coding skills, and observation of supervisory and planning activities, are documented. Students
prepare a written report and present a summary of their practical learning experience in class.
Permission from the
appropriate academic
administrator upon
completion of, or
concurrent enrollment
in, all remaining HIT
courses in the program,
except HIT274
This course is designed to prepare students for the Registered Health Information Technician
(RHIT) certification exam, which determines aptitude in six competency domains: data content,
structure and information governance; access, disclosure, privacy and security; compliance; data
analytics and use; revenue management; compliance; and leadership. Students complete weekly
domain exams and a final RHIT mock exam. The minimum requirement to pass this course is 70
percent. In order for DeVry University to pay for the National RHIT Exam students must pass this
course with an 85% or better. This course is graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.
HIT226 and HIT230 1
This course provides further supervised practice experience in a health information setting at an
approved external site. A minimum of 80 clock hours is required at a site; generally, hours are
completed during traditional business hours. Skills in areas such as data abstraction and analysis
are practiced, and knowledge of record retention and information release is applied. Application of
coding skills, and observation of supervisory and planning activities, are documented. Students
prepare a written report and present a summary of their practical learning experience in class.
Permission from the
appropriate academic
administrator upon
completion of, or
concurrent enrollment
in, all remaining courses
within the Health
Information track of the
Health Information
Technology associate
degree program, except
Career Success
in Healthcare
Building on self-presentation and career-planning skills introduced earlier, students explore
ongoing career development strategies. Through research, analysis and discussion of case
studies; videos; role-plays; and contemporary healthcare literature, students identify principles and
practices associated with professionalism in today’s careers. Coursework is designed to help
students identify potential career paths that suit personal strengths and aspirations, and gain
greater awareness of themselves as communicators, problem-solvers and team players.
Successful completion
of 48 semester-credit
hours and CARD205
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course is designed to prepare students for the Registered Health Information Technician
(RHIT) certification exam, which assesses aptitude in six competency domains: data content,
structure and information governance; access, disclosure, privacy and security; data analytics and
use; revenue cycle management; compliance; and leadership. Students complete weekly domain
exams and a final RHIT mock exam. The minimum requirement to pass this course is 70 percent.
DeVry pays the RHIT exam fee for students who pass this course with an 85 percent or better.
This course is graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.
HIT227 and HIT235 1
Hospitality Management
Introduction to
This course introduces the major fields within the hospitality industry: lodging, meetings/events,
restaurants, casinos and tourism. Operations and management are covered in the context of
history, society and leadership.
BUSN115 4
Foundations of
This course examines the lodging industry from its traditional roots to contemporary structures
and addresses management, economics and measurement of hotel operations. Reservation
systems, staffing, housekeeping, security and facility maintenance operations are examined and
related to management responsibilities.
HOSP310 4
Meetings and
This course introduces event, meeting and convention management one of the fastest growing
segments of the hospitality industry. Coursework addresses the diverse demands of multiple
stakeholders who plan, organize, lead and control organized functions. Models of events are
introduced, enabling students to explore issues related to sponsorship, venues, staffing, finance,
exhibit coordination, contracted services, legal implications, marketing and convention bureaus.
HOSP310 4
This course introduces operational and management practices of both startup and established
restaurants. Concepts related to mission, marketing strategy and menu are addressed. Financial
management of restaurants is examined, including pricing, budgets, cost control, payroll, fixed
assets, leasing, and cash and revenue control, as are service and customer relations challenges.
HOSP310 4
Food Safety and
This course covers fundamental aspects of food safety, sanitation and food service operations.
Coursework is based on the 2001 FDA Food Code and focuses on management of sanitation,
factors contributing to unsafe food, food-borne illnesses, food production flow, the Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point system, accident and crisis management, employee training, food safety
regulations, and facilities and equipment cleaning and sanitation.
HOSP310 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course introduces operating conditions and management responsibilities in casinos, and
related properties and services. Gaming history and regulations are covered, as are modern
gaming laws, controls, taxes, accounting, reporting, marketing, and the mathematics and statistics
of games and casinos.
HOSP310 4
This course introduces the many interdisciplinary aspects of the growing tourism industry, with
emphasis on managerial challenges and responsibilities. The structure and function of major
tourism delivery systems are covered, as are social and behavioral aspects of tourism.
Additionally, supply and demand for products and services are analyzed, and forecasting demand,
revenue and yield management approaches are explored.
HOSP310 4
Human Resource Management
This course provides a comprehensive survey of federal and state laws as they affect the human
resource function. Topics include equal employment opportunity, employment agreements, wage
and overtime payment, and other regulatory issues.
BUSN115 4
HRM330 Labor Relations*
This course provides a perspective on the evolution of interaction between management and labor
in a corporate environment. Topics include the American labor movement; federal and state labor
laws; and collective bargaining, mediation and work stoppage.
BUSN115 4
Human Resource
This course focuses on applying technology to developing, maintaining and managing human
resource information. Students research, analyze and report on various hardware and software
options available for managing the human resource function.
COMP100; and
MGMT210 or
This course focuses on developing a strategic structure for providing corporations with human
resources necessary to achieve organizational goals. Students learn strategies and techniques for
planning, recruiting, selecting, training and retaining employees.
MGMT210 or
Training and
This course examines training and organizational development techniques used by corporations to
improve individual and corporate effectiveness. Topics include needs analysis, implementation
planning and outcomes assessment for individuals and organizations.
MGMT210 or
and Benefits*
This course focuses on how organizations use pay systems and benefit plans to achieve corporate
goals. Topics include pay systems design, analysis and evaluation, and legally required and
voluntary benefit options.
MGMT210 or
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Health Services Management
Medical Office
In the context of a digital healthcare setting, this course introduces students to the scope and
practice of medical office operations, including appointment scheduling; customer assessment and
intake questionnaires; telemedicine; and revenue cycle management. General internet security,
and computer operations and software applications used in an office environment, are also
introduced in preparation for a career in healthcare.
HIT125 4
Introduction to
Health Services
This course provides an overview of unique characteristics of U.S. healthcare systems, and
surveys the major components and their interrelationships. Topics include internal and external
influences on delivery of services, healthcare professions and key trends.
BUSN115 or HSM210 4
Health Rights
This course examines legal, ethics and healthcare equity issues in delivering medical services.
Topics include legal relationships among providers, payers and patients. Also addressed are
clinical and administrative professional liability issues related to cultural bias; medical records
management; and HIPAA privacy, security and fraud. Ethics aspects of patient rights and duties
are explored in a healthcare service delivery context.
HSM310 4
Health Services
This course concentrates on the evolving field of health service information systems technology.
Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and HIT are introduced in the
context of health information. The course introduces students to the hardware and software
options for managing patient data and health records, as well as the strategic benefits of evidence-
based management and decision support.
COMP100 and
HSM310; or HIT223
and HSM210
Health Services
This course focuses on the complexities of healthcare financing in the United States. Topics
include multiple payment sources and reimbursement systems; problems and issues in financial
planning; and trends in healthcare costs and expenditures.
ACCT212 and HSM310 4
This course focuses on the impact of public policy on healthcare delivery in the United States.
Political, social, economic and technological influences are explored, as are cultural values and
beliefs regarding health that underlie our policy-making process.
HSM310 4
Managed Care
and Health
This course surveys the development of health insurance products and managed care approaches
to the financing and delivery of healthcare services in the United States. Fundamental concepts of
insurance risk management and various types of managed care organizations are discussed in
relation to the consumer, provider and insurer.
HIT125 or HIT141 or
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Planning and
Marketing for
Health Services
This course presents a framework for planning and implementing marketing initiatives for health
services. Topics include market segmentation, targeting, positioning and communication, as well
as ethical issues and examples unique to the healthcare industry.
HSM310 4
Introduction to
the Humanities^+
This course introduces vital areas of the humanities, such as the visual and performing arts,
literature, history and philosophy. Students analyze and evaluate works of art, and develop
connections among these works and their historical, cultural and philosophical contexts.
Discussions, writings, oral presentations, group activities and visits to cultural venues prepare
students for more advanced inquiry in subsequent courses.
ENGL135 or ENGL136 3
This course introduces vital areas of the humanities by highlighting groups, regions, and cultures
traditionally underrepresented in humanities courses. Students engage with cultural products
including, visual and performing arts, literature, history, and philosophy. Students analyze and
interpret works and develop connections among these works and their historical, cultural, and
philosophical contexts. Discussions, writing, and research activities prepare students for advanced
cultural awareness and curiosity in a global society.
ENGL135 or ENGL136 3
Fine Arts^
This course introduces contemporary fine arts, primarily in areas other than literature. Emphasis
may be placed on visual arts such as painting, sculpture, architecture and photography, or the
focus may be on music, dance, film and other performance arts. Understanding and appreciation
of these art forms are enhanced by relating art fields and stylistic trends to one another as well as
to historical developments.
ENGL135 3
INTP491 Internship I^
Students in this course, the first in a two-course sequence, begin an education-related field
experience with a local business or community organization. As they contribute knowledge and
skills to a business project or process and acclimate to a business environment and culture
students gain valuable insight through self-reflection, assessment, and host-business analysis and
feedback. In addition to the classroom component, this course requires a minimum of 10 to 12
hours per week of supervised practical experience at an approved external site.
Successful completion
of 24 semester-credit
hours and permission
from the appropriate
academic administrator
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
INTP492 Internship II^
In this course, a continuation of INTP491, students complete their work with a local business or
community organization as they gain real-world experience. The internship enables students to
apply knowledge and skills to implement specific projects or processes, and provides an
environment for developing good work habits and further enhancing communication skills and self-
confidence. In addition to the classroom component, this course requires a minimum of 10 to 12
hours per week of supervised practical experience at an approved external site.
INTP491 and
permission from the
appropriate academic
Justice Administration
Introduction to
Criminal Law*
This course covers the purpose, nature and nomenclature of criminal law, including consequences
of noncompliance, elements of a crime, categories of crime, criminal procedures defined by the
law, and principles of criminal cases. Constitutional limitations in criminal law are also studied.
CRMJ300 3
Introduction to
the Criminal
This course provides an overview of the American courts and criminal justice system. Coursework
examines the courtroom work group, as well as the trial process and challenges to the process,
and also reviews the juvenile court system.
CRMJ300 3
Police Report
This course covers the most common types of writing required of law enforcement personnel,
including narrative reports, proposals, memos, short reports, letters and email, emphasizing clarity
and professionalism in communications. Coursework examines how computers and technology are
used in the process.
COMP100 and
This course introduces basic elements of interviewing, counseling, and techniques applicable to
the criminal justice and correctional setting. Topics include treatment guidelines, evidence-based
counseling practices, research findings, trends and statistics, program evaluations and positions
presented in journal review articles.
CRMJ320 3
in Criminal
Justice Systems*
This course covers topics and issues concerning diversity and multiculturalism in today’s policing
environment. Common situations are studied from the perspectives of culture, race and ethnicity.
CRMJ310 3
Drugs and
This course examines the effects of drug and alcohol abuse on society, justice institutions and
related legislation. Drugs and their effects on the body, current means of treatment, education,
rehabilitation, prevention of abuse, theories of use, the drug business and drug law enforcement
are also covered.
CRMJ300 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
JADM330 Victimology*
This course focuses on victimization, including the relationship between criminal offenders and
their victims, and treatment of victims in the justice system by police and the courts. Issues of law
and protection of victims are covered, as are societal perceptions of victims.
CRMJ300 3
This course examines the rules of evidence associated with trials and administrative procedures.
The legal boundaries essential to the collection and seizure of admissible evidence and legal
interrogation are also covered.
CRMJ300 3
Methods in
Criminal Justice*
Current research in criminal justice is examined for methodological approaches, design and
analysis, as well as relevance to the field of justice administration. Use of statistics in research is
CRMJ400 and
Interviewing and
This course covers protocols and techniques used in criminal justice interviews and interrogations,
including standards and laws relevant to obtaining statements, admissions and confessions.
Integrity of verbal and nonverbal communication is also analyzed.
CRMJ310 3
JADM403 Cybercrime*
This course examines criminal activity that uses or threatens computers or networks, including
prevention of and controlling high-tech crime. The discipline of information technology, the
sociology/anthropology of cyberspace, computer security, deviancy, law, criminal justice, risk
management and strategic thinking are explored.
CRMJ310 and
Students in this course explore organizational and leadership theory and practice of complex
organizations and apply this understanding to functions and roles in police departments.
Organizational design and development, management styles, planning and fiscal approaches, as
well as aspects of human resource management, are covered.
CRMJ310 3
This course deals with emergency or disaster risk mitigation, preparedness, response and
recovery. Topics include managing complex organizations and emergency decision-making,
interagency cooperation, risk assessment, planning preparations, humanitarian interventions and
recovery challenges.
CRMJ300 3
Security and
This course provides a foundation for understanding the scope of homeland security, including
responsibilities and strategies of the Department of Homeland Security and related government
agencies. Types and sources of terrorism, as well as methods for responding to terrorist threats,
are examined.
CRMJ400 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course investigates intelligence analysis principles and methods as applicable to homeland-
security-related case studies and scenarios. Critical thinking skills and application of structured
analytical techniques are emphasized.
JADM480 3
JADM490 Senior Project I*
In this course, the first in a two-course sequence, students apply knowledge and mastered skills,
including problem-solving techniques, research and oral/written communication to real-world
projects in a justice administration environment. Working individually or in teams, students draw on
knowledge and competencies developed through prior coursework.
Successful completion
of 89 semester credit
hours and permission
from the appropriate
academic administrator
JADM494 Senior Project II*
In this course, a continuation of JADM490, students further apply their knowledge and mastered
skills, including problem-solving techniques, research and oral/written communication to real-world
projects in a justice administration environment. Working individually or in teams, students apply
knowledge and competencies as they prepare and present final work deliverables.
JADM490 2
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Society, and
In this capstone course, the relationship between society and technology is investigated through
reading, reflection, research and reports. The course identifies conditions that have promoted
technological development and assesses the social, political, environmental, cultural and economic
effects of current technology. Issues of control and ethical considerations in the use of technology
are primary. Discussion and oral and written reports draw together students’ prior learning in
specialty and general education courses. This course must be taken at DeVry.
Successful completion
of 89 semester-credit
hours and all general
education requirements
except courses with the
prefix CARD, and
permission from the
appropriate academic
Legal Issues
The Legal
This course examines the North American legal system, focusing on aspects of the law as they
relate to social, economic and ethical issues. Students explore regulatory matters, intellectual
property, employer-employee relationships, antitrust, environmental issues, consumer protection,
and civil versus criminal law distinctions.
None 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Leadership and
This course examines critical thinking skills needed to develop leadership skills and facilitate
change within professional communities. Students analyze various complex professional issues;
use information literacy to source and leverage information; and communicate problem-solving
techniques. Throughout the course, students reflect on their own value systems, communities and
professional interests.
None 3
for a Diverse
This course reinforces professional communication competencies and extends essential principles
to include advanced messaging strategies for a diverse workplace. Effective methods for creating
professional documents, managing communications, and conveying culturally sensitive information
and recommendations are addressed. In addition, diversity, equity and inclusion concepts, such as
bias, microaggressions and navigating intercultural conflict, are examined.
None 3
Corporate Social
This course addresses the relationship between corporate environments and operations and
corporate responsibility. With a focus on social responsibility and civic duty, coursework helps
students learn methods for improving organizational culture and production. Students apply
problem-solving and cultural competence skills as they explore historical and contemporary
theories, techniques and case studies from global industry.
BUSN115 3
This course examines cross-cultural leadership styles and behaviors needed to succeed in the
global workforce. Students explore key theories of global leadership, strategies for supporting a
diverse workforce and cultural competence. To help students develop leadership skills, coursework
emphasizes communication and industry-based research skills.
BUSN115 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Note: Required transitional studies coursework may affect program length and cost.
This transitional studies course introduces critical elements of algebra for linear equations and
inequalities. Coursework progresses from order of operations and combining like terms through
addition and multiplication rules for solving linear equations. Students then apply these rules to
inequalities. Graphing in two variables is introduced, as are exponents, polynomials and
polynomial operations. The minimum requirement to pass this course is 80 percent, and grades of
C and D are not assigned. The final grade earned in this course is not used in GPA calculations,
and credit hours earned are not applicable to credit hours required for graduation.
Eligibility to enroll in the
course is based on
placement results.
Algebra for
This course focuses on factoring polynomials; solving quadratic equations; systems of linear
equations; radical expressions; and functions where linear and quadratic functions are emphasized
using application problems and modeling. The minimum requirement to pass this course is 80
percent, and grades of C and D are not assigned.
Eligibility to enroll in the
course is based on
placement results or on
successful completion
of MATH062.
Algebra for
College Students
This course focuses on factoring polynomials; solving quadratic equations; systems of linear
equations; radical expressions; and functions where linear and quadratic functions are emphasized
using application problems and modeling. The minimum requirement to pass this course is 80
percent, and grades of C and D are not assigned.
Eligibility to enroll in the
course is based on
placement results or on
successful completion
of MATH062.
MATH190 Pre-Calculus^
This course emphasizes topics that form the foundation for study of electronics, engineering
technology, game and simulation programming, and calculus. Topics include analyzing and
graphing quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions; and
developing complex solutions to problems in rectangular, trigonometric and Euler form. Students
use computer software and technology to assist in problem-solving and analysis. The minimum
requirement to pass this course is 70 percent, and grades of D are not assigned.
MATH114 4
This course explores mathematical tools needed for calculating and interpreting data in order to
make informed personal, social and civic decisions. Topics include use of numbers in everyday life
to solve problems; application of logic and critical thinking; introductory statistics and probability;
problem-solving with shapes; and decision-making in a group setting.
None 4
Statistics for
This course provides tools used for statistical analysis and decision-making in business. The
course includes both descriptive statistics and inferential concepts used to draw conclusions about
a population. Research techniques such as sampling and experiment design are included for both
single and multiple sample groups.
MATH114 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Statistics for
This course provides tools used for statistical analysis and decision-making in business. The
course includes both descriptive statistics and inferential concepts used to draw conclusions about
a population. Research techniques such as sampling and experiment design are included for both
single and multiple sample groups.
MATH114 or MATH116 3
Discrete Math in
This course provides an introduction to discrete mathematics as applied to the information
technology field. Areas of application include computer logic, analysis of algorithms,
telecommunications, probability and cryptography. Mathematical reasoning is emphasized
throughout. Computer software is used in problem modeling and solutions.
MATH221 or TECH221,
and NETW191
MATH265 Applied Calculus
This applied calculus course promotes the practical value of mathematics by reducing complicated
problems to simple procedures. An emphasis is placed on interactive problem-solving, concepts
and modeling that offer a flexible approach to technology.
MATH190 4
Statistics and
In this course, students apply statistical analysis tools and biomedical research methodologies to
health information management processes and cases. Descriptive statistics, nonparametric
methods and inferential concepts are used to organize health data and present health information.
Vital statistics methods and epidemiological principles are applied. The course also covers
research design/methods and research protocols.
HIT230 and MATH221 4
Human Resource
This course surveys components and management of human resources in organizations. Real-
world examples and exercises are used and address regulations and guidelines, job analysis and
design, employee recruiting, selection, salary and benefits, performance assessment, development
and termination. Labor relations is introduced.
BUSN115 3
This course explores retailing processes, functions and planning as components of marketing
distribution in the domestic economy and global supply chain. Market and consumer analysis;
store location and layout; merchandizing; promotion; customer relations; and financial, legal,
ethical and environmental aspects are emphasized.
BUSN115 3
Principles of
This course examines fundamental management theories and traditional managerial
responsibilities in formal and informal organizational structures. Planning, organizing, directing,
controlling and staffing are explored.
BUSN115 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
This course reinforces professional communication competencies and extends essential principles
to include advanced messaging strategies for the workplace. Effective methods for creating
professional documents, managing routine communication, and conveying technical information
and recommendations are addressed. Strategies for orchestrating collaborative writing projects,
directing virtual teams and providing feedback on work in progress are emphasized. Also
addressed are methods for creating effective oral presentations.
ENGL216 and
This course focuses on analysis of business systems using current techniques to analyze business
activities and solve problems. Interviewing skills, group dynamics, and development of process
flows, data flows and data models are emphasized. Students learn to identify, define and
document business processes and problems, and to develop solutions.
BIS155 4
This course introduces project management concepts such as project stakeholder engagement,
project communications, project scope, project schedule, project risk management and project
closure. Students participate in discussions and complete quizzes to gauge their understanding of
topics presented.
None 4
Management of
This course focuses on developing and applying management and business skills in typical
technical environments, as well as on technical support operations. Management approaches in
resource planning, resource utilization, staffing, training, customer service, cost/benefit analysis
and ongoing support are presented. Students apply business skills in developing and evaluating
requests for proposal (RFPs) and related acquisition methods, and consider issues related to in-
house and outsource solutions.
ACCT212 or ACCT301
or MGMT404 or
Human Resource
Students in this course explore contemporary concepts and techniques essential to managing
corporate human resources. Topics include resource planning, staffing and rewards, as well as
developing and maintaining positions and people.
BUSN115 4
Through socioeconomic and psychological approaches, students analyze factors that influence
behavior of individuals and society as needs are considered, products and services used and
satisfaction expressed. Decision-making processes of individual buyers and groups are studied,
typically from researched buying behavior. Influences on consumers, including marketing and
social media, are assessed.
BUSN115 3
Students in this course analyze consumer purchasing behavior as it relates to development of
marketing mix programs. Important considerations include economic, psychological, cultural,
cognitive and social factors.
BUSN319 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Students in this course analyze various market research techniques, including methodology used
to gather information for decision-making. Emphasis is placed on methods and techniques for
collecting, analyzing, interpreting and disseminating primary and secondary data for final end-use.
BUSN319 4
Digital Marketing
Providing a framework and tools for managing an organization’s digital marketing efforts and
presence, this course introduces students to a paradigm of dynamic and direct customer
interaction. Through an interactive weekly blog assignment, students experience and analyze
effects of creating, promoting and adapting an online identity.
BUSN319 3
Advertising and
This course introduces the field of advertising and public relations. Topics include media relations;
media buying; determining appropriate media; promotions; public relations and publicity
development tools; methods for improving customer satisfaction; relationship-building strategies;
and ethics in advertising and public relations.
BUSN319 4
Personal Selling
and Sales
This course examines the roles of personal selling and sales management in supporting
organizations’ marketing and revenue goals. Professional selling techniques such as prospecting,
qualifying, listening, problem-solving, and closing and servicing clients are addressed. Students
analyze customer situations and develop strategic selling approaches using personal
communication and technology platforms. Coursework also addresses skills and processes
required for sales management and professional development.
BUSN319 4
This course provides a conceptual framework for marketing internationally, whether exporting or
establishing a multi-national enterprise (MNE). Students explore development of international
marketing programs, as well as various macroenvironmental factors that affect decision-making in
an international setting.
BUSN319 4
Fundamentals of
Technology and
This course introduces the underlying technology of networks and the Internet. Networking basics
are introduced, such as the OSI and TCP/IP models, routing protocols, switches, small network
configuration, troubleshooting, and network security. The learning domains of the CompTIA
Network+ certification exam are reviewed.
CEIS106 or CEIS114 3
Introduction to
Cloud Computing
This course addresses essential knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about
use of cloud technologies and business impacts they can have on an organization. Students
leverage cloud computing knowledge to evaluate business use cases, financial impacts, cloud
technologies and deployment models.
NETW191 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Technology &
Networking I^*
This course presents the fundamentals of LAN Design including VLAN routing, network scaling,
and high availability protocols. Coursework explores the interoperability of open source and
proprietary switching and routing protocols.
NETW212 3
Technology &
Networking II*^
This course presents fundamentals of network design, security, and management best practices.
QoS, Cloud Computing, IoT networking, and software-defined networking (SDN) are introduced.
NETW260 3
Wired, Optical
and Wireless
with Lab*^
Students study transmission media as one of the many sources of systems security vulnerability.
The various types of media commonly used to connect computing and digital devices to networks
are discussed and the significance in their consideration when planning for a secure system. All
major media are discussed including copper, coax cable, fiber optic cable, wireless and microwave
media. Physical and virtual systems are analyzed, implemented, and secured.
NETW212 3
NETW314 Cloud Computing
This course provides an overview of the cloud environment and services. Coursework examines
operating systems; container technologies; development platforms powering the cloud; software-
defined networking; and data center infrastructures. Also addressed are Software as a Service
(SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
NETW212 3
NETW350 Cloud Services
This course focuses on Microsoft Azure cloud services and administration, including Azure
workloads, security, privacy, pricing and support. Coursework examines implementation and
management of Azure identity and governance, storage, compute resources, virtual networking
and resource backup. In addition, learning domains of the Azure Fundamentals and Azure
Administrator Associate certification exams are reviewed.
NETW314 3
This course focuses on Amazon Web Services (AWS) architectures and solutions, including AWS
common use cases, security, billing practices and support. Coursework examines design and
implementation of resilient, high-performing, secure and cost-optimized architectures on AWS. In
addition, learning domains of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and AWS Certified Solutions
Architect Associate exams are reviewed.
NETW314 3
Data Center
This course introduces data center operations, network virtualization configuration, addressing
schemes, troubleshooting and configuration skills. A foundational exploration of data center
concepts, including unified, or fabric, computing, is also included.
NETW212 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Security and
Mobile Devices*^
This course addresses information security on mobile devices. Topics include information to be
protected; risks involved; types of mobile devices; information at rest and in motion; encryption;
attack scenario vulnerabilities; and aspects of defense-in-depth controls.
SEC285 4
This course focuses on developing and maintaining cloud applications on Microsoft Azure.
Coursework introduces Azure Software Development Kits (SDKs), Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs), container deployment, performance tuning and monitoring. Also examined is
Azure compute, storage and security solutions implementation. In addition, learning domains of the
Azure Developer Associate certification exam are reviewed.
NETW350 3
NETW451 Cloud Operations
This course focuses on deploying and operating cloud applications on Amazon Web Services
(AWS). Coursework introduces AWS software development kits (SDKs), service Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs), Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline,
and code module debugging. Also covered in detail are support and maintenance of AWS
workloads, including security controls; monitoring and logging; business continuity procedures; and
incident remediation. In addition, learning domains of the AWS Certified Developer Associate and
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exams are reviewed.
NETW351 3
Political Science
POLI330 Political Science^
This course explores political systems in a comparative way, with emphasis on governmental
forms, constitutions, determinants of foreign policy and methods of political change. Studies of
recent political history, current world affairs and the structure of political institutions are included.
None 3
POLI332 Political Science
This course explores political systems in a comparative way, with emphasis on governmental
forms, constitutions, determinants of foreign policy and methods of political change. Studies of
recent political history, current world affairs and the structure of political institutions are included.
This course fulfills the state requirement for study of the State of Nevada and U.S. constitutions.
None 3
This course examines world politics as related to international conflict and security. Behavior and
relationships among states are explored through case studies and real-world events. Also studied,
from a global political perspective, are environmental concerns, human rights and trade issues.
POLI330 or POLI332 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title
Course Description
Project Management
Resources and
in Projects*^
From a project perspective, this course focuses on leading and building teams, team performance
and teams within organizations. Change management, conflict management and leading diverse
teams are also addressed.
Management for
the Profession
This course provides an overview of project management concepts, principles and domains.
Students apply their project management knowledge to complete documents related to project
stakeholders, project communications, project scope, project schedules, project budgets and
project risks.
Contracts and
This course examines processes required to acquire goods and services from outside the
organization in order to meet project requirements. Topics covered include procurement planning,
make-or buy analyses, outsourcing decisions, requests for proposals, selecting suppliers, contract
types, contract administration and procurement closeout. Students apply procurement
management concepts using case study assignments.
Project Risk
This course addresses project risk management planning, risk identification, risk analyses, risk
response planning, risk response implementation and risk monitoring. Coursework is designed to
help students apply project risk management concepts to develop a risk management plan. A case
study assignment also provides a real-world scenario through which students identify and analyze
potential risks.
Advanced Project
This course includes topics related to the four domains of the CAPM® exam and requires students
to develop an integrated project plan using a hybrid project management methodology. Students
investigate cost, schedule and minimum performance requirements concepts as well as project
team management that challenge them to understand different perspectives. These perspectives
include project plan development, execution and change control. Also emphasized are developing
budgets; creating project assumptions; investigating quality and analyzing variances; and the
effects of scope change.
CAPM is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
PROJ404, and two
other PROJ courses
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Motivation and
This course focuses on human motivation and leadership skills required to effectively manage
groups and individuals. Topics include basic motivation principles, leadership styles, workplace
stress and conflict, and the dynamics of group development.
None 3
Students in this course explore ways in which individuals think about, influence, are influenced by
and otherwise relate to people. Individual behavior in the context of social groups and forces is
emphasized. Coursework provides a basis for scientifically addressing key issues of this field.
SOCS185 3
Renewable Energy Engineering Technology
Introduction to
This course addresses renewable alternative energy technologies including photovoltaics, solar
thermal systems, wind power, fuel cells, hydroelectricity, the smart grid, alternative fuels,
geothermal power, waste heat and biofuels. Socioeconomic, environmental, political and
regulatory issues are considered. Students explore key aspects of alternative power sources and
sustainable energy solutions that meet today’s power demands.
ECT226; and SUST210
or TECH215
Electronics and
This course covers power switching circuits such as rectifiers, AC-DC and DC-DC converters,
inverters and motor drives. Power semiconductor devices, thermal management, efficiency and
power electronics applications are emphasized.
ECT226; and SUST210
or TECH215
Electric Machines
and Power
This course presents electric machines and power systems, with emphasis on renewable energy
applications. Topics include three-phase circuits, power factor correction, transformers,
synchronous machines, DC motors, induction motors, power system transmission and distribution,
and power flow studies.
ECT226; and SUST210
or TECH215
Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Small Business
Management and
This course introduces students to business functions, problem areas, decision-making techniques
and management fundamentals required for effectively managing a small business.
BUSN115 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Innovation and
New Product
This course concentrates on the processes of creativity and innovation as tools for marketers and
small business managers. Students identify opportunities for using these processes and apply
them to implementing and expanding product lines in corporate and entrepreneurial ventures. A
structure for introducing new products is presented.
BUSN115 or WGD210 4
Issues in Small
This course covers issues that are unique to small business management, including improving the
success rate for new firms; financing small businesses; determining the effect of regulations on
small firms; and obtaining information to improve performance.
BUSN115 4
E-Commerce for
Small Business*
This course explores the potential of e-commerce and its impact on small business practices.
Topics include opportunities, issues, alternatives and techniques to support the development of an
Internet marketing plan and related website.
BUSN115 or MGMT404 4
Business Plan
Writing for Small
Businesses and
This course focuses on creating a comprehensive business plan for a small business. Coursework
addresses research sources; plan presentation; follow-up; and business plan components,
including executive summary, company description, target market, competition, marketing and
sales, operations, management structure, future development and financials.
BUSN115 4
Nutrition, Health
and Wellness
with Lab
This course provides an overview of basic nutrients the body requires for health and life, and
dispels common nutrition myths. The role of nutrition in various biological phases of the human life
cycle, as well as psychological and sociological implications of food, are discussed. Students also
learn how the scientific method of inquiry is used in the nutritional science and health fields. In the
lab, students collect observational data, employ computer simulations, and prepare and sample
various foods.
None 3
Nutrition, Health
and Wellness
with Lab
This course provides an overview of basic nutrients the body requires for health and life, and
dispels common nutrition myths. The role of nutrition in various biological phases of the human life
cycle, as well as psychological and sociological implications of food, are discussed. Students also
learn how the scientific method of inquiry is used in the nutritional science and health fields. In the
lab, students collect observational data, employ computer simulations, and prepare and sample
various foods.
None 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Information Systems Security
Fundamentals of
This course explores the fundamentals of information security attacks and defense mechanisms.
Security issues related to people, data, networks, and devices are surveyed to provide insight into
designing security solutions and policies. Technologies and practices that support the security
principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability are also discussed.
NETW191 3
Fundamentals of
This course develops fundamental infrastructure security implementation skills. Topics include
identification of security vulnerabilities, wireless vulnerabilities, risk assessments, intrusion
detection and prevention, business continuity and disaster recovery, firewall architecture, and an
introduction to cryptography.
SEC285 3
and Security
This course covers basic data management practices and focuses on logistics associated with
data administration and security. Coursework is designed to help students develop skills needed to
successfully manage and secure data assets.
and Data
This course introduces essential concepts of cybersecurity, information security and data privacy.
Coursework addresses responsibilities of various professions as related to information security and
data privacy. Federal and state privacy laws; civil and criminal enforcement actions; general data
protection regulations; and consumer rights and protection are explored.
BUSN115 or CEIS101
or CEIS101C or HIT230
or HIT235 or HSM310
Principles and
Theory of
This course surveys the scope of security management, introducing principles and frameworks for
recognizing security issues and solutions. Aspects of protecting people, information and physical
assets, including loss prevention, are examined. Legal foundations, historical roots, operations and
tools of security management are introduced, as is the role of security in contemporary business,
government and public settings.
BUSN115 or CEIS101 4
SEC311 Ethical Hacking*^
This course provides knowledge and skills related to activities behind hacking attacks and
countermeasures. Coursework helps students build defense mechanisms to protect applications,
systems and networks from hackers. Security loopholes, as well as common attack tools used by
black hat hackers, are examined.
SEC285 3
Applied AI for
This course introduces use of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity to reinforce cyber threat
intelligence to strengthen an organizations defenses. Also explored is use of AI to support email
monitoring, fraud prevention, malware detection, algorithm review and network scanning.
Strategies for implementing, evaluating and assessing AI-driven cyber support tools are presented.
SEC285; and MATH221
or TECH221
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Network Security
Testing with
This course examines network security testing, including testing countermeasures against malware
threats; denial of service (DOS) and distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks; email; Web; and
Wireless using a layered approach requiring design, implementation, and testing of attack
SEC285 3
This course explores penetration testing skills needed to assess vulnerabilities of in-house, cloud-
centric and hybrid environments. Coursework is designed to develop studentsability to scan and
analyze the state of organization, and to plan, scope and manage weaknesses.
SEC285 3
Response and
Digital Forensics
Students in this course explore techniques for cyber incident investigation, digital evidence
gathering and cybersecurity threat response. Coursework presents strategies for cybercrime
investigation and for forensic analysis and incident response. The course prepares students for
managing security incidents, as well as for defending and responding to attacks.
SEC285 or SEC305 or
This course presents preparations for, reactions to and disaster recovery from cybersecurity events
and threats that disrupt critical business functions. Students examine various levels of
organizational threats to critical business functions and assets. Developing policies, procedures
and plans to support recovery is also covered.
SEC285 or SEC305 or
SEC310 or SEC335
Cloud Computing
This course applies information security expertise to a cloud computing environment and
demonstrates competence in cloud security architecture, design, operations, and service
orchestration. It develops the knowledge, skills, and abilities in cloud security design,
implementation, architecture, operations, controls, and compliance with regulatory frameworks.
SEC285 4
Architecture and
This course addresses security architecture and engineering skills needed to secure in-house,
cloud-centric and hybrid IT environments. Topics include assessing organizations’ cybersecurity
readiness, and technical-team leadership needed to implement enterprise-wide cybersecurity
solutions. Students apply best practices in governance, risk management and compliance to
design and implement solutions within adopted policies and frameworks and ensure organizations’
readiness for cyberattacks.
SEC290 or SEC322 3
This course reviews and reinforces knowledge and skills needed to implement, monitor and
administer IT infrastructure using cybersecurity best practices. Cyber industry topics covered
include security operations and administration; access controls; risk identification, monitoring and
analysis; incident response and recovery; cryptography; network and communications security;
and systems and application security.
Corequisite: SEC395 1
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Systems Security
Planning and
This course provides an in-depth look at risk factor analysis that must be performed in order to
design a flexible and comprehensive security plan. Topics include assessing threats, developing
countermeasures, protecting information and security designs processes. Auditing practices used
to verify compliance with policies and procedures, as well as for building a case for presentation in
private and public settings, are also covered.
SEC285 4
Network Security
with Lab*^
Students in this course develop more advanced skills in identifying network security vulnerabilities,
including wireless vulnerabilities; conducting risk assessments; preventing, detecting and
responding to intrusions; and providing for business continuity and disaster recovery. Topics
include firewall architecture, authentication, intrusion-prevention strategies, web security,
cryptography and security gates.
SEC290 3
This course presents essential skills required within a security operations center (SOC) to
successfully protect organizational assets from cyber-attacks and addresses how attackers are
identified. Coursework is designed to help students learn about the different types of SOCs and
their respective goals, roles, benefits and challenges.
Corequisite: SEC395 4
Social Sciences
Culture and
This course explores the role of culture in social organizations. Social institutions, and the issues of
race and gender within social structures, are analyzed in the context of multicultural societies and
increasing global interaction. Basic sociological principles and research findings are used to
support analysis of cultural and social issues.
None 3
Students in this course explore environmental issues as perceived by society. Coursework
addresses cultural norms, ideologies, beliefs, and economic and gender-related factors that affect
finding and providing sustainable solutions to environmental problems. Through discussions of
research, problem-solving projects and presentations, students learn to identify causes of
environmental problems and apply practical solutions to particular cases.
ENGL135 or ENGL136 3
Culture and
Students build on prior work in communication and the social sciences to examine various genres
of workplace culture through which workers communicate, such as writing, dress, humor,
workspace decoration, rituals, technology-based expressions and others. Analyzing workplaces as
complex systems with subgroups, students identify challenges of cross-cultural communication as
well as strategies for meeting those challenges, and explore how workers adapt to cultural change
in the workplace.
SOCS185 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Cultural Diversity
in the
Students explore cross-cultural issues and diversity to help create a positive foundation for
understanding and working effectively with others. Cultural issues including values, beliefs and
practices that affect individuals, groups and communities are discussed. Case studies and other
applications are examined, particularly as they relate to the workplace and to professional practice.
Experiential learning designed to increase understanding and appreciation of differing cultures is
SOCS185 3
This course teaches basic elements of effective public speaking. Topics include audience analysis,
organization, language, delivery and nonverbal communication. Practical application is provided
through a series of individual and group presentations in a variety of rhetorical modes.
ENGL108 or ENGL112 3
This course provides a foundation in basic elements of effective intercultural communication. The
course addresses cultural awareness in written, verbal, and nonverbal communication strategies.
Practical application is provided through a series of communication exercises in a variety of
rhetorical modes and contexts.
ENGL108 or ENGL112 3
Sustainability Management
Energy: Science,
Technology and
This course introduces science and technology behind renewable energy technology while
considering business decisions required to invest in and manage systems using this
technology. Among others, solar technologies, fuels synthesized from biomass, hydrogen and wind
are explored.
BUSN115 or CEIS101
or CEIS101C
Technical Communication
Strategies for
Students in this course use audience and context analysis, determination of purpose and other
rhetorical strategies to create technical documents for persuasive and informative purposes. Major
emphasis is placed on logic, argument, evidence and various appeals in producing documents
containing sound reasoning and effective language. Studies include logical fallacies; social, ethical,
political and practical influences; and ways of incorporating quantitative and qualitative information
into documents.
ENGL135 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Marketing and
Students in this course apply rhetorical strategies and composition principles to create marketing
literature, investor communications, media releases and executive presentations. The course
includes current communication issues in business, such as globalization, cross-cultural
influences, technological advances, ethics and regulatory requirements. Students develop and
present oral and written reports in a variety of media and channels. Client practitioner involvement
is used as available.
BUSN319 and TC220 4
This course introduces physics by exploring how common things and situations work. Case
studies, used to present course material and related active learning exercises, illustrate essential
physics concepts. Coursework also examines physics theories, laws, models and hypotheses.
CEIS114 and MATH114 4
Introduction to
This course covers sustainability issues facing society that involve water, food, energy,
transportation, living conditions, education and municipalities. Green business topics and
economic development are also examined. Students study cases involving global challenges
engineers across multiple disciplines are working to resolve.
BUSN115 or CEIS101
or CEIS101C
This course explores essential principles of statistical analysis, as well as effective application of
various statistical techniques. Coursework addresses methods for collecting, preparing, analyzing
and interpreting data; story-telling and communicating insights; and reporting on data that drives
priorities and business decision-making.
MATH114 4
Introduction to
This course explores algorithms, applications and careers in artificial intelligence and machine
learning. Applications such as the Internet of Things, image processing, robotics, natural language
processing and data analytics are examined.
CEIS110, and
MATH221 or TECH221
Design of
This course presents the principles and practice of design of experiments (DOE). Coursework
addresses the experimentation process and guidelines for designing experiments. Proper methods
of analysis and interpretation of experiment results are also covered.
MATH221 or TECH221 3
This course introduces the two main processes of Six Sigma DMAIC (define, measure, analyze,
improve, control) and DMADV (define, measure, analyze, design, verify). General statistical
principles are reviewed, as are new topics addressing principles of statistical process control.
Students explore how these principles are applied to improve existing processes and create new
MATH221 or TECH221 3
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Physics and
This course examines physics through the study of various technologies. Physics principles and
mathematical analyses describing the operation of modern devices, instruments and products are
presented. Students apply these principles to gain an understanding of the performance tradeoff
imposed by physical limitations of various processes, devices and systems.
MATH265 and
Applied AI for
Management and
This course presents use of data analytics as applied to products and services. Coursework also
introduces artificial intelligence tools used in various industry sectors for business decision-making.
Ethics and privacy impacts for organizations and society are also explored.
MATH221 or MATH226
or TECH221
TECH460 Senior Project
In this course, students integrate technical and soft skills necessary to develop requirements and
design specifications to meet a proposed project, process and/or product goal. Students work in
teams (or individually with approval) and apply problem-solving techniques, application design
methodology, and planning/management methods to a technology-focused project.
MGMT404 and
successful completion
of 89 semester credit
Web Game Programming
Interactive Web
Page Scripting
with Lab*^
Students in this course learn to program dynamic, interactive web pages and web-based games.
Topics include basic programming fundamentals and object handling techniques. Fundamentals of
game design are also introduced. Students use a scripting language to build basic interactive web
page components and examples of web-based games.
CIS363B 4
with Lab*^
This course introduces basics of game design and development. Using an object-oriented game
engine with libraries, students apply game design principles to develop example games. Technical
considerations and industry best practices are also covered.
CIS363B 4
Dynamic Website
Development and
Integration with
This course introduces advanced techniques to design and develop dynamic websites through use
of cascading style sheets (CSS), integration of databases, server-side scripting and large site
CIS363B 4
Web Development and Administration
Web Architecture
with Lab*^
This course introduces students to web architecture and connectivity. Topics include Internet
protocols such as transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP); domain name server
(DNS); simple mail transfer protocol (smtp), hypertext transfer protocol (http) and file transfer
protocol (ftp); and design of an Internet or corporate intranet infrastructure to meet specific needs.
NETW191 4
The following indicators appear next to some course titles: * = requires successful completion of required math (MATH062) and composition (BUSN062) transitional studies courses; ^ = course available
for students enrolled at a New Jersey location; + = honors course version available. Visit the Course Descriptions section main page for details.
and Number
Course Title Course Description Prerequisite
Advanced Web
with Lab*^
This course builds on basics of design, coding and scripting, as well as database connectivity for
web-based applications. Coursework introduces concepts of data interchange, message exchange
and web application components. A programming language such as Java, C++.Net or Visual
Basic.Net is used to implement business-related web-based applications.
CIS407A 4
Web Graphic Design
Visual Design
In this course students examine the foundation of visual design. Topics include the design process;
elements of design, such as line, color, form, function and space; and combining elements for
enhanced visual design. Students explore these topics through various projects and by applying
concepts using appropriate software.
None 3
Advanced Design
and Rapid
Students in this course develop skills in creating graphic media. Students explore design and use
of type, and the process of using rapid visualization for design concept and idea formulation, as
well as create media that enhance user understanding.
WGD201 4
Digital Imaging
Students in this course learn concepts of digital imaging, including editing, optimizing and
preparing images for web-based delivery. Topics such as color, special effects and compression
formats are examined.
None 4
This course addresses principles of analyzing, explaining and communicating instructions, as well
as ideas and information used in integrated text and graphics. Using a collaborative approach,
students use real-world examples to explore user-centered design.
Corequisite: WGD205
or WGD210
WGD235 Web Animation^
This course focuses on design and production of animation within the constraints of web
applications. Topics include file-size optimization, timing, formatting requirements and scripting.
Automated animation techniques as well as user-mediated animation are addressed.
CIS363B 4
Advanced Web
In this course, students work in teams to develop a web design for a fictitious company. Students
research the company’s industry, evaluate competitors’ web designs and explore emerging web
development tools that enhance production capabilities.
CIS363B or WGD235 4
Responsive Web
This course focuses on advanced web design techniques using hypertext markup language
(HTML), cascading style sheets (CSS) and other scripting methods. Topics include current trends
in web design and development, and planning and producing digital projects for various types of
CIS363B 3
General Student Information
Hours of Operation
Typically, administrative hours at DeVry University locations are Monday through Friday 10 am
to 6 pm; specific information is available from each location. In general, onsite classroom hours
are Monday through Friday beginning at 6 pm and ending as late as 10 pm. Virtual student
support is available by calling 877-496-9050:
Monday-Thursday 6 am to 7 pm MT
Friday 6 am to 6 pm MT
Saturday 7 am to 3 pm MT
Academic Instruction and Faculty Office Hours
Each session, instruction ends at 11:59 pm MT on Saturday of week 8. No instruction occurs on
holidays or during breaks. Online instruction, professor feedback and student-student interaction
in the virtual classroom are continuous processes during each session. Faculty office hours are
scheduled at the discretion of each faculty member. Faculty telephone numbers and email
addresses are included on course syllabi, which indicate when and how students can contact
Technology Specifications
Because technology changes rapidly, students should note that their computer or computing
device used to complete coursework may need upgrading during the course of their program.
Students are responsible for checking hardware/software requirements before registering for
courses. Requirements are specified at
Students must own or have off-site access to a computing device that meets current program-
based requirements. They are also expected to have access to a reliable Internet source.
Students attending classes at a DeVry University location are expected to take their personal
computing devices to class. The University does not guarantee computing devices will be
available for student use at its locations. For more information, students should contact a
student support advisor.
Onsite Computer Access
Though a limited number of computers, including laptops, may be available at DeVry locations
for students’ use, the University cannot guarantee their availability. Therefore, students are
expected to take their personal computing devices to class. For more information, visit the
Technology Specifications section.
Curriculum Review and Outcomes Assessment
All DeVry curricula are guided by an ongoing curriculum review and outcomes assessment
process using input from students, faculty, alumni and employers. Results of such evaluations
are used to enhance the curricula, student learning, and academic and administrative
Program Information and Requirements
Program descriptions provide information regarding each curriculum. Program availability varies
by location and delivery method, as do specific program details such as areas of specialization,
program options and course requirements. To support the student experience, DeVry provides
students in certain programs with a laptop computer. More information is available from a
student support advisor.
Regarding courses and program content shown in the Colleges & Programs of Study section,
the sequence in which courses are taken may vary based on scheduling needs. Some courses
may not be offered every semester or at every location. Transitional studies coursework may
affect program length and cost (visit the Transitional Studies Courses section).
For each program in the Colleges & Programs of Study section, the minimum semester-credit-
hour requirement for graduation is provided, as is information related to program completion
times for both normal- and minimum-time-to-complete schedules (visit the Program-Completion-
Time Options section). Also provided, in each program outline, is the distribution of required
courses in each course area. A limited number of elective/alternate courses may also be
available to fulfill program requirements. Visit the Elective and/or Alternate Courses section.
Though some courses may appear in more than one course area, each course may be applied
to fulfill one graduation requirement only.
Courses with the CARD designator, COLL148, all senior project courses and LAS432 must be
taken at DeVry. In addition, students must obtain permission from the appropriate academic
administrator prior to enrolling in any senior project course, in LAS432 and/or in certain courses
with the CARD designator.
Based on location-specific and individual selections, total credit hours required in each course
area may exceed those listed in the program descriptions.
Employment Outside the United States
Applicants and students outside the United States or planning to move outside the United
States for employment should be aware that professional standards of practice may vary by
country. Persons interested in employment outside the United States are encouraged to contact
the national association or regulatory agency for their field of interest.
Primary Program of Enrollment
A student’s first program of study is considered the primary program unless the student
requests a program change (visit the Program Transfers section).
All students enrolled in site-based programs will be required to take some coursework online.
Some students in certain programs and at certain locations may be required to complete a
substantial portion of program coursework online.
Stackable Programs
Each undergraduate certificate and associate degree in the following table can be earned as a
standalone credential, credits from which are transferrable to the corresponding degree
programs. Note: Students in undergraduate certificate and associate degree programs who plan
to pursue a stackable course of study are strongly encouraged to contact a student support
advisor to ensure courses selected meet requirements for stackability.
At the time of application
to the next credential level, an evaluation of qualifying transfer credit will occur and the most
beneficial outcome will be applied.
Future programmatic changes could impact application of credit to a future program. Students
should contact a student support advisor for more information.
Associate Degree
Bachelor’s Degree
Accounting ––
Business Administration
Major/Concentration: Accounting
Concentration: Accounting
Technical Management:
Technical Specialty: Accounting
Business Essentials^ Business^
Business Administration
Technical Management
Cloud Computing ––
Information Technology & Networking
Track: Cloud Based Networking and
Cyber Security Cybersecurity & Networking
Computer Information Systems
Track: Cyber Security Programming
Cybersecurity & Networking
Information Technology & Networking
Track: Cyber Security
Data Mining & Analytics ––
Software Development
Track: Big Data Analytics
Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology
Information Technology
Cybersecurity & Networking
Cybersecurity & Networking
Information Technology & Networking
Track: Cyber Security
Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology
Information Technology &
Track: Automated and
Electronic Systems
Information Technology &
Track: Information Systems and
Computer information Systems
Software Development
Information Technology &
Track: Network Systems
Information Technology & Networking
Internet of Things ––
Information Technology & Networking
Track: Mobile and Networked Devices
Medical Billing & Coding*
Health Information Technology
Track: Health Information*
Technical Management
Technical Specialty: Health
Information Management
Medical Billing & Coding
Health Information
Networking Essentials
Information Technology &
Track: Network Systems
Information Technology & Networking
Programming Essentials Computer Information Systems
Associate Degree
Bachelor’s Degree
Information Technology &
Track: Information Systems and
Software Development
Software Design &
Software Development
Track: Software Design and
Computer Information Systems
Track: Software Programing
Web & Mobile
Application Development
Software Development
Track: Web and Mobile Application
^ Some courses in this program do not transfer to the Technical Management bachelor’s degree program
when selecting the technical specialty of Information Technology, Health Information Management or
Criminal Justice.
* Some courses in this program do not transfer to the next credential.
Embedded Programs
Students can earn additional credentials en route to earning their associate or bachelor’s degree
when pursuing qualifying degree programs.
Primary Degree Program
En Route Credential:
Undergraduate Certificate
En Route Credential:
Associate Degree
Associate in Business
Business Essentials
Associate in Cybersecurity &
Information Technology
Associate in Engineering Technology
Option: General
Engineering Technology N/A
Associate in Engineering Technology
Option: Machine Learning and Design
Engineering Technology N/A
Associate in Engineering Technology
Option: Medical Technology and
Healthcare Systems
Engineering Technology N/A
Associate in Engineering Technology
Option: Renewable Energy and
Sustainable Power
Engineering Technology N/A
Associate in Information Technology
& Networking Track: Undeclared
Information Technology
Associate in Information Technology
& Networking
Track: Automation and Electronic
Information Technology
Associate in Information Technology
& Networking
Track: Network Systems
Networking Essentials N/A
Primary Degree Program
En Route Credential:
Undergraduate Certificate
En Route Credential:
Associate Degree
Associate in Information Technology
& Networking
Track: Information Systems and
Programming Essentials N/A
Bachelor’s in Accounting Accounting N/A
Bachelor’s in Cybersecurity &
Information Technology
Cybersecurity & Networking
Bachelor’s in Engineering Technology Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology
Option: Machine Learning and
Design Techniques
Bachelor’s in Computer information
Programming Essentials
Information Technology &
Track: Information Systems
and Programming
Bachelor’s in Information Technology
& Networking
Networking Essentials
Information Technology &
Track: Network Systems
Bachelor’s in Software Development Programming Essentials
Information Technology &
Track: Information Systems
and Programming
Note: Students in the Information Technology & Networking associate degree program who do
not declare a track upon enrollment begin with the Information Technology Essentials certificate
as their embedded credential, which may change when students declare a track.
Curriculum Changes
Students are generally governed by graduation requirements in effect at the time of initial
enrollment, provided their enrollment has been continuous. However, curriculum changes may
occur, as DeVry reserves the right to change graduation requirements and to revise, add or
delete courses. Consequently, curriculum changes may affect current and returning students.
Curriculum changes may also affect the time needed to complete a program, as well as the
length of both normal- and minimum-time-to-complete schedules shown in the Colleges &
Programs of Study section. If a change occurs, an alternate plan of study may be established
for students to complete in lieu of the original requirements. Alternate plans may result in
additional coursework requirements and financial obligations. Program or policy changes that
affect students already enrolled are announced at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the
Students who for any reason withdraw from, are dismissed from, or fail courses or programs
may require additional coursework and incur additional financial obligations when they resume
their studies.
The University also reserves the right to cancel a section of a course if enrollment is insufficient.
Students may transfer to another location within the DeVry system and retain credit for all
coursework completed; however, program availability varies by location and delivery method.
Course Equivalencies
Certain DeVry courses that include similar, but not necessarily identical, content are considered
equivalent to one another. As such, to fulfill a certain graduation requirement, students may be
able to complete a course not shown in their program outline provided the course is considered
equivalent. Course equivalency information is available from the appropriate academic
Limitations exist. Students are strongly advised to seek academic advising before enrolling in a
course they believe to be equivalent to one that fulfills a graduation requirement.
Course Delivery
All DeVry courses use the University’s learning management system (LMS) to reinforce active
learning; provide a common course structure and communication vehicle; and offer centralized
student resources, including course syllabi, objectives, assignments, assessment rubrics,
tutorials, discussions, milestones and grade updates. Course objectives are provided in course
syllabi, and program outcomes are included in the Colleges & Programs of Study section.
Students should note that DeVry reserves the right to alter the number of contact hours for
reasons including, but not limited to, occurrences beyond DeVry’s control, holidays, special
institution activity days and registration days. Services and administrative office hours vary by
DeVry University location and may be limited during evenings and weekends, or online.
Courses delivered in each modality below are designed to achieve the same student outcomes
and are academically equivalent. For all programs, regardless of modality, the University
observes student success measures that are holistic and support overall student completion.
Note: Many DeVry University courses are offered in a purely online modality.
Prior to beginning courses, all students are provided a virtual New Student Orientation session
(live or recorded) for a thorough introduction to the online functionality and to the general
requirements of courses at DeVry. After registering for a course, students are granted access to
preview the course shell for up to two weeks prior to the scheduled course start date.
Courses may be delivered as:
Blended/Hybrid (mix of onsite and online)
Note: References to onsite refer to the blended/hybrid course delivery modality.
Students in blended/hybrid courses attend onsite scheduled weekly course meetings
(i.e., lectures) at a University location and also complete a substantial amount of course-related
activities online. Online course activity is completed asynchronously in the LMS. Activities
include, but are not limited to, completing practice problems, readings, lab exercises and
homework; and participating in discussion threads, and in faculty-directed and individual study
components. All course materials and technologies for blended/hybrid courses are accessed via
the LMS.
Some blended/hybrid courses may offer instruction via videoconference from a single DeVry
location and be delivered to other DeVry locations and/or to fully online students via technology.
To complete blended/hybrid courses, students must be in close proximity to a University
Students in online courses complete all course-related activity online in the LMS. Coursework
can be completed asynchronously throughout the session, with assignment and project
submissions required by posted due dates. In many courses, faculty hold optional synchronous
live lessons each week; these lessons are recorded for asynchronous review.
Course activities include, but are not limited to, completing practice problems, readings and lab
exercises; and participating in discussion threads, and in faculty-directed and individual study
components. Professors guide students through online courses, engaging them in discussions
and reflections; answering questions; and posting course announcements, reminders, and
supplemental and reference materials, as needed. Professors teaching online also offer virtual
office hours for student support. All materials and technologies for online courses are accessed
via the LMS.
Course-Related Requirements
Applied Learning Activities
Applied learning activities are integrated into many DeVry courses, some of which include “with
Lab” in the course title. Applied learning activities within these courses are completed online,
through the University’s virtualized learning environment.
Corequisite Enrollment
When a course description lists a corequisite, enrollment in that course and its corequisite is
generally required during the same semester or session.
Prerequisite Enrollment
Students currently enrolled in prerequisite courses meet the prerequisite requirement for
registration into subsequent courses. Students who do not successfully complete prerequisite
course requirements are administratively dropped from any courses requiring the prerequisite.
Students are also administratively dropped from courses if an Incomplete is recorded for the
prerequisite course. Students are notified of dropped courses by email. A reduction in enrolled
hours may affect financial aid eligibility and/or awards.
Transitional Studies Courses
Transitional studies coursework provides individualized intensive support and skill development
for students who require additional instruction in composition and/or beginning algebra.
Transitional studies courses may be offered in various formats, and may be taken separately or
in conjunction with other coursework, provided prerequisites are met. Students requiring
transitional studies must begin this coursework no later than their second session of enrollment
and must continue to enroll in at least one transitional studies course each session of
attendance until all transitional studies requirements have been satisfied. Required transitional
studies coursework may affect program length and cost. Note: Students requiring transitional
studies coursework may not be able to select a minimum-time-to-complete schedule until all
transitional studies course requirements have been fulfilled, which would increase program
completion time. Such students should work with a student support advisor to determine an
appropriate schedule.
Those who have not met these requirements may not be able to self-register for courses until all
transitional studies requirements have been satisfied. Permission to enroll in many standard-
level courses is dependent on successful completion of transitional studies coursework.
Students who cannot self-register should contact a student support advisor to complete the
registration process.
Transitional studies courses may not be applied to elective course requirements.
DeVry reserves the right to limit enrollment of applicants requiring transitional studies
Transitional studies courses are unlikely to transfer to other institutions.
Course Availability and Scheduling
The sequence in which courses are taken may vary based on scheduling needs. Students
should note that not all courses are available every session and at every location, including
online. This may affect the time needed to complete a program, as well as the length of both
normal- and minimum-time-to-complete schedules shown in the Colleges & Programs of Study
Course availability may be affected by enrollment minimums and maximums.
Each student is required to complete a substantial portion of their program online; online course
availability may be subject to enrollment minimums and maximums.
General Education Courses
General education coursework is integral to DeVry curricula and extends the range of learning
while providing a context for specialized study. To this end, communication skills, social
sciences, humanities, and math and science courses are included in the curricula to help
broaden students’ perspectives. Such courses also help develop skills and competencies that
enhance students’ academic success, as well as graduates’ personal and professional potential.
Elective and/or Alternate Courses
DeVry offers some undergraduate-level elective and alternate courses that support each
program’s outcomes and graduation requirements. In consultation with faculty and program
administrators, students may select these courses, as shown in this catalog, as replacements
for recommended courses provided prerequisite requirements and credit hour minimums within
each course area are met (visit the Colleges & Programs of Study section).
Students enrolled in a DeVry associate degree program who plan to complete a corresponding
DeVry bachelor’s degree program must communicate this intention to a student support advisor
prior to enrolling in coursework applicable to the bachelor’s degree program only.
Note: Restrictions on financial aid for elective and/or alternate courses may apply (visit the
Financial Aid Applicability to Elective and/or Alternate Courses section).
Corresponding DeVry Associate and Bachelor’s Degree Programs
Associate Degree Program
Bachelor’s Degree Program(s)
Accounting, Business Administration, Management,
Technical Management
Engineering Technology
Engineering Technology, Technical Management
Health Information Technology
Technical Management
Information Technology & Networking
Computer Information Systems, Engineering Technology,
Information Technology & Networking, Software
Development, Technical Management
Work-Based Learning Experiences
Work-based learning (WBL) opportunities, such as those noted below, provide experiential
learning that augments traditional college coursework. DeVry University evaluates WBL
opportunities and may offer:
Sponsored Projects: These provide academic credit and count toward graduation
requirements typically as part of a senior project or capstone course.
Internships: These may provide credit toward academic program requirements and may
count toward graduation requirements.
Co-ops and Practica: These typically provide credit toward academic program
requirements and apply to graduation. Practica may be graduation requirements for certain
academic programs and may be included in the programs as course requirements.
Apprenticeships, Externships and Service Learning: Generally, these opportunities do
not provide academic credit and as such do not count toward academic program or
graduation requirements, unless components are applied to a course or other academic
Individual WBL program materials and/or contacts may provide programs details, including
information about potential payment.
To participate in WBL experiences, students must submit appropriate documentation, such as
an application; be in good academic standing; meet minimum grade point average and credit
hour requirements for the WBL program; and meet program, employer and/or WBL site
requirements. More information is available from student support advisors.
Accounting Courses
Several DeVry accounting courses integrate learning approaches and materials of Becker
Professional Education, which help prepare students for the world of professional accounting.
Engineering and Information Sciences General Course Requirements
DeVry College of Engineering & Information Sciences programs whether delivered online or
through the blended/hybrid modalityinclude courses that require students to complete hands-
on activities or project work. In addition to completing general programming exercises, all
students must use electronic test equipment; leverage simulation software; and construct
electronic circuits and systems with sensors, digital components, and/or network devices.
Students should note that, among other things, they must have the ability to visually recognize
and manually manipulate electrical components. Students who cannot meet this essential
program requirement cannot graduate.
Healthcare Practicum and Clinical Coursework Requirements
Certain DeVry programs require students to successfully complete practicum or clinical
coursework at an affiliated healthcare site. Before accepting students, such healthcare sites
require a physical exam, proof of freedom from communicable disease, a criminal background
check and/or a drug screen. Random drug screens may be required. Students rejected by a
practicum or clinical site for any reason cannot finish their programs’ required coursework and
therefore cannot graduate.
The capstone practicum course is overseen by a professor who monitors students’ progress in
conjunction with practicum site liaisons. Applicants to, and students in, programs with practicum
or clinical coursework components must comply with DeVry’s requirements for their program.
Failure to fully disclose a criminal record, failure to comply with background and/or drug
screening requirements or failure to have a satisfactory outcome may result in denial of
admission to, or dismissal from, the program.
Healthcare Site Requirements and General Information
Certain DeVry programs may include coursework at an affiliated healthcare site. Before
accepting students, such healthcare sites may require a physical exam, proof of freedom from
communicable disease, a criminal background check and/or a drug screen. Random drug
screens may be required.
Transportation to external healthcare sites, meals at such sites and personal expenses are not
included when calculating students’ annual costs. These expenses vary according to individual
student needs. DeVry attempts to place students at healthcare sites within a 50-mile radius of
their DeVry location; however, distances may be greater.
Employment in Criminal Justice
DeVry applicants and students should note that careers in criminal justice often require
completion of additional government-required or other training programs, or for job applicants to
have significant relevant career-related experience. They should also note that those applying
for criminal justice positions may be subject to pre-employment screenings such as, but not
limited to, criminal background checks, drug and/or alcohol testing, physical and/or
psychological examinations and credit checks. Unsatisfactory screening outcomes may result in
denial of an offer for a position in the field.
Applicants and students should contact their state department of criminal justice to verify
training and education requirements.
Honors Certificate and Coursework
DeVry notifies eligible students that they may apply to the University’s honors certificate
program. Those accepted who successfully complete at least five honors courses earn an
honors certificate.
Successful completion of an honors course is defined as earning a grade of A, B or C. Courses
in which a grade of D is earned do not fulfill honors certificate requirements; however, they may
fulfill program requirements. Courses marked with a plus sign (+) in the Course Descriptions
section are available as honors courses.
Students work with an appropriate academic administrator to select and register for honors
courses appropriate for their programs; self-registration for these courses is restricted.
Students accepted to the honors certificate program must meet specific criteria to remain active
in the program. Students should contact an advisor for more information.
Honors courses are designated on students’ schedules by the standard course number followed
by an “H.” In addition, all completed honors courses appear on students’ transcripts.
Credentials Granted
Students are eligible to receive the credential granted in their chosen program after successfully
completing all course and other requirements for graduation.
Students must meet all location-specific requirements prior to the credential being awarded.
Certificate and degree names may vary by state (visit the Colleges & Programs of Study
Student Services & Support Resources
DeVry University is committed to helping students achieve their education goals. Supporting
students throughout their academic journey is a team of colleagues, including Student Central
leaders, student support advisors (SSAs) and faculty, who can direct students to appropriate
SSAs offer academic and financial advising, and are also available to discuss career plans,
professional services and extracurricular activities. Students can find their assigned SSAs within
the Student Finance tab on their student portal at https://learn.devry.edu/home. Contact
information, including phone number, for a student’s assigned SSA is listed. While each student
has an assigned advisor, any SSA within Student Central may assist the student.
Students may be required to participate in formal academic advising if:
They repeat a course to achieve an adequate grade.
The academic administrator determines a formal intervention might be beneficial to the
Advising may result in a written plan for improvement and follow-up that is agreed upon by the
student and the advisor. Students are encouraged to reach out to faculty for support and
Career Services
Although DeVry does not guarantee employment, career services professionals across the
University assist students and alumni in their career search. Staff members work with students
and alumni on career planning, job interviewing and résumé preparation. Students and alumni
can meet with a career advisor any time by completing an online registration form, after which a
career advisor will schedule an initial consultation. Career services available to students and
alumni include:
Career Coaching: Career coaching assists students and alumni in their career search
by helping them create résumés and cover letters, prepare for interviews, and learn
about networking opportunities and job-seeking strategies. Career coaching includes
one-on-one appointments with career services professionals who focus on an
individuals job search obstacles and develop strategies to help them reach their
employment goals. Appointments occur virtually via phone, web-sharing and email to
ensure flexibility in meeting the needs of students and alumni.
Job Search Platform: DeVry maintains an interactive platform, HireDeVry 2.0, that
contains job opportunities from employers looking to hire for various roles throughout the
United States. This online job search tool provides students and alumni access to active
internship, apprenticeship, remote and full-time opportunities.
Career Events: DeVry Career Services hosts career events throughout the year to help
students and alumni continue their career development, network with each other and
connect with recruiters actively hiring. Events may include career development webinars
hosted by subject matter experts, employer information sessions and virtual career fairs.
Experiential Learning Education: DeVry Career Services communicates the
importance of experiential learning to current students. Career services professionals
focus on identifying unique opportunities that help enable students to apply their
classroom learning in real-world situations. Opportunities include internships, micro-
internships and virtual internships; apprenticeships; volunteer opportunities; and ways in
which students can use their current employment to help expand their program
In addition, resources such as recorded webinars, program-focused career resources and
videos can be accessed via the Career Resources section in HireDeVry 2.0. Resources are
created exclusively for DeVry University students and alumni by DeVry Career Services staff.
DeVry and Keller students and alumni employed by the University are not eligible to receive
career service benefits.
Note: DeVry’s graduate employment statistics are available through the Admissions Office and
via https://www.devry.edu/content/dam/devry_edu/d/EOD_2.0_DVU_20240222.pdf.
StudentLinc Student Assistance Program
To help address everyday issues, DeVry provides a student assistance program at no additional
cost. StudentLinc offers access to expert guidance through:
A licensed clinician, accessible by phone 24/7/365, who can address student concerns such
as work-related pressures, depression, stress, anxiety, grief/loss, relationship problems or
substance abuse.
Consultation with a licensed financial counselor, to help with financial planning.
Convenience resources, such as referrals for child and elder care; home repair and housing
needs; pet care and adoption; and more.
Legal consultation with a local attorney by phone or in-person.
Accessing Support
Students can access support, including self-improvement programs and educational modules;
legal and financial resources; child and elder search engines; and thousands of articles, tip
sheets and videos:
Via DeVry’s student portal
By calling 888.893.546224/7/365
By emailing [email protected]
By texting “support” to 51230
Via live chat, using the eConnect
mobile app or through DeVry’s student portal
Via video chat counseling (desktop or mobile)
Via Textcoach
personalized coaching (desktop or mobile)
Through Animo self-directed modules (desktop or mobile)
Through in-person consultation with a local counselor
StudentLinc’s confidentiality standards ensure students’ privacy, except in cases where there is
imminent threat to the student’s or others’ safety (in such cases, StudentLinc clinicians reach
out to local emergency services to request a well-being check) or as required by law. More
information is available at www.mystudentlinc.com (password: devry) and from DeVry student
support advisors.
Alumni Association
The goal of the Alumni Association of DeVry University and its Keller Graduate School of
Management is to serve and support alumni through benefits, services and programs that
address their professional, academic and social needs. Membership in the Alumni Association
is complimentary to all certificate and degree program graduates of DeVry and Keller. For more
information, visit www.alumni.devry.edu or email [email protected].
Disability Accommodations
Reasonable accommodations are provided to students with disabilities in accordance with
applicable laws. The Office of Student Disability Services can provide additional information
about DeVry’s Nondiscrimination policy and assistance with accommodation requests during the
admission process or after enrollment. To learn more, email [email protected].
DeVry University’s virtual library supports student learning. Students can access library
materials digitally via their personal devices 24/7 from the library website at
http://library.devry.edu/. Resources include periodical and research databases, e-books, full-text
journal articles and information from academic and trade publications. Some DeVry locations
offer a student commons area an open space where students can collaborate, study or
conduct online research. At such locations, library resources can be accessed through a
computer available for student use in the student commons.
DeVry’s professional librarians are available to help students access library resources, search
for information, and provide direction for their research questions. Students can contact
librarians by live chat, email or by calling a dedicated toll-free number. To learn more, visit
http://library.devry.edu/ask-a-librarian.html. A library chatbot is also available to help students
Textbooks, software and required supplies, such as parts and kits for lab projects, are available
from the University’s online bookstore, accessed via the student portal at
https://learn.devry.edu/home or https://my.devry.edu. Supplementary books and supplies may
also be available.
Student Records
All materials submitted in support of students’ applications, including transcripts from other
institutions, letters of reference and related documents, become the property of DeVry
University. During a student’s enrollment, DeVry maintains records that include admission and
attendance information, academic transcripts and other relevant data. Student academic
records are maintained in accordance with DeVry’s academic document retention schedule after
the student is no longer enrolled. Students who wish to review their files must submit a written
request to the registrar. Permanent student records include admission information and
academic transcripts.
Except as required by law, no information regarding attendance, grades or any other aspect of
students’ academic standing will be released to any third party without written student consent.
Official Transcripts
Students are provided an electronic, final transcript at no charge upon graduation. Students and
alumni must submit requests for official transcripts via the student portal. Visit the Official
Transcript Request section.
Document Requests
To obtain student records such as billing statements, diplomas, enrollment agreements,
registration documents and transcripts, students should contact a student support advisor at
877.496.9050. Requests may also be submitted by one of the following methods:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 630.689.4003 (Attn: Document Request)
Mail: DeVry University
Attn: Document Request
4225 Naperville Rd., Ste. 400
Lisle, IL 60532
Admission Requirements
General Admission Requirements
To be granted admission to DeVry University, a prospective undergraduate student should
interview with a DeVry admissions advisor/representative and must complete an application.
Note: DeVry does not accept Ability to Benefit students.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Provide acceptable documentation of high school graduation or the equivalent (e.g., GED
o Students may submit unofficial documentation (such as copies of diplomas or
transcripts). Official documentation must be provided by the end of the second session
of enrollment. Students who do not meet this deadline are dropped from all courses in
which they are enrolled for future sessions and may not enroll until official transcripts are
o Tennessee residents must provide one of the following: a copy of an official high school
transcript; a GED
certificate or the equivalent; or an official transcript of a
postsecondary degree. The postsecondary transcript must include the name of the high
school and the high school graduation date.
Be at least 17 years old on the first day of classes. Documentation may be required.
Meet the English-language-proficiency requirement, if their native language is other than
English. Visit the English-Language-Proficiency Requirement section.
Applicants to a Nevada, New Jersey or New York location must present proof of
immunization against certain diseases as required by state law. Applicants should contact
an admissions advisor/representative for further information. For all states with the proof of
immunization requirement: In the event of an outbreak of disease against which
immunization is required, no exemption or exception from immunization shall be recognized
and exempted persons may be subject to exclusion from school and quarantine.
Meet one of the following criteria (A, B or C):
A. Submit the minimum standardized testing score in both math and English
Minimum Score
SAT Math
ACT Math
SAT Reading
ACT English
B. Present one of the following prior educational experiences:
Transcript demonstrating completion of a qualifying associate degree or higher from
a DeVry-recognized postsecondary institution
Transcript(s) demonstrating completion of at least 12 semester-credit hours of
qualifying college-level work at a DeVry-recognized postsecondary institution(s), with
grades of at least C (70 percent) or a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00
An official score report from the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) with a score
of at least 60 on their Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Note: Applies to active duty military, National Guard and Reserve U.S. military
personnel only. Applicants must complete placement testing to determine initial
course placement.
C. Achieve the following minimum scores on DeVry-administered tests:
Subject Area
Minimum Score
English-Language-Proficiency Admission Requirement
All instruction and services are provided in English.
Applicants must provide documentation of English-language proficiency by submitting one of the
U.S. high school diploma (education completed in English)
GED certificate (education completed in English)
Equivalent of a high school diploma as awarded by the state (education completed in
Documents verifying at least two years’ service in the U.S. military
Documents demonstrating successful completion of a DeVry-recognized intermediate-level
English as a Second Language (ESL) course
Postsecondary transcript verifying completion of 12 semester-credit hours of baccalaureate-
level courses (excluding remedial or developmental courses) with at least a C (70 percent)
average from an institution in which the language of instruction was English; students may
demonstrate that the language of instruction was English by submitting a letter from the
school’s registrar
Postsecondary transcript verifying completion of the equivalent of DeVry’s freshman English
composition course, with a grade of B (80 percent) or higher, from a DeVry-recognized
postsecondary institution or community college
Postsecondary transcript verifying completion of two or more baccalaureate-level English
writing or composition courses with grades of B (80 percent) or higher, from a DeVry-
recognized postsecondary institution or community college
Transcript demonstrating successful completion of secondary or postsecondary education
from a country in which English is identified as the official/primary language, as listed in the
CIA World Factbook
An official letter from the secondary or postsecondary institution attended indicating the
language of instruction was English
An approved international credentials evaluation report indicating the language of instruction
of the institution attended, and/or the program completed, was English
Successful completion of a DeVry-approved SEVP-certified external English language
: For applicants requiring an I-20, DeVry cannot issue a pending letter of
acceptance until the applicant has been accepted into a SEVP-certified language school.
Also, DeVry cannot issue an I-20 until the applicant has successfully completed the IEP or
English language program and DeVry receives documentation indicating completion.
Acceptable test scores from one of the following:
Test Name
TOEFL, IELTS, iTEP and PTE scores are valid for 2 years only.
Undergraduate Score
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) paper based
TOEFL computer based
TOEFL internet based
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) overall
band score
iTEP (International Test of English Proficiency) Academic-Plus
PTE (Pearson Test of English) Academic
Tests aligned to the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR), such as:
Oxford Tutorial College Certificate (Oxford TCC)
Skills for English
McCann ELL Tests
International applicants requiring an I-20 may not take DeVry-
administered McCann ELL Tests
ELL Grammar
ELL Reading
ELL Listening
Special Admission Requirements
In addition to meeting all regular admission requirements, students included in the categories
below must adhere to the following requirements.
Program-Specific Requirements
Medical Billing & Coding, Website Development and Website Design Programs:
Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in composition beyond transitional studies or
successfully complete BUSN062 in their first session. The Math placement exam is not
required for these programs. Required transitional studies coursework may affect program
length and cost.
Technical Management Program: Applicants must have successfully completed at least
12 semester-credit hours at a recognized postsecondary institution, or they must hold a
DeVry-recognized associate degree or higher. Note: Admission to the Technical
Management program does not require prior college credit for those enrolled at a New
Jersey location.
Business Administration Program Applicants – General Business Option Plan II:
Applicants must have earned a business-related credential approved by DeVry for
articulation. Credentials that are considered:
o A three-year bachelor of commerce or bachelor of business administration degree that is
recognized by an appropriate agency in India.
o A higher national diploma recognized by an appropriate agency.
Home-Schooled Applicant Requirements
Home-schooled applicants must provide one of the following:
Home school portfolio and letter from provider affirming achievement through high school as
required by state of residence and include a brief school profile description indicating the
school’s location and contact information
Transcript from state-approved home school organization
Home school transcript from state-approved organization, acceptable home school portfolio,
or home school documentation based on published state equivalents
Note: Documents submitted satisfy both unofficial and official proof of graduation
International Applicants
In addition to meeting all regular admission requirements, international applicants who require
an I-20 from DeVry and were not recruited by a DeVry University-recognized agent must
provide official proof of graduation prior to receiving an admission decision. This deadline for
these applicants cannot be extended.
The University provides support for foreign students needing F-1 Visas by issuing the I-20, if
requirements are met, and sponsoring students while they are attending their specific academic
program for the duration of their F-1 Visa. International applicants are responsible for applying
for their visa and for all associated fees to be paid by the student directly to the Student
Exchange and Visitor Program (SEVP).
Applicants who have completed schooling outside of the United States must have their
credentials evaluated by DeVry or an approved credentials evaluation agency, if DeVry
evaluators are unable to evaluate the documents. Additionally, documents must be translated
into English by a certified translator, which may require review by an approved educational
credentials evaluation agency at the applicant’s expense.
In some cases, DeVry may require an applicant’s foreign credentials to be evaluated by a
specific agency. If it is determined that an additional evaluation is required, DeVry will pay for
the expense.
Note: International applicants recruited by recognized agents must provide certified copies of
acceptable documents demonstrating the required level of prior education before the end of the
second session of enrollment.
Nonmatriculated Applicant Requirements
Applicants who wish to enroll without seeking a degree are considered nonmatriculated
students. These applicants must submit an application and complete a nonmatriculated student
enrollment agreement. They must also meet all other admission requirements, but are exempt
from placement testing if they have been evaluated as adequate by an appropriate academic
administrator as meeting admissions requirements based on prior experience. Matriculating
students who failed to meet DeVry’s standards of academic progress may not enroll as
nonmatriculated students. Enrollment with nonmatriculated status is limited to course attempts
totaling 24 semester-credit hours. Nonmatriculated students are not eligible for Dean’s List
recognition, career services, housing assistance, part-time-employment assistance, federal or
state financial aid, or veterans education benefits.
Rescinding Admission
Applicants who submit documents that are forged, fraudulent, altered, obtained inappropriately,
materially incomplete or otherwise deceptive may be denied admission or have their admission
rescinded. Misconduct of those already enrolled when a fraudulent document is discovered is
adjudicated using procedures specified in the Code of Conduct and may result in rescission of
admission; revocation of a financial aid award; and/or in permanent expulsion from all DeVry
institutions, including other DeVry University locations. Students whose admission is rescinded
remain responsible for fulfilling financial obligations to any DeVry institution; federal, state and
local governments; and private loan providers.
Post Admission Application
Once the application is submitted, applicants are notified of their admission acceptance or
denial in writing. DeVry reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant and to change
entrance requirements without prior notice. The University reserves the right to refuse
admission or readmission to any applicant or student when it is deemed in the best interest of
the University to do so or if the University determines the applicant may not be able to benefit
from the University’s instruction. Students wishing to be readmitted into the University may be
required to submit an appeal or documentation. Admission to the University does not constitute
automatic continuation in future semesters. The University reserves the right to refuse
admission or continuation to any student.
Additionally, students should be aware of the following:
Course Placement
Foundations Coursework: Applicants who do not qualify for admission may be offered
focused foundational coursework to strengthen required skills. Successful completion of this
coursework provides an additional opportunity to qualify for admission. There is no tuition
charge for this coursework. Foundations courses are unlikely to transfer to other institutions.
Applicants unable to participate in foundations coursework may consult with Registrar
Services regarding approval for external alternative coursework.
Transitional Studies Coursework: Transitional studies coursework provides individualized
intensive support and skill development for students who require additional instruction in
composition and/or beginning algebra. Students requiring transitional studies coursework
must begin this coursework no later than their second session of enrollment and must
continue to enroll in at least one transitional studies course each session of attendance until
all such requirements have been satisfied. Transitional studies courses may affect program
length and cost and are unlikely to transfer to other institutions. In selected courses,
additional focused diagnostic testing may occur at the beginning of the course. This may
result in the student being required to enroll in coursework at the immediately prior
proficiency level or receiving permission to enroll at the next higher level. Note: Students
requiring transitional studies coursework may not be able to select a minimum-time-to-
complete schedule until all transitional studies course requirements have been fulfilled,
which would increase program completion time. Such students should work with a student
support advisor to determine an appropriate schedule.
Program Coursework: Applicants whose demonstrated proficiency in college-level skills
indicates they are prepared to enroll directly into their program’s standard coursework
without any preceding transitional studies coursework are referred to as placing at the
standard level.
Transfer Credit
Applicants with prior college credit must present transcripts indicating all previous work.
Students requesting transfer credit must submit official transcripts before credit is awarded. An
unofficial transcript may be submitted for evaluation pending receipt of official transcripts. Visit
the Prior Learning Credit section for more information.
Academic Policies & Graduation Requirements
Grade Point System and Grade Point Averages
GPAs are computed by dividing total grade points by total credit hours for which grades A, B, C,
D and F are received. For each course, grade points are calculated by multiplying course credit
hours by the grade index points corresponding to the grade earned. Three GPAs are maintained
on student records:
The term GPA (TGPA) is calculated at the end of each session.
The semester GPA (SGPA) is calculated at the end of the semester/student-centric period
and represents the GPA for work completed in a given semester only.
Overall academic standing is stated in terms of a cumulative GPA (CGPA), which is
calculated at the end of each session and is based on all grades and credit hours earned to
date as a DeVry undergraduate student. The CGPA, the GPA upon which award conferral is
based, becomes fixed at graduation.
All GPAs exclude grades earned in non-GPA courses.
Non-GPA Credit
The following appear on students’ transcripts but are omitted from GPA calculations:
Prerequisite skills courses
Courses graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis
Zero-credit-hour courses
Audited courses
If students are required to take a non-GPA course, credit is considered when determining
students’ academic level and progress.
Grades and Designators
DeVry uses the grading system outlined below. Designators indicate academic action rather
than grades and are not included when computing academic averages. Grades are posted and
made available via the student portal at the end of each session. Final grades are based on the
percentage equivalent in the chart below and are not rounded to the next higher letter grade.
Term, semester and cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) are calculated at the end of the
session. Academic honors and academic progress evaluations including academic standing
are calculated at the completion of each student’s semester/student-centric period. GPAs are
calculated using grades from undergraduate-level courses taken at DeVry University only.
Grades and designators are assigned as follows:
Percentage Equivalent
Grade Index Points
100% to 90.0%
<90.0% to 80.0%
<80.0% to 70.0%
<70.0% to 60.0%
<60.0% to 0.0%
* C and D are not assigned in certain transitional studies and early term courses. In these
courses a grade of F is assigned for work below 80 percent. A grade of D is not assigned in
certain other such courses, where a grade of F is assigned for work below 70 percent. Course
descriptions note the grading system for each course having one of these conditions.
Course Audit
In Progress
Portfolio Assessment
Proficiency Credit
Transfer Credit
Withdrawal (prior to official withdrawal deadline)
Grade of F Failing
A student who receives an F in a required course must repeat and pass the course, or receive
transfer credit for the course, prior to graduation. The failed DeVry course is included in grade
point averages (GPAs); however, if the student passes the course or receives transfer credit,
the cumulative GPA (CGPA) is adjusted accordingly (visit the Grade Point System and Grade
Point Averages section). Additionally, the F is excluded from the term and semester GPAs for
the session and semester in which the F was received.
Designator of AU Course Audit
Students who wish to audit courses must receive approval to do so from the appropriate
academic administrator prior to the beginning of the session. Tuition and fees are charged for
audited courses; however, financial aid may not be applied to audited courses. Thus, changing
to audit status may affect financial aid awards. Academic engagement is required. If, in
professors’ opinions, audit students do not fulfill the above obligations, audit status may be
revoked, and students may be removed from class.
Not all courses are eligible for audit status.
Designator of EX Exemption
An EX designator signifies block transfer credit was awarded (visit the Credit for Previous
College Coursework Block Transfer Credit for Eligible Associate Degree Holders section).
Designator of I Incomplete
An I designator signifies that required coursework was not completed during the session of
Incompletes are granted in exceptional situations only, such as when illness or work-related
travel is documented and when substantial course requirements have already been completed.
All required work must be completed and submitted to the professor by Sunday of week 2 of the
subsequent session. The I must be converted to a letter grade A through F, or to an S or U
designator, as determined by the course grading scale.
Designators of I are counted in attempted hours but are not counted in any GPA computations.
If course requirements are not satisfied by the deadline, the I is converted to an F. When an I is
converted to a final grade for the course, the grade is applied to the session in which the student
took the course. The GPA is then recalculated for that session, resulting in different term,
semester and cumulative GPAs.
An I in a prerequisite course does not satisfy the course requirement; thus, the student is
administratively dropped from the course for which the prerequisite course was required.
Students are notified of dropped courses by email. A reduction in enrolled hours may affect
financial aid eligibility and/or awards.
An I may be assigned only when all the following conditions are met:
The student has been making satisfactory progress in the course, as determined by the
The student is unable to complete some coursework because of unusual circumstances
beyond personal control. The student must submit a Request for Course Incomplete form
and obtain approval from the professor and the appropriate academic administrator prior to
the grade roster deadline.
Designator of PLA Portfolio Assessment
PLA designators signify proficiency credit awarded for portfolio assessment (visit the Portfolio
Assessment section.
Designator of PR Proficiency Credit
A PR designator indicates proficiency credit awarded for various types of prior learning for which
transfer credit (T) or portfolio assessment credit (PLA) is not awarded, including:
Military coursework and training
Professional certifications and training
External standardized exams
DeVry-administered challenge exams
Designator of S Satisfactory
An S designator is awarded for satisfactory completion of a course graded on a
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. Courses graded on this basis are noted in course
Designator of T Transfer Credit
A T designator is awarded for applicable prior college credit.
Designator of U Unsatisfactory
A U designator is awarded for unsatisfactory completion of a course graded on a
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. Courses graded on this basis are noted in course
Designator of W Course Withdrawal
A W designator signifies withdrawal from the course and appears on transcripts of students who
attend all courses during the add/drop period and then withdraw from a course or courses, or
who are administratively withdrawn from a course or courses because of an academic
engagement violation.
Students who remain enrolled in a course or courses after the course drop deadline and wish to
withdraw from a course or courses must contact a student support advisor or an appropriate
academic administrator.
Students may withdraw at any time prior to the withdrawal deadline, which is Friday of week 7 at
11:59 pm MT.
Missing Grades
Term GPAs or semester GPAs (when applicable), and academic standing, are not calculated for
students with missing grades for the session.
Grade Changes
Grade changes (including converting Incompletes to final grades, and changes resulting from
student appeals and retroactive grade changes) affect the most recently calculated academic
standing. In addition:
If a DeVry course is repeated, the highest grade earned is used for computing the CGPA.
Withdrawal from a course being repeated does not affect GPAs.
If the student completes a DeVry course for which transfer credit was awarded, and grades
earned for each course were the same, the DeVry grade is used in any applicable GPA
If a student completes a DeVry course for which an equivalent course was previously or
subsequently awarded transfer credit, and the grade for the transferred course is higher, the
grade earned at DeVry is excluded from GPA calculations.
Grade Appeals
Students who want to appeal their final grade from a specific course must contact their
professor by Sunday of week 4 of the session immediately following the session in which they
took the course. If issues remain unresolved after reviewing the grade with the professor,
students may appeal the grade by submitting a request to the appropriate academic
administrator, or to a student support advisor for routing. The academic administrator will review
the appeal and make a decision on the outcome, which can result in a final grade that may
increase, decrease or stay the same.
Grade appeal requests must be made during the session immediately following the session in
which students were enrolled in the course. Grade changes beyond the time allotted for the
grade appeal process must be of an unusual nature and are considered exceptional. Exceptions
must be approved by the appropriate academic administrator. Grade changes are not permitted
after the award of a degree or certificate except for legitimate grade changes within the allotted
grade appeal time period (visit the Retroactive Grade Changes section).
Retroactive Grade Changes
Under certain circumstances, a grade may be changed retroactively. A retroactive grade change
The TGPA, SGPA and CGPA for the session and semester in which the course was taken.
The CGPA for each session and semester after the course was taken.
Academic standing for the most recently completed semester only.
A student’s eligibility for financial aid for the current semester at the point the official
academic record is changed.
A retroactive grade change does not affect financial aid awards for semesters that concluded
prior to the change to the academic record.
Prior Learning Credit
Upon the University’s evaluation, students with qualifying previous prior learning may receive
credit toward graduation. As appropriate, the University awards credit for:
Previous college coursework
Military coursework and training experience
Portfolio Assessment
Professional certifications and training
Additionally, to facilitate ease of transferring credits among institutions, the University maintains
articulation agreements with many DeVry-recognized two- and four-year colleges and
universities, as well as with entities such as the military. Applicable course equivalencies
resulting from these agreements are reflected on students’ transfer credit evaluations.
Information on agreements maintained by DeVry is available via
Transfer and/or proficiency credits that satisfy graduation requirements are considered when
determining a student’s academic level and progress; however, these credits are not used when
computing GPAs. Neither transfer nor proficiency credit is granted for the following, which must
be completed at DeVry:
COLL148, Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
LAS432, Technology, Society, and Culture
Senior project courses
Internship courses
Courses with the CARD designator
Prior learning credit does not satisfy DeVry’s residency requirement. Prior learning credit
maximums are also subject to DeVry’s residency requirement for the chosen program; state-
specific requirements may apply (visit the General Graduation Requirements All Students
Additional restrictions may apply (visit the Portfolio Assessment section).
Students who receive transfer or proficiency credit for a course are not automatically granted
associated credit for lower-level, prerequisite and/or corequisite courses.
Acceptance of transfer courses and award of transfer credit neither imply nor ensure that all
transfer credit will fully apply to students’ chosen programs. Transfer courses must have been
completed with grades of C (70 percent) or better.
Transferability of credit may be limited by programmatic accreditation and/or state requirements.
Credit for Previous College Coursework All Students
An applicant seeking to transfer credit from another institution must request a credit evaluation
prior to beginning the first class at DeVry and must provide an official transcript from the
institution where the credit was earned. DeVry may require a catalog or additional material or, if
credits were earned at a foreign institution, a credit evaluation by an approved external
evaluation service. A maximum of 80 DeVry credit hours may be awarded for lower-division or
community college courses. Transfer credit maximums are also subject to DeVry’s residency
requirement for the chosen program (visit the General Graduation Requirements All Students
section). Students attending DeVry who seek to earn credit at another institution for transfer to
DeVry must have approval to do so in advance from a DeVry academic administrator (visit the
Grade Point System and Grade Point Averages section).
Students may request a transcript evaluation via www.devry.edu/admissions/college-transfer-
students.html. Additionally, DeVry admissions advisors/representatives and student support
advisors are available to assist students with transfer credit evaluation requests.
Credit for Previous College Coursework Block Transfer Credit for Eligible Associate
Degree Holders
DeVry offers qualifying associate degree holders the opportunity to transfer a 60-credit-hour
block toward a DeVry bachelor’s degree program through its Transfer Advantage60 Pledge,
which provides the following transfer credit options:
Standardized Block Credit Transfer for Eligible AA and AS Graduates: Applicants who
meet all the following requirements are eligible to transfer credits earned in the associate
degree program to DeVry bachelor’s degree program in Accounting, Business
Administration or Technical Management:
o Hold an associate of arts or associate of science degree from a DeVry-recognized
postsecondary institution
o Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale)
o Meet all other DeVry admission requirements
o Have selected a DeVry bachelor’s degree program that directly parallels the associate
degree and area of specialization.
Applicants should note that:
o Block credit awards vary by program and by state.
o Evidence of completion of specific math and English coursework is required.
o Additional coursework may be required to meet course prerequisites and/or to meet
state-specific requirements for degree conferral; additional coursework may increase
program length and cost.
o Academic plans are revised for students who transfer programs while at DeVry.
o Exemptions are applied for courses within the block of transfer credit awarded to eligible
students (visit the Designator of EX Exemption section).
o Restrictions on application of block credit transfer may apply for those who hold
international credentials/transcripts.
More information is available from DeVry admissions advisors/representatives.
Customized Block Credit Transfer: Applicants whose associate degree programs do not
qualify them for the standardized block credit transfer may be eligible for customized block
credit transfer toward DeVry’s bachelor’s degree program in Technical Management.
Transfer guides that provide this block credit transfer opportunity include typical distributions
of credit. However, each applicant’s prior credits are evaluated individually to determine
applicability to a customized block of credit. Note: Transfer guides may include programs
not typically included in block credit. Those interested in transferring to DeVry should consult
their associate degree academic or transfer advisor or contact a DeVry admissions
More information is also available in DeVry’s Transfer Guides.
Note: An applicant whose associate-degree-granting institution does not participate in Transfer
Advantage60 (TA60) may be eligible for block credit based on an individual evaluation.
Credit for Military Coursework and Training Experience
Military coursework and educational experiences are evaluated based on American Council on
Education (ACE) recommendations, which may indicate that military coursework and
educational experiences qualify for either transfer credit or proficiency credit. Additional
information on workforce and military training recommendations is available via the National
Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training and the ACE Military Guide Online, respectively.
DeVry University is proud to have a partnership with the Air University Associate to
Baccalaureate Cooperative (AU-ABC) program. The AU-ABC program connects students and
graduates of the Community College of the Air Force Associate in Applied Science (CCAF AAS)
to accredited civilian academic institutions that offer online/distance learning educational
opportunities at the baccalaureate level.
Members of the U.S. Air Force with a CCAF AAS degree are eligible for DeVry University’s
Bachelor of Science in Technical Management (BSTM) program. Completed CCAF associate
degrees fulfill up to 60 credit hours of BSTM program requirements. CCAF graduates complete
the remainder of the program, typically 62 credit hours, at DeVry.
Additional information on credit for military coursework and training experience is available from
DeVry admissions advisors/representatives.
Portfolio Assessment
DeVry University offers currently enrolled students the opportunity to earn college credit for prior
learning through portfolio assessment. To be eligible to submit a portfolio for assessment,
students must complete a portfolio development course at DeVry, which guides them through
the process of preparing and submitting a portfolio. Successful portfolios demonstrate
achievement of course learning outcomes for specific DeVry courses and are awarded
proficiency credit.
Portfolio Assessment Eligibility
To be eligible for credit, students must:
Demonstrate basic English-language proficiency in one of the following ways:
o Standard placement in English by means of DeVry-administered testing, eligible ACT or
SAT English scores or acceptable grades in qualifying college-level coursework; or
o Transfer of academic credit equivalent to ENGL112; or
o Successful completion of ENGL112.
Reside in the United States. (This includes international students on an F-1 visa; however,
proficiency credit hours do not count toward minimum credit hours required to be considered
Submit an application to a student support advisor (SSA) while enrolled and attending
classes as matriculated students in undergraduate coursework for the current session and
prior to the final term of enrollment.
Submit transcripts from all previously attended postsecondary institutions and request
transfer credit prior to submitting the application.
Verify with an SSA that the course or courses for which portfolio assessment credit is being
sought applies to their program requirements.
Have satisfied DeVry University residency requirements or have enough required DeVry
coursework remaining to satisfy residency requirements after portfolio assessment credit
has been awarded.
Portfolio Assessment Policies
Students pursuing portfolio assessment credit must adhere to the following University policies:
The first portfolio must be submitted no later than 90 days after enrolling in the portfolio
development course.
Prior to submitting each additional portfolio, students must submit a Portfolio Assessment
Request form to an SSA.
Students have one attempt to seek portfolio assessment credit for each DeVry course.
Students may not appeal portfolio review decisions.
Students may not seek portfolio assessment credit for a:
o DeVry University course previously attempted, regardless of the grade or designator
assigned to the attempt.
o DeVry University course in which they are currently enrolled.
o Course equivalent to one for which they have already earned credit.
Portfolio assessment credit does not waive prerequisite or corequisite requirements
associated with the credited course; prerequisite and corequisite course credits must be
earned independently.
Portfolio assessment credit is treated as proficiency credit and is limited by the residency
requirement (visit the General Graduation Requirements All Students section) and
applicable state limitations noted below.
Partial credit is not awarded for portfolio submissions.
Students are responsible for ensuring they are not enrolled in a course for which they intend
to seek portfolio assessment credit. DeVry will not refund tuition to students who pay for
such a course.
Students should note that portfolio assessment may not be available for certain courses. More
information is available from a student support advisor.
Students in the following states should note the limitations below:
California: Students may receive a maximum of 15 semester-credit hours of experiential
learning credit for the first 60 credit hours of their program and an additional 15 semester-
credit hours of experiential learning credit for the second 60 credit hours of their program.
Florida: Students may receive a maximum of 25 percent of the total semester-credit hours
required in their degree program through portfolio assessment credit.
Oregon: Students may receive a maximum of 25 percent of the total semester-credit hours
required in their degree program through credit for a combination of Advanced Placement
exams, challenge exams and portfolio assessment credit.
Texas: Students may receive a maximum of 15 semester-credit hours of portfolio
assessment credit.
Virginia: Students may receive a maximum of 30 percent of the total semester-credit hours
required in their degree program through portfolio assessment.
Credit for Professional Certifications and Training
As appropriate, DeVry applies proficiency credit for professional certifications and training
toward students’ program requirements. To determine appropriate application of proficiency
credit, DeVry uses guidelines established by the American Council on Education (ACE). The
University does not accept courses completed at the vocational level. Certain restrictions apply.
Students may be eligible for proficiency credit if they hold current, specific industry-recognized
professional licenses or certificates such as, but not limited to:
Certain Cisco certifications
Certain CompTIA certifications
Certain Microsoft certifications
RHIT Certification
Students may also be eligible for proficiency credit if they have successfully completed certain
specialized training such as Cisco Networking Academy coursework. Documentation of
certifications and licenses must be provided and validated prior to evaluation. DeVry admissions
advisors/ representatives and student support advisors are available to assist students in this
Credit by Examination
Students may earn proficiency credit for a course by successfully completing one of the
DeVry University Challenge Exam: Students may wish to attempt a challenge exam if they
feel course material has been mastered, either through coursework completed outside
DeVry for which transfer credit cannot be given or through self-study. Students who have
never been enrolled in the course at DeVry and have not previously attempted the challenge
exam may request a challenge exam by contacting a student support advisor. Students can
receive proficiency credit for a course when they score 80 percent or higher on a challenge
exam. Proficiency credit is not included in grade point averages. Note: Challenge exams are
not available for all courses.
External Standardized Exam: Students may qualify to receive proficiency credit for a
course by successfully completing a nationally recognized exam such as:
o Advanced Placement (AP) test
o College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test
o DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST)
o International Baccalaureate (IB) exam
o American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) course or exam
Detailed information on applicability of these external standardized exams to students’ programs
is available at www.devry.edu/admissions/college-transfer-students.html.
Prior Learning Credit Veterans
Evaluation of previous postsecondary education and training is mandatory for VA
beneficiaries. DeVry grants appropriate credit, reduces program length proportionately, notifies
students and Veterans Affairs in writing of this decision, and adjusts invoicing to the VA
accordingly for students using veterans benefits and approved for transfer credit as a result of
this evaluation.
DeVry maintains a written record of previous undergraduate and graduate education completed
by veterans and all persons eligible for veterans benefits. A copy of official transcripts used to
evaluate transfer credit is maintained in each student’s permanent record. This record, required
for transfer-credit review, clearly indicates when appropriate transfer credit has been given. A
veteran enrolled in a DeVry University course for which credit has already been earned at a
University-recognized institution cannot include that course in the total hours reported to the
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of prior credit
eligible for transfer.
New Jersey Statewide Reverse Transfer Agreement
DeVry University participates in the New Jersey Statewide Reverse Transfer Agreement.
Reverse transfers allow eligible students to apply DeVry University credits to complete their
New Jersey community college associate degree. Students who transferred to DeVry before
completing their associate degree at a New Jersey community college may be eligible for
reverse transfer; additional eligibility requirements apply.
Students who are interested should contact a student support advisor for information about
eligibility requirements and the process to send their DeVry transcripts to their community
Internal Transfers
Note: Credit transferability may vary based on programmatic accreditation and/or state
All students intending to transfer from one program and/or DeVry location to another must:
Apply for permission to transfer.
Meet all admission requirements of the intended program and location.
Meet all graduation requirements for the intended program and location in order to graduate.
Program Transfers
Students wanting to change their primary program must submit a program transfer request to
the registrar prior to registering in coursework in the new program. Program transfers requested
by Sunday of week 1 of the session are effective that session; requests after week 1 of the
session are effective the subsequent session. Program transfers are not applicable to sessions
already completed.
Financial aid eligibility for coursework not applicable to the current program may be limited (visit
the Financial Aid Applicability to Elective and/or Alternate Courses section). Students should
contact a student support advisor for more information.
Program transfers may result in students having to take additional coursework to fulfill
graduation requirements of the new program. Students transferring programs may be required
to sign an enrollment agreement addendum before beginning classes in the new program and
are evaluated for admission and placement under the new program’s admission requirements.
Location Transfers
Students requesting a location transfer must submit the Request for Home Location Update
form to the registrar. Students approved for transfer must meet all graduation requirements of
the intended state, based on their residence, in order to graduate. Students on financial aid
probation (academic probation) or disciplinary probation remain on probation after the transfer.
Note: Students who relocate while enrolled at DeVry University may be unable to complete their
program if relocating to a state where DeVry is not authorized to offer a particular program.
Prospective students should contact their admissions advisor/representative to discuss how
relocation could affect their ability to complete their program; current students should contact a
student support advisor if they are considering relocating during their course of study.
Note: There may be consequences, such as ineligibility for financial aid, for applicants and
students who relocate to a state where DeVry is not authorized. There may also be program
limitations, even in states where DeVry is authorized; applicants/students may not be able to
apply to, continue in or transfer to a particular program, as not all programs may be approved by
a state authorization agency. Visit the State Authorization section for additional information.
Transfers to Other Institutions
Course credits are not guaranteed to transfer to other schools. Acceptance of credits is subject
to the receiving institution’s requirements.
Note to California residents concerning transferability of credits and credentials earned
at our institution: The transferability of credits you earn at DeVry University is at the complete
discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the academic
credential you earn in your program of study is also at the complete discretion of the institution
to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits or academic credential that you earn at this
institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required
to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason, you should make
certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include
contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending DeVry University to
determine if your credits or academic credential will transfer.
Note: Certain DeVry courses are specifically tailored to meet the needs of DeVry students;
credits earned in these courses may not transfer in full to other institutions.
Registration and Course Scheduling
Registration is the process of enrolling in and paying for a course. Students are encouraged to
register online at https://learn.devry.edu/home. They can also contact a student support advisor
to complete the registration process. Student Central colleagues may register students prior to
the start of the session and through week 1.
Students must submit official high school or baccalaureate academic transcripts by the end of
their second session of enrollment. Students who do not meet this deadline are dropped from all
courses in which they are enrolled for future sessions. Until official transcripts are received,
such students may not enroll.
Students whose DeVry University accounts are past due may not be permitted to register until
their accounts are current or until they have made satisfactory payment arrangements.
Students can request to add or drop a course through Sunday of week 1.
Self-registration is the process of accessing the student information system and registering for a
course or courses and/or dropping a course or courses. Students can self-register via
https://learn.devry.edu/home. Students may not drop all courses for the session via self-
Those who have not completed required transitional studies coursework may not be able to self-
register for courses until all transitional studies courses have been successfully completed.
Permission to enroll in many standard courses is dependent on successful completion of such
Students who need registration assistance should contact a student support advisor.
Enrollment Status
Enrollment status is determined separately for each semester and is based on all courses in
which the student was enrolled during the two sessions comprising the student’s
semester/student-centric period (SCP). Enrollment status is determined as of the first scheduled
class in the student’s earliest session (first day of the earliest session for online students).
Enrollment status is not affected by the date of application.
Enrollment status is determined as follows:
Credit Hours Enrolled
Per Semester/SCP
Enrollment Status
12 or more
Full time
Three-quarter time
Half time
Less than 6*
Less than half time
* Students enrolled in courses that do not carry credit hours are also considered enrolled less
than half time.
Students who change their enrollment status also change their financial aid status, which may
impact eligibility for financial aid.
Note: The Department of Homeland Security requires F-1 students to maintain a full course of
study in their program. Exceptions to this requirement must be approved and updated in the
student’s Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) record prior to a change in
enrollment (visit the student handbook for more information). To maintain a full course of study,
at least 12 credit hours per semester, students must enroll in no more than three credit hours in
an online course and no fewer than nine credit hours in onsite courses. Additionally, F-1
students must enroll in at least one onsite course each eight-week session.
Course Loads
Students in good standing may register for as many as 12 semester-credit hours per session.
Students may not register for more than the allowed semester-credit hours. Students whose
academic histories indicate academic difficulties may be required to take a reduced academic
Repeated Courses
A course can be repeated two times only. Thus, a given course can be taken three times at
most (i.e., the first attempt of the course and two repeats of the same course). A student may
repeat a course once without permission. The third attempt must be approved by the
appropriate academic administrator; subsequent attempts are not permitted (visit the Standards
of Academic Progress section). If a course is repeated, the highest grade earned is used for
computing the CGPA. Withdrawal from a course being repeated does not affect the CGPA.
If the repeated course was previously completed with a D or higher, the course can be taken
one additional time only and be counted toward the student’s enrollment status for federal
financial aid purposes. Subsequent attempts will not be counted toward the student’s enrollment
status and may result in a reduction of financial aid awards.
Prior to registering for a course previously attempted, students should contact a student support
advisor to determine how their financial assistance may be affected.
Note: Certain courses may not be repeated. Course descriptions for such courses note this
restriction (visit the Course Descriptions section).
Additional Registration Requirements for International Students
Certain international students may be required to provide a statement of financial support or a
sponsor letter indicating that tuition will be paid in advance of each semester and that a sponsor
will provide all necessary living expenses for the international student. (Form I-134 may be
used.) Most international students cannot receive U.S. federal financial assistance, nor can they
work legally in the United States without appropriate permission.
Academic Engagement
Academic engagement is active participation by a student in an instructional activity related to
the student’s course of study as defined by academic events (visit the Academic Events
section). Academic engagement is directly tied to academic performance; therefore, regular
academic engagement is required. Students may be withdrawn from DeVry or from individual
courses for academic engagement violations.
This academic catalog is available on DeVry University’s website and includes the academic
engagement policy, which serves as notification to students of the policy. Students must adhere
to the policy and check for revisions each semester. Students who may not be able to meet
policy requirements should contact their professor or an academic dean as soon as possible.
Nonmatriculated students must adhere to DeVry’s academic engagement policy.
DeVry does not have a leave-of-absence policy for its students.
Academic Events
Academic events are recorded for the purpose of determining academic engagement status.
Academic engagement is monitored via academic events as defined below.
In an online course, an academic event is the submission of a class assignment,
participation in a discussion and/or activity, or completion of an assessment.
In a blended/hybrid course, inclusive of connected classrooms, an academic event is the
submission of a class assignment, participation in a discussion and/or activity, completion of
an assessment or attendance/participation in the scheduled onsite class meeting.
Academic Engagement Drops
Students who never complete an academic event during the first two weeks of the session are
dropped and precluded from requesting an extension. Students dropped from all courses
because of lack of academic engagement are also dropped from courses in which they are
enrolled for future sessions.
Academic and Professional Conduct
Students have a responsibility to maintain both the academic and professional integrity of the
University, and to meet the highest standards of academic and professional conduct. Students
are expected to do their own work on exams, class preparation and assignments, and to
conduct themselves professionally when interacting with fellow students, faculty and staff.
Students must also make equitable contributions to both the quality and quantity of work
performed on group projects.
Academic and/or professional misconduct is subject to disciplinary action, including being
placed on financial aid probation (academic probation), failing a graded course component,
failing a course or being suspended or permanently expelled. Student academic misconduct
includes, but is not limited to:
Exams/quizzes using unauthorized notes, looking at classmates’ test papers or providing
others with answers during exams/quizzes (including online exams/quizzes)
Course assignments/projects collaborating with others on assignments intended to be
completed independently or submitting another student’s work as one’s own
Research reports plagiarizing (using others’ ideas, words, expressions or findings without
acknowledging the source)
Online coursework submitting work or threaded discussions under false pretenses or not
in conformance with professor or DeVry authorship policies
Professional misconduct includes, but is not limited to, displaying disruptive behavior; using
offensive verbal and/or written language, including symbols and emojis, during class
participation or in electronic communication to faculty, staff and/or other students; bribing or
threatening faculty, staff and/or other students; falsifying student records; attempting to
improperly influence professors or University officials; and willfully or recklessly transferring
computer viruses.
Last Date of Attendance
Academic engagement is monitored for all eight weeks of the session and recorded daily based
on each academic event to ensure the last date of attendance is available for the purpose of
determining the timeframe of attendance as well as the amounts of earned and unearned
financial aid.
For online courses, academic events are tracked for the purpose of determining the last date of
For blended/hybrid courses, each scheduled class meeting is considered an academic event for
the purpose of determining the last date of attendance.
Academic Engagement Warning
Students who do not complete an academic event for seven consecutive calendar days are sent
an academic engagement warning notifying them that they will be withdrawn if they do not
complete an academic event for 14 consecutive calendar days.
Students withdrawn from all courses because of lack of academic engagement are also
dropped from courses in which they are enrolled for future sessions.
Academic Engagement Extension
Students may request a seven-day extension in which to complete an academic event by
submitting a request to their professor. Students are limited to one extension request for each
course during the session.
Students withdrawn for violating the academic engagement policy who have extraordinary and
documented circumstances may request reinstatement by providing a written request to an
appropriate academic administrator.
Unsuccessful Completion
Unsuccessful completion is any designator of W, F, U or I. Students who are enrolled in one or
more courses in their payment period and have not successfully completed their courses are
considered withdrawn for Title IV purposes and must have a return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation
If a student is considered withdrawn for Title IV purposes, the final earned grade is included in
the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) calculation, as appropriate (visit the Standards of
Academic Progress section).
Payment Period
The payment period is a period of enrollment for Title IV purposes. The payment period at
DeVry is the student-centric period (visit the Student-Centric Period section), which is the
student’s semester.
Make-Up Work
A student is responsible for all work missed because of an academic engagement extension
and must contact the professor for make-up work.
Withdrawal from a Course
Students may withdraw from a course by making a formal request. Withdrawal requests must be
communicated to a student support advisor or to an appropriate academic administrator,
verbally, by email or by submitting a request via the student portal. Students who inquire about
a withdrawal are contacted to confirm their intention to withdraw. Students inquiring about
withdrawing who cannot be reached, or who do not respond, regarding their inquiry are
withdrawn from their course if they have not academically engaged in the course in accordance
with DeVry’s academic engagement policy (visit the Academic Engagement section). In
addition, withdrawal requests for students who attend a blended/hybrid course, or who
participate in an online course, after submitting and/or confirming a withdrawal request are
considered to have revoked their withdrawal request.
Students withdrawn from all courses because of lack of academic engagement are dropped
from courses in which they are enrolled for future sessions.
The withdrawal deadline is 11:59 pm MT on Friday of week 7. Withdrawal is not allowed after
this time.
Canceled Classes
When a scheduled class is canceled, one or a combination of the following may occur to meet
contact hour requirements:
Rescheduling the class
Adding time to a remaining onsite class meeting(s)
Establishing a deadline for completion of an academic event
Religious Holiday Observance
Students who expect to miss classes or other course requirements because of their observance
of a religious holiday will be provided reasonable accommodations to complete missed work. In
order to be provided alternative accommodations, students must notify their professor of the
need to be absent from class and/or miss a course requirement prior to the observance of the
religious holiday(s). Students are encouraged to contact faculty as soon as they are aware that
their religious holiday will conflict with class requirements. Students who notify their professor of
the need for an accommodation will be provided an alternative assignment or extension to
submit work after conclusion of the religious holiday.
Missed Exams
Students are expected to take quizzes and exams at regularly scheduled times. When this is not
possible because of circumstances beyond their control, such as documented illness or work-
related travel, students may arrange to take a make-up quiz or exam by contacting their
Final exams must be taken during week 8 of the session. For all other types of exams and
quizzes, the professor and student agree upon an appropriate day and time to make up the
missed exam or quiz.
Military Withdrawal
Regarding military withdrawals, special considerations are granted for:
Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard students deployed or participating in required
training for federal Active Duty service for their assigned period of service (Section 101 of
Title 10).
Students participating in state Active Duty or training for more than 14 consecutive days.
The student or designated officer in the student’s chain of command must notify the student’s
student support advisor or registrar of a deployment situation that would require special
consideration. A brief overview of the DeVry University Military Deployment policy is available at
www.devry.edu/d/military-deployment-policy.pdf. For additional information contact a student
support advisor.
Interruption of Study/Withdrawal
Students who must interrupt studies during a semester or who defer starting the next semester
must follow the University’s official withdrawal procedure, which includes completing loan exit
counseling. Students who cannot complete required procedures should contact an academic
administrator as soon as possible.
Resumption of Study
Students who resume after an interruption of studies should note that course availability may
vary by session. Because program requirements may change periodically, an academic
administrator will assess resuming students’ academic records to determine whether an
alternate plan of study is required. Alternate plans may result in additional coursework
requirements and financial obligations.
Resuming students who have missed at least six consecutive sessions must request
readmission through standard admission procedures. Students should reapply at least six
weeks prior to the intended class start date. The University reserves the right to refuse
admission or readmission to any applicant or student when it is deemed in the best interest of
the University to do so or if the University determines the applicant may not be able to benefit
from the University’s instruction. Students wishing to be readmitted into the University may be
required to submit an appeal or documentation. Admission to the University does not constitute
automatic continuation in future semesters. The University reserves the right to refuse
admission or continuation to any student.
Students previously pursuing a DeVry associate degree who wish to resume and pursue a
bachelor’s degree must submit a new application and are evaluated for admission and
placement under the desired program’s admission requirements. Students with an outstanding
balance on their DeVry student account are not permitted to resume.
Academic Honors
An eligible matriculated student achieving an SGPA of 3.50 or higher is named to the Dean’s
List, provided the student’s SGPA calculation includes at least six credit hours of completed
coursework. However, a grade of D, F or I, a designator of U, or financial aid warning (academic
warning) or financial aid probation (academic probation) status in any semester makes a
student ineligible for honors in that semester. Dean’s List eligibility is determined at the end of
each student’s semester/student-centric period.
An honors graduate from a baccalaureate program is eligible for one of the following
Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude
Summa Cum Laude
A graduate from a nonbaccalaureate program who has a CGPA of at least 3.50 graduates “with
Standards of Academic Progress Terminology
The U.S. Department of Education requires schools participating in federal student aid (FSA)
programs to use the terms “financial aid warning” and “financial aid probation” when indicating
students’ academic standing. These terms are used to indicate the academic standing of all
students, including those not using FSA funds.
Criteria for determining financial aid warning and academic warning are identical; criteria for
determining financial aid probation and academic probation are identical.
Standards of Academic Progress
Students must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress toward completing their academic
programs by meeting DeVry’s established standards of academic progress in each of five
specific measurable areas:
Grade point averages
Successful completion of transitional studies coursework
Course repeats
Maximum coursework allowed
Pace of progress toward graduation, including withdrawal from all courses
Grade point averages and pace calculations used to determine academic standing are based on
all courses the student completes as a DeVry undergraduate. The calculation for maximum
coursework allowed is based on the required credit hours of the student’s primary program. All
areas of academic progress are evaluated at the end of each student’s semester/student-centric
period, and academic standing is assigned according to the evaluation. A summary of academic
progress standards follows. Students should consult a student support advisor for policy details.
Requirements for Students Starting the Semester in Good Standing
New students, and all other students who start the semester in good standing, are subject to
requirements noted below.
Grade Point Averages: To remain in good academic standing, a student must maintain a
CGPA of 2.00 or higher. If at the end of the semester the CGPA is below 2.00, the student is
placed on financial aid warning (academic warning).
Successful Completion of Transitional Studies Coursework: To remain in good academic
standing, a student must successfully complete all transitional studies coursework attempted. A
student who attempts a transitional studies course and does not pass the course at some time
during the semester is placed on financial aid warning (academic warning). A student who
attempts the same transitional studies course twice in one semester and does not pass the
course is dismissed. Required transitional studies coursework may affect program length and
Course Repeats: To remain in good academic standing, a student must successfully complete
all courses by the second attempt. A student who attempts a course a second time and at the
end of the semester does not pass the course is placed on financial aid warning (academic
warning). A student who attempts a course a third time and at the end of the semester does not
pass the course is dismissed. Course repeats may affect program length and cost.
Maximum Coursework Allowed: To remain in good academic standing, a student may attempt
no more than 1.5 times the number of credit hours in the current program. A student who
exceeds this maximum and has not graduated is dismissed.
Pace of Progress Toward Graduation, Including Withdrawal from All Courses: To remain
in good academic standing, a student must earn credit toward graduation at a pace (rate of
progress) that ensures successful program completion within the maximum coursework
allowance. The pace of progress is the ratio of credit hours passed to credit hours attempted.
Attempted semester credit hours include all enrolled courses and withdrawals as well as
transfer and proficiency credit. Pace is measured using a specific percentage established for
incremental ranges of attempted credit hours. In addition, at least one course must be
completed during the semester. A student must ultimately pass at least 67 percent of attempted
credit hours. A student who fails to maintain the minimum pace and has not graduated is placed
on financial aid warning (academic warning). In addition, if the student withdraws from all
courses during the semester, the student is placed on financial aid warning (academic warning).
Students starting the semester in good standing who do not meet all requirements are placed
on financial aid warning (academic warning) or dismissed, as noted above. Students placed on
financial aid warning (academic warning) may continue their studies for one semester without
an appeal. However, these students should immediately seek academic advising and review all
academic requirements carefully.
Students dismissed for failing to meet standards of academic progress may submit an academic
appeal and may not continue their studies unless the appeal is approved (visit the Academic
Appeal section). Students with approved appeals are placed on financial aid probation
(academic probation) and must follow a predetermined academic plan.
Requirements for Students Starting the Semester on Financial Aid Warning (Academic
Warning) or Financial Aid Probation (Academic Probation)
Students who start the semester on financial aid warning (academic warning) or financial aid
probation (academic probation) are subject to the general requirements noted below.
Students on Financial Aid Warning (Academic Warning): At the end of a financial aid
warning (academic warning) semester, the student a) returns to good standing or b) is
a) At the end of a financial aid warning (academic warning) semester, the student returns to
good standing if all of the following occurred:
The student’s CGPA was at least 2.00 or the student had never completed a GPA
The student passed all transitional studies courses attempted during the semester.
The student passed all courses attempted a second or subsequent time.
The student did not exceed the maximum coursework allowance.
The student met pace of progress standards, including completion of at least one
course during the semester.
b) A student who does not return to good standing is dismissed.
Students on Financial Aid Probation (Academic Probation): At the end of a probationary
semester, the student a) returns to good standing, b) remains on financial aid probation
(academic probation) for one additional semester according to the predetermined academic
plan or c) is dismissed.
a) At the end of a probationary semester, the student returns to good standing if all of the
following occurred:
The student’s CGPA was at least 2.00 or the student had never completed a GPA
The student passed all transitional studies courses attempted during the semester.
The student passed all courses attempted a second or subsequent time.
The student did not exceed the maximum coursework allowance.
The student met pace of progress standards, including completion of at least one
course during the semester.
b) At the end of the probationary semester, a student who does not return to good standing
remains on financial aid probation (academic probation) for one additional semester
according to the predetermined academic plan if all of the following occurred during the
The student’s CGPA was at least 2.00 or the student had never completed a GPA
course; or the CGPA was less than 2.00 and the SGPA was at least 2.50.
The student passed all courses attempted.
The student did not exceed the maximum coursework allowance; or the student
exceeded the maximum coursework allowance, and the semester pace was at least
67 percent.
The student maintained the required pace of progress; or the student did not maintain
the required pace of progress, and the semester pace was at least 67 percent.
The student completed at least one course.
At the end of the additional probationary semester, the student returns to good standing if
all of the following occurred:
The student’s CGPA was at least 2.00 or the student had never completed a GPA
The student passed all transitional studies courses attempted during the semester.
The student passed all courses attempted a second or subsequent time.
The student did not exceed the maximum coursework allowance.
The student met pace of progress standards, including completion of at least one
course during the semester.
Otherwise, the student is dismissed.
c) A student who does not meet requirements for returning to good standing, or for
continuing for an additional semester on financial aid probation (academic probation), is
Academic Appeal
Students who have been dismissed for failing to meet standards of academic progress may
appeal the dismissal by submitting an Academic Dismissal Appeal form to the appropriate
academic administrator prior to the established deadline. A student who is dismissed for failure
to pass the third attempt of a course may not appeal to request a fourth or subsequent course
attempt. Students should contact a student support advisor for more information. Students may
appeal their academic standing a total of four times in their current program. Those with
approval to change programs have their total number of appeals reset to zero.
Appeals must explain the verifiable mitigating circumstances that contributed to poor academic
performance, show how the circumstances have been overcome and present a realistic plan for
meeting requirements to return to good standing. Supporting documentation may be submitted
to further explain the cause and progress toward resolving your mitigating circumstances(s). If
no supporting documentation is provided, you may be contacted to provide such documentation,
which could delay review of your appeal.
Students must submit an academic appeal no later than Tuesday of week 2 of the session
following their semester/student-centric period for which the student is being evaluated for
academic progress. However, students who do not submit an appeal within four days of the
date of the dismissal notification will be dropped from courses in the session following the
semester being evaluated for academic progress as well as from any future sessions in which
they are registered. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to submit an appeal within four
days of the date of the dismissal notification. Students who submit an appeal after being
dropped from courses may not be able to reregister, which can result in at least one session of
interrupted studies.
A student informed of the dismissal after beginning the session immediately following the
dismissal may remain enrolled while the appeal is processed by the appropriate academic
administrator, as long as the student submits the appeal within four days of the date of dismissal
notification. A student continuing in a course or courses while the appeal is processed and
whose appeal is subsequently denied may not continue and is administratively dropped from
class or classes. A student not currently enrolled whose appeal is approved may enroll for the
current semester, provided the registration deadline has not passed, and is subject to financial
aid probation (academic probation) conditions in Requirements for Students Starting the
Semester on Financial Aid Warning (Academic Warning) or Financial Aid Probation (Academic
Probation). Failure to meet specified conditions results in a second dismissal. Additional
appeals are denied unless students have new verifiable mitigating circumstances. Fourth
appeals must be submitted to a national college dean or designee. Students who fail to return to
good standing after submitting a fourth appeal are dismissed and precluded from registering;
however, they may reapply for admission after one year.
If an appeal is not submitted within six sessions after dismissal, the student must request
readmission through standard admission procedures as well as submit an appeal to the
appropriate academic administrator. The total number of appeals is reset to zero for students
whose appeals associated with readmission are approved.
Academic administrators’ and national college deans’/designees’ decisions to deny appeals are
final and cannot be appealed.
Academic Program Transfer During Financial Aid Warning (Academic Warning)/Financial
Aid Probation (Academic Probation)/Dismissal
Students transferring to a different academic program maintain their current academic standing.
A student on financial aid warning (academic warning) or financial aid probation (academic
probation) who transfers to a different academic program enters the new program and continues
under this status.
A student who has been dismissed and wishes to enroll in another academic program must
appeal to the academic administrator of the intended program. If the appeal is approved, the
student must meet financial aid probation (academic probation) conditions in Requirements for
Students Starting the Semester on Financial Aid Warning (Academic Warning) or Financial Aid
Probation (Academic Probation).
Academic standing for a student who transferred to a different academic program but then
returns to the original academic program is based on performance in all enrolled semesters and
on all DeVry coursework at the undergraduate level.
Additional Academic Progress Information for Students Receiving Veterans Education
Students are placed on academic warning for failure to meet minimum CGPA, pace of
progress toward graduation and other minimum requirements outlined in the Standards of
Academic Progress section. Students on academic warning are eligible to receive veterans
education benefits for their academic warning semester. If at the end of the academic warning
semester such students do not return to good standing, they are dismissed and have their
enrollment certifications terminated for unsatisfactory progress. Students who are dismissed
for failing to meet standards of academic progress may appeal. Students may not continue
their studies unless the appeal is approved.
Those with approved appeals are placed on financial aid probation (academic probation) and
must follow a predetermined academic plan, visit the Requirements for Students Starting the
Semester on Financial Aid Warning (Academic Warning) or Financial Aid Probation (Academic
Probation) section. Students who do not successfully appeal their dismissals are dismissed
and have their enrollment certifications terminated for unsatisfactory progress. The VA is
notified of such dismissals.
Veteran students must notify the appropriate academic administrator/student support advisor
immediately upon withdrawal from school or from a course. For students receiving veterans
education benefits, DeVry notifies the VA of changes in student status within 30 days of the
official last date of attendance.
Pursuit of Specializations
Students must declare a specialization according to the timeframe indicated for the chosen
program. Students who wish to change or add a specialization may request to do so at any
time; however, they are encouraged to submit a request for such as soon as possible. In
general, requests received by Sunday of the first week of the session are effective that session.
Specialization changes/additions are not applicable to sessions already completed. Students
who wish to pursue more than one specialization must receive approval to do so from the
appropriate academic administrator. No more than three specializations may be completed
within one degree program. Certain limitations may apply. All declared specializations must be
completed prior to degree conferral.
Prior to graduation, students with declared specializations who subsequently wish to complete
their degree program without fulfilling requirements for all declared specializations must request
removal, from their student records, of the specialization(s) they no longer wish to pursue.
Pursuit of a Second Degree or Certificate
Students are awarded their degrees at the end of the session in which they satisfactorily met all
graduation requirements. Those who wish to pursue a second DeVry degree may do so upon
conferral of their first degree. Students can pursue degrees that are stackable within the same
program simultaneously.
Students pursing two degrees at the same level must contact an appropriate academic
administrator to determine an approved course of study that meets the combined requirements
of both degrees. If both degrees are at the baccalaureate level, the course of study must contain
at least 30 semester-credit hours beyond the length of the longer of the two programs. If both
degrees are at the associate level, the course of study must contain at least 20 semester-credit
hours beyond the length of the longer of the two programs.
Students may pursue a maximum of three undergraduate certificates without special approval.
Students interested in pursuing more than three certificates must provide a written rationale for
seeking the additional credential(s) to an appropriate academic administrator for approval.
Students can enroll in only one certificate program at a time.
Note: Students may not pursue more than one bachelor’s degree in engineering technology.
General Graduation Requirements All Students
To graduate, a student must:
Achieve a CGPA of at least 2.00.
Satisfactorily complete all curriculum requirements.
Meet the following program residency requirements:
o Earn 50 percent of total credit hours at DeVry for students pursuing an undergraduate
o Earn 30 of the program’s total credit hours at DeVry for students pursuing an associate
o Earn 25 percent of the program’s total credit hours at DeVry for students pursuing a
bachelor’s degree
Note: Higher program-specific requirements may be imposed for internal or external transfer
students. Students enrolled at a Virginia location are required to earn at least 30 percent of the
program’s required credit hours through coursework completed at DeVry. Active-duty military
students must earn at least 25 percent of the program's required credit hours through
coursework completed at DeVry and are required to earn at least 30 percent of the program's
required credit hours through coursework completed at DeVry if enrolled at a Virginia location.
Graduation is not permitted if the student has missing grades or if the best recorded grade for a
required course is F, or the designator I, U or W. Transfer and proficiency credit fulfill graduation
requirements. Grade changes are not permitted after the award has been granted. Certain
exceptions apply; contact a student support advisor for more information.
Awards are conferred six times per year, at the end of each session. Students are granted their
awards at the end of the session in which they satisfactorily met all graduation requirements.
Students must have all graduation requirements fulfilled by Tuesday of week 2 of the session
immediately following the session in which they completed their final course requirements. The
deadline for meeting certain requirements may be earlier. Requirements include – but are not
limited to ensuring that transcripts for transfer credit have been received by the University and
resolving Incompletes and other outstanding grade issues. Students who fail to meet the
graduation requirements deadline are granted their awards in the session in which any
outstanding requirements are met.
Graduation candidates must fulfill all financial obligations to DeVry at least 30 days before
commencement and complete loan exit counseling.
In addition, the State of Nevada requires students to meet its requirement for study of the State
of Nevada and U.S. constitutions. Students should contact their academic administrator for
details on options for meeting this graduation requirement.
University Suspension or Expulsion
Code of conduct violations can result in university suspension and expulsion.
Students suspended for a defined period of time are eligible to graduate once their suspension
has been lifted and all graduation requirements have been fulfilled. Those expelled from the
University are not eligible to graduate.
Diplomas and Transcripts
Diplomas are mailed after all graduation requirements have been met. Students should note
that the degree or certificate awarded is indicated on diplomas and transcripts; however,
specializations are indicated on transcripts only.
Commencement Ceremonies
Graduation ceremonies may take place in person, via live stream, or through a combination of
in-person and online ceremonies. Students must meet all graduation requirements to participate
in commencement.
Specific dates and details about commencement ceremonies are available from a student
support advisor or by emailing [email protected].
Deployment Policy
DeVry University recognizes the many hardships military personnel and their families face every
day. We understand that military students who are deployed away from their homes, families
and their permanent duty stations may experience difficulties completing their education goals
and course requirements.
We encourage military students to continue their education and assure them that DeVry
University will remain flexible and responsive to their needs. In support of our deployed
students, we have adopted a deployment policy for all Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard
students deployed or participating in required training. For this policy:
Qualifying service in the U.S. Armed Forces includes Active Duty, Active Duty for training,
and full-time National Guard duty under federal or state authority.
Qualifying service includes state Reserve and Guard service, and mandated state training,
for more than 14 consecutive days.
Financial Information
Tuition charges are calculated each session per credit hours enrolled, and tuition is assessed
each session for a given semester. Matriculating and nonmatriculating students are charged
$514 per credit hour. Total program costs for students enrolling in the July 2024 through May
2025 sessions are shown in the tuition charts; rates are subject to change.
A $30 application fee must accompany the application. Tuition, as well as fees and expenses
payable to DeVry, must be paid in advance of each term unless a student will be using a DeVry
payment option (visit the Payment Options section). Payment may be made by check, credit
card or third-party financing, including financial aid.
For tuition and refund purposes, the term of attendance is defined as the actual number of
complete or partial sessions a student has attended DeVry. Thus, the initial term of attendance,
regardless of program or course level, is considered the first term. Students returning to DeVry
after having missed six or more session registrations must reapply and sign a new enrollment
agreement. A second application fee is not required.
DeVry reserves the right to change tuition rates at any time; increases are announced within a
reasonable timeframe of at least 30 days before the beginning of the effective term. Tuition is
not increased more than once per calendar year for Oregon residents.
Tuition is assessed according to the student’s primary program of enrollment. A student’s first
program of study is considered the primary program unless the student requests a program
Note: Students may participate in only one DeVry-based grant or group pricing program. If
students qualify for more than one such program, the one most beneficial is awarded. Prior to
starting classes at DeVry, students who qualify for and prefer a different grant or group pricing
program must confirm, in writing, the alternate program in which they wish to participate. In rare
cases, grant or group tuition pricing programs are combinable. Students are made aware of
such opportunities by their admissions advisor/representative or student support advisor.
Military Tuition
U.S. military personnel serving in any of the five branches of the U.S. Armed Forces (including
National Guard and Reserves), and their spouses, are eligible for DeVry’s military pricing of
$250 per credit hour.
The application fee is waived for these individuals. Fees and textbook and equipment expenses
are charged at the standard rate. Additional information and requirements are available from
DeVry admissions advisors/representatives.
Undergraduate Alumni Benefit
DeVry and Keller Graduate School of Management alumni may be eligible to receive 15 percent
tuition savings while studying in a qualifying DeVry undergraduate certificate, or associate or
bachelor’s degree, program.
The application fee is waived for alumni who hold a qualifying DeVry University credential, as
well as for their family members who enroll in undergraduate programs. Fees and textbook and
equipment expenses are charged at the standard rate.
Additional information and requirements are available from DeVry admissions
Note: DeVry reserves the right to change fees and charges at any time without notice. DeVry
receives administrative and service fees from its graduation regalia supplier and uses these
fees to cover student activities costs, including graduation expenses. DeVry also receives
administrative and service fees from textbook suppliers and bookstore operations and uses
these fees to cover expenses associated with selecting and ordering textbooks and e-learning
materials. Fees and charges are not increased more than once per calendar year for Oregon
Course Resource
A required nonrefundable fee of $60 per course is charged to matriculating and nonmatriculating
students to cover expenses associated with tutorials, simulations, study guides, electronic book
hosting and access to online library technologies. This fee is refunded in accordance with state
requirements, if applicable.
Learning Management System
New and readmitted matriculating and nonmatriculating students are charged a required one-
time-per-enrollment learning management system (LMS) access fee of $400. This fee is
refunded for students who withdraw from all courses during the session in which the LMS fee
was assessed. In such cases, the LMS fee is assessed the next session in which the student
Through the LMS, students can easily access course materials, complete assignments, and
collaborate with faculty and classmates.
Nonsufficient Funds Check
Because returned checks create administrative costs, a $10 fee is added to students’ balances
for each returned check. Students with three or more such occurrences must pay their tuition
with either a money order or a cashier’s check and are not eligible for subsequent tuition
Official Transcript Request
An electronic transcript is sent to students automatically, at no charge, upon graduation.
Students and alumni are charged $6 for each electronic transcript and $8 for each paper
transcript. Students must submit requests for official transcripts via the student portal.
To park in parking lots at some DeVry locations, students may be charged a nonrefundable fee
not to exceed $60 per vehicle, per session. Students should contact Student Central for details.
Vehicles not authorized for parking may be towed.
Student Services
A required nonrefundable charge of $40 per session is assessed to matriculating and
nonmatriculating students to cover expenses such as those associated with computer hardware
and software upgrades; library enhancements; use of and enhancements to labs, printers,
mobile applications, the student portal and email services; student activities and services; and
Student Tuition Recovery Fund
The State of California established the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or
mitigate economic loss suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying
institution, who is or was a California resident while enrolled, or was enrolled in a residency
program, if the student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suffered an economic loss.
Unless relieved of the obligation to do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the
STRF, or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student in an educational program, who is
a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your
You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF
assessment if you are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program.
It is important that you keep copies of your enrollment agreement, financial aid documents,
receipts, or any other information that documents the amount paid to the school. Questions
regarding the STRF may be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, 1747,
North Market Blvd., Suite 225, Sacramento, CA 95834, 916.574.8900 or 888.370.7589.
To be eligible for STRF, you must be a California resident or enrolled in a residency program,
prepaid tuition, paid or deemed to have paid the STRF assessment, and suffered an economic
loss as a result of any of the following:
1. The institution, a location of the institution, or an educational program offered by the
institution was closed or discontinued, and you did not choose to participate in a teach-out
plan approved by the Bureau or did not complete a chosen teach-out plan approved by the
2. You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution within the 120-day period
before the closure of the institution or location of the institution, or were enrolled in an
educational program within the 120-day period before the program was discontinued.
3. You were enrolled at an institution or a location of the institution more than 120 days before
the closure of the institution or location of the institution, in an educational program offered
by the institution as to which the Bureau determined there was a significant decline in the
quality or value of the program more than 120 days before closure.
4. The institution has been ordered to pay a refund by the Bureau but has failed to do so.
5. The institution has failed to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federal student loan
program as required by law, or has failed to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the
institution in excess of tuition and other costs.
6. You have been awarded restitution, a refund, or other monetary award by an arbitrator or
court, based on a violation of this chapter by an institution or representative of an institution,
but have been unable to collect the award from the institution.
7. You sought legal counsel that resulted in the cancellation of one or more of your student
loans and have an invoice for services rendered and evidence of the cancellation of the
student loan or loans.
To qualify for STRF reimbursement, the application must be received within four (4) years from
the date of the action or event that made the student eligible for recovery from STRF.
A student whose loan is revived by a loan holder or debt collector after a period of noncollection
may, at any time, file a written application for recovery from STRF for the debt that would have
otherwise been eligible for recovery. If it has been more than four (4) years since the action or
event that made the student eligible, the student must have filed a written application for
recovery within the original four (4) year period, unless the period has been extended by
another act of law.
However, no claim can be paid to any student without a social security number or a taxpayer
identification number.
Textbooks, Supplies and Specialized Equipment
Using DeVry-specified electronic and hard-copy textbooks is integral to successful course
completion. Students can purchase electronic and hard-copy textbooks from an outside source,
but they must purchase the books specified by DeVry. Some courses may require purchase of
additional technology and software supplies. Students must also purchase the additional
supplies specified by DeVry. Textbooks and supplies may be purchased from the DeVry
University bookstore at https://bookstore.devry.edu. Per-session costs for undergraduate
certificate programs, and for associate and bachelor’s degree programs, are noted below.
Matriculating Students: Costs for electronic and hard-copy textbooks, as well as for
supplies and specialized equipment, vary by program. Average estimated per-session
expenses for matriculating students, based on normal program completion time, are listed
below by program type.
Nonmatriculating Students: Costs for nonmatriculating students vary by course.
Note: Course syllabi outline required electronic and hard-copy textbooks, supplies and
specialized equipment, and students’ billing statements show associated costs. Supplies may
include, but are not limited to, access codes, course kits and other miscellaneous items.
Costs for all textbooks are subject to change based on publishers’ prices.
Most courses require e-books, which are digital versions of printed books that can be read on a
computer and, in most cases, on other electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones.
Courses not requiring an e-book may require a hard-copy textbook.
Students enrolled in courses in which an e-book is used are charged $40 for the e-book.
Students enrolled in a course using multiple e-books are charged one $40 fee only. E-books are
deemed required when integrated directly into the course; students cannot opt out of these e-
books. When an e-book is not directly integrated into a course, students may opt out of the e-
book provided by DeVry and can request a $40 e-book fee credit. Students must request such
credit for each course by the end of week 1 of the session and can do so at
https://bookstore.devry.edu. Students who order a print textbook, or who otherwise print the e-
book, are not eligible for the $40 e-book fee credit. The ability to request a credit provides
students the opportunity to obtain the e-book elsewhere; however, the e-book is still integral to
course completion.
Black-and-white, soft-cover printed versions of certain e-books may be available at an additional
cost for students who want printed textbooks as well as e-books. These optional printed e-books
are equivalent to textbooks. More information is available from the bookstore, at
Certificate Programs
o $70 Per Session
Website Design
Website Development
o $100 Per Session
Business Essentials
Data Mining & Analytics
Engineering Technology
Programming Essentials
Software Design & Solutions
Web & Mobile Application Development
o $175 Per Session
Cloud Computing
Cyber Security
Information Technology Essentials
Internet of Things
Medical Billing & Coding
Medical Billing & Coding
Networking Essentials
Associate Degree Programs
o $100 Per Session
o $175 Per Session
Cybersecurity & Networking
Engineering Technology
Health Information Technology
Information Technology & Networking
Bachelor’s Degree Programs
o $100 Per Session
Business Administration
Healthcare Administration
Technical Management
o $175 Per Session
Computer Information Systems
Cybersecurity & Networking
Engineering Technology
Information Technology & Networking
Software Development
Failure to Fulfill Financial Obligations
Enrollment for a subsequent term may be denied to students who fail to fulfill their financial
obligations. Students may be dismissed for failing to pay tuition, federal student loans or other
charges. Career services assistance may also be withheld. In all cases, students remain
responsible for tuition and other charges incurred, in accordance with DeVry’s cancellation and
refund policy.
F-1 Student Tuition Deposits, Payments and Transfer-Out Fees
F-1 students do not qualify for Title IV funding (financial aid) and are therefore classified as full-
cash students. It is F-1 students’ responsibility to ensure all financial obligations are met prior to
the start of every session. F-1 students should contact their Designated School Official or
location contact if they have questions related to tuition payments.
Tuition Deposit F-1 Initial I-20 Applicants
A refundable tuition deposit equivalent to the cost of 12 semester-credit hours, charged at the
current standard tuition rate, is required from F-1 Initial I-20 applicants prior to entering their first
semester at DeVry. The deposit is due after an applicant’s F-1 visa has been approved by the
U.S. consulate or embassy abroad and prior to the applicant’s entry into the United States. The
tuition deposit is applied to tuition charged for the student’s first semester and refunded (less
fees) if the applicant subsequently cancels enrollment. Regarding tuition payments:
F-1 Transfer and Change of Status I-20 Applicants: A tuition payment equivalent to the
cost of 6 credit hours for the session, charged at the current standard tuition rate, is required
from F-1 Transfer and Change of Status I-20 applicants. This payment is due prior to the
start of their first session and is required before registering for classes.
F-1 Continuing Students: Payments for tuition and fees must be made by Friday of week
8, prior to the start of a new session. No exceptions will be made in reference to this policy.
Future balances must be paid in full for the upcoming session for which the F-1 student is
Note: Failure to make full payment prior to the start of a session makes F-1 applicants/students
ineligible for enrollment in that particular session. Failure to enroll in classes causes
applicants/students to fall out of status and may result in termination of their Student and
Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) record.
Transfer-Out Fee for F-1 Students
Beginning at the time Form I-20 is issued, F-1 students seeking to transfer from DeVry
University to another SEVP-certified institution prior to completing their program are charged a
$250 administrative fee. DeVry is responsible for overseeing the SEVIS record, which must be
transferred when students change schools. The administrative fee applies to students seeking
external transfer only. The fee does not apply to students seeking transfer to a different DeVry
DeVry University Undergraduate Tuition, Fees and Expenses: Degree Program Students Except Those in California and Onsite Students
in New Jersey, Effective July 2024 Session Through May 2025 Session
Tuition is assessed each session for a given semester. The per-credit-hour tuition rate shown applies to students enrolling in DeVry’s July 2024
through May 2025 sessions. The tuition rate for military students is found in the Military Tuition section of DeVry’s undergraduate academic catalog.
Program availability varies by location and delivery method.
Includes course resource fee averaging $150 per session, one-time-per-enrollment $400 learning management system (LMS) access fee and nonrefundable
student services charge of $40 per session.
Average estimated per-session textbook and equipment expenses for full-time students vary by program and range from $70-$175. Visit the Textbooks, Supplies
and Specialized Equipment section for details.
For matriculating students at current tuition rates, credit hours shown and full-time attendance; includes $30 application fee; nonrefundable student services
charge, average estimated course resource fee, LMS access fee, and average estimated textbook and equipment expense.
Reflects one three-credit-hour course provided at no tuition charge and intended to be taken in the final session.
Bachelor’s Degree Programs
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Business Administration
Computer Information Systems 124 $514 $63,736 $3,440 $2,800 $70,006
Cybersecurity & Networking
Engineering Technology 126 $514 $64,764 $3,440 $2,800 $71,034
Healthcare Administration
Information Technology & Networking 120 $514 $61,680 $3,440 $2,800 $67,950
Software Development 120 $514 $61,680 $3,440 $2,800 $67,950
Technical Management
Associate Degree Programs
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Cybersecurity & Networking 62 $514 $31,868 $1,920 $1,400 $35,218
Engineering Technology
Health Information Technology
Information Technology & Networking
DeVry University Undergraduate Tuition, Fees and Expenses: Undergraduate Certificate Program Students Except Those in California
and Onsite Students in New Jersey, Effective July 2024 Session Through May 2025 Session
Tuition is assessed each session for a given semester. The per-credit-hour tuition rate shown applies to students enrolling in DeVry’s July 2024
through May 2025 sessions. The tuition rate for military students is found in the Military Tuition section of DeVry’s undergraduate academic catalog.
Program availability varies by location and delivery method.
Includes course resource fee averaging $150 per session, one-time-per-enrollment $400 learning management system (LMS) access fee and nonrefundable
student services charge of $40 per session.
Average estimated per-session textbook and equipment expenses for full-time students vary by program and range from $70-$175. Visit the Textbooks, Supplies
and Specialized Equipment section for details.
For matriculating students at current tuition rates, credit hours shown and full-time attendance; includes $30 application fee; nonrefundable student services
charge, average estimated course resource fee, LMS access fee, and average estimated textbook and equipment expense.
Reflects one three-credit-hour course provided at no tuition charge and intended to be taken in the final session.
Undergraduate Certificate Program
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Business Essentials
Cloud Computing
Cyber Security
Data Mining & Analytics 43 $514 $22,102 $1,920 $800 $24,852
Engineering Technology
Information Technology Essentials 23 $514 $11,822 $1,350 $875 $14,077
Internet of Things
Medical Billing & Coding 31 $514 $14,392
$1,350 $875 $16,647
Medical Billing & Coding Health
Information Coding
40 $514 $19,018
$1,730 $1,225 $22,003
Networking Essentials 23 $514 $11,822 $1,350 $875 $14,077
Programming Essentials
Software Design & Solutions 42 $514 $21,588 $1,920 $800 $24,338
Web & Mobile Application Development
Website Design 36 $514 $18,504 $1,540 $420 $20,494
Website Development
DeVry University Undergraduate Tuition, Fees and Expenses: Degree Program Students in California, Effective July 2024 Session
Through May 2025 Session
Tuition is assessed each session for a given semester. The per-credit-hour tuition rate shown applies to students enrolling in DeVry’s July 2024
through May 2025 sessions. The tuition rate for military students is found in the Military Tuition section of DeVry’s undergraduate academic catalog.
Bachelor’s Degree Program
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Total Tuition Fees
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Business Administration
Computer Information Systems
Cybersecurity & Networking
Engineering Technology
Healthcare Administration
Information Technology & Networking
Software Development
Technical Management
Associate Degree Programs
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Total Tuition
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Cybersecurity & Networking
Engineering Technology
Health Information Technology
Information Technology & Networking
Program availability varies by location and delivery method.
Includes course resource fee averaging $150 per session, one-time-per-enrollment $400 learning management system (LMS) access fee and nonrefundable
student services charge of $40 per session.
Average estimated per-session textbook and equipment expenses for full-time students vary by program and range from $70-$175. Visit the Textbooks, Supplies
and Specialized Equipment section for details.
The Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) is a nonrefundable California state-imposed assessment. DeVry collects the fee from students and remits it on behalf
of California residents enrolled at DeVry and students enrolled at a DeVry location in California.
For matriculating students at current tuition rates, credit hours shown and full-time attendance; includes $30 application fee; nonrefundable student services
charge, average estimated course resource fee, LMS access fee, and average estimated textbook and equipment expense; does not include STRF assessment
(visit footnote 4).
Reflects one three-credit-hour course provided at no tuition charge and intended to be taken in the final session.
DeVry University Undergraduate Tuition, Fees and Expenses: Undergraduate Certificate Program Students in California, Effective
July 2024 Session Through May 2025 Session
Tuition is assessed each session for a given semester. The per-credit-hour tuition rate shown applies to students enrolling in DeVry’s July 2024
through May 2025 sessions. The tuition rate for military students is found in the Military Tuition section of DeVry’s undergraduate academic catalog.
Undergraduate Certificate
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Business Essentials
Cloud Computing
Cyber Security
Data Mining & Analytics
Engineering Technology
Information Technology Essentials
Internet of Things
Medical Billing & Coding
Medical Billing & Coding Health
Information Coding
40 $514 $19,018
$1,730 $1,225 $55.00 $22,003
Networking Essentials
Programming Essentials
Software Design & Solutions
Web & Mobile Application
43 $514 $22,102 $1,920 $800 $62.50 $24,852
Website Design
Website Development
Program availability varies by location and delivery method.
Includes course resource fee averaging $150 per session, one-time-per-enrollment $400 learning management system (LMS) access fee and nonrefundable
student services charge of $40 per session.
Average estimated per-session textbook and equipment expenses for full-time students vary by program and range from $70-$175. Visit the Textbooks, Supplies
and Specialized Equipment section for details.
The Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) is a nonrefundable California state-imposed assessment. DeVry collects the fee from students and remits it on behalf
of California residents enrolled at DeVry and students enrolled at a DeVry location in California.
For matriculating students at current tuition rates, credit hours shown and full-time attendance; includes $30 application fee; nonrefundable student services
charge, average estimated course resource fee, LMS access fee, and average estimated textbook and equipment expense; does not include STRF assessment
(visit footnote 4).
Reflects one three-credit-hour course provided at no tuition charge and intended to be taken in the final session.
DeVry University Undergraduate Tuition, Fees and Expenses: Onsite Degree Program Students in New Jersey, Effective July 2024
Session Through May 2025 Session
Tuition is assessed each session for a given semester. The per-credit-hour tuition rate shown applies to students enrolling in DeVry’s July 2024
through May 2025 sessions. The tuition rate for military students is found in the Military Tuition section of DeVry’s undergraduate academic catalog.
Program availability varies by location.
Includes credit hours required in Personal and Professional Development courses, which are awarded institutional credit only.
Includes course resource fee averaging $150 per session, one-time-per-enrollment $400 learning management system (LMS) access fee and nonrefundable student
services charge of $40 per session.
Average estimated per-session textbook and equipment expenses for full-time students vary by program and range from $70-$175. Visit the Textbooks, Supplies
and Specialized Equipment section for details.
For matriculating students at current tuition rates, credit hours shown and full-time attendance; includes $30 application fee; nonrefundable student services
charge, LMS access fee, average estimated course resource fee, and average estimated textbook and equipment expense.
Bachelor’s Degree Program
Credit Hours
Tuition Per
Credit Hour
Textbook and
Equipment Expense
Total Program
Business Administration
Computer Information Systems
Technical Management
Financial Assistance
DeVry University helps students develop plans for financing their education through a
combination of financial assistance programs (if eligible), family contributions, employer tuition
reimbursement (when available) and DeVry’s payment options (visit the Payment Options
The first step toward qualifying for these programs is completing the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA
), which serves as an application for all federal and most state
student aid programs. The FAFSA
) can be completed electronically via
https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa and should be completed as early as possible each
generally becomes available October 1 each year. Though the application period
runs through June 30 the following year, students are encouraged to apply for financial aid
every year by the priority deadline, March 1, as funding for certain aid programs is awarded on a
first-come, first-served basis and may be exhausted. For specific deadlines for 2024-2025
Federal and State Aid visit studentaid.ed.gov.
Students should complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA
using 2022 income tax information. The
2024-2025 FAFSA
became available December 31, 2023.
2024-2025 FAFSA
information is used to determine the Student Aid Index (SAI), and eligibility
for federal and state financial aid. Financial aid eligibility is calculated by subtracting the SAI and
Other Financial Assistance (OFA) from the total estimated education expenses.
Assistance packages are developed using FAFSA
information and any supplemental
documents. Contributions from student and family income and assets form the foundation for all
assistance packages. DeVry provides students with award letters indicating the amount of
financial aid for which they may be eligible, sources from which the aid may be received as well
as approval of their DeVry University payment plan option.
The timing of financial aid disbursements is dependent on specific program requirements. For
awards to be disbursed, the following requirements must be met:
All paperwork required to process awards including promissory notes, and verification and
residency documents must be submitted.
Students must be enrolled in class.
First-time borrowers at DeVry must complete loan-entrance counseling.
Students transferring to DeVry must provide official transcripts for University verification.
Disbursements occur throughout the session, generally beginning Saturday of week 1 of
classes. Disbursement is based on each student’s account information. More information is
available via the Student Finance tab on https://learn.devry.edu/home.
Retaking previously passed coursework may impact students receiving certain forms of financial
assistance. Students who plan to retake a previously passed course should contact a DeVry
student support advisor prior to registering for the course to determine if their financial aid will
be affected.
Reinstated and readmitted students may be considered for financial aid if they meet all eligibility
DeVry complies with all applicable state and federal equal credit opportunity laws; however,
DeVry does not guarantee financial assistance or credit to any student.
is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Education.
Financial Aid Information Verification
The federal government requires DeVry to verify the accuracy of information on certain federal
student aid applications. Selected applicants must submit requested documentation before
awarded need based aid is disbursed. Students, as well as parents of dependent students, may
be required to submit a copy of their prior-year federal income tax documentation and additional
household information. Other documents may also be required. If information on any of the
documents conflicts with what was reported on the application, students, as well as parents of
dependent students, may be required to provide additional information to resolve the conflict.
Failure to do so will result in loss or nonreceipt of need-based aid.
Financial Aid Applicability to Elective and/or Alternate Courses
Students receiving financial aid are expected to enroll in courses that meet requirements of their
academic program; financial aid eligibility for coursework not applicable to the current program
may be limited. Students who wish to replace/substitute a course in their current program must
obtain prior approval for a course substitution in order for the course to be financial aid eligible.
Loan Exit Counseling
Federal student aid regulations require all borrowers to complete loan exit counseling for their
Federal Direct and/or Federal Perkins Loans. Students must complete loan exit counseling
when graduating, leaving DeVry or enrolling for fewer than six credit hours. Loan exit counseling
notifications are provided to all identified students. DeVry contacts student borrowers via email
or postal mail to advise them on how to complete loan exit counseling.
Federal Student Aid Programs
is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Education.
There are three categories of federal financial assistance:
Grants are aid that does not need to be repaid.
Loans are aid that must be repaid, but generally not until students have graduated or
stopped attending school at least half-time.
Federal Work-Study provides wage subsidy for part-time education-related, or student or
community service, employment.
Students are eligible for aid if they:
Are enrolled as regular students in an eligible program.
Are U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens.
Demonstrate financial need.
Make satisfactory academic progress toward completing their program.
Are not in default on a Federal Perkins/NDSL, Federal Direct, Federal Stafford/FFEL,
Federal SLS, Income Contingent Loan or Federal PLUS Loan received at any institution.
Do not owe refunds on a Federal Pell Grant, FSEOG, Academic Competitiveness Grant,
National SMART Grant or State Student Incentive Grant received at any institution.
To help students pay for postsecondary education, the U.S. Department of Education offers six
primary federal financial aid programs. DeVry University is eligible to participate in all six, which
are outlined below. More information on these programs is available by contacting a student
support advisor or visiting www.devry.edu.
Applicants who are incarcerated, and students who become incarcerated, must immediately
report this information to a student support advisor.
Federal Pell Grants
Federal Pell Grants help fund postsecondary education for undergraduate students who have
not previously earned bachelor’s degrees. These grants provide a foundation of financial aid to
which aid from other sources may be added. The maximum grant for the 2024-2025 award year
is $7,395.
In accordance with the Higher Education Act, DeVry University allows all students to purchase
books and supplies from the University’s online bookstore and charge the expenses to their
student accounts. Federal Pell Grant recipients who do not wish to purchase books and
supplies from DeVry’s online bookstore may qualify for a stipend to assist with these
expenses. To determine stipend eligibility, students must complete the Books and Supplies
Stipend Request form prior to the start of the session. More information is available from a
DeVry student support advisor.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs)
FSEOGs provide supplemental funds to Federal Pell Grant-eligible undergraduate students who
demonstrate exceptional need. Exceptional need is defined as the lowest expected family
contribution per federal need analysis methodology. Because FSEOG funds are limited,
students should complete the FAFSA
as early as possible.
Federal Work-Study (FWS)
FWS enables students who demonstrate financial need to earn aid to pay for their education
expenses. Students earn at least the current hourly minimum wage by working at the University,
for nonprofit agencies, in jobs in community service or for for-profit businesses. DeVry helps
eligible students locate jobs; certain restrictions apply. FWS earnings are exempt from the
subsequent year’s expected family contribution calculations. Students must complete the
to be considered for FWS funds.
Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, and Federal Direct PLUS Loans
Loans through the Federal Direct Loan program are obtained from the U.S. Department of
Education. These loans have an origination fee, which is subtracted from the value of each loan
disbursement. For loans first disbursed between October 1, 2020, and September 30, 2024,
origination fees are:
Federal Direct Loans: 1.057 percent
Federal Direct PLUS Loans: 4.228 percent
Additional information on Federal Direct Loans interest rates and fees is available via
Federal Direct Loans
Students who demonstrate financial need qualify for a subsidy of the Direct Loan interest while
in school and for the grace period (first six months after leaving school or dropping below half
time). The portion of the loan that may be subsidized is limited to the lesser of their
demonstrated financial need or the academic year maximum. Students who demonstrate
financial need below the academic year maximum may also borrow through this program;
however, they are responsible for the interest on the amount borrowed in excess of
demonstrated need.
Undergraduate freshman, sophomore and junior/senior students enrolled at least half time may
borrow subsidized and unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans. The table below includes amounts
per grade level and loan type, as well as lifetime loan limits. The interest rate for subsidized and
unsubsidized undergraduate Federal Direct Loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2024, and
before July 1, 2025, is fixed at 6.533 percent. Students begin repaying loans six months after
ceasing to be enrolled at least half time. Monthly payments are based on aggregate borrowing;
the minimum monthly payment is $50 per loan. Repayment is usually completed within 10
years. Students who leave school or drop below half-time status must contact their lenders to
establish repayment schedules.
Grade Level
Loans* Limit
Loans Limit
Combined Subsidized
and Unsubsidized Loans
Limit per Academic Year
Lifetime Loans
Dependent Students
$31,000 ($23,000
Independent Students and Dependent Students with PLUS Denial
$57,500 ($23,000
*Subsidized loans are need-based.
Students must notify a DeVry student support advisor and their lender(s) of a change in local or
permanent address.
Note: Students who obtain a student loan of any type to pay for an educational program are
responsible for repaying the full amount of the loan, plus interest, less the amount of any refund
(i.e., return of funds to the loan program). Their degree of success at DeVry University does not
change this legal obligation.
Federal Direct PLUS Loans (Parent Loans)
These loans allow parents of students who are dependent by federal definition to borrow a
maximum of education costs less financial aid per academic year (two semesters). The interest
rate for Direct PLUS Loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2024, and before July 1, 2025, is
fixed at 9.083 percent. Repayment begins within 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed.
State-Funded Programs
In addition to federal financial assistance, state grant, scholarship and loan programs may be
available, providing funding to students who demonstrate financial need or who have
successfully achieved certain academic qualifications. Typically, state grant/loan recipients must
attend an institution in their home state, and they or their parents must have resided in the state
for a period of time. Proof of residency is usually required.
More information on specific state-funded programs is available via
New Jersey Tuition Aid Grants (TAGs)
Degree-seeking students attending DeVry University in New Jersey who have lived in New
Jersey at least 12 consecutive months (and, if dependent, whose parents are also New Jersey
residents) may be considered for TAGs if they attend full time and have not already earned an
associate or baccalaureate degree. TAG value is based on a student's financial need (as
determined by the state formula), cost of attendance and funds available. Additional information
on TAGs is available from a DeVry student support advisor.
Non-Federal Student Loans
Many lenders offer private loans to students to supplement their federal financial aid. Such
loans are not subject to federal student loan rules. Terms of repayment, including interest rates,
vary by loan. Lenders perform a credit check and determine a loan applicant’s creditworthiness
before approving these loans. In some cases, a loan applicant may be required to obtain a
creditworthy cosigner before a loan will be approved. In most cases, having a cosigner improves
the terms of the loan (i.e., lowers the interest rate and any fees charged to the loan). Additional
information and application assistance are available from a DeVry student support advisor.
Education awards earned through service in AmeriCorps, a program enabling Americans to
perform community service in local projects, may be used to help pay education costs. These
awards also may be used to repay educational loans. Students may work on AmeriCorps-
approved projects either full or part time, before, during or after attending a postsecondary
institution. Further information is available via www.nationalservice.gov/programs/americorps.
Veterans Benefits
DeVry participates in the federal Yellow Ribbon program for students using Chapter 33 benefits.
Students who may qualify for veterans education benefits should notify their DeVry admissions
advisor/representative and meet with the University’s veterans benefits coordinator regarding
eligibility as far in advance of their scheduled class start date as possible.
The Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) requires DeVry to have and enforce standards of
academic progress, to which all students must adhere. Failure to do so may result in loss of
benefit eligibility until deficiencies are corrected. Students receiving VA benefits should visit the
Additional Academic Progress Information for Students Receiving Veterans Education Benefits
section. Questions regarding these requirements should be directed to the University’s
designated veterans point of contact.
Payment Options
Students’ full account balances are due at the beginning of each session.
Though students may pay their full account balance in one payment, they may take advantage
of one of the payment plans outlined below. Such students must submit a completed payment
plan agreement. A new agreement is required should students wish to change plans.
Further information is available from a DeVry student support advisor. Delinquent payments
may result in loss of payment plan privileges and registration holds.
Deferred Plan
Available to students using employer tuition reimbursement, and whose employers submit a
tuition-reimbursement statement on students’ behalf, the Deferred Plan enables tuition and fees
to be deferred until Thursday of week 5 of the subsequent session.
Direct Bill Plan
Available to students for whom an employer or third party (e.g., state, VA, etc.) will be paying
DeVry directly for tuition and fees, the Direct Bill Plan allows the employer or third party to delay
full payment of tuition and fees until Friday of week 7 of the third subsequent session.
Students using a third-party form of payment (e.g., Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill
, Chapter 31
Veteran Readiness and Employment, state workforce programing, employer tuition coverage,
etc.) will not be penalized by holds, interest or late fees while payment for the students’ covered
balance is pending receipt by the institution.
To enroll in the Direct Bill Plan, students must submit documentation of eligibility for the direct
billing arrangement offered by their company or the third party. Acceptable documentation
includes a:
Certificate of Eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapters 33 or 31, or
“Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ website,
www.va.gov, or
VA Form 28-1905 for Chapter 31 authorization, or
Completed Corporate Education Program form for all other third-party methods.
Enrollment in this payment plan does not eliminate students’ responsibility to ensure tuition is
paid by the due date (Friday of week 7 of the third subsequent session 180 days) whether
they are in active or inactive enrollment status.
Veterans Benefits and Transition Act
As part of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, section 3679 of title 38, effective
August 1, 2019, and the Colonel John M. McHugh Tuition Fairness for Survivors Act of 2021,
GI Bill
is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education
benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
section 3679 of title 38, effective August 1, 2022, any DeVry University students using Chapter
33 Post 9/11 GI Bill
or Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment will not be penalized
by holds, interest or late fees while the VA Education Benefit payment is pending receipt for at
least 90 days from the date tuition and fees were certified by the institution. DeVry University will
not impose any penalty, including denial of access to classes, libraries or other institutional
facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds.
DeVry University also recommends that veterans education benefit recipients notify a student
support advisor as soon as they become aware of a delay in anticipated payment.
DeVry Grants
Note: Students may participate in one DeVry-based grant or group pricing program only. If
students qualify for more than one such program, the one most beneficial is awarded. Prior to
starting classes at DeVry, students who qualify for and prefer a different grant or group pricing
program must confirm, in writing, the alternate program in which they wish to participate. In rare
cases grant or group tuition pricing programs are combinable. Students are made aware of such
opportunities by their admissions advisor/representative or student support advisor.
Applicants may apply for DeVry University grants during the admissions process and should
work with their admissions advisor/representative to do so.
Basic Scholarship and Grant Eligibility
To qualify for a DeVry University scholarship or grant, students must have met DeVry entrance
requirements and applied for admission. They must also meet criteria outlined for each grant
award. Additional criteria may also need to be met. Learn more by visiting the University’s
scholarships and grants web page.
General Scholarship and Grant Policies
Recipients are responsible for all education expenses not provided for by their scholarship
or grant.
Applications for scholarships or grants must be received by Saturday of week 2 of the first
session, unless otherwise noted in the criteria. Award recipients must start in the intended
term specified on their admissions application. Recipients who do not start in their intended
term have their award expired and must reapply for offerings available at the time of actual
DeVry scholarships and grants are applied to eligible charges outlined in the terms and
conditions document provided to scholarship recipients.
To qualify for scholarship and grant funds, students must meet continuing eligibility
requirements outlined in the terms and conditions document sent to award recipients.
Recipients must acknowledge receipt of the terms and conditions document pertaining to
their specific scholarship and/or grant award. Disbursement of funds may be delayed until
receipt of this document is acknowledged in writing and returned by recipients.
Scholarship and grant recipients are expected to progress in a timely manner toward
completing their program of enrollment. The registrar determines continued academic
eligibility at the end of each semester of enrollment. To retain scholarship and grant
eligibility, recipients must meet additional conditions outlined in the terms and conditions
document sent to them.
GI Bill
is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education
benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
Opportunities for High School Students
DeVry University’s Advantage Academy, Passport2College and Start Now early admission
opportunities provide qualifying high school students, and/or recent high school graduates, the
opportunity to begin their college education sooner.
Students may be enrolled in both high school and DeVry University when participating in these
DeVry University’s Advantage Academy
DeVry’s Advantage Academy enables qualifying students at Chicago Public Schools to take
college courses in the University’s associate degree program in Information Technology &
Networking with a track in Network Systems Administration while earning their high school
DeVry’s Advantage Academy also enables students attending Towers High School in Georgia
to take college courses and earn an undergraduate certificate in Programming Essentials while
earning their high school diploma.
To learn more about admission requirements, contact:
DeVry University Chicago Campus
1900 W. Lawrence Ave.
Chicago, IL 60640
DeVry University Decatur Location
One West Court Square, Ste. 600
Decatur, GA 30030
Passport2College offers college-level classes to qualified high school juniors and seniors who
wish to earn college credit at no tuition cost while still attending high school. This program is
designed to help students become better prepared for the demands of college and supports
smooth transition from high school to the college environment. Contact a DeVry admissions
advisor/representative for details.
Start Now
Qualified applicants who have been accepted to DeVry and are in their senior year of high
school or are recent high school graduates may apply to Start Now to begin their DeVry
program early as nonmatriculating students. Start Now students may enroll in a maximum of two
courses at no tuition cost, no student services charge and no learning management system
access fee. Contact a DeVry admissions advisor/representative for more details.
Opportunity for College Students Bridge2Bachelor’s
To help prospective students determine if they are a match for DeVry University’s academic
environment, DeVry offers its Bridge2Bachelor’s program, which provides one complimentary
college-level course at DeVry University to qualified students enrolled in an associate degree
program at a qualifying institution.
To be eligible for the program, students at DeVry-recognized community or two-year colleges,
or at similar institutions, must:
Have applied, and been admitted, to DeVry University as nonmatriculated students while
attending such institutions.
Enroll in the complimentary course no later than one semester (two consecutive sessions)
past their graduation date from such institutions.
The application fee is waived for these individuals. Contact a DeVry admissions
advisor/representative for more details.
Cancellations & Refunds
Applicants who do not achieve a satisfactory score on DeVry’s placement examinations are
denied admission, notified in writing and receive a refund of prepaid tuition upon written request.
Applicants may cancel their enrollment without penalty prior to midnight of the 10th business
day after the date of transaction or acceptance (cancellation period). Note: California residents
may cancel their initial enrollment agreement without penalty or obligation at any time prior to
midnight of the 10th business day following this transaction or through attendance at the first
class meeting, whichever is later. After the cancellation period, the application fee is not
refunded. The deadline is extended to 30 days after the original intended class start date if the
applicant does not start at that time.
A student who cannot start on the original class start date must notify a DeVry admissions
advisor/representative. If the student starts classes within six sessions of the original intended
start date, a second application fee is not required. After this period, a new enrollment
agreement must be signed and accompanied by required fees.
A student who does not report for class may request a refund of any monies paid to DeVry over
and above the application fee, or as required by applicable state and/or federal regulations.
Refunds on textbooks and supplies purchased through the University’s online bookstore are
made in accordance with the online bookstore’s return/refund policy.
To receive a tuition adjustment, students must make all schedule changes by the end of week 1
of a session (add/drop period).
After classes begin, students may withdraw from a course by formally requesting a course
withdrawal prior to Friday of week 7 at 11:59 pm MT. In addition, those receiving federal student
loans must complete a loan exit interview with a student support advisor prior to withdrawing.
Students who withdraw are responsible for all outstanding financial obligations.
Regarding cancellations, any prepaid fees or tuition are refunded unless the student transfers to
another DeVry location.
In compliance with applicable requirements, DeVry issues refunds to students who withdraw
from a course prior to completing a session. Refund calculations are based on week of
withdrawal, DeVry’s policy and the policy of the student’s original state of residence. Of the
refund amounts calculated, the one most favorable to the student is issued. In all cases, policies
are applied to tuition charged for the period of enrollment from which the student withdrew.
Refunds are calculated according to the last documented date of attendance and issued within
30 days of the withdrawal notification date, or the date DeVry determines the student is no
longer enrolled, whichever is earlier.
DeVry Refund Policy
At a minimum, refunds are calculated as follows:
Week of
Percent Refund of Tuition,
Less Administrative Fee*
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Weeks 4-8
* The administrative fee is $50 per course.
Refund policies vary by state and the most beneficial institutional or applicable state policy is
used to calculate the tuition refund.
Alabama Refund Policy
Students residing in Alabama may cancel enrollment at any time by contacting a student
support advisor or an appropriate academic administrator. Refunds of unearned prepaid tuition,
fees, and other charges shall be made in the following manner within thirty (30) days of
If cancellation occurs after classes begin, a pro rata refund will be made of all unearned prepaid
tuition, fees, and charges for books and supplies not issued to the student. Once books and
supplies are issued and received by students, these become the property of students and
refunds may be made only at the discretion of the school.
California Refund Policy
Students have the right to cancel their enrollment agreement or withdraw from courses. In the
event a student wishes to withdraw or cancel their enrollment agreement, DeVry University shall
issue a pro rata refund that is no less than the total amount owed by the student for the portion
of the educational program subtracted from the amount paid by the student, calculated as
The amount owed equals the daily charge for the program multiplied by the number of days the
student attended, or was scheduled to attend, prior to withdrawal. Except for items contained in
the enrollment agreement or catalog that are specified as nonrefundable (not to be more than
$250.00), all amounts paid by the student in excess of what is owed as calculated shall be
refunded. Except in the case when an institution provides a 100% refund, any assessment paid
pursuant to the state tuition recovery fund is nonrefundable.
DeVry University shall also provide a pro rata refund of nonfederal student financial aid program
moneys paid for institutional charges to students who have completed 60% (sixty percent) or
less of the period of attendance.
If the student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund
of monies not paid from federal student financial aid program funds. Note: if the student obtains
a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the full
amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund.
DeVry University participates in the Title IV Federal Student Aid program as well as in financial
aid programs in certain states. For consumer information, visit
If a student chooses to cancel their enrollment agreement or withdraw from classes they may do
so at any time. However, after classes begin, students wanting to withdraw from a course must
formally request a course withdrawal in writing prior to Friday of week 7 at 11:59 pm MST.
Colorado Refund Policy
Students residing in Colorado may cancel enrollment at any time. A pro rata refund will be
calculated until the student completes sixty percent (60%) or more of the session in which they
Florida Refund Policy
Students in the state of Florida will have tuition refunded using the University Institutional
Refund Policy with the following exceptions:
Students who withdraw during the add/drop period will be refunded all tuition and fees, as
well as all funds paid for supplies, books, and equipment that can be, and are, returned to
the institution.
Refunds are calculated according to the last documented date of attendance and issued
within 30 days of the withdrawal notification date or the date DeVry determines the student
is no longer enrolled, whichever is earlier.
Nonrefundable fees regarding admission and registration of Florida students shall not
exceed $150.
The application fee of $30 is nonrefundable after 10 business days.
The student services charge of $40 per session is nonrefundable.
The Learning Management System access fee is nonrefundable if a student
withdraws from all classes after week 7 of the session in which the fee was assessed.
The course resource fee is nonrefundable if a student withdraws from the course for
which the fee was assessed.
After the add/drop period, students are assessed a nonrefundable $50 administration
fee for each course from which they withdraw.
Georgia Refund Policy
Students who have completed 50 percent or less of the session are entitled to a refund based
on the proration of tuition and percentage of course completed at withdrawal, or as required by
applicable state or federal laws and regulations, if more favorable to the student.
Institutions that charge for fees, books and supplies that are in addition to tuition must refund
any unused portion of the fees if a student withdraws before completing 50 percent of the period
of enrollment except for:
Items that were specially ordered for a particular student and cannot be used or sold to
another student.
Items that were returned in a condition that prevents them from being used by or sold to
new students.
Nonrefundable fees for goods and/or services provided by third-party vendors.
Indiana Refund Policy
The postsecondary educational institution shall pay a refund to the student in the amount
calculated under the refund policy specified in this section or as otherwise approved by the
Board. The institution must make the proper refund no later than thirty-one (31) days from the
student’s request for cancellation or withdrawal.
After beginning classes, Indiana residents who withdraw from the school are entitled to the
following refund amounts, less an enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to
exceed one hundred dollars ($100):
After Attending
Refund Amount
One week or less
More than one week, but equal to or less than
twenty-five percent (25%), of the program
More than twenty-five percent (25%), but equal to
or less than fifty percent (50%), of the program
More than fifty percent (50%), but equal to or less
than sixty percent (60%), of the program
More than sixty percent (60%) of the program
Iowa Refund Policy
A proprietary school shall refund all tuition charges to a student who withdraws within the first
two calendar weeks of instruction. A proprietary school shall make a pro rata refund of tuition
charges to a student who terminates from any of the school's postsecondary educational
programs or courses after the first two calendar weeks in an amount that is not less than ninety-
five percent of the amount of tuition charged to the student multiplied by the ratio of the number
of calendar days remaining in the school period to the total number of calendar days in the
school period. A refund of tuition charges shall be provided to the student within forty-five days
following the date of the school’s determination that a student has terminated from a
postsecondary educational program. If a terminating student has completed sixty percent or
more of a school period, the school offering the postsecondary educational program is not
required to refund tuition charges to the student.
Kansas Refund Policy
Each student who has completed twenty-five percent (25%) or less of a course and withdraws
shall be eligible for a pro rata refund. The completion percentage shall be based on the total
number of calendar days in the course and the total number of calendar days completed. After a
student has attended at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the course, tuition and fees shall not
be refundable.
Kentucky Refund Policy
If a student withdraws from the university, the college shall refund an amount reasonably related
to the period for which the student is not enrolled and shall refund one hundred percent (100%)
of all other tuition and other fees collected by the college for subsequent enrollment or
registration periods. After completion of fifty percent (50%) of the enrollment period, the college
shall not be required to make refunds of tuition or other fees for that period.
Week of Withdrawal
Percent Refund
First day of scheduled classes
Balance of week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Weeks 5-8
Louisiana Refund Policy
Students who withdraw prior to the first day of classes are entitled to a full refund of tuition and
fees, less an application fee. Students withdrawing during the first 10 days of classes shall
receive a minimum refund of seventy-five percent (75%) of total tuition and fees paid, excluding
any nonrefundable application fees, less the maximally-allowable administrative fees retained
by the institution. Students withdrawing from day 11 through day 24 of classes shall receive a
minimum refund of fifty percent (50%) of total tuition and fees paid, excluding any nonrefundable
application fees, less the maximally-allowable administrative fees retained by the institution.
Students withdrawing from day 25 through the end of the session are ineligible to receive a
Percent Refund,
Less Administrative Fee*
Days 1-10
Days 11-24
Day 25 through
end of session
* The administrative fee will not exceed 15% of tuition.
Maryland Refund Policy
The minimum refund policy for Maryland residents enrolled in online programs is:
Portion of Session Completed as
of Date of Withdrawal
Less than 10%
10% up to, but not including, 20%
20% up to, but not including, 30%
30% up to, but not including, 40%
40% up to, and including, 60%
More than 60%
No refund
Missouri Refund Policy
At a minimum, refunds are calculated as follows:
Week of
Percent Refund of Tuition,
Less Administrative Fee*
First day of
Balance of week 1
Week 2
Weeks 3 and 4
Weeks 5-8
* The administrative fee is $50 per course.
** Students who cancel their enrollment during this period also have their financial aid awards
cancelled and any funds received returned to the funding source.
Students who never commence attendance in their course, or who drop prior to the start of the
term, are refunded 100% of tuition and fees.
Nevada Refund Policy
If the institution has substantially failed to furnish the program agreed upon in the enrollment
agreement, the institution shall refund all money that the student has paid. Substantially failed
to furnish” includes canceling or changing a training program agreed upon in the enrollment
agreement without offering the student a fair chance to complete the same program or another
program with a demonstrated possibility of placement equal to or higher than the possibility of
placement of the program in which the student is enrolled within approximately the same period
at no additional cost; or obtaining the written agreement of the student to the specified changes
and a statement that the student is not being coerced or forced into accepting the changes
unless the cancellation or change of a program is in response to a change in the requirements
to enter an occupation.
If a student cancels their enrollment before the start of the program, the institution shall refund
all money that the student has paid, minus 10 percent of the tuition or $150, whichever is less. If
a student withdraws or is expelled after the start of the program and before the completion of
more than 60 percent of the program, the institution shall refund the student a pro rata amount
of the tuition minus 10 percent of the tuition or $150, whichever is less.
If a student withdraws or is expelled by the institution after completion of more than 60 percent
of the term, the institution is not required to refund the student any money and may charge the
student the entire cost of the tuition.
If a refund is owed, the institution shall issue the refund within 15 calendar days after the date of
cancellation by a student, date of termination by the institution or the last day of attendance.
Books, educational supplies or equipment for individual use are not included in the policy
described above. A separate refund must be paid by the institution to the student if those items
were not used by the student. Disputes must be resolved by the administrator for refunds on a
case-by-case basis.
A period of a student’s attendance must be measured from the first day of instruction through
the student’s last day of actual attendance, regardless of absences. The period of time for a
program is the period set forth in the enrollment agreement. Tuition must be calculated using
the tuition and fees set forth in the enrollment agreement and does not include books,
educational supplies or equipment that are listed separately from the tuition and fees.
Nevada operates a student indemnification fund which may be used to indemnify any student or
enrollee who has suffered damage as a result of the discontinuance of operation of a
postsecondary educational institution licensed in Nevada or the violation by a Nevada institution
of any provision of the Nevada Revised statutes (394.383 to 394.560) or the regulations
adopted pursuant thereto. The existence of this account does not create a right in any person to
receive money from the account.
Oklahoma Refund Policy
First week: For a student who withdraws after starting school but within the first week, the
tuition retained by the school will not exceed 10% of the contract price plus $150.00 but in
no event more than $350.00.
After first week: For a student who withdraws after one week but within the first 25% of the
course, the tuition retained by the school will not exceed 25% of the contract price plus
After 25%: For a student who withdraws after completing over 25% but within 50% of the
course, the tuition retained will not exceed 50% of the contract price plus $150.00.
After 50%: A student completing more than 50% of the course is not entitled to a refund.
Oregon Refund Policy
After classes begin for a term, a student who withdraws from a course is eligible for a partial
refund through the middle week of the term. Refunds shall be based on unused instructional
time and shall be prorated on a weekly basis for schools using a semester, quarter or
nontraditional calendar.
South Carolina Refund Policy
For students residing in South Carolina, DeVry University shall provide for a pro rata refund
calculation pursuant to South Carolina Commission on Higher Education regulatory
requirements. However, this does not apply to any student whose date of withdrawal is after the
sixty (60) percent point (in time) in the period of enrollment for which the student has been
Day of
Percent of Refund,
Less Administrative Fee*
Days 1-7
Days 8-14
Days 15-21
Days 22-28
Days 29-33
Day 34 through
end of session
* The administrative fee is $50 per course
Virginia Refund Policy
Students who withdraw during the add/drop period (week 1 of the session) shall be entitled to a
100% refund for the period. After the end of the add/drop period, tuition refund calculations are
based on the DeVry refund policy.
West Virginia Refund Policy
An admitted student may cancel the enrollment by written notice at any time prior to the first
class day and receive a refund of all tuition and fees paid, minus the $30 application fee.
A student who withdraws during the first week of the term will receive a 90% refund, less the
$30 application fee.
A student who withdraws during week 2 of the term will receive a 75% refund, less the
$30 application fee.
A student who withdraws during weeks 3 and 4 of the term will receive a 50% refund, less
the $30 application fee.
A student who withdraws during weeks 5-8 of the term will receive a 0% refund.
Schools are required to issue refunds within twenty (20) days after receipt of a proper
notification of termination from a student.
Wisconsin Refund Policy
DeVry University will provide a full refund of all monies paid by the student if either the student
accepted was unqualified and the school did not secure a disclaimer, or the school procured the
student’s enrollment as the result of any false representations in the written materials used by
the school or in oral representations made by or on behalf of the school.
A student who withdraws or is dismissed before completing sixty percent (60%) of the potential
units of instruction in the current enrollment period, shall be entitled to a pro rata refund, less
any amounts owed by the student for the current enrollment period, less a one-time application
Pro rata refund shall be determined as the number of units remaining after the last unit
completed by the student, divided by the total number of units in the enrollment period, rounded
downward to the nearest 10 percent. Pro rata refund is the resulting percent applied to the total
tuition and other required costs paid by the student for the current enrollment period. All efforts
will be made to refund prepaid amounts for books, supplies, and other charges unless the
student has consumed or used those items and they can no longer be used or sold to new
students or returned by the school to the supplier.
No refund is required for any student who withdraws or is dismissed after completing sixty
percent (60%) of the potential units of instruction in the current enrollment period unless a
student withdraws due to mitigating circumstances, which are those that directly prohibit pursuit
of a program and which are beyond the student’s control.
Withdrawal Period
Percent Refund
Days 1-5
Days 6-11
Days 12-16
Days 17-22
Days 23-27
Days 28-33
Day 34 through end of session
Federal Return of Funds Policy
Federal return of funds must be performed if a student receiving financial aid withdraws
completely from all classes after the start of the enrollment period. Length of enrollment is equal
to the number of calendar days, including weekends and holidays, in the periods in which the
student was registered. However, according to federal regulations, a federal refund calculation
excludes breaks of five or more days.
The withdrawal date is the date the student begins the official withdrawal process by notifying
the institution electronically, in writing, in person or by telephone, whichever is earliest, or
otherwise officially notifies the institution of their intent to withdraw. For a student who withdraws
without notification, the University uses the last date of attendance as the withdrawal date.
Return of funds is calculated as follows:
If the student’s percentage of enrollment period completed is greater than 60 percent, the
student has earned and must repay 100 percent of the federal aid received.
If the student’s percentage of enrollment period completed is 60 percent or less, the
calculated percentage of enrollment is used to determine the amount of aid returned.
Return of funds occurs in the following order:
1. To the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan program
2. To the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan program
3. To the Federal Direct PLUS Loan program
4. To the Federal Pell Grant program
5. To the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant program
6. To the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program
7. To other Title IV aid programs
8. To state grant programs, and/or to private or other institutional aid programs
9. To the student
Privacy Act
DeVry complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This
Act protects the privacy of students’ educational records, establishes students’ rights to inspect
and review their academic records, and provides guidelines for correcting inaccurate and
misleading data through informal and formal hearings.
DeVry’s policy on releasing student-related information explains our procedures for complying
with the Act’s provisions. Copies of the policy are available in the student handbook.
Nondiscrimination Policy
DeVry University is committed to providing an academic and professional environment free of
discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,
gender expression, age, disability, military or veteran status, religion, political affiliation, genetic
information or any classification protected by law. Harassment that is based on any of these
characteristics is a form of discrimination. This policy on non-discrimination applies to
admission, enrollment, employment, and access to, and participation in, all University programs
and activities.
In addition, DeVry complies with federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination and
harassment based on the above characteristics and will not tolerate, condone or allow
discrimination or harassment, whether engaged in by fellow students, faculty members, or non-
faculty colleagues. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination or harassment complaint may
Sex and Gender-Based Complaints: Title IX Coordinator, [email protected]
Disability Complaints: ADA/504 Coordinator, [email protected]
All Other Classifications Complaints: Complaint Coordinator,
Title IX Compliance
DeVry University’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for overseeing compliance of DeVry
University’s Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Policy. Questions regarding application of Title IX
and compliance should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator is also
responsible for managing reports of sex and gender-based discrimination including, but not
limited to, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct affecting the campus community. Students
who wish to make a report of sexual misconduct affecting the campus community should follow
the procedures published on DeVry University’s Title IX web page.
Title IX Coordinator
Paul Herbst
ADA/504 Coordinator
Phone: 630.960.8019
Individuals may also submit external inquiries to the U.S. Department of Education:
Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Headquarters
400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
Customer Service: 800.421.3481
TDD: 877.521.2172
Web: www.ed.gov/ocr
Regional Offices: www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/addresses.html
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
DeVry complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and forbids use, possession,
distribution or sale of drugs or alcohol by students, faculty or staff anywhere on University
property. Anyone in violation of state, federal or local regulations, with respect to illegal drugs or
alcohol, may be subject to both criminal prosecution and University disciplinary action.
Intellectual Property Rights
In accordance with the law of copyright, faculty-assigned student writings, including answer
material for tests, projects, research papers and business plans prepared in connection with any
course, are the property of DeVry University and may be used by the University for educational
Campus Crime and Security Act
DeVry complies with the Campus Crime and Security Act of 1990 and publishes the required
campus crime and security report on October 1 of each year. A copy of the crime and security
report can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Educations Campus Safety and Security
Data Analysis website at http://ope.ed.gov/security.
Should students be witnesses to or victims of a crime, they should immediately report the
incident to the local law enforcement agency. Emergency numbers are located throughout the
Safety Information
The security of all University members is a priority. Each year DeVry publishes a report outlining
security and safety information, as well as crime statistics for the community. This report
provides suggestions about crime prevention strategies as well as important policy information
on emergency procedures, reporting of crimes and support services for victims of sexual
assault. The report also contains information about DeVry’s policy on alcohol and other drugs,
and informs students where to obtain a copy of the alcohol and drug policy. This report is
available at DeVry or by calling 800.73.DEVRY.
For students attending locations in New York, the Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will
provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported to the United States Department of
Academic Freedom
DeVry University supports development of autonomous thought and respect for others’ ideas.
As such, members of the DeVry community, including students and colleagues, including full-
time and part-time faculty, are free to discuss their questions and express their opinions both
publicly and privately within the boundaries of the Code of Conduct and Colleague Handbook
and other reasonable behavioral expectations, such as those included in other University
Rules and Enrollment Conditions
All students are expected to observe DeVry University’s Code of Conduct. A detailed listing of
all student rights, privileges and responsibilities can be found in the student handbook.
DeVry expects mature and responsible behavior from students and strives to create and
maintain an environment of social, moral and intellectual excellence. DeVry reserves the right to
suspend or permanently expel students whose work or conduct is deemed unsatisfactory.
Explanations of the academic integrity policy, Code of Conduct, disciplinary process and student
complaint procedures are provided in the student handbook.
Plagiarism Prevention
As part of our commitment to academic integrity, DeVry subscribes to an online plagiarism
prevention system. Student work may be submitted to this system, which protects student
privacy by assigning code numbers, not names, to all student work stored in its databases.
Graduation Rates
DeVry complies with the Student Right to Know Act and annually prepares the graduation rate
of its degree-seeking, full-time undergraduate students who have graduated by the end of the
12-month period ending August 31, during which 150 percent of the normal time for graduation
from their program has elapsed.
This information is available on the University’s Student Consumer Information and Disclosures
web page; from DeVry admissions staff, by calling 800.73.DEVRY; or by contacting a student
support advisor.
Tardiness and Missed Class Time
Students enrolled in blended/hybrid courses (visit the Course Delivery section) are expected to
be present at the beginning of, and throughout, each class meeting.
Excessive tardiness and/or early class departure may affect students’ ability to master course
material, and professors may consider time in class when computing students’ grades.
This policy does not apply to students enrolled in online courses.
Disciplinary Action
A student who has potentially breached the University’s rules or conduct standards is referred to
the designated conduct administrator (visit the student handbook). The conduct administrator
will proceed according to the University’s student Code of Conduct, published in the student
handbook. The Code of Conduct defines the University’s conduct standards and provides a
process that allows for notice to the student, an opportunity to respond and participate in the
process, and an opportunity to appeal. Sanctions that may be imposed as the result of a Code
of Conduct proceeding are also listed in the published Code of Conduct.
Note: A notation is applied to the transcripts of online students who reside in New York, and to
students enrolled at New York locations, who are found responsible for certain code of conduct
violations or who withdraw during certain code of conduct violation proceedings.
Rescinding Award Conferrals
DeVry University reserves the right to sanction a student or graduate with permanent expulsion
from all DeVry institutions, including other DeVry University locations. DeVry also reserves the
right to rescind award conferrals if they were based on submission of documents that were
forged, fraudulent, altered, obtained inappropriately, materially incomplete or otherwise
deceptive, or if a student or graduate misused DeVry academic documents.
Students or alumni who submit fraudulent documents or misuse DeVry University academic
documents are afforded rights to a hearing under the Code of Conduct. The misconduct is
adjudicated using procedures specified in the Code of Conduct and may result in University
Students and graduates whose award conferrals are rescinded remain responsible for fulfilling
financial obligations to any DeVry institution; federal, state and local governments; and private
loan providers.
Student Complaint Procedures
In general, all students should first attempt to resolve concerns orally or in writing with the
individual(s) most directly connected to their complaints. If that is not appropriate or successful,
students attending onsite should direct their concerns to the location leader for the location they
attend. Students attending online should file their complaint with Student Central. A complaint
should be filed by the student as soon as possible so it can be addressed contemporaneously
by DeVry. Online students can contact a student support advisor by calling 877.496.9050 and
selecting the option for Student Central.
For all students, complaints involving allegations of disability or sex-based discrimination or
harassment should be filed with the Title IX coordinator (visit the Title IX Compliance section).
All other complaints of discrimination or harassment should be filed with the complaint
administrator for the location they attend. The complaint administrator may partner with Human
Resources when addressing the discrimination or harassment complaint. The student handbook
provides additional information on the student complaint procedure.
Students not satisfied with the final disposition of the complaint process may contact the state
higher education approving authority, the University’s accreditor or the state attorney general.
Visit https//:www.devry.edu/compliance/student-complaint-procedure.html for contact
information for state higher education approving authorities and/or state attorney general
In compliance with state regulations, information for the following state higher education
approving authorities is also listed below:
Arizona (students enrolled onsite): Students at all locations who wish to file a formal
complaint should follow the process outlined above and can email
[email protected] to reach a complaint administrator. If the student
complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the Institution’s grievance procedure, the
student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary
Education. The student must contact the State Board for further details. Arizona State Board
for Private Postsecondary Education, 1740 W. Adams, 3rd Flr., Phoenix, AZ 85007,
602.542.5709, https://ppse.az.gov/student-complaint-procedure. Students enrolled online
should direct complaints to the director, online student services or designate.
California: A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution
with the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling 888.370.7589 or
by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the Bureau’s website,
Florida (students enrolled onsite): Florida Department of Education, Commission for
Independent Education, 325 W. Gaines St., Ste. 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400,
[email protected], 850.245.3238 (fax), www.fldoe.org/about-us/office-of-the-inspector-
Georgia: Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission, 2082 E. Exchange Pl.,
Ste. 220, Tucker, GA 30084, 770.414.3300, https://gnpec.georgia.gov/student-complaints.
Illinois: Illinois Board of Higher Education through the online complaint system
https://complaints.ibhe.org or by mail to 1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza, Ste. 333, Springfield,
IL 62701-1377.
Kansas: Kansas Board of Regents, 1000 SW Jackson St., Ste. 520, Topeka, KS 66612,
Maryland: Maryland Higher Education Commission, 6 N. Liberty St., 10
Flr., Baltimore, MD
21201, 410.767.3300, [email protected],
https://onestop.md.gov/forms/student-complaints-mhec-5f74bfc0ab0f9d00fc796766; or
Maryland Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division, 200 St. Paul Pl., Baltimore, MD
21202, 410.528.8662 or toll-free telephone number 888.743.0823,
Nevada (students enrolled onsite): Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education, 2800
E. St. Louis Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89104, www.cpe.nv.gov.
New Mexico: New Mexico Higher Education Department, Private Postsecondary Schools
Division, 2044 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, Santa Fe, NM 87505, 505.476.8400,
North Carolina: North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints, 223 S. West St.,
Ste. 1800, Raleigh, NC 27603. Students may also visit https://www.northcarolina.edu/post-
Tennessee: Any person claiming damage or loss as a result of any act or practice by this
institution that may be a violation of the Title 49, Chapter 7, Part 20 or Rule Chapter 1540-
01-02 may file a complaint with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Division of
Postsecondary State Authorization, 312 Rosa Parks Ave., 9
Flr., Nashville, TN 37243,
Texas: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
(https://www.highered.texas.gov/student-complaints/) rules governing student complaints in
Texas can be found at
Virginia: In Virginia, students who do not feel they received a satisfactory resolution to their
complaint may contact the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), Attn:
Private and Out-of-State Postsecondary Education, 101 N. 14
St., James Monroe Bldg.,
Richmond, VA 23219 https://www.schev.edu/index/students-and-parents/resources/student-
complaints as a last resort in the complaint process. Students will not be subject to adverse
action as a result of initiating a complaint with SCHEV.
The Virginia State Approving Agency (SAA) is the approving authority of education and
training programs for Virginia. Their office investigates complaints of GI Bill
While most complaints should initially follow the school grievance policy, if the situation
cannot be resolved at the school, the beneficiary should contact the SAA office via email
GI Bill
is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education
benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
DeVry Locations
DeVry University offers classes at locations nationwide, online and through extended
classrooms. More information, including program availability at each location, is available via
each location link below.
DeVry’s Phoenix location, in Deer Valley, is conveniently accessed from major streets and a
freeway. Classrooms include Wi-Fi, to facilitate both individual learning and collaborative work,
and provide adequate space for students to connect their own devices or to use a DeVry
workstation/laptop. Wi-Fi is also accessible throughout the rest of the DeVry space, which offers
a study area; conference room for group study or collaboration; a student commons area; and
administrative office space. Students have access to a break room with kitchen and an adjacent
wellness room. The building provides surface parking at no additional charge and EV charging
stations. DeVry University’s Library is virtual eBooks, journals, online databases and other
resources can be accessed via https://library.devry.edu/.
20430 N. 19
Ave., Ste. 170, Phoenix, AZ 85027
DeVry’s Newark, Ontario, San Diego, San Jose and Sherman Oaks (Encino) locations are
conveniently situated near major freeways and offer modern, wired classrooms and lecture
rooms to facilitate both individual learning and collaborative work. Classrooms also provide
adequate space for students to connect their own devices or to use a DeVry workstation/laptop.
The locations also offer Wi-Fi internet access within the DeVry workspace, as well as supportive
staff and faculty. DeVry University does not have dormitory facilities under its control, nor does it
assist students with finding housing. Note: Approximate housing expenses which are subject
to market fluctuation differ considerably throughout California due to real estate costs,
proximity to the DeVry location and overall quality of a facility. The estimated monthly cost for a
two-bedroom apartment is $1,000-$2,800.
8000 Jarvis Ave., Ste. 220, Newark, CA 94560
2970 E. Inland Empire Blvd., Ste. 100, Ontario, CA 91764
San Diego
2655 Camino Del Rio North, Ste. 205, San Diego, CA 92108
San Jose
2160 Lundy Ave., Ste. 250, San Jose, CA 95131
Sherman Oaks (Encino)
15531 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 100, Encino, CA 91436
The Orlando location, accessible from major streets and highways, is designed to meet
graduate and undergraduate students’ needs with classrooms, accessible Wi-Fi throughout the
DeVry space and private offices. The DeVry University Library is virtual – eBooks, journals,
online databases and other resources can be accessed via library.devry.edu.
450 S. Orange Ave., 3
Flr., Orlando, FL 32801
One West Court Square, Ste. 600, Decatur, GA 30030
The University’s Chicago and suburban locations serve both undergraduate and graduate
students seeking degree and certificate credentials. Each site offers classrooms; a comfortable
student commons area for study and tutoring; loaner laptops; and Wi-Fi internet throughout the
DeVry space. One classroom at the Chicago location on Lawrence Avenue includes computers,
and the Lisle location has a Tech Bar.
1900 W. Lawrence Ave., Ste. 100, Chicago, IL 60640
Chicago Loop
200 W. Adams St., Ste. 1950, Chicago, IL 60606
4225 Naperville Rd., Ste. 400, Lisle, IL 60532
DeVry’s Henderson location is located in Green Valley, a resort area just a few miles from Las
Vegas. The location offers spacious classrooms, a fully wired computer lab and a comfortable
student commons area.
Henderson Close Date: September 30, 2026; location no longer accepting new applicants;
limited onsite instruction continues for students already enrolled
2490 Paseo Verde Pkwy., Ste. 150, Henderson, NV 89074
New Jersey
517 Route 1 S, Ste. 1000, Iselin, NJ 08830
New York
Midtown Manhattan
DeVry College of New York
180 Madison Ave., Ste. 1200 (Entrance on 34
St.), New York, NY 10016
DeVry’s Columbus location is nearly 5,300 square feet and offers four classrooms and space for
administrative staff. Wi-Fi internet is accessible throughout the DeVry space, which also offers a
student commons area. Classrooms, including a video-connected classroom, are used for
lectures and for applied learning activities.
2 Easton Oval, Ste. 210, Columbus, OH 43219
4800 Regent Blvd., Ste. 200, Irving, TX 75063
San Antonio Close Date: September 30, 2026; location no longer accepting new
applicants; limited onsite instruction continues for students already enrolled
814 Arion Pkwy., Ste. 120, San Antonio, TX 78216
1400 Crystal Dr., Ste. 120, Arlington, VA 22202
Home Office and Online Administration
4225 Naperville Rd., Ste. 400, Lisle, IL 60532
Admissions 800.231.0497
Student Services 877.496.9050 (877.453.3879 fax)
DeVry University Leadership
DeVry University Board of Trustees
The DeVry University Board of Trustees is an independent board responsible for reviewing and
approving the University’s mission, policies, strategic plan, annual operating plan, award of
degrees, and matters related to governance of the University.
Michael A. Peel, Board Chair
Managing Partner
Peel Global Advisory, LLC
Dana H. Born, PhD
Faculty Chair, Senior Executive Fellows Program; Faculty Advisor, Black Family Graduate
Fellowship; and Lecturer in Public Policy
Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Krisztina ’Z’ Holly
Venture Partner
Good Growth Capital
Former Vice Provost for Innovation
University of Southern California
Robert Klapper
Former CEO
Jane Oates
Senior Policy Advisor
Richard L. Rodriguez
President and CEO
Acero Schools
James B. Rosseau, Sr.
Chief Executive Officer
The Corelink Solution
Max Stier
President and CEO
Partnership for Public Service
Raquel Tamez
Chief Inclusion and Engagement Officer
Charles River Associates
Newton Walpert
Former Senior Vice President and General Manager, U.S. Sales
HP Inc.
Betsy Ziegler
Chief Executive Officer
In addition to the above independent Trustees:
Elise Awwad
President and CEO
DeVry University
Thomas L. Monahan III, Executive Vice Chair of the Board
Chief Executive Officer
Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc.
Mark K. Shriver
Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School & Corporate Work Study Program
Senior Advisor
Save the Children
DeVry New Jersey Advisory Board
Roland Alum
Former Senior Education Program Officer/Coordinator
New Jersey State Department of Education
Philip J. Pietraski, PhD
Sr. Principal Engineer, Research & Development
InterDigital Communications, LLC
Michelle Vernuccio
North Jersey Chamber of Commerce
DeVry University Officers
Elise Awwad
President and CEO
Shantanu Bose, PhD
Provost and Chief Academic Officer
F. Willis Caruso, Jr.
Sarah Fischer
Assistant Secretary
John Lorenz
Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
Alice Zhong
Assistant Treasurer
Administration & Faculty
To ensure students gain the most relevant education, DeVry University combines the expertise
of seasoned education administrators and a faculty of dedicated professors. Together, these
professionals focus squarely on making students’ academic experience valuable, meaningful
and relevant to employers’ needs.
Nearly all faculty hold master’s degrees, PhDs or other doctorate degrees and bring their
passion for teaching to the learning environment. Through rigorous training, the University
prepares new professors to teach and fully supports all faculty in their ongoing dedication to
education excellence.
To remain current on advances in their fields, many faculty and administrators participate in
leading industry professional organizations, as well as in organizations dedicated to excellence
in education programs and services.
The following pages present University administrators followed by full-time professors teaching
within each state and online. Professors noted as virtual teach online only. Information on
professors teaching at a specific DeVry University location is available from local staff members.
A comprehensive list of visiting professors who teach onsite and/or online is available at
National College Deans and Program Directors
Lenore Goldberg, Dean of Colleges and Curriculum
Colleges of Business & Management and Liberal Arts & Sciences, and Keller Graduate School
of Management
JD, Brooklyn Law School
Laura Kathryn Neal, Dean of Colleges and Curriculum
College of Health Sciences
DM, University of Phoenix
William Phillips, Dean of Colleges and Curriculum
Colleges of Engineering & Information Sciences and Media Arts & Technology
PhD, Arizona State University
Location Leaders
Arizona Phoenix
Jennifer White, Manager of Campus Operations
MAEd, University of Phoenix
California Newark
Krystal Fair Mills, Assistant Director of Student Central, and Newark Location Leader
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
California Ontario
Debra Maldonado, Assistant Director of Student Central, and Ontario Location Leader
MHRM, Keller Graduate School of Management
California San Diego
Jasmin Smith, Assistant Director of Student Central, and San Diego Location Leader
MHRM, Keller Graduate School of Management
California San Jose
Mostafa Mortezaie, Professor, and San Jose Location Leader
PhD, University of California
California Sherman Oaks (Encino)
Natalie Camacho, Manager of Student Services, and Sherman Oaks (Encino) Location Leader
MS, Azusa Pacific University
Florida Orlando
Michelle Hooper, Director of Student Central, and Orlando Location Leader
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
Georgia Decatur
William Blackwell, Assistant Director of Student Central, and Decatur Location Leader
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
Illinois Chicago, Chicago Loop
Ruth Pineda, Director of Campus Operations
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
Illinois Lisle
Karalyn Voelkner, Assistant Director of Student Central, and Lisle Location Leader
BS, Toccoa Falls College
Nevada Henderson
Tiffany Burnett, Assistant Director of Admissions II, and Henderson Location Leader
BA, University of California
New Jersey Iselin
Scarlett Howery, Vice President, and Iselin Location Leader
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
New York Midtown Manhattan
Philip Balsamo, Manager of Campus Operations
BS, State University of New York
Ohio Columbus
Joshua Cosby, Assistant Director of Student Central, and Columbus Location Leader
MAEd, Northern University
MBA, University of Phoenix
Texas Irving
Allison Bennett, Director of Student Central, and Irving Location Leader
MPA, Keller Graduate School of Management
Texas San Antonio
Grover McDaniel, Associate Dean of Teaching & Learning, and San Antonio Location Leader
PhD, Capella University
Virginia Arlington
Dhondt Steven, Senior Director of Admissions, and Arlington Location Leader
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
Full-Time Professors
Rick J. Bird, Senior Professor
MPM, Keller Graduate School of Management
MS, University of Illinois at Springfield
Aaron Marmorstein, ProfessorVirtual
MS, Arizona State University
PhD, Oregon Health & Science University
Veronica L. Schreiber, Senior Professor
MA, University of Arizona
Joan L. Snyder, Associate Professor
MEd, Northern Arizona University
Linda Wayerski, ProfessorVirtual
MBA, Baker University
MHRM, MPA, Keller Graduate School of Management
PhD, Northcentral University
Sean T. Wright, Senior ProfessorVirtual
MBA, Babson College
MAFM, MPA Keller Graduate School of Management
EdD, Northcentral University
Didem Yamak Congress, ProfessorVirtual
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
PhD, Arizona State University
Neda Adib, Professor
MS, Khajeh Nassir Toosi University of Technology
PhD, Southern Methodist University
Raef J. Assaf, Professor
MBA, Wayne State University
DBA, Argosy University
Ahmed Azam, Senior Professor
MISM, Keller Graduate School of Management
MS, California State University
Bob Biswas, Senior ProfessorVirtual
MBA, University of Wisconsin
PhD, Golden Gate University
Gary Foster, ProfessorVirtual
MBA, The University of Utah
Joel H. Frazier Jr., Senior Professor
MBA, MAFM Keller Graduate School of Management
William Garrison, Professor Virtual
MBA, University of La Verne
MA, California State University
Gary P. Giomi, Professor
MISM, Keller Graduate School of Management
Omar Haddad, Associate Professor
MS, University of Michigan
DBA, Argosy University
Andrea Henne, Senior Professor Virtual
MAEd, EdD, University of California
Paula C. Herring, Professor
MBA, University of Phoenix
EdD, Fielding Graduate University
Stanley Hong, Professor
MAcc, University of Southern California
Willie Hosch, Associate Professor
MBA, MPM, Keller Graduate School of Management
PhD, Walden University
Alireza Kavianpour, Senior Professor
MS, Oklahoma State University
PhD, University of Southern California
Victoria H. Kim, Senior Professor
MA, Monterey Institute of International Studies
MS, Brigham Young University
EdD, Pepperdine University
Paul K. Kohara, Professor
MBA, San Francisco State University
Alex M. Leung, Senior Professor
MS, University of Colorado
James Lewis, Associate Professor
MTM, Keller Graduate School of Management
Tyson E. Moore, Professor
MS, Central Michigan University
PhD, Trident University International
Mostafa Mortezaie, Professor
MA, University of Southern California
MS, PhD, University of California
Mohammad R. Muqri, Professor
MS, The University of Tennessee
MD, Spartan Health Sciences University
Carlos Perez, Professor
MS, Florida State University
Cindy T. Phan, Senior Professor
MBA, West Coast University
MAFM, Keller Graduate School of Management
PhD, Alliant International University
James F. Powell, Professor Virtual
MBA, Pepperdine University
Robert Ramirez, Professor
MBA, University of Phoenix
DBA, Northcentral University
Nazila Safavi, Associate Professor
MS, Southern Methodist University
PhD, Capella University
Mohamad Saouli, Professor
MBA, University of Redlands
DPA, University of La Verne
Penn Wu, Senior Professor
MBA, MISM, MPM, MNCM Keller Graduate School of Management
PhD, Nova Southeastern University
Barbara A. Bailey, Professor Virtual
MCJ, Boston University
PhD, Capella University
Louis R. Freese, ProfessorVirtual
MA, Teachers College Columbia University
Susan Kennedy, Associate Professor Virtual
PhD, University of Michigan
Charles W. Trinkel, Associate ProfessorVirtual
MA, University of Colorado
Vicki Bealman, ProfessorVirtual
MS, Full Sail University
MS, EdS, EdD, Liberty University
Michael S. Bird, Senior Professor Virtual
MBA, Nova Southeastern University
MHRM, Keller Graduate School of Management
MS, DeVry University
PhD, Capella University
Mohamed E. Brihoum, Senior Professor
MS, The Ohio State University
PhD, University of Toledo
Miguel A. Buleje, Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, Walden
PhD, Nova Southeastern University
Jeevan F. D’Souza, ProfessorVirtual
MS, The University of Texas at Arlington
PhD, Nova Southeastern University
Edwin H. Hill, Senior ProfessorVirtual
MS, University of Miami
EdS, PhD, Nova Southeastern University
Henry H. Jordan, Senior Professor Virtual
MEd, Georgia State University
PhD, Colorado State University
Amber Krasny
Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, Walden University
Nicolas Lebredo, ProfessorVirtual
MA, The Ohio State University
MAFM, Keller Graduate School of Management
MBA, Webster University
PhD, University of Central Florida
John R. Lutzyk, Professor
MS, State University of New York
EdD, Nova Southeastern University
Wayne M. Morgan, ProfessorVirtual
MS, University of the West Indies
DBA, Nova Southeastern University
Simon Obeid, ProfessorVirtual
MS, PhD, University of North Carolina
Genevieve I. Sapijaszko, Professor
MISM, Keller Graduate School of Management
MS, University of Calgary
PhD, University of Central Florida
Willie Wilborn, Senior Professor Virtual
MAFM, MBA, MHRM, MISM, MPM, Keller Graduate School of Management
EdD, Walden University
Kiana Wilson, Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, Villanova University
DM, Colorado Technical University
Lorenzo Bowman, Senior Professor
MS, JD, Georgia State University
PhD, The University of Georgia
Curtis Crocker, Associate Professor - Virtual
MBA, Kennesaw State University
MTax, MSRE, Georgia State University
DBA, Nova Southeastern University
Christine D. Halsey, Professor
MS, Southern Polytechnic State University
Neisa Jenkins, Professor Virtual
MA, College of St. Scholastica
EdD, Walden University
Debra Kean, Professor Virtual
MEd, Valdosta State University
Claude R. Oakley, Professor
MA, Syracuse University
MBA, Mercer University
MS, University of West Indies
PhD, Colorado State University
Alpana V. Ramanathan, Professor
MBA, The University of Mississippi
Sheila Sampath, Professor Virtual
MHSA, The George Washington University
LaQuata Sumter, Professor Virtual
MEd, EdS, Georgia Southern University
PhD, University of North Texas
Bola S. Tilghman, Associate Professor
MS, PhD, Clark Atlanta University
Jennifer Lame, Associate Professor Virtual
MPH, Idaho State University
Issam Abu-Ghallous, Professor Virtual
MBA, Lewis University
PhD, The University of Southern Mississippi
Mohammad Al Sharoa, Professor
MS, Jordan University of Science and Technology
PhD, Illinois Institute of Technology
Richard Dixon, Associate Professor
MTM, Keller Graduate School of Management
Michael P. Dufresne III, Professor Virtual
MA, MSEd, Northern Illinois University
Iyobosa Ero, Associate Professor
MS, DePaul University
Luan Eshtrefi, Professor
MA, University of Manchester
PhD, South East European University
Kevin M. Greshock, Senior Professor
MPM, Keller Graduate School of Management
Ruizhen Hardin, Associate Professor Virtual
MPA, Georgia State University
DBA, Capella University
Teresa M. Hayes, Professor
MA, DePaul University
Saeed Jellouli, Professor
MS, PhD, Blaise Pascal University
James Karagiannes, Senior Professor
PhD, Illinois Institute of Technology
Bert Lindstrom, Senior ProfessorVirtual
MS, Roosevelt University
EdD, Argosy University
Nana Liu, Senior Professor
MS, University of Illinois at Chicago
DCS, Colorado Technical University
Michael Morrison, ProfessorVirtual
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
Margaret Murphy, Associate Professor
MA, Northwestern University
Paula Offutt, Associate Professor
MBA, University of Phoenix
PhD, Capella University
Abdulmagid Omar, Senior Professor
MS, Case Western Reserve University
PhD, University of Missouri
Nicholas G. Powers, Senior Professor
MBA, Loyola University
DBA, Argosy University
Bonnie S. Rucks, Senior Professor
MBA, Campbell University
Robert A. Salitore, ProfessorVirtual
MS, Loyola University
Shawn A. Schumacher, Senior Professor
MA, Governors State University
PhD, Colorado State University
Barbara J. Strauch, Senior ProfessorVirtual
MSEd, Purdue University
Toshko D. Tzvetkov, Assistant ProfessorVirtual
MS, University of Sofia
Paul Richardson, Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, Loyola University Maryland
DM, University of Maryland University College
Jennifer Sanders, Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, Columbia Southern University
Kimberly Blake, Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, DBA, Baker College
Jennifer Young, Professor Virtual
MS, Kaplan University
Jimmy Duncan, Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, Southeast Missouri State University
MPhil, PhD, Walden University
Ellen M. Jones, Professor Virtual
MAT, Webster University
PhD, Saint Louis University
Lynn A. Risley, ProfessorVirtual
MNCM, MPM Keller Graduate School of Management
Mary Sanders, Associate Professor
MA, Michigan State University
PhD, University of Nevada
New Jersey
Eric Addeo, Senior Professor
MS, Newark College of Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology
PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology
Michael Faulkner, Senior Professor
MBA, New York Institute of Technology
MS, New York University
PhD, Union Institute & University
Deborah Helman, Senior Professor
PhD, University of Birmingham
Kim Lamana-Finn, Senior Professor
MS, Stevens Institute of Technology
PhD, Capella University
Hassan A. Marzouk, Senior Professor
MS, MS, North Carolina State University
PhD, University of Kentucky
Bhupinder S. Sran, Senior Professor
MS, Louisiana State University
PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology
Chao-Ying Wang, Senior Professor
MS, PhD, Southern Illinois University
Jingdi Zeng, Senior Professor Virtual
ME, Hunan University
PhD, New Jersey Institute of Technology
New York
Valeriy Arseniev, Professor
MS, PhD, Moscow Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Gusteau Duclos, Senior Professor
MS, PhD, Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Michael J. Gooch, Senior Professor
MA, PhD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Jude Lamour, Senior Professor
MS, New Jersey Institute of Technology
PhD, Walden University
Shahed Mustafa, Professor
MS, Idaho State University
MS, Stevens Institute of Technology
Emre Ozmen, Professor
MBA, Yeditepe University
PhD, University of Salford
Marvin J. Schneider, Senior Professor
MBA, City University of New York
PhD, Capella University
Ahmed H. Shaik, Senior Professor Virtual
MC, PhD, Kakatiya University
Natalie M. Sommer, Senior Professor
MS, Union College
PhD, Syracuse University
Adnan Turkey, Senior Professor
PhD, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
North Carolina
Schuyler Connell, Associate Professor Virtual
LLM, Argosy University
Ifeanyi I. Ugboaja, Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, University of Phoenix
DBA, Argosy University
Gina Augustine, Associate Professor Virtual
MLS, University of Pittsburgh
Gina M. Cooper, Senior Professor Virtual
MS, The Ohio State University
PhD, Wright State University
Carol E. Dietrich, Senior Professor
MTS, Trinity Lutheran Seminary
MSSc, Ohio University
MA, MA, PhD, The Ohio State University
Kathrine Henson-Mack, ProfessorVirtual
MS, PhD, University of Alabama
Laurence E. Lazofson, Professor Virtual
MAFM, Keller Graduate School of Management
MSEE, Air Force Institute of Technology
Anup K. Majumder, Senior Professor
MSE, PhD, Jadavpur University
Elliot Masocha, Professor
MA, University of Zimbabwe
MA, Ohio University
MS, Franklin University
DBA, Walden University
John F. McManamon, Professor
MEd, The Ohio State University
Michael Stamos, Senior Professor
MA, The Ohio State University
MBA, University of Dayton
John Callan, ProfessorVirtual
MSEd, Temple University
Jocelyn E. Russell Wallace, Senior ProfessorVirtual
MA, Westminster Theological Seminary
MBA, University of Pennsylvania
PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary
James Schneider, Senior ProfessorVirtual
MA, California State Polytechnic University
PhD, Walden University
Gregory Zaleski, Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, Penn State University
South Dakota
Sheba Schlaikjer, Assistant Professor Virtual
MBA, Colorado Technical University
Joel Bunkowske, ProfessorVirtual
MBA, Regis University
JD, Indiana University
PhD, Northcentral University
Michael W. Magro, Professor Virtual
MIT, American InterContinental University
DPDS, University of Southern California
Brent C. Ward, Senior Professor Virtual
MBA, The University of Western Ontario
MPM, MISM, Keller Graduate School of Management
PhD, Northcentral University
Richmond Adebiaye, Associate Professor Virtual
MS, Lewis University
PhD, Robert Morris University
Enitan Areola, Professor Virtual
MS, University of San Diego
Shane R. Ball, Senior Professor
MS, University of North Texas
JD, Capital University
Stacey A. Donald, Professor
MA, PhD, The University of Texas
Makrina Feagins, Professor
MAIS, Texas A&M International University
Angela Garrett, Professor
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
Darniet Jennings, Professor - Virtual
MBA, Johns Hopkins University
MS, PhD, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Rajin Koonjbearry, Professor Virtual
MS, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
MS, Southern Methodist University
DSc, Capitol College
Messaoud Laddada, Senior Professor
MS, National Technical University KhPI
PhD, Oklahoma State University
Jacqueline Lang, Professor
MBA, Baker College
MPA, Keller Graduate School of Management
MSEd, DeVry University
PhD, Capella University
Jessica Meischen, Associate Professor - Virtual
MPA, University of Texas at San Antonio
Kevin Moore, Professor Virtual
MS, Purdue University
MS, PhD, Walden University
Peter N. Nwaogu, Associate Professor
MBA, University of the District of Columbia
DBA, Argosy University
Rexford Okrah, Associate Professor
MBA, MS, Pittsburg State University
DSc, Capitol Technology University
Vincent Parry, Associate Professor
MBA, University of Oklahoma
PhD, Capella University
Michael H. Reitzel, Senior ProfessorVirtual
JD, The Cleveland State University
PhD, Capella University
Sid Ahmed Sahnoune, Associate Professor
MS, MS, National School of Statistics and Applied Economics
PhD, National School of Statistics and Applied Economics
Robert J. Sarvis, Professor
MBA, Our Lady of the Lake University
PhD, Texas A&M University
Adrian Shapiro, Professor Virtual
MA, The University of Texas at Austin
PhD, Indiana University
Brian A. Smith, Associate Professor
MEd, Northwestern State University
MS, EdD, Texas A&M University
Manuel Eduardo Zevallos, Senior Professor Virtual
ME, City College of New York
MBA, Keller Graduate School of Management
PhD, The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York
Edward Haberek, Assistant Professor
MBA, Johnson and Wales University
PhD, International Academy of Management and Economics
Jennifer D. Harris, Senior Professor
MBA, The George Washington University
PhD, Capella University
Shad Koros, Assistant Professor
MS, Jiwaji University, Gwalior
PhD, Capella University
Andrew McLeod, Professor Virtual
MBA, Saint Leo University
MS, Central Michigan University
EdD, Nova Southeastern University
Michelle Cranney, Associate Professor Virtual
MBA, Davenport University
DHSc, A.T. Still University
Ashley Gans-Forrest, Assistant Professor – Virtual
PhD, University of Notre Dame
Supplemental Information as of July 29, 2024
DeVry’s 2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog, Volume XLIII, is now in effect. The
following significant changes have been implemented beginning with the original publication
date, July 29, 2024. Additions/amendments incorporated since the most recent publication are
noted in red, indicated by the release date at the top of this page and appear at the top of the
table below. Because changes/updates can affect the catalog layout, entries prior to this release
date may no longer correspond to page numbers indicated.
on Which
7.29.24 13-15 Information in Cycle 2 of the Academic Calendar was updated.
7.29.24 16, 17
The Credit Hour Definition & Schedule Information section was renamed
Credit Hour Definition, Schedule Information & Course Levels (p. 16).
Within this section, a new section, Course Levels, was added (p. 17).
7.29.24 35-38
Within the bachelor’s degree program in Accounting, information
introducing the program was updated. Additionally, course requirements in
the Accounting Core course area were updated, as were suggested
elective courses in the Electives course area.
7.29.24 142, 143
Within the Programs No Longer Accepting New Applicants section, dates
noted in introductory content for the tuition table were updated (p. 142).
Additionally, a footnote related to Non-TechPath and Fixed Tuition Promise
students enrolled prior to May 2020 was removed (p. 143).
7.29.24 200-254
Within the Course Descriptions section:
New courses were added: ACCT335, HIM377
Descriptions were updated for HIT253, HIT254, HIT262, HIT264
Prerequisites were updated for HIM375, HRM340, HRM410, HRM420,
HRM430, TECH408
7.29.24 279
Within the Prior Learning Credit section of the Academic Policies &
Graduation Requirements section, information on obtaining information on
articulation agreements maintained by DeVry was updated.
7.29.24 282
Within the Academic Policies & Graduation Requirements section,
information was added in the Portfolio Assessment Policies section of the
Prior Learning Credit section about limitations on courses eligible for
portfolio assessment.
on Which
7.29.24 300-317
Within the Financial Information section:
Information in the Tuition section was updated to remove a footnote
related to Non-TechPath and Fixed Tuition Promise students enrolled
prior to May 2020 (p. 300).
Information in the Tuition section (p. 300) and on pages with tuition
tables was updated to reflect tuition effective for the July 2024 through
May 2025 sessions (pp. 306-310).
Within the Financial Assistance section:
information was updated for the 2024-2025 award year;
information for the 2023-2024 award year was removed. (p. 311).
o Reference to the 2023-2024 award year was removed from the
Federal Pell Grants section (p. 313).
o Information related to award year and interest rate in the Federal
Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, and Federal Direct
PLUS Loans, sections was updated (pp. 313-315).
o Information was updated in the Basic Scholarship and Grant
Eligibility section, specifically in the General Scholarship and Grant
Policies section, regarding recipients’ responsibility for education
expenses (p. 317).